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IBM Tivoli Storage Manager

for AIX
Version 7.1.8

Installation Guide

IBM Tivoli Storage Manager
for AIX
Version 7.1.8

Installation Guide

Before you use this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on page 175.

This edition applies to version 7, release 1, modification 8 of IBM Tivoli Storage Manager (product numbers
5608-E01, 5608-E02, 5608-E03), and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new
© Copyright IBM Corporation 1993, 2017.
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract
with IBM Corp.
About this publication . . . . . . . . v Chapter 3. Taking the first steps after
Who should read this guide . . . . . . . . . v you install Tivoli Storage Manager . . . 55
Installable components . . . . . . . . . . . v Creating the user ID and directories for the server
Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi instance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Configuring the Tivoli Storage Manager server . . 57
What's new . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii Configuring Tivoli Storage Manager by using the
configuration wizard . . . . . . . . . . 57
Configuring the server instance manually . . . 58
Part 1. Installing and upgrading the Configuring server options for server database
server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Starting the server instance . . . . . . . . . 68
Chapter 1. Planning to install the server 3 Verifying access rights and user limits . . . . 69
What you should know first . . . . . . . . . 3 Starting the server from the instance user ID . . 70
Planning for optimal performance . . . . . . . 3 Automatically starting servers . . . . . . . 71
Planning for the server hardware and the Starting the server in maintenance mode . . . 72
operating system . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Stopping the server . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Planning for the server database disks . . . . . 6 Registering licenses . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Planning for the server recovery log disks . . . 9 Specifying a device class in preparation for database
Planning for directory-container and backups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
cloud-container storage pools . . . . . . . 10 Running multiple server instances on a single
Planning for storage pools in DISK or FILE system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
device classes. . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Monitoring the server . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Planning for the correct type of storage
technology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Chapter 4. Installing a Tivoli Storage
Applying best practices to the server installation 19 Manager server fix pack . . . . . . . 77
Minimum system requirements for the Tivoli Applying a fix pack to Tivoli Storage Manager V7 in
Storage Manager server . . . . . . . . . . 20 a clustered environment . . . . . . . . . . 79
Compatibility of the Tivoli Storage Manager server
with other DB2 products on the system . . . . . 23
Chapter 5. Upgrading to V7.1.8 . . . . 81
IBM Installation Manager. . . . . . . . . . 24
Upgrading from V6.2 or V6.3 to V7.1.8 . . . . . 82
Worksheets for planning details for the server . . . 25
Planning the upgrade . . . . . . . . . . 82
Capacity planning . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Preparing the system . . . . . . . . . . 83
Estimating space requirements for the database 26
Installing V7.1.8 and verifying the upgrade . . . 84
Recovery log space requirements . . . . . . 29
Upgrading from V6.1 to V7.1.8 . . . . . . . . 88
Monitoring space utilization for the database and
Upgrading the server in a clustered environment . . 88
recovery logs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Upgrading Tivoli Storage Manager from V6.2 or
Deleting installation rollback files . . . . . . 43
V6.3 to V7.1.8 in a clustered environment with a
Server naming best practices. . . . . . . . . 44
shared database instance . . . . . . . . . 89
Installation directories . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Upgrading from V6.2 or V6.3 to V7.1.8 in a
clustered environment with separate database
Chapter 2. Installing the server instances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
components . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Upgrading Tivoli Storage Manager from V6.1 to
Obtaining the installation package . . . . . . . 47 V7.1.8 in a clustered environment . . . . . . 93
Installing Tivoli Storage Manager by using the
installation wizard . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Chapter 6. Reverting from Version 7.1
Installing prerequisite RPM files for the graphical
to the previous V6 server. . . . . . . 97
wizard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Steps for reverting to the previous server version. . 97
Installing Tivoli Storage Manager by using console
Additional recovery steps if you created new
mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
storage pools or enabled data deduplication . . . 98
Installing Tivoli Storage Manager in silent mode . . 51
Installing server language packages . . . . . . 52
Server language locales . . . . . . . . . 53
Configuring a language package . . . . . . 54
Updating a language package . . . . . . . 54

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2017 iii

Chapter 7. Reference: DB2 commands Configuring for secure communication . . . . . 135
for Tivoli Storage Manager server Securing communication between the
Operations Center and the hub server . . . . 135
databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Securing communication between the hub
server and a spoke server . . . . . . . . 137
Chapter 8. Uninstalling Tivoli Storage Resetting the password for the Operations
Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 Center truststore file . . . . . . . . . . 138
Uninstalling Tivoli Storage Manager by using a Starting and stopping the web server . . . . . 140
graphical wizard . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 Opening the Operations Center . . . . . . . 140
Uninstalling Tivoli Storage Manager in console Collecting diagnostic information with Tivoli
mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 Storage Manager client management services . . . 141
Uninstalling Tivoli Storage Manager in silent mode 106 Installing the client management service by
Uninstalling and reinstalling Tivoli Storage using a graphical wizard . . . . . . . . 141
Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 Installing the client management service in
Uninstalling IBM Installation Manager . . . . . 108 silent mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
Verifying that the client management service is
installed correctly . . . . . . . . . . . 143
Part 2. Installing and upgrading
Configuring the Operations Center to use the
the Operations Center . . . . . . 109 client management service . . . . . . . . 144
Starting and stopping the client management
Chapter 9. Planning to install the service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
Operations Center . . . . . . . . . 111 Uninstalling the client management service . . 146
System requirements for the Operations Center . . 111 Configuring the client management service for
Operations Center computer requirements . . . 112 custom client installations . . . . . . . . 147
Hub and spoke server requirements . . . . . 112
Operating system requirements . . . . . . 115 Chapter 13. Troubleshooting the
Web browser requirements . . . . . . . . 116 Operations Center installation . . . . 163
Language requirements . . . . . . . . . 116 Graphical installation wizard cannot be started on
Requirements and limitations for Tivoli Storage an AIX system . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
Manager client management services . . . . 117
Administrator IDs that the Operations Center Chapter 14. Uninstalling the
requires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
IBM Installation Manager . . . . . . . . . 119
Operations Center . . . . . . . . . 165
Installation checklist . . . . . . . . . . . 120 Uninstalling the Operations Center by using a
graphical wizard . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
Uninstalling the Operations Center in console
Chapter 10. Installing the Operations mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 Uninstalling the Operations Center in silent mode 166
Obtaining the Operations Center installation
package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 Chapter 15. Rolling back to a previous
Installing the Operations Center by using a
graphical wizard . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
version of the Operations Center . . . 167
Installing RPM files for the graphical wizard 125
Installing the Operations Center in console mode 125 Part 3. Appendixes . . . . . . . . 169
Installing the Operations Center in silent mode . . 126
Appendix A. Installation log files . . . 171
Chapter 11. Upgrading the Operations
Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 Appendix B. Accessibility features for
the Tivoli Storage Manager product
Chapter 12. Getting started with the family. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
Operations Center . . . . . . . . . 129
Configuring the Operations Center . . . . . . 129 Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
Designating the hub server . . . . . . . . 130
Adding a spoke server . . . . . . . . . 131
Sending email alerts to administrators . . . . 131 Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
Adding customized text to the login screen . . 134
Enabling REST services . . . . . . . . . 134 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181

iv IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

About this publication
This publication contains installation and configuration instructions for the IBM®
Tivoli® Storage Manager server, server languages, license, and device driver.

Instructions for installing the Operations Center are also included in this

Who should read this guide

This publication is intended for a system administrator installing and configuring a
Tivoli Storage Manager server, the Operations Center, or upgrading from Tivoli
Storage Manager V6.

If you are upgrading a V7.1 server to a later level of V7.1, see Chapter 4,
“Installing a Tivoli Storage Manager server fix pack,” on page 77.

If you are upgrading a V6 server to a newer version, see Chapter 5, “Upgrading to

V7.1.8,” on page 81.

Installable components
The IBM Tivoli Storage Manager server and licenses are required components.

Table 1 describes all the installable components. These components are in several
different installation packages.
Table 1. Tivoli Storage Manager installable components
Tivoli Storage Description Additional information
Manager component
Server (required) Includes the database, the See Chapter 2, “Installing the server components,” on page 47.
Global Security Kit
(GSKit), IBM Java™
Runtime Environment
(JRE), and tools to help
you configure and manage
the server.
Language package Each language package See “Installing server language packages” on page 52.
(optional) (one for each language)
contains language-specific
information for the server.
Licenses (required) Includes support for all Use the REGISTER LICENSE command.
licensed features. After you
install this package, you
must register the licenses
you purchased.
Devices (optional) Extends media A list of devices that are supported by this driver is available
management capability. from the IBM Support Portal.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2017 v

Table 1. Tivoli Storage Manager installable components (continued)
Tivoli Storage Description Additional information
Manager component
Storage agent Installs the component that For more information about storage agents, see Tivoli Storage
(optional) allows client systems to Manager for Storage Area Networks (V7.1.1).
write data directly to, or
read data directly from,
storage devices that are
attached to a storage area
network (SAN).
Remember: IBM Tivoli
Storage Manager for
Storage Area Networks is a
separately licensed
Operations Center Installs the Operations See Part 2, “Installing and upgrading the Operations Center,”
(optional) Center, which is a on page 109.
web-based interface for
managing your storage

The Tivoli Storage Manager product family includes IBM Tivoli Storage
FlashCopy® Manager, IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Space Management, IBM
Tivoli Storage Manager for Databases, and several other storage management
products from IBM.

To view IBM product documentation, see IBM Knowledge Center.

vi IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

What's new
This release of IBM Tivoli Storage Manager introduces new features and updates.

For a list of new features and updates, see What's new.

New and changed information in this product documentation is indicated by a

vertical bar (|) to the left of the change.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2017 vii

viii IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide
Part 1. Installing and upgrading the server
Install and upgrade the Tivoli Storage Manager server.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2017 1

2 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide
Chapter 1. Planning to install the server
Install the server software on the computer that manages storage devices and
install the client software on every workstation that transfers data to Tivoli Storage
Manager server-managed storage.

What you should know first

Before installing IBM Tivoli Storage Manager, be familiar with your operating
systems, storage devices, communication protocols, and system configurations.

Server maintenance releases, client software, and publications are available from
the IBM Support Portal.

Restriction: You can install and run the Version 7.1.8 server on a system that
already has DB2® installed on it, whether DB2 was installed independently or as
part of some other application, with some restrictions.

For details, see “Compatibility of the Tivoli Storage Manager server with other DB2
products on the system” on page 23.

Experienced DB2 administrators can choose to perform advanced SQL queries and
use DB2 tools to monitor the database. Do not, however, use DB2 tools to change
DB2 configuration settings from those that are preset by Tivoli Storage Manager, or
alter the DB2 environment for Tivoli Storage Manager in other ways, such as with
other products. The V7.1.8 server has been built and tested extensively using the
data definition language (DDL) and database configuration that the server deploys.

Attention: Do not alter the DB2 software that is installed with Tivoli Storage
Manager installation packages and fix packs. Do not install or upgrade to a
different version, release, or fix pack of DB2 software because doing so can damage
the database.

Planning for optimal performance

Before you install the Tivoli Storage Manager server, evaluate the characteristics
and configuration of the system to ensure that the server is set up for optimal

1. Review “What you should know first.”
2. Review each of the following sub-sections.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2017 3

Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server

Planning for the server hardware and the operating system

Use the checklist to verify that the system where the server is installed meets
requirements for hardware and software configuration.

Tasks, characteristics,
Question options, or settings More information
Does the operating If you are using the Review operating system requirements at technote 1243309.
system and minimum required
hardware meet or amount of memory, you Additionally, review the guidance in Tuning tasks for operating
exceed can support a minimal systems and other applications.
requirements? workload.
For more information about requirements when these features are
v Number and in use, see the following topics:
You can experiment by
speed of
adding more system v Checklist for data deduplication
memory to determine v Checklist for node replication
v System memory whether the performance
v Supported is improved. Then, decide For more information about sizing requirements for the server
operating system whether you want to keep and storage, see the Tivoli Storage Manager Blueprint.
level the system memory
dedicated to the server.
Test the memory
variations by using the
entire daily cycle of the
server workload.

If you run multiple

servers on the system,
add the requirements for
each server to get the
requirements for the
Restriction: Do not use
Active Memory™
Expansion (AME). When
you use AME, the IBM
DB2 software uses 4 KB
pages instead of 64 KB
pages. Each 4 KB page
must be decompressed
when accessed, and
compressed when not
needed. When the
compression or
decompression occurs,
DB2 and the server wait
for access to the page,
which degrades the server
Are disks configured The amount of tuning For more information, see the following topics:
for optimal that can be done for v "Planning for server database disks"
performance? different disk systems
v "Planning for server recovery log disks"
varies. Ensure that the
appropriate queue depths v "Planning for storage pools in DISK or FILE device classes"
and other disk system
options are set.

4 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server

Tasks, characteristics,
Question options, or settings More information
Does the server Heavier workloads and For more information about requirements when these features are
have enough advanced features such as in use, see the following topics:
memory? data deduplication and v Checklist for data deduplication
node replication require
v Checklist for node replication
more than the minimum
system memory that is v Memory requirements
specified in the system
requirements document.

For databases that are not

enabled for data
deduplication, use the
following guidelines to
specify memory
v For databases less than
500 GB, you need 16
GB of memory.
v For databases with a
size of 500 GB - 1 TB,
you need 24 GB of
v For databases with a
size of 1 TB - 1.5 TB,
you need 32 GB of
v For databases greater
than 1.5 TB, you need
40 GB of memory.

Ensure that you allocate

extra space for the active
log and the archive log
for replication processing.
Does the system Understand what See Tuning HBA capacity.
have enough host operations require use of
bus adapters (HBAs) HBAs at the same time.
to handle the data
operations that the For example, a server
Tivoli Storage must store 1 GB/sec of
Manager server backup data while also
must run doing storage pool
simultaneously? migration that requires 0.5
GB/sec capacity to
complete. The HBAs must
be able to handle all of
the data at the speed

Chapter 1. Planning to install the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager server 5

Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server

Tasks, characteristics,
Question options, or settings More information
Is network Network bandwidth must For more information, see the following topics:
bandwidth greater allow the system to v Tuning network performance
than the planned complete operations such
v Checklist for node replication
maximum as backups in the time
throughput for that is allowed or that
backups? meets service level

For node replication,

network bandwidth must
be greater than the
planned maximum
Are you using a For more information, see Configuring the operating system for
preferred file system disk performance.
for Tivoli Storage
Manager server
Are you planning to Paging space, or swap
configure enough space, extends the
paging space? memory that is available
for processing. When the
amount of free RAM in
the system is low,
programs or data that is
not in use are moved
from memory to paging
space. This action releases
memory for other
activities, such as
database operations.

Use a minimum of 32 GB
of paging space or 50% of
your RAM, whichever
value is larger.

Planning for the server database disks

Use the checklist to verify that the system where the server is installed meets
requirements for hardware and software configuration.

6 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server

Tasks, characteristics, options, or

Question settings More information
Is the database on fast, low-latency Do not use the following drives for For more information, see Checklist
disks? the Tivoli Storage Manager database: for data deduplication.
v Nearline SAS (NL-SAS)
v Serial Advanced Technology
Attachment (SATA)
v Parallel Advanced Technology
Attachment (PATA)
Do not use internal disks that are
included by default in most server

Enterprise-grade solid-state disks

(SSD), with Fibre Channel or SAS
interface, offer the best performance.

If you plan to use the data

deduplication functions of Tivoli
Storage Manager, focus on disk
performance in terms of I/O
operations per second (IOPS).
Is the database stored on disks or Separation of the server database
LUNs that are separate from disks or from other server components helps
LUNs that are used for the active log, reduce contention for the same
archive log, and storage pool resources by different operations that
volumes? must run at the same time.
Tip: The database and the archive
log can share an array when you use
solid-state drive (SSD) technology.
If you are using RAID, do you know When a system must do large
how to select the optimal RAID level numbers of writes, RAID 10
for your system? Are you defining all outperforms RAID 5. However, RAID
LUNs with the same size and type of 10 requires more disks than RAID 5
RAID? for the same amount of usable

If your disk system is RAID, define

all your LUNs with the same size
and type of RAID. For example, do
not mix 4+1 RAID 5 with 4+2 RAID
If an option to set the strip size or If you can set the strip size or The block size that is used for the
segment size is available, are you segment size, use 64 KB or 128 KB database varies depending on the
planning to optimize the size when sizes on disk systems for the table space. Most table spaces use 8
you configure the disk system? database. KB blocks, but some use 32 KB

Chapter 1. Planning to install the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager server 7

Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server

Tasks, characteristics, options, or

Question settings More information
Are you planning to create at least Heavier workloads and use of some For more information, see the
four directories, also called storage features require more database following topics:
paths, on four separate LUNs for the storage paths than the minimum v Checklist for data deduplication
database? requirements.
v Checklist for node replication
Create one directory per distinct Server operations such as data
For help with forecasting growth
array on the subsystem. If you have deduplication drive a high number of
when the server deduplicates data,
fewer than three arrays, create a input/output operations per second
see technote 1596944.
separate LUN volume within the (IOPS) for the database. Such
array. operations perform better when the For the most recent information
database has more directories. about database size, database
reorganization, and performance
For server databases that are larger
considerations for Tivoli Storage
than 2 TB or are expected to grow to
Manager Version 6 and Version 7
that size, use eight directories.
servers, see technote 1452146.
Consider planned growth of the
For information about setting the
system when you determine how
DB2_PARALLEL_IO variable, see
many storage paths to create. The
Recommended settings for IBM DB2
server uses the higher number of
registry variables.
storage paths more effectively if the
storage paths are present when the
server is first created.

Use the DB2_PARALLEL_IO variable

to force parallel I/O to occur on table
spaces that have one container, or on
table spaces that have containers on
more than one physical disk. If you
do not set the DB2_PARALLEL_IO
variable, I/O parallelism is equal to
the number of containers that are
used by the table space. For example,
if a table space spans four containers,
the level of I/O parallelism that is
used is 4.
Are all directories for the database Directories that are all the same size
the same size? ensure a consistent degree of
parallelism for database operations. If
one or more directories for the
database are smaller than the others,
they reduce the potential for
optimized parallel prefetching.

This guideline also applies if you

must add storage paths after the
initial configuration of the server.
Are you planning to raise the queue The default queue depth is often too See Configuring AIX systems for disk
depth of the database LUNs on AIX® low. performance.

8 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server

Planning for the server recovery log disks

Use the checklist to verify that the system where the server is installed meets
requirements for hardware and software configuration.

Tasks, characteristics, options, or

Question settings More information
Are the active log and archive log Ensure that the disks where you Separation of the server database,
stored on disks or LUNs that are place the active log are not used for active log, and archive log helps to
separate from what is used for the other server or system purposes. Do reduce contention for the same
database and storage pool volumes? not place the active log on disks that resources by different operations that
contain the server database, the must run at the same time.
archive log, or system files such as
page or swap space.
Are the logs on disks that have Nonvolatile write cache allows data
nonvolatile write cache? to be written to the logs as fast as
possible. Faster write operations for
the logs can improve performance for
server operations.
Are you setting the logs to a size that If you are not sure about the v For log sizing details, see the
adequately supports the workload? workload, use the largest size that recovery log information in
you can. technote 1421060.
Active log v For information about sizing when
The maximum size is 512 you use data deduplication, see
GB, set with the Checklist for data deduplication.
ACTIVELOGSIZE server option.
Ensure that there is at least 8
GB of free space on the
active log file system after
the fixed size active logs are
Archive log
The size of the archive log is
limited by the size of the file
system on which it is
located, and not by a server
option. Make the archive log
at least as large as the active
Are you defining an archive failover The archive failover log is for Use the ARCHFAILOVERLOGDIRECTORY
log? Are you placing this log on a emergency use by the server when server option to specify the location
disk that is separate from the archive the archive log becomes full. Slower of the archive failover log.
log? disks can be used for the archive
failover log. Monitor the usage of the directory for
the archive failover log. If the archive
failover log must be used by the
server, the space for the archive log
might not be large enough.

Chapter 1. Planning to install the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager server 9

Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server

Tasks, characteristics, options, or

Question settings More information
If you are mirroring the active log, You can mirror the log by using one If you mirror the active log, ensure
are you using only one type of of the following methods. Use only that the disks for both the active log
mirroring? one type of mirroring for the log. and the mirror copy have equal
v Use the MIRRORLOGDIRECTORY option speed and reliability.
that is available for the Tivoli
For more information, see
Storage Manager server to specify
Configuring and tuning the recovery
a mirror location.
v Use software mirroring, such as
Logical Volume Manager (LVM) on
v Use mirroring in the disk system

Planning for directory-container and cloud-container storage

Review how your directory-container and cloud-container storage pools are set up
to ensure optimal performance.

Tasks, characteristics, options, or

Question settings More information
Measured in terms of input/output Use a high-performance disk for the For recommendations about disk
operations per second (IOPS), are you database. Use solid-state drive selection, see "Planning for server
using fast disk storage for the Tivoli technology for data deduplication database disks".
Storage Manager database? processing.
For more information about IOPS, see
Ensure that the database has a the Tivoli Storage Manager
minimum capability of 3000 IOPS. Blueprints.
For each TB of data that is backed up
daily (before data deduplication), add
1000 IOPS to this minimum.

For example, a Tivoli Storage

Manager server that is ingesting 3 TB
of data per day would need 6000
IOPS for the database disks:
3000 IOPS minimum + 3000 (3
TB x 1000 IOPS) = 6000 IOPS

10 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server

Tasks, characteristics, options, or

Question settings More information
Do you have enough memory for the Use a minimum of 40 GB of system Memory requirements
size of your database? memory for Tivoli Storage Manager
servers, with a database size of 100
GB, that are deduplicating data. If the
retained capacity of backup data
grows, the memory requirement
might need to be higher.

Monitor memory usage regularly to

determine whether more memory is

Use more system memory to improve

caching of database pages. The
following memory size guidelines are
based on the daily amount of new
data that you back up:
v 128 GB of system memory for
daily backups of data, where the
database size is 1 - 2 TB
v 192 GB of system memory for
daily backups of data, where the
database size is 2 - 4 TB
Have you properly sized the storage Configure the server to have a For more information about sizing
capacity for the database active log minimum active log size of 128 GB for your system, see the Tivoli
and archive log? by setting the ACTIVELOGSIZE server Storage Manager Blueprints.
option to a value of 131072.

The suggested starting size for the

archive log is 1 TB. The size of the
archive log is limited by the size of
the file system on which it is located,
and not by a server option. Ensure
that there is at least 10% extra disk
space for the file system than the size
of the archive log.

Use a directory for the database

archive logs with an initial free
capacity of at least 1 TB. Specify the
directory by using the

Define space for the archive failover

log by using the

Chapter 1. Planning to install the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager server 11

Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server

Tasks, characteristics, options, or

Question settings More information
Is compression enabled for the Enable the ARCHLOGCOMPRESS server For more information about
archive log and database backups? option to save storage space. compression for your system, see the
Tivoli Storage Manager Blueprints.
This compression option is different
from inline compression. Inline
compression is enabled by default
with Tivoli Storage Manager V7.1.5
and later.
Restriction: Do not use this option
if the amount of backed up data
exceeds 6 TB per day.
Are the Tivoli Storage Manager The database must not share disk For more information about server
database and logs on separate disk volumes with Tivoli Storage Manager database and recovery log
volumes (LUNs)? database logs or storage pools, or configuration, see Server database
with any other application or file and recovery log configuration and
Is the disk that is used for the system. tuning.
database configured according to best
practices for a transactional database?
Are you using a minimum of eight If you are planning to use client-side v Effective planning and use of
(2.2 GHz or equivalent) processor data deduplication, verify that client deduplication
cores for each Tivoli Storage Manager systems have adequate resources
v Tivoli Storage Manager Blueprints
server that you plan to use with data available during a backup operation
deduplication? to complete data deduplication
processing. Use a processor that is at
least the minimum equivalent of one
2.2 GHz processor core per backup
process with client-side data
Did you allocate enough storage For a rough estimate, plan for 100 GB
space for the database? of database storage for every 50 TB
of data that is to be protected in
deduplicated storage pools. Protected
data is the amount of data before data
deduplication, including all versions
of objects stored.

As a best practice, define a new

container storage pool exclusively for
data deduplication. Data
deduplication occurs at the
storage-pool level, and all data
within a storage pool, except
encrypted data, is deduplicated.

12 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server

Tasks, characteristics, options, or

Question settings More information
Have you estimated storage pool You can estimate capacity For an example of using this
capacity to configure enough space requirements for a deduplicated technique, see Effective planning and
for the size of your environment? storage pool by using the following use of deduplication.
1. Estimate the base size of the
source data.
2. Estimate the daily backup size by
using an estimated change and
growth rate.
3. Determine retention requirements.
4. Estimate the total amount of
source data by factoring in the
base size, daily backup size, and
retention requirements.
5. Apply the deduplication ratio
6. Apply the compression ratio
7. Round up the estimate to
consider transient storage pool
Have you distributed disk I/O over Use arrays that consist of as many For guidelines about setting up
many disk devices and controllers? disks as possible, which is sometimes storage pools, see "Planning for
referred to as wide striping. Ensure storage pools in DISK or FILE device
that you use one database directory classes".
per distinct array on the subsystem.
For information about setting the
Set the DB2_PARALLEL_IO registry DB2_PARALLEL_IO variable, see
variable to enable parallel I/O for Recommended settings for IBM DB2
each table space used if the registry variables.
containers in the table space span
multiple physical disks.

When I/O bandwidth is available

and the files are large, for example 1
MB, the process of finding duplicates
can occupy the resources of an entire
processor. When files are smaller,
other bottlenecks can occur.

Specify eight or more file systems for

the deduplicated storage pool device
class so that I/O is distributed across
as many LUNs and physical devices
as possible.
Have you scheduled daily operations The best practice sequence of v Scheduling data deduplication and
based on your backup strategy? operations is in the following order: node replication processes
1. Client backup v Daily operations for
2. Storage pool protection directory-container storage pools
3. Node replication
4. Database backup
5. Expire inventory

Chapter 1. Planning to install the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager server 13

Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server

Tasks, characteristics, options, or

Question settings More information
Do you have enough storage to If you deduplicate data that includes For information about tuning the
manage the DB2 lock list? large files or large numbers of files DB2 LOCKLIST parameter, see Tuning
concurrently, the process can result in server-side data deduplication.
insufficient storage space. When the
lock list storage is insufficient,
backup failures, data management
process failures, or server outages can

File sizes greater than 500 GB that are

processed by data deduplication are
most likely to deplete storage space.
However, if many backup operations
use client-side data deduplication,
this problem can also occur with
smaller-sized files.
Is sufficient bandwidth available to To transfer data to a Tivoli Storage For more information, see the
transfer data to a Tivoli Storage Manager server, use client-side or enablededup client option.
Manager server? server-side data deduplication and
compression to reduce the bandwidth
that is required.

Use a V7.1.5 server or higher to use

inline compression and use a V7.1.6
or later client to enable enhanced
compression processing.
Have you determined how many Assign directories to a storage pool
storage pool directories to assign to by using the DEFINE
each storage pool? STGPOOLDIRECTORY command.

Create multiple storage pool

directories and ensure that each
directory is backed up to a separate
disk volume (LUN).
Did you allocate enough disk space To prevent backup failures, ensure
in the cloud-container storage pool? that the local directory has enough
space. Use the following list as a
guide for optimal disk space:
v For serial-attached SCSI (SAS) and
spinning disk, calculate the
amount of new data that is
expected after daily data reduction
(compression and data
deduplication). Allocate up to 100
percent of that amount, in
terabytes, for disk space.
v Provide 3 TB for flash-based
storage systems with fast network
connections to on-premises,
high-performance cloud systems.
v Provide 5 TB for solid-state drive
(SSD) systems with fast network
connections to high-performance
cloud systems.

14 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server

Tasks, characteristics, options, or

Question settings More information
Did you select the appropriate type Ensure that data transfers from local
of local storage? storage to cloud finish before the next
backup cycle starts.
Tip: Data is removed from local
storage soon after it moves to the

Use the following guidelines:

v Use flash or SSD for large systems
that have high-performing cloud
systems. Ensure that you have a
dedicated 10 GB wide area
network (WAN) link with a
high-speed connection to the object
storage. For example, use flash or
SSD if you have a dedicated 10 GB
WAN link plus a high-speed
connection to either an IBM Cloud
Object Storage location or to an
Amazon Simple Storage Service
(Amazon S3) data center.
v Use larger capacity 15000 rpm SAS
disks for these scenarios:
– Medium-sized systems
– Slower cloud connections, for
example, 1 GB
– When you use IBM Cloud
Object Storage as your service
provider across several regions
v For SAS or spinning disk, calculate
the amount of new data that is
expected after daily data reduction
(compression and data
deduplication). Allocate up to 100
percent of that amount for disk
space, in terabytes.

Planning for storage pools in DISK or FILE device classes

Use the checklist to review how your disk storage pools are set up. This checklist
includes tips for storage pools that use DISK or FILE device classes.

Chapter 1. Planning to install the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager server 15

Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server

Tasks, characteristics, options, or

Question settings More information
Can the storage pool LUNs sustain When you are planning for peak For more information, see Analyzing
throughput rates for 256 KB loads, consider all the data that you the basic performance of disk
sequential reads and writes to want the server to read or write to systems.
adequately handle the workload the disk storage pools
within the time constraints? simultaneously. For example,
consider the peak flow of data from
client backup operations and server
data-movement operations such as
migration that run at the same time.

The Tivoli Storage Manager server

reads and writes to storage pools
predominantly in 256 KB blocks.

If the disk system includes the

capability, configure the disk system
for optimal performance with
sequential read/write operations
rather than random read/write
Is the disk configured to use read Use more cache for better
and write cache? performance.
For storage pools that use FILE Review the information in Optimal Typically, problems arise more
device classes, have you determined number and size of volumes for frequently when the volumes are too
a good size to use for the storage storage pools that use disk. If you do small. Few problems are reported
pool volumes? not have the information to estimate when volumes are larger than
a size for FILE device class volumes, needed. When you determine the
start with volumes that are 50 GB. volume size to use, as a precaution
choose a size that might be larger
than necessary.
For storage pools that use FILE Scratch volumes can cause file Use the DEFINE VOLUME server
device classes, are you using fragmentation. command to preallocate volumes in
preallocated volumes? the storage pool.
To ensure that a storage pool does
not run out of volumes, set the Use the DEFINE STGPOOL or UPDATE
MAXSCRATCH parameter to a value STGPOOL server command to set the
greater than zero. MAXSCRATCH parameter.
For storage pools that use FILE Always maintain enough usable For storage pools that use FILE
device classes, have you compared volumes in the storage pools to allow device classes, only one session or
the maximum number of client for the expected peak number of process can write to a volume at the
sessions to the number of volumes client sessions that run at one time. same time.
that are defined? The volumes might be scratch
volumes, empty volumes, or partly
filled volumes.

16 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server

Tasks, characteristics, options, or

Question settings More information
For storage pools that use FILE For storage pools that use data Use the REGISTER NODE or UPDATE
device classes, have you set the deduplication, the MOUNTLIMIT NODE server command to set the
MOUNTLIMIT parameter of the device parameter is typically in the range of MAXNUMMP parameter for client nodes.
class to a value that is high enough 500 - 1000.
to account for the number of volumes
that might be mounted in parallel? Set the value for MOUNTLIMIT to the
maximum number of mount points
that are needed for all active sessions.
Consider parameters that affect the
maximum number of mount points
that are needed:
v The MAXSESSIONS server option,
which is the maximum number of
Tivoli Storage Manager sessions
that can run concurrently.
v The MAXNUMMP parameter, which
sets the maximum number of
mount points that each client node
can use.
For example, if the maximum
number of client node backup
sessions is typically 100 and each of
the nodes has MAXNUMMP=2, multiply
100 nodes by the 2 mount points for
each node to get the value of 200 for
the MOUNTLIMIT parameter.
For storage pools that use DISK How you configure the storage for a For an example layout that follows
device classes, have you determined storage pool that uses a DISK device this guideline, see Sample layout of
how many storage pool volumes to class depends on whether you are server storage pools.
put on each file system? using RAID for the disk system.

If you are not using RAID, then

configure one file system per physical
disk, and define one storage pool
volume for each file system.

If you are using RAID 5 with n + 1

volumes, configure the storage in one
of the following ways:
v Configure n file systems on the
LUN and define one storage pool
volume per file system.
v Configure one file system and n
storage pool volumes for the LUN.
Did you create your storage pools to Ensure that each file system is on a For details, see the following topics:
distribute I/O across multiple file different LUN on the disk system. v Tuning disk storage for the server
Typically, having 10 - 30 file systems v Tuning and configuring storage
is a good goal, but ensure that the pools and volumes
file systems are no smaller than
approximately 250 GB.

Chapter 1. Planning to install the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager server 17

Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server

Planning for the correct type of storage technology

Storage devices have different capacity and performance characteristics. These
characteristics affect which devices are better for use with Tivoli Storage Manager.


Review the following table to help you to choose the correct type of storage
technology for the storage resources that the server requires.
Table 2. Storage technology types for Tivoli Storage Manager storage requirements
technology Archive log and
type Database Active log archive failover log Storage pools
Solid-state Place the database on If you place the Tivoli Save SSDs for use with Save SSDs for use with
disk (SSD) SSD in the following Storage Manager the database and active the database and active
circumstances: database on an SSD, as log. The archive log log. Storage pools can
v You are using Tivoli a best practice, place and archive failover be placed on slower
Storage Manager the active log on an logs can be placed on storage technology
data deduplication. SSD. If space is not slower storage types.
available, use technology types.
v You are backing up
high-performance disk
more than 8 TB of
new data daily.
High- Use high-performance Use high-performance You can use Use high-performance
performance disks in the following disks in the following high-performance disks disks for storage pools
disk with the circumstances: circumstances: for the archive log and in the following
following v The server does not v The server does not archive failover logs. circumstances:
characteristics: do data do data For availability, isolate v Data is frequently
v 15k rpm deduplication. deduplication. these logs from the read.
disk database and active
v The server does not v The server does not v Data is frequently
v Fibre do node replication. do node replication. written.
Channel or
serial- Isolate the server For performance and For performance and
attached database from its logs availability, isolate the availability, isolate
SCSI (SAS) and storage pools, and active log from the storage pool data from
interface from data for other server database, archive the server database and
applications. logs, and storage pools. logs, and from data for
other applications.
Medium- If the disk system has a If the disk system has a You can use Use
performance mix of disk mix of disk medium-performance medium-performance
or technologies, use the technologies, use the or high-performance or high-performance
high- faster disks for the faster disks for the disk for the archive log disk for storage pools
performance database and active database and active and archive failover in the following
disk with the log. Isolate the server log. For performance logs. For availability, circumstances:
following database from its logs and availability, isolate isolate these logs from v Data is frequently
characteristics: and storage pools, and the active log from the the database and active read.
v 10k rpm from data for other server database, archive log.
v Data is frequently
disk applications. logs, and storage pools.
v Fibre
Channel or For performance and
SAS availability, isolate
interface storage pool data from
the server database and
logs, and from data for
other applications.

