Frequently Encountered Problems and Solutions
Frequently Encountered Problems and Solutions
Frequently Encountered Problems and Solutions
Problem - 4 File signing failed, contact administrator. (During the signing of file)
Reason 1. Server file system space is filled up.
2. Write permission of the specific folder is not set.
3. Invalid certificate is used for signing.
Resolution(s) 1. Increase the file system space in the server.
2. The server administrator will have to set the write permission for the application user
(nicgep) for the specific folder.
Frequently encountered problems and solutions
Problem - 6 Some other user is logged in, Try after some time
Reason 1. System does not allow 2 users to login at a time with same user name and password.
2. If the user closes the browser abruptly or system shuts down, the session remains in the
server. It will be deactivated only after certain time.
Resolution 1. Try after 20 mins (default time for session).