Trump Faces Missile Test: What's News
Trump Faces Missile Test: What's News
Trump Faces Missile Test: What's News
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* * * * * * MONDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2017 ~ VOL. CCLXIX NO. 35 HHHH $3.00
Last week: DJIA 20269.37 À 197.91 1.0% NASDAQ 5734.13 À 1.2% STOXX 600 367.39 À 0.9% 10-YR. TREASURY (new) , yield 2.409% OIL $53.86 À $0.03 EURO $1.0642 YEN 113.20
S&P 500
fore Trump took office. A1 sector
Trump is facing calls for 15
a show of strength toward Environmental, historical and other rules will likely delay Trump wish list
North Korea after its missile 10
launch, in the first major
BY DAVID HARRISON “I am totally for the national and state- S&P 500
challenge to his administra-
wide environmental laws,” said Hasan 5
tion by a foreign leader. A1
Almost sixty years ago, officials at Califor- Ikhrata, executive director of the Southern
Thousands were evacu- nia’s transportation department unveiled a California Association of Governments, who 0
ated in Northern Califor- plan to build a six-mile freeway extension in supports the extension project. Still, “some-
nia for fear of flooding as Los Angeles County. times it gets to be ridiculous.”
a reservoir spillway ap- They are still working on it. Many lawmakers and economists agree –5
peared close to failing. A3 During the 1960s, the road plan appeared with President Donald Trump that America 2016 2017
Through Feb. 10
on track. In the 1970s, new environmental needs to fix a backlog of infrastructure
Sessions has signaled Source: FactSet THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
laws required voluminous studies and needs, which the Transportation Department
that the Justice Department
sparked legal fights between the neighboring pegs at $926 billion. There’s a similar agree- SLIPPERY: U.S. energy stocks, which outperformed the market in
may back away from an
towns of South Pasadena and Alhambra, ment that conservation and preservation 2016, have cooled, even as oil prices are holding their gains. B10
Obama initiative on trans-
which lie along its intended path. The project laws have helped mitigate damage on neigh-
gender bathroom use. A3
remains under review. Please see ROADS page A10
A Mexican leftist is wid-
ening his lead in polls
ahead of next year’s presi-
dential election, helped by
an anti-Trump backlash. A6
Bollywood’s Answer to India’s INSIDE
The Senate is expected Cash Mess: Boycott Money
to confirm Mnuchin as
i i i
Treasury secretary as soon
as Monday night. A4
To some derision, stars are trying to do
Trump’s Hard Line on Mexico Casts Shadow
resident Donald Mexico’s central bank has Some in Mexico’s export in- and telecommunications in-
Trump’s threats to re- Losing Currency raised interest rates six times dustries see a silver lining in dustry and successfully at-
write the North Ameri- Mexico’s peso has weakened sharply in recent years, limiting over the last year in response the fall of the peso, which has tracted billions in foreign in-
can Free Trade Agreement consumer purchasing power but making exports more competitive. to a weakening peso and con- lost 16% of its value against vestment, Mexico still faces
and build a wall at the U.S. cerns that its decline is push- the dollar since the beginning significant barriers and risks
southern border are causing a 10 How many Mexican pesos ing inflation higher. Econo- of May. Any border tax im- associated with relying more
reckoning for the Mexican U.S. dollar
one U.S. dollar buys*
buys mists at PNC Financial posed by the U.S., the thinking on its domestic market, in-
economy before a single ce- 12 Services Group warn that a goes, will be met with a deval- cluding high rates of orga-
ment block has been set or recession is likely in 2017. uation that will be more than nized crime, weak rule of law,
trade negotia- 14 Angst over the longer term enough to keep Mexican a lackluster education system
THE tion scheduled. is tied to Mexico’s dependence goods competitive. and political corruption.
16 June 2015: Mr. Trump announces
OUTLOOK Mexican out- on exports, which account for But the weak currency has
candidacy for the presidency
ROBBIE put growth is 18 a third of its economic activ- a downside: Annual inflation thers, including many
WHELAN projected to Dec. 2015: Fed raises interest rates ity. Some 80% of exports go to jumped to 4.72% last month, of Mexico’s top indus-
slow to a near 20 for first time in a decade the U.S. the highest in more than four trialists, believe the
halt in 2017, in- Nov. 2016: Mr. Trump is elected president “Any economy, in order to years. Rising inflation is likely country’s best chance is to di-
ward investment has tumbled, 22 be healthy, has to be based on to prompt the central bank to vert Mr. Trump’s attention to
the peso is down, interest Dec. 2016: Fed raises interest rates two engines of growth: the keep raising interest rates, China, with which the U.S. ran
rates and inflation are rising, 24 domestic market and the ex- which crimps domestic de- a trade deficit of $347 billion
and the nation’s business and 2011 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 ternal market,” said Economy mand. in goods alone last year.
political leaders are asking *Scale inverted to show weakening peso Minister Ildefonso Guajardo in One school of thought Eduardo Garza T. Fernán-
whether they need a new eco- Source:Tullett Prebon THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. an interview Tuesday in his holds that Mr. Trump’s pro- dez, president of Grupo Frisa
nomic model less dependent Mexico City office. “What do tectionist stance might be the Industrias, a steel maker that
upon their northern neighbor. mism among businesses. Cit- U.S. election. Since 1999, the you do to strengthen the ex- reality check Mexico needs to exported roughly half of its
Before the U.S. presidential ibanamex predicts gross fixed U.S. has accounted for 46% of ternal engine? You have to di- turn inward and invest in bol- $500 million in sales last year
election in November, Citiban- investment in Mexico will all foreign direct investment versify trade.” stering the domestic economy. to the U.S., says Mexican pro-
amex forecast that Mexico’s contract 0.8% this year, after in Mexico, according to Mex- Nafta’s critics south of the ducers should source more
gross domestic product would rising 4.6% in 2015. ico’s Economy Ministry. o that end, Mexico’s border point to the fact that from North America, rather
grow 2.3% in 2017. Since In the first nine months of “The key word for 2017 is leaders have recently Mexico’s annual GDP growth than Asia, to reduce the defi-
then the bank has twice low- 2016, foreign direct invest- uncertainty,” said Sergio sped up negotiations to since the deal took effect has cit and sidestep Mr. Trump’s
ered growth expectations, ment fell 24% compared with Luna, chief economist for Cit- expand trade deals with the averaged 2.6%, compared with ire. The idea is central to
first to 1.8% and more re- a year earlier, according to ibanamex. “Manufacturers are European Union and opened 4.2% during the previous two Mexico’s approach to renego-
cently to a paltry 1.2%, in part the Bank of Mexico, as busi- going to prefer to have more talks with Argentina and Bra- decades. Poverty levels have tiating Nafta. “Things are go-
because of uncertainty over nesses that rely on cross-bor- clarity before they make any zil about buying corn, wheat remained roughly the same as ing to be more expensive for
trade and investment rela- der commerce grew spooked investments.” and soybeans to ease depen- before the free-trade era. Mexican companies,” Mr.
tions with the U.S. by campaign criticism of free- Another drag on growth dence on U.S. grain—advanta- And despite recent reforms Garza said, “but there has to
Surveys show rising pessi- trade deals even before the has been higher interest rates: geous in case of a trade war. that opened up the energy be more integration.”
Federal Reserve Chairwoman head the Commerce Department sharply in December, and econo-
SNAP Will Snap Pop?
Snap’s slowing user growth has some investors wondering
if its post-IPO future will mirror Facebook or Twitter.
Janet Yellen will present the could come later in the week. mists are expecting industrial Continued from Page One 4Q 2016
Snapchat daily active users, quarterly average
Fed’s semiannual monetary re- TUESDAY: Ms. Yellen begins production to be flat and retail for U.S.-listed tech companies 158 million
port to the new Congress this two days of testimony in Con- sales to be up just 0.1% in Janu- since 2009 in terms of number 150 million users
week, while data on inflation, re- gress about monetary policy. She ary, largely as payback for the of deals and dollar volume, ac-
tail sales, industrial production could provide signals as to big increases the prior month. cording to Dealogic. That factor
and housing will provide clues on whether the Fed is seriously Also Wednesday, the U.K.’s alone could help support the 100
how the U.S. economy is re- considering a March interest- labor-market report could show shares in their debut.
sponding to the change in Wash- rate increase and whether offi- whether economic momentum Even Facebook, whose shares 75
ington. Also due are figures on cials’ economic outlook is set to there continues. The last report have soared in recent years, 50
U.K. unemployment and minutes improve. She also could face showed unemployment at a faced skepticism at the start. Its
from the European Central Bank. tough questions over the Fed’s more than 10-year low. shares fell below their offering 25
MONDAY: The Senate faces a regulatory regime, as Republi- THURSDAY: In the U.S., hous- price soon after they began 0
busy week as it considers eco- cans in Congress and the new ing starts are expected to have trading and only moved above it
nomic policy makers tapped by administration want to reign in been buffeted by competing more than a year later. 2014 ’15 ’16
President Donald Trump to join financial regulation. forces—stronger sentiment on Snap’s bankers now have to Performance since IPO
his administration. A confirma- WEDNESDAY: U.S. reports on the one hand, but higher interest persuade investors they Facebook Twitter
tion vote for Steven Mnuchin as January retail sales, consumer rates on the other. On balance, wouldn’t be buying into a fad. 250%
Treasury secretary is set for prices and industrial production most economists are expecting The roadshow could start as
Monday, while a committee are due to be released. Econo- housing starts to be slightly soon as Friday.
hearing for Labor Secretary nom- mists’ expectations are some- down. And the European Central Nearly a dozen fund manag- 150
S&P 500
inee Andrew Puzder and a con- what tempered. Both retail sales Bank releases accounts of its ers and analysts across the U.S., 100
(Since May 17, 2012)
firmation vote for Wilbur Ross to and industrial production rose Jan. 18-19 policy meeting. including several who focus spe- 50
cifically on tech, say they found 0
Snap’s regulatory filing, made
U.S. WATCH public on Feb. 2, frustrating and
2012 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 ’17
“It’s not a Facebook, nor do I Sources: the company (users); FactSet (stocks);
think it’ll ever be a Facebook,” WSJ Market Data Group (index) THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
said Nabil Elsheshai, senior eq-
uity analyst at Thrivent Finan- what they consider to be a so- Stories on Instagram—direct
cial, who is considering whether cial network. Snap defines the competition to a Snapchat fea-
to recommend that the mutual- camera as the screen that is the ture which lets users create a
fund firm invest in the IPO. starting point for most products series of videos and images that
“Their strategy is going to have on smartphones. disappear after 24 hours. Five
to fit that knowledge.” Reading further down the months after the launch, the
The skepticism is notewor- document didn’t mollify inves- new Instagram feature reached
thy, considering the fanfare that tors, some said. 150 million daily active users,
has surrounded highly valued Many are concerned about Facebook Chief Executive Mark
tech startups in the past, as well slowing user growth, particu- Zuckerberg said on an early
as how long it has been since larly since the rapid rise in pop- February earnings call.
there was one of this size. ularity of the Snapchat social- Mr. Meeks said he also
Snap in its IPO is planning to messaging platform has been a wanted Snap to address an ele-
seek a target valuation of be- top justification for the com- phant in the room. “If daily ac-
tween $20 billion and $25 bil- pany’s valuation. tive users flatten, that’s what
lion, The Wall Street Journal In the most recent quarter, took Twitter down,” he said.
has reported, which at the high Snap had 158 million daily ac- When Twitter debuted, the
end would make it the largest tive users on average, according number of monthly active users
U.S.-listed tech offering since to the company’s filing. That had grown 6%, 7% and 10% in
Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. figure rose by 3.3% from 153 the prior three quarters. In the
priced its IPO in 2014, according million users for the quarter 12 months through Sept. 30,
White House advisers are considering a manned mission to refurbish the Hubble Space Telescope. to Dealogic. ended Sept. 30. Daily active us- Twitter’s user growth has fluc-
People close to Snap have re- ers grew by 7% in the third tuated between zero and 1.7%.
HIGHER EDUCATION SPACE White House hasn’t nominated a iterated their confidence that quarter from an average 143 Twitter shares fell 12% after the
new head for the space agency. they will be able to hit their million daily active users in the company reported its tenth con-
Yale Renames College Hubble Telescope —Andy Pasztor range. second quarter. secutive quarter of slowing rev-
For Computer Pioneer Mission Considered Should Snap stumble in its “The argument here is, enue growth on Thursday, al-
MUSIC debut, bankers, lawyers and in- ‘We’re going to build this huge though the company said its
Yale University will rename President Donald Trump’s ad- vestors say that could deter audience and monetization will daily user base jumped. Twitter
Calhoun College, a residential visers are considering an indus- Al Jarreau, Jazz other tech companies from follow,’” said Rett Wallace, chief shares closed Friday at $15.58 a
college named for an ardent try proposal to send a manned Singer, Dies at 76 moving forward with IPOs. executive at Triton Research share, down 40% from their IPO
supporter of slavery, to honor spacecraft to repair and upgrade There were at least 154 private LLC, whose firm collects and price of $26 apiece.
the late computer scientist the Hubble Space Telescope, said Jazz singer Al Jarreau died in companies valued by venture- analyzes data on companies. He Though investors said they
Grace Murray Hopper. people familiar with the matter. Los Angeles Sunday, just days capital firms at $1 billion or added that before looking at were focused on the company’s
University trustees voted Fri- The talks are preliminary, no after announcing his retirement more as of January, according Snap’s prospectus, many inves- financials and growth pros-
day to reverse a decision made specific plans have been drafted from touring. He was 76. to Dow Jones VentureSource, tors were hoping for answers pects, an unusual ownership
last year to keep the name. John and those currently overseeing The Milwaukee native won including ride-hailing company about how to make money off structure also hangs over the
C. Calhoun was a Yale graduate, the National Aeronautics and seven Grammys over his 50-year Uber Technologies Inc. and Snapchat’s growing user base. company’s roadshow.
senator, secretary of war, secre- Space Administration could veto career. His biggest single was room-rental website Airbnb Inc. Now there is a question about Snap will issue nonvoting
tary of state and vice president. the concept. 1981’s “We’re in This Love To- Snap put off some prospec- whether Snap can build that shares in its IPO, which the
Ms. Hopper, also a Yale grad- An administration representa- gether,” and he sang the theme tive investors in the first line of huge audience, he said. company said was unprece-
uate, helped develop the com- tive declined to comment, except to TV’s “Moonlighting.” its IPO filing: “Snap Inc. is a Snap has attracted advertis- dented for a U.S. debut. Co-
puter language COBOL. She was to say that transition officials He is one of the few artists camera company.” ers in part because of its cov- founders Evan Spiegel and
awarded a posthumous Presi- lacked power to approve new to have won Grammys in three Fund managers said they eted user base of teens and Bobby Murphy currently hold
dential Medal of Freedom by projects and “it will be the re- separate categories—jazz, pop found the description surprising young adults. The majority of about 89% of the voting shares.
former President Barack Obama. sponsibility of the NASA admin- and R&B. because it implies Snap is a Snapchat’s users are 18 to 34 If either founder dies or is inca-
—Melissa Korn istrator to set NASA policy.” The —Associated Press hardware maker, rather than years old, according to the com- pacitated, according to the pro-
pany’s filing. spectus, the other could control
“No matter how cool Snap’s nearly all the voting power of
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Letters to the Editor: Fax: 212-416-2891; email: [email protected] ber of Beta Theta Pi. A U.S. Answer chart in the Business & ing on the price, and wanted to said they hoped the company’s
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * * * * * Monday, February 13, 2017 | A3
©T&CO. 2017
Ban Ails Doctor Programs
Hospitals play a Security and State departments
to grant work-visa waivers for
guessing game as foreign doctors under consider-
foreign physicians ation for residency programs Love is...
secretary as soon as Monday nate Ryan Zinke. One of the legislation that can attract bi- bills. Independent analysts be-
night, which would end one of pending nominees, Labor Sec- partisan support. lieve those measures can last
the most protracted confirma- retary-designate Andy Puzder, For example, Democrats through the summer.
tion battles for the position is set to have a confirmation have pressed Mr. Mnuchin to At his confirmation hearing,
and place the 54-year-old fi- hearing on Thursday. explain how he will uphold a Mr. Mnuchin said he hoped
nancier in a leading position Mr. Mnuchin cleared the pledge delivered hours after lawmakers would move soon
to advance President Donald Senate Finance Committee Mr. Trump announced his to increase the borrowing
Trump’s promises to refashion Steven Mnuchin could be confirmed Monday as Treasury secretary. earlier this month after Demo- nomination to revamp the tax limit.