18 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server

Table 2. Storage technology types for Tivoli Storage Manager storage requirements (continued)
technology Archive log and
type Database Active log archive failover log Storage pools
SATA, Do not use this storage Do not use this storage Use of this slower Use this slower storage
network- for the database. Do for the active log. storage technology is technology in the
attached not place the database acceptable because following
storage on XIV storage these logs are written circumstances:
systems. once and infrequently v Data is infrequently
read. written, for example
written once.
v Data is infrequently
Tape and Use for long-term
virtual tape retention or if data is
infrequently used.

Applying best practices to the server installation

Typically, hardware configuration and selection have the most significant effect on
the performance of a Tivoli Storage Manager solution. Other factors that affect
performance are the operating system selection and configuration, and the
configuration of Tivoli Storage Manager.

v The following best practices are the most important for optimal performance and
problem prevention.
v Review the table to determine the best practices that apply to your environment.

Best practice More information

Use fast disks for the server database. Use fast, low-latency disks for the database. Using SSD is essential
Enterprise-grade solid-state disks (SSD), with if you are using data deduplication and node replication. Avoid
Fibre Channel or SAS interface, offer the best Serial Advanced Technology Attachment (SATA) and Parallel
performance. Advanced Technology Attachment (PATA) disks. For details and
more tips, see the following topics:
v "Planning for server database disks"
v "Planning for the correct type of storage technology"
Ensure that the server system has enough Review operating system requirements in technote 1243309. Heavier
memory. workloads require more than the minimum requirements.
Advanced features such as data deduplication and node replication
can require more than the minimum memory that is specified in the
system requirements document.

If you plan to run multiple instances, each instance requires the

memory that is listed for one server. Multiply the memory for one
server by the number of instances that are planned for the system.

Chapter 1. Planning to install the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager server 19

Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server

Best practice More information

Separate the server database, the active log, Keep all Tivoli Storage Manager storage resources on separate
the archive log, and disk storage pools from disks. Keep storage pool disks separate from the disks for the
each other. server database and logs. Storage pool operations can interfere with
database operations when both are on the same disks. Ideally, the
server database and logs are also separated from each other. For
details and more tips, see the following topics:
v "Planning for server database disks"
v "Planning for server recovery log disks"
v "Planning for storage pools in DISK or FILE device classes"
Use at least four directories for the server Place each directory on a LUN that is isolated from other LUNs
database. For larger servers or servers that use and from other applications.
advanced features, use eight directories.
A server is considered to be large if its database is larger than 2 TB
or is expected to grow to that size. Use eight directories for such

See "Planning for server database disks".

If you are using data deduplication, node Configure the server database according to the guidelines, because
replication, or both, follow the guidelines for the database is extremely important to how well the server runs
database configuration and other items. when these features are being used. For details and more tips, see
the following topics:
v Checklist for data deduplication
v Checklist for node replication
For storage pools that use FILE type device Review the information in Optimal number and size of volumes for
classes, follow the guidelines for the size of storage pools that use disk to help you to determine volume size.
storage pool volumes. Typically, 50 GB
volumes are best. Configure storage pool devices and file systems based on
throughput requirements, not only on capacity requirements.

Isolate the storage devices that are used by Tivoli Storage Manager
from other applications that have high I/O, and ensure that there is
enough throughput to that storage.

For more details, see Checklist for storage pools on DISK or FILE.
Schedule Tivoli Storage Manager client For more details, see the following topics:
operations and server maintenance activities to v Tuning the schedule for daily operations
avoid or minimize overlap of operations.
v Checklist for server configuration
Monitor operations constantly. By monitoring, you can find problems early and more easily
identify causes. Keep records of monitoring reports for up to a year
to help you identify trends and plan for growth. See Monitoring
and maintaining the environment for performance.

Minimum system requirements for the Tivoli Storage Manager server

The Tivoli Storage Manager server can require a large amount of memory, network
bandwidth, and processor resources. In many cases, the server performs best when
other applications are not installed on the same system.

Hardware and software requirements for the Tivoli Storage

Manager server installation

These tables list the minimum hardware and software requirements for the
installation of a Tivoli Storage Manager server. Use these requirements as a starting
point. You can find the most current information about system requirements at

20 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server

Tivoli Storage Manager Supported Operating Systems.

Hardware requirements

Table 3 describes the minimum hardware requirements that are needed for a server
on an AIX system. The installation fails if you do not have the minimum
requirements. For more details about planning disk space, see “Capacity planning”
on page 26.
Table 3. Hardware requirements
Type of
hardware Hardware requirements
Hardware An appropriately configured POWER5 or later systems computer (64-bit)
Disk space The following minimum values for disk space:
v 512 MB for the /var directory, for new installations
v 7.5 GB for the installation directory
v 2 GB for the /tmp directory
v 2 GB for the shared resources area

Significant additional disk space is required for database and log files. The
size of the database depends on the number of client files to be stored and
the method by which the server manages them. The default active log
space is 16 GB, the minimum that is needed for most workloads and
configurations. When you create the active log, you need at least 64 GB in
size to run replication. If replication and data deduplication are both being
used, create an active log of 128 GB in size. Allocate at least three times the
default active log space for the archive log (48 GB). Ensure that you have
sufficient resources if you are using data deduplication or expect a heavy
client workload.

For optimal performance and to facilitate I/O, specify at least two equally
sized containers or Logical Unit Numbers (LUNs) for the database. In
addition, each active log and archive log should have its own container or

Ensure that you see the capacity planning section for more details about
disk space.
Memory The following minimum values for memory:
v 16 GB if you are using data deduplication.
v At least 40 GB for heavily used servers. Using 40 GB or more of memory
enhances performance of the Tivoli Storage Manager server database
v If you plan to run multiple instances, each instance requires the memory
listed for one server. Multiply the memory for one server by the number
of instances planned for the system.
v If you plan to use node replication without data deduplication, the
system requires 32 GB of memory. Node replication with data
deduplication requires a minimum of 64 GB of memory.

For more specific memory requirements when you are using data
deduplication, see the Tivoli Storage Manager Blueprint.

Software requirements

Table 4 on page 22 describes the minimum software requirements that are needed
for a server on an AIX system.

Chapter 1. Planning to install the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager server 21

Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server

Table 4. Software requirements

Type of
software Minimum software requirements
Operating AIX 6.1 running in a 64-bit kernel environment with the following
system additional requirements:
v AIX 6.1 TL 7 and SP6.
v Minimum C++ runtime level with the xlC.rte or later file sets.
The file set is automatically upgraded if the level is earlier than The file set is included in the June 2008 fix pack package for
IBM C++ Runtime Environment Components for AIX.

AIX 7.1 running in a 64-bit kernel environment.

v AIX 7.1 TL 1 and SP6.
v Minimum C++ runtime level with the xlC.rte or later file sets.
The file set is automatically upgraded if the level is earlier than The file set is included in the June 2008 fix pack package for
IBM C++ Runtime Environment Components for AIX.

AIX 7.2 running in a 64-bit kernel environment.

v AIX 7.2 TL 0 and SP0.
v Minimum C++ runtime level with the xlC.rte or later file sets.
The file set is automatically upgraded if the level is earlier than

For the latest recommendations about AIX maintenance levels, see


To use the N_Port ID Virtualization (NPIV) facility, ensure that you have
the following minimum requirements:
v Virtual I/O Server 2.1.2 or later
v AIX 7.1 or 6.1 TL4 SP 3 or later
v An HBA adapter supported by the corresponding AIX and Virtual I/O
Communication A configured communication method.
Processing Asynchronous I/O must be enabled.
Device drivers The Tivoli Storage Manager device driver is required for non-IBM drives
and tape libraries. The Tivoli Storage Manager device driver package
contains device driver tools and ACSLS daemons.

For the IBM 3590, 3592, or the Ultrium tape library or drives, the IBM
device drivers are required. Install the most current device drivers. You
can locate IBM driver packages at Fix Central.

Configure the device drivers before you use the server with tape devices.
Gunzip utility The gunzip utility must be available on your system before you install or
upgrade the Version 7 server. Ensure that the gunzip utility is installed
and the path to it is set in the PATH environment variable.

22 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server

Table 4. Software requirements (continued)

Type of
software Minimum software requirements
Other software Korn Shell (ksh)

You must have the I/O completion ports (IOCP) configured on the
operating system.

To authenticate Tivoli Storage Manager users with a Lightweight

Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) server, you must use one of the
following directory servers:
v Microsoft Active Directory (Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server
v IBM Security Directory Server V6.3
v IBM Security Directory Server V6.4

Compatibility of the Tivoli Storage Manager server with other DB2

products on the system
You can install other products that deploy and use DB2 products on the same
system as the Tivoli Storage Manager Version 7.1.8 server, with some limitations.

To install and use other products that use a DB2 product on the same system as
the Tivoli Storage Manager server, ensure that the following criteria are met:
Table 5. Compatibility of the Tivoli Storage Manager server with other DB2 products on the
Criterion Instructions
Version level The other products that use a DB2 product
must use DB2 version 9 or later. DB2
products include product encapsulation and
segregation support beginning with Version
9. Starting with this version, you can run
multiple copies of DB2 products, at different
code levels, on the same system. For details,
see the information about multiple DB2
copies in the DB2 product information.
User IDs and directories Ensure that the user IDs, fence user IDs,
installation location, other directories, and
related information are not shared across
DB2 installations. Your specifications must
be different from the IDs and locations that
you used for the Tivoli Storage Manager
server installation and configuration. If you
used the dsmicfgx wizard to configure the
server, these are values that you entered
when running the wizard. If you used the
manual configuration method, review the
procedures that you used if necessary to
recall the values that were used for the

Chapter 1. Planning to install the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager server 23

Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server

Table 5. Compatibility of the Tivoli Storage Manager server with other DB2 products on the
system (continued)
Criterion Instructions
Resource allocation Consider the resources and capability of the
system compared to the requirements for
both the Tivoli Storage Manager server and
the other applications that use the DB2
product. To provide sufficient resources for
the other DB2 applications, you might have
to change the Tivoli Storage Manager server
settings so that the server uses less system
memory and resources. Similarly, if the
workloads for the other DB2 applications
compete with the Tivoli Storage Manager
server for processor or memory resources,
the performance of the server in handling
the expected client workload or other server
operations might be adversely affected.

To segregate resources and provide more

capability for the tuning and allocation of
processor, memory, and other system
resources for multiple applications, consider
using logical partition (LPAR), workload
partition (WPAR), or other virtual
workstation support. For example, run a
DB2 application on its own virtualized

IBM Installation Manager

Tivoli Storage Manager uses IBM Installation Manager, which is an installation
program that can use remote or local software repositories to install or update
many IBM products.

If the required version of IBM Installation Manager is not already installed, it is

automatically installed or upgraded when you install Tivoli Storage Manager. It
must remain installed on the system so that Tivoli Storage Manager can be
updated or uninstalled later as needed.

The following list contains explanations of some terms that are used in IBM
Installation Manager:
An installable unit of a software product.
The Tivoli Storage Manager offering contains all of the media that IBM
Installation Manager requires to install Tivoli Storage Manager.
The group of software components that are required to install an offering.
The Tivoli Storage Manager package contains the following components:
v IBM Installation Manager installation program
v Tivoli Storage Manager offering
Package group
A set of packages that share a common parent directory.

24 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server

The default package group for the Tivoli Storage Manager package is IBM
Installation Manager.
A remote or local storage area for data and other application resources.
The Tivoli Storage Manager package is stored in a repository on IBM Fix
Shared resources directory
A directory that contains software files or plug-ins that are shared by
IBM Installation Manager stores installation-related files in the shared
resources directory, including files that are used for rolling back to a
previous version of Tivoli Storage Manager.

Worksheets for planning details for the server

You can use the worksheets to help you plan the amount and location of storage
needed for the Tivoli Storage Manager server. You can also use them to keep track
of names and user IDs.

Item Space required Number of directories Location of directories

The database
Active log
Archive log
Optional: Log mirror for
the active log
Optional: Secondary
archive log (failover
location for archive log)

Item Names and user IDs Location

The instance user ID for the
server, which is the ID you use
to start and run the Tivoli
Storage Manager server
The home directory for the server,
which is the directory that
contains the instance user ID
The database instance name
The instance directory for the
server, which is a directory that
contains files specifically for this
server instance (the server
options file and other
server-specific files)
The server name, use a unique
name for each server

Chapter 1. Planning to install the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager server 25

Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server

Capacity planning
Capacity planning for Tivoli Storage Manager includes managing resources such as
the database, the recovery log and the shared resource area. To maximize resources
as part of capacity planning, you must estimate space requirements for the
database and the recovery log. The shared resource area must have enough space
available for each installation or upgrade.

Estimating space requirements for the database

To estimate space requirements for the database, you can use the maximum
number of files that can be in server storage at one time or you can use storage
pool capacity.

About this task

Consider using at least 25 GB for the initial database space. Provision file system
space appropriately. A database size of 25 GB is adequate for a test environment or
a library-manager-only environment. For a production server supporting client
workloads, the database size is expected to be larger. If you use random-access
disk (DISK) storage pools, more database and log storage space is needed than for
sequential-access storage pools.

The maximum size of the Tivoli Storage Manager database is 4 TB.

For information about sizing the database in a production environment that is

based on the number of files and on storage pool size, see the following topics.

Estimating database space requirements based on the number of

If you can estimate the maximum number of files that might be in server storage at
a time, you can use that number to estimate space requirements for the database.

About this task

To estimate space requirements that is based on the maximum number of files in

server storage, use the following guidelines:
v 600 - 1000 bytes for each stored version of a file, including image backups.

Restriction: The guideline does not include space that is used during data
v 100 - 200 bytes for each cached file, copy storage pool file, active-data pool file,
and deduplicated file.
v Additional space is required for database optimization to support varying
data-access patterns and to support server back-end processing of the data. The
amount of extra space is equal to 50% of the estimate for the total number of
bytes for file objects.

In the following example for a single client, the calculations are based on the
maximum values in the preceding guidelines. The examples do not take into
account that you might use file aggregation. In general, when you aggregate small
files, it reduces the amount of required database space. File aggregation does not
affect space-managed files.

26 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server

1. Calculate the number of file versions. Add each of the following values to
obtain the number of file versions:
a. Calculate the number of backed-up files. For example, as many as 500,000
client files might be backed up at a time. In this example, storage policies
are set to keep up to three copies of backed up files:
500,000 files * 3 copies = 1,500,000 files
b. Calculate the number of archive files. For example, as many as 100,000
client files might be archived copies.
c. Calculate the number of space-managed files. For example, as many as
200,000 client files might be migrated from client workstations.
Using 1000 bytes per file, the total amount of database space that is required
for the files that belong to the client is 1.8 GB:
(1,500,000 + 100,000 + 200,000) * 1000 = 1.8 GB
2. Calculate the number of cached files, copy storage-pool files, active-data pool
files, and deduplicated files:
a. Calculate the number of cached copies. For example, caching is enabled in a
5 GB disk storage pool. The high migration threshold of the pool is 90%
and the low migration threshold of the pool is 70%. Thus, 20% of the disk
pool, or 1 GB, is occupied by cached files.
If the average file size is about 10 KB, approximately 100,000 files are in
cache at any one time:
100,000 files * 200 bytes = 19 MB
b. Calculate the number of copy storage-pool files. All primary storage pools
are backed up to the copy storage pool:
(1,500,000 + 100,000 + 200,000) * 200 bytes = 343 MB
c. Calculate the number of active storage-pool files. All the active
client-backup data in primary storage pools is copied to the active-data
storage pool. Assume that 500,000 versions of the 1,500,000 backup files in
the primary storage pool are active:
500,000 * 200 bytes = 95 MB
d. Calculate the number of deduplicated files. Assume that a deduplicated
storage pool contains 50,000 files:
50,000 * 200 bytes = 10 MB
Based on the preceding calculations, about 0.5 GB of extra database space is
required for the client’s cached files, copy storage-pool files, active-data pool
files, and deduplicated files.
3. Calculate the amount of extra space that is required for database optimization.
To provide optimal data access and management by the server, extra database
space is required. The amount of extra database space is equal to 50% of the
total space requirements for file objects.
(1.8 + 0.5) * 50% = 1.2 GB
4. Calculate the total amount of database space that is required for the client. The
total is approximately 3.5 GB:
1.8 + 0.5 + 1.2 = 3.5 GB
5. Calculate the total amount of database space that is required for all clients. If
the client that was used in the preceding calculations is typical and you have
500 clients, for example, you can use the following calculation to estimate the
total amount of database space that is required for all clients:
500 * 3.5 = 1.7 TB

Chapter 1. Planning to install the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager server 27

Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server


Tip: In the preceding examples, the results are estimates. The actual size of the
database might differ from the estimate because of factors such as the number of
directories and the length of the path and file names. Periodically monitor your
database and adjust its size as necessary.

What to do next

During normal operations, the Tivoli Storage Manager server might require
temporary database space. This space is needed for the following reasons:
v To hold the results of sorting or ordering that are not already being kept and
optimized in the database directly. The results are temporarily held in the
database for processing.
v To give administrative access to the database through one of the following
– A DB2 open database connectivity (ODBC) client
– An Oracle Java database connectivity (JDBC) client
– Structured Query Language (SQL) to the server from an administrative-client
command line

Consider using an extra 50 GB of temporary space for every 500 GB of space for
file objects and optimization. See the guidelines in the following table. In the
example that is used in the preceding step, a total of 1.7 TB of database space is
required for file objects and optimization for 500 clients. Based on that calculation,
200 GB is required for temporary space. The total amount of required database
space is 1.9 TB.

Database size Minimum temporary-space requirement

< 500 GB 50 GB
≥ 500 GB and < 1 TB 100 GB
≥ 1 TB and < 1.5 TB 150 GB
≥ 1.5 and < 2 TB 200 GB
≥ 2 and < 3 TB 250 - 300 GB
≥ 3 and < 4 TB 350 - 400 GB

Estimating database space requirements based on storage pool

To estimate database space requirements based on storage pool capacity, use a ratio
of 1 - 5%. For example, if you require 200 TB of storage pool capacity, the size of
your database is expected to be 2 - 10 TB. As a general rule, make your database
as large as possible to prevent running out of space. If you run out of database
space, server operations and client-store operations can fail.

28 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server

The database manager and temporary space

The Tivoli Storage Manager server database manager manages and allocates
system memory and disk space for the database. The amount of database space
you require depends on the amount of system memory available and the server

The database manager sorts data in a specific sequence, according to the SQL
statement that you issue to request the data. Depending on the workload on the
server, and if there is more data than the database manager can manage, the data
(that is ordered in sequence) is allocated to temporary disk space. Data is allocated
to temporary disk space when there is a large result set. The database manager
dynamically manages the memory that is used when data is allocated to temporary
disk space.

For example, expiration processing can produce a large result set. If there is not
enough system memory on the database to store the result set, some of the data is
allocated to temporary disk space. During expiration processing, if a node or file
space are selected that are too large to process, the database manager cannot sort
the data in memory. The database manager must use temporary space to sort data.

To run database operations, consider adding more database space for the following
v The database has a small amount of space and the server operation that requires
temporary space uses the remaining free space.
v The file spaces are large, or the file spaces have an assigned policy that creates
many file versions.
v The Tivoli Storage Manager server must run with limited memory. The database
uses the Tivoli Storage Manager server main memory to run database
operations. However, if there is insufficient memory available, the Tivoli Storage
Manager server allocates temporary space on disk to the database. For example,
if 10G of memory is available and database operations require 12G of memory,
the database uses temporary space.
v An out of database space error is displayed when you deploy a Tivoli Storage
Manager server. Monitor the server activity log for messages that are related to
database space.

Important: Do not change the DB2 software that is installed with the Tivoli
Storage Manager installation packages and fix packs. Do not install or upgrade to a
different version, release, or fix pack, of DB2 software to avoid damage to the

Recovery log space requirements

In Tivoli Storage Manager, the term recovery log comprises the active log, the
archive log, the active log mirror, and the archive failover log. The amount of space
that you require for the recovery log depends on various factors, including, for
example, the amount of client activity with the server.

Chapter 1. Planning to install the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager server 29

Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server

Active and archive log space

When you estimate space requirements for active and archive logs, include some
extra space for contingencies such as occasional heavy workloads and failovers.

In Tivoli Storage Manager servers V7.1 and later, the active log can be a maximum
size of 512 GB. The archive log size is limited to the size of the file system that it is
installed on.

Use the following general guidelines when you estimate the size of the active log:
v The suggested starting size for the active log is 16 GB.
v Ensure that the active log is at least large enough for the amount of concurrent
activity that the server typically handles. As a precaution, try to anticipate the
largest amount of work that the server manages at one time. Provision the active
log with extra space that can be used if needed. Consider using 20% of extra
v Monitor used and available active log space. Adjust the size of the active log as
needed, depending upon factors such as client activity and the level of server
v Ensure that the directory that holds the active log is as large as, or larger than,
the size of the active log. A directory that is larger than the active log can
accommodate failovers, if they occur.
v Ensure that the file system that contains the active log directory has at least 8
GB of free space for temporary log movement requirements.

The suggested starting size for the archive log is 48 GB.

The archive log directory must be large enough to contain the log files that are
generated since the previous full backup. For example, if you perform a full
backup of the database every day, the archive log directory must be large enough
to hold the log files for all the client activity that occurs during 24 hours. To
recover space, the server deletes obsolete archive log files after a full backup of the
database. If the archive log directory becomes full and a directory for archive
failover logs does not exist, log files remain in the active log directory. This
condition can cause the active log directory to fill up and stop the server. When the
server restarts, some of the existing active-log space is released.

After the server is installed, you can monitor archive log utilization and the space
in the archive log directory. If the space in the archive log directory fills up, it can
cause the following problems:
v The server is unable to perform full database backups. Investigate and resolve
this problem.
v Other applications write to the archive log directory, exhausting the space that is
required by the archive log. Do not share archive log space with other
applications including other Tivoli Storage Manager servers. Ensure that each
server has a separate storage location that is owned and managed by that
specific server.

30 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server

Example: Estimating active and archive log sizes for basic client-store

Basic client-store operations include backup, archive, and space management. Log
space must be sufficient to handle all store transactions that are in progress at one

To determine the sizes of the active and archive logs for basic client-store
operations, use the following calculation:
number of clients x files stored during each transaction
x log space needed for each file

This calculation is used in the example in the following table.

Table 6. Basic client-store operations
Item values Description
Maximum number of client nodes 300 The number of client nodes that back up, archive, or migrate
that back up, archive, or migrate files files every night.
concurrently at any time
Files stored during each transaction 4096 The default value of the server option TXNGROUPMAX is 4096.
Log space that is required for each 3053 bytes The value of 3053 bytes for each file in a transaction
file represents the log bytes that are needed when backing up
files from a Windows client where the file names are 12 -
120 bytes.

This value is based on the results of tests performed under

laboratory conditions. The tests consisted of backup-archive
clients performing backup operations to a random-access
disk (DISK) storage pool. DISK pools result in more log use
than sequential-access storage pools. Consider a value larger
than 3053 bytes if the data being stored has file names that
are longer than 12 - 120 bytes.
Active log: Suggested size 19.5 GB Use the following calculation to determine the size of the
active log. One GB equals 1,073,741,824 bytes.

(300 clients x 4096 files stored during each

transaction x 3053 bytes for each file) ÷ 1,073,741,824
bytes = 3.5 GB

Increase that amount by the suggested starting size of 16


3.5 + 16 = 19.5 GB
Archive log: Suggested size 58.5 GB Because of the requirement to be able to store archive logs
across three server database-backup cycles, multiply the
estimate for the active log by 3 to estimate the total archive
log requirement.

3.5 x 3 = 10.5 GB

Increase that amount by the suggested starting size of 48


10.5 + 48 = 58.5 GB

Chapter 1. Planning to install the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager server 31

Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server

Table 6. Basic client-store operations (continued)

Item values Description
The example values in this table are used only to illustrate how the sizes for active logs and archive logs are
calculated. In a production environment that does not use deduplication, 16 GB is the suggested minimum size for
an active log. The suggested minimum size for an archive log in a production environment that does not use
deduplication is 48 GB. If you substitute values from your environment and the results are larger than 16 GB and 48
GB, use your results to size the active log and archive log.

Monitor your logs and adjust their size if necessary.

Example: Estimating active and archive log sizes for clients that use multiple

If the client option RESOURCEUTILIZATION is set to a value that is greater than the
default, the concurrent workload for the server increases.

To determine the sizes of the active and archive logs when clients use multiple
sessions, use the following calculation:
number of clients x sessions for each client x files stored
during each transaction x log space needed for each file

This calculation is used in the example in the following table.

Table 7. Multiple client sessions
Item Example values Description
Maximum number of client 300 1000 The number of client nodes that back up, archive, or
nodes that back up, archive, migrate files every night.
or migrate files concurrently
at any time
Possible sessions for each 3 3 The setting of the client option RESOURCEUTILIZATION is
client larger than the default. Each client session runs a maximum
of three sessions in parallel.
Files stored during each 4096 4096 The default value of the server option TXNGROUPMAX is 4096.
Log space that is required for 3053 3053 The value of 3053 bytes for each file in a transaction
each file represents the log bytes needed when backing up files from
a Windows client where the file names are 12 - 120 bytes.

This value is based on the results of tests performed under

laboratory conditions. Tests consisted of clients performing
backup operations to a random-access disk (DISK) storage
pool. DISK pools result in more log use than
sequential-access storage pools. Consider a value larger
than 3053 bytes if the data being stored has file names that
are longer than 12 - 120 bytes.

32 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server

Table 7. Multiple client sessions (continued)

Item Example values Description
1 1
Active log: Suggested size 26.5 GB 51 GB The following calculation was used for 300 clients. One GB
equals 1,073,741,824 bytes.

(300 clients x 3 sessions for each client x 4096 files

stored during each transaction x 3053 bytes for each
file) ÷ 1,073,741,824 = 10.5 GB

Increase that amount by the suggested starting size of 16


10.5 + 16 = 26.5 GB

The following calculation was used for 1000 clients. One

GB equals 1,073,741,824 bytes.

(1000 clients x 3 sessions for each client x 4096

files store during each transaction x 3053 bytes for
each file) ÷ 1,073,741,824 = 35 GB

Increase that amount by the suggested starting size of 16


35 + 16 = 51 GB
1 1
Archive log: Suggested size 79.5 GB 153 GB Because of the requirement to be able to store archive logs
across three server-database backup cycles, the estimate for
the active log is multiplied by 3:

10.5 x 3 = 31.5 GB

35 x 3 = 105 GB

Increase those amounts by the suggested starting size of 48


31.5 + 48 = 79.5 GB

105 + 48 = 153 GB
The example values in this table are used only to illustrate how the sizes for active logs and archive logs are
calculated. In a production environment that does not use deduplication, 16 GB is the suggested minimum size for
an active log. The suggested minimum size for an archive log in a production environment that does not use
deduplication is 48 GB. If you substitute values from your environment and the results are larger than 16 GB and 48
GB, use your results to size the active log and archive log.

Monitor your active log and adjust its size if necessary.

Example: Estimating active and archive log sizes for simultaneous write

If client backup operations use storage pools that are configured for simultaneous
write, the amount of log space that is required for each file increases.

The log space that is required for each file increases by about 200 bytes for each
copy storage pool that is used for a simultaneous write operation. In the example
in the following table, data is stored to two copy storage pools in addition to a
primary storage pool. The estimated log size increases by 400 bytes for each file. If
you use the suggested value of 3053 bytes of log space for each file, the total
number of required bytes is 3453.

Chapter 1. Planning to install the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager server 33

Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server

This calculation is used in the example in the following table.

Table 8. Simultaneous write operations
Item values Description
Maximum number of client nodes 300 The number of client nodes that back up, archive, or migrate
that back up, archive, or migrate files files every night.
concurrently at any time
Files stored during each transaction 4096 The default value of the server option TXNGROUPMAX is 4096.
Log space that is required for each 3453 bytes 3053 bytes plus 200 bytes for each copy storage pool.
The value of 3053 bytes for each file in a transaction
represents the log bytes that are needed when backing up
files from a Windows client where the file names are 12 - 120

This value is based on the results of tests performed under

laboratory conditions. The tests consisted of backup-archive
clients performing backup operations to a random-access
disk (DISK) storage pool. DISK pools result in more log use
than sequential-access storage pools. Consider a value larger
than 3053 bytes if the data being stored has file names that
are longer than 12 - 120 bytes.
Active log: Suggested size 20 GB Use the following calculation to determine the size of the
active log. One GB equals 1,073,741,824 bytes.

(300 clients x 4096 files stored during each

transaction x 3453 bytes for each file) ÷ 1,073,741,824
bytes = 4.0 GB

Increase that amount by the suggested starting size of 16 GB:

4 + 16 = 20 GB
Archive log: Suggested size 60 GB Because of the requirement to be able to store archive logs
across three server database-backup cycles, multiply the
estimate for the active log by 3 to estimate the archive log

4 GB x 3 = 12 GB

Increase that amount by the suggested starting size of 48 GB:

12 + 48 = 60 GB
The example values in this table are used only to illustrate how the sizes for active logs and archive logs are
calculated. In a production environment that does not use deduplication, 16 GB is the suggested minimum size for
an active log. The suggested minimum size for an archive log in a production environment that does not use
deduplication is 48 GB. If you substitute values from your environment and the results are larger than 16 GB and 48
GB, use your results to size the active log and archive log.

Monitor your logs and adjust their size if necessary.

34 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server

Example: Estimating active and archive log sizes for basic client store operations
and server operations:

Migration of data in server storage, identification processes for data deduplication,

reclamation, and expiration might run concurrently with client store operations.
Administrative tasks such as administrative commands or SQL queries from
administrative clients can also run concurrently with client store operations. Server
operations and administrative tasks that run concurrently can increase the active
log space that is required.

For example, migration of files from the random-access (DISK) storage pool to a
sequential-access disk (FILE) storage pool uses approximately 110 bytes of log
space for each file that is migrated. For example, suppose that you have 300
backup-archive clients and each one of them backs up 100,000 files every night.
The files are initially stored on DISK and then migrated to a FILE storage pool. To
estimate the amount of active log space that is required for the data migration, use
the following calculation. The number of clients in the calculation represents the
maximum number of client nodes that back up, archive, or migrate files
concurrently at any time.
300 clients x 100,000 files for each client x 110 bytes = 3.1 GB

Add this value to the estimate for the size of the active log that calculated for basic
client store operations.

Example: Estimating active and archive log sizes under conditions of extreme

Problems with running out of active log space can occur if you have many
transactions that complete quickly and some transactions that take much longer to
complete. A typical case occurs when many workstation or file-server backup
sessions are active and a few very large database server-backup sessions are active.
If this situation applies to your environment, you might need to increase the size
of the active log so that the work completes successfully.

Example: Estimating archive log sizes with full database backups:

The Tivoli Storage Manager server deletes unnecessary files from the archive log
only when a full database backup occurs. Consequently, when you estimate the
space that is required for the archive log, you must also consider the frequency of
full database backups.

For example, if a full database backup occurs once a week, the archive log space
must be able to contain the information in the archive log for a full week.

The difference in archive log size for daily and full database backups is shown in
the example in the following table.
Table 9. Full database backups
Item values Description
Maximum number of client nodes 300 The number of client nodes that back up, archive, or migrate
that back up, archive, or migrate files files every night.
concurrently at any time
Files stored during each transaction 4096 The default value of the server option TXNGROUPMAX is 4096.

Chapter 1. Planning to install the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager server 35

Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server

Table 9. Full database backups (continued)

Item values Description
Log space that is required for each 3453 bytes 3053 bytes for each file plus 200 bytes for each copy storage
file pool.

The value of 3053 bytes for each file in a transaction

represents the log bytes needed when backing up files from
a Windows client where the file names are 12 - 120 bytes.

This value is based on the results of tests performed under

laboratory conditions. Tests consisted of clients performing
backup operations to a random-access disk (DISK) storage
pool. DISK pools result in more log use than
sequential-access storage pools. Consider a value larger than
3053 bytes if the data being stored has file names that are
longer than 12 - 120 bytes.
Active log: Suggested size 20 GB Use the following calculation to determine the size of the
active log. One GB equals 1,073,741,824 bytes.

(300 clients x 4096 files per transaction x 3453 bytes

per file) ÷ 1,073,741,824 bytes = 4.0 GB

Increase that amount by the suggested starting size of 16


4 + 16 = 20 GB
Archive log: Suggested size with a 60 GB Because of the requirement to be able to store archive logs
full database backup every day across three backup cycles, multiply the estimate for the
active log by 3 to estimate the total archive log requirement:

4 GB x 3 = 12 GB

Increase that amount by the suggested starting size of 48


12 + 48 = 60 GB
Archive log: Suggested size with a 132 GB Because of the requirement to be able to store archive logs
full database every week across three server database-backup cycles, multiply the
estimate for the active log by 3 to estimate the total archive
log requirement. Multiply the result by the number of days
between full database backups:

(4 GB x 3 ) x 7 = 84 GB

Increase that amount by the suggested starting size of 48


84 + 48 = 132 GB
The example values in this table are used only to illustrate how the sizes for active logs and archive logs are
calculated. In a production environment that does not use deduplication, 16 GB is the suggested minimum size for
an active log. The suggested starting size for an archive log in a production environment that does not use
deduplication is 48 GB. If you substitute values from your environment and the results are larger than 16 GB and 48
GB, use your results to size the active log and archive log.

Monitor your logs and adjust their size if necessary.

36 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server

Example: Estimating active and archive log sizes for data deduplication

If you deduplicate data, you must consider its effects on space requirements for
active and archive logs.

