Highway Planning and Development Process
Highway Planning and Development Process
Highway Planning and Development Process
Highway design is only one element in the overall highway development process.
Historically, detailed design occurs in the middle of the process, linking the
preceding phases of planning and project development with the subsequent
phases of rightofway acquisition, construction, and maintenance. While these are
distinct activities, there is considerable overlap in terms of coordination among
the various disciplines that work together, including designers, throughout the
The initial definition of the need for any highway or bridge improvement project takes place
during the planning stage. This problem definition occurs at the State, regional, or local level,
depending on the scale of the proposed improvement. This is the key time to get the public
involved and provide input into the decisionmaking process. The problems identified usually
fall into one or more of the following four categories:
State Planning:
At the State level, State DOTS are required to develop and maintain a statewide, multimodal
transportation planning process. Broad categories of highway improvement needs are defined,
based primarily on ongoing examinations of roadway pavement conditions and estimates of
presentday and 20year projections of traffic demands. In addition, each State is required to conduct
biennial inspections of its major bridges (and similar, less frequent, inspections of minor structures)
to determine their structural adequacy and capacity. In a number of States, regional transportation
plans for multiple counties are prepared within the context of the statewide planning process. Every
few years, the State selects improvement projects based on the longrangeplan and includes them in
the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program, or STIP.
Regional Planning:
State efforts are supplemented in urbanized areas with a population of more than 200,000
through the metropolitan transportation planning process. Metropolitan planning
organizations (MPOs) develop their own regional plans, unlike nonMPO areas, which must
rely on the State planning process. The metropolitan planning process requires the
development of a longrange plan, typically prepared with a 20 to 25year planning horizon.
The plan not only defines a region's multimodal transportation needs, but also identifies the
local funding sources that will be needed to implement the identified projects. Each
urbanized area or MPO then uses this information to prepare a shorter, more detailed listing
and prioritization of projects for which work is anticipated within the next 3 to 5 years. The
listing of these projects is referred to as the shortrange Transportation Improvement
Program, or TIP The TIP is incorporated into the STIP
Local Planning:
Most cities and counties follow a similar process of project identification, conceptual
costing, and prioritization of the roadways for which they are responsible. Generally, these
are roads that are not the responsibility of the State DOT. However, the State must work
with localities to get their input into the longrange plan and STIP.
Factors To Consider During Planning:
Following figure shows the factors which are important from planning point of
After a project has been planned and programmed for implementation, it moves
into the project development phase. At this stage, the environmental analysis
intensifies. The level of environmental review varies widely, depending on the
scale and impact of the project. It can range from a multiyear effort to prepare
an Environmental Impact Statement (a comprehensive document that analyzes
the potential impact of proposed alternatives) to a modest environmental review
completed in a matter of weeks. Regardless of the level of detail or duration, the
product of the project development process generally includes a description of
the location and major design features of the recommended project that is to be further
designed and constructed, while continually trying to avoid, minimize, and mitigate
environmental impact.
Understanding what is
important about land,
After a preferred alternative has been selected and the project description agreed upon, a
project can move into the final design stage. The product of this stage is a complete set of
plans, specifications, and estimates (PS&Es) of required quantities of materials ready for the
solicitation of construction bids and subsequent construction. Depending on the scale and
complexity of the project, the final design process may take from a few months to several
The interests and involvement of affected stakeholders are critical to making design
decisions during this phase, as well. Many of the same techniques employed during earlier
phases of the project development process to facilitate public participation can also be used
during the design phase.
Developing a concept:
A design concept gives the project a focus and helps to move it toward a specific direction.
There are many elements in a highway, and each involves a number of separate but
interrelated design decisions.
Some of the many elements of highway design are including:
a. Number and width of travel lanes, median type and width, and shoulders
b. Traffic barriers
c. Overpasses/bridges
d. Horizontaland vertical alignment, and affiliated landscape
Considering Scale:
People driving in a car see the world at a much different scale than people walking on the
street. This large discrepancy in the design scale for a car versus the design scale for people
has changed the overall planning of our communities. For example, it has become common
in many suburban commercial areas that a shopper must get in the car and drive from one
store to the next. Except in the case of strip malls, stores are often separated by large
parking lots and usually have no safe walkways for pedestrians. This makes it difficult to get
around any other way but by car. This type of design scale is in sharp contrast to
preautomobile commercial areas that commonly took the form of "main streets," where
walking from one store to the next ,was the norm
Detailing the Design:
Particularly during the final design phase, it is the details associated with the project that are
important. Employing a multidisciplinary design team ensures that important design details
are considered and that they are compatible with community values. Often it is the details
of the project that are most recognizable to the public. A special type of tree that was used
as part of the landscape plan, antique lighting, brick sidewalks, and ornamental traffic
barriers are all elements of a roadway that are easily recognizable and leave an impression.
Because of their visibility, the treatment of details is a critical element in good design.
Even after the completion of construction, the character of a road can be changed by
inappropriate maintenance actions. For example, the replacement of sections of guardrail
damaged or destroyed in crashes commonly utilizes whatever spare guardrail sections may
be available to the local highway maintenance personnel at the time. The maintenance
personnel may not be aware of the use of a special guardrail design to define the
"character" of the highway. When special design treatments are used, ongoing operation
and maintenance procedures acknowledging these unusual needs should be developed. For
example, the Oregon DOT has developed a special set of maintenance procedures for its
scenic and historic highways.
Local Planning
US Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Transportation
Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000