the U.S. tax code and financial crats boycotted the vote. code in a way that provides He said he believed existing
regulation. Already, his confirmation former Goldman Sachs banker Democrats said they wanted “no absolute tax cut” for the sanctions on Russia should be
Mr. Mnuchin has faced op- has faced the longest delay of named as the director of the more information from the upper class. maintained and he called for a
position from Democrats for any recent Treasury secretary, White House National Eco- nominee, though some had al- “He has failed to commit to boost in staffing at the Inter-
several reasons, including his and he appears likely to win nomic Council, has played an ready announced their opposi- following his own rule or to nal Revenue Service, where
role rehabilitating the failed confirmation for the position increasingly influential role tion, and Republicans subse- provide any specific answers ranks have thinned partly due
IndyMac Bank, later rebranded with a historically weak mar- shaping policy on tax, regula- quently suspended the rules to on how we would reduce the to spending cuts driven by
OneWest Bank, by moving gin of support, a pattern re- tion and infrastructure. Mr. advance his nomination with- tax burden on middle-class congressional Republicans.
thousands of defaulted mort- flected with other high-profile Mnuchin spent 17 years at the out any Democrats in atten- and working families,” said Delays in Mr. Mnuchin’s
gages through foreclosure. Trump nominees. New York investment bank, dance. Sen. Mark Warner (D., Va.) on confirmation also have pushed
Senators also have raised Mr. Trump was set to meet leaving in 2002. Mr. Mnuchin has rejected the Senate floor last Friday. back the process of approvals
concerns about answers he with Mr. Mnuchin on Sunday The vote will take place as Democrats’ critiques of his re- The responsibilities of the for top Treasury deputies,
provided the committee dur- afternoon at his private club senators work to approve re- cord, and a spokesman has Treasury secretary, who is meaning it could be weeks or
ing the confirmation process in Palm Beach, Fla. With Mr. maining Trump administration said he has provided truthful fifth in the presidential line of months before those positions
pertaining to his complex fi- Mnuchin not in office during cabinet appointees. The Sen- answers to their questions. succession, include everything are filled.
nancial disclosures and his re- the first three weeks of the ate on Monday also is ex- “Since I was first nominated from tax collection and fiscal —Siobhan Hughes
cord at OneWest. administration, Gary Cohn, the pected to confirm Dr. David to serve as Treasury secretary, policy to public-debt manage- contributed to this article.
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Top White House adviser Supreme Court nominee
Stephen Miller repeated unsub- Neil Gorsuch has scaled back a
stantiated and widely discred- description of his pro bono
ited claims of voter fraud made work while at Harvard Law
Trump Opponent Gains Ground in Mexico
Tough-talking leftist
pulling back from some of the Mr. Trump’s evolution but not Taiwan as up for nego- the North Atlantic Treaty Or-
more unorthodox promises he comes as his foreign-policy tiation, a possible bargaining ganization. After meeting with
advanced as a candidate. team has taken shape, with chip as he pressed for conces- British Prime Minister Theresa
In recent dealings with Asia Jim Mattis and Rex Tillerson sions from the Chinese in its May, he said he would strongly
and the Middle East, Russia confirmed by the Senate and currency practices. back the alliance. His adminis-
and European allies, Mr. firmly in place at the Defense “Everything is under negoti- tration is expected to support
Trump has shown more defer- and State departments, respec- ation, including ‘One-China,’ ” Montenegro’s bid to join NATO,
ence to the consensus views President Donald Trump en route to his Mar-a-Lago resort Sunday tively. Mr. Trump told The Wall though Russia opposes the
taken by past Republican and “He’s getting more advice Street Journal in an interview move.
Democratic administrations. from North Korea offered a a U.S. defense agreement with and he seems to see wisdom in a week before he was sworn in. Before taking office, Mr.
The coming week provides an- vivid illustration of how Mr. Japan was unfair, permitting greater orthodoxy,” said Jon But on Thursday, Mr. Trump Trump described the NATO al-
other set of tests, with visits Trump has abandoned crowd- the Japanese to sit home and Alterman, who runs the Middle spoke to Chinese President Xi liance as “obsolete.”
by the leaders of Canada and pleasing campaign rhetoric in watch “Sony” TV while the U.S. East program at the Center for Jinping and acquiesced to the
Israel scheduled. the face of real-world threats. was attacked. Strategic & International Stud- status quo, confirming he Trudeau, Trump to talk trade
A weekend missile launch As a candidate, Mr. Trump said With Japanese Prime Minis- ies, a think tank. would abide by the same “One at Monday meeting............... A8
Continued from Page One
hosting Japanese Prime Minis-
ter Shinzo Abe at his Mar-a-
Lago estate in Palm Beach,
Fla., prompting the leaders to
make an unscheduled, late-
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A8 | Monday, February 13, 2017 NY THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
tiate the North American Free Atlantic Treaty Organization ance, then we’re in his debt.”
Trade Agreement, or Nafta, and and push allies to contribute Mr. Fallon said the histori-
has vowed to extract new, bet- more to mutual defense. cally strong relationship be-
ter terms for the U.S. So far Mr. Fallon, who is sched- tween the U.S. and the U.K.
most of his focus has been on uled to speak with U.S. Secre- continued to this day.
Mexico and the $63 billion U.S. tary of Defense Jim Mattis in He said Mr. Trump was
trade deficit there. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will meet with President Donald Trump in Washington Monday. coming days, said in an inter- looking at ways “to accelerate
Mr. Trudeau, the leader of view on Saturday that the de- the campaign against Daesh,”
Nafta’s other partner, has indi- views on a number of issues in- get started on revamping Nafta, expedited consideration on Cap- fense alliance between the U.S. using a synonym for the Is-
cated that he is intent on build- cluding the goal of fighting cli- including slow confirmation for itol Hill. and U.K. hadn’t been affected lamic State extremist group.
ing a smooth relationship and mate change. They did differ on his leading trade officials and “To me, what we’ve seen so by turmoil within the U.S. or Mr. Fallon said NATO had
finding common ground with TransCanada Corp.’s proposed the cancellation of a previous far continues to confirm that internationally following Mr. boosted its role in Iraq, open-
Mr. Trump despite their many Keystone XL pipeline, which Mr. trip to Washington by Mexico’s Mexico and Canada have not Trump’s election. ing a new training program in
policy differences on issues in- Obama opposed and for which President Enrique Peña Nieto yet agreed to renegotiate any Mr. Fallon became the most the country earlier this month
cluding immigration. Mr. Trump has indicated his after a bitter public dispute particular provision of Nafta,” recent U.K. official to publicly which both Britain and the
“We both got elected on support. over a proposed wall on the said Matt Gold, a Fordham Uni- support Mr. Trump’s adminis- U.S. support.
commitments to strengthen the Officials haven’t disclosed de- southern border. versity adjunct law professor tration despite widespread The defense minister said
middle class and support those tails about the Trump-Trudeau Mr. Trudeau’s arrival begins and former deputy assistant concern among Britons over a that while Britain wouldn’t go
working hard to join it, and meeting, although the future of the delicate maneuvering that U.S. trade representative. “I broad range of domestic and as far as Mr. Trump, who had
that’s what we are going to fo- Nafta and ramifications of a po- will set the tone for formal talks think it’s predictable that Can- foreign stances. Prime Minis- described NATO as “obsolete,”
cus on in these meetings,” Mr. tential border-adjusted tax are to update the pact, which would ada and Mexico are going to ter Theresa May was criticized he agreed the alliance needed
Trudeau, leader of the centrist expected to be a focus, U.S.-Can- require the cooperation of all slow down that process.” at home after she invited Mr. to bring itself up to date.
Liberal Party of Canada, said ada experts say. White House three countries, including their To date, Mr. Trudeau and Trump to visit London, making “There is work to be done
during a tour of Canada’s North press secretary Sean Spicer said lawmakers. Mr. Trump hasn’t other Canadian officials have the offer during a January to modernize NATO,” Mr.
last week. Wednesday that “trade and se- yet formally notified Congress been cautious in their com- visit to Washington. Fallon said, adding that the
The prime minister had a curity and commerce” would be of plans to hold talks on Nafta, ments about the Trump admin- Mr. Fallon said during a trip organization’s bureaucracy
smooth and easy relationship on the agenda. a step that is required 90 days istration and Nafta, conveying to the Iraqi Kurdish capital had to be streamlined and the
with former President Barack So far, Mr. Trump has en- before negotiations can begin instead a readiness to discuss that the U.S. and U.K. agreed alliance made more attentive
Obama, with whom he shared countered setbacks in his bid to on any trade deal eligible for improvements to the deal. that NATO partners must do to current threats.
Soaring Inflation
Monthly Egyptian consumer
prices, change from a year earlier
Egypt’s Rising Prices Fan Economic Concerns
January Inflation in Egypt hit its said on Saturday. Egypt’s head- increased the cost of living for cal deficit and unemployment that is approaching 100% of
30% highest level this decade be- line inflation was at 23.3% a the country’s largely working- rates jumped to double digits. GDP, some analysts said.
Nov. 3: Egypt cause of a weaker currency month earlier, according to data and middle-class people. But Egypt’s moves to cut GDP growth is expected to
devalues pound and slashed state assistance, from the central bank, up from The Egyptian government subsidies, trim public-sector rebound to 6% by 2021 if over-
20 19.4% in November, when Egypt adopted tough measures re- wages and raise taxes have hauls are properly imple-
By Nikhil Lohade floated its currency and allowed quired to secure funds from helped the country raise billions mented, the IMF said. That
in Dubai and it to fall more than 50% against the International Monetary of dollars in recent months. will help create more jobs and
10 Dahlia Kholaif in Cairo the U.S. dollar. Fund and other creditors to The cash will help support tackle high unemployment.
The steep drop in the Egyp- turn around an economy bat- its strained finances and pay Investors have backed
escalating concerns about the tian pound’s value has made tered by years of political un- for vital imports such as Egypt on the steps it has taken
economic health of the Arab imports more expensive, while rest and a recent spate of ter- wheat and medicine. The fiscal to reshape its economy.
0 world’s most-populous nation. other recent government mea- rorist attacks. Economic adjustments will assist in nar- Officials have sought to calm
2016 ’17 The annual urban inflation sures such as a cut in subsidies growth has averaged about rowing Egypt’s budget deficit, nerves by assuring Egyptians of
Sources: Egypt’s central bank (2016); rate increased to 28.1% in Janu- for fuel, the introduction of a 2.5% on average over the past which was about 12% of gross the benefits the austerity mea-
statistics agency (January) ary on higher food and beverage value-added tax and increases five years, according to the domestic product last year, sures and economic overhauls
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. prices, Egypt’s statistics agency in import tariffs have sharply IMF, even as inflation, the fis- and reduce government debt will bring in the longer term.
Residents of Surigao City, the Philippines, inspected a damaged bridge on Sunday. The southern
part of the country was hit with aftershocks following a powerful earthquake on Friday.
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Romania’s anticorruption of- Directorate
60 6,000
fice rarely took on a bribery
suspect bigger than a school- 5,000
teacher or a small-town cop.
Often, the criminal gift was a 40 4,000
pig, a lamb or a turkey. Government
These days, the National An- 3,000
ticorruption Directorate is in-
vestigating some 2,100 abuse- 20 2,000
of-office cases, many against
top politicians. Senators, par- 1,000
liamentarians and ministers
0 0
have had to stand trial, and al-
leged damages investigated 2013 ’14 ’15 ’16 ’10 ’11 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15
last year totaled €1 billion Sources: INSCOP Research (trust); National Anticorruption Directorate (cases)
($1.06 billion). Whistleblowers Antigovernment protesters demonstrated at government headquarters in Bucharest on Sunday.
have started walking in daily.
“Things are completely dif- marched here on Feb. 5. An- justice minister who intro- leery of totalitarian rule. a celebrity adored and ab- of globalists trying to weaken
ferent now,” said the director- other 100,000 rallied on Sunday. duced the measure resigned. At the crux of that difference horred across a defining de- Romania and take its oil. It is a
ate’s chief prosecutor, Laura The protesters are railing in That hasn’t calmed the is the anticorruption director- mographic divide. view echoed on the country’s
Codruta Kövesi, an ex-basket- part against a recent emer- crowds, who demand that ate—and its leader, the 43-year- Younger, educated profes- political news television.
ball champion who has be- gency ordinance by the gov- more ministers step down. old Ms. Kövesi, the daughter of sionals marching in the capital The ruling Social Democratic
come a popular figure for her ernment that would cut maxi- Romania joined the European a small-town prosecutor. muse on her running for presi- Party says the anticorruption
role in battling corruption. mum prison sentences for Union in 2007. Millions of young Ms. Kövesi grew up watch- dent. “She’s like a symbol to fight has become too zealous.
The resistance Ms. Kövesi corruption to three years from Romanians studied, worked or ing communist bureaucrats sty- us…close to our ideal person,” Many in Parliament feel the po-
has encountered from the gov- seven—and make it all but im- traveled in Western Europe, and mie her father’s investigations. said Adriana Balan, a psychol- litical drama over graft has
ernment has sparked Roma- possible for Ms. Kövesi’s direc- returned home with higher ex- Since she took over the di- ogist. “We’ve put her on a eclipsed the business of lifting
nia’s biggest protests since the torate to have politicians ar- pectations of their government. rectorate, and became the coun- very high pedestal.” Romanians out of poverty.
fall of Communism. Demon- rested or wiretapped for To meet those demands, try’s first female chief prosecu- And yet many of those pro- “We have talk shows every
strations against corruption alleged abuse of office. money and oversight from the tor in 2013, it has sent 3,000 testers say they can no longer day, many hours, talking about
have broken out every night The protests have pushed EU boosted the authority of people to prison. At any given talk about Ms. Kövesi with anticorruption,” said Petre
since Jan. 31, each met by the government to revoke the anticorruption police. But time, many of her prosecutors their parents and family in the Florin Manole, a parliamentar-
counter-demonstrations. ordinance while Parliament those measures have collided handle 100 or more cases. countryside without an argu- ian with the SDP. “It’s the only
Hundreds of thousands debates it. On Thursday, the with an older generation still That caseload has made her ment. Many believe she is a tool topic in our society now.”
the next phase of Greece’s ome European govern- companied by far-reaching
bailout program. The win- ments would be happy reforms of its pension and
dow for a to go along with the tax systems as well as
deal is fast Commission’s forecasts, not growth-friendly overhauls of
closing with least because there is little product and labor markets,
the imminent appetite for imposing further legislated in advance as a
start of the belt-tightening on Greece. condition of financial aid.
Dutch elec- But the IMF counters that That is a high political bar.
tion cam-
paign and may not reopen
until after the French elec-
tion in May. But the IMF is
the budget data are provi-
sional and flattered by one-
off factors. It also notes that
Greek budget figures are in- N
ot surprisingly, many
Europeans—not least
in Athens and Brus-
The #1 heart care
proving impervious to politi-
cal pressure.
Some European govern-
variably revised down every
quarter. If the eurozone
wants to insist on tough tar-
sels—would like nothing
more than to get rid of the
IMF altogether. But this has
in the nation.
22 years in a row.
ments have said they won’t gets, the IMF will insist they proved politically impossible,
give more money to Greece are credibly met. too.
unless the IMF gives it The IMF’s critics are on The German and Dutch
money, too. But the IMF is stronger ground when they governments have promised
sticking to its mantra that it accuse it of inconsistency. Af- their parliaments that the
won’t participate in any new ter all, the fund has been vo- IMF would participate, and
Greek bailout unless it is sat- cal with doubts that Greece its absence would send a
isfied the numbers add up. can ever achieve a primary clear signal the numbers
Meanwhile the clock is
ticking toward two major
surplus of 3.5%, or sustain
such a surplus, or that it
don't add up. Nor will the
IMF simply walk away.