The following factors affect requirements for active and archive log space:
The amount of deduplicated data
The effect of data deduplication on the active log and archive log space
depends on the percentage of data that is eligible for deduplication. If the
percentage of data that can be deduplicated is relatively high, more log
space is required.
The size and number of extents
Approximately 1,500 bytes of active log space are required for each extent
that is identified by a duplicate-identification process. For example, if
250,000 extents are identified by a duplicate-identification process, the
estimated size of the active log is 358 MB:
250,000 extents identified during each process x 1,500 bytes
for each extent = 358 MB

Consider the following scenario. Three hundred backup-archive clients

back up 100,000 files each night. This activity creates a workload of
30,000,000 files. The average number of extents for each file is two.
Therefore, the total number of extents is 60,000,000, and the space
requirement for the archive log is 84 GB:
60,000,000 extents x 1,500 bytes for each extent = 84 GB
A duplicate-identification process operates on aggregates of files. An
aggregate consists of files that are stored in a given transaction, as
specified by the TXNGROUPMAX server option. Suppose that the TXNGROUPMAX
server option is set to the default of 4096. If the average number of extents
for each file is two, the total number of extents in each aggregate is 8192,
and the space required for the active log is 12 MB:
8192 extents in each aggregate x 1500 bytes for each extent =
12 MB
The timing and number of the duplicate-identification processes
The timing and number of duplicate-identification processes also affects the
size of the active log. Using the 12 MB active-log size that was calculated
in the preceding example, the concurrent load on the active log is 120 MB
if 10 duplicate-identification processes are running in parallel:
12 MB for each process x 10 processes = 120 MB
File size
Large files that are processed for duplicate identification can also affect the
size of the active log. For example, suppose that a backup-archive client
backs up an 80 GB, file-system image. This object can have a high number
of duplicate extents if, for example, the files included in the file system
image were backed up incrementally. For example, assume that a file
system image has 1.2 million duplicate extents. The 1.2 million extents in
this large file represent a single transaction for a duplicate-identification
process. The total space in the active log that is required for this single
object is 1.7 GB:
1,200,000 extents x 1,500 bytes for each extent = 1.7 GB

Chapter 1. Planning to install the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager server 37

Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server

If other, smaller duplicate-identification processes occur at the same time as

the duplicate-identification process for a single large object, the active log
might not have enough space. For example, suppose that a storage pool is
enabled for deduplication. The storage pool has a mixture of data,
including many relatively small files that range from 10 KB to several
hundred KB. The storage pool also has few large objects that have a high
percentage of duplicate extents.
To take into account not only space requirements but also the timing and
duration of concurrent transactions, increase the estimated size of the
active log by a factor of two. For example, suppose that your calculations
for space requirements are 25 GB (23.3 GB + 1.7 GB for deduplication of a
large object). If deduplication processes are running concurrently, the
suggested size of the active log is 50 GB. The suggested size of the archive
log is 150 GB.
The examples in the following tables show calculations for active and
archive logs. The example in the first table uses an average size of 700 KB
for extents. The example in the second table uses an average size of 256
KB. As the examples show, the average deduplicate-extent size of 256 KB
indicates a larger estimated size for the active log. To minimize or prevent
operational problems for the server, use 256 KB to estimate the size of the
active log in your production environment.
Table 10. Average duplicate-extent size of 700 KB
Item Example values Description
Size of largest single 800 GB 4 TB The granularity of processing for deduplication is at the file
object to deduplicate level. Therefore, the largest single file to deduplicate
represents the largest transaction and a correspondingly
large load on the active and archive logs.
Average size of 700 KB 700 KB The deduplication algorithms use a variable block method.
extents Not all deduplicated extents for a given file are the same
size, so this calculation assumes an average size for extents.
Extents for a given 1,198,372 6,135,667 bits Using the average extent size (700 KB), these calculations
file bits represent the total number of extents for a given object.

The following calculation was used for an 800 GB object:

(800 GB ÷ 700 KB) = 1,198,372 bits

The following calculation was used for a 4 TB object: (4 TB ÷

700 KB) = 6,135,667 bits
Active log: Suggested 1.7 GB 8.6 GB The estimated active log space that are needed for this
size that is required transaction.
for the deduplication
of a single large object
during a single
identification process

38 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server

Table 10. Average duplicate-extent size of 700 KB (continued)

Item Example values Description
1 1
Active log: Suggested 66 GB 79.8 GB After considering other aspects of the workload on the
total size server in addition to deduplication, multiply the existing
estimate by a factor of two. In these examples, the active log
space required to deduplicate a single large object is
considered along with previous estimates for the required
active log size.

The following calculation was used for multiple transactions

and an 800 GB object:

(23.3 GB + 1.7 GB) x 2 = 50 GB

Increase that amount by the suggested starting size of 16 GB:

50 + 16 = 66 GB

The following calculation was used for multiple transactions

and a 4 TB object:

(23.3 GB + 8.6 GB) x 2 = 63.8 GB

Increase that amount by the suggested starting size of 16 GB:

63.8 + 16 = 79.8 GB
1 1
Archive log: 198 GB 239.4 GB Multiply the estimated size of the active log by a factor of 3.
Suggested size
The following calculation was used for multiple transactions
and an 800 GB object:

50 GB x 3 = 150 GB

Increase that amount by the suggested starting size of 48 GB:

150 + 48 = 198 GB

The following calculation was used for multiple transactions

and a 4 TB object:

63.8 GB x 3 = 191.4 GB

Increase that amount by the suggested starting size of 48 GB:

191.4 + 48 = 239.4 GB
The example values in this table are used only to illustrate how the sizes for active logs and archive logs are
calculated. In a production environment that uses deduplication, 32 GB is the suggested minimum size for an active
log. The suggested minimum size for an archive log in a production environment that uses deduplication is 96 GB.
If you substitute values from your environment and the results are larger than 32 GB and 96 GB, use your results to
size the active log and archive log.

Monitor your logs and adjust their size if necessary.

Table 11. Average duplicate-extent size of 256 KB

Item Example values Description
Size of largest single 800 GB 4 TB The granularity of processing for deduplication is at the file
object to deduplicate level. Therefore, the largest single file to deduplicate
represents the largest transaction and a correspondingly
large load on the active and archive logs.

Chapter 1. Planning to install the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager server 39

Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server

Table 11. Average duplicate-extent size of 256 KB (continued)

Item Example values Description
Average size of 256 KB 256 KB The deduplication algorithms use a variable block method.
extents Not all deduplicated extents for a given file are the same
size, so this calculation assumes an average extent size.
Extents for a given 3,276,800 bits 16,777,216 Using the average extent size, these calculations represent
file bits the total number of extents for a given object.

The following calculation was used for multiple transactions

and an 800 GB object:

(800 GB ÷ 256 KB) = 3,276,800 bits

The following calculation was used for multiple transactions

and a 4 TB object:

(4 TB ÷ 256 KB) = 16,777,216 bits

Active log: Suggested 4.5 GB 23.4 GB The estimated size of the active log space that is required for
size that is required this transaction.
for the deduplication
of a single large object
during a single
identification process
1 1
Active log: Suggested 71.6 GB 109.4 GB After considering other aspects of the workload on the
total size server in addition to deduplication, multiply the existing
estimate by a factor of 2. In these examples, the active log
space required to deduplicate a single large object is
considered along with previous estimates for the required
active log size.

The following calculation was used for multiple transactions

and an 800 GB object:

(23.3 GB + 4.5 GB) x 2 = 55.6 GB

Increase that amount by the suggested starting size of 16 GB:

55.6 + 16 = 71.6 GB

The following calculation was used for multiple transactions

and a 4 TB object:

(23.3 GB + 23.4 GB) x 2 = 93.4 GB

Increase that amount by the suggested starting size of 16 GB:

93.4 + 16 = 109.4 GB

40 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server

Table 11. Average duplicate-extent size of 256 KB (continued)

Item Example values Description
1 1
Archive log: 214.8 GB 328.2 GB The estimated size of the active log multiplied by a factor of
Suggested size 3.

The following calculation was used for an 800 GB object:

55.6 GB x 3 = 166.8 GB

Increase that amount by the suggested starting size of 48 GB:

166.8 + 48 = 214.8 GB

The following calculation was used for a 4 TB object:

93.4 GB x 3 = 280.2 GB

Increase that amount by the suggested starting size of 48 GB:

280.2 + 48 = 328.2 GB
The example values in this table are used only to illustrate how the sizes for active logs and archive logs are
calculated. In a production environment that uses deduplication, 32 GB is the suggested minimum size for an active
log. The suggested minimum size for an archive log in a production environment that uses deduplication is 96 GB.
If you substitute values from your environment and the results are larger than 32 GB and 96 GB, use your results to
size the active log and archive log.

Monitor your logs and adjust their size if necessary.

Active-log mirror space

The active log can be mirrored so that the mirrored copy can be used if the active
log files cannot be read. There can be only one active log mirror.

Creating a log mirror is a suggested option. If you increase the size of the active
log, the log mirror size is increased automatically. Mirroring the log can affect
performance because of the doubled I/O activity that is required to maintain the
mirror. The additional space that the log mirror requires is another factor to
consider when deciding whether to create a log mirror.

If the mirror log directory becomes full, the server issues error messages to the
activity log and to the db2diag.log. Server activity continues.

Archive-failover log space

The archive failover log is used by the server if the archive log directory runs out
of space.

Specifying an archive failover log directory can prevent problems that occur if the
archive log runs out of space. If both the archive log directory and the drive or file
system where the archive failover log directory is located become full, the data
remains in the active log directory. This condition can cause the active log to fill
up, which causes the server to halt.

Chapter 1. Planning to install the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager server 41

Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server

Monitoring space utilization for the database and recovery

To determine the amount of used and available active log space, you issue the
QUERY LOG command. To monitor space utilization in the database and recovery
logs, you can also check the activity log for messages.

Active log
If the amount of available active log space is too low, the following messages are
displayed in the activity log:
This message is displayed when the active log space exceeds the maximum
specified size. The Tivoli Storage Manager server starts a full database
To change the maximum log size, halt the server. Open the dsmserv.opt
file, and specify a new value for the ACTIVELOGSIZE option. When you are
finished, restart the server.
This message is displayed when the active log space exceeds the maximum
specified size. You must back up the database manually.
To change the maximum log size, halt the server. Open the dsmserv.opt
file, and specify a new value for the ACTIVELOGSIZE option. When you are
finished, restart the server.
The ratio of used active-log space to available active-log space exceeds the
log utilization threshold. If at least one full database backup has occurred,
the Tivoli Storage Manager server starts an incremental database backup.
Otherwise, the server starts a full database backup.
The ratio of used active-log space to available active-log space exceeds the
log utilization threshold. You must back up the database manually.

Archive log

If the amount of available archive log space is too low, the following message is
displayed in the activity log:
The ratio of used archive-log space to available archive-log space exceeds
the log utilization threshold. The Tivoli Storage Manager server starts a full
automatic database backup.


If the amount of space available for database activities is too low, the following
messages are displayed in the activity log:
The used database space exceeds the threshold for database space
utilization. To increase the space for the database, use the EXTEND DBSPACE
command, the EXTEND DBSPACE command, or the DSMSERV FORMAT
utility with the DBDIR parameter.

42 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server

The available space in the directory where the server database files are
located is less than 1 GB.
When a Tivoli Storage Manager server is created with the DSMSERV
FORMAT utility or with the configuration wizard, a server database and
recovery log are also created. In addition, files are created to hold database
information used by the database manager. The path specified in this
message indicates the location of the database information used by the
database manager. If space is unavailable in the path, the server can no
longer function.
You must add space to the file system or make space available on the file
system or disk.

Deleting installation rollback files

You can delete certain installation files that were saved during the installation
process to free space in the shared resource directory. For example, files that might
have been required for a rollback operation are types of files that you can delete.

About this task

To delete the files that are no longer needed, use either the installation graphical
wizard or the command line in console mode.

Deleting installation rollback files by using a graphical wizard

You can delete certain installation files that were saved during installation process
by using the IBM Installation Manager user interface.

1. Open IBM Installation Manager.
In the directory where IBM Installation Manager is installed, go to the eclipse
subdirectory (for example, /opt/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse), and issue
the following command to start IBM Installation Manager:
2. Click File > Preferences.
3. Select Files for Rollback.
4. Click Delete Saved Files and click OK.

Deleting installation rollback files by using the command line

You can delete certain installation files that were saved during the installation
process by using the command line.

1. In the directory where IBM Installation Manager is installed, go to the
following subdirectory:
For example:
2. From the tools directory, issue the following command to start an IBM
Installation Manager command line:
./imcl -c
3. Enter P to select Preferences.

Chapter 1. Planning to install the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager server 43

Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server

4. Enter 3 to select Files for Rollback.

5. Enter D to Delete the Files for Rollback.
6. Enter A to Apply Changes and Return to Preferences Menu.
7. Enter C to leave the Preference Menu.
8. Enter X to Exit Installation Manager.

Server naming best practices

Use these descriptions as a reference when you install or upgrade a Tivoli Storage
Manager server.

Instance user ID

The instance user ID is used as the basis for other names related to the server
instance. The instance user ID is also called the instance owner.

For example: tsminst1

The instance user ID is the user ID that must have ownership or read/write access
authority to all directories that you create for the database and the recovery log.
The standard way to run the server is under the instance user ID. That user ID
must also have read/write access to the directories that are used for any FILE
device classes.

Home directory for the instance user ID

The home directory can be created when creating the instance user ID, by
using the option (-m) to create a home directory if it does not exist already.
Depending on local settings, the home directory might have the form:
For example: /home/tsminst1
The home directory is primarily used to contain the profile for the user ID
and for security settings.

Database instance name

The database instance name must be the same as the instance user ID
under which you run the server instance.
For example: tsminst1

Instance directory

The instance directory is a directory that contains files specifically for a server
instance (the server options file and other server-specific files). It can have any
name that you want. For easier identification, use a name that ties the directory to
the instance name.
You can create the instance directory as a subdirectory of the home
directory for the instance user ID. For example: /home/instance_user_ID/
The following example places the instance directory in the home directory
for user ID tsminst1: /home/tsminst1/tsminst1
You can also create the directory in another location, for example:

44 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server

The instance directory stores the following files for the server instance:
v The server options file, dsmserv.opt
v The server key database file, cert.kdb, and the .arm files (used by clients
and other servers to import the Secure Sockets Layer certificates of the
v Device configuration file, if the DEVCONFIG server option does not specify
a fully qualified name
v Volume history file, if the VOLUMEHISTORY server option does not specify a
fully qualified name
v Volumes for DEVTYPE=FILE storage pools, if the directory for the
device class is not fully specified, or not fully qualified
v User exits
v Trace output (if not fully qualified)

Database name

The database name is always TSMDB1, for every server instance. This name cannot
be changed.

Server name

The server name is an internal name for Tivoli Storage Manager, and is used for
operations that involve communication among multiple Tivoli Storage Manager
servers. Examples include server-to-server communication and library sharing.

The server name is also used when you add the server to the Operations Center so
that it can be managed using that interface. Use a unique name for each server. For
easy identification in the Operations Center (or from a QUERY SERVER command),
use a name that reflects the location or purpose of the server. Do not change the
name of a Tivoli Storage Manager server after it is configured as a hub or spoke

If you use the wizard, the default name that is suggested is the host name of the
system that you are using. You can use a different name that is meaningful in your
environment. If you have more than one server on the system and you use the
wizard, you can use the default name for only one of the servers. You must enter a
unique name for each server.

For example:

Directories for database space and recovery log

The directories can be named according to local practices. For easier identification,
consider using names that tie the directories to the server instance.

For example, for the archive log:


Chapter 1. Planning to install the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager server 45

Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server

Installation directories
Installation directories for the Tivoli Storage Manager server include the server,
DB2, device, language, and other directories. Each one contains several additional

The default directories and their subdirectories are listed here for the server, DB2,
devices, and languages:
v Server directory (/opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin), which contains:
– Server code and licensing
v Additional server directories:
– The command and message help are located in the /opt/tivoli/tsm/server/
bin/lang directory, where lang is the language that you use to run the server.
v DB2 directories
The DB2 product that is installed as part of the installation of the Tivoli Storage
Manager server has the directory structure as documented in DB2 information
sources. Protect these directories and files as you do the server directories.
– /opt/tivoli/tsm/db2
v Device directories
– /opt/tivoli/tsm/devices/bin
– /usr/lib/drivers
– /usr/lib/methods
v Language directory
Language-dependent portions of the program are located here:
/opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/lang, where lang is the language that you use to
run the server.
You can use US English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese,
Korean, Japanese, traditional Chinese, simplified Chinese, Chinese GBK, Chinese
Big5, and Russian.

46 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Chapter 2. Installing the server components
To install the Version 7.1.8 server components, you can use the installation wizard,
the command line in console mode, or silent mode.

About this task

Using the Tivoli Storage Manager installation software, you can install the
following components:
v Server

Tip: The database (DB2), the Global Security Kit (GSKit) and IBM Java Runtime
Environment (JRE) are automatically installed when you select the server
v Server languages
v License
v Devices
v Tivoli Storage Manager for Storage Area Networks
v Operations Center

Allow approximately 30 - 45 minutes to install a V7.1.8 server, using this guide.

Obtaining the installation package

You can obtain the Tivoli Storage Manager installation package from a DVD or an
IBM download site such as Passport Advantage® or IBM Fix Central.

Before you begin

If you plan to download the files, set the system user limit for maximum file size
to unlimited to ensure that the files can be downloaded correctly:
1. To query the maximum file size value, issue the following command:
ulimit -Hf
2. If the system user limit for maximum file size is not set to unlimited, change it
to unlimited by following the instructions in the documentation for your
operating system.

1. Download the appropriate package file from one of the following websites, or
you can access the files from the product DVD:
v For a first time installation or a new release go to Passport Advantage to
download the license.
v For all components except the license, download the server package from Fix
v For the latest information, updates, and maintenance fixes, go to the IBM
Support Portal.
2. If you downloaded the package from an IBM download site, complete the
following steps:

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2017 47

Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server

a. Verify that you have enough space to store the installation files when they
are extracted from the product package. See the download document for the
space requirements:
v Tivoli Storage Manager technote 4042235
v Tivoli Storage Manager Extended Edition technote 4042236
v System Storage® Archive Manager technote 4042237
b. Download the package file to the directory of your choice. The path must
contain no more than 128 characters. Be sure to extract the installation files
to an empty directory. Do not extract to a directory that contains previously
extracted files, or any other files.
c. Ensure that executable permission is set for the package. If necessary,
change the file permissions by issuing the following command:
chmod a+x package_name.bin
d. Extract the package by issuing the following command:
where package_name is the name of the downloaded file, for example:
3. Ensure that the following command is enabled so that the Tivoli Storage
Manager wizards work properly:
By default, the command is enabled.
4. Select one of the following methods of installing Tivoli Storage Manager:
v “Installing Tivoli Storage Manager by using the installation wizard”
v “Installing Tivoli Storage Manager by using console mode” on page 50
v “Installing Tivoli Storage Manager in silent mode” on page 51
5. After you install Tivoli Storage Manager, and before you customize it for your
use, go to the IBM Support Portal. Click Support and downloads and apply
any applicable fixes.

Installing Tivoli Storage Manager by using the installation wizard

You can install the server by using the IBM Installation Manager graphical wizard.

Before you begin

Take the following actions before you start the installation:

v If the following RPM files are not installed on your system, you must install
them. For instructions, see “Installing prerequisite RPM files for the graphical
wizard” on page 50.

48 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server

v Verify that the operating system is set to the language that you require. By
default, the language of the operating system is the language of the installation


Install Tivoli Storage Manager by using one of the following methods:

Option Description
Installing the software from a downloaded 1. Change to the directory where you
package: downloaded the package.
2. Start the installation wizard by issuing
the following command:

Installing the software from a DVD: 1. Insert the DVD into the DVD drive.
Tip: Ensure that the installation files are
visible on the DVD drive.
2. Start the installation wizard by issuing
the following command from a
command line:

What to do next
v If errors occur during the installation process, the errors are recorded in log files
that are stored in the IBM Installation Manager logs directory.
You can view installation log files by clicking File > View Log from the
Installation Manager tool. To collect these log files, click Help > Export Data for
Problem Analysis from the Installation Manager tool.
v After you install the server and components, and before you customize it for
your use, go to the IBM Support Portal. Click Downloads (fixes and PTFs) and
apply any applicable fixes.
v After you install a new server, review Taking the first steps after you install
Tivoli Storage Manager to learn about configuring your server.

Chapter 2. Installing the server components 49

Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server

Installing prerequisite RPM files for the graphical wizard

Before you can use the graphical wizard of IBM Installation Manager to install
Tivoli Storage Manager, you must ensure that the necessary RPM files are installed.

About this task

If the RPM files that are listed in “Installing Tivoli Storage Manager by using the
installation wizard” on page 48 are not installed, you must download and install
the files.


To install the necessary RPM files, complete the following steps:

1. Ensure that there is at least 150 MB of free space in the /opt file system.
2. To install the RPM files, choose one of the following options:
v If you plan to install Tivoli Storage Manager from the product DVD, take the
following actions:
a. In the base directory of the DVD, change to the gtk directory.
b. From the gtk directory, copy the download-prerequisites.sh file to a
location where you can download the RPM files.
v If you obtained the Tivoli Storage Manager installation package from an IBM
download site such as Passport Advantage or the IBM Support Portal, take
the following action:
From the directory where the installation package file is extracted, go to
the gtk directory.
3. Download the RPM files to the current working directory from the IBM AIX
Toolbox for Linux Applications website, by issuing the following command:
4. From the directory that contains the RPM files that you downloaded, install
them by issuing the following command:
rpm -Uvh *.rpm
If a message indicates that one of the files is already installed on the system,
take one of the following actions:
v Issue the following command:
rpm -Uvh --force *.rpm
v Move the earlier versions of the files to a different directory, and issue the
rpm command again, as shown in the following example:
mkdir already-installed
mv *.rpm already-installed
rpm -Uvh *.rpm

Installing Tivoli Storage Manager by using console mode

You can install Tivoli Storage Manager by using the command line in console

Before you begin

Take the following actions before you start the installation:

v Verify that the operating system is set to the language that you require. By
default, the language of the operating system is the language of the installation

50 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server


Install Tivoli Storage Manager by using one of the following methods:

Option Description
Installing the software from a downloaded 1. Change to the directory where you
package: downloaded the package.
2. Start the installation wizard in console
mode by issuing the following
./install.sh -c

Optional: Generate a response file as

part of a console mode installation.
Complete the console mode installation
options, and in the Summary panel,
specify G to generate the responses.
Installing the software from a DVD: 1. Insert the DVD into the DVD drive.
Tip: Ensure that the installation files are
visible on the DVD drive.
2. Start the installation wizard in console
mode by issuing the following
./install.sh -c

Optional: Generate a response file as

part of a console mode installation.
Complete the console mode installation
options, and in the Summary panel,
specify G to generate the responses.

What to do next
v If errors occur during the installation process, the errors are recorded in log files
that are stored in the IBM Installation Manager logs directory, for example:
v After you install the server and components, and before you customize it for
your use, go to the IBM Support Portal. Click Downloads (fixes and PTFs) and
apply any applicable fixes.
v After you install a new server, review Taking the first steps after you install
Tivoli Storage Manager to learn about configuring your server.

Installing Tivoli Storage Manager in silent mode

You can install or upgrade the server in silent mode. In silent mode, the
installation does not send messages to a console but instead stores messages and
errors in log files.

Before you begin

To provide data input when you use the silent installation method, you can use a
response file. The following sample response files are provided in the input
directory where the installation package is extracted:

Chapter 2. Installing the server components 51

Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server

Use this file to install the Tivoli Storage Manager components.
Use this file to upgrade the Tivoli Storage Manager components.

These files contain default values that can help you avoid any unnecessary
warnings. To use these files, follow the instructions that are provided in the files.

If you want to customize a response file, you can modify the options that are in
the file. For information about response files, see Response files.

1. Create a response file. You can modify the sample response file or create your
own file.
2. If you install the server and Operations Center in silent mode, create a
password for the Operations Center truststore in the response file.
If you are using the install_response_sample.xml file, add the password in the
following line of the file, where mypassword represents the password:
<variable name=’ssl.password’ value=’mypassword’ />

For more information about this password, see Installation checklist

Tip: To upgrade the Operations Center, the truststore password is not required
if you are using the update_response_sample.xml file.
3. Start the silent installation by issuing the following command from the
directory where the installation package is extracted. The value response_file
represents the response file path and file name:
v ./install.sh -s -input response_file -acceptLicense

What to do next
v If errors occur during the installation process, the errors are recorded in log files
that are stored in the IBM Installation Manager logs directory, for example:
v After you install the server and components, and before you customize it for
your use, go to the IBM Support Portal. Click Downloads (fixes and PTFs) and
apply any applicable fixes.
v After you install a new server, review Taking the first steps after you install
Tivoli Storage Manager to learn about configuring your server.

Installing server language packages

Translations for the server allow the server to display messages and help in
languages other than US English. The translations also allow for the use of locale
conventions for date, time, and number formatting.

52 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server

Server language locales

Use either the default language package option or select another language package
to display server messages and help.

This language package is automatically installed for the following default language
option for Tivoli Storage Manager server messages and help:

For languages or locales other than the default, install the language package that
your installation requires.

You can use the languages that are shown:

Table 12. Server languages for AIX
Language LANGUAGE option value
Chinese, Simplified zh_CN
Chinese, Simplified (UTF-8) ZH_CN
Chinese, Traditional (Big5) Zh_TW
Chinese, Traditional (UTF-8) ZH_TW
Chinese, Traditional (euc_tw) zh_TW
English en_US
English (UTF-8) EN_US
French fr_FR
French (UTF-8) FR_FR
German de_DE
German (UTF-8) DE_DE
Italian it_IT
Italian (UTF-8) IT_IT
Japanese, EUC ja_JP
Japanese, PC Ja_JP
Japanese, UTF8 JA_JP
Korean ko_KR
Korean (UTF-8) KO_KR
Portuguese, Brazilian pt_BR
Portuguese, Brazilian (UTF-8) PT_BR
Russian ru_RU
Russian (UTF-8) RU_RU
Spanish es_ES
Spanish (UTF-8) ES_ES

Restriction: For Operations Center users, some characters might not be displayed
properly if the web browser does not use the same language as the server. If this
problem occurs, set the browser to use the same language as the server.

Chapter 2. Installing the server components 53

Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server

Configuring a language package

After you configure a language package, messages and help are shown on the
server in languages other than US English. Installation packages are provided with
Tivoli Storage Manager.

About this task

To set support for a certain locale, complete one of the following tasks:
v Set the LANGUAGE option in the server options file to the name of the locale that
you want to use. For example:
To use the it_IT locale, set the LANGUAGE option to it_IT. See “Server
language locales” on page 53.
v If you are starting the server in the foreground, set the LC_ALL environment
variable to match the value that is set in the server options file. For example, to
set the environment variable for Italian, enter the following value:
export LC_ALL=it_IT

If the locale is successfully initialized, it formats the date, time, and number for the
server. If the locale is not successfully initialized, the server uses the US English
message files and the date, time, and number format.

Updating a language package

You can modify or update a language package by using the IBM Installation

About this task

You can install another language package within the same Tivoli Storage Manager
v Use the Modify function of IBM Installation Manager to install another language
v Use the Update function of IBM Installation Manager to update to newer
versions of the language packages.

Tip: In IBM Installation Manager, the term update means to discover and install
updates and fixes to installed software packages. In this context, update and upgrade
are synonymous.

54 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Chapter 3. Taking the first steps after you install Tivoli
Storage Manager
After you install Version 7.1.8, prepare for the configuration. Using the
configuration wizard is the preferred method of configuring the Tivoli Storage
Manager instance.

About this task

1. Create the directories and user ID for the server instance. See “Creating the
user ID and directories for the server instance.”
2. Configure a server instance. Select one of the following options:
v Use the configuration wizard, the preferred method. See “Configuring Tivoli
Storage Manager by using the configuration wizard” on page 57.
v Manually configure the new instance. See “Configuring the server instance
manually” on page 58. Complete the following steps during a manual
a. Set up your directories and create the Tivoli Storage Manager instance.
See “Creating the server instance” on page 58.
b. Create a new server options file by copying the sample file to set up
communications between the server and clients. See “Configuring server
and client communications” on page 60.
c. Issue the DSMSERV FORMAT command to format the database. See
“Formatting the database and log” on page 64.
d. Configure your system for database backup. See “Preparing the database
manager for database backup” on page 65.
3. Configure options to control when database reorganization runs. See
“Configuring server options for server database maintenance” on page 67.
4. Start the server instance if it is not already started.
See “Starting the server instance” on page 68.
5. Register your license. See “Registering licenses” on page 73.
6. Prepare your system for database backups. See “Specifying a device class in
preparation for database backups” on page 73.
7. Monitor the server. See “Monitoring the server” on page 75.

Creating the user ID and directories for the server instance

Create the user ID for the Tivoli Storage Manager server instance and create the
directories that the server instance needs for database and recovery logs.

Before you begin

Review the information about planning space for the server before you complete
this task. See “Worksheets for planning details for the server” on page 25.

1. Create the user ID that will own the server instance. You use this user ID when
you create the server instance in a later step.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2017 55

Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server

Create a user ID and group that will be the owner of the server
a. The following commands can be run from an administrative user ID
that will set up the user and group. Create the user ID and group in
the home directory of the user.

Restriction: In the user ID, only lowercase letters (a-z), numerals

(0-9), and the underscore character ( _ ) can be used. The user ID
and group name must comply with the following rules:
v The length must be 8 characters or less.
v The user ID and group name cannot start with ibm, sql, sys, or a
v The user ID and group name cannot be user, admin, guest, public,
local, or any SQL reserved word.
For example, create user ID tsminst1 in group tsmsrvrs. The
following examples show how to create this user ID and group
using operating system commands.
mkgroup id=1001 tsmsrvrs
mkuser id=1002 pgrp=tsmsrvrs home=/home/tsminst1 tsminst1
passwd tsminst1

Restriction: DB2 does not support direct operating system user

authentication through LDAP.
b. Log off, then log in to your system. Change to the user account that
you just created. Use an interactive login program, such as telnet, so
that you are prompted for the password and can change it if
2. Create directories that the server requires.
Create empty directories for each item in the table and ensure that the directories are
owned by the new user ID you just created. Mount the associated storage to each directory
for the active log, archive log, and database directories.
Example commands for
Item creating the directories Your directories
The instance directory for mkdir /tsminst1
the server, which is a
directory that will
contain files specifically
for this server instance
(the server options file
and other server-specific
The database directories mkdir /tsmdb001
mkdir /tsmdb002
mkdir /tsmdb003
mkdir /tsmdb004
Active log directory mkdir /tsmlog
Archive log directory mkdir /tsmarchlog
Optional: Directory for mkdir /tsmlogmirror
the log mirror for the
active log

56 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server

Create empty directories for each item in the table and ensure that the directories are
owned by the new user ID you just created. Mount the associated storage to each directory
for the active log, archive log, and database directories.
Example commands for
Item creating the directories Your directories
Optional: Secondary mkdir /tsmarchlogfailover
archive log directory
(failover location for
archive log)

When a server is initially created by using the DSMSERV FORMAT utility or the
configuration wizard, a server database and recovery log are created. In
addition, files are created to hold database information that is used by the
database manager.
3. Log off the new user ID.

Configuring the Tivoli Storage Manager server

After you have installed the server and prepared for the configuration, configure
the server instance.

About this task

Configure a Tivoli Storage Manager server instance by selecting one of the

following options:
v Use the Tivoli Storage Manager configuration wizard on your local system. See
“Configuring Tivoli Storage Manager by using the configuration wizard.”
v Manually configure the new Tivoli Storage Manager instance. See “Configuring
the server instance manually” on page 58. Complete the following steps during
a manual configuration.
1. Set up the directories and create the Tivoli Storage Manager instance. See
“Creating the server instance” on page 58.
2. Create a new server options file by copying the sample file in order to set up
communications between the Tivoli Storage Manager server and clients. See
“Configuring server and client communications” on page 60.
3. Issue the DSMSERV FORMAT command to format the database. See
“Formatting the database and log” on page 64.
4. Configure your system for database backup. See “Preparing the database
manager for database backup” on page 65.

Configuring Tivoli Storage Manager by using the configuration

The wizard offers a guided approach to configuring a server. By using the
graphical user interface (GUI), you can avoid some configuration steps that are
complex when done manually. Start the wizard on the system where you installed
the Tivoli Storage Manager server program.

Before you begin

Before you begin to use the configuration wizard, you must complete all preceding
steps to prepare for the configuration. These steps include installing Tivoli Storage
Manager, creating the database and log directories, and creating the directories and
user ID for the server instance.

Chapter 3. Taking the first steps after you install Version 7.1.8 57
Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server

1. Ensure that the following requirements are met:
v The system where you installed Tivoli Storage Manager must have the X
Window System client. You must also be running an X Window System
server on your desktop.
v The system must have the Secure Shell (SSH) protocol enabled. Ensure that
the port is set to the default value, 22, and that the port is not blocked by a
firewall. You must enable password authentication in the sshd_config file in
the /etc/ssh/ directory. Also, ensure that the SSH daemon service has access
rights for connecting to the system by using the localhost value.
v You must be able to log in to Tivoli Storage Manager with the user ID that
you created for the server instance, by using the SSH protocol. When you use
the wizard, you must provide this user ID and password to access that
v Restart the server before you proceed with the Configuration wizard.
2. Start the local version of the wizard:
Open the dsmicfgx program in the /opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin directory.
This wizard can be only run as a root user.
Follow the instructions to complete the configuration. The wizard can be
stopped and restarted, but the server is not operational until the entire
configuration process is complete.

Configuring the server instance manually

After installing Tivoli Storage Manager Version 7.1.8, you can configure Tivoli
Storage Manager manually instead of using the configuration wizard.

Creating the server instance

Create a Tivoli Storage Manager instance by issuing the db2icrt command.

About this task

You can have one or more server instances on one workstation.