Same-day appointments available.
bond redemptions in July would be in Greece’s interests Greece is an IMF share-
that Greece is unlikely to be to do so. So why not simply holder, and a core IMF prin-
able to meet without aid. ciple is that it never hangs
A crisis meeting in Brus- up the phone.
sels on Friday failed to break If the IMF is relaxed, it is
the impasse. The IMF and Eu- because there is nothing Euro-
ropean institutions did agree peans can do to force its hand.
to demand further austerity European officials com-
measures to be legislated now plain the IMF is failing to
to ensure Athens hits its take account of the implicit
respond to requests for com- 10 years 30 years where wild rice and cattails
ment. Federal Highway thrive. Cormorants, herons and
8 24 egrets populate the cleaner
Not so shovel-ready 6 18 In Southern California, plan-
Presidents Obama and ning for the State Route 710
George W. Bush sought to ac- 4 12 extension continues to divide
celerate projects with executive South Pasadena and Alhambra.
orders. The Obama administra- 2 All federal agencies 6 During the 1960s, the state
tion was concerned prolonged prepared by buying homes
reviews could hold back stimu- 0 0 along its proposed route. After
lus spending under the 2009 2000 ’05 ’10 ’15 2000 ’05 ’10 ’15 the 1970 environmental law,
American Recovery and Rein- Sources: Commerce Department (capital investment, GDP growth, road age);
South Pasadena sued to block
vestment Act, said Gary Guzy, Joanne Nuckols, 73, above, has been fighting the extension of Labor Department (productivity growth); Piet deWitt, Carole A. deWitt (preparation times) construction, saying the state
general counsel at the White State Route 710, below. The project was proposed in the 1960s THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. hadn’t followed the act’s re-
House Council on Environmen- view process. Residents feared
tal Quality under Mr. Obama, mits are issued. bile, which runs the new facil- tion boom eventually faced Environmental groups have the highway would split the
now a lawyer for Covington & Completing the process took ity. “When prospective backlash among people who found themselves making the town in two. Neighboring Al-
Burling LLP. an average of almost 10 years companies look at the eastern objected to the impact on same case, on the grounds that hambra argued the highway
The act devoted about $48 for major highway projects side of Mobile Bay and into neighborhoods, sensitive envi- more efficient reviews would would ease congestion.
billion to transportation, with a that received their final review Florida, the tunnel is always a ronmental locations and histor- let planners devote more en- The 1973 lawsuit touched off
priority on “shovel-ready” in 2015, up from about five topic of concern for them.” ical sites. ergy to mitigating damage, ac- a 25-year effort to revise the
projects. Getting money out years in 2005, according to a The proposed $850 million The 1970 National Environ- cording to Deron Lovaas, se- proposal, which succumbed to
the door took longer than ex- study by Piet and Carole A. de- bridge would generate $173 mental Policy Act, or NEPA, nior policy adviser at the another lawsuit in 1999 by
pected. By January 2012, about Witt, retired Interior Depart- million to $690 million annu- made planners issue environ- National Resources Defense South Pasadena.
$33.5 billion had been spent. In ment officials who have com- ally in increased economic ac- mental-impact statements for Council, an environmental Planning efforts since have
2015, Congress exempted some piled some of the most tivity, the state estimates. After their most significant projects group “I don’t think unneces- focused on a tunnel, which
bridge replacements from envi- comprehensive and frequently 14 years of reviews, it is years detailing how they would alter sary delay serves anyone.” state officials estimate would
ronmental reviews. cited data on infrastructure- away from construction. surroundings while offering Almost 100 NEPA-related generate up to $1.59 billion in
Economists say well-de- project reviews. ways to mitigate damage. NEPA lawsuits hit federal agencies net benefits over 20 years. The
signed infrastructure invest- It took 16 years to get per- gave environmentalists and every year. One, filed by North state is starting to sell the
ments could increase economic mits for the Army Corps of En- Life before 1970s conservationists a voice in Carolina environmental groups, homes it bought 50 years ago
productivity in the long term gineers to dredge the harbor in It is hard to compare project planning, allowing them to sue spent four years in court be- for the roadway.
by making it easier for busi- Savannah, Ga. At least 10 fed- timelines before and after the if they believed developers fore a resolution last year let Opponents in South Pasa-
nesses to ship products and for eral and state agencies in Geor- 1970 environmental law be- weren't properly following the the state replace the deterio- dena worry a tunnel could
employees to get to work. In gia and South Carolina cause earlier projects weren’t law. rating Herbert C. Bonner weaken the ground under its
advanced economies, boosting weighed in. Work began in subject to the same reporting Today, the law has become Bridge, which links Hatteras Is- historic Craftsman houses.
infrastructure investment by 2015. requirements. Anecdotally, it so deeply ingrained that offi- land to the mainland. “This is something that can
1% of gross domestic product In Mobile, Ala., local offi- appears projects before that cials often spend years working Since opening in 1963, the never be built,” said Joanne
can raise overall GDP by 1.5% cials say a state proposal to year moved more quickly. through every detail to avoid 2.7-mile bridge on the Outer Nuckols, 73, a board member of
four years later, an Interna- bridge the Mobile River could Ten years after the Inter- suits, even if an environmental- Banks has been scoured by a local preservation group who
tional Monetary Fund study expand business. Now, more state Highway System’s 1956 impact statement isn’t re- wind, water and hurricanes. has been fighting the road for
found. than 73,000 cars daily cram a creation, the government had quired. State officials said it has 30 years.
It can take decades to bring tunnel built for 36,000. inaugurated 21,000 Interstate “There’s a lot of defensive reached the end of its life. En- Alhambra Council member
such investments to fruition. The Port of Mobile, on the miles. That drove public capital medicine built into it,” said vironmental groups challenging Barbara Messina, 76, has been
Reviews under the National bay’s western side, opened a spending to record levels and John D. Porcari, Maryland’s a $246 million replacement advocating for the extension
Historic Preservation Act of new container terminal in helped boost the country’s pro- former transportation secre- said the new bridge would ille- since 1978. “God forbid we had
1966, the National Environmen- 2008. A less-congested cross- ductivity, according to research tary, who served in the Obama gally disturb a wildlife refuge. people like that when we had
tal Policy Act of 1970, the En- ing could entice businesses to by John Fernald, a senior re- administration and is now an Construction, begun in 2016, our major infrastructure proj-
dangered Species Act of 1973 use the port, said Brian Harold, search adviser at the Federal executive at Parsons Brincker- is scheduled for 2019 comple- ects done,” she said. “We
and other laws can involve managing director of APM Ter- Reserve Bank of San Francisco. hoff Inc., an engineering and tion. would never have gotten any-
multiple agencies before per- minals, a port operator in Mo- The postwar U.S. construc- consulting firm. In 2014, Oklahoma discov- thing done.”
culation for the poor. nies we tend to do a lot outside will we make India?” shouted
As the no-cash movement the country,” said Jagdish Mi- the leader. “Cashless!” an-
plunges forward, it’s being met tra, chief strategy officer of swered the rest.
with a wave of grimly comic Tech Mahindra Ltd., software The 20-somethings sur-
videos, cheeky tweets and and outsourcing company that rounded ATMs and tried to
songs that mock the inept roll- volunteered its call centers to convince people not to with-
out of the new currency pro- answer questions. “This is the draw cash. At Sarojini Nagar
gram, which had citizens wait- time for us to contribute back.” Market, one of the city’s busi-
ing hours in line to exchange People lined up to exchange currency at a bank in New Delhi in November Companies say some people est clothing markets, the activ-
notes under constantly revised are asking basic questions such ists applauded stands that ac-
rules. Smaller notes, some with Narendra Modi. One YouTube The Bollywood stars and as “What is an e-wallet?” “How cepted digital payments and
“These poor people are the value of less than a dime, video portrayed the prime min- others have decided to make do I sign up to transfer tried to school the others.
lucky,” says a comedian playing have been sucked up to replace ister as the Terminator to out- the best of it, and are urging money?” and “How do I open a Other young men, attracted by
a member of India’s upper the bigger bills, and are being line all the evils the cash ex- others to kick their use of cash. bank account?” their matching T-shirts and
class in “The Demonetization held on to by hoarders. It could change has helped eliminate. They call themselves the “Re- Accountant Milind Limaye, sense of purpose, joined the
Circus” viral video. “They can take until the end of the year A more popular meme por- monetise India Movement.” 49, in the western city of Pune, rally along the way.
just relax at home because they for the full cash transfusion, trayed Mr. Modi as Marie An- “Going cashless is the new had lots of noncash options but At the market, vendor Mo-
don’t have any money to ex- economists say. toinette: “If they don’t have Pa- cool,” tweeted starlet Sunny still struggled because his cook hammed Alam said sales are
change.” The long-term benefit of the per, let them use Plastic!” Leone in November. and the neighborhood vegeta- the worst he has seen in 15
The South Asian nation took program is hotly debated. The daily annoyances of life Times Network, which runs ble and laundry guys didn’t years because customers don’t
the unprecedented step of forc- “How will you hide black without cash are the main fod- 10 English-language television have the ability to get paid by have spare rupees, and digital
ing citizens to turn in larger money?” asks a man sitting on der for satire. One video has a channels in India, is leading the e-wallet or credit card. payments aren’t an option for
rupee notes, equivalent to a gold throne in front of a gold goofy song and dance—with charge, hoping its viewership Mr. Limaye helped teach the him. He doesn’t have a smart-
about $7.50 and above and shelf displaying his gold tele- some of Bollywood’s favorite of more than 100 million peo- vegetable seller—he usually phone, a credit card swiping
close to 90% of the country’s phone and gold fire extin- moves—about how no one can ple, who tend to have high in- buys onions, tomatoes, chilies, machine or even a store. He
cash, in November and Decem- guisher in “The Demonetiza- find change. comes, could make a difference coriander and garlic from him sells socks—four pairs for
ber last year in exchange for tion Circus.” He jingles his The office of Rahul Gandhi, by using less cash while teach- for less than a dollar—how to $1.50—off a blanket on the
new notes. But as replacement heavy gold necklace and gold a leader of the opposition in ing others how to convert to receive the payments. But the ground. “I am just waiting for
bills were still being printed, watch, raises his gold chalice Parliament, retweeted a photo cashless transactions. cart owner needed rupees to the cash to come back,” he
people had to leave their funds with a smirk and says “cheers.” with a tangle of contradictory Times Network chief execu- pay his own supplier, so Mr. Li- said.
on deposit and take out only Others defend the program, traffic lights: “Government or- tive M.K. Anand said he had no maye had to teach the whole- —Karan Deep Singh
rationed amounts. rolled out by Prime Minister ders after demonetisation.” trouble making his Mumbai saler as well. contributed to this article.
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * NY Monday, February 13, 2017 | A10A
Citing long waiting lists at to experts and finding the best agencies like the Department of woman and chief executive.
many treatment centers, Mr. way to put to use the limited Veterans’ Services and spend “I just want to get as much
Christie wants to increase the resources that we have,” he heavily to fight homelessness, done in this window as possi-
availability of both inpatient said. with debatable success. ble,” Ms. Olatoye said last
and outpatient treatment pro- The county allocates This year, the mayor and week. “We need to do as much
grams. The governor has $150,000 in annual funding to council Speaker Melissa Mark- now as we can.”
urged the state Legislature to the program, which is one of Viverito, both Democrats, have Paul Massey, a Republican
pass laws limiting the quantity several initiatives lawmakers sought to strike a different candidate for mayor, said Mr.
of opioids that doctors can there have tried since 2014 to tone, urging caution amid early de Blasio should have pre-
prescribe and mandating in- combat its growing heroin signs of economic uncertainty pared the city better for a po-
surance coverage for addiction problem. and concerns about potential tential downturn.
treatment. At RWJBarnabas Health, federal cuts under President “They have no plan-B bud-
“With the rest of the time Connie Greene, vice president at RWJBarnabas Health's Institute the state’s largest hospital sys- Donald Trump. About 10% of get,” he said.
that I have as governor, a little for Prevention, with Dr. Victor Almeida, chairman of emergency tem with 11 acute care hospi- the city’s economy comes from A de Blasio spokesman
less than a year, most of my medicine at Monmouth Medical Center in Long Branch, N.J. tals, substance-abuse special- the U.S. government. called the criticism “entirely
time is going to be spent on ists offered treatment to 200 In his preliminary budget hollow.”
this,” Mr. Christie said earlier patients in Ocean County who proposal last month, Mr. de “Our reserves are at record
this month in Trenton. “Trying Threat of Prison vinced him to get help. had their overdoses reversed Blasio directed city agencies to levels and because of the
to make sure that we get peo- “If I wasn’t pressured, I by naloxone over the span of find $500 million in savings. mayor’s cautious budgeting
ple access to care and treat- Motivates Addicts don’t think I would be here two years at one Ocean The mayor also wants to and aggressive savings plans
ment, trying to make sure that right now,” said Mr. Rosario, County hospital. Only two add $250 million to the $5.5 we continue to earn top
we talk, most importantly, For some addicts who have who has been clean three years. agreed to enter detox pro- billion in budget reserves and grades from ratings firms,”
about this issue in a much dif- resisted rehab, New Jersey’s Of the nearly 14,200 people grams and both dropped out increase the savings amount Eric Phillips, the spokesman,
ferent way than it’s been drug-court system has provided who have entered drug court, within a couple of days. in future years. said in an email.
talked about before.” motivation. Superior courts give state statistics show 30% com- The hospital tried a new Councilwoman Julissa Fer- De Blasio administration
Substance-abuse experts criminal defendants the chance pleted the program and 57% approach to bedside interven- reras-Copeland, who chairs officials and others have de-
agree that expanding access to to avoid prison by entering went back before a judge after tions last year, when it used a the finance committee, has fended the spending, saying
services is critical but say fig- court-supervised treatment. violating court conditions. An- state grant to hire former said the city should put aside the city needed a correction
uring out how to get addicts Norberto Rosario, a 48- other 13% were discharged for drug users who had been in even more with Mr. Trump in from the Bloomberg years.
to enter—and stay in—treat- year-old Newark native, was in reasons such as medical or recovery for at least five years the White House. They also negotiated con-
ment is a challenge in itself. and out of prison for years be- psychological reasons or immi- and trained them to hold the “We know there’s a storm tracts with the city’s labor
In Camden County, a pro- fore the threat of seven years gration proceedings. interventions, said Connie coming. We don’t know how unions that included pay
gram offers hospital patients behind bars for burglary con- —Kate King Greene, vice president of the big it’s going to be,” said Ms. raises that added billions to
who have been revived by the Institute for Prevention at Ferreras-Copeland, a Queens the budget but were largely
heroin antidote naloxone free RWJBarnabas. These recovery Democrat. praised by ratings firms.
vouchers for $15,000 of detox fered, and the kind of treat- man. He has budgeted $536 specialists met with 700 pa- Yet, Mr. de Blasio still seeks At the council, which holds
and intensive outpatient treat- ment that’s being offered has million for this fiscal year, a tients across five hospitals to increase spending by more large sway over the budget,
ment. Of the nearly 50 pa- to be appropriate.” 23% increase over 2016. since January 2016, and more than $1 billion in fiscal 2018, some lawmakers want to grow
tients offered vouchers since Mr. Baxter said many in the New Jersey residents seek- than 400 agreed to enter which begins July 1. And many the safety net to blunt possible
October 2015, only nine en- field no longer view total elim- ing treatment through Medic- treatment. Nine months later, council members have shown cuts under the president.
tered treatment and four of ination of substance use as the aid and state-funded services nearly half were still in treat- little taste for cutting back. “Trump just makes me want
them quickly dropped out, only measure of success. Re- see an average wait time of 18 ment. “I’m very concerned if we to expand the program more,”
county officials said. duction in frequency and days for long-term residential “The fact that we’ve been don’t expand these programs Mr. Williams said.
“Nobody makes anybody amount of drug use and asso- programs and 26 days for in- there and we understand what
get clean,” said Bob Baxter, ciated risky behaviors is in tensive outpatient treatment, they’ve gone through, that’s
who is project director for a
five-year federal study on ad-
many cases seen as a victory.
Mr. Christie increased fund-
according to state records. The
state doesn’t track wait times
90% of the battle right there,”
said Eric McIntire, RWJBarna-
Salt Shakers Stay on the Menu
diction intervention in New- ing for addiction treatment for privately funded treat- bas’s recovery coordinator,
ark. People suffering from ad- 29% between his first year in ment. who has been in recovery from
diction “have to want the kind office and the end of last fiscal Camden County plans to heroin and crack addiction for
of treatment that’s being of- year, according to his spokes- continue running its voucher 13 years.
BY KATE KING referred inquiries to the fran- The bill, for example, “pro- tasks, the complaint said.
chise’s attorney, who didn’t re- vides absolutely no limitation In 2013, Ms. Lopez began
New Jersey’s attorney gen- spond to a request for com- on the amount of back pay an driving a shuttle in addition to
eral is accusing Homewood ment. The hotel’s general employee can recover when her housekeeping duties. The
Suites by Hilton in Edgewater manager didn’t respond to a re- claiming wage discrimination.” hotel paid Ms. Lopez $10 an
of paying two female cleaners quest for comment. The federal Lilly Ledbetter Fair hour for the shifts she drove
less than their male co-workers. The complaint comes as the Pay Act, by contrast, limits back the shuttle and $8.20 for her
The attorney general’s of- state Senate is scheduled to pay to two years. hours as a housekeeper, ac-
fice launched an investigation hold a vote Monday to override cording to the complaint. Ms.
after one of the cleaners, Rosa a conditional veto by Gov. Chris Lopez’s male co-workers were
Lopez, filed a complaint with Christie of legislation that paid $10 an hour regardless of New York City restaurants sociation, a trade group, sued
the New Jersey Division on would have expanded protec-
Gov. Chris Christie whether they were shuttle must place warning symbols the city in 2015, arguing that
Civil Rights, saying she was tions for female workers and vetoed the measure, drivers or housekeepers, the next to high-sodium foods on the Board of Health exceeded
fired after asking the hotel’s compensation for victims of complaint said. menus, a Manhattan appeals its authority in requiring restau-
owner about the pay discrep- discrimination. The vote will
saying it overstepped State Sen. Loretta Weinberg, court has ruled. rants to post the symbols. The
ancy. The investigation found mark the Democratic-led Sen- existing laws. a Democrat from Bergen A panel of justices from the association appealed a decision
probable cause to file a civil ate’s second attempt to over- County, said the case illustrates Appellate Division’s First Depart- by trial court judge last Febru-
complaint on both gender dis- ride Mr. Christie’s conditional New Jersey’s need for more ment wrote that the salt-shaker ary.
crimination and retaliation. veto. stringent equal-pay laws. warnings provide information Cicely Simpson, the National
“In the 21st century, the no- Mr. Christie, a Republican, Mr. Christie’s office didn’t Ms. Weinberg said that but don’t restrict what consum- Restaurant Association’s execu-
tion of any employer—let sent the bill back to the Legisla- respond to a request for com- broader back pay would make a ers can buy. The rule, enacted by tive vice president, said the
alone one that is part of a na- ture in May with recommended ment. big difference to low-wage em- the city’s Board of Health, re- group would explore all its legal
tional hotel chain—paying changes. At the time, the gover- According to the state’s com- ployees like Ms. Lopez. quires restaurants with at least options. Local sodium rules are
women less than men for the nor wrote that gender discrimi- plaint, Ms. Lopez was hired in “That also reflects on her 15 locations nationwide to post costly and onerous, she said.
identical work is appalling, and nation “has no place in our August 2011 and paid $8 an Social Security payments,” Ms. salt-shaker icons next to items Mayor Bill de Blasio said: “It
cannot be allowed to stand,” modern workforce” but said the hour. Her pay was increased to Weinberg said. “She will, when with more than 2,300 milligrams is smart, effective and important
Attorney General Christopher proposed legislation was too far $8.20 an hour the following she collects Social Security, get of sodium, the daily recom- to inform people of the sodium
Porrino said Friday. out of step with state and fed- year, when her son was hired at a diminished payment based on mended limit. content of their food.”
A spokeswoman for Hilton eral laws. $9 an hour. Both had the same being shortchanged.” The National Restaurant As- —Corinne Ramey
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A10B | Monday, February 13, 2017 NY * * THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
Midtown Firm
Renews Lease
For Less Space
BY PETER GRANT have opted to remain after
considering moves.
A prominent New York law Others that have stayed in
firm has renewed its lease in a the area include UBS Group
Midtown office tower for less AG, 21st Century Fox and News
square footage than it currently Corp, publisher of The Wall
occupies, in the latest sign that Street Journal. Major League
businesses are using space Baseball is planning to move to
more efficiently. the space at 1271 Sixth Avenue
the works to come onstream In the past few years, a market was still strong com- can receive city tax credits,
in the next two years. number of big developers have pared with previous years, further lowering costs.
“It’s a big move coming jumped into Brooklyn with sig- said Joseph Cirone, senior di- Another draw: the hordes of
from the cool part of Chelsea nificant redevelopment proj- rector at real estate services Brooklyn residents who work
to Dumbo, but I think it sort of ects and plans for new firm Cushman & Wakefield. in the tech, advertising and
celebrates how Brooklyn has ground-up towers from the Overall new leasing activity media sectors. About 90% of
not only grown but has been Brooklyn Navy Yard to down- for the year was 818,861 the staff at B-Reel, an advertis-
established as a creative town Brooklyn and Bushwick. square feet, 2.5% below the ing agency, live in Brooklyn.
class,” said Asher Abehsera, The Dumbo area, in particu- 2015 level of 839,338 square The firm will double the size
chief executive of LIVWRK, lar, has pulled a number of feet, the highest on record of its office when it leaves
which has partnered with tenants from Manhattan’s hot since 2010, when Cushman & Tribeca and relocates to 13,500
Kushner Cos. and RFR Holding Midtown South neighbor- Wakefield started tracking of- square feet in the Dumbo
The office tower at 1177 Sixth Ave. in Midtown Manhattan. to redevelop the Dumbo hoods. In 2016, advertising fice data in the borough. Heights complex in May.
NEW JERSEY Cushman’s equity, debt and
Adele Sweeps
Grammy Awards
Chance the Rapper Is Named Best New Artist
In a Recognition That Promises to Boost Subscription Services
named album of the year, having
sold 8.5 million copies to date in the
U.S., according to BuzzAngle Music.
Her rival in the top three cate-
gories, R&B queen Beyonce,
flaunted her pregnant belly in a
sheer, sparkling gold gown and a
halo-like headdress as she per-
formed an ode to motherhood. In-
troduced by her own mother, the
35-year-old pop singer, who re-
cently announced that she is ex- The music industry turned out for the 59th Annual Grammy Awards in Los Angeles Sunday night. Clockwise from top left: Adele opened the show with her hit
pecting twins, sang two slower ‘Hello,’ Chance the Rapper accepted the best new artist award, James Corden hosted the ceremony and Beyonce performed an ode to motherhood.
cuts from last year’s album “Lem-
onade” and took home awards for Tidal, and Mr. West continued re-
best urban contemporary album working some of the album’s mu-
and best music video. sic for weeks after it was first is-
Adele said in one of her accep- sued last February.
tance speeches of the night that The award show’s recognition of
Beyonce was her idol. such modern releases could raise
“I want you to be my mommy,” awareness of subscription stream-
she said. ing services and potentially drive
The show grew more politically subscriptions, said Nielsen Music
charged as the night progressed, analyst Dave Bakula. That would
with rapper Busta Rhymes thank- help the music industry, which is
ing “President Agent Orange” for counting on $10-a-month stream-
his “unsuccessful attempt at the ing services such as Apple Music
Muslim ban,” while performers and Spotify AB to sustain its re-
knocked down a wall chanting “we cent growth as CD and download
the people.” At the end of the hip- sales continue their yearslong de-
hop collaboration, A Tribe Called clines.
Quest frontman Q-Tip called on “If I’m not an Apple Music sub-
the crowd to “resist,” a word that scriber, I’m probably not even
also appeared on an armband aware of this record,” said Mr. Ba-
worn by pop star Katy Perry. kula, referring to “Coloring Book.”
Spotlighting the growth of The Grammy telecast, he added,
streaming services, Chance the might spark an “awakening for
Rapper was named best new art- fans” because “they’re not going
ist, while his mixtape “Coloring to be able to buy it.”
Book,” was also awarded best rap An array of stars also used the
album, even though it was first night to make political statements,
released only on Apple Inc.’s with Mr. Corden—known for “Car-
streaming service Apple Music pool Karaoke,” in which he drives
and still isn’t for sale as a CD or around with musicians as they belt
even a download in Apple’s out tunes—performing a rap that
iTunes Store. The 23-year-old included the line: “with President
hip-hop artist’s mixtape beat Trump we don’t know what comes being a “time when artists must test,” a reference to demonstra- update music laws and renew
competitors including Kanye next.” go to work.” Paris Jackson, daugh- tions by Native American tribes “America’s commitment to the
West’s “The Life of Pablo,” which Singer-actress Jennifer Lopez ter of the late pop star Michael and environmental groups against arts.” In his speech, Mr. Portnow
isn’t for sale as a CD, either. That also told the crowd not to suc- Jackson, told the audience that the the Dakota Access Pipeline. said one of the country’s most im-
collection was first released only cumb to fear or self-pity, quoting world could “really use this type Recording Academy President portant exports was “American
on Jay Z’s streaming service the writer Toni Morrison on now of excitement at a pipeline pro- Neil Portnow called on Congress to music.”
several weeks, with Grace creating ternet access and some don’t. Some One way to do that, she says is
a list of planned activities that in- parents are interested in monitor- to collaborate on planning and let
clude doing nails (4:45); personaliz- ing and others aren’t,” she says. “It the child feel like they get to make
ing pizzas (5:15); and watching a is all over the place.” Please see SLEEPOVER page A13
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To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
A12 | Monday, February 13, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
8-Day Tour $1195 + tax, fees
homework were the choice of the
cooler guys dressed in narrow jeans
and white shirts (with packs of Lucky
Strikes showing through
the pocket to irritate the
riety; and more or less romantic state-
ments in a grid of drawings are each
undermined by the silhouette of an
erection. On the other
hand, Mr. Pettibon has a
faculty), who didn’t calmer, more benevolent
Includes all hotels, all meals, and all activities. want to be seen toting side that surfaces in his
Fully guided from start to finish. around those nerdy renditions of baseball
leather book bags. I players—a perfect Pee-
Costa Rica: Detailed Itinerary at liked them because of Chee subject, by the way.
the cheesy brush-and-ink The artist reportedly
Day 1. Your tour begins in San José, Costa Rica. drawings—of football loves the game, and a big
players, cheerleaders drawing featuring the
Day 2. Explore the active Poás Volcano. and the like. Hall of Fame St. Louis
Day 3. Cruise the Rio Frio. Soak in hot springs. The erstwhile Los An- Cardinals pitcher Bob
geles artist Raymond Gibson is the closest Mr.
Day 4. Hike the Hanging Bridges. Pettibon—who moved to Pettibon will probably
New York in 2011—was ever get to hero worship.
Day 5. Free time to fully enjoy your beach resort. born in 1957, a year be- “A Pen of All Work” is
Day 6. Birdwatching cruise on Tárcoles River. fore I mustered out of not, however, without
secondary education, but faults, both large and
Day 7. Explore Manuel Antonio National Park. he somehow fell into, as small. Mr. Pettibon’s
a self-taught artist, what huge drawings of small
Day 8. Return with great memories. one might call a fever- surfers negotiating big
The #1 dream version of the Pee-Chee style. whole floors, and tackles (or slashes blue waves are ambitious but, com-
In Value Mr. Pettibon (whose assumed last at) everything from Elvis and the pared with everything else, empty. His
“ Brilliant, Affordable Pricing
Keel-billed Toucan
name derives from the nickname, “Pe- Beatles to the atomic bomb and the adding after-the-fact texts to childhood
—Arthur Frommer, Travel Editor tit Bon,” his father gave him) draws war in Iraq. The exhibition makes a drawings is uncharacteristically vain.
maniacally (his output to date is about pretty good case that Mr. Pettibon— And the video is—except as sociologi-
FREE Brochure 20,000 works) and adds reams of despite his sometimes-wearying ado- cal context for the punkish L.A. art
nicely hand-printed text from his own lescent rebelliousness—is indeed a scene of the late 20th century—border-
Call (800) CARAVAN stream-of-consciousness and such major artist. His visual voice is more line insufferable. But the most serious
Caravan�com TM
high-end sources as William Blake and
Lord Byron. The title of this exhibition
raw than, say, R. Crumb’s, more ag-
gressive than William Wiley’s, and his
misstep is simply the size of the show.
Mr. Pettibon is an artist best absorbed
at the New Museum of Contemporary impact is right up there with that of in doses much smaller than several
Art in New York—“A Pen of All his late friend Mike Kelley. hundred works. It doesn’t help, either,
® Work”—is in fact taken from Byron’s Mr. Pettibon is not a particularly to be asked by the installation to read,
poem “The Vision of Judgement.” good draftsman in any orthodox sense. without benefit of a stepladder, the
Fully Guided Tours Since 1952 Mr. Pettibon—who holds a degree His human figures are disproportioned print in drawings mounted high up on
in economics from UCLA—started out and boneless, his compositions decid- the New Museum’s walls.
by teaching math in a junior high edly offhand, his brush-and-pen work Still, Mr. Pettibon deserves to be cu-
school, but soon a visceral, anti-estab- woefully inconsistent, and his fin- ratorially rewarded for simply letting it
lishment appetite for art got the bet- ish…well, there’s usually no sense of all rip, shooting first as it were and ask-
ter of him. He first made posters for finish at all. But that’s where Mr. Petti- ing questions later. That the work in
such L.A. punk bands as the Circle bon gets his considerable clout; his the show sometimes slips from pat-
Jerks and Black Flag (the front man drawing eschews any kind of academic ented and potent Pettibon-bad to truly
for the latter was the artist’s brother, gloss, but he clearly knows how to bad doesn’t hurt the show that much.
SHOP STRAIGHT FROM Greg Ginn), then began creating stand- draw for his own purposes, like Francis It’s as unpretentiously American as a
T H E R U N WAY W I T H alone drawings, eventually and sub- Picabia or Grandma Moses knew how Pee-Chee folder.
versively inspired by everything from to paint for theirs. Genuinely enraged,
Goya to Gumby, from Reginald Marsh Mr. Pettibon maintains his West Coast
Mr. Plagens is an artist and writer in
to Ronald Reagan. This retrospective punk pedigree. He can knock you back
New York.
exhibition—which fits the New Mu- on your heels more powerfully with a
seum in temperament like the prover- piece of paper in a frame than other
bial glove—is similarly inclusive. It artists can with a whole installation Raymond Pettibon: A Pen of All Work
contains some 700 drawings and lots piece of frightening detritus. New Museum of Contemporary Art,
of ancillary video, occupies three This is not your father’s—or your through April 9
On February 15th, shop select accessories
and ready-to-wear items from
Michael Kors Collection
following the runway show.
Learn more on
@W S J N OT E D | @ M I C H A E L KO R S
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To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, February 13, 2017 | A13
Nessan Bermingham, above right, runs with his trainer and friend, Shane
Genakos, above left, in Boston and works a heavy punching bag, left, to
prepare for an endurance race in Argentina.
Continued from page A11
a lot of decisions. “Things
like, ‘Should we have the
popcorn at 7 or at 8?’ ” says
Dr. Kastner, author of “Wise-
Minded Parenting.” “Or,
‘Should we put the air mat-
tresses over here or there?’ ”
She advises parents pay
attention to the children
your child hangs out with
because those personalities
may intensify at the slee-
pover. In the carpool, she ad-
vises parents “lay low, wear
beige” to listen and get a
sense of the dynamic in the
social group.
“You need to know a little
bit to intervene when things
go south,” she says. Bad
things can happen, such as
unwanted picture-taking to
social-media oversharing.
Dede Parker, a 48-year-old
modeling agent in Los Ange-
les, has hosted a handful of
sleepovers for her 10-year-
old daughter Frankie. She
tries to check in every hour,
by poking her head in and Grace Kasten planned her slumber party schedule to the minute.
saying things like, “What are
you girls doing out here?” game of “would you rather”
Or, “What’s up?”
“The answer is usually
involving a parent’s cellphone.
The incident provided an
SLEEPOVER Poetry in Paint
‘nothing’ or they barely even opportunity for mother and SOLUTIONS
respond,” says Ms. Parker. daughter to talk about tough Camille Corot
But the message she is try- topics like peer pressure and
Let your child plan with Revered artist. Luminous palette. Tranquil
ing to convey is “I’m still internet content. “We had a
you. Set a schedule
around,” she says. long talk about what’s appro- scene. One of the world’s most important
of activities.