Important: Before you run the db2icrt command, verify the following items:
v The home directory for the user (/home/tsminst1) exists. If there is no home
directory, you must create it.
The instance directory stores the following core files that are generated by the
Tivoli Storage Manager server:
– The server options file, dsmserv.opt
– The server key database file, cert.kdb, and the .arm files (used by clients and
other servers to import the Secure Sockets Layer certificates of the server)
– Device configuration file, if the DEVCONFIG server option does not specify a
fully qualified name
– Volume history file, if the VOLUMEHISTORY server option does not specify a
fully qualified name
– Volumes for DEVTYPE=FILE storage pools, if the directory for the device
class is not fully specified, or not fully qualified
– User exits
– Trace output (if not fully qualified)

58 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server

v A shell configuration file (for example, .profile) exists in the home directory.
The root user and instance-user ID must have write permission to this file. For
more information, see the DB2 product information. Search for Linux and UNIX
environment variable settings.
1. Log in using the root user ID and create a Tivoli Storage Manager instance. The
name of the instance must be the same name as the user that owns the
instance. Use the db2icrt command and enter the command on one line:
/opt/tivoli/tsm/db2/instance/db2icrt -a server -u
instance_name instance_name

For example, if your user ID for this instance is tsminst1, use the following
command to create the instance. Enter the command on one line.
/opt/tivoli/tsm/db2/instance/db2icrt -a server -u
tsminst1 tsminst1

Remember: From this point on, use this new user ID when you configure your
Tivoli Storage Manager server. Log out of the root user ID and log in under the
new instance-user ID.
2. Change the default directory for the database to be the same as the instance
directory for the server. If you have multiple servers, log in under the instance
ID for each server. Issue this command:
db2 update dbm cfg using dftdbpath instance_directory

For example, where instance_directory is the instance user ID:

db2 update dbm cfg using dftdbpath /tsminst1
3. Modify the library path to use the version of the IBM Global Security Kit
(GSKit) that is installed with the server. In the following examples,
server_bin_directory is a subdirectory of the server installation directory. For
example, /opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin.
v Issue the following command, on one line:
export LIBPATH=server_bin_directory/dbbkapi:
v You must update the following files to set the library path when DB2 or the
server are started:
Bash or Korn shell example:
C shell example:
v Add the following entry to the instance_users_home_directory/sqllib/
userprofile (Bash or Korn shell) file. Each entry is on one line.

export LIBPATH
v Add the following entry to the instance_users_home_directory/sqllib/
usercshrc (C shell) file, on one line:
setenv LIBPATH server_bin_directory/dbbkapi:
v Verify the library path settings and that the GSKit is version or later.
Issue the following commands:
gsk8capicmd_64 -version

Chapter 3. Taking the first steps after you install Version 7.1.8 59
Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server

If your GSKit version is not or later, you must reinstall the Tivoli
Storage Manager server. The reinstallation ensures that the correct GSKit
version is available.
4. Create a new server options file. See “Configuring server and client

Configuring server and client communications

A default sample server options file, dsmserv.opt.smp, is created during Tivoli
Storage Manager installation in the /opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin directory. You
must set up communications between the server and clients by creating a new
server options file. To do so, copy the sample file to the directory for the server

About this task

Ensure that you have a server instance directory, for example /tsminst1, and copy
the sample file to this directory. Name the new file dsmserv.opt and edit the
options. Complete this set-up before you initialize the server database. Each
sample or default entry in the sample options file is a comment, a line beginning
with an asterisk (*). Options are not case-sensitive and one or more blank spaces
are allowed between keywords and values.

When editing the options file, follow these guidelines:

v Remove the asterisk at the beginning of the line to activate an option.
v Begin entering the options in any column.
v Enter only one option per line, and the option must be on only one line.
v If you make multiple entries for a keyword, the Tivoli Storage Manager server
uses the last entry.

If you change the server options file, you must restart the server for the changes to
take effect.

You can specify one or more of the following communication methods:

v TCP/IP Version 4 or Version 6
v Shared memory
v Simple network management protocol (SNMP) DPI
v Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

Tip: You can authenticate passwords with the LDAP directory server, or
authenticate passwords with the Tivoli Storage Manager server. Passwords that
are authenticated with the LDAP directory server can provide enhanced system

60 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server

Setting TCP/IP options:

Select from a range of TCP/IP options for the Tivoli Storage Manager server or
retain the default.

About this task

The following is an example of a list of TCP/IP options you can use to set up your
commmethod tcpip
tcpport 1500
tcpwindowsize 0
tcpnodelay yes

Tip: You can use TCP/IP Version 4, Version 6, or both.

The server port address for TCP/IP and SSL communication. The default
value is 1500.
Specifies the size of the TCP/IP buffer that is used when sending or
receiving data. The window size that is used in a session is the smaller of
the server and client window sizes. Larger window sizes use additional
memory but can improve performance.
You can specify an integer from 0 to 2048. To use the default window size
for the operating system, specify 0.
Specifies whether or not the server sends small messages or lets TCP/IP
buffer the messages. Sending small messages can improve throughput but
increases the number of packets sent over the network. Specify YES to
send small messages or NO to let TCP/IP buffer them. The default is YES.
Specifies the port number on which the server TCP/IP communication
driver is to wait for TCP/IP or SSL-enabled communication requests other
than client sessions. The default is the value of TCPPORT.
(SSL-only) (SSL-only) Specifies the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) port number
on which the server TCP/IP communication driver waits for requests for
SSL-enabled sessions for the command-line backup-archive client and the
command-line administrative client.
(SSL-only) Specifies the port address on which the server TCP/IP
communication driver waits for requests for SSL-enabled sessions for the
command-line administrative client.

Chapter 3. Taking the first steps after you install Version 7.1.8 61
Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server

Setting shared memory options:

You can use shared memory communications between clients and servers on the
same system. To use shared memory, TCP/IP Version 4 must be installed on the

About this task

The following example shows a shared memory setting:

commmethod sharedmem
shmport 1510

In this example, SHMPORT specifies the TCP/IP port address of a server when using
shared memory. Use the SHMPORT option to specify a different TCP/IP port. The
default port address is 1510.

COMMMETHOD can be used multiple times in the Tivoli Storage Manager server
options file, with a different value each time. For example, the following example
is possible:
commmethod tcpip
commmethod sharedmem

The maximum number of concurrent shared memory sessions is based on available

system resources. Each shared memory session uses one shared memory region of
up to 4 MB, and four IPCS message queues, depending on the Tivoli Storage
Manager client level.

If the server and client are not run under the same user ID, then the server must
be root. This prevents shared memory communication errors.

Setting SNMP DPI subagent options:

Tivoli Storage Manager implements a simple network management protocol

(SNMP) subagent. You can configure the SNMP subagent to send traps to an
SNMP manager, such as NetView®, and to provide support for a Management
Information Base (MIB).

About this task

The subagent communicates with the SNMP daemon, which in turn communicates
with a management application. The SNMP daemon must support the DPI
protocol. Agents are available on AIX. The subagent process is separate from the
Tivoli Storage Manager server process, but the subagent gets its information from a
server options file. When the SNMP management application is enabled, it can get
information and messages from servers.

Use the following SNMP DPI options as an example of a SNMP setting. You must
specify the COMMMETHOD option.
commmethod snmp
snmpheartbeatinterval 5
snmpmessagecategory severity

62 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server

Setting Secure Sockets Layer options:

You can add more protection for your data and passwords by using Secure Sockets
Layer (SSL).

Before you begin

SSL is the standard technology for creating encrypted sessions between servers and
clients. SSL provides a secure channel for servers and clients to communicate over
open communication paths. With SSL, the identity of the server is verified through
the use of digital certificates.

To ensure better system performance, use SSL only for sessions when it is needed.
Consider adding additional processor resources on the Tivoli Storage Manager
server to manage the increased requirements.

Chapter 3. Taking the first steps after you install Version 7.1.8 63
Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server

Formatting the database and log

Use the DSMSERV FORMAT utility to initialize a server instance. No other server
activity is allowed while you initialize the database and recovery log.

After you set up server communications, you are ready to initialize the database.
Ensure that you log in by using the instance user ID. Do not place the directories
on file systems that might run out of space. If certain directories (for example, the
archive log) become unavailable or full, the server stops. See Capacity planning for
more details.

For optimal performance and to facilitate I/O, specify at least two equally sized
containers or Logical Unit Numbers (LUNs) for the database. In addition, each
active log and archive log should have its own container or LUN.

Setting the exit list handler

Set the DB2NOEXITLIST registry variable to ON for each server instance. Log on to the
system as the server instance owner and issue this command:
db2set -i server_instance_name DB2NOEXITLIST=ON

For example:
db2set -i tsminst1 DB2NOEXITLIST=ON

Initializing a server instance

Use the DSMSERV FORMAT utility to initialize a server instance. For example, if the
server instance directory is /tsminst1, issue the following commands:
cd /tsminst1
dsmserv format dbdir=/tsmdb001 activelogsize=32768
activelogdirectory=/activelog archlogdirectory=/archlog
archfailoverlogdirectory=/archfaillog mirrorlogdirectory=/mirrorlog

Tip: If you specify multiple directories, ensure that the underlying file systems are
of equal size to ensure a consistent degree of parallelism for database operations. If
one or more directories for the database are smaller than the others, they reduce
the potential for optimized parallel prefetching and distribution of the database.

Tip: If DB2 does not start after you issue the DSMSERV FORMAT command, you might
need to disable the file system mount option NOSUID. If this option is set on the file
system that contains the DB2 instance owner directory, or on any file system that
contains the DB2 database, active logs, archive logs, failover logs, or mirrored logs,
the option must be disabled to start the system.

After you disable the NOSUID option, remount the file system and then start DB2 by
issuing the following command:
Related information:
DSMSERV FORMAT (Format the database and log)

64 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server

Preparing the database manager for database backup

To back up the data in the database to Tivoli Storage Manager, you must enable
the database manager and configure the Tivoli Storage Manager application
programming interface (API).

About this task

Starting with Tivoli Storage Manager V7.1, it is no longer necessary to set the API
password during a manual configuration of the server. If you set the API password
during the manual configuration process, attempts to back up the database might

If you use the configuration wizard to create a Tivoli Storage Manager server
instance, you do not have to complete these steps. If you are configuring an
instance manually, complete the following steps before you issue either the BACKUP
DB or the RESTORE DB commands.

Attention: If the database is unusable, the entire Tivoli Storage Manager server is
unavailable. If a database is lost and cannot be recovered, it might be difficult or
impossible to recover data that is managed by that server. Therefore, it is critically
important to back up the database.

In the following commands, replace the example values with your actual values.
The examples use tsminst1 for the server instance user ID, /tsminst1 for the
server instance directory, and /home/tsminst1 as the server instance users home
1. Set the Tivoli Storage Manager API environment-variable configuration for the
database instance:
a. Log in by using the tsminst1 user ID.
b. When user tsminst1 is logged in, ensure that the DB2 environment is
properly initialized. The DB2 environment is initialized by running the
/home/tsminst1/sqllib/db2profile script, which normally runs
automatically from the profile of the user ID. Ensure the .profile file exists
in the instance users home directory, for example, /home/tsminst1/.profile.
If .profile does not run the db2profile script, add the following lines:
if [ -f /home/tsminst1/sqllib/db2profile ]; then
. /home/tsminst1/sqllib/db2profile
c. In the instance_directory/sqllib/userprofile file, add the following lines:

v instance_directory is the home directory of the server instance user.
v server_instance_directory is the server instance directory.
v server_bin_directory is the server bin directory. The default location is
In the instance_directory/sqllib/usercshrc file, add the following lines:
setenv DSMI_CONFIG=server_instance_directory/tsmdbmgr.opt
setenv DSMI_DIR=server_bin_directory/dbbkapi
setenv DSMI_LOG=server_instance_directory
2. Log off and log in again as tsminst1, or issue this command:

Chapter 3. Taking the first steps after you install Version 7.1.8 65
Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server

. ~/.profile

Tip: Ensure that you enter a space after the initial dot (.) character.
3. Create a file that is named tsmdbmgr.opt in the server_instance directory, which
is in the /tsminst1 directory in this example, and add the following line:

Remember: The value for SERVERNAME must be consistent in the tsmdbmgr.opt

and dsm.sys files.
4. As root user, add the following lines to the Tivoli Storage Manager API dsm.sys
configuration file. By default, the dsm.sys configuration file is in the following
default location:
commmethod tcpip
tcpserveraddr localhost
tcpport 1500
errorlogname /tsminst1/tsmdbmgr.log
nodename $$_TSMDBMGR_$$
v servername matches the servername value in the tsmdbmgr.opt file.
v commethod specifies the client API that is used to contact the server for
database backup. This value can be tcpip or sharedmem. For more
information about shared memory, see step 5.
v tcpserveraddr specifies the server address that the client API uses to contact
the server for database backup. To ensure that the database can be backed
up, this value must be localhost.
v tcpport specifies the port number that the client API uses to contact the server
for database backup. Ensure that you enter the same tcpport value that is
specified in the dsmserv.opt server options file.
v errorlogname specifies the error log where the client API logs errors that are
encountered during a database backup. This log is typically in the server
instance directory. However, this log can be placed in any location where the
instance user ID has write-permission.
v nodename specifies the node name that the client API uses to connect to the
server during a database backup. To ensure that the database can be backed
up, this value must be $$_TSMDBMGR_$$.
5. Optional: Configure the server to back up the database by using shared
memory. In this way, you might be able to reduce the processor load and
improve throughput. Complete the following steps:
a. Review the dsmserv.opt file. If the following lines are not in the file, add
commmethod sharedmem
shmport port_number

where port_number specifies the port to be used for shared memory.

b. In the dsm.sys configuration file, locate the following lines:
commmethod tcpip
tcpserveraddr localhost
tcpport port_number

Replace the specified lines with the following lines:

66 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server

commmethod sharedmem
shmport port_number

where port_number specifies the port to be used for shared memory.

Configuring server options for server database maintenance

To help avoid problems with database growth and server performance, the server
automatically monitors its database tables and reorganizes them when needed.
Before starting the server for production use, set server options to control when
reorganization runs. If you plan to use data deduplication, ensure that the option
to run index reorganization is enabled.

About this task

Table and index reorganization requires significant processor resources, active log
space, and archive log space. Because database backup takes precedence over
reorganization, select the time and duration for reorganization to ensure that the
processes do not overlap and reorganization can complete.

You can optimize index and table reorganization for the server database. In this
way, you can help to avoid unexpected database growth and performance issues.
For instructions, see technote 1683633.

If you update these server options while the server is running, you must stop and
restart the server before the updated values take effect.

1. Modify the server options.
Edit the server options file, dsmserv.opt, in the server instance directory. Follow
these guidelines when you edit the server options file:
v To enable an option, remove the asterisk at the beginning of the line.
v Enter an option on any line.
v Enter only one option per line. The entire option with its value must be on
one line.
v If you have multiple entries for an option in the file, the server uses the last
To view available server options, see the sample file, dsmserv.opt.smp, in the
/opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin directory.
2. If you plan to use data deduplication, enable the ALLOWREORGINDEX server
option. Add the following option and value to the server options file:
allowreorgindex yes
3. Set the REORGBEGINTIME and REORGDURATION server options to control when
reorganization starts and how long it runs. Select a time and duration so that
reorganization runs when you expect that the server is least busy. These server
options control both table and index reorganization processes.
a. Set the time for reorganization to start by using the REORGBEGINTIME server
option. Specify the time by using the 24-hour system. For example, to set
the start time for reorganization as 8:30 p.m., specify the following option
and value in the server options file:
reorgbegintime 20:30
b. Set the interval during which the server can start reorganization. For
example, to specify that the server can start reorganization for four hours

Chapter 3. Taking the first steps after you install Version 7.1.8 67
Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server

after the time set by the REORGBEGINTIME server option, specify the following
option and value in the server options file:
reorgduration 4
4. If the server was running while you updated the server options file, stop and
restart the server.
Related information:

Starting the server instance

You can start the server by using the instance user ID, which is the preferred
method, or the root user ID.

Before you begin

Ensure that you set access permissions and user limits correctly. For instructions,
see “Verifying access rights and user limits” on page 69.

About this task

When you start the server by using the instance user ID, you simplify the setup
process and avoid potential issues. However, in some cases, it might be necessary
to start the server with the root user ID. For example, you might want to use the
root user ID to ensure that the server can access specific devices. You can set up
the server to start automatically by using either the instance user ID or the root
user ID.

If you must complete maintenance or reconfiguration tasks, start the server in

maintenance mode.


To start the server, take one of the following actions:

v Start the server by using the instance user ID.
For instructions, see “Starting the server from the instance user ID” on page 70.
v Start the server by using the root user ID.
For instructions about authorizing root user IDs to start the server, see
Authorizing root user IDs to start the server (V7.1.1). For instructions about
starting the server by using the root user ID, see Starting the server from the
root user ID (V7.1.1).
v Start the server automatically.
For instructions, see “Automatically starting servers” on page 71.
v Start the server in maintenance mode.
For instructions, see “Starting the server in maintenance mode” on page 72.

68 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server

Verifying access rights and user limits

Before you start the server, verify access rights and user limits.

About this task

If you do not verify user limits, also known as ulimits, you might experience server
instability or a failure of the server to respond. You must also verify the
system-wide limit for the maximum number of open files. The system-wide limit
must be greater than or equal to the user limit.

1. Verify that the server instance user ID has permissions to start the server.
2. For the server instance that you plan to start, ensure that you have authority to
read and write files in the server instance directory. Verify that the dsmserv.opt
file exists in the server instance directory, and that the file includes parameters
for the server instance.
3. If the server is attached to a tape drive, medium changer, or removable media
device, and you plan to start the server by using the instance user ID, grant
read/write access to the instance user ID for these devices. To set permissions,
take one of the following actions:
v If the system is dedicated to Tivoli Storage Manager and only the Tivoli
Storage Manager administrator has access, make the device special file
world-writable. On the operating system command line, issue the following
chmod +w /dev/rmtX
v If the system has multiple users, you can restrict access by making the Tivoli
Storage Manager instance user ID the owner of the special device files. On
the operating system command line, issue the following command:
chmod u+w /dev/rmtX
v If multiple user instances are running on the same system, change the group
name, for example TAPEUSERS, and add each Tivoli Storage Manager
instance user ID to that group. Then, change the ownership of the device
special files to belong to the group TAPEUSERS, and make them
group-writable. On the operating system command line, issue the following
chmod g+w /dev/rmtX
4. Verify the following user limits based on the guidelines in the table.
Table 13. User limit (ulimit) values
User limit type Preferred value Command to query value
Maximum size of core files Unlimited ulimit -Hc
Maximum size of a data Unlimited ulimit -Hd
segment for a process
Maximum file size Unlimited ulimit -Hf
Maximum number of open 65536 ulimit -Hn
Maximum amount of Unlimited ulimit -Ht
processor time in seconds

To modify user limits, follow the instructions in the documentation for your
operating system.

Chapter 3. Taking the first steps after you install Version 7.1.8 69
Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server

Tip: If you plan to start the server automatically by using a script, you can set
the user limits in the script.
5. Ensure that the user limit of maximum user processes (the nproc setting) is set
to the minimum suggested value of 16384.
a. To verify the current user limit, issue the ulimit -Hu command by using the
instance user ID. For example:
[user@Machine ~]$ ulimit -Hu
b. If the limit of maximum user processes is not set to 16384, set the value to
Add the following line to the /etc/security/limits file:
instance_user_id - nproc 16384

where instance_user_id specifies the server instance user ID.

Starting the server from the instance user ID

To start the server from the instance user ID, log in with the instance user ID and
issue the appropriate command from the server instance directory.

Before you begin

Ensure that access rights and user limits are set correctly. For instructions, see
“Verifying access rights and user limits” on page 69.

1. Log in to the system where Tivoli Storage Manager is installed by using the
instance user ID for the server.
2. If you do not have a user profile that runs the db2profile script, issue the
following command:
. /home/tsminst1/sqllib/db2profile

Tip: For instructions about updating the user ID login script to run the
db2profile script automatically, see the DB2 documentation.
3. Start the server by issuing the following command on one line from the server
instance directory:
Ensure that you include a space after SHMPSIZE=64K. By starting the server with
this command, you enable 64 KB memory pages for the server. This setting
helps you optimize server performance.

Tip: The command runs in the foreground so that you can set an administrator
ID and connect to the server instance.
For example, if the name of the server instance is tsminst1 and the server
instance directory is /tsminst1, you can start the instance by issuing the
following commands:
cd /tsminst1
. ~/sqllib/db2profile

70 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server

Automatically starting servers

You can configure the server to start automatically at system startup. Use the
rc.dsmserv script, which is provided for this purpose.

Before you begin

Ensure that access rights and user limits are set correctly. For instructions, see
“Verifying access rights and user limits” on page 69.

About this task

The rc.dsmserv script is in the server installation directory, for example, in the
/opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin directory.

Tip: If you used either the upgrade wizard or the configuration wizard, you might
have chosen to start the server automatically when the system is restarted. If you
selected that choice, an entry for starting the server was added automatically to the
/etc/inittab file.

If you did not use a wizard to configure the server, add an entry to the
/etc/inittab file for each server that you want to automatically start:
1. Set the run level to the value that corresponds to multiuser mode with
networking enabled. Typically, the run level to use is 2, 3, or 5, depending on
the operating system and its configuration. Ensure that the run level in the
/etc/inittab file matches the run level of the operating system. For more
information about multiuser mode and run levels, see the documentation for
your operating system.
2. On the rc.dsmserv command in the /etc/inittab file, specify the instance user
ID with the -u option, and the location of the server instance directory with the
-i option. If you want to start more than one server instance automatically, add
an entry for each server instance. To verify the syntax, see the documentation
for your operating system.

Tip: To automatically start a server instance with the root user ID, use the -U


For example, if the instance owner is tsminst1 and the server instance directory is
/home/tsminst1/tsminst1, add the following entry to /etc/inittab, on one line:
tsm1:2:once:/opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/rc.dsmserv -u tsminst1
-i /home/tsminst1/tsminst1 -q >/dev/console 2>&1

In this example, the ID for the process is tsm1, and the run level is set to 2.

If you have more than one server instance that you want to run, add an entry for
each server instance. For example, if you have instance owner IDs tsminst1 and
tsminst2, and instance directories /home/tsminst1/tsminst1 and
/home/tsminst2/tsminst2, add the following entries to /etc/inittab. Each entry is
on one line.

Chapter 3. Taking the first steps after you install Version 7.1.8 71
Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server

tsm1:2:once:/opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/rc.dsmserv -u tsminst1
-i /home/tsminst1/tsminst1 -q >/dev/console 2>&1
tsm2:2:once:/opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/rc.dsmserv -u tsminst2
-i /home/tsminst2/tsminst2 -q >/dev/console 2>&1
Related information:
Server startup script: rc.dsmserv

Starting the server in maintenance mode

You can start the server in maintenance mode to avoid disruptions during
maintenance and reconfiguration tasks.

About this task

Start the server in maintenance mode by running the DSMSERV utility with the
MAINTENANCE parameter.

The following operations are disabled in maintenance mode:

v Administrative command schedules
v Client schedules
v Reclamation of storage space on the server
v Inventory expiration
v Migration of storage pools
In addition, clients are prevented from starting sessions with the server.

v You do not have to edit the server options file, dsmserv.opt, to start the server in
maintenance mode.
v While the server is running in maintenance mode, you can manually start the
storage-space reclamation, inventory expiration, and storage-pool migration


To start the server in maintenance mode, issue the following command:

dsmserv maintenance

Tip: To view a video about starting the server in maintenance mode, see .

What to do next

To resume server operations in production mode, complete the following steps:

1. Shut down the server by issuing the HALT command:
2. Start the server by using the method that you use in production mode.
Operations that were disabled during maintenance mode are reenabled.

72 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server

Stopping the server

You can stop the server when needed to return control to the operating system. To
avoid losing administrative and client node connections, stop the server only after
current sessions are completed or canceled.

About this task

To stop the server, issue the following command from the Tivoli Storage Manager
command line:

If you cannot connect to the server with an administrative client and you want to
stop the server, you must cancel the process by using the kill command with the
process ID number (pid). The pid is displayed at initialization.

Important: Before you issue the kill command, ensure that you know the correct
process ID for the Tivoli Storage Manager server.
The dsmserv.v6lock file, in the directory from which the server is running, can be
used to identify the process ID of the process to kill. To display the file, enter:
cat /instance_dir/dsmserv.v6lock

Issue the following command to stop the server:

kill -36 dsmserv_pid

where dsmserv_pid is the process ID number.

Registering licenses
Immediately register any Tivoli Storage Manager licensed functions that you
purchase so you do not lose any data after you start server operations, such as
backing up your data.

About this task

Use the REGISTER LICENSE command for this task.

Example: Register a license

Register the base Tivoli Storage Manager license.

register license file=tsmbasic.lic

Specifying a device class in preparation for database backups

To prepare the system for automatic and manual database backups, you must
specify the device class to be used.

Before you begin

Ensure that you have defined a tape or file device class.

About this task

Complete the following steps to set up your system for database backups.

Chapter 3. Taking the first steps after you install Version 7.1.8 73
Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server

1. If you did not use the configuration wizard (dsmicfgx) to configure the server,
ensure that you have completed the steps to manually configure the system for
database backups.
2. Select the device class to be used for backups of the database. Issue the
following command from a IBM Tivoli Storage Manager administrative
command line.
set dbrecovery device_class_name

The device class that you specify is used by the database manager for database
backups. If you do not specify a device class with the SET DBRECOVERY
command, the backup fails.


For example, to specify that the DBBACK device class is to be used, issue this
set dbrecovery dbback

Running multiple server instances on a single system

You can create more than one server instance on your system. Each server instance
has its own instance directory, and database and log directories.

Multiply the memory and other system requirements for one server by the number
of instances planned for the system.

The set of files for one instance of the server is stored separately from the files
used by another server instance on the same system. Use the steps in “Creating the
server instance” on page 58 for each new instance, including creation of the new
instance user.

To manage the system memory that is used by each server, use the DBMEMPERCENT
server option to limit the percentage of system memory. If all servers are equally
important, use the same value for each server. If one server is a production server
and other servers are test servers, set the value for the production server to a
higher value than the test servers.

When you upgrade from Tivoli Storage Manager V6.1, you must upgrade to V6.3
first, and then to V7.1.8. You can upgrade directly from either V6.2 or V6.3 to V7.1.
See the upgrade section (Chapter 5, “Upgrading to V7.1.8,” on page 81) for more
details. When you upgrade and have multiple servers on your system, you must
run the installation wizard only once. The installation wizard collects the database
and variables information for all of your original server instances.

If you upgrade from Tivoli Storage Manager V6.2 or V6.3 to V7.1.8 and have
multiple servers on your system, all instances that exist in DB2 V9.7 are dropped
and recreated in DB2 V10.5. The wizard issues the db2 upgrade db dbname
command for each database. The database environment variables for each instance
on your system are also reconfigured during the upgrade process.
Related tasks:
Running multiple server instances on a single system (V7.1.1)

74 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server

Monitoring the server

When you start to use the server in production, monitor the space that is used by
the server to ensure that the amount of space is adequate. Adjust the space if

1. Monitor the active log to ensure that the size is correct for the workload that is
handled by the server instance.
When the server workload reaches its typical expected level, the space that is
used by the active log is 80% - 90% of the space that is available to the active
log directory. At that point, you might need to increase the amount of space.
Whether you must increase the space depends on the types of transactions in
the server workload. Transaction characteristics affect how the active log space
is used.
The following transaction characteristics can affect the space usage in the active
v The number and size of files in backup operations
– Clients such as file servers that back up large numbers of small files can
cause large numbers of transactions that are completed quickly. The
transactions might use a large amount of space in the active log, but for a
short time.
– Clients such as a mail server or a database server that back up large
amounts of data in few transactions can cause small numbers of
transactions that take a long time to complete. The transactions might use
a small amount of space in the active log, but for a long time.
v Network connection types
– Backup operations that occur over fast network connections cause
transactions that complete more quickly. The transactions use space in the
active log for a shorter time.
– Backup operations that occur over relatively slower connections cause
transactions that take a longer time to complete. The transactions use
space in the active log for a longer time.
If the server is handling transactions with a wide variety of characteristics, the
space that is used for the active log might increase and decrease significantly
over time. For such a server, you might need to ensure that the active log
typically has a smaller percentage of its space used. The extra space allows the
active log to grow for transactions that take a long time to complete.
2. Monitor the archive log to ensure that space is always available.

Remember: If the archive log becomes full, and the failover archive log
becomes full, the active log can become full, and the server stops. The goal is to
make enough space available to the archive log so that it never uses all its
available space.
You are likely to notice the following pattern:
a. Initially, the archive log grows rapidly as typical client-backup operations
b. Database backups occur regularly, either as scheduled or done manually.
c. After at least two full database backups occur, log pruning occurs
automatically. The space that is used by the archive log decreases when the
pruning occurs.
d. Normal client operations continue, and the archive log grows again.

Chapter 3. Taking the first steps after you install Version 7.1.8 75
Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server

e. Database backups occur regularly, and log pruning occurs as often as full
database backups occur.
With this pattern, the archive log grows initially, decreases, and then might
grow again. Over time, as normal operations continue, the amount of space
that is used by the archive log should reach a relatively constant level.
If the archive log continues to grow, consider taking one or both of these
v Add space to the archive log. You might need to move the archive log to a
different file system.
v Increase the frequency of full database backups, so that log pruning occurs
more frequently.
3. If you defined a directory for the failover archive log, determine whether any
logs get stored in that directory during normal operations. If the failover log
space is being used, consider increasing the size of the archive log. The goal is
that the failover archive log is used only under unusual conditions, not in
normal operation.

76 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Chapter 4. Installing a Tivoli Storage Manager server fix pack
Tivoli Storage Manager maintenance updates, which are also referred to as fix
packs, bring your server up to the current maintenance level.

Before you begin

To install a fix pack or interim fix to the server, install the server at the level on
which you want to run it. You do not have to start the server installation at the
base release level. For example, if you currently have V7.1.1 installed, you can go
directly to the latest fix pack for V7.1. You do not have to start with the V7.1.0
installation if a maintenance update is available.

You must have the Tivoli Storage Manager license package installed. The license
package is provided with the purchase of a base release. When you download a fix
pack or interim fix from Fix Central, install the server license that is available on
the Passport Advantage website. To display messages and help in a language other
than US English, install the language package of your choice.

If you upgrade the server to V7.1 or later, and then revert the server to a level that
is earlier than V7.1, you must restore the database to a point in time before the
upgrade. During the upgrade process, complete the required steps to ensure that
the database can be restored: back up the database, the volume history file, the
device configuration file, and the server options file. For more information, see
Chapter 6, “Reverting from Version 7.1 to the previous V6 server,” on page 97.

If you are using the client management service, ensure that you upgrade it to the
same version as the Tivoli Storage Manager server.

Ensure that you retain the installation media from the base release of the installed
server. If you installed Tivoli Storage Manager from a DVD, ensure that the DVD is
available. If you installed Tivoli Storage Manager from a downloaded package,
ensure that the downloaded files are available. If the upgrade fails, and the server
license module is uninstalled, the installation media from the server base release
are required to reinstall the license.

Visit the IBM Support Portal for the following information:

v A list of the latest maintenance and download fixes. Click Support and
downloads and apply any applicable fixes.
v Details about obtaining a base license package. Search for Warranties and
v Supported platforms and system requirements. Search for Tivoli Storage
Manager supported operating systems.

About this task

To install a fix pack or interim fix, complete the following steps.

Attention: Do not alter the DB2 software that is installed with Tivoli Storage
Manager installation packages and fix packs. Do not install or upgrade to a
different version, release, or fix pack of DB2 software because doing so can damage
the database.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2017 77

Installing a Tivoli Storage Manager fix pack

1. Log in as the root user.
2. Obtain the package file for the fix pack or interim fix that you want to install
from the IBM Support Portal or from Fix Central.
3. Change to the directory where you placed the executable file and complete the
following steps.

Tip: The files are extracted to the current directory. Ensure that the executable
file is in the directory where you want the extracted files to be located.
a. Change file permissions by entering the following command:
chmod a+x 7.x.x.x-TIV-TSMALL-platform.bin

where platform denotes the architecture that Tivoli Storage Manager is to

be installed on.
b. Issue the following command to extract the installation files:
4. Back up the database. The preferred method is to use a snapshot backup. A
snapshot backup is a full database backup that does not interrupt any
scheduled database backups. For example, issue the following Tivoli Storage
Manager administrative command:
backup db type=dbsnapshot devclass=tapeclass
5. Back up the device configuration information. Issue the following Tivoli
Storage Manager administrative command:
backup devconfig filenames=file_name

where file_name specifies the name of the file in which to store device
configuration information.
6. Save the volume history file to another directory or rename the file. Issue the
following Tivoli Storage Manager administrative command:
backup volhistory filenames=file_name

where file_name specifies the name of the file in which to store the volume
history information.
7. Save a copy of the server options file, typically named dsmserv.opt. The file is
in the server instance directory.
8. Halt the server before installing a fix pack or interim fix. Use the HALT
9. Ensure that extra space is available in the installation directory. The
installation of this fix pack might require additional temporary disk space in
the installation directory of the server. The amount of additional disk space
can be as much as that required for installing a new database as part of a
Tivoli Storage Manager installation. The Tivoli Storage Manager installation
wizard displays the amount of space that is required for installing the fix pack
and the available amount. If the required amount of space is greater than the
available amount, the installation stops. If the installation stops, add the
required disk space to the file system and restart the installation.
10. Select one of the following ways of installing Tivoli Storage Manager.

Important: After a fix pack is installed, it is not necessary to go through the

configuration again. You can stop after completing the installation, fix any
errors, then restart your servers.

78 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Installing a Tivoli Storage Manager fix pack

Install the Tivoli Storage Manager software by using one of the following
Installation wizard
Follow the instructions for your operating system:
“Installing Tivoli Storage Manager by using the installation wizard”
on page 48

Tip: After you start the wizard, in the IBM Installation Manager window,
click the Update icon; do not click the Install or Modify icon.
Command line in console mode
Follow the instructions for your operating system:
“Installing Tivoli Storage Manager by using console mode” on page 50
Silent mode
Follow the instructions for your operating system:
“Installing Tivoli Storage Manager in silent mode” on page 51

Tip: If you have multiple server instances on your system, run the installation
wizard only once. The installation wizard upgrades all server instances.


Correct any errors that are detected during the installation process.

If you installed the server by using the installation wizard, you can view
installation logs by using the IBM Installation Manager tool. Click File > View
Log. To collect log files, from the IBM Installation Manager tool, click Help >
Export Data for Problem Analysis.

If you installed the server by using console mode or silent mode, you can view
error logs in the IBM Installation Manager log directory, for example:

Applying a fix pack to Tivoli Storage Manager V7 in a clustered

Tivoli Storage Manager maintenance updates, which are also referred to as fix
packs, bring your server up to the current maintenance level. It is possible to apply
a fix pack onto a clustered environment for AIX.

Before you begin

To install a fix pack or interim fix to the server, install the server at the level on
which you want to run it. You do not have to start the server installation at the
base release level. For example, if you currently have V7.1.1 installed, you can go
directly to the latest fix pack for V7.1. You do not have to start with the V7.1.0
installation if a maintenance update is available.

1. Back up the database. The preferred method is to use a snapshot backup. A
snapshot backup is a full database backup that does not interrupt any
scheduled database backups. For example, issue the following command:
backup db type=dbsnapshot devclass=tapeclass

Chapter 4. Installing a Tivoli Storage Manager fix pack 79

Installing a Tivoli Storage Manager fix pack

If you must revert the server to the previous level, you must have the
database backup and the configuration files to restore the server to the
previous level.
2. Back up the device configuration information. Issue the following command:
backup devconfig filenames=file_name

where file_name specifies the name of the file in which to store device
configuration information.
3. Back up the volume history information. Issue the following command:
backup volhistory filenames=file_name

where file_name specifies the name of the file in which to store the volume
history information.
4. Save a copy of the server options file, typically named dsmserv.opt. The file is
in the server instance directory.
5. If you are using application level monitoring of the Tivoli Storage Manager
server, from the primary node, suspend monitoring of the dsmserv application
resource. To suspend monitoring, use the smitty IBM PowerHA® menu.
6. Stop the Tivoli Storage Manager server.
7. Verify that the database manager is not running.
8. Mount all shared resources on the primary node. Verify that no other nodes
have write access to these resources during the fix pack installation. If your
environment includes multiple instances of Tivoli Storage Manager, shared
resources for all instances must be accessible to the primary node during the
fix pack installation.
9. Install the Tivoli Storage Manager server on the primary node.
10. Start the Tivoli Storage Manager server.
11. Halt the Tivoli Storage Manager server. Go to the secondary node.
12. On the secondary node, install the Tivoli Storage Manager server.