Patti Cancellier, education priate and not appropriate,” artists, Camille Corot’s contributions to
director at the Parent En- she says. Choose a movie the history of art are immeasurable. In
couragement Program in Joanna Warden, a Wash- in advance.
Kensington, Md., which runs ington, D.C.-area, health- this monumental, original work entitled
parenting classes, suggests care consultant hosted a Ask friends to leave cell Le Passeur (The Ferryman), Corot deftly
an easy way for parents to “sleep-under” for her phones at home or to turn
captures the monumentality of the
keep tabs on sleepovers with- daughter Emily’s eighth them over to the host’s
out appearing intrusive is to birthday last month, giving parents for the night. French landscape with his renowned
serve food that requires “a her daughter the excitement lyricism and impressionistic luminosity.
Make snacks that
certain amount of upkeep and and anticipation of a slee- require you to check in Acclaimed as one of the world’s greatest landscape painters and widely
maintenance,” such as tacos, pover—without anybody ac- and replenish. regarded as the first Impressionist, Corot’s paintings served as inspiration for
where meat and toppings get tually sleeping over.
frequently replenished. Eight second-grade Get to know the
entire generations of artists who followed him. Signed (lower left). Canvas:
“It allows you in an ac- friends came at 5:30 p.m. on personalities of your child’s 36”h x 521/2”w; Frame: 453/4”h x 62”w. #30-5760
ceptable way to go in and a Saturday evening in their friends in advance, so
freshen up the food,” she pajamas. They sang karaoke, you can be smart about
says. “Don’t comment or join played with temporary tat- whether to intervene if
in on the conversation. But it toos, ate ice cream sundaes, the party goes south.
gives you the chance to decorated pillowcases and
check in.” snuggled in sleeping bags. Talk about what is
When your child stays at Then, everyone left at 8 p.m. appropriate with your child
someone else’s house, a par- “The girls thought it was in advance of a party.
630 Royal Street, New Orleans, Louisiana • 877-677-2801 • [email protected] •
ent has far less control. Dana so novel and cool to go out Consider a “sleep-under,”
Palmieri, a stay-at-home mom to a nighttime birthday where guests come in Since 1912, M.S. Rau Antiques has specialized in the world’s finest art, antiques and jewelry.
in Sanford, Fla., picked up her party,” says Ms. Warden. Backed by our unprecedented 125% Guarantee, we stand behind each and every piece.
Trump’s ‘So-Called’ Judgment BOOKSHELF | By Stephen J. Morris
By Sai Prakash
And John Yoo
The fundamental right to criti-
cize government applies no
acting “not as a judicial body,
but as a policy-making body.”
temporary suspension of im-
migration from seven coun-
Crusading for the
less to jurists than to presi- He tried to persuade Congress tries. Mr. Trump still has the
resident Trump can’t
seem to control his im-
pulse to question his
critics’ legitimacy. On Twitter
dents or members of Congress.
Mr. Trump’s attacks on the
judiciary are mild compared
with some of his predecessors’.
to add six seats to the high
court so that he could pack it
with pro-New Deal justices.
Lawmakers refused.
opportunity to prevail on the
merits. He hasn’t lost the
case—at least not yet.
The Trump administration
he denounced the “so-called
judge” who issued a tempo-
Upon assuming the presidency,
Thomas Jefferson ordered all
Nor was Mr. Trump’s imme-
diate predecessor shy about
will often appear in court over
the next four or eight years. It
Hell No
rary restraining order against prosecutions under the Sedi- attacking the courts. President will lose plenty of cases, be- By Tom Hayden
his immigration policy. Then, tion Act dropped and par- Obama inveighed against Citi- cause, like its predecessors, it (Yale, 159 pages, $25)
as the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court doned everyone convicted un- zens United v. Federal Election will push the legal envelope. If
of Appeals reviewed the case, der it, even though the courts Commission, a landmark free- the president publicly vents Tom Hayden was a radical left-wing American activist
he complained that “courts had upheld its constitutional- speech case, during his 2010 every time he loses a ruling, who died in October 2016. He initially became famous as the
seem to be so political.” He ity. Andrew Jackson reportedly State of the Union address, his complaints will recede into principal author of the 1962 Port Huron Statement, a found-
declared that even “a bad with several justices sitting background noise. ing document of the Students for a Democratic Society,
high school student” would right in front of him. Two Questioning judicial deci- which promoted a vague notion of “participatory democ-
understand why his executive It’s legitimate to years later, when the court sions, and even the judiciary’s racy” and criticized U.S. Cold War foreign policy. He became
order was legal. When the was considering a constitu- legitimacy, is entirely proper. more famous as an anti-Vietnam War leader, first by making
Ninth Circuit ruled against criticize the judiciary, tional challenge to the Patient But a wise president will re- a pilgrimage to Hanoi in 1965, next by helping to organize
him, he called it “a disgraceful but unwise to do it Protection and Affordable Care serve such attacks for extraor- what became violent demonstrations at the Democratic
decision.” Act, the president publicly de- dinary matters of state involv- Party’s 1968 convention in Chicago, and later by marrying
Meanwhile, Judge Neil Gor- so injudiciously. clared that it would be an “un- ing the highest constitutional and working with Jane Fonda to defeat American policy in
such, Mr. Trump’s Supreme precedented, extraordinary principles. To do otherwise Vietnam. The consistent obsession of Hayden’s life was what
Court nominee, told senators step” to strike it down, be- risks dissipating the execu- he considered his virtuous and courageous role in opposing
that he found “any criticism of said of the chief justice that cause it was passed by a ma- tive’s energy, weakening the the Vietnam War policies of
a judge’s integrity and inde- “John Marshall has made his jority of Congress. Mr. president’s agenda, and wast- the United States.
pendence disheartening and decision; now let him enforce Obama’s critics saw that as an ing his political capital. When In “Hell No,” his rambling
demoralizing,” according to a it.” Jackson vetoed reauthori- attempt to pressure Chief Jus- criticizing the Supreme Court farewell testament, Hayden at-
statement on his behalf. zation of the Bank of the tice John Roberts—who ulti- for upholding the Bank of the tempts to rescue the antiwar
Yet the president has United States because he be- mately supported the adminis- United States, declaring Dred movement from what he sees
crossed no constitutional red lieved the Constitution did not tration’s position. Scott a slave, or striking down as denigration and obscurity.
lines. True, federal judges en- give Congress the power to But if presidential attacks the New Deal, presidents were He is particularly angry at the
joy unique constitutional pro- create a bank, despite the Su- on the courts are nothing new, advancing constitutional agen- lack of respect for the “peace
tections and thus a measure of preme Court’s decision to the the history also underscores das worthy of a fierce attack activists” who opposed Ameri-
independence. They serve for contrary in McCulloch v. the smallness of Mr. Trump’s on the courts. Mr. Trump is can policies, in light of a new-
life so long as they maintain Maryland (1819). vision. Jefferson, Lincoln and upset about losing a minor found public respect for the vet-
“good behavior.” Congress and Our greatest presidents FDR knew when to speak and procedural test of a temporary erans of the Vietnam War. “Hell
the president can never reduce have gone even further. Abra- when to keep silent. They in- executive order. If he doesn’t No” has something of a stream-
their salaries. ham Lincoln declined to apply voked the great powers of the learn to be more judicious, of-consciousness quality, as the
But there is no law that si- the court’s infamous 1857 deci- presidency to oppose the Su- we’re in for a long four years. author jumps from one topic to
lences the American people, sion in Dred Scott v. Sandford preme Court only when funda- another, from declarations about the politics
including the president, or to any new cases. At the out- mental constitutional ques- Messrs. Prakash and Yoo of the war to personal memoir, with no analytical or narra-
shields judges from criticism set of the Civil War, he defied tions were at stake: the are law professors at the Uni- tive coherence. The writing is full of assertions of his move-
outside the courtroom. No Chief Justice Roger Taney’s or- punishment of political dis- versity of Virginia and the Uni- ment’s virtue and concern for the truth.
principle of democracy or judi- der releasing a Confederate sent; secession and slavery; versity of California, Berkeley, Yet for someone with such an ostensible concern with
cial independence demands prisoner. Franklin D. Roosevelt Congress’s power to regulate respectively. truthfulness, the author reveals his own knowledge of the
that we check our tongues, accused justices who struck the economy. The occasion for Vietnam War to be grotesquely defective. In discussing the
pens or tweets because the ob- down his New Deal of living in Mr. Trump’s fury is a tempo- L. Gordon Crovitz is away. war’s origin Hayden trots out discredited sources from
ject of critique wears a robe. the “horse-and-buggy” era and rary restraining order of a 1965, like I.F. Stone, who claimed that the Viet Cong insur-
gents were not dependent on Hanoi but were an indepen-
dent force relying on captured South Vietnamese weapons.
Texas and the Real Forgotten Man Hayden seems blissfully unaware that more than 30 years
ago the Hanoi leaders themselves admitted that, following a
1959 decision by the politburo, they had started the war.
Donald Trump Roosevelt did during the lost between 1994 and 2014 Mr. Cañas notes that the The men who infiltrated the south from the north carried
pledged in his 1930s. Both can be viewed as “as a result of increased im- blue-collar workers most af- American weapons captured not by the Viet Cong from the
inaugural ad- champions of the fellow who ports from Mexico and Canada fected by Mexican imports South Vietnamese but by the Chinese from Americans in
dress to stand has fallen on hard times and or due to shifts in produc- have “experienced substan- the Korean War.
up for the for- cannot seem to recover. The tion.” Texas, Mr. Cañas writes, tially lower wage growth than There is a fundamental self-contradiction in Hayden’s
gotten man Trumpian approach to helping was the second most-affected their counterparts in other in- analysis of the Vietnam War. He incessantly praises the anti-
AMERICAS and woman. the “little guy” would also be state—in absolute numbers of dustries.” But he observes war movement for bringing the war to an end through its
But if the 45th familiar to FDR: Make the jobs lost—behind North Caro- that the metropolitan areas protests and lobbying. But at the same time he wishes to
By Mary
president de- economy less free. lina and ahead of California. that lost the most jobs due to condemn those who blame the “peace movement” for Amer-
stroys the Yet as Amity Shlaes ex- Texas border cities, where Nafta have benefited the most ica’s defeat: “The Vietnamese never relied upon the Ameri-
North Ameri- plains in her 2007 book, “The manufacturing had been from increases in foreign di- can peace movement to deliver a victory for them, as long
can Free Trade Forgotten Man,” that term “heavily concentrated in low- rect investment. They also insisted by American neoconservatives.” Yet Hayden seems
Agreement in an attempt to originated with Yale professor value-added industries,” were benefit from “rising living disingenuous when he claims that the aim of the “peace
rescue some Americans, mil- William Graham Sumner. In hit hard. standards on the Mexican side movement” was merely ending the war. Neither he nor his
lions more—including many his 1883 essay the forgotten of the border,” i.e., new cus- fellow radicals wanted the war ended with South Vietnam
who voted for him—could be man is the one who is passed tomers with money. remaining as a non-communist independent nation, on the
added to the nation’s economi- the bill—unnoticed—when do- If Trump destroys Like the rest of the country, model of South Korea.
cally forgotten souls. gooders propose “measures of Texas’ employment is shifting
The very red state of Texas relief for the evils which have Nafta, millions from manufacturing to “other
could suffer the most. Over 23 caught public attention.” of Americans will sectors such as business ser- When Joan Baez organized a petition to protest
years it has worked to adapt Sumner didn’t name vices,” Mr. Cañas writes. The Hanoi’s racist pogrom against Vietnam’s ethnic-
to open commerce with its names. He simply described pay the price. state’s manufacturing employ-
southern neighbor. Production the injustice of A and B get- ment is down 9% since Nafta Chinese minority, Hayden defended Hanoi.
sharing in manufacturing with ting together to help X with implementation but manufac-
counterparts across the Mexi- some new law. C isn’t in on Yet with more competition turing output grew 4.1% per
can border has boosted pro- the plan but he carries the came increased trade, invest- year between 1997 and 2015. The most illuminating part of “Hell No” is Hayden’s ac-
ductivity, and a sharp increase burden. “Such is the Forgot- ment and technological “Manufactured goods ex- count of the lobbying of Congress that the “peace move-
in U.S.-Mexico trade at Texas ten Man,” Sumner wrote. “He change, all of which helped re- ports supported an estimated ment” undertook from 1973 to 1975. Several thousand activ-
land and sea ports has gener- works, he votes, generally he shape the Texas economy. And 990,000 jobs in Texas in ists in certain key states pressured congressmen to cut off
ated big export gains for the prays—but he always pays— cities along the border “went 2015,” the report says. The funding for South Vietnam, and though Hayden is ambigu-
Lone Star State. yes, above all, he pays.” on to gain far more employ- state “gained” more than four ous about the effects of the lobbying, which he largely di-
Nafta has made Texas In Mr. Trump’s war on ment than what they lost” due million jobs from 1994 to rected, its success in fact turned out to be the key factor in
more globally competitive. It globalism, Texas is brimming to changes from Nafta. 2015, a period of rising auto- Hanoi’s victory. As North Vietnamese Gen. Van Tien Dung
hasn’t happened without with Cs—hard-working Ameri- Texas’ exports to Mexico— mation and free trade, while wrote shortly after the war’s end, congressional aid cut-
some pain, particularly in cans who have adjusted to measured not by where the real per capita incomes grew backs meant that South Vietnamese President Thieu was
border cities. Yet without the freer trade and now find that products are made but by to $47,000 from $30,000. forced to fight “a poor man’s war.”
agreement, Texas arguably A and B want to change the where their journey abroad be- Mr. Trump’s proposal to The fact is that Hayden’s life was in large part a crusade
would have found it more dif- rules as a favor to X. There gins—increased by 236% from build new barriers to trade for the cause of the Vietnamese communists. He returned
ficult, on the employment are millions more Cs all over 1994 to 2015. “A significant with Mexico ignores the harm from his trip to Hanoi in 1965 singing the praises of North
front, to adjust to the acceler- the U.S. share of this trade,” Mr. Cañas that is sure to come to the Vietnam. At Bratislava, Czechoslovakia, in 1967, he was at
ation in manufacturing auto- Federal Reserve Bank of writes, “is in intermediate armies of American factory the center of a meeting of two dozen American peace activ-
mation that hit the U.S. dur- Dallas economist Jesus Cañas products—goods destined for workers, entrepreneurs and ists with 30 representatives from the Hanoi regime, at
ing the same period. provides a useful profile of assembly or other processing suppliers of business services which they discussed coordinated action to ensure an
President Trump, who was post-Nafta Texas in a 2016 re- after which they are imported who buy and sell across the American defeat and a communist takeover in Vietnam. Ac-
a Democrat for most of his port “Texas Border Cities Il- back into the U.S.” Mexico is border. Mr. Trump forgets cording to a then-left-wing activist present at the meeting,
life, uses the metaphor of the lustrate Benefits and Chal- Texas’ top export market, tak- these men and women at his Sol Stern, Hayden declared to his fellow activists: “We are
forgotten man in much the lenges of Trade.” The report ing 40% of what the state own political peril. all Viet Cong now.” In 1979, when pacifist Joan Baez orga-
same way President Franklin says 710,000 U.S. jobs were sends abroad. Write to O’[email protected]. nized a petition to protest Hanoi’s racist pogrom against
Vietnam’s ethnic-Chinese minority—a pogrom that resulted
in the deportation of hundreds of thousands of “boat peo-
Stock Options for the Little Guy ple”—Hayden and his wife, Jane Fonda, organized a coun-
terstatement defending Hanoi.
In his 1988 memoir “Reunion,” Hayden seemed to express
By William M. Isaac inequality, but it would help. share values for the com- success, increase the wealth a partial reconsideration of his past views of communism.
And Richard M. Stock options weren’t al- pany’s existing stockholders. and retirement benefits for He admitted: “Time has proved me overly romantic about
Kovacevich ways reserved for those at This double cost became so low- and middle-income the Vietnamese revolution.” He regretted having felt “mini-
the top of the corporate lad- expensive that nearly all cor- workers, and improve em- mal concern” about Viet Cong atrocities toward Vietnamese
ne message from last der. It used to be rather nor- porations eliminated stock ployee morale, all at no cost civilians and admitted being “blind to the core of authoritar-
year’s election is that mal for employees to have the options for employees making to the government. ianism” that drove the regime. He concluded: “I think many
American workers are option of purchasing shares in less than $100,000 a year. For these reasons, we be- of Vietnam’s postwar problems originated in the nature of
discouraged and angry that the company for which they Congress should override lieve legislation to override Marxism-Leninism itself.” No such criticism is to be found in
the “system” is not working were working. But in 2006 FAS 123 so that it isn’t so FAS 123 would receive strong “Hell No.” By 2016, Hayden had retreated to the radical left’s
for them. The standard of liv- the Financial Accounting expensive for companies to bipartisan support in Con- default position of justifying communist crimes perpetrated
ing for low- and middle-in- allow employees whose cash gress. The plan is also consis- in victory: “Many will resort to their own moral compass to
come Americans is not keep- compensation is less than tent with President Trump’s judge this outcome. My own view is that it was a predictable
ing pace with historical Helping companies $100,000 to have access to desire to “make America result of a war beyond any negotiating.”
growth. Worse, there seems stock options. Current ac- great again.” After all, there This statement points toward a fundamental problem for
to be a widening income gap give ownership to counting treatment for those is no other way to achieve Hayden. He worked hard for the victories of the communist
between average workers and average workers is as employees earning more economic growth than forces in Indochina but cannot come to terms with his moral
corporate executives whose than $100,000 would not through successful compa- responsibility for the disasters that followed at the hands of
income is increased by stock easy as repealing 123. change. nies. What better way is his favored regimes. He speaks in passing, for instance, of
options and other benefits Allowing all employees ac- there to motivate employees what he calls the “insanity” of the Khmer Rouge. But no-
available to them. cess to stock options would than to align their personal where in his book does he confess that he testified before
Many people see this as a Standards Board issued a rule inevitably dilute earnings per interests with the success of Congress in early 1975 against any further military or eco-
lack of respect for the contri- called FAS 123, which requires share, but this is a cost com- their companies? nomic aid to the Cambodian government—the only barrier
butions of the average companies to account for panies and executives should to the country’s takeover by the Khmer Rouge—and claimed
worker. An important first stock options as if they were be willing to pay in order for Mr. Isaac, a former chair- that a cutoff would diminish the possibility of a bloodbath.
step in turning around this a cash expense, therefore re- employees to have a stake in man of the Federal Deposit In other words, “truth teller” and “peace lover” Tom Hayden
perception would be to de- ducing the net income of the the company’s earnings. Insurance Corp., is senior himself peddled untruths in the service of military conquest
velop an affordable way for company. FAS 123 also re- Giving all workers access managing director of FTI by brutal totalitarian dictatorships.
corporations to provide stock quires stock options to be to stock options would recog- Consulting. Mr. Kovacevich is
options to all employees. recognized as more shares nize the contributions they retired chairman and CEO of Mr. Morris is the author of “Why Vietnam Invaded Cam-
That wouldn’t solve income outstanding, thus diluting make to their companies’ Wells Fargo & Co. bodia: Political Culture and the Causes of War.”
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To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
A16 | Monday, February 13, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
he taxpayers of New York State should berg notes that the two transactions “were The proposal in Sen. Rand Paul’s None of the proposed fixes face
be furious. After 12 years of chasing for- not material to AIG’s financial statements or Jan. 27 letter essentially turns the the reality that 70% of Americans
health-care reimbursement system have under $1,000 in savings (USA
mer AIG CEO Hank Greenberg by three its shareholders.” Mr. Schneiderman makes
back to pre-ACA times. It fosters indi- Today, Oct. 9, 2016). Pay in advance
state Attorneys General, cur- much of AIG’s 2005 earnings vidual insurance plans and erodes in- and get reimbursed with tax credits?
rent AG Eric Schneiderman New York’s AIG fraud restatement, after Mr. Green- dividual state insurance department Really? With what?
settled on Friday for $9 mil- case sputters to a berg had been forced out as requirements. For example, an insurer LARRY NEAL
lion and the legal equivalent CEO by Mr. Spitzer, but AIG with situs in Alabama could sell its Charlottesville, Va.
of a lousy T-shirt. pathetic settlement. said at the time that restat- policies in New York without meeting
Discredited former state ing the transactions had little New York requirements for policy If Medicare can pay a hospital-af-
AG Eliot Spitzer began the effect on AIG’s earnings or forms or capital surplus require- filiated cardiologist $453 for a car-
civil fraud case in 2005 as part of his revenge balance sheet. ments. This will result in consumers diac sonogram compared with the
campaign against Mr. Greenberg for daring to The real lessons of the Greenberg case start being subject to abuse in the pur- $189 that the same cardiologist made
criticize his prosecutions against business. The with the absurd lengths that progressive prose- chase of worthless insurance prod- when he was independent, no wonder
ucts and loss of coverage due to in- independent doctors face pressure to
initial charges sought restitution and punitive cutors will go to punish capitalists they don’t
surer insolvency. sell their practices to hospitals.
damages on multiple counts that Mr. Spitzer like. As a rich CEO who built AIG into the world’s Another part of this proposal pro- Sen. Paul’s plan addresses patients’
called criminal fraud on national TV. Mr. most successful insurance company, Mr. Green- tects consumers with individual in- choices but omits that independent
Greenberg was never charged with a crime, and berg was an easy target amid the anti-business surance from pre-existing illness ex- doctors are suffering, and the past
by the end Mr. Schneiderman had given up mood of the post-Enron 2000s. Mr. Spitzer clusions only if they sign up within patient-doctor relationship is rapidly
seeking monetary damages in court and was threatened to indict AIG—a financial death sen- two years of the implementation of disappearing. Independent doctors
left trying to bar Mr. Greenberg from the secu- tence—lest the board dump Mr. Greenberg, who Dr. Paul’s legislation. In addition, lim- are open late on weekdays and often
rities business and corporate boards. had little choice but to retire. ited-benefit policies will be available, see patients on Saturdays. That is not
The settlement didn’t deliver even that That was a tragedy for Mr. Greenberg, but meaning consumers who can least af- true with hospital-owned doctors.
much as the AG’s case unraveled once it went far worse for AIG shareholders and the U.S. fi- ford medical bills will again be re- They work 40 hours a week and if
to trial last year. The testimony of a key prose- nancial system. The managers who succeeded sponsible for more of them. That is a you call them on weekends or after 5
giant step backward. p.m., the answering service suggests
cution witness, Richard Napier, was shown to him ramped up AIG’s housing bets, and the U.S. We need to bring all of the play- you go to the ER.
have changed over time and an appellate court government eventually needed nearly $185 bil- ers—health-care providers, actuaries, SATINDER MULLICK, PH.D.
had judged that he may “well have testified lion to nationalize AIG during the 2008 finan- health insurers, employers as well as Johns Hopkins University
falsely.” In December Mr. Schneiderman fi- cial panic. Compare that $185 billion to Mr. Congress—to discuss what should be Baltimore
nally agreed to accept mediation in the case, Schneiderman’s $9 million settlement. eligible for reimbursement. Like it or
which Mr. Greenberg had long sought. Both Another lesson is the abusive nature of New not, the next step is to discuss and Sen. Paul’s ACA replacement plan
sides agreed to accept the findings of media- York’s Martin Act, which lets prosecutors prove come to a consensus on the limits of contains an entirely new government
tor Kenneth Feinberg. civil fraud without showing intent to deceive. care. entitlement. His $5,000 tax credit will
The $9 million fine amounts to pin money Prosecutors can portray mere inaccuracies as Why can’t our politicians realize go to millions who currently pay
for Mr. Greenberg, and we’re told is $7.5 mil- fraud, which typically forces businesses and in- that one of the reasons for the popu- nothing in federal income taxes. This
larity of VA health benefits and Medi- makes it an unfunded government en-
lion less than he offered to settle before the dividuals to settle or plead guilty. Mr. Green-
care is they work, at least most of titlement. By allowing deductions
trial started. It won’t come close to covering berg was a rare individual with the financial re- the time. Is it too hard to see that we against payroll taxes, it will defund
the state’s costs for pursuing the case over so sources and tenacity to fight back. The Martin need to have these kinds of plans for Social Security, essentially borrowing
many years. Mr. Schneiderman nonetheless is- Act is an affront to basic fairness and contra- everyone and to chip away at health from Dr. Peter to pay Dr. Paul. Is this
sued a press release—his favorite legal maneu- dicts federal securities law. The courts should expenditures to begin to solve our the senator’s version of entitlement
ver—late Friday claiming that “Greenberg Ad- strike it down if New York’s politicians are too health-care mess? reform?
mits To Initiating, Participating, and rapacious to repeal it. MICHAEL DRESSENDORFER STEVE WALDE
Approving Two Fraudulent Transactions Com- Mr. Greenberg says he will continue his defa- Antioch, Ill. Rancho Santa Fe, Calif.
mitted by AIG While CEO.” mation suit against Mr. Spitzer, who certainly
But Mr. Greenberg did not admit to fraud. He deserves the legal attention. The former AG
admitted to accounting errors. His settlement skirted justice when he wasn’t indicted for
statement admitted merely to approving two courting prostitutes as New York Governor, Chile’s Fires Have Nothing to Do With Politics
transactions in 2000 the result of which was though he showed no such leniency to his many Regarding Mary Anastasia puche territory to the fires, nor are
that “AIG’s publicly-filed consolidated financial business targets. O’Grady’s “Fire and Terrorism in there any linking South American
statements inaccurately portrayed the account- The entire sorry episode shows how easily Chile” (Americas, Feb. 6): Chile is guerrillas to Mapuche. Furthermore,
ing.” That’s all, folks. Captain Ahab pursued the the law can be abused when prosecutors pursue beginning to overcome the tragedy the fires occurred in regions where
great white whale for 12 years and came home cases for political fame rather than justice. Con- of a fire which covered an area of there are no Mapuche. There are in-
with Baby Nemo. gratulations to Mr. Greenberg and his legal hundreds of thousands of acres as a vestigations under way regarding ar-
In a separate statement Friday, Mr. Green- team for fighting for the truth. result of global warming that has sonist acts, but none of these are re-
led to an increase in temperature lated to Mapuche activism.
and a notorious decrease in rainfall Violence in the Mapuche territo-
Voter Fraud and Punishment in Chile.
The suffering of the affected popu-
ries is a matter too serious to be
transformed into conspiracies of the
lation, the loss of human life and the far left. It expresses a dilemma to-
oter fraud is a bigger problem than the all the evidence, but there is still the matter of destruction of forest, land, agricul- tally unrelated to this summer’s fires:
media claim, but even if you think the proportion. Ortega was indicted in November ture and animals have profoundly that of a country striving to build a
government should do more to stop it, 2015, but her trial and sentencing come amid the moved our country.The international beneficial coexistence with its indige-
does fraudulent voting deserve polarized national debate over community has provided generous nous peoples. The insult that Ms.
eight years in prison? That’s the Illegal voting should voter fraud since Donald aid, for which we express gratitude O’Grady directed to President Mi-
sentence that a permanent U.S. be sanctioned but not Trump’s election. Ortega’s law- and enthusiasm, and has permitted chelle Bachelet by saying that she
resident in Texas received last yer told the press that he had us to gradually control the fire. The puts her political interests above the
week for illegally voting. like a violent felony. worked out a deal with Texas aid provided by the United States, tragedy of the wildfires is gratuitous
A Tarrant County (Fort Attorney General Ken Paxton both public and private, must be and unworthy.
highlighted—including a supertanker AMBASSADOR JUAN GABRIEL VALDÉS
Worth) jury convicted 37- to drop the charges in return
plane, technical experts and financial Embassy of Chile
year-old Rosa Maria Ortega on two felony for Ortega testifying to the state legislature on aid reaching almost $1 million. Washington
counts, and the punishment is eight years in the voting procedures, but local district attorney Ms. O’Grady makes a flaming cari-
slammer and a $5,000 fine. Ortega was born in Sharen Wilson nixed it. cature of this tragic episode, encour-
Mexico and brought illegally to the U.S. as a Someone needs to revisit this harsh punish- aging a conspiratorial rumor that has Forget the Hospitals, What
baby before she became a green-card holder as ment. Whatever the deterrent effect on others circulated on Chilean social networks
an adult. Her lawyer says Ortega has a sixth- from such a severe sentence, an individual case during the last few weeks. It is a per-
About the Penalized Insured?
grade education and didn’t understand that le- of voter fraud is not a violent felony. Ortega fect example of post-truth politics: I get very frustrated when I read
gal residents don’t have the right to vote. “If I wasn’t running a voter-fraud ring. If a judge There is not a single police report that “more than 20 million Ameri-
knew, everything would have been done the can’t intervene, Governor Greg Abbott should that links acts of violence in the Ma- cans gained health insurance” under
correct way,” Ortega testified. “All my life I was commute Ortega’s sentence to time served after the Affordable Care Act (“Hospitals
Fear Changes to ACA,” Business & Fi-
taught I was a U.S. citizen.” a decent interval with a warning that Texas is
The jury clearly didn’t believe that, and it saw taking fraud seriously.
Obama Had Little to Do nance, Feb. 6). Twenty million Ameri-
cans may be insured through the law,
With the Great Bull Market but many lost the insurance they had
(Business & Finance, Jan. 20) proves 2014 my husband and I received a
resident Trump has had a busy few sensitive as Taiwan’s independence, Mr. Trump two points. Sluggish economies and letter from our insurer informing us
days of Asia diplomacy, including his will now be able to secure more support for a no-growth policies take a back seat it wouldn’t renew the plan we’d had
first post-inauguration phone call with cautious but still expanded Taiwan agenda from to the power of intelligent corporate for years because we were no longer
China’s Xi Jinping on Thurs- leaders in Taipei, Tokyo and governance. At day’s end investors eligible—with no further explanation.
day, a White House summit Promising signs from a other friendly capitals. buy companies they believe will re- After investigating for several days, I
ward them through rising share found out that under the ACA, hus-
with Japan’s Shinzo Abe on call with Xi Jinping and Which brings us to Mr. prices and escalating dividends—even band-and-wife businesses no longer
Friday and 27 holes of golf Trump’s strikingly friendly when the overall economy is in the qualified as groups and had to switch
with Mr. Abe on Saturday, golf with Shinzo Abe. summit with Mr. Abe, a display tank, as ours has been. When govern- to the individual market. Since then
followed by a joint press con- surely not lost on Chinese lead- ment policy, in this case the continu- we have been in and out of at least
ference on North Korea’s lat- ers who rightly identify the ance of artificially low interest rates, four plans, each more expensive than
est missile launch. Unlike some of his earlier Japanese Prime Minister as a devoted opponent makes bonds relatively unattractive, the one before, until finally there
encounters with foreign leaders, this round of their ambitions to dominate Asia. “We have investors will flock to equities with was no option left for us other than
demonstrated sobriety, careful planning and a very, very good bond—very, very good chemis- their disposable and investible in- ObamaCare. There may be millions of
respect for allies. try,” Mr. Trump gushed at a joint press confer- come. While his acolytes will praise Americans on the exchanges, but
The news out of the Xi call is that Mr. Trump ence. “When I greeted him at the car, I shook investor rewards and attribute the many of us would have preferred to
same to his tenure in office, the real- be among those who, to paraphrase
affirmed the longstanding U.S. “One China pol- hands, but I grabbed him and hugged him be-
ity is that former President Obama former President Obama, got to keep
icy” concerning Taiwan, which he previously cause that’s the way we feel.” This is a turn- played a very minor part in the stock our plan if we liked our plan.
said would be “under negotiation” with Beijing around from Mr. Trump’s campaign-trail criti- market’s performance. FRANCES ERLEBACHER
along with trade and other issues. Some of our cisms of Japan as a freeloading ally. RICHARD KLITZBERG Rye, N.H.
friends in the media have portrayed this as evi- “We’re committed to the security of Japan,” Princeton, N.J.
dence that the U.S. President is a “paper tiger,” Mr. Trump declared. He also echoed his de-
citing Chinese officials who say Mr. Xi refused fense secretary, Jim Mattis, in reaffirming that Pepper ...
to speak with Mr. Trump until he softened his the U.S.-Japan security treaty covers the It Should Be the Harry Reid And Salt
stance. But the substance of Mr. Trump’s shift Japan-administered Senkaku Islands that Rule, Not the Nuclear Option
isn’t surprising or dramatic. China has swarmed with civilian and paramili- THE WALL STREET JOURNAL
Rather than embrace Beijing’s “One China tary ships in recent years. On trade, a potential Regarding E. Donald Elliott’s “For
Moderate Democrats, Judge Gorsuch
principle,” which insists that Taiwan is part of sore point with Mr. Trump even in the best of
Is as Good as It Gets” (op-ed, Feb. 7):
China, Mr. Trump only endorsed the U.S. policy circumstances, the two leaders punted to a bi- The Senate should not call changing
of acknowledging a Beijing-Taipei disagreement lateral working group to be led by U.S. Vice the vote for the Supreme Court nomi-
over Taiwan’s status, reserving U.S. judgment President Mike Pence and Japanese Finance nee the “nuclear option.” It should be
on the issue and calling for the peaceful settle- Minister Taro Aso. called “Reid’s Rule.” After all, Harry
ment of disputes with the consent of Taiwan’s North Korea helped underscore the stakes of Reid created it and was the first to
people. As has been true for decades, this U.S.-Japan cooperation Saturday by shooting use it.
amounts to little more than agreeing to dis- a Musudan intermediate-range ballistic missile ELLIOT FEIT
agree. It certainly doesn’t stop the U.S. from sup- into the Sea of Japan, its first test on Mr. Deerfield Beach, Fla.
porting Taiwan with means other than official Trump’s watch. Though not the intercontinental
recognition as an independent state. missile launch Pyongyang has promised, this Letters intended for publication should
Nor does it stop Mr. Trump from building on was a reminder that its nuclear program is ad- be addressed to: The Editor, 1211 Avenue
of the Americas, New York, NY 10036,
his December phone call with Taiwanese Presi- vancing on many fronts. Mr. Trump, fresh off or emailed to [email protected]. Please
dent Tsai Ing-wen by boosting economic, diplo- the golf course and a candlelight dinner with include your city and state. All letters
matic and military ties with the island. On the Mr. Abe and their wives, offered a brief state- are subject to editing, and unpublished
contrary, by signaling that he won’t risk a de- ment: “The United States of America stands be- letters can be neither acknowledged nor “Real news is so depressing – can’t
stabilizing clash with Beijing over a matter as hind Japan, its great ally, 100%.” Hear, hear. they make fake news happy?”