80 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Chapter 5. Upgrading to V7.1.8
You can upgrade a V6 server to V7.1.8.

About this task

To upgrade the server on the same operating system, see the upgrade instructions:
Table 14. Upgrade information
To upgrade from this
version To this version See this information
V8.1 V8.1 fix pack or interim fix
Chapter 4, “Installing a Tivoli
Storage Manager server fix
pack,” on page 77
V7.1 V7.1 fix pack or interim fix
Chapter 4, “Installing a Tivoli
Storage Manager server fix
pack,” on page 77
V6.2 or V6.3 V7.1.8 “Upgrading from V6.2 or
V6.3 to V7.1.8” on page 82
V6.1 V7.1.8 “Upgrading from V6.1 to
V7.1.8” on page 88

An upgrade from V6 or V7 to V7.1.8 takes approximately 20 - 50 minutes. Your

environment might produce different results than that obtained in the labs.

For information about upgrades in a clustered environment, see “Upgrading the

server in a clustered environment” on page 88.

To revert to an earlier version of the server after an upgrade or migration, you

must have a full database backup and the installation software for the original
server. You must also have key configuration files:
v Volume history file
v Device configuration file
v Server options file
Related information:
IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Upgrade and Migration Process - Frequently
Asked Questions

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2017 81

Upgrading the Tivoli Storage Manager server

Upgrading from V6.2 or V6.3 to V7.1.8

You can upgrade the server directly from Tivoli Storage Manager V6.2 or V6.3 to
V7.1.8. You do not need to uninstall V6.2 or V6.3.

Before you begin

Ensure that you retain the installation media from the V6.2 or V6.3 server base
release that you are upgrading. If you installed the server components from a
DVD, ensure that the DVD is available. If you installed the server components
from a downloaded package, ensure that the downloaded files are available. If the
upgrade fails, and the server license module is uninstalled, the installation media
from the server base release are required to reinstall the license.

To upgrade the server to V7.1.8, complete the following tasks:
1. “Planning the upgrade”
2. “Preparing the system” on page 83
3. “Installing V7.1.8 and verifying the upgrade” on page 84

Planning the upgrade

Before you upgrade the server from V6.2 or V6.3 to V7.1.8, you must review the
relevant planning information, such as system requirements and release notes.
Then, select an appropriate day and time to upgrade the system so that you can
minimize the impact on production operations.

About this task

In lab tests, the process of upgrading the server from V6.2 or V6.3 to V7.1 took 14 -
45 minutes. The results that you achieve might differ, depending on your hardware
and software environment, and the size of the server database.

The following table shows the results that were obtained in lab tests.
Table 15. V6 to V7 upgrade times in lab tests
Version of Random
source Version of Operating Size of server access
system target system system database memory Upgrade time
V6.3.4 V7.1 AIX 17 GB 64 GB 40 minutes
V6.3.4 V7.1 AIX 487 GB 32 GB 45 minutes
V6.3.4 V7.1 AIX 3.8 TB 64 GB 35 minutes
V6.2.5 V7.1 Linux 6.16 GB 16 GB 15 minutes
V6.3.4 V7.1 Linux 30 GB 16 GB 14 minutes
V6.2.5 V7.1 Linux 70 GB 16 GB 24 minutes
V6.3.4 V7.1 Linux 1.4 TB 64 GB 30 minutes
V6.2.5 V7.1 Oracle Solaris 9.43 GB 32 GB 35 minutes
V6.3.4 V7.1 Windows 2.35 TB 64 GB 45 minutes

1. Review the hardware and software requirements:

82 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Upgrading the Tivoli Storage Manager server

“Minimum system requirements for the Tivoli Storage Manager server” on

page 20
For the latest updates related to system requirements, see the Tivoli Storage
Manager support website at http://www.ibm.com/support/
2. For special instructions or specific information for your operating system,
review the release notes (http://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/
SSGSG7_7.1.3/srv.common/r_relnotes_srv.html) and readme files
(http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27044931) for V7.1.8
server components.
3. Select an appropriate day and time to upgrade your system to minimize the
impact on production operations. The amount of time that is required to
update the system depends on the database size and many other factors. When
you start the upgrade process, clients cannot connect to the server until the
new software is installed and any required licenses are registered again.

Preparing the system

To prepare the system for the upgrade from V6.2 or V6.3 to V7, you must gather
information about each DB2 instance. Then, back up the server database, save key
configuration files, cancel sessions, and stop the server.

1. Log on to the computer where Tivoli Storage Manager is installed.
Ensure that you are logged on with the instance user ID.
2. Obtain a list of DB2 instances. Issue the following system command:

The output might be similar to the following example:


Ensure that each instance corresponds to a server that is running on the

3. For each DB2 instance, note the default database path, actual database path,
database name, database alias, and any DB2 variables that are configured for
the instance. Keep the record for future reference. This information is required
to restore the V6 database.
4. Connect to the Tivoli Storage Manager server by using an administrative user
5. Back up the Tivoli Storage Manager database by using the BACKUP DB
command. The preferred method is to create a snapshot backup, which is a
full database backup that does not interrupt scheduled database backups. For
example, you can create a snapshot backup by issuing the following
backup db type=dbsnapshot devclass=tapeclass
6. Back up the device configuration information to another directory by issuing
the following Tivoli Storage Manager administrative command:
backup devconfig filenames=file_name

where file_name specifies the name of the file in which to store device
configuration information.

Tip: If you decide to restore the V6 database, this file is required.

Chapter 5. Upgrading the server 83

Upgrading the Tivoli Storage Manager server

7. Back up the volume history file to another directory. Issue the following Tivoli
Storage Manager administrative command:
backup volhistory filenames=file_name

where file_name specifies the name of the file in which to store the volume
history information.

Tip: If you decide to restore the V6 database, this file is required.

8. Save a copy of the server options file, which is typically named dsmserv.opt.
The file is in the server instance directory.
9. Prevent activity on the server by disabling new sessions. Issue the following
Tivoli Storage Manager administrative commands:
disable sessions client
disable sessions server
10. Verify whether any sessions exist, and notify the users that the server will be
stopped. To check for existing sessions, issue the following Tivoli Storage
Manager administrative command:
query session
11. Cancel sessions by issuing the following Tivoli Storage Manager
administrative command:
cancel session all

This command cancels all sessions except for your current session.
12. Stop the server by issuing the following Tivoli Storage Manager
administrative command:
13. Verify that the server is shut down and no processes are running.
Issue the following command:
ps -ef | grep dsmserv
14. In the server instance directory of your installation, locate the NODELOCK file
and move it to another directory, where you are saving configuration files.
The NODELOCK file contains the previous licensing information for your
installation. This licensing information is replaced when the upgrade is

Installing V7.1.8 and verifying the upgrade

To complete the process of upgrading the server from V6.2 or V6.3 to V7.1.8, you
must install the V7.1.8 server. Then, verify that the upgrade was successful by
starting the server instance.

Before you begin

You must be logged on to the system by using the root user ID.

You can obtain the installation package from the product DVD or from an IBM
download site.

If you plan to download the files, set the system user limit for maximum file size
to unlimited to ensure that the files can be downloaded correctly.
1. To query the maximum file size value, issue the following command:
ulimit -Hf

84 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Upgrading the Tivoli Storage Manager server

2. If the system user limit for maximum file size is not set to unlimited, change it
to unlimited by following the instructions in the documentation for your
operating system.

About this task

By using the Tivoli Storage Manager installation software, you can install the
following components:
v Server

Tip: The database (DB2), the Global Security Kit (GSKit) and IBM Java Runtime
Environment (JRE) are automatically installed when you select the server
v Server languages
v License
v Devices
v Tivoli Storage Manager for Storage Area Networks
v Operations Center

1. If you are obtaining the package from an IBM download site, download the
appropriate package file from one of the following websites:
v For a first time installation or a new release go to Passport Advantage to
download the license.
v For all components except the license, download the server package from
Fix Central.
v For the latest information, updates, and maintenance fixes, go to the IBM
Support Portal.
2. If you are downloading the package from one of the download sites, complete
the following steps:

a. Verify that you have enough space to store the installation files
when they are extracted from the product package. For space
requirements, see the download document for your product.
v Tivoli Storage Manager technote 4042235
v Tivoli Storage Manager Extended Edition technote 4042236
v System Storage Archive Manager technote 4042237
b. Download the package file to the directory of your choice. The
path must contain no more than 128 characters. Be sure to extract
the installation files to an empty directory. Do not extract to a
directory that contains previously extracted files, or any other files.
Also, ensure that you have executable permission for the package
c. If necessary, change the file permissions by issuing the following
chmod a+x package_name.bin
where package_name is like the following example:

In the examples, 7.1.x.000 represents the product release level.

Chapter 5. Upgrading the server 85

Upgrading the Tivoli Storage Manager server

d. Extract the installation files by issuing the following command:


The package is large. Therefore, the extraction takes some time.

3. To ensure that the Tivoli Storage Manager wizards work correctly, verify that
the following command is enabled:
By default, the command is enabled.
4. Install the Tivoli Storage Manager software by using one of the following
methods. During the installation process, you must install the Tivoli Storage
Manager license.

Tip: If you have multiple server instances on your system, install the Tivoli
Storage Manager software only once to upgrade all server instances.
Installation wizard
To install the server by using the graphical wizard of IBM Installation
Manager, follow the instructions in “Installing Tivoli Storage Manager
by using the installation wizard” on page 48.
Ensure that your system meets the prerequisites for using the
installation wizard. Then, complete the installation procedure. In the
IBM Installation Manager window, click the Install icon; do not click
the Update or Modify icon.
Command line in console mode
To install the server by using the command line in console mode,
follow the instructions in “Installing Tivoli Storage Manager by using
console mode” on page 50.
Review the information about installing the server in console mode
and then complete the installation procedure.
Silent mode
To install the server by using silent mode, follow the instructions in
“Installing Tivoli Storage Manager in silent mode” on page 51.
Review the information about installing the server in silent mode and
then complete the installation procedure.
After you install the software, you do not have to reconfigure the system.
5. Correct any errors that are detected during the installation process.
If you installed the server by using the installation wizard, you can view
installation logs by using the IBM Installation Manager tool. Click File > View
Log. To collect log files, from the IBM Installation Manager tool, click Help >
Export Data for Problem Analysis.
If you installed the server by using console mode or silent mode, you can
view error logs in the IBM Installation Manager log directory, for example:
6. Obtain any applicable fixes by going to the IBM Support Portal. Click
Downloads (fixes and PTFs) and apply any applicable fixes.
7. Verify that the upgrade was successful:
a. Start the server instance.
For instructions, see “Starting the server instance” on page 68.

86 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Upgrading the Tivoli Storage Manager server

b. Monitor the messages that the server issues as it starts. Watch for error
and warning messages, and resolve any issues.
c. Verify that you can connect to the server by using the administrative client.
To start an administrative client session, issue the following Tivoli Storage
Manager administrative command:
d. To obtain information about the upgraded system, run QUERY commands.
For example, to obtain consolidated information about the system, issue
the following Tivoli Storage Manager administrative command:
query system

To obtain information about the database, issue the following Tivoli

Storage Manager administrative command:
query db format=detailed
8. Register the licenses for the Tivoli Storage Manager server components that
are installed on your system by issuing the REGISTER LICENSE command:
register license file=installation_directory/server/bin/component_name.lic

where installation_directory specifies the directory in which you installed the

component, and component_name specifies the abbreviation for the component.

For example, if you installed the server in the default directory,

/opt/tivoli/tsm, register the license by issuing the following command:
register license file=/opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/tsmbasic.lic

For example, if you installed Tivoli Storage Manager Extended Edition in the
/opt/tivoli/tsm directory, issue the following command:
register license file=/opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/tsmee.lic

For example, if you installed System Storage Archive Manager in the

/opt/tivoli/tsm directory, issue the following command:
register license file=/opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/dataret.lic

Restriction: You cannot use the Tivoli Storage Manager server to register
licenses for IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Mail, Tivoli Storage Manager for
Databases, IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Enterprise Resource Planning, and
Tivoli Storage Manager for Space Management. The REGISTER LICENSE
command does not apply to these licenses. The licensing for these products is
done by Tivoli Storage Manager clients.
9. Optional: To install an additional language package, use the modify function
of the IBM Installation Manager.
10. Optional: To upgrade to a newer version of a language package, use the
update function of the IBM Installation Manager.

What to do next

You can authenticate passwords with the LDAP directory server, or authenticate
passwords with the Tivoli Storage Manager server. Passwords that are
authenticated with the LDAP directory server can provide enhanced system

Chapter 5. Upgrading the server 87

Upgrading the Tivoli Storage Manager server

Upgrading from V6.1 to V7.1.8

You can upgrade the Tivoli Storage Manager server from V6.1 to V6.3, and then
upgrade the server to V7.1.8. It is not possible to upgrade the server directly from
V6.1 to V7.1.8.

Before you begin

Ensure that you retain the installation media from the base release of the V6.1 and
V6.3 servers. If you obtained the Tivoli Storage Manager software from a DVD,
ensure that the DVD is available. If you obtained the Tivoli Storage Manager
software from a downloaded package, ensure that the downloaded files are
available. If the upgrade fails, and the server license module is uninstalled, the
installation media from the server base release are required to reinstall the license.

1. Upgrade the server from V6.1 to V6.3, as described in Upgrading from Tivoli
Storage Manager Version 6.1 to 6.3 or later.
2. Upgrade the server from V6.3 to V7.1.8, as described in “Upgrading from V6.2
or V6.3 to V7.1.8” on page 82.

Upgrading the server in a clustered environment

To upgrade a server to V7.1.8 in a clustered environment, you must complete
preparation and installation tasks. The procedures vary, depending on the
operating system and release.


Follow the procedure for your operating system, source release, and target release:
Table 16. Procedures for upgrading the server in a clustered environment on an AIX
operating system
Source release Target release Procedure
V7.1 V7.1 fix pack “Applying a fix pack to
Tivoli Storage Manager V7 in
a clustered environment” on
page 79
V6.2 or V6.3 V7.1.8 “Upgrading Tivoli Storage
Manager from V6.2 or V6.3
to V7.1.8 in a clustered
environment with a shared
database instance” on page
“Upgrading from V6.2 or
V6.3 to V7.1.8 in a clustered
environment with separate
database instances” on page
V6.1 V7.1.8 “Upgrading Tivoli Storage
Manager from V6.1 to V7.1.8
in a clustered environment”
on page 93

88 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Upgrading the Tivoli Storage Manager server

Table 16. Procedures for upgrading the server in a clustered environment on an AIX
operating system (continued)
Source release Target release Procedure
V5 V7.1.1 or later Upgrading the server to
V7.1.1 in an AIX clustered

Upgrading Tivoli Storage Manager from V6.2 or V6.3 to V7.1.8

in a clustered environment with a shared database instance
You can upgrade a Tivoli Storage Manager server from V6.2 or V6.3 to V7.1.8 in a
clustered environment on AIX with a shared database instance. In this way, you
can take advantage of the new features in Tivoli Storage Manager V7.1.8.

Before you begin

Ensure that you retain the installation media from the V6.2 or V6.3 server base
release that you are upgrading. If you installed Tivoli Storage Manager from a
DVD, ensure that the DVD is available. If you installed Tivoli Storage Manager
from a downloaded package, ensure that the downloaded files are available. If the
upgrade fails, and the server license module is uninstalled, the installation media
from the server base release are required to reinstall the license.

About this task

Use the following procedure when the DB2 instance directory is shared between
the nodes in the cluster. The DB2 instance directory is in the following location:

If the DB2 instance directory is not shared between nodes, follow the instructions
in “Upgrading from V6.2 or V6.3 to V7.1.8 in a clustered environment with
separate database instances” on page 91.

1. Back up the database by using the BACKUP DB command. The preferred method
is to use a snapshot backup, which creates a full database backup without
interrupting any scheduled backups. For example, you can create a snapshot
backup by issuing the following command:
backup db type=dbsnapshot devclass=tapeclass
2. Back up the device configuration information to another directory. Issue the
following command:
backup devconfig filenames=file_name

where file_name specifies the name of the file in which to store device
configuration information.
3. Back up the volume history file to another directory. Issue the following
backup volhistory filenames=file_name

where file_name specifies the name of the file in which to store the volume
history information.
4. Save a copy of the server options file, which is typically named dsmserv.opt.
The file is in the server instance directory.

Chapter 5. Upgrading the server 89

Upgrading the Tivoli Storage Manager server

5. Stop all instances of the server. Verify that no server processes are running. If
you are using application-level monitoring of the Tivoli Storage Manager
server, use your clustering tool to suspend monitoring of the dsmserv
application resource.
6. Verify that the database manager is not running for any instance. Determine
whether any db2sysc processes are running. The owner of running processes
indicates which instances are active. For each server instance owner, run the
following command to stop DB2:
7. On the primary node, install the Tivoli Storage Manager V7.1.8 server by
running the ./install.sh command. For instructions, see Chapter 2,
“Installing the server components,” on page 47. After you start the wizard, in
the IBM Installation Manager window, click the Install icon; do not click the
Update or Modify icon.
8. Start each V7.1.8 server in the foreground:
a. Verify that you are logged in with the instance owner ID.
b. Navigate to the instance directory and issue the following command:
Wait until you see the server prompt, which indicates that the server is
9. Stop the server for each Tivoli Storage Manager instance that is being
upgraded. Issue the following command:

Tip: Because the DB2 instance directory is shared between the nodes in the
cluster, you do not have to move the shared resources to the secondary node
in the cluster.
10. On each secondary node in the cluster, complete the following steps:
a. Install the Tivoli Storage Manager V7.1.8 server by running the
./install.sh command. For instructions, see Chapter 2, “Installing the
server components,” on page 47.
1) If you are running the installation wizard, in the IBM Installation
Manager window, click the Install icon; do not click the Update or
Modify icon.
2) If you are running the installation wizard, in the Instance Credentials
panel, clear the Update this instance check box for each instance.
3) If you are installing the server in console mode, at the prompt Do you
want update this instance?, enter NO for each instance.
4) If you are installing the server in silent mode, specify FALSE for the
value of the user.instance_name_update variable for each instance.
b. Ensure that each Tivoli Storage Manager V7.1.8 server starts. If you are
using application-level monitoring, use the clustering tool to start the
For instructions about starting the server, see “Starting the server instance”
on page 68.
11. Register the licenses for the server components that are installed on your
system by issuing the REGISTER LICENSE command:
register license file=installation_directory/server/bin/component_name.lic

where installation_directory specifies the directory in which you installed the

component and component_name specifies the abbreviation for the component.

90 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Upgrading the Tivoli Storage Manager server

For example, if you installed the server in the default directory,

/opt/tivoli/tsm, register the license by issuing the following command:
register license file=/opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/tsmbasic.lic

For example, if you installed Tivoli Storage Manager Extended Edition in the
/opt/tivoli/tsm directory, issue the following command:
register license file=/opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/tsmee.lic

For example, if you installed System Storage Archive Manager in the

/opt/tivoli/tsm directory, issue the following command:
register license file=/opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/dataret.lic

Restriction: You cannot use the Tivoli Storage Manager server to register
licenses for Tivoli Storage Manager for Mail, Tivoli Storage Manager for
Databases, Tivoli Storage Manager for ERP, and Tivoli Storage Manager for
Space Management. The REGISTER LICENSE command does not apply to these
licenses. The licensing for these products is done by Tivoli Storage Manager

Upgrading from V6.2 or V6.3 to V7.1.8 in a clustered

environment with separate database instances
You can upgrade a server from V6.2 or V6.3 to V7.1.8 in a clustered environment
on AIX with separate database instances. In this way, you can take advantage of
the new features in V7.1.8.

Before you begin

Ensure that you retain the installation media from the V6.2 or V6.3 server base
release that you are upgrading. If you installed Tivoli Storage Manager from a
DVD, ensure that the DVD is available. If you installed Tivoli Storage Manager
from a downloaded package, ensure that the downloaded files are available. If the
upgrade fails, and the server license module is uninstalled, the installation media
from the server base release are required to reinstall the license.

About this task

Use the following procedure when the DB2 instance directory is not shared
between the nodes in the cluster. The DB2 instance directory is at the following

If the DB2 instance directory is shared between the nodes in the cluster, follow the
instructions in “Upgrading Tivoli Storage Manager from V6.2 or V6.3 to V7.1.8 in a
clustered environment with a shared database instance” on page 89.

1. Back up the database by using the BACKUP DB command. The preferred method
is to use a snapshot backup, which creates a full database backup without
interrupting any scheduled backups. For example, you can create a snapshot
backup by issuing the following command:
backup db type=dbsnapshot devclass=tapeclass
2. Back up the device configuration information to another directory. Issue the
following command:
backup devconfig filenames=file_name

Chapter 5. Upgrading the server 91

Upgrading the Tivoli Storage Manager server

where file_name specifies the name of the file in which to store device
configuration information.
3. Back up the volume history file to another directory. Issue the following
backup volhistory filenames=file_name

where file_name specifies the name of the file in which to store the volume
history information.
4. Save a copy of the server options file, which is typically named dsmserv.opt.
The file is in the server instance directory.
5. Stop all instances of the server. Verify that no server processes are running. If
you are using application-level monitoring of the Tivoli Storage Manager
server, use your clustering tool to suspend monitoring of the dsmserv
application resource.
6. Verify that the database manager is not running for any instance. Determine
whether any db2sysc processes are running. The owner of running processes
indicates which instances are active. For each server instance owner, run the
following command to stop DB2:
7. Ensure that the shared resources for all Tivoli Storage Manager instances are
on the primary node. Verify that no other nodes have write access to these
resources during the upgrade. If the environment includes multiple instances
of the server, shared resources for all instances must be accessible to the
primary node.
8. On the primary node, install the V7.1.8 server by running the ./install.sh
command. For instructions, see Chapter 2, “Installing the server components,”
on page 47. After you start the wizard, in the IBM Installation Manager
window, click the Install icon; do not click the Update or Modify icon. To
complete the upgrade from V6.2 or V6.3 to V7.1.8, you must install the V7.1.8
9. Start each V7.1.8 server in the foreground:
a. Verify that you are logged in with the instance owner ID.
b. Navigate to the instance directory and issue the following command:
Wait until you see the server prompt, which indicates that the server is
10. Stop the server for each Tivoli Storage Manager instance that is being
upgraded. Issue the following command:
11. On each secondary node in the cluster, complete the following steps:
a. Move all shared resources to the secondary node. If the environment
includes multiple instances of the server, shared resources for all instances
must be accessible to the secondary nodes during the upgrade.
b. Stop all instances of the server. Verify that no server processes are running.
c. Verify that the database manager is not running for any instance.
Determine whether any db2sysc processes are running. The owner of
running processes indicates which instances are active. For each server
instance owner, run the following command to stop DB2:
d. Install the V7.1.8 server by running the ./install.sh command. For
instructions, see Chapter 2, “Installing the server components,” on page 47.

92 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Upgrading the Tivoli Storage Manager server

1) If you are using the installation wizard, in the IBM Installation

Manager window, click the Install icon; do not click the Update or
Modify icon.
2) If you are using the installation wizard, on the Instance Credentials
page, select the Configure this instance on a secondary node of the
cluster check box for each instance that you are configuring.
3) If you are installing the server in console mode, at the prompt
Configure this instance on a secondary node of the cluster?, enter
YES for each instance.
4) If you are installing the server in silent mode, specify TRUE for the
value of the user.instance_name_secondaryNode variable for each
e. Ensure that each V7.1.8 server starts. If you are using application-level
monitoring, use the clustering tool to start the server.
For instructions about starting the server, see “Starting the server instance”
on page 68.
12. Register the licenses for the server components that are installed on your
system by issuing the REGISTER LICENSE command:
register license file=installation_directory/server/bin/component_name.lic

where installation_directory specifies the directory in which you installed the

component and component_name specifies the abbreviation for the component.

For example, if you installed the server in the default directory,

/opt/tivoli/tsm, register the license by issuing the following command:
register license file=/opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/tsmbasic.lic

For example, if you installed Tivoli Storage Manager Extended Edition in the
/opt/tivoli/tsm directory, issue the following command:
register license file=/opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/tsmee.lic

For example, if you installed System Storage Archive Manager in the

/opt/tivoli/tsm directory, issue the following command:
register license file=/opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/dataret.lic

Restriction: You cannot use the Tivoli Storage Manager server to register
licenses for Tivoli Storage Manager for Mail, Tivoli Storage Manager for
Databases, Tivoli Storage Manager for ERP, and Tivoli Storage Manager for
Space Management. The REGISTER LICENSE command does not apply to these
licenses. The licensing for these products is done by Tivoli Storage Manager

Upgrading Tivoli Storage Manager from V6.1 to V7.1.8 in a

clustered environment
You can upgrade a Tivoli Storage Manager server on AIX from V6.1 to V7.1.8 in a
clustered environment. Complete the upgrade to take advantage of the new
features in V7.1.8.

Before you begin

Ensure that you retain the installation media from the base release of the V6.1 and
V6.3 servers. If you obtained the Tivoli Storage Manager software from a DVD,
ensure that the DVD is available. If you obtained the Tivoli Storage Manager

Chapter 5. Upgrading the server 93

Upgrading the Tivoli Storage Manager server

software from a downloaded package, ensure that the downloaded files are
available. If the upgrade fails, and the server license module is uninstalled, the
installation media from the server base release are required to reinstall the license.

About this task

If the clustered environment contains multiple server instances, move all resources
that are required for the instances onto a single cluster node, which is the primary
node, during the upgrade process.

1. Back up the database by using the BACKUP DB command. The preferred method
is to use a snapshot backup, which creates a full database backup without
interrupting any scheduled backups. For example, you can create a snapshot
backup by issuing the following command:
backup db type=dbsnapshot devclass=tapeclass
2. Back up the device configuration information to another directory. Issue the
following command:
backup devconfig filenames=file_name

where file_name specifies the name of the file in which to store device
configuration information.
3. Back up the volume history file to another directory. Issue the following
backup volhistory filenames=file_name

where file_name specifies the name of the file in which to store the volume
history information.
4. Save a copy of the server options file, which is typically named dsmserv.opt.
The file is in the server instance directory.
5. Stop all instances of the Tivoli Storage Manager server. Verify that no Tivoli
Storage Manager server processes are running. If you are using
application-level monitoring of the Tivoli Storage Manager server, use your
clustering tool to suspend monitoring of the dsmserv application resource.
6. Verify that the database manager is not running for any instance. Determine
whether any db2sysc processes are running. The owner of running processes
indicates which instances are active. For each server instance owner, run the
following command to stop DB2:
7. Ensure that the shared resources for all Tivoli Storage Manager instances are
on the primary node. Verify that no other nodes have write access to these
resources during the upgrade.
8. On the primary node, install the V6.3 server by using the ./install.bin
command. For detailed instructions about installing the V6.3 server, see
Installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server components.
9. On the primary node, install the Tivoli Storage Manager V7.1.8 server by
running the ./install.sh command. For instructions, see Chapter 2,
“Installing the server components,” on page 47. After you start the wizard, in
the IBM Installation Manager window, click the Install icon; do not click the
Update or Modify icon.
10. Start each Tivoli Storage Manager V7.1.8 server in the foreground. Using the
instance owner ID, navigate to the instance directory and issue the following

94 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Upgrading the Tivoli Storage Manager server

Wait until you see the server prompt, which indicates that the server is
11. Stop the server for each Tivoli Storage Manager instance that is being
12. On each secondary node in the cluster, complete the following steps:
a. Move all shared resources to the secondary node. If your environment
includes multiple instances of Tivoli Storage Manager, shared resources for
all instances must be accessible to the secondary nodes during the
b. Stop all instances of the Tivoli Storage Manager server. Verify that no
Tivoli Storage Manager server processes are running.
c. Verify that the database manager is not running for any instance.
Determine whether any db2sysc processes are running. The owner of
running processes indicates which instances are active. For each server
instance owner, run the following command to stop DB2:
d. Uninstall the V6.1 server:
1) In the /opt/tivoli/tsm/_uninst directory, issue the following
cd _uninst
2) Issue the following command:

For detailed instructions about uninstalling the server, see the Tivoli
Storage Manager V6.1 documentation.
e. Install the Tivoli Storage Manager V7.1.8 server by running the
./install.sh command. In the IBM Installation Manager window, click
the Install icon; do not click the Update or Modify icon. For instructions
about installing the server, see Chapter 2, “Installing the server
components,” on page 47.
f. Ensure that each Tivoli Storage Manager V7.1.8 server starts.
13. Register the licenses for the server components that are installed on your
system by issuing the REGISTER LICENSE command:
register license file=installation_directory/server/bin/component_name.lic

where installation_directory specifies the directory in which you installed the

component and component_name specifies the abbreviation for the component.

For example, if you installed the server in the default directory,

/opt/tivoli/tsm, register the license by issuing the following command:
register license file=/opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/tsmbasic.lic

For example, if you installed Tivoli Storage Manager Extended Edition in the
/opt/tivoli/tsm directory, issue the following command:
register license file=/opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/tsmee.lic

For example, if you installed System Storage Archive Manager in the

/opt/tivoli/tsm directory, issue the following command:
register license file=/opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/dataret.lic

Chapter 5. Upgrading the server 95

Upgrading the Tivoli Storage Manager server

Restriction: You cannot use the Tivoli Storage Manager server to register
licenses for Tivoli Storage Manager for Mail, Tivoli Storage Manager for
Databases, Tivoli Storage Manager for ERP, and Tivoli Storage Manager for
Space Management. The REGISTER LICENSE command does not apply to these
licenses. The licensing for these products is done by Tivoli Storage Manager

96 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Chapter 6. Reverting from Version 7.1 to the previous V6
If you must revert to the previous version of the server after an upgrade, you must
have a full database backup from your original version. You must also have the
server installation media for your original version and key configuration files.
Carefully follow the preparation steps before you upgrade the server. By doing so,
it might be possible to revert to the previous version of the Tivoli Storage Manager
server with minimal loss of data.

Before you begin

You must have the following items from the earlier version of the server:
v Server database backup
v Volume history file
v Device configuration file
v Server options file

About this task

Use the same instructions whether you are reverting within releases or to an earlier
release, for example, from 6.2.2 to 6.2.0 or from 6.2.2 to 6.1.2. The older version
must match the version that you used before the upgrade to 7.1.8.

Attention: Specify the REUSEDELAY parameter to help prevent backup-archive

client data loss when you revert the server to a previous version.

Steps for reverting to the previous server version

About this task

Complete the following steps on the system that has the V7.1 server.

1. Halt the server to shut down all server operations by using the HALT
2. Remove the database from the database manager, then delete the database and
recovery log directories.
a. Manually remove the database. One way to remove it is by issuing this
dsmserv removedb tsmdb1
b. If you must reuse the space that is occupied by the database and recovery
log directories, you can now delete these directories.
3. Use the uninstallation program to uninstall the V7.1.8 server. Uninstallation
removes the server and the database manager, with their directories. For
details, see Chapter 8, “Uninstalling Tivoli Storage Manager,” on page 105.
4. Reinstall the version of the server program that you were using before the
upgrade to V7.1. This version must match the version that your server was
running when you created the database backup that you restore in a later
step. For example, the server was at version before the upgrade, and

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2017 97

Reverting to a previous Version 6 server version

you intend to use the database backup that was in use on this server. You
must install the fix pack to be able to restore the database backup.
5. Copy the following files to the instance directory.
v Device configuration file
v Volume history file
v The server options file (typically dsmserv.opt)
6. Configure the new server database by using the configuration wizard. To start
the wizard, issue the following command:
. /dsmicfgx
7. Ensure that no servers are running in the background.
8. Restore the database to a point in time before the upgrade.
9. If you enabled data deduplication for any FILE-type storage pools that existed
before the upgrade, or if you moved data that existed before the upgrade into
new storage pools while using the V7.1 server, you must complete additional
recovery steps. For more details, see “Additional recovery steps if you created
new storage pools or enabled data deduplication.”
10. If the REUSEDELAY parameter setting on storage pools is less than the age of the
database that you restored, restore volumes on any sequential-access storage
pools that were reclaimed after that database backup. Use the RESTORE VOLUME
If you do not have a backup of a storage pool, audit the reclaimed volumes
by using the AUDIT VOLUME command, with the FIX=YES parameter to resolve
inconsistencies. For example:
audit volume volume_name fix=yes
11. If client backup or archive operations were completed using the V7.1 server,
audit the storage pool volumes on which the data was stored.

Additional recovery steps if you created new storage pools or enabled

data deduplication
If you created new storage pools, turned on data deduplication for any FILE-type
storage pools, or did both while your server was running as a V7.1.8 server, you
must complete more steps to return to the previous server version.

Before you begin

To complete this task, you must have a complete backup of the storage pool that
was created before the upgrade to V7.1.8.

About this task

Use this information if you did either or both of the following actions while your
server was running as a V7.1.8 server:
v You enabled the data deduplication function for any storage pools that existed
before the upgrade to V7.1.8 program. Data deduplication applies only to
storage pools that use a FILE device type.
v You created new primary storage pools after the upgrade and moved data that
was stored in other storage pools into the new storage pools.

Complete these steps after the server is again restored to V6.

98 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Reverting to a previous Version 6 server version

v For each storage pool for which you enabled the data deduplication function,
restore the entire storage pool by using the RESTORE STGPOOL command.
v For storage pools that you created after the upgrade, determine what action to
take. Data that was moved from existing V6 storage pools into the new storage
pools might be lost because the new storage pools no longer exist in your
restored V6 server. Possible recovery depends on the type of storage pool:
– If data was moved from V6 DISK-type storage pools into a new storage pool,
space that was occupied by the data that was moved was probably reused.
Therefore, you must restore the original V6 storage pools by using the storage
pool backups that were created before the upgrade to V7.1.
If no data was moved from V6 DISK-type storage pools into a new storage
pool, then audit the storage pool volumes in these DISK-type storage pools.
– If data was moved from V6 sequential-access storage pools into a new storage
pool, that data might still exist and be usable in storage pool volumes on the
restored V6 server. The data might be usable if the REUSEDELAY parameter for
the storage pool was set to a value that prevented reclamation while the
server was running as a V7.1.8 server. If any volumes were reclaimed while
the server was running as a V7.1.8 server, restore those volumes from storage
pool backups that were created before the upgrade to V7.1.8.