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, February 13, 2017 | A17
houn was wrong about that. But if What can that mean? Calhoun gradu-
ale University announced you are Peter Salovey, you have to ated valedictorian from Yale College
Saturday that it would disparage Calhoun as a “white su- in 1804. Is that not a “strong associ-
change the name of Cal- premacist” whose legacy—“racism ation”? (Grace Hopper held two ad-
houn College, one of its and bigotry,” according to a univer- vanced degrees from the university
original 12 residential col- sity statement—was fundamentally but had no association with the un-
leges that opened in the early 1930s. “at odds” with the noble aspirations dergraduate Yale College.)
Henceforth, the college will be of Yale University (“improving the As far as I have been able to de-
named in honor of Grace Hopper, an world today and for future genera- termine, Elihu Yale never set foot in
early computer scientist and naval tions . . . through the free exchange New Haven. His benefaction of some
officer. of ideas in an ethical, interdepen- books and goods worth £800 helped
No sentient observer of the Amer- dent, and diverse community”). found Yale College, not Yale Univer-
ican academic scene could have been During a conference-call press sity. And whereas the 11th edition of
surprised by the move to ditch John briefing Saturday, and throughout the Encyclopaedia Britannica praises
C. Calhoun, the 19th-century South the documents related to the Cal- Calhoun for his “just and kind” treat-
Carolina statesman after whom the houn decision, officials have been ment of slaves and the “stainless in-
careful to stress that the university tegrity” of his character, Elihu Yale
operates with a “strong presumption had slaves flogged, hanged a stable
Several campus names against” renaming things. Because boy for stealing a horse, and was
they do not seek to “erase history,” eventually removed from his post in
are more objectionable the officials insist, renaming things India for corruption. Is all that not
than John C. Calhoun— for ideological reasons would be “ex- “fundamentally at odds” with the
ceptionally rare.” mission of Peter Salovey’s Yale?
including Elihu Yale. When you study the four principles Mr. Salovey stepped out of a
Mr. Salovey’s committee came up with board meeting briefly to join the
to justify a renaming, you can see why conference call on Saturday. More in
college was originally named. On the it took so long. The task, it seems sadness than in anger he disparaged
contrary, the unspoken response was clear, was to find a way to wipe away John Calhoun, praised Grace Hopper,
“What took them so long?” Calhoun College while simultaneously and affirmed his commitment to di-
Since last August, when Yale’s immunizing other institutions at Yale versity, free inquiry, etc. Then one of
president, Peter Salovey, announced from politicized rebaptism. the reporters asked why he was re-
that he was convening a Committee Did the principal legacy of the John C. Calhoun served as U.S. vice president, 1825-32. naming Calhoun College for a white
to Establish Principles for Renam- honored person “fundamentally con- woman, especially since February
ing—yes, really—the handwriting flict” with the university’s mission? the historical picture a bit. Nearly have colleges named in their honor was Black History Month. Oh dear.
had been on the wall for Calhoun, a Was that legacy “contested” within every Yale official who spoke at Sat- at Yale. Thanks so much, must get back to
distinguished Yale alumnus who the person’s lifetime? Were the rea- urday’s press briefing had to de- Writing in these pages last sum- that board meeting now.
served as a congressman, senator, sons that the university honored him scribe John Calhoun (1782-1850) as a mer, I suggested that Yale table the In “The Crack-Up,” F. Scott
secretary of war, secretary of state at odds with Yale’s mission? Does the “white supremacist.” Question: Who question of John Calhoun and tackle Fitzgerald comments that “the test
and vice president. named building or program play a among whites at the time was not? some figures even more obnoxious to of a first-rate intelligence is the abil-
Like Belshazzar before him, Cal- substantial role in “forming commu- Take your time. contemporary sensitivities. One ex- ity to hold two opposed ideas in the
houn had been weighed and found nity at Yale”? Calhoun owned slaves. But so did ample was Elihu Yale, the American- mind at the same time, and still re-
wanting. He may have been a brilliant Readers who savor tortuous ver- Timothy Dwight, Calhoun’s mentor born British merchant who, as an ad- tain the ability to function.” First-
orator and a fierce opponent of en- bal legerdemain will want to ac- at Yale, who has a college named in ministrator in India, was an active rate or not, the evolving politically
croaching federal power, but he was quaint themselves with the “Letter his honor. So did Benjamin Silliman, participant in the slave trade. correct circus at Yale does not offer
also a slave holder. And unlike many of the Advisory Group on the Renam- who also gives his name to a resi- President Salovey’s letter an- a lot of support for that proposition.
of his peers, Calhoun argued that slav- ing of Calhoun College,” which is dential college, and whose mother nouncing that Calhoun College would
ery was not merely a necessary evil available online. It is a masterpiece was the largest slave owner in Fair- be renamed argues that “unlike . . . Mr. Kimball is editor and pub-
but a “positive good,” because it pro- of the genre. field County, Conn. So did Ezra Elihu Yale, who made a gift that sup- lisher of the New Criterion and presi-
vided for slaves better than they could Is it also convincing? I think the Stiles, John Davenport and even ported the founding of our univer- dent and publisher of Encounter
provide for themselves. best way to answer that is to fill out Jonathan Edwards, all of whom sity . . . Calhoun has no similarly Books.
the making, was to go into effect in piece of legislation, to be sure. But it with more rules now. They must also that the U.S. banking industry is not
resident Trump seems to be April. It requires brokers and advis- achieved many important goals. hold more capital. Those require- being choked by regulation.
looking for places to direct his ers who manage retirement accounts Since space is limited, I’ll mention ments are indeed burdensome to Dodd-Frank also established the
ire. Among his recent targets like 401(k)s to adhere to what is just three. banks. To the rest of us, they are in- Consumer Financial Protection Bu-
were consumers of financial ser- called the fiduciary standard—which Title II of the act provides a surance against a runaway financial reau to make it harder for financial
vices. That includes anyone with an means acting in their clients’ best in- sorely needed mechanism for put- system tearing down the economy institutions like Goldman to cheat
individual retirement account, a terests instead of their own. If you ting a dying financial giant out of its again. their customers. If you don’t think
bank account or a credit card. haven’t followed this issue, you may misery peacefully—in contrast to the As for Mr. Cohn’s specific claims, consumers need such protection,
His point man was Gary Cohn, be amazed that this is not already they are absurd on their face. Here read this newspaper daily. Yet Re-
director of the National Economic the law of the land. It isn’t. They can are some real facts. publicans have been looking to evis-
Council and former president and (and do) fleece you legally. From the fiduciary First, banks do not pay anything cerate the CFPB since before it
chief operating officer at Goldman What do Mr. Cohn and his boss close to “hundreds of billions of dol- opened its doors in July 2011.
Sachs. A fact-based outfit, many of think about the fiduciary standard? standard to Dodd-Frank, lars” per year to comply with regu- As Mr. Cohn correctly observed,
us thought. So maybe Mr. Cohn “We think it is a bad rule,” he told Trump belies his lations. The Federal Deposit Insur- the administration doesn’t need
would be the grown-up in the the Journal. “This is like putting ance Corp. reports that total legislation to neuter the bureau. It
room. No such luck. It looked like only healthy food on the menu, be- populist campaign. noninterest costs of all banks over needs only to replace its deter-
Kellyanne Conway sent him out to cause unhealthy food tastes good the first three quarters of 2016 were mined director, Richard Cordray,
face the press with “alternative but you still shouldn’t eat it because $315 billion. Well under 10% of that with a fox who won’t guard the
facts.” you might die younger.” Read those violent way Lehman Brothers died, cost goes for compliance, according proverbial chicken coop. “Personnel
Mr. Cohn’s interviews previewing words again, and be glad Mr. Cohn leaving so much collateral damage to a survey by the Conference of is policy,” Mr. Cohn warned. Hens
and lauding Mr. Trump’s expansive doesn’t run the school lunch pro- behind. Yet Mr. Cohn insists that the State Bank Supervisors. beware.
Feb. 3 executive order on financial de- gram. Trumpian deregulation of financial Second, bank lending is not shriv- Congress passed Dodd-Frank to
regulation were the first steps toward The new executive order on fi- markets “has nothing to do with eling up. Those same FDIC data protect ordinary citizens from rapa-
undermining Congress’s 2010 finan- nancial deregulation, he said, is “a Goldman Sachs” or other giants. Re- show that total bank lending grew cious Wall Streeters. Turns out that
cial reform law, the Dodd-Frank Act. table setter for a bunch of stuff that ally? He even claimed that Dodd- 7% over the past four quarters, more in Trumpworld, Wall Street needs
An accompanying presidential memo- is coming.” His boss was blunter. Frank fails to provide “a solid pro- than twice as fast as nominal gross protection from ordinary citizens.
randum directed the secretary of la- During a meeting with business ex- cess” for winding down a faltering domestic product. Among commu- Who knew?
bor (a post still vacant because the ecutives this month, Mr. Trump said financial giant. Sorry, it does. nity banks, growth was even faster:
nominee only recently submitted his he expects “to be cutting a lot out of According to Mr. Cohn, lending by 9.4%. The lending was profitable, Mr. Blinder, a former Federal Re-
paperwork) to revise or rescind Presi- Dodd-Frank.” Watch out America. American banks is inhibited because too; net income rose 12%. serve vice chairman, is a professor
dent Obama’s rule establishing a fidu- Congress enacted Dodd-Frank to en- they are hamstrung “with literally None of this is to argue against of economics and public affairs at
ciary standard for retirement ac- sure that we never suffer through a hundreds of billions of dollars of regulatory relief for smaller banks. Princeton University and a visiting
counts. financial crisis like 2008-09 again. regulatory costs every year.” Well, They need some. (Goldman Sachs fellow at the Brookings Institution.
Trump’s New Start With Russia May Prove Better Than Obama’s
By John Bolton product of Cold War nostrums about didn’t vote), as did 2012 presidential its Ukraine aggression were brushed Middle East by using the Syria con-
reducing nuclear tensions. Arms-con- nominee Mitt Romney. Mr. Trump’s aside and sanctions lifted. flict as a wedge. While Ukraine may
edia tittle-tattle about Presi- trol treaties, properly conceived and remarks are therefore squarely in the Yet amid the breathless press ac- seem an unrelated issue, it is not.
dent Trump’s telephone calls drafted, should look like George W. party’s mainstream. counts about Mr. Trump’s purported Moscow’s diplomatic efforts to
with foreign counterparts Bush’s 2002 Treaty of Moscow: short Not so, however, are some of Mr. fancy for Mr. Putin, one thing is “solve” the Syrian conflict are in sub-
received new fuel last week after de- (three pages), with broad exit ramps Trump’s comments—or at least the clear: The Trump administration’s stantial part an effort to “help” Eu-
tails leaked of a conversation with and sunset provisions. inferences drawn from them—on Mr. rope with the Syrian refugee prob-
Russia’s Vladimir Putin. The usual Although President Obama had Putin’s political and military adven- lem, providing yet another
anonymous sources alleged that considerable help from then-Secretary turism in Europe. Many Republicans The new president’s inducement to wobbly Europeans to
when Mr. Putin raised the 2010 New of State Hillary Clinton in this diplo- worry that, rather than strengthen- roll back sanctions. Any perceived
Start arms-control treaty, Mr. Trump matic failure, Russia was hardly ing the international economic sanc- reported disdain for his American weakness on the sanctions
asked his aides what it covered—and blameless. Moscow subsequently ex- tions imposed on Russia for its bel- predecessor’s arms deal would embolden Russian efforts to
then, once briefed, declared it to be ploited the treaty’s weaknesses to re- ligerent incursions into eastern further penetrate the Middle East,
one of those bad Obama deals he build and modernize its arsenal of nu- Ukraine and its 2014 annexation of is an encouraging sign. increasing the dangerous, destabiliz-
planned to renegotiate. clear warheads and ballistic missiles, Crimea, Mr. Trump may reduce or re- ing effects of Moscow’s tacit alliance
If so, Mr. Trump got the treaty while Mr. Obama stood idly by. Repub- scind sanctions entirely. with Iran.
right. From America’s perspective, lican senators opposed New Start’s This apparent difference is no policy toward, and even its strategic Significantly, Mr. Trump has said
New Start is an execrable deal, a ratification, 26-13 (three of them small matter. Legislation to codify assessment of, Russia is still under he doesn’t know what his relation-
the existing sanctions is pending in construction. Most important, if the ship with Mr. Putin will ultimately
Congress. It has overwhelming— substance of Mr. Trump’s comments be, and he must surely recognize that
most analysts think veto-proof—bi- on New Start was accurately re- national interests, not personal
PUBLISHED SINCE 1889 BY DOW JONES & COMPANY partisan support. Commentators ported, it shows him resisting items chemistry, underlie great-power for-
wonder whether the remarkable Re- on Mr. Putin’s wish list, and not for eign policies. America doesn’t sacri-
Rupert Murdoch Robert Thomson
Executive Chairman, News Corp Chief Executive Officer, News Corp publican solidarity on Mr. Trump’s the first time. fice its national-security bottom line
Gerard Baker William Lewis cabinet nominations might be shat- Mr. Trump has, for example, un- just because a foreign leader “may
Editor in Chief Chief Executive Officer and Publisher tered if Russia policy is the first area equivocally opposed Mr. Obama’s smile, and smile.”
in which the new administration Iran nuclear deal. On Feb. 1, National So let’s raise our glasses to Mr.
Deputy Editor in Chief Mark Musgrave, Chief People Officer; faces off with the Republican con- Security Adviser Mike Flynn put Iran Trump’s disdain for New Start, not to
Edward Roussel, Innovation & Communications; gressional majorities. “on notice” that the deal was on life mention the Iran nuclear deal, and
Anna Sedgley, Chief Operating Officer & CFO;
Michael W. Miller, Senior Deputy; Katie Vanneck-Smith, President
The sanctions on Russia for its in- support. New U.S. sanctions against hope for more of the same. The new
Thorold Barker, Europe; Paul Beckett, terference in Ukraine are already un- Iran underlined the point. The White president ought to strengthen the
Washington; Andrew Dowell, Asia; OPERATING EXECUTIVES:
Christine Glancey, Operations; Ramin Beheshti, Product & Technology;
der assault in Europe: Germany, House is reportedly considering list- sanctions, reassure NATO allies
Jennifer J. Hicks, Digital; Neal Lipschutz, Jason P. Conti, General Counsel; France and others appear close to ing Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps (while juicing them to meet their
Standards; Alex Martin, News; Ann Podd, Steve Grycuk, Customer Service; succumbing to their apparently hard- as a foreign terrorist organization, commitments on military spending),
Initiatives; Andrew Regal, Video; Matthew Rose, Kristin Heitmann, Transformation;
Enterprise; Stephen Wisnefski, Professional News Nancy McNeill, Advertising & Corporate Sales;
wired inclination to sacrifice geostra- which should have been done de- and then have coffee with Vlad. Ne-
Paul A. Gigot, Editor of the Editorial Page; Jonathan Wright, International tegic imperatives for economic ones. cades ago. Such a move would have a gotiate only from positions of
Daniel Henninger, Deputy Editor, Editorial Page DJ Media Group: Elections across the Continent this significant political and economic ef- strength.