Chapter 6. Reverting from Version 7.1 to the previous V6 server 99

Reverting to a previous Version 6 server version

100 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Chapter 7. Reference: DB2 commands for Tivoli Storage
Manager server databases
Use this list as reference when you are directed to issue DB2 commands by IBM


After using the wizards to install and configure Tivoli Storage Manager, you
seldom need to issue DB2 commands. A limited set of DB2 commands that you
might use or be asked to issue are listed in Table 17. This list is supplemental
material only and is not a comprehensive list. There is no implication that a Tivoli
Storage Manager administrator will use it on a daily or ongoing basis. Samples of
some commands are provided. Details of output are not listed.

For a full explanation of the commands described here and of their syntax, see the
DB2 product information.
Table 17. DB2 commands
Command Description Example
db2icrt Creates DB2 instances in the home Manually create a Tivoli Storage Manager
directory of the instance owner. instance. Enter the command on one line:
Tip: The Tivoli Storage Manager /opt/tivoli/tsm/db2/instance/
configuration wizard creates the instance db2icrt -a server -u
used by the server and database. After a instance_name instance_name
server is installed and configured through
the configuration wizard, the db2icrt
command is generally not used.

This utility is in the DB2DIR/instance

directory, where DB2DIR represents the
installation location where the current
version of the DB2 database system is
db2set Displays DB2 variables. List DB2 variables:
CATALOG DATABASE Stores database location information in the Catalog the database:
system database directory. The database db2 catalog database tsmdb1
can be located either on the local
workstation or on a remote database
partition server. The server configuration
wizard takes care of any catalog needed
for using the server database. Run this
command manually, after a server is
configured and running, only if something
in the environment changes or is
CONNECT TO DATABASE Connects to a specified database for Connect to the Tivoli Storage Manager
command-line interface (CLI) use. database from a DB2 CLI:
db2 connect to tsmdb1

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2017 101

Reference: DB2 commands for Tivoli Storage Manager server databases

Table 17. DB2 commands (continued)

Command Description Example
GET DATABASE CONFIGURATION Returns the values of individual entries in Show the configuration information for a
a specific database configuration file. database alias:
Important: This command and db2 get db cfg for tsmdb1
parameters are set and managed directly
by DB2. They are listed here for
Retrieve information in order to verify
informational purposes and a means to
settings such as database configuration,
view the existing settings. Changing these
log mode, and maintenance.
settings might be advised by IBM support
or through service bulletins such as db2 get db config for tsmdb1
APARs or Technical Guidance documents show detail
(technotes). Do not change these settings
manually. Change them only at the
direction of IBM and only through the use
of Tivoli Storage Manager server
commands or procedures.
GET DATABASE MANAGER CONFIGURATION Returns the values of individual entries in Retrieve configuration information for the
a specific database configuration file. database manager:
Important: This command and db2 get dbm cfg
parameters are set and managed directly
by DB2. They are listed here for
informational purposes and a means to
view the existing settings. Changing these
settings might be advised by IBM support
or through service bulletins such as
APARs or Technical Guidance documents
(technotes). Do not change these settings
manually. Change them only at the
direction of IBM and only through the use
of Tivoli Storage Manager server
commands or procedures.
GET HEALTH SNAPSHOT Retrieves the health status information for Receive a report on DB2 health monitor
the database manager and its databases. indicators:
The information returned represents a db2 get health snapshot for
snapshot of the health state at the time database on tsmdb1
the command was issued. Tivoli Storage
Manager monitors the state of the
database using the health snapshot and
other mechanisms that are provided by
DB2. There might be cases where the
health snapshot or other DB2
documentation indicates that an item or
database resource might be in an alert
state. Such a case indicates that action
must be considered to remedy the
situation. Tivoli Storage Manager monitors
the condition and responds appropriately.
Not all declared alerts by the DB2
database are acted on.
GRANT (Database Authorities) Grants authorities that apply to the entire Grant access to the user ID itmuser:
database rather than privileges that apply db2 GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE
to specific objects within the database. TO USER itmuser
TO USER itmuser

102 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Reference: DB2 commands for Tivoli Storage Manager server databases

Table 17. DB2 commands (continued)

Command Description Example
RUNSTATS Updates statistics about the characteristics Update statistics on a single table.
of a table and associated indexes or db2 runstats on table
statistical views. These characteristics SCHEMA_NAME.TABLE_NAME
include number of records, number of with distribution and sampled
pages, and average record length. detailed indexes all

To see a table, issue this utility after

updating or reorganizing the table.

A view must be enabled for optimization

before its statistics can be used to
optimize a query. A view that is enabled
for optimization is known as a statistical
view. Use the DB2 ALTER VIEW statement
to enable a view for optimization. Issue
the RUNSTATS utility when changes to
underlying tables substantially affect the
rows returned by the view.
Tip: The server configures DB2 to run the
RUNSTATS command as needed.
SET SCHEMA Changes the value of the CURRENT SCHEMA Set the schema for Tivoli Storage
special register, in preparation for issuing Manager:
SQL commands directly through the DB2 db2 set schema tsmdb1
Tip: A special register is a storage area
that is defined for an application process
by the database manager. It is used to
store information that can be referenced in
SQL statements.
START DATABASE MANAGER Starts the current database manager Start the database manager:
instance background processes. The server db2start
starts and stops the instance and database
whenever the server starts and halts.
Important: Allow the server to manage
the starting and stopping of the instance
and database unless otherwise directed by
IBM support.
STOP DATABASE MANAGER Stops the current database manager Stop the database manager:
instance. Unless explicitly stopped, the db2 stop dbm
database manager continues to be active.
This command does not stop the database
manager instance if any applications are
connected to databases. If there are no
database connections, but there are
instance attachments, the command forces
the instance attachments to stop first.
Then, it stops the database manager. This
command also deactivates any
outstanding database activations before
stopping the database manager.

This command is not valid on a client.

The server starts and stops the instance

and database whenever the server starts
and halts.
Important: Allow the server to manage
the starting and stopping of the instance
and database unless otherwise directed by
IBM support.

Chapter 7. Reference: DB2 commands for server databases 103

104 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide
Chapter 8. Uninstalling Tivoli Storage Manager
You can use the following procedures to uninstall Tivoli Storage Manager. Before
you remove Tivoli Storage Manager, ensure that you do not lose your backup and
archive data.

Before you begin

Complete the following steps before you uninstall Tivoli Storage Manager:
v Complete a full database backup.
v Save a copy of the volume history and device configuration files.
v Store the output volumes in a safe location.

About this task

You can uninstall Tivoli Storage Manager by using any of the following methods: a
graphical wizard, the command line in console mode, or silent mode.

“Uninstalling Tivoli Storage Manager by using a graphical wizard”

“Uninstalling Tivoli Storage Manager in console mode” on page 106

“Uninstalling Tivoli Storage Manager in silent mode” on page 106

What to do next

See Chapter 2, “Installing the server components,” on page 47 for installation steps
to reinstall the Tivoli Storage Manager components.

Uninstalling Tivoli Storage Manager by using a graphical wizard

You can uninstall Tivoli Storage Manager by using the IBM Installation Manager
installation wizard.

1. Start the Installation Manager.
In the directory where the Installation Manager is installed, go to the eclipse
subdirectory (for example, /opt/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse), and issue
the following command:
2. Click Uninstall.
3. Select Tivoli Storage Manager server, and click Next.
4. Click Uninstall.
5. Click Finish.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2017 105

Uninstalling Tivoli Storage Manager

Uninstalling Tivoli Storage Manager in console mode

To uninstall Tivoli Storage Manager by using the command line, you must run the
uninstallation program of IBM Installation Manager from the command line with
the parameter for console mode.

1. In the directory where IBM Installation Manager is installed, go to the
following subdirectory:
For example:
2. From the tools directory, issue the following command:
./imcl -c
3. To uninstall, enter 5.
4. Choose to uninstall from the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager package group.
5. Enter N for Next.
6. Choose to uninstall the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager server package.
7. Enter N for Next.
8. Enter U for Uninstall.
9. Enter F for Finish.

Uninstalling Tivoli Storage Manager in silent mode

To uninstall Tivoli Storage Manager in silent mode, you must run the
uninstallation program of IBM Installation Manager from the command line with
the parameters for silent mode.

Before you begin

You can use a response file to provide data input to silently uninstall the Tivoli
Storage Manager server components. Tivoli Storage Manager includes a sample
response file, uninstall_response_sample.xml, in the input directory where the
installation package is extracted. This file contains default values to help you avoid
any unnecessary warnings.

If you want to uninstall all Tivoli Storage Manager components, leave

modify="false" set for each component in the response file. If you do not want to
uninstall a component, set the value to modify="true".

If you want to customize the response file, you can modify the options that are in
the file. For information about response files, see Response files.

1. In the directory where IBM Installation Manager is installed, go to the
following subdirectory:
For example:
2. From the tools directory, issue the following command, where response_file
represents the response file path, including the file name:

106 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Uninstalling Tivoli Storage Manager

./imcl -input response_file -silent

The following command is an example:
./imcl -input /tmp/input/uninstall_response.xml -silent

Uninstalling and reinstalling Tivoli Storage Manager

If you plan to manually reinstall Tivoli Storage Manager instead of using the
wizard, there are a number of steps to take to preserve your server instance names
and database directories. During an uninstallation, any server instances previously
set up are removed, but the database catalogs for those instances still exist.

About this task

If you are using the wizard to upgrade from Tivoli Storage Manager Version 6.2 or
Version 6.3, it is not necessary to complete these steps. The wizard completes them
automatically. To manually uninstall and reinstall Tivoli Storage Manager, complete
the following steps:
1. Make a list of your current server instances before proceeding to the
uninstallation. Run the following command:
2. Run the following commands for every server instance:
db2 attach to instance_name
db2 get dbm cfg show detail
db2 detach

Keep a record of the database path for each instance.

3. Uninstall Tivoli Storage Manager. See Chapter 8, “Uninstalling Tivoli Storage
Manager,” on page 105.
4. When you uninstall any version of Tivoli Storage Manager 6.1 or later,
including a fix pack, an instance file is created. The instance file is created to
help reinstall Tivoli Storage Manager. Check this file and use the information
when you are prompted for the instance credentials when reinstalling. In silent
installation mode, you provide these credentials using the INSTANCE_CRED
You can find the instance file in the following location:
5. Reinstall Tivoli Storage Manager. See Chapter 2, “Installing the server
components,” on page 47.
If the instanceList.obj file does not exist, you need to recreate your server
instances using the following steps:
a. Recreate your server instances. See “Creating the server instance” on page

Tip: The installation wizard configures the server instances but you must
verify that they exist. If they do not exist, you must manually configure
b. Catalog the database. Log in to each server instance as the instance user,
one at a time, and issue the following commands:
db2 catalog database tsmdb1
db2 attach to instance_name
db2 update dbm cfg using dftdbpath instance_directory
db2 detach
c. Verify that the server instance was created successfully. Issue this command:

Chapter 8. Uninstalling Tivoli Storage Manager 107

Uninstalling Tivoli Storage Manager

d. Verify that Tivoli Storage Manager recognizes the server instance by listing
your directories. Your home directory appears if you did not change it. Your
instance directory does appear if you used the configuration wizard. Issue
this command:
db2 list database directory

If you see TSMDB1 listed, you can start the server.

Uninstalling IBM Installation Manager

You can uninstall IBM Installation Manager if you no longer have any products
that were installed by IBM Installation Manager.

Before you begin

Before you uninstall IBM Installation Manager, you must ensure that all packages
that were installed by IBM Installation Manager are uninstalled. Close IBM
Installation Manager before you start the uninstall process.

To view installed packages, issue the following command from a command line:
cd /opt/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse/tools
./imcl listInstalledPackages


To uninstall IBM Installation Manager, complete the following steps:

1. Open a command line and change directories to /var/ibm/
2. Issue the following command:

Restriction: You must be logged in to the system as the root user ID.

108 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Part 2. Installing and upgrading the Operations Center
The IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Operations Center is the web-based interface for
managing your storage environment.

Before you begin

Before you install and configure the Operations Center, review the following
v “System requirements for the Operations Center” on page 111
– “Operations Center computer requirements” on page 112
– “Hub and spoke server requirements” on page 112
– “Operating system requirements” on page 115
– “Web browser requirements” on page 116
– “Language requirements” on page 116
– “Requirements and limitations for Tivoli Storage Manager client management
services” on page 117
v “Administrator IDs that the Operations Center requires” on page 119
v “IBM Installation Manager” on page 119
v “Installation checklist” on page 120
v “Obtaining the Operations Center installation package” on page 123

About this task

Table 18 lists the methods for installing or uninstalling the Operations Center and
indicates where to find the associated instructions.

For information about upgrading the Operations Center, see Chapter 11,
“Upgrading the Operations Center,” on page 127.
Table 18. Methods for installing or uninstalling the Operations Center
Method Instructions
Graphical wizard v “Installing the Operations Center by using a graphical
wizard” on page 124
v “Uninstalling the Operations Center by using a graphical
wizard” on page 165
Console mode v “Installing the Operations Center in console mode” on page
v “Uninstalling the Operations Center in console mode” on
page 165
Silent mode v “Installing the Operations Center in silent mode” on page 126
v “Uninstalling the Operations Center in silent mode” on page

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2017 109

110 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide
Chapter 9. Planning to install the Operations Center
Before you install the Operations Center, you must understand the system
requirements, the administrator IDs that the Operations Center requires, and the
information that you must provide to the installation program.

About this task

From the Operations Center, you can manage the following primary aspects of the
storage environment:
v Tivoli Storage Manager servers and clients
v Services such as backup and restore, archive and retrieve, and migrate and recall
v Storage pools and storage devices

The Operations Center includes the following features:

User interface for multiple servers
You can use the Operations Center to manage one or more Tivoli Storage
Manager servers.
In an environment with multiple servers, you can designate one server as a
hub server and the others as spoke servers. The hub server can receive alerts
and status information from the spoke servers and present the information
in a consolidated view in the Operations Center.
Alert monitoring
An alert is a notification of a relevant problem on the server and is
triggered by a server message. You can define which server messages
trigger alerts, and only those messages are reported as alerts in the
Operations Center or in an email.
This alert monitoring can help you identify and track relevant problems on
the server.
Convenient command-line interface
The Operations Center includes a command-line interface for advanced
features and configuration.

System requirements for the Operations Center

Before you install the Operations Center, ensure that your system meets the
minimum requirements.

Use the Operations Center System Requirements Calculator to estimate the system
requirements for running the Operations Center and the hub and spoke servers
that are monitored by the Operations Center.

Requirements that are verified during the installation

Table 19 on page 112 lists the prerequisite requirements that are verified during the
installation and indicates where to find more information about these

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2017 111

Planning to install the Operations Center

Table 19. Requirements that are verified during the installation

Requirement Details
Minimum memory requirement “Operations Center computer requirements”
Operating system requirement “Operating system requirements” on page
Host name for the computer where the “Installation checklist” on page 120
Operations Center will be installed
Requirements for the Operations Center “Installation checklist” on page 120
installation directory

Operations Center computer requirements

You can install the Operations Center on a computer that is also running Tivoli
Storage Manager server or on a different computer. If you install the Operations
Center on the same computer as a server, that computer must meet the system
requirements for both the Operations Center and the server.

Resource requirements

The following resources are required to run the Operations Center:

v One processor core
v 4 GB of memory
v 1 GB of disk space

The hub and spoke servers that are monitored by the Operations Center require
additional resources, as described in “Hub and spoke server requirements.”

Hub and spoke server requirements

When you open the Operations Center for the first time, you must associate the
Operations Center with one Tivoli Storage Manager server that is designated as the
hub server. In a multiple-server environment, you can connect the other servers,
called spoke servers, to the hub server.

The spoke servers send alerts and status information to the hub server. The
Operations Center shows you a consolidated view of alerts and status information
for the hub server and any spoke servers.

If only one server is monitored by the Operations Center, that server is still called
a hub server, even though no spoke servers are connected to it.

Table 20 indicates the version of Tivoli Storage Manager server that must be
installed on the hub server and on each spoke server that is managed by the
Operations Center.
| Table 20. Tivoli Storage Manager server version requirements for hub and spoke servers
| Operations Center Version on the hub server Version on each spoke server
| V7.1.8 V7.1.8 or later V6.3.4 or later

| Restriction: Some Operations

| Center functions are not
| available for servers that use a
| version earlier than V7.1.8.

112 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Planning to install the Operations Center

Number of spoke servers that a hub server can support

The number of spoke servers that a hub server can support depends on the
configuration and on the version of Tivoli Storage Manager on each spoke server.
However, a general guideline is that a hub server can support 10 - 20 V6.3.4 spoke
servers but can support more V7.1 spoke servers.

Tips for designing the hub and spoke server configuration

In designing the hub and spoke configuration, especially consider the resource
requirements for status monitoring. Also, consider how you want to group hub
and spoke servers and whether you want to use multiple hub servers.

Use the Operations Center System Requirements Calculator to estimate the system
requirements for running the Operations Center and the hub and spoke servers
that are monitored by the Operations Center.

Primary factors that affect performance

The following factors have the most significant impact on the performance of the
Operations Center:
v The processor and memory on the computer where the Operations Center is
v The system resources of the hub and spoke servers, including the disk system
that is in use for the hub server database
v The number of client nodes and virtual machine file spaces that are managed by
the hub and spoke servers
v The frequency at which data is refreshed in the Operations Center

How to group hub and spoke servers

Consider grouping hub and spoke servers by geographic location. For example,
managing the servers within the same data center can help prevent issues that are
caused by firewalls or by inadequate network bandwidth between different
locations. If necessary, you can further divide servers according to one or more of
the following characteristics:
v The administrator who manages the servers
v The organizational entity that funds the servers
v Server operating system
v The language in which the servers run

Tip: If the hub and spoke servers are not running in the same language, you
might see corrupted text in the Operations Center.

How to group hub and spoke servers in an enterprise configuration

In an enterprise configuration, a network of Tivoli Storage Manager servers are

managed as a group. Changes that are made on the configuration manager can be
distributed automatically to one or more managed servers in the network.

The Operations Center normally registers and maintains a dedicated administrator

ID on the hub and spoke servers. This monitoring administrator must always have
the same password on all the servers.

Chapter 9. Planning to install the Operations Center 113

Planning to install the Operations Center

If you use an enterprise configuration, you can improve the process by which the
administrator credentials are synchronized on spoke servers. To improve the
performance and efficiency of maintaining the monitoring administrator ID,
complete the following steps:
1. Designate the configuration manager server as the Operations Center hub
server. During the hub server configuration, a monitoring administrator ID
named IBM-OC-hub_server_name is registered.
2. On the hub server, add the monitoring administrator ID to a new or existing
enterprise configuration profile. Issue the NOTIFY SUBSCRIBERS command to
distribute the profile to the managed servers.
3. Add one or more of the managed servers as Operations Center spoke servers.

The Operations Center detects this configuration and allows the configuration
manager to distribute and update the monitoring administrator ID on the spoke

When to use multiple hub servers

If you have more than 10 - 20 V6.3.4 spoke servers, or if resource limitations

require the environment to be partitioned, you can configure multiple hub servers,
and connect a subset of the spoke servers to each hub server.

v A single server cannot be both a hub server and a spoke server.
v Each spoke server can be assigned to only one hub server.
v Each hub server requires a separate instance of the Operations Center, each of
which has a separate web address.

Tips for choosing a hub server

For the hub server, you must choose a server that has adequate resources and is
located for minimal roundtrip network latency.

Attention: Do not use the same server as the hub server for multiple Operations

Use the following guidelines in deciding which server to designate as the hub
Choose a lightly loaded server
Consider a server that has a light load for operations such as client backup
and archive. A lightly loaded server is also a good choice as the host
system for the Operations Center.
Ensure that the server has the resources to handle both its typical server
workload and the estimated workload for acting as the hub server.
Locate the server for minimal roundtrip network latency
Locate the hub server so that the network connection between the hub
server and the spoke servers has a roundtrip latency that is no greater than
5 ms. This latency can typically be achieved when the servers are on the
same local area network (LAN).
Networks that are poorly tuned, are heavily used by other applications, or
have roundtrip latency much higher than 5 ms can degrade
communications between the hub and spoke servers. For example,
roundtrip latencies of 50 ms or higher can result in communication
timeouts that cause spoke servers to disconnect or reconnect to the
114 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide
Planning to install the Operations Center

Operations Center. Such high latencies might be experienced in

long-distance, wide area network (WAN) communications.
If spoke servers are a long distance from the hub server and experience
frequent disconnects in the Operations Center, you can increase the value
of the ADMINCOMMTIMEOUT option on each server to reduce the problem.
Verify that the hub server meets the resource requirements for status monitoring
Status monitoring requires extra resources on each server on which it is
enabled. The resources that are required depend primarily on the number
of clients that are managed by the hub and spoke servers. Fewer resources
are used on a hub server with a V7.1 spoke server than on a hub server
with a V6.3.4 spoke server.
Verify that the hub server meets the resource requirements for processor
usage, database space, archive log space, and I/O operations per second
(IOPS) capacity.
A hub server with high IOPS capacity can handle a larger amount of
incoming status data from spoke servers. Use of the following storage
devices for the hub server database can help meet this capacity:
v An enterprise-level solid-state drive (SSD)
v An external SAN disk storage device with multiple volumes or multiple
spindles under each volume
In an environment with fewer than 1000 clients, consider establishing a
baseline capacity of 1000 IOPS for the hub server database if the hub
server manages any spoke servers.
Determine whether your environment requires multiple hub servers
If more than 10,000 - 20,000 client nodes and virtual machine file spaces
are managed by one set of hub and spoke servers, the resource
requirements might exceed what the hub server has available, especially if
the spoke servers are V6.3.4 servers. Consider designating a second server
as a hub server and moving spoke servers to the new hub server to
balance the load.

Operating system requirements

The Operations Center is available for AIX, Linux, and Windows systems.

You can run the Operations Center on the following systems:

v AIX systems:
– IBM AIX V6.1 (64 bit) TL 7 and SP 6
– IBM AIX V7.1 (64 bit) TL 1 and SP 6
– IBM AIX V7.2 (64 bit)

You cannot run the Operations Center on HP-UX or Oracle Solaris systems.
However, you can use the Operations Center to manage V6.3.4 or later servers that
run on any supported server operating system.

The operating systems on which the server can run are not limited to the operating
systems on which the Operations Center can run.

For the most up-to-date requirements information, see Software and Hardware

Chapter 9. Planning to install the Operations Center 115

Planning to install the Operations Center

Web browser requirements

The Operations Center can run in Apple, Google, Microsoft, and Mozilla web

For optimal viewing of the Operations Center in the web browser, ensure that the
screen resolution for the system is set to a minimum of 1024 X 768 pixels.

For optimal performance, use a web browser that has good JavaScript
performance, and enable browser caching.

The Operations Center can run in the following web browsers:

v Apple Safari on the iPad

Restriction: If Apple Safari is running on iOS 8.x or iOS 9.x, you cannot use a
self-signed certificate for secure communication with the Operations Center
without extra configuration of the certificate. Use a certificate authority (CA)
certificate, or configure the self-signed certificate as needed. For instructions, see
Technote http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21963153.
v Google Chrome 40 or later
v Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 or later
v Mozilla Firefox ESR 31 or later

To run the Operations Center in compliance with the National Institute of

Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publications (SP) 800-131A
recommendation, communication between the Operations Center and the web
browser must be secured by using the Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.2 protocol.
During installation, you specify whether SP 800-131A compliance is required and
the level of compliance. If strict SP 800-131A compliance is specified during
installation, the web browser must support TLS 1.2, and TLS 1.2 must be enabled.

The web browser displays an SSL error if strict SP 800-131A compliance is specified
during installation, and the web browser does not meet the preceding

Language requirements
By default, the Operations Center uses the language that the web browser uses.
However, the installation process uses the language that the operating system uses.
Verify that the web browser and the operating system are set to the language that
you require.
Table 21. Operations Center language values that you can use on AIX systems
Language Language option value
Chinese, Simplified zh_CN
Chinese, Simplified (UTF-8) ZH_CN
Chinese, Traditional (Big5) Zh_TW
Chinese, Traditional (UTF-8) ZH_TW
Chinese, Traditional (euc_tw) zh_TW
English en_US
English (UTF-8) EN_US
French fr_FR
French (UTF-8) FR_FR

116 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Planning to install the Operations Center

Table 21. Operations Center language values that you can use on AIX systems (continued)
Language Language option value
German de_DE
German (UTF-8) DE_DE
Italian it_IT
Italian (UTF-8) IT_IT
Japanese (EUC) ja_JP
Japanese (PC) Ja_JP
Japanese (UTF-8) JA_JP
Korean ko_KR
Korean (UTF-8) KO_KR
Portuguese, Brazilian pt_BR
Portuguese, Brazilian (UTF-8) PT_BR
Russian ru_RU
Russian (UTF-8) RU_RU
Spanish es_ES
Spanish (UTF-8) ES_ES

Requirements and limitations for Tivoli Storage Manager client

management services
Tivoli Storage Manager client management services is a component that you install
on backup-archive clients to collect diagnostic information such as client log files.
Before you install the client management service on your system, you must
understand the requirements and limitations.

In the documentation for the client management service, client system is the system
where the backup-archive client is installed.

Diagnostic information can be collected only from Linux and Windows clients, but
administrators can view the diagnostic information in the Operations Center on
AIX, Linux, or Windows operating systems.

Requirements for the client management service

Verify the following requirements before you install the client management service:
v To remotely access the client, the Operations Center administrator must have
system authority or one of the following client authority levels:
– Policy authority
– Client owner authority
– Client node access authority
v Ensure that the client system meets the following requirements:
– The client management service can be installed only on client systems that
run on Linux or Windows operating systems:
- Linux x86 64-bit operating systems that are supported for the
backup-archive client
- Windows 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems that are supported for the
backup-archive client

Chapter 9. Planning to install the Operations Center 117

Planning to install the Operations Center

– Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.2 is required for transmission of data

between the client management service and Operations Center. Basic
authentication is provided and data and authentication information are
encrypted through the SSL channel. TLS 1.2 is automatically installed along
with the necessary SSL certificates when you install the client management
v On Linux client systems, you must have root user authority to install the client
management service.
v For client systems that can have multiple client nodes, such as Linux client
systems, ensure that each node name is unique on the client system.

Tip: After you install the client management service, you do not have to install
it again because the service can discover multiple client options files.

Limitations of the client management service

The client management service provides basic services for collecting diagnostic
information from backup-archive clients. The following limitations exist for the
client management service:
v You can install the client management service only on systems with
backup-archive clients, including backup-archive clients that are installed on
data mover nodes for IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments:
Data Protection for VMware. You cannot install the client management service
on other Tivoli Storage Manager client components or products.
v If the backup-archive clients are protected by a firewall, ensure that the
Operations Center can connect to the backup-archive clients through the firewall
by using the configured port for the client management service. The default port
is 9028, but it can be changed.
v The client management service scans all client log files to locate entries for the
previous 72-hour period.
v The Diagnosis page in the Operations Center provides basic troubleshooting
information for backup-archive clients. However, for some backup issues, you
might have to access the client system and obtain further diagnostic information.
v If the combined size of the client error log files and schedule log files on a client
system is more than 500 MB, delays can occur in sending log records to the
Operations Center. You can control the size of the log files by enabling log file
pruning or wrapping by specifying the errorlogretention or errorlogmax client
v If you use the same client node name to connect to multiple Tivoli Storage
Manager servers that are installed on the same server hardware, you can view
log files for only one of the client nodes.

For updates about the client management service, including requirements,

limitations, and documentation updates, see technote 1963610.
Related tasks:
“Collecting diagnostic information with Tivoli Storage Manager client management
services” on page 141

118 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Planning to install the Operations Center

Administrator IDs that the Operations Center requires

An administrator must have a valid ID and password on the hub server to log in
to the Operations Center. An administrator ID is also assigned to the Operations
Center so that the Operations Center can monitor servers.

The Operations Center requires the following Tivoli Storage Manager administrator
Administrator IDs that are registered on the hub server
Any administrator ID that is registered on the hub server can be used to
log in to the Operations Center. The authority level of the ID determines
which tasks can be completed. You can create new administrator IDs by
using the REGISTER ADMIN command.

Restriction: To use an administrator ID in a multiple-server configuration,

the ID must be registered on the hub and spoke servers with the same
password and authority level.

To manage authentication for these servers, consider using one of the

following methods:
v A Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) server
v The enterprise configuration functions to automatically distribute
changes to the administrator definitions.
Monitoring administrator ID
When you initially configure the hub server, an administrator ID named
IBM-OC-server_name is registered with system authority on the hub server
and is associated with the initial password that you specify. This ID, which
is sometimes called the monitoring administrator, is intended for use only by
the Operations Center.
Do not delete, lock, or modify this ID. The same administrator ID with the
same password is registered on the spoke servers that you add. The
password is automatically changed on the hub and spoke servers every 90
days. You do not need to use or manage this password.

Restriction: The Operations Center maintains the monitoring

administrator ID and password on spoke servers unless you use an
enterprise configuration to manage these credentials. For more information
about using an enterprise configuration to manage the credentials, see
“Tips for designing the hub and spoke server configuration” on page 113.

IBM Installation Manager

The Operations Center uses IBM Installation Manager, which is an installation
program that can use remote or local software repositories to install or update
many IBM products.

If the required version of IBM Installation Manager is not already installed, it is

automatically installed or upgraded when you install the Operations Center. It
must remain installed on the system so that the Operations Center can be updated
or uninstalled later as needed.

The following list contains explanations of some terms that are used in IBM
Installation Manager:

Chapter 9. Planning to install the Operations Center 119

Planning to install the Operations Center

An installable unit of a software product.
The Operations Center offering contains all of the media that IBM
Installation Manager requires to install the Operations Center.
The group of software components that are required to install an offering.
The Operations Center package contains the following components:
v IBM Installation Manager installation program
v Operations Center offering
Package group
A set of packages that share a common parent directory.
A remote or local storage area for data and other application resources.
The Operations Center package is stored in a repository on IBM Fix
Shared resources directory
A directory that contains software files or plug-ins that are shared by
IBM Installation Manager stores installation-related files in the shared
resources directory, including files that are used for rolling back to a
previous version of the Operations Center.

Installation checklist
Before you install the Operations Center, you must verify certain information, such
as the installation credentials, and you must determine the input to provide to IBM
Installation Manager for the installation.

The following checklist highlights the information that you must verify or
determine before you install the Operations Center, and Table 22 describes the
details of this information:
__ Verify the host name for the computer where the Operations Center will be
__ Verify the installation credentials.
__ Determine the Operations Center installation directory, if you do not want to
accept the default path.
__ Determine the IBM Installation Manager installation directory, if you do not
want to accept the default path.
__ Determine the port number to be used by the Operations Center web server,
if you do not want to accept the default port number.
__ Determine the password for secure communications.
Table 22. Information to verify or determine before you install the Operations Center
Information Details
Host name for the computer The host name must meet the following criteria:
where the Operations Center v It must not contain double-byte character set (DBCS) characters or the underscore
will be installed character (_).
v Although the host name can contain the hyphen character (-), it cannot have a
hyphen as the last character in the name.

120 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Planning to install the Operations Center

Table 22. Information to verify or determine before you install the Operations Center (continued)
Information Details
Installation credentials To install the Operations Center, you must use the following user account:
v root
Operations Center installation The Operations Center is installed in the ui subdirectory of the installation directory.
The following path is the default path for the Operations Center installation
v /opt/tivoli/tsm
For example, if you use this default path, the Operations Center is installed in the
following directory:

The installation directory path must meet the following criteria:

v The path must contain no more than 128 characters.
v The path must include only ASCII characters.
v The path cannot include non-displayable control characters.
v The path cannot include any of the following characters:
% | < > ’ " $ & ; *

IBM Installation Manager The following path is the default path for the IBM Installation Manager installation
installation directory directory:
v /opt/IBM/InstallationManager
Port number that is used by The value for the secure (https) port number must meet the following criteria:
the Operations Center web v The number must be an integer in the range 1024 - 65535.
v The number cannot be in use or allocated to other programs.

If you do not specify a port number, the default value is 11090.

Tip: If you later do not remember the port number that you specified, refer to the
following file, where installation_dir represents the directory where the
Operations Center is installed:
v installation_dir/ui/Liberty/usr/servers/guiServer/bootstrap.properties

The bootstrap.properties file contains the Tivoli Storage Manager server connection

Chapter 9. Planning to install the Operations Center 121

Planning to install the Operations Center

Table 22. Information to verify or determine before you install the Operations Center (continued)
Information Details
Password for secure The Operations Center uses Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) to
communications communicate with web browsers.

| The Operations Center requires secure communication between the server and the
| Operations Center. To secure communication, you must add the Transport Layer
| Security (TLS) certificate of the hub server to the truststore file of the Operations
| Center.

| The truststore file of the Operations Center contains the certificate that the
| Operations Center uses for HTTPS communication with web browsers. During
| installation of the Operations Center, you create a password for the truststore file.
| When you set up secure communication between the Operations Center and the hub
| server, you must use the same password to add the certificate of the hub server to
| the truststore file.

The password for the truststore file must meet the following criteria:
v The password must contain a minimum of 6 characters and a maximum of 64
v The password must contain at least the following characters:
– One uppercase letter (A – Z)
– One lowercase letter (a – z)
– One digit (0 – 9)
– Two of the following non-alphanumeric characters:
~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * _ - + = ` |
( ) { } [ ] : ; < > , . ? /

Related tasks:
“Configuring for secure communication” on page 135
“Resetting the password for the Operations Center truststore file” on page 138

122 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Chapter 10. Installing the Operations Center
You can install the Operations Center by using any of the following methods: a
graphical wizard, the command line in console mode, or silent mode.

Before you begin

You cannot configure the Operations Center until you install, configure, and start
the Tivoli Storage Manager server. Therefore, before you install the Operations
Center, install the appropriate server package, according to the server version
requirements in “Hub and spoke server requirements” on page 112.

You can install the Operations Center on a computer with the Tivoli Storage
Manager server or on a separate computer.

Obtaining the Operations Center installation package

You can obtain the installation package from the product DVD or from an IBM
download site such as IBM Passport Advantage or IBM Fix Central.

About this task

If you obtain the package from the product DVD, ensure that the installation files
are visible on the DVD drive.

If you obtain the package from an IBM download site, you must extract the
installation files.


Complete the following steps to extract the Operations Center installation files. In
the following steps, replace version_number with the version of Operations Center
that you are installing.
On AIX systems:
1. Download the following package file to the directory of your choice:
2. Ensure that you have executable permission for the package file.
If necessary, change the file permissions by issuing the following command:
chmod a+x version_number.000-TIV-TSMOC-AIX.bin
3. Issue the following command to extract the installation files:
The self-extracting package file is extracted to the directory.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2017 123

Installing the Operations Center

Installing the Operations Center by using a graphical wizard

You can install or update the Operations Center by using the graphical wizard of
IBM Installation Manager.

Before you begin

If the following RPM files are not installed on the computer, install them. For
instructions, see “Installing RPM files for the graphical wizard” on page 125.

1. From the directory where the Operations Center installation package file is
extracted, issue the following command:
2. Follow the wizard instructions to install the IBM Installation Manager and
Operations Center packages.
The following message might be displayed, and the installation wizard might
be slow, if your locale uses UTF-8 encoding:
Cannot create font set

If the message is displayed, take one of the following actions:

v Change to a locale that does not use UTF-8 encoding. For language-option
values that do not use UTF-8 encoding, see “Language requirements” on
page 116.
v Install the Operations Center by using the command line in console mode.
v Install the Operations Center in silent mode.

What to do next

See “Configuring the Operations Center” on page 129.

124 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Installing the Operations Center

Installing RPM files for the graphical wizard

Before you can use the graphical wizard of IBM Installation Manager to install the
Operations Center, certain RPM files must be installed.

About this task

If the RPM files that are listed in “Installing the Operations Center by using a
graphical wizard” on page 124 are not installed, you must download and install
the files.

1. Ensure that there is at least 150 MB of free space in the /opt file system.
2. Choose one of the following options:
v If you are installing the Operations Center from the product DVD, take the
following actions:
a. In the base directory of the DVD, change to the gtk directory.
b. From the gtk directory, copy the download-prerequisites.sh file to a
location where you can download the RPM files.
v If you obtained the Operations Center installation package from an IBM
download site such as IBM Passport Advantage or IBM Fix Central, take the
following action:
In the directory where the Operations Center installation package file is
extracted, change to the gtk directory.
3. To automatically download the RPM files to the current directory from the IBM
AIX Toolbox for Linux Applications website, issue the following command:
4. Install the files by issuing the following command from the directory that
contains the files:
rpm -Uvh *.rpm
If a message indicates that one of the files is already installed on the system,
take one of the following actions:
v Issue the following command:
rpm -Uvh --force *.rpm
v Move the earlier versions of the files to a different directory, and issue the
rpm command again, as shown in the following example:
mkdir already-installed
mv gettext*.rpm already-installed
rpm -Uvh *.rpm

Installing the Operations Center in console mode

You can install or update the Operations Center by using the command line in
console mode.

1. From the directory where the installation package file is extracted, run the
following program:
./install.sh -c
2. Follow the console instructions to install the Installation Manager and
Operations Center packages.

Chapter 10. Installing the Operations Center 125

Installing the Operations Center

What to do next

See “Configuring the Operations Center” on page 129.

Installing the Operations Center in silent mode

You can install or upgrade the Operations Center in silent mode. In silent mode,
the installation does not send messages to a console but instead stores messages
and errors in log files.

Before you begin

To provide data input when you use the silent installation method, you can use a
response file. The following sample response files are provided in the input
directory where the installation package is extracted:
Use this file to install the Operations Center.
Use this file to upgrade the Operations Center.

These files contain default values that can help you avoid any unnecessary
warnings. To use these files, follow the instructions that are provided in the files.

If you want to customize a response file, you can modify the options that are in
the file. For information about response files, see Response files.

1. Create a response file. You can modify the sample response file or create your
own file.

Tip: To generate a response file as part of a console-mode installation, complete

the selection of the console-mode installation options. Then, in the Summary
panel, enter G to generate the response file according to the previously selected
2. Create a password for the Operations Center truststore in the response file.
If you are using the install_response_sample.xml file, add the password in the
following line of the file, where mypassword represents the password:
<variable name=’ssl.password’ value=’mypassword’ />

For more information about this password, see “Installation checklist” on page

Tip: To upgrade the Operations Center, the truststore password is not required
if you are using the update_response_sample.xml file.
3. Start the silent installation by issuing the following command from the
directory where the installation package is extracted. The value response_file
represents the response file path and file name:
./install.sh -s -input response_file -acceptLicense

What to do next

See “Configuring the Operations Center” on page 129.

126 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Chapter 11. Upgrading the Operations Center
You can upgrade the Operations Center by using any of the following methods: a
graphical wizard, the command line in console mode, or silent mode.

Before you begin

Before you upgrade the Operations Center, review the system requirements and
the installation checklist. The new version of the Operations Center might have
more or different requirements and considerations than the version you are
currently using.

About this task

The instructions for upgrading the Operations Center are the same as the
instructions for installing the Operations Center, with the following exceptions:
v You use the Update function of IBM Installation Manager rather than the Install

Tip: In IBM Installation Manager, the term update means to discover and install
updates and fixes to installed software packages. In this context, update and
upgrade are synonymous.
v If you are upgrading the Operations Center in silent mode, you can skip the
step of creating a password for the truststore file.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2017 127

Upgrading the Operations Center

128 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Chapter 12. Getting started with the Operations Center
Before you can use the Operations Center to manage your storage environment,
you must configure it.

About this task

After you install the Operations Center, complete the following basic configuration
1. Designate the hub server.
2. Add any spoke servers.
3. Optionally, configure email alerts on the hub and spoke servers.

Figure 1 illustrates an Operations Center configuration.

Spoke server

Hub server
Spoke server

Operations Center
(on hub server computer
or separate computer)
Spoke server

Spoke server

Figure 1. Example of an Operations Center configuration with the hub and spoke servers

Configuring the Operations Center

When you open the Operations Center for the first time, you must configure it to
manage your storage environment. You must associate the Operations Center with
the Tivoli Storage Manager server that is designated as the hub server. You can
then connect additional Tivoli Storage Manager servers as spoke servers.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2017 129

Getting started with the Operations Center

Designating the hub server

When you connect to the Operations Center for the first time, you must designate
which Tivoli Storage Manager server is the hub server.

| Before you begin

| The Operations Center requires secure communication between the hub server and
| the Operations Center. To secure communication, you must add the Transport
| Layer Security (TLS) certificate of the hub server to the truststore file of the
| Operations Center. For more information, see “Securing communication between
| the Operations Center and the hub server” on page 135.


In a web browser, enter the following address, where hostname represents the name
of the computer where the Operations Center is installed, and secure_port
represents the port number that the Operations Center uses for HTTPS
communication on that computer:

v The URL is case-sensitive. For example, ensure that you type “oc” in lowercase
as indicated.
v For more information about the port number, see the Installation checklist.
v If you are connecting to the Operations Center for the first time, you must
provide the following information:
– Connection information for the server that you want to designate as a hub
– Login credentials for an administrator ID that is defined for that server
v If the event-record retention period of the server is less than 14 days, the period
is automatically reset to 14 days if you configure the server as a hub server.

What to do next

If you have multiple Tivoli Storage Manager servers in your environment, add the
other servers as spoke servers to the hub server.

Attention: Do not change the name of a server after it is configured as a hub or

spoke server.
Related concepts:
“Hub and spoke server requirements” on page 112
“Administrator IDs that the Operations Center requires” on page 119

130 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Getting started with the Operations Center

Adding a spoke server

After you configure the hub server for the Operations Center, you can add one or
more spoke servers to the hub server.

| Before you begin

| Communication between the spoke server and the hub server must be secured by
| using the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol. To secure communication, add
| the certificate of the spoke server to the truststore file of the hub server.

1. In the Operations Center menu bar, click Servers. The Servers page opens.
In the table on the Servers page, a server might have a status of
“Unmonitored.” This status means that although an administrator defined this
server to the hub server by using the DEFINE SERVER command, the server is
not yet configured as a spoke server.
2. Complete one of the following steps:
v Click the server to highlight it, and in the table menu bar, click Monitor
v If the server that you want to add is not shown in the table, click + Spoke in
the table menu bar.
3. Provide the necessary information, and complete the steps in the spoke
configuration wizard.

Tip: If the event-record retention period of the server is less than 14 days, the
period is automatically reset to 14 days if you configure the server as a spoke

Sending email alerts to administrators

An alert is a notification of a relevant problem on the Tivoli Storage Manager
server and is triggered by a server message. Alerts can be shown in the Operations
Center and can be sent from the server to administrators by email.

Before you begin

Before you configure email notification for administrators about alerts, ensure that
the following requirements are met:
v An SMTP server is required to send and receive alerts by email, and the server
that sends the alerts by email must have access to the SMTP server.

Tip: If the Operations Center is installed on a separate computer, that computer

does not need access to the SMTP server.
v An administrator must have system privilege to configure email notification.

About this task

An email notification is sent only for the first occurrence of an alert. Also, if an
alert is generated before you configure email notification, no email notification is
sent for that alert.

You can configure email notification in the following ways:

v Send notification for individual alerts

Chapter 12. Getting started with the Operations Center 131

Getting started with the Operations Center

v Send alert summaries

An alert summary contains information about current alerts. The summary

includes the total number of alerts, the total number of active and inactive alerts,
the oldest alert, the newest alert, and the most frequently occurring alert.

You can specify a maximum of three administrators to receive alert summaries by

email. Alert summaries are sent approximately every hour.


To configure email notification for administrators about alerts, complete the

following steps on each hub and spoke server from which you want to receive
email alerts:
1. To verify that alert monitoring is turned on, issue the following command:
2. If the command output indicates that alert monitoring is turned off, issue the
following command. Otherwise, proceed to the next step.
3. To enable the sending of email notification, issue the following command:
4. To define the SMTP server that is used to send email notification, issue the
following command:
5. To specify the port number for the SMTP server, issue the following command:
The default port number is 25.
6. To specify the email address of the sender of the alerts, issue the following
7. For each administrator ID that must receive email notification, issue one of the
following commands to activate email notification and to specify the email
8. Choose either, or both, of the following options, and specify the administrator
IDs to receive email notification:
v Send notification for individual alerts
To specify or update the administrator IDs to receive email notification for an
individual alert, issue one of the following commands:
DEFINE ALERTTRIGGER message_number ADmin=admin_name1,admin_name2
UPDATE ALERTTRIGGER message_number ADDadmin=admin_name3 DELadmin=admin_name1

Tip: From the Configure Alerts page of the Operations Center, you can select
the administrators who will receive email notification.
v Send alert summaries
To specify or update the administrator IDs to receive alert summaries by
email, issue the following command:
SET ALERTSUMMARYTOADMINS admin_name1,admin_name2,admin_name3
If you want to receive alert summaries but do not want to receive notification
about individual alerts, complete the following steps:

132 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Getting started with the Operations Center

a. Suspend notification about individual alerts, as described in “Suspending

email alerts temporarily.”
b. Ensure that the respective administrator ID is listed in the following
SET ALERTSUMMARYTOADMINS admin_name1,admin_name2,admin_name3

Sending email alerts to multiple administrators

The following example illustrates the commands that cause any alerts for message
ANR1075E to be sent in an email to the administrators myadmin, djadmin, and
SET ALERTEMAILSMTPHOST mymailserver.domain.com
UPDATE ADMIN myadmin ALERT=YES [email protected]
UPDATE ADMIN djadmin ALERT=YES [email protected]
UPDATE ADMIN csadmin ALERT=YES [email protected]
DEFINE ALERTTRIGGER anr0175e ADMIN=myadmin,djadmin,csadmin

Suspending email alerts temporarily

In certain situations, you might want to suspend email alerts temporarily. For
example, you might want to receive alert summaries but suspend notification
about individual alerts, or you might want to suspend email alerts when an
administrator is on vacation.

Before you begin

Configure email notification for administrators, as described in “Sending email

alerts to administrators” on page 131.


Suspend email notification for individual alerts or for alert summaries.

v Suspend notification about individual alerts
Use either of the following methods:
To turn off email notification for the administrator, issue the following

To turn on email notification again later, issue the following command:

To prevent a specific alert from being sent to an administrator, issue the
following command:
UPDATE ALERTTRIGGER message_number DELADMIN=admin_name

To start sending that alert to the administrator again, issue the following
UPDATE ALERTTRIGGER message_number ADDADMIN=admin_name
v Suspend notification about alert summaries

Chapter 12. Getting started with the Operations Center 133

Getting started with the Operations Center

To prevent alert summaries from being sent to an administrator, remove the

administrator ID from the list in the following command:
SET ALERTSUMMARYTOADMINS admin_name1,admin_name2,admin_name3
If an administrator ID is listed in the preceding command, the administrator
receives alert summaries by email, even if notification about individual alerts is
suspended for the respective administrator ID.

Adding customized text to the login screen

You can add customized text, such as your organization's Terms of Use of the
software, to the login screen of the Operations Center so that users of the
Operations Center see the text before they enter their user name and password.


To add customized text to the login screen, complete the following steps:
1. On the computer where the Operations Center is installed, go to the following
directory, where installation_dir represents the directory in which the
Operations Center is installed:
2. In the directory, create a file that is named loginText.html that contains the
text that you want to add to the login screen. Any special, non-ASCII text must
be UTF-8 encoded.

Tip: You can format the text by adding HTML tags.

3. Review the added text on the login screen of the Operations Center.
To open the Operations Center, enter the following address in a web browser,
where hostname represents the name of the computer where the Operations
Center is installed, and secure_port represents the port number that the
Operations Center uses for HTTPS communication on that computer:

Enabling REST services

Applications that use Representational State Transfer (REST) services can query
and manage the storage environment by connecting to the Operations Center.

About this task

Enable this feature to allow REST services to interact with hub and spoke servers
by sending calls to the following address:

where oc_host_name is the network name or IP address of the Operations Center

host system and port is the Operations Center port number. The default port
number is 11090.

For information about the REST services that are available for the Operations
Center, see Technote http://www.ibm.com/support/
docview.wss?uid=swg21973011, or issue the following REST call:

134 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Getting started with the Operations Center

1. On the Operations Center menu bar, hover over the settings icon and click
2. On the General page, select the Enable administrative REST API check box.
3. Click Save.

Configuring for secure communication

The Operations Center uses Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) to
communicate with web browsers. The Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol
secures communications between the Operations Center and the hub server, and
between the hub server and associated spoke servers.

About this task

| TLS 1.2 is required for secure communication between the Tivoli Storage Manager
| server and the Operations Center, and between the hub server and spoke servers.

Securing communication between the Operations Center and

the hub server
To secure communications between the Operations Center and the hub server, you
must add the Transport Layer Security (TLS) certificate of the hub server to the
truststore file of the Operations Center.

Before you begin

The truststore file of the Operations Center is a container for certificates that the
Operations Center can access. The truststore file contains the certificate that the
Operations Center uses for HTTPS communication with web browsers.

During the installation of the Operations Center, you create a password for the
truststore file. To secure communication between the Operations Center and the
hub server, you must use the same password to add the certificate of the hub
server to the truststore file. If you do not remember this password, you can reset it.
See “Resetting the password for the Operations Center truststore file” on page 138.

1. Specify the cert256.arm certificate as the default certificate in the key database
file of the hub server.
To specify cert256.arm as the default certificate, complete the following steps:
a. Issue the following command from the hub server instance directory:
gsk8capicmd_64 -cert -setdefault -db cert.kdb -stashed
-label "TSM Server SelfSigned SHA Key"
b. Restart the hub server so that it can receive the changes to the key database
2. To verify that the cert256.arm certificate is set as the default certificate in the
key database file of the hub server, issue the following command:
gsk8capicmd_64 -cert -list -db cert.kdb -stashed
3. Stop the Operations Center web server.
4. Go to the command line of the operating system on which the Operations
Center is installed.

Chapter 12. Getting started with the Operations Center 135

Getting started with the Operations Center

5. Add the certificate to the truststore file of the Operations Center by using the
iKeycmd command or the iKeyman command.
The iKeycmd is a command line interface, and the iKeyman command opens the
IBM Key Management graphical user interface.
The iKeycmd and the iKeyman commands must be run as the root user.
To add the TLS certificate by using the command line interface, complete the
following steps:
a. Go to the following directory, where installation_dir represents the
directory in which the Operations Center is installed:
v installation_dir/ui/jre/bin
b. Issue the issue the iKeycmd command to add the cert256.arm certificate as
the default certificate in the key database file of the hub server:
ikeycmd -cert -add
-db /installation_dir/Liberty/usr/servers/guiServer/gui-truststore.jks
-file /fvt/comfrey/srv/cert256.arm
-label ’label description’
-pw ’password’ -type jks -format ascii -trust enable
The directory in which the Operations Center is installed.
label description
The description that you assign to the label.
The password that you created when you installed the Operations Center.
To reset the password, uninstall the Operations Center, delete the .jks file,
and reinstall the Operations Center.
To add the certificate by using the IBM Key Management window, complete the
following steps:
a. Go to the following directory, where installation_dir represents the
directory in which the Operations Center is installed:
v installation_dir/ui/jre/bin
b. Open the IBM Key Management window by issuing the following
c. Click Key Database File > Open.
d. In the Open window, click Browse, and go to the following directory, where
installation_dir represents the directory in which the Operations Center is
v installation_dir/ui/Liberty/usr/servers/guiServer
e. In the guiServer directory, select the gui-truststore.jks file.
f. Click Open, and click OK.
g. Enter the password for the truststore file, and click OK.
h. In the Key database content area of the IBM Key Management window,
click the arrow, and select Signer Certificates from the list.
i. Click Add.
j. In the Open window, click Browse, and go to the hub server instance
directory, as shown in the following example:
v /opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin
The directory contains the cert256.arm certificate.

136 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Getting started with the Operations Center

If you cannot access the hub server instance directory from the Open
window, complete the following steps:
1) Use FTP or another file-transfer method to copy the cert256.arm files
from the hub server to the following directory on the computer where
the Operations Center is installed:
v installation_dir/ui/Liberty/usr/servers/guiServer
2) In the Open window, go to the guiServer directory.
k. Select the cert256.arm certificate as the certificate.

Tip: The certificate that you choose must be set as the default certificate in
the key database file of the hub server. For more information, see step 1 on
page 135 and 2 on page 135.
l. Click Open, and click OK.
m. Enter a label for the certificate. For example, enter the name of the hub
n. Click OK. The SSL certificate of the hub server is added to the truststore
file, and the label is displayed in the Key database content area of the IBM
Key Management window.
o. Close the IBM Key Management window.
6. Start the Operations Center web server.
7. When you connect to the Operations Center for the first time, you are
prompted to identify the IP address or network name of the hub server, and
the port number for communicating with the hub server. If the
ADMINONCLIENTPORT server option is enabled for the Tivoli Storage
Manager server, enter the port number that is specified by the
TCPADMINPORT server option. If the ADMINONCLIENTPORT server option
is not enabled, enter the port number that is specified by the TCPPORT server
If the Operations Center was previously configured, you can review the
contents of the serverConnection.properties file to verify the connection
information. The serverConnection.properties file is in the following directory
on the computer where the Operations Center is installed:
v installation_dir/ui/Liberty/usr/servers/guiServer

What to do next
To set up SSL communication between the hub server and a spoke server, see
“Securing communication between the hub server and a spoke server.”

Securing communication between the hub server and a spoke

To secure communications between the hub server and a spoke server by using the
Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol, you must define the certificate of the
spoke server to the hub server. You must also configure the Operations Center to
monitor the spoke server.

1. On the spoke server, change to the directory of the spoke server instance.
2. Specify the required cert256.arm certificate as the default certificate in the key
database file of the spoke server. Issue the following command:
gsk8capicmd_64 -cert -setdefault -db cert.kdb -stashed
-label "TSM Server SelfSigned SHA Key"

Chapter 12. Getting started with the Operations Center 137

Getting started with the Operations Center

3. Verify the certificates in the key database file of the spoke server. Issue the
following command:
gsk8capicmd_64 -cert -list -db cert.kdb -stashed
4. Securely transfer the cert256.arm file of the spoke server to the hub server.
5. On the hub server, change to the directory of the hub server instance.
6. Define the spoke server certificate to the hub server. Issue the following
command from the hub server instance directory, where spoke_servername is
the name of the spoke server, and spoke_cert256.arm is the file name of the
spoke server certificate:
gsk8capicmd_64 -cert -add -db cert.kdb -stashed -format ascii
-label spoke_servername -file spoke_cert256.arm

The spoke server does not require the hub server certificate for hub-to-spoke
communication. However, other server configurations that require
cross-defined servers do require the spoke server to have the hub server
7. Restart the hub server and the spoke server.
8. For the hub server, issue the DEFINE SERVER command, according to the
following example:
DEFINE SERVER spoke_servername HLA=spoke_address
LLA=spoke_SSLTCPADMINPort SERVERPA=spoke_serverpassword

Tip: By default, server communication is encrypted except when the server is

sending or receiving object data. Object data is sent and received by using
TCP/IP. By choosing not to encrypt the object data, server performance is
similar to communication over a TCP/IP session and the session is secure. To
encrypt all communication with the specified server, even when the server is
sending and receiving object data, specify the SSL=YES parameter on the
9. On the Operations Center menu bar, click Servers.
In the table on the Servers page, the spoke server that you defined in step 8
typically has a status of "Unmonitored." Depending on the setting for the
status refresh interval, you might not see the spoke server immediately.
10. Click the spoke server to highlight the item, and in the table menu bar, click
Monitor Spoke.

Resetting the password for the Operations Center truststore

To set up secure communication between the Operations Center and the hub
server, you must know the password for the truststore file of the Operations
Center. You create this password during the installation of the Operations Center. If
you do not know the password, you can reset it.

About this task

To reset the password, you must create a new password, delete the truststore file
of the Operations Center, and restart the Operations Center web server.

1. Stop the Operations Center web server.
2. Go to the following directory, where installation_dir represents the directory
in which the Operations Center is installed:

138 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Getting started with the Operations Center

3. Open the bootstrap.properties file, which contains the password for the
truststore file. If the password is unencrypted, you can use it to open the
truststore file without having to reset it.
The following examples indicate the difference between an encrypted and an
unencrypted password:
Encrypted password example
Encrypted passwords begin with the text string {xor}.
The following example shows the encrypted password as the value of
the tsm.truststore.pswd parameter:
Unencrypted password example
The following example shows the unencrypted password as the value
of the tsm.truststore.pswd parameter:
4. Reset the password by replacing the password in the bootstrap.properties file
with a new password. You can replace the password with an encrypted or
unencrypted password. Remember the unencrypted password for future use.
To create an encrypted password, complete the following steps:
a. Create an unencrypted password.
The password for the truststore file must meet the following criteria:
v The password must contain a minimum of 6 characters and a maximum
of 64 characters.
v The password must contain at least the following characters:
– One uppercase letter (A – Z)
– One lowercase letter (a – z)
– One digit (0 – 9)
– Two of the following non-alphanumeric characters:
~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * _ - + = ` |
( ) { } [ ] : ; < > , . ? /
b. From the command line of the operating system, go to the following
c. To encrypt the password, issue the following command, where myPassword
represents the unencrypted password:
securityUtility encode myPassword
5. Close the bootstrap.properties file.
6. Go to the following directory:
7. Delete the gui-truststore.jks file, which is the truststore file of the Operations
8. Start the Operations Center web server.

A new truststore file is automatically created for the Operations Center, and the
TLS certificate of the Operations Center is automatically included in the truststore

Chapter 12. Getting started with the Operations Center 139

Getting started with the Operations Center

Starting and stopping the web server

The web server of the Operations Center runs as a service and starts automatically.
You might need to stop and start the web server, for example, to make
configuration changes.

Stop and start the web server.
v From the /installation_dir/ui/utils directory, where installation_dir
represents the directory where the Operations Center is installed, issue the
following commands:
– To stop the server:
– To start the server:

Opening the Operations Center

The Overview page is the default initial view in the Operations Center. However,
in your web browser, you can bookmark the page that you want to open when
you log in to the Operations Center.

1. In a web browser, enter the following address, where hostname represents the
name of the computer where the Operations Center is installed, and secure_port
represents the port number that the Operations Center uses for HTTPS
communication on that computer:

v The URL is case-sensitive. For example, ensure that you type “oc” in
lowercase as indicated.
v The default port number for HTTPS communication is 11090, but a different
port number can be specified during Operations Center installation.
2. Log in, using an administrator ID that is registered on the hub server.
In the Overview page, you can view summary information for clients, services,
servers, storage pools, and storage devices. You can view more details by
clicking items or by using the Operations Center menu bar.

Monitoring from a mobile device: To remotely monitor the storage

environment, you can view the Overview page of the Operations Center in the
web browser of a mobile device. The Operations Center supports the Apple
Safari web browser on the iPad. Other mobile devices can also be used.

140 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Getting started with the Operations Center

Collecting diagnostic information with Tivoli Storage Manager client

management services
The client management service collects diagnostic information about
backup-archive clients and makes the information available to the Operations
Center for basic monitoring capability.

About this task

After you install the client management service, you can view the Diagnosis page
in the Operations Center to obtain troubleshooting information for backup-archive

Diagnostic information can be collected only from Linux and Windows clients, but
administrators can view the diagnostic information in the Operations Center on
AIX, Linux, or Windows operating systems.

You can also install the client management service on data mover nodes for Tivoli
Storage Manager for Virtual Environments: Data Protection for VMware to collect
diagnostic information about the data movers.

Tip: In the documentation for the client management service, client system is the
system where the backup-archive client is installed.

Installing the client management service by using a graphical

To collect diagnostic information about backup-archive clients such as client log
files, you must install the client management service on the client systems that you

Before you begin

Review “Requirements and limitations for Tivoli Storage Manager client

management services” on page 117.

About this task

You must install the client management service on the same computer as the
backup-archive client.

1. Obtain the installation package for the client management service from the
product DVD. Alternatively, you can download the installation package for the
client management service from an IBM download site such as IBM Passport
Advantage or IBM Fix Central. Look for a file name that is similar to
<version>-TIV-TSMCMS-<operating system>.bin.
The following table shows the names of the installation packages.

Client operating system Installation package name

Linux x86 64-bit 7.1.x.000-TIV-TSMCMS-Linuxx64.bin
Windows 32-bit 7.1.x.000-TIV-TSMCMS-Windows32.exe
Windows 64-bit 7.1.x.000-TIV-TSMCMS-Windows64.exe

Chapter 12. Getting started with the Operations Center 141

Getting started with the Operations Center

2. Create a directory on the client system that you want to manage, and copy the
installation package there.
3. Extract the contents of the installation package file.
v On Linux client systems, complete the following steps:
a. Change the file to an executable file by issuing the following command:
chmod +x 7.1.x.000-TIV-TSMCMS-Linuxx64.bin
b. Issue the following command:
v On Windows client systems, double-click the installation package name in
Windows Explorer.

Tip: If you previously installed and uninstalled the package, select All when
prompted to replace the existing installation files.
4. Run the installation batch file from the directory where you extracted the
installation files and associated files. This is the directory that you created in
step 2.
v On Linux client systems, issue the following command:
v On Windows client systems, double-click install.bat.
5. To install the client management service, follow the instructions in the IBM
Installation Manager wizard.
If IBM Installation Manager is not already installed on the client system, you
must select both IBM Installation Manager and IBM Tivoli Storage Manager
Client Management Services.

Tip: You can accept the default locations for the shared resources directory and
the installation directory for IBM Installation Manager.

What to do next

Follow the instructions in “Verifying that the client management service is installed
correctly” on page 143.

Installing the client management service in silent mode

You can install the client management service in silent mode. When you use silent
mode, you provide the installation values in a response file and then run an
installation command.

Before you begin

Review “Requirements and limitations for Tivoli Storage Manager client

management services” on page 117.

Extract the installation package by following the instructions in “Installing the

client management service by using a graphical wizard” on page 141.

About this task

You must install the client management service on the same computer as the
backup-archive client.

142 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Getting started with the Operations Center

The input directory, which is in the directory where the installation package is
extracted, contains the following sample response file:


You can use the sample file with the default values, or you can customize it.

Tip: If you want to customize the sample file, create a copy of the sample file,
rename it, and edit the copy.

1. Create a response file based on the sample file, or use the sample file,
In either case, ensure that the response file specifies the port number for the
client management service. The default port is 9028. For example:
<variable name='port' value='9028'/>
2. Run the command to install the client management service and accept the
license. From the directory where the installation package file is extracted, issue
the following command, where response_file represents the response file path,
including the file name:
On a Linux client system:
./install.sh -s -input response_file -acceptLicense
For example:
./install.sh -s -input /cms_install/input/install_response.xml -acceptLicense
On a Windows client system:
install.bat -s -input response_file -acceptLicense
For example:
install.bat -s -input c:\cms_install\input\install_response.xml -acceptLicense

What to do next

Follow the instructions in “Verifying that the client management service is installed

Verifying that the client management service is installed

Before you use the client management service to collect diagnostic information
about a backup-archive client, you can verify that the client management service is
correctly installed and configured.


On the client system, at the command line, run the following commands to view
the configuration of the client management service:
v On Linux client systems, issue the following command:
client_install_dir/cms/bin/CmsConfig.sh list

where client_install_dir is the directory where the backup-archive client is

installed. For example, with the default client installation, issue the following
/opt/tivoli/tsm/cms/bin/CmsConfig.sh list

Chapter 12. Getting started with the Operations Center 143

Getting started with the Operations Center

The output is similar to the following text:

Listing CMS configuration

server1.example.com:1500 NO_SSL HOSTNAME

Capabilities: [LOG_QUERY]
Opt Path: /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsm.sys

Log File: /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsmerror.log

en_US MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss Windows-1252

Log File: /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsmsched.log

en_US MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss Windows-1252
v On Windows client systems, issue the following command:
client_install_dir\cms\bin\CmsConfig.bat list

where client_install_dir is the directory where the backup-archive client is

installed. For example, with the default client installation, issue the following
C:\"Program Files"\Tivoli\TSM\cms\bin\CmsConfig.bat list

The output is similar to the following text:

Listing CMS configuration

server1.example.com:1500 NO_SSL HOSTNAME

Capabilities: [LOG_QUERY]
Opt Path: C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient\dsm.opt

Log File: C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient\dsmerror.log

en_US MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss Windows-1252

Log File: C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient\dsmsched.log

en_US MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss Windows-1252
If the client management service is correctly installed and configured, the output
displays the location of the error log file.
The output text is extracted from the following configuration file:
v On Linux client systems:
v On Windows client systems:
If the output does not contain any entries, you must configure the
client-configuration.xml file. For instructions about how to configure this file,
see “Configuring the client management service for custom client installations” on
page 147. You can use the CmsConfig verify command to verify that a node
definition is correctly created in the client-configuration.xml file.

Configuring the Operations Center to use the client

management service
If you did not use the default configuration for the client management service, you
must configure the Operations Center to access the client management service.

Before you begin

Ensure that the client management service is installed and started on the client

144 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Getting started with the Operations Center

Verify whether the default configuration is used. The default configuration is not
used if either of the following conditions is met:
v The client management service does not use the default port number, 9028.
v The backup-archive client is not accessed by the same IP address as the client
system where the backup-archive client is installed. For example, a different IP
address might be used in the following situations:
– The computer system has two network cards. The backup-archive client is
configured to communicate on one network, while the client management
service communicates on the other network.
– The client system is configured with the Dynamic Host Configuration
Protocol (DHCP). As a result, the client system is dynamically assigned an IP
address, which is saved on the Tivoli Storage Manager server during the
previous backup-archive client operation. When the client system is restarted,
the client system might be assigned a different IP address. To ensure that the
Operations Center can always find the client system, you specify a fully
qualified domain name.


To configure the Operations Center to use the client management service, complete
the following steps:
1. On the Clients page of the Operations Center, select the client.
2. Click Details.
3. Click the Properties tab.
4. In the Remote diagnostics URL field in the General section, specify the URL
for the client management service on the client system.
The address must start with https. The following table shows examples of the
remote diagnostics URL.

Type of URL Example

With DNS host name and default port, 9028 https://server.example.com
With DNS host name and non-default port https://server.example.com:1599
With IP address and non-default port

5. Click Save.

What to do next
You can access client diagnostic information such as client log files from the
Diagnosis tab in the Operations Center.

Starting and stopping the client management service

The client management service is automatically started after it is installed on the
client system. You might need to stop and start the service in certain situations.

v To stop, start, or restart the client management service on Linux client systems,
issue the following commands:
– To stop the service:
service cms.rc stop
– To start the service:

Chapter 12. Getting started with the Operations Center 145

Getting started with the Operations Center

service cms.rc start

– To restart the service:
service cms.rc restart
v On Windows client systems, open the Services window, and stop, start, or restart
the Tivoli Storage Manager Client Management Services service.

Uninstalling the client management service

If you no longer have to collect client diagnostic information, you can uninstall the
client management service from the client system.

About this task

You must use IBM Installation Manager to uninstall the client management service.
If you no longer plan to use IBM Installation Manager, you can also uninstall it.

1. Uninstall the client management service from the client system:
a. Open IBM Installation Manager:
v On the Linux client system, in the directory where IBM Installation
Manager is installed, go to the eclipse subdirectory (for example,
/opt/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse), and issue the following
v On the Windows client system, open IBM Installation Manager from the
Start menu.
b. Click Uninstall.
c. Select IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Client Management Services, and click
d. Click Uninstall, and then click Finish.
e. Close the IBM Installation Manager window.
2. If you no longer require IBM Installation Manager, uninstall it from the client
a. Open the IBM Installation Manager uninstall wizard:
v On the Linux client system, change to the IBM Installation Manager
uninstallation directory (for example, /var/ibm/InstallationManager/
uninstall), and issue the following command:
v On the Windows client system, click Start > Control Panel. Then, click
Uninstall a program > IBM Installation Manager > Uninstall.
b. In the IBM Installation Manager window, select IBM Installation Manager
if it is not already selected, and click Next.
c. Click Uninstall, and click Finish.

146 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Getting started with the Operations Center

Configuring the client management service for custom client

The client management service uses information in the client configuration file
(client-configuration.xml) to discover diagnostic information. If the client
management service is unable to discover the location of log files, you must run
the CmsConfig utility to add the location of the log files to the client-
configuration.xml file.

CmsConfig utility
If you are not using the default client configuration, you can run the CmsConfig
utility on the client system to discover and add the location of the client log files to
the client-configuration.xml file. After you complete the configuration, the client
management service can access the client log files and make them available for
basic diagnostic functions in the Operations Center.

You can also use the CmsConfig utility to show the configuration of the client
management service and to remove a node name from the client-
configuration.xml file.

The client-configuration.xml file is in the following directory:

v On Linux client systems:
v On Windows client systems:
where client_install_dir is the directory where the backup-archive client is installed.

The CmsConfig utility is available in the following locations.

Client operating system Utility location and name

Linux client_install_dir/cms/bin/CmsConfig.sh
Windows client_install_dir\cms\bin\CmsConfig.bat

To use the CmsConfig utility, issue any command that is included in the utility.
Ensure that you enter each command on a single line.

CmsConfig discover command:

You can use the CmsConfig discover command to automatically discover options
files and log files, and add them to the client configuration file,
client-configuration.xml. In this way, you can help to ensure that the client
management service can access the client log files and make them available for
diagnosis in the Operations Center.

Typically, the client management service installer runs the CmsConfig discover
command automatically. However, you must run this command manually if you
changed the backup-archive client, such as added a client, or changed the server
configuration or location of log files.

For the client management service to create a log definition in the

client-configuration.xml file, the Tivoli Storage Manager server address, server
port, and client node name must be obtained. If the node name is not defined in
the client options file (typically, dsm.sys on Linux client systems and dsm.opt on
Windows client systems), the host name of the client system is used.

Chapter 12. Getting started with the Operations Center 147

Getting started with the Operations Center

To update the client configuration file, the client management service must access
one or more log files, such as dsmerror.log and dsmsched.log. For best results, run
the CmsConfig discover command in the same directory and by using the same
environment variables as you would for the backup-archive client command, dsmc.
In this way, you can improve the chances of finding the correct log files.

If the client options file is in a custom location or it does not have a typical options
file name, you can also specify the path for the client options file to narrow the
scope of the discovery.


►► CmsConfig discover ►◄

The path of the client options file (typically dsm.opt). Specify the configuration
path when the client options file is not in a default location or it does not have
the default name. The client management service loads the client options file
and discovers the client nodes and logs from there. This parameter is optional.
On a Linux client system, the client management service always loads the
client user-options file (dsm.opt) first, and then looks for the client
system-options file (typically dsm.sys). The value of the configPath parameter,
however, is always the client user-options file.

Examples for a Linux client system

v Discover the client log files and automatically add the log definitions to the
client-configuration.xml file.
Issue the following command from the /opt/tivoli/tsm/cms/bin directory.
./CmsConfig.sh discover
Discovering client configuration and logs.

server.example.com:1500 SUSAN

Finished discovering client configuration and logs.

v Discover the configuration files and log files that are specified in the
/opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/daily.opt file and automatically add the log
definitions to the client-configuration.xml file.
Issue the following command from the /opt/tivoli/tsm/cms/bin directory.
./CmsConfig.sh discover /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/daily.opt
Discovering client configuration and logs

server.example.com:1500 NO_SSL SUSAN

Capabilities: [LOG_QUERY]
Opt Path: /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsm.sys

Log File: /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsmerror.log

148 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Getting started with the Operations Center

en_US MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss Windows-1252

Log File: /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsmsched.log

en_US MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss Windows-1252

Finished discovering client configuration and logs.

Examples for a Windows client system

v Discover the client log files and automatically add the log definitions to the
client-configuration.xml file.
Issue the following command from the C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\cms\bin
cmsconfig discover
Discovering client configuration and logs.

server.example.com:1500 SUSAN
C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient\dsmerror.log

Finished discovering client configuration and logs.

v Discover the configuration files and log files that are specified in the c:\program
files\tivoli\tsm\baclient\daily.opt file and automatically add the log
definitions to the client-configuration.xml file.
Issue the following command from the C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\cms\bin
cmsconfig discover "c:\program files\tivoli\tsm\baclient\
Discovering client configuration and logs

server.example.com:1500 NO_SSL SUSAN

Capabilities: [LOG_QUERY]
Opt Path: C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient\dsm.opt

Log File: C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient\dsmerror.log

en_US MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss Windows-1252

Log File: C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient\dsmsched.log

en_US MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss Windows-1252

Finished discovering client configuration and logs.

CmsConfig addnode command:

Use the CmsConfig addnode command to manually add a client node definition to
the client-configuration.xml configuration file. The node definition contains
information that is required by the client management service to communicate with
the Tivoli Storage Manager server.

Use this command only if the client options file or client log files are stored in a
non-default location on the client system.

Chapter 12. Getting started with the Operations Center 149

Getting started with the Operations Center


►► CmsConfig addnode nodeName serverIP serverPort serverProtocol optPath ►◄

The client node name that is associated with the log files. For most client
systems, only one node name is registered to the Tivoli Storage Manager
server. However, on systems with multiple users, such as Linux client systems,
there can be more than one client node name. This parameter is required.
The TCP/IP address of the Tivoli Storage Manager server that the client
management service authenticates to. This parameter is required.
You can specify a 1 - 64 character TCP/IP address for the server. The server
address can be a TCP/IP domain name or a numeric IP address. The numeric
IP address can be either a TCP/IP v4 or TCP/IP v6 address. You can use IPv6
addresses only if the commmethod V6Tcpip option is specified for the client
v server.example.com
v 2001:0DB8:0:0:0:0:0:0
The TCP/IP port number that is used to communicate with the Tivoli Storage
Manager server. You can specify a value in the range 1 - 32767. This parameter
is required.
Example: 1500
The protocol that is used for communication between the client management
service and the Tivoli Storage Manager server. This parameter is required.
You can specify one of the following values.

Value Meaning
NO_SSL The SSL security protocol is not used.
SSL The SSL security protocol is used.
FIPS The TLS 1.2 protocol is used in Federal
Information Processing Standard (FIPS)
Tip: Alternatively, you can enter TLS_1.2 to
specify that the TLS 1.2 protocol is used in
FIPS mode.

The fully qualified path of the client options file. This parameter is required.
Example (Linux client): /opt/backup_tools/tivoli/tsm/baclient/dsm.sys
Example (Windows client): C:\backup tools\Tivoli\TSM\baclient\dsm.opt

150 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Getting started with the Operations Center

Example for a Linux client system

Add the node definition for client node SUSAN to the client-configuration.xml
file. The Tivoli Storage Manager server that the node communicates with is
server.example.com on server port 1500. The SSL security protocol is not used. The
path for the client system options file is /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/

Issue the following command from the /opt/tivoli/tsm/cms/bin directory.

./CmsConfig.sh addnode SUSAN server.example.com 1500 NO_SSL
Adding node.

Finished adding client configuration.

Example for a Windows client system

Add the node definition for client node SUSAN to the client-configuration.xml
file. The Tivoli Storage Manager server that the node communicates with is
server.example.com on server port 1500. The SSL security protocol is not used. The
path for the client options file is c:\program files\tivoli\tsm\baclient\

Issue the following command. from the C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\cms\bin

cmsconfig addnode SUSAN server.example.com 1500 NO_SSL "c:\program
Adding node.

Finished adding client configuration.

CmsConfig setopt command:

Use the CmsConfig setopt command to set the path of the client options file
(typically dsm.opt) to an existing node definition without first reading the contents
of the client options file.

This command can be helpful if the client options file does not have a typical
name or is in a non-default location.

Requirement: If the node definition does not exist, you must first issue the
CmsConfig addnode command to create the node definition.

Unlike the CmsConfig discover command, the CmsConfig setopt command does
not create associated log definitions in the client-configuration.xml file. You
must use the CmsComfog addlog command to create the log definitions.


Chapter 12. Getting started with the Operations Center 151

Getting started with the Operations Center

►► CmsConfig setopt nodeName optPath ►◄

The client node name that is associated with the log files. For most client
systems, only one node name is registered to the Tivoli Storage Manager
server. However, on systems with multiple users, such as Linux client systems,
there can be more than one client node name. This parameter is required.
The fully qualified path of the client options file. This parameter is required.
Example (Linux client): /opt/backup_tools/tivoli/tsm/baclient/dsm.opt
Example (Windows client): C:\backup tools\Tivoli\TSM\baclient\dsm.opt

Example for a Linux client system

Set the client options file path for the node SUSAN. The path for the client options
file is /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsm.opt.

Issue the following command from the /opt/tivoli/tsm/cms/bin directory.

./CmsConfig.sh setopt SUSAN /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsm.opt
Adding node configuration file.

Finished adding client configuration file.

Example for a Windows client system

Set the client options file path for the node SUSAN. The path for the client options
file is c:\program files\tivoli\tsm\baclient\dsm.opt.

Issue the following command from the C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\cms\bin

cmsconfig setopt SUSAN "c:\program files\tivoli\tsm\baclient\
Adding node configuration file.

Finished adding client configuration file.

152 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Getting started with the Operations Center

CmsConfig setsys command:

On a Linux client system, use the CmsConfig setsys command to set the path of
the client system-options file (typically dsm.sys) to an existing node definition
without first reading the contents of the client system-options file.

This command can be helpful if the client system-options file does not have a
typical name or is in a non-default location.

Requirement: If the node definition does not exist, you must first issue the
CmsConfig addnode command to create the node definition.

Unlike the CmsConfig discover command, the CmsConfig setsys command does
not create associated log definitions in the client-configuration.xml file. You
must use the CmsComfog addlog command to create the log definitions.


►► CmsConfig setsys nodeName sysPath ►◄

The client node name that is associated with the log files. For most client
systems, only one node name is registered to the Tivoli Storage Manager
server. However, on systems with multiple users, such as Linux client systems,
there can be more than one client node name. This parameter is required.
The fully qualified path of the client system-options file. This parameter is
Example: /opt/backup_tools/tivoli/tsm/baclient/dsm.sys


Set the client system-options file path for the node SUSAN. The path for the client
system-options file is /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsm.sys.

Issue the following command, from the /opt/tivoli/tsm/cms/bin directory.

./CmsConfig.sh setopt SUSAN /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsm.sys
Adding node configuration file.

Finished adding client configuration file.

Chapter 12. Getting started with the Operations Center 153

Getting started with the Operations Center

CmsConfig addlog command:

Use the CmsConfig addlog command to manually add the location of client log files
to an existing node definition in the client-configuration.xml configuration file.
Use this command only if the client log files are stored in a non-default location on
the client system.

Requirement: If the node definition does not exist, you must first issue the
CmsConfig addnode command to create the node definition.


►► CmsConfig addlog nodeName logPath ►

► ►◄
language dateFormat timeFormat encoding

The client node name that is associated with the log files. For most client
systems, only one node name is registered to the Tivoli Storage Manager
server. However, on systems with multiple users, such as Linux client systems,
there can be more than one client node name. This parameter is required.
The fully qualified path of the log files. This parameter is required.
Example (Linux client): /opt/backup_tools/tivoli/tsm/baclient/dsmerror.log
Example (Windows client): C:\backup tools\Tivoli\TSM\baclient\
The language locale of the log file. This parameter is optional. However, if you
specify this parameter, you must also specify the dateFormat, timeFormat, and
encoding parameters. You must specify the locale for the following languages.

Language Locale
Brazilian Portuguese pt_BR
Chinese, Simplified zh_CN
Chinese, Traditional zh_TW
Czech cs_CZ
English en_US
French fr_FR
German de_DE
Hungarian hu_HU
Italian it_IT
Japanese ja_JP
Korean ko_KR
Polish pl_PL
Russian ru_RU
Spanish es_ES

154 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Getting started with the Operations Center

The date format of the time stamp entries in the client log file. This parameter
is optional. However, if you specify this parameter, you must also specify the
language, timeFormat, and encoding parameters.
The following table shows the date formats for the languages.

Tip: Instead of using one of the date formats that are listed in the table, you
can specify a date format by using the backup-archive client dateformat

Language Date format

Chinese, Simplified yyyy-MM-dd
Chinese, Traditional yyyy/MM/dd
Czech dd.MM.yyyy
English MM/dd/yyyy
French dd/MM/yyyy
German dd.MM.yyyy
Hungarian yyyy.MM.dd
Italian dd/MM/yyyy
Japanese yyyy-MM-dd
Korean yyyy/MM/dd
Polish yyyy-MM-dd
Portuguese, Brazilian dd/MM/yyyy
Russian dd.MM.yyyy
Spanish dd.MM.yyyy

The time format of the time stamp entries in the client log file. This parameter
is optional. However, if you specify this parameter, you must also specify the
language, dateFormat, and encoding parameters.
The following table shows examples of default time formats that you can
specify and client operating systems.

Tip: Instead of using one of the time formats that are listed in the table, you
can specify a time format by using the backup-archive client timeformat

Time format for Linux client Time format for Windows

Language systems client systems
Chinese, Simplified HH:mm:ss HH:mm:ss
Chinese, Traditional HH:mm:ss ahh:mm:ss
Czech HH:mm:ss HH:mm:ss
English HH:mm:ss HH:mm:ss
French HH:mm:ss HH:mm:ss
German HH:mm:ss HH:mm:ss
Hungarian HH.mm.ss HH:mm:ss

Chapter 12. Getting started with the Operations Center 155

Getting started with the Operations Center

Time format for Linux client Time format for Windows

Language systems client systems
Italian HH:mm:ss HH:mm:ss
Japanese HH:mm:ss HH:mm:ss
Korean HH:mm:ss HH:mm:ss
Polish HH:mm:ss HH:mm:ss
Portuguese, Brazilian HH:mm:ss HH:mm:ss
Russian HH:mm:ss HH:mm:ss
Spanish HH:mm:ss HH:mm:ss

The character encoding of the entries in the client log files. This parameter is
optional. However, if you specify this parameter, you must also specify the
language, dateFormat, and timeFormat parameters.
For Linux client systems, the typical character encoding is UTF-8. For Windows
client systems, the default encoding values are shown in the following table. If
your client system is customized differently, use the encoding parameter to
specify a value other than the default.

Language Encoding
Chinese, Simplified CP936
Chinese, Traditional CP950
Czech Windows-1250
English Windows-1252
French Windows-1252
German Windows-1252
Hungarian Windows-1250
Italian Windows-1252
Japanese CP932
Korean CP949
Polish Windows-1250
Portuguese, Brazilian Windows-1252
Russian Windows-1251
Spanish Windows-1252

Example for a Linux client system

Add the client log file location to the existing definition for client node SUSAN in
the client-configuration.xml file. The path for the client log file is
/usr/work/logs/dsmerror.log. Add the language specification, time format, and
date format for the French locale.

Issue the following command from the /opt/tivoli/tsm/cms/bin directory.

./CmsConfig.sh addlog SUSAN /usr/work/logs/dsmerror.log fr_FR
yyyy/MM/dd HH:MM:ss UTF-8

156 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Getting started with the Operations Center

Adding log.

Finished adding log.

Example for a Windows client system

Add the client log file location to the existing definition for client node SUSAN in
the client-configuration.xml. The path for the client log file is
c:\work\logs\dsmerror.log. Add the language specification, time format, and date
format for the French locale.

Issue the following command from the C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\cms\bin

cmsconfig addlog SUSAN c:\work\logs\dsmerror.log fr_FR yyyy/MM/dd
HH:MM:ss UTF-8
Adding log.

Finished adding log.

CmsConfig remove command:

Use the CmsConfig remove command to remove a client node definition from the
client configuration file, client-configuration.xml. All log file entries that are
associated with the client node name are also removed.


►► CmsConfig remove nodeName ►◄

The client node name that is associated with the log files. For most client
systems, only one node name is registered to the Tivoli Storage Manager
server. However, on systems with multiple users, such as Linux client systems,
there can be more than one client node name. This parameter is required.

Example for a Linux client system

Remove the node definition for SUSAN from the client-configuration.xml file.

Issue the following command from the /opt/tivoli/tsm/cms/bin directory.

./CmsConfig.sh remove SUSAN
Removing node.

Finished removing node.

Chapter 12. Getting started with the Operations Center 157

Getting started with the Operations Center

Example for a Windows client system

Remove the node definition for SUSAN from the client-configuration.xml file.

Issue the following command from the C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\cms\bin

cmsconfig remove SUSAN
Removing node.

Finished removing node.

CmsConfig verify command:

Use the CmsConfig verify command to verify that a node definition is correctly
created in the client-configuration.xml file. If there are errors with the node
definition or the node is not correctly defined, you must correct the node definition
by using the appropriate CmsConfig commands.


►► CmsConfig verify nodeName ►◄


The client node name that is associated with the log files. For most client
systems, only one node name is registered to the Tivoli Storage Manager
server. However, on systems with multiple users, such as Linux client systems,
there can be more than one client node name. This parameter is required.
The TCP/IP port number that is used to communicate with the client
management service. Specify the port number if you did not use the default
port number when you installed the client management service. The default
port number is 9028. This parameter is optional.

Example for a Linux client system

Verify that the node definition for the node SUSAN is created correctly in the
client-configuration.xml file.

Issue the following command from the /opt/tivoli/tsm/cms/bin directory.

./CmsConfig.sh verify SUSAN

During the verification process, you are prompted to enter the client node name or
administrative user ID and password.
Verifying node.

Verifying the CMS service configuration for node SUSAN.

158 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Getting started with the Operations Center

The CMS configuration looks correct.

Verifying the CMS service works correctly on port 9028.

Enter your user id: admin

Enter your password:

Connecting to CMS service and verifying resources.

The CMS service is working correctly.
Finished verifying node.

Example for a Windows client system

Verify that the node definition for the node SUSAN is created correctly in the
client-configuration.xml file.

Issue the following command from the C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\cms\bin

cmsconfig verify SUSAN

During the verification process, you are prompted to enter the client node name or
administrative user ID and password.
Verifying node.

Verifying the CMS service configuration for node SUSAN.

The CMS configuration looks correct.

Verifying the CMS service works correctly on port 9028.

Enter your user id: admin

Enter your password:

Connecting to CMS service and verifying resources.

The CMS service is working correctly.
Finished verifying node.

CmsConfig list command:

Use the CmsConfig list command to show the client management service


►► CmsConfig list ►◄

Example for a Linux client system

Show the configuration of the client management service. Then, view the output to
ensure that you entered the command correctly.

Issue the following command from the /opt/tivoli/tsm/cms/bin directory.

./CmsConfig.sh list

Chapter 12. Getting started with the Operations Center 159

Getting started with the Operations Center

Listing CMS configuration

server.example.com:1500 NO_SSL SUSAN

Capabilities: [LOG_QUERY]
Opt Path: /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsm.sys

Log File: /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsmerror.log

en_US MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss Windows-1252

Log File: /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsmsched.log

en_US MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss Windows-1252

Example for a Windows client system

Show the configuration of the client management service. Then, view the output to
ensure that you entered the command correctly.

Issue the following command from the C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\cms\bin

cmsconfig list
Listing CMS configuration

server.example.com:1500 NO_SSL SUSAN

Capabilities: [LOG_QUERY]
Opt Path: C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient\dsm.opt

Log File: C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient\dsmerror.log

en_US MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss Windows-1252

Log File: C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient\dsmsched.log

en_US MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss Windows-1252

CmsConfig help command:

Use the CmsConfig help command to show the syntax of CmsConfig utility


►► CmsConfig help ►◄

Example for a Linux client system

Issue the following command from the /opt/tivoli/tsm/cms/bin directory:

./CmsConfig help

Example for a Windows client system

Issue the following command from the C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\cms\bin

CmsConfig help

160 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Getting started with the Operations Center

Advanced client management service capabilities:

By default, the Tivoli Storage Manager client management service collects

information only from client log files. To initiate other client actions, you can access
the Representational State Transfer (REST) API that is included with the client
management service.

API developers can create REST applications to initiate the following client actions:
v Query and update client options files (for example, the dsm.sys file on Linux
clients and the dsm.opt file on Linux and Windows clients).
v Query the status of the Tivoli Storage Manager client acceptor and the scheduler.
v Back up and restore files for a client node.
v Extend the capabilities of the client management service with scripts.

For detailed information about the client management service REST API, see the
Client Management Services REST API Guide.

Chapter 12. Getting started with the Operations Center 161

162 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide
Chapter 13. Troubleshooting the Operations Center
If a problem occurs with the Operations Center installation and you cannot solve
it, you can consult the descriptions of known problems for a possible solution.

Graphical installation wizard cannot be started on an AIX system

You are installing the Operations Center on an AIX system by using the graphical
wizard, and the installation program does not start.

The RPM files that are listed in “Installing the Operations Center by using a
graphical wizard” on page 124 must be installed on the computer. Verify that the
RPM files are installed.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2017 163

164 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide
Chapter 14. Uninstalling the Operations Center
You can uninstall the Operations Center by using any of the following methods: a
graphical wizard, the command line in console mode, or silent mode.

Uninstalling the Operations Center by using a graphical wizard

You can uninstall the Operations Center by using the graphical wizard of IBM
Installation Manager.

1. Open IBM Installation Manager.
In the directory where IBM Installation Manager is installed, go to the eclipse
subdirectory (for example, /opt/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse), and issue
the following command:
2. Click Uninstall.
3. Select the option for the Operations Center, and click Next.
4. Click Uninstall.
5. Click Finish.

Uninstalling the Operations Center in console mode

To uninstall the Operations Center by using the command line, you must run the
uninstallation program of IBM Installation Manager from the command line with
the parameter for console mode.

1. In the directory where IBM Installation Manager is installed, go to the
following subdirectory:
For example:
2. From the tools directory, issue the following command:
./imcl -c
3. To uninstall, enter 5.
4. Choose to uninstall from the Tivoli Storage Manager package group.
5. Enter N for Next.
6. Choose to uninstall the Operations Center package.
7. Enter N for Next.
8. Enter U for Uninstall.
9. Enter F for Finish.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2017 165

Uninstalling the Operations Center

Uninstalling the Operations Center in silent mode

To uninstall the Operations Center in silent mode, you must run the uninstallation
program of IBM Installation Manager from the command line with the parameters
for silent mode.

Before you begin

You can use a response file to provide data input to silently uninstall the
Operations Center server. Tivoli Storage Manager includes a sample response file,
uninstall_response_sample.xml, in the input directory where the installation
package is extracted. This file contains default values to help you avoid any
unnecessary warnings.

To uninstall the Operations Center, leave modify="false" set for the Operations
Center entry in the response file.

If you want to customize the response file, you can modify the options that are in
the file. For information about response files, see Response files.

1. In the directory where IBM Installation Manager is installed, go to the
following subdirectory:
For example:
2. From the tools directory, issue the following command, where response_file
represents the response file path, including the file name:
./imcl -input response_file -silent
The following command is an example:
./imcl -input /tmp/input/uninstall_response.xml -silent

166 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Chapter 15. Rolling back to a previous version of the
Operations Center
By default, IBM Installation Manager saves earlier versions of a package to roll
back to if you experience a problem with later versions of updates, fixes, or

Before you begin

The rollback function is available only after the Operations Center is updated.

About this task

When IBM Installation Manager rolls back a package to a previous version, the
current version of the package files is uninstalled, and an earlier version is

To roll back to a previous version, IBM Installation Manager must access files for
that version. By default, these files are saved during each successive installation.
Because the number of saved files increases with each installed version, you might
want to delete these files from your system on a regular schedule. However, if you
delete the files, you cannot roll back to a previous version.

To delete saved files or to update your preference for saving these files in future
installations, complete the following steps:
1. In IBM Installation Manager, click File > Preferences.
2. On the Preferences page, click Files for Rollback, and specify your preference.

To roll back to a previous version of the Operations Center, use the Roll Back
function of IBM Installation Manager.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2017 167

168 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide
Part 3. Appendixes

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2017 169

170 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide
Appendix A. Installation log files
If you experience errors during installation, these errors are recorded in log files
that are stored in the IBM Installation Manager logs directory.

You can view installation log files by clicking File > View Log from the Installation
Manager tool. To collect these log files, click Help > Export Data for Problem
Analysis from the Installation Manager tool.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2017 171

172 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide
Appendix B. Accessibility features for the Tivoli Storage
Manager product family
Accessibility features help users who have a disability, such as restricted mobility
or limited vision to use information technology products successfully.

Accessibility features

The IBM Tivoli Storage Manager family of products includes the following
accessibility features:
v Keyboard-only operation using standard operating-system conventions
v Interfaces that support assistive technology such as screen readers

The command-line interfaces of all products in the product family are accessible.

Tivoli Storage Manager Operations Center provides the following additional

accessibility features when you use it with a Mozilla Firefox browser on a
Microsoft Windows system:
v Screen magnifiers and content zooming
v High contrast mode

The Operations Center and the Tivoli Storage Manager server can be installed in
console mode, which is accessible.

The Operations Center help system is enabled for accessibility. For more
information, click the question mark icon on the help system menu bar.

Vendor software
The Tivoli Storage Manager product family includes certain vendor software that is
not covered under the IBM license agreement. IBM makes no representation about
the accessibility features of these products. Contact the vendor for the accessibility
information about its products.

IBM and accessibility

See the IBM Human Ability and Accessibility Center (http://www.ibm.com/able)

for information about the commitment that IBM has to accessibility.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2017 173

174 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide
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176 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

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178 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

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© Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2017 179

180 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide
A client management service (continued)
configuring the Operations Center 144
access rights installing 141
setting in silent mode 142
before server startup 69 Operations Center
accessibility features 173 view client log files 141
activating remove node name 157, 158
server 68 requirements and limitations 117
active log REST API 161
space requirements 30 set client options file path 151
storage technology selection 18 set client system-options file path 153
administrative commands show configuration 159
HALT 73 starting and stopping 145
REGISTER LICENSE 73 uninstalling 146
administrator ID 119 verifying installation 143
administrator password 119 client nodes
AIX reverting to previous server version
system requirements 20 data affected 97
alerts client options
sending by email 131 for shared memory communications 62
API 65 client-configuration.xml file 143, 147
API configuration 65 clustered environment
archive failover log space applying a fix pack to a V7.x server on AIX 79
description 41 upgrading server on AIX
archive log V6.1 to V7.1.8 93
space requirements 30 V6.2 to V7.1.8 89, 91
storage technology selection 18 V6.3 to V7.1.8 89, 91
archive log directory 55 upgrading the server to V7.1.8 88
automatic starting, server 71 CmsConfig utility
addlog 154
addnode 149
B client management service 147
BACKUP DB command 65 discover 147
backups help 160
database 73 list 159
remove 157, 158
setopt 151
C setsys 153
capacity planning administrative, SET DBRECOVERY 73
database space requirements DSMSERV FORMAT 64
estimates based on number of files 26 commands, administrative
estimates based storage pool capacity 28 HALT 73
starting size 26 REGISTER LICENSE 73
recovery log space requirements communication methods
active and archive logs 30 Shared Memory 62
active log mirror 41 SNMP 62
client management service TCP/IP 61
add log file location 154 compatibility, server with other DB2 products 23
add node definition 149 components
advanced capabilities 161 installable v
CmsConfig addlog 154 configuration
CmsConfig addnode 149 Operations Center 112
CmsConfig discover 147 configuring 55, 57, 58
CmsConfig help 160 hub server 130
CmsConfig list 159 Operations Center 129
CmsConfig remove 157, 158 spoke server 131
CmsConfig setopt 151 configuring the Operations Center
CmsConfig setsys 153 for client management service 144
CmsConfig utility 147 configuring, manually 57, 58
collecting diagnostic information 141 configuring, server instance 57
configuring for custom client installation 147

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2017 181

configuring, wizard 57 files
Console language support 52, 53 dsmserv.opt.smp 60
console mode 50 first steps 55
create server instance 55, 57 fix packs 77
custom configuration fixes 47
client management service 147

D group 55
data deduplication
effects when reverting to previous server version 97
backups 73
HALT command 73
installing 64
halting the server 73
name 44
hardware requirements
storage technology selection 18
Tivoli Storage Manager 20
database directories 55
home directory 58
database manager 29, 65
HTTPS 135, 137
DB2 commands 101
password for truststore file 120, 138
DB2 directories 46
hub server 112
DB2 products, compatibility with the server 23
configuring 130
db2icrt command 58
db2profile 70
default installation directories 46
device driver, Tivoli Storage Manager v I
directories IBM Installation Manager 24, 119, 120
DB2 46 uninstalling 108
default installation 46 IBM Knowledge Center vi
devices 46 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager
languages 46 uninstalling 105
naming for server 44 in silent mode 106
directories, instance 55 using a graphical installation wizard 105
disability 173 using command line in console mode 106
DISK device class installable components v
checklist for disk systems 16 installation directories
storage technology selection 18 Operations Center
disk performance Installation Manager 120
checklist for active log 9 installation log 48, 50
checklist for server database 7 Installation Manager 24, 119, 120
checklist for server recovery log 9 logs directory 171
checklist for storage pools on disk 16 installation packages 47
disk space 20 Operations Center 123
disk systems installation wizard 48
checklist for active log 9 installing
checklist for server database 7 client management service 141
checklist for server recovery log 9 database 64
classification 18 device support 47
selecting 18 fix packs 77
storage pools on disk 16 graphical user interface
DSMSERV FORMAT command 64 using 48
dsmserv.v6lock 73 minimum requirements for 20
Operations Center 123
recovery log 64
E server 3, 47
using command line in console mode
email alerts 131
using 50
suspending temporarily 133
what to know before 3
enabling communications 60
installing the server
silently 51
server option 68
installing the Tivoli Storage Manager server 51
installingOperations Center 109
instance directories 55
F instance user ID 44
FILE device class interim fix 77
checklist for disk systems 16 iPad
storage technology selection 18 monitoring the storage environment 140

182 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

K Operations Center (continued)
in silent mode 126
keyboard 173 using a graphical wizard 124
KILL command 73 using command line in console mode 125
Knowledge Center vi Internet Explorer 116
language requirements 116
login screen text 134
L opening 130, 140
LANGUAGE option 52, 53, 54 operating system requirements 115
language package 54 overview 111
language packages 53 password for secure communications 120, 138
language support 54 port number 120, 140
languages prerequisite checks 111
set 54 rolling back to a previous version 167
license, Tivoli Storage Manager 73 Safari 116
licenses spoke server 112, 131
installable package v SSL 135, 137
limitations system requirements 111
client management service 117 troubleshooting the installation 163
log files uninstalling 165
installation 171 in silent mode 166
login screen text using a graphical wizard 165
Operations Center 134 using command line in console mode 165
upgrading 109, 127
URL 140
M web browser requirements 116
web server 140
maintenance mode 72 options
maintenance updates 77 starting the server 68
memory requirements 20 options file
mobile device editing 60
monitoring the storage environment 140 options, client
logs 75 SSLTCPPORT 61
monitoring administrator 119 TCPADMINPORT 61
multiple DB2 copies 23 TCPPORT 61
multiple servers TCPWINDOWSIZE 61
upgrading overview
multiple servers 74 Operations Center 109, 111

names, best practices package 24, 119
database name 44 package group 24, 119
directories for server 44 Passport Advantage 47
instance user ID 44 password
server instance 44 Operations Center truststore file 120, 138
server name 44 password for secure communications 120
new features vii performance
configuration best practices 19
Operations Center 112
O user limits, setting for optimal performance 68
offering 24, 119 planning, capacity
operating system requirements database space requirements
Operations Center 115 estimates based on number of files 26
Operations Center v estimates based storage pool capacity 28
administrator IDs 119 starting size 26
Chrome 116 recovery log space requirements
computer requirements 112 active log mirror 41
configuring 129 recovery log space requirementsv 30
credentials for installing 120 port number
Firefox 116 Operations Center 120, 140
hub server 112 prerequisite checker 20
IE 116 prerequisite checks
installation directory 120 Operations Center 111
installation packages 123 publications vi
installing 109, 123

Index 183
R server options
dsmserv.opt.smp 60
recovery log tailoring 60
archive failover log space 41 server options file
installing 64 setting 60
reference, DB2 commands 101 server recovery log
REGISTER LICENSE command 73 checklist for disks 9
repository 24, 119 server,
requirements activating 68
client management service 117 setting up 68
resource requirements starting 68
Operations Center 112 server, Tivoli Storage Manager
reverting to previous server version 97 halting 73
rollback 43 options 60, 61
Operations Center 167 SET DBRECOVERY 73
RPM files shared memory client options 62
installing 50, 125 shared memory communications method 62
shared resources directory 24, 119
silent installation
S Tivoli Storage Manager 51
scripts SNMP communication method 62
rc.dsmserv 71 software requirements
starting servers automatically 71 Tivoli Storage Manager 20
secure communications 135, 137 spoke server 112
Secure Sockets Layer 135, 137 adding 131
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) 60 SSL 135, 137
communication using 63 password for truststore file 120, 138
Transport Layer Security (TLS) 63 SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)
server communication using 63
after upgrade Transport Layer Security 63
reverting to previous server version 97 SSLTCPADMINPORT option 61
before upgrade SSLTCPPORT option 61
importance of preparation steps 97 stand-alone mode 72
compatibility starting
DB2 products 23 client management service 145
naming best practices 44 server 68
performance optimization 3 starting server
starting from user ID 70
automatic 71 starting servers automatically 71
maintenance mode 72 startup
stand-alone mode 72 server
stopping 73 maintenance mode 72
upgrading stand-alone mode 72
V6 to 7.1.8 81 status monitoring 112
V6.1 to V7.1.8 88 stopping
V6.2 to V7.1.8 82 client management service 145
V6.3 to V7.1.8 82 server 73
server active log storage pools 16
checklist for disks 9 reverting to previous server version 97
server archive log storage technology selection 18
checklist for disks 9 storage technology selection 18
server database summary of amendments vii
checklist for disks 7 system requirements
directories 7 Operations Center 111, 112, 115, 116
reorganization options 67
storage paths 7
server hardware T
checklist for server system 4 TCP/IP
checklist for storage pools on disk 16 setting options 61
storage technology choices 18 Version 4 60, 61
server instance 57, 58 Version 6 60, 61
server instance, creating 58 TCPNODELAY option 61
server instances TCPPORT option 61
naming 44 TCPWINDOWSIZE option 61
naming best practices 44 technical changes vii
server license 73 temporary disk space 29
temporary space 29

184 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

server upgrade 82
Tivoli Monitoring for Tivoli Storage Manager verifying installation
uninstalling IBM Installation Manager 108 client management service 143
Tivoli Storage Manager
installation 48, 50
installation packages 47 W
server changes vii web server
uninstalling 105 starting 140
in silent mode 106 stopping 140
using a graphical installation wizard 105 wizard 55
using command line in console mode 106 worksheet
upgrading server space planning 25
V6 to 7.1.8 81
V6.1 to V7.1.8 88
V6.2 to V7.1.8 82
V6.3 to V7.1.8 82
Tivoli Storage Manager device driver, installable package v
Tivoli Storage Manager fix packs 77
Tivoli Storage Manager support site 47
Tivoli Storage Manager, setting up 68
TLS 135, 137
translation features 52, 53
translations 52, 53
Transport Layer Security (TLS) 63
Transport Layer Security protocol 135, 137
Operations Center graphical installation wizard on AIX
systems 163
Operations Center installation 163
truststore file 135, 137
Operations Center 120
resetting password 138
Operations Center 112

before server startup 69
IBM Installation Manager 108
uninstalling 107
client management service 146
uninstalling and reinstalling 107
updating 54, 127
estimated time 82
V6 to 7.1.8 81
V6.1 to V7.1.8 88
V6.2 to V7.1.8 82
V6.3 to V7.1.8 82
upgrading Operations Center 109
Operations Center 140
US English 54
user ID 55
user limits 68
before server startup 69

Index 185
186 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX: Installation Guide

Product Number: 5608-E01


Printed in USA

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