Almar Latour, Publisher; Kenneth Breen,
WALL STREET JOURNAL MANAGEMENT: Commercial; Edwin A. Finn, Jr., Barron’s;
year may produce results even more fect on Moscow’s military-industrial
Suzi Watford, Marketing and Circulation; Professional Information Business: favorable to Moscow (possibly, in complex, particularly Rosoboronex- Mr. Bolton is a senior fellow at the
Joseph B. Vincent, Operations; Christopher Lloyd, Head; part, because of Russian meddling). port, its international arms-sales American Enterprise Institute and
Larry L. Hoffman, Production Ingrid Verschuren, Deputy Head
By contrast, the Baltic republics and agency. author of “Surrender Is Not an Op-
EDITORIAL AND CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS: other NATO members in Eastern and Washington should be also push tion: Defending America at the United
1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y., 10036 Central Europe are alarmed that Rus- back against Russia’s inserting itself Nations and Abroad” (Simon &
Telephone 1-800-DOWJONES
sia’s adventurism would increase if militarily and politically into the Schuster, 2007).
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A18 | Monday, February 13, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. - 877-VAN-CLEEF
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Last Week: S&P 2316.10 À 0.81% S&P FIN À 0.26% S&P IT À 1.23% DJ TRANS À 1.65% WSJ $ IDX À 0.66% LIBOR 3M 1.036 NIKKEI 19378.93 À 2.44% See more at
data trans- vices that are “zero-rated.” RAGES OVER One of the oldest brands in
mitted Zero-rating involves inter-
PRINCE ESTATE the U.S. stock market is sud-
not the hardware manufac- Donald Trump’s FCC appoin- clined to comment. AT&T practice in some instances, after Election Day and per-
turers that enable them— tees appear set to target cur- Inc. didn’t respond. Please see MIMS page B4 COMMODITIES, B8 Please see DOW page B2
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B2 | Monday, February 13, 2017 * **** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
A G Entertainment..........B4
Activision Blizzard....B10 Goldman Sachs Group SPDR Dow Jones
Airbnb..........................A2 Industrial Average ETF
............................... B1,B7
Alibaba Group Holding .....................................B1
J Spiegel ........................ A2
JPMorgan Chase.........B9 Sprint .......................... B1
Alphabet......................B4 ............... B4 L Symantec .................... B4
Apple......................B3,B9 Lego.............................B2 T
AT&T............................B4 Lions Gate Thrivent Financial ...... A2
B Entertainment..........B2 Time Warner...............B2
BAE..............................B4 M T-Mobile US................B1
Moonlighting Toyota Motor..............B3
Berkshire Hathaway...B9
Marketplace..............R5 Twitter.................A2,B10
Bharat Petroleum.......B8
Nestle..........................B3 Uber Technologies......A2
Netflix.........................B4 UBS Group...................B3
Charter Communications
.....................................B4 S V
Comcast.......................B2 Samsung Electronics..B2 Verizon Communications
F Saudi Aramco..............B8 .....................................B1
Snap ............................A1 Vivendi ........................ B3
FirstBank.....................R5 Sony.............................B4 W
Ford Motor..................B1 Sony Pictures Warner Music Group..B3
Nelson, Sharon ........... B3
Baker, Omarr...............B3 Harris, Christopher.....R2 O
Bartolini, Matt............B2 Hersch, Joni................R4 Obrador, Andrés Manuel
Beck, Ted.....................R6 Hopkins, Jamie...........R5 López.........................A6
Bermingham, Nessan Batman’s popularity in ‘The Lego Movie’ led to a spinoff movie. ‘Lego Batman’ made a $55.6 million debut in the U.S. and Canada.
market, Mr. Trump’s antagonism tax policies in line with in- a written statement after the traffic growth. VINCI Airports became one of the
toward free trade could be a blow ternational norms while vote: “The rejection of this re- world’s top 5 airport operators due to strong organic
to air carriers, said Yuji Hirako, ex- maintaining its global com- form leads to legal uncertainty Strong free cash flow: € 2.9 billion
growth and further expansion in Japan, the Dominican
ecutive vice president at ANA petitiveness. which could have negative
Holdings Inc., the parent of All In rebuffing the govern- consequences on the invest-
Republic and France. VINCI Highways also stepped up
Order book at 31/12/2016: its international expansion, with a contract in
Nippon Airways Co. ment’s proposals, voters were ment activities of enterprises.”
€ 27.4 billion, i.e. about 10 months
Mr. Trump has also raised swayed by concerns the plan The rejection of the govern- Colombia and an acquisition in Peru. Lastly, testing
the prospect of a border tax was too generous to corpora- ment’s tax plan was wide- of average business activity
started on the new high-speed rail line between Tours
on products arriving from out- tions at the expense of indi- spread across nearly all of and Bordeaux; the line is expected to come into
side the U.S., a move that vidual taxpayers. Proponents Switzerland’s 26 cantons, or Dividend : € 2.10 per share
would likely hit hard in Japan, of the plan said its rejection individual states. One of the service in July 2017.
whose economy relies heavily places Switzerland’s econ- few to vote in favor was Vaud Despite uncertainty regarding the global economy,
on exports. omy—home to corporate gi- in western Switzerland, which (1) Excluding non-recurring changes in deferred tax. VINCI has started 2017 with confidence and aims to
—Mayumi Negishi ants including Nestlé SA and is home to Nestlé. (2) Dividend proposed to the Shareholder’s General achieve further growth in its results."
and Sean McLain UBS Group AG—at risk. Switzerland faces pressure Meeting on 20 April 2017. Since an interim
dividend of €0.63 per share was paid Xavier Huillard,
contributed to this article. According to preliminary from the European Union to in November 2016, a final dividend of €1.47
results released by the govern- get rid of the special deals per share will be paid in cash on 27 April 2017. Chairman and CEO
ment, 59% of voters cast bal- that individual cantons strike
Currency Impact lots against the proposed with multinational companies
changes, which parliament ap- that reduce their tax burdens.
The dollar has strengthened since
proved in 2016, while 41% Switzerland’s average cor-
the election, weakening the yen Agenda
were in favor. The referendum porate tax, about 21%, is lower
130 Yen per U.S. dollar results are binding, meaning than in other developed econ- 20 April: Shareholders’ General Meeting at the Carrousel du Louvre, in Paris
U.S. election parliament must come up with omies including the U.S., Ger- The 2016 annual results press release and presentation are available in French
120 a new tax-overhaul plan. many and Japan, according to and English on VINCI’s website:
Swiss Finance Minister Ueli the Organization for Economic
Maurer said Sunday that Swit- Cooperation and Development.
zerland was committed to Switzerland isn’t in the EU,
changing its corporate tax sys- but it agreed with it in 2014 to A global player in concessions and construction
2016 ’17 tem but that there wasn’t abolish the special arrange-
Source: WSJ Market Data Group much wiggle room to revise ments that taxed foreign and
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. the plan that was voted down. domestic revenue differently.
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B4 | Monday, February 13, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
reg $89.50
Snap CEO Evan Spiegel last year. The company cites the end of net neutrality as a potential threat.
you save
70% MIMS
the carrier has an interest. carriers make rules together.
The real risk isn’t that in- In Ms. Layton’s view, the
ternet giants would be un- rules should be set by Con-
able to pay for telecom play. gress, not the FCC.
Continued from page B1 Rather, it’s that any would- Investors are proceeding
on the grounds that it could be next big thing will instead with caution. “We’re assum-
• FREE unfairly privilege carriers’ be smothered in the cradle. ing that net neutrality in its
monogramming own services. The agency
had flagged the zero-rated
In Snapchat creator Snap
Inc.’s IPO filing, the company
wired and wireless fashion is
gone,” says Andy Weissman,
reg $10.95 services from both AT&T and listed the end of net neutral- a venture capitalist at Union
Verizon for further review, ity as a potential threat to Square Ventures who has
says Commissioner Mignon its long-term prospects. If a been an outspoken defender
• add this pure silk Clyburn. Then on Feb. 3, company potentially valued of net neutrality. He’s invest-
Trump-appointed FCC Chair- at $25 billion is worried ing in Tucows, an internet
tie for just $19.95 man Ajit Pai closed the about having to pay carriers service provider that is be-
reg $72.50 agency’s investigation of all to be competitive with other ginning to roll out fiber in
zero-rating practices. zero-rated peers, imagine some areas. Tucows will be
blue, black, Critics of zero-rating say it what these changes might “pure pipes” he says, which
red, yellow, presents consumers with a mean to a startup. means in the future, it could
green, orange choice they can’t refuse. Who Headlines and news con- differentiate from incumbent
would say no to video they ferences aside, even most carriers by committing to
can stream free or for a flat opponents of net neutrality equal treatment for all data.
fee when the alternative is don’t believe we should do The consumer impact is
video from competing services away with it completely. more difficult to predict.
that may eat up all their ex- Based on Mr. Pai’s public What makes it so hard to
pensive data? This is the rea- statements and recent ac- calculate is that we’ve never
white 100% wrinkle-free cotton / easy non-iron care / 4 collar styles son zero-rating was banned in tions, the FCC chairman ap- really lived in a world with-
button or french cuffs / regular, big & tall or slim fit sizes India, a country that viewed pears to oppose the Obama- out net neutrality. Even be-
Facebook’s attempts to give era FCC judgment that the fore the FCC’s 2015 rules on
free data to users as tanta- commission has the power to net neutrality, fear of those
mount to colonialism. regulate internet service pro- regulations kept internet
Zero-rating resembles viders the way it regulates service providers in check,
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B6 | Monday, February 13, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
Dow Jones Industrial Average S&P 500 Index New to the Market
Last Year ago Last Year ago
20269.37 s 197.91, or 0.99% last week Trailing P/E ratio * 20.58 16.78 2316.10 s 18.68, or 0.81% last week Trailing P/E ratio * 24.48 20.58 Public Offerings of Stock
High, low, open and close for each of P/E estimate * 17.38 14.59 High, low, open and close for each of P/E estimate * 17.75 15.25
Dividend yield 2.41 2.79 Dividend yield 2.04 2.39
IPOs in the U.S. Market
the past 52 weeks the past 52 weeks
All-time high 20269.37, 02/10/17 All-time high: 2316.10, 02/10/17 None expected this week
Lockup Expirations
Current divisor 0.14602128057775
20600 2300 None expected this week
65-day moving average
19800 2225
IPO Scorecard
Performance of IPOs, most-recent listed first
% Chg From % Chg From
19000 2150 Company SYMBOL Friday3s Offer 1st-day Company SYMBOL Friday3s Offer 1st-day
IPO date/Offer price close ($) price close IPO date/Offer price close ($) price close
Foundation Building Materials 15.50 10.7 ... Invitation Homes 21.02 5.1 5.1
18200 2075 FBM Feb. 10/$14.00 INVH Feb. 1/$20.00
200-day moving average Clipper Realty 13.50 ... ... Laureate Edu 13.26 –5.3 0.1
CLPR Feb. 10/$13.50 LAUR Feb. 1/$14.00
Week's high 17400 2000
Sachem Capital 5.04 0.8 ... Jagged Peak Energy 14.48 –3.5 1.0
DOWN UP SACH Feb. 10/$5.00 JAG Jan. 27/$15.00
Monday's open Friday's close Kimbell Royalty Ptnrs 20.00 11.1 –3.1 JELD-WEN Holding 29.77 29.4 14.0
16600 1925
KRP Feb. 3/$18.00 JELD Jan. 27/$23.00
Friday's close Monday's open
200-day moving average 65-day moving average Ramaco Resources 11.89 –11.9 –12.3 Jounce Thera 20.73 29.6 20.2
15800 1850 METC Feb. 3/$13.50 JNCE Jan. 27/$16.00
Week's low
Bars measure the point change from Monday's open Sources: WSJ Market Data Group; FactSet Research Systems
Other Indexes last week Parsley Energy Feb. 7 $1,116.0 $1,175.5 Credit Suisse, MS,
Oil & Gas June 5,315 BMO Cptl Mkts, JPM,
Russell 2000 1391.18 1349.43 1388.84 11.01 0.80 971.99 l 1388.84 42.9 2.3 7.5 RBC Cptl Mkts, UBS,
NYSE Composite 11390.89 11196.93 11377.72 66.98 0.59 9229.68 l 11377.72 23.3 2.9 4.2 Scotiabank, Perella
Value Line 522.27 509.67 521.84 4.83 0.93 392.00 l521.84 33.1 3.1 3.4 24150 Weinberg Prtnrs
NYSE Arca Biotech 3357.75 3259.43 3337.03 34.23 1.04 2750.71 l 3477.87 21.3 8.5 8.9 AMC Entertainment HoldingsFeb. 7 $600.0 ... Citi, BofA ML, Barclays,
NYSE Arca Pharma 493.44 482.55 491.91 7.27 1.50 463.78 l 554.66 1.9 2.2 0.8 Leisure & Recreation Dec. 21,316 Credit Suisse
KBW Bank 93.49 90.94 93.14 -0.003 -0.003 59.54 l 93.71 56.4 1.5 11.1 Coherus BioSciences Feb. 7 $125.0 $400.4 JPM, Citi
PHLX§ Gold/Silver 97.20 92.85 95.42 2.50 2.69 57.24 l 112.86 57.3 21.0 0.1 Healthcare Dec. 18,315
PHLX§ Oil Service 183.85 173.21 180.22 -2.90 -1.58 133.63 l 192.66 34.9 -1.9 -11.9 Golar LNG Partners Feb. 7 $119.0 ... MS
PHLX§ Semiconductor 976.43 953.91 963.05 -0.97 -0.10 571.90 l 972.14 68.4 6.2 21.4 Transportation Oct. 26,316
CBOE Volatility 11.84 10.55 10.85 -0.12 -1.09 10.58 l 25.76 -57.3 -22.7 -10.7 23700
3 6 7 8 9 10
Philadelphia Stock Exchange Sources: SIX Financial Information; WSJ Market Data Group February Public and Private Borrowing
International Stock Indexes Commodities and Monday, February 13 Tuesday, February 14
Newburyport, MA 978-462-2344 WSJ Dollar index 0.26 1.78 Pfizer PFE 32.35
2.00 0.00 –12
MAM J J A S ON D J F Salem Five 3.25% 0.73 1.77 12.12 Goldman Sachs GS 242.72 1,014
1 3 6 1 2 3 5 710 30 2016 2017
2016 2017 Salem, MA 978-745-5555 0.64 0.56 3.84 Procter & Gamble PG 87.97 1,055
month(s) years
0.61 0.19 1.30 Cisco Systems CSCO 31.51 1,052
Yield/Rate (%) 52-Week Range (%) 3-yr chg 0.56 0.44 3.01 American Express AXP 78.48 1,064
Interest rate Last (l)Week ago Low 0 2 4 6 8 High (pct pts) Sources: Ryan ALM; Tullett Prebon; WSJ Market Data Group 0.50 0.32 2.19 Microsoft MSFT 64.00 1,030
Federal-funds rate target 0.50-.75 0.50-.75 0.25 l 0.75 0.50 0.07 0.02 0.14 General Electric GE 29.72 941
Prime rate* 3.75 3.75 3.50 l 3.75 0.50 Corporate Borrowing Rates and Yields –0.21 –0.18 –1.23 Visa V 85.90 1,101
Libor, 3-month 1.04 1.03 0.62 l 1.04 0.80 Spread +/- Treasurys, –0.21 –0.18 –1.23 J.P. Morgan Chase JPM 87.00 1,014
Yield (%) in basis pts, 52-wk Range Total Return
Money market, annual yield 0.31 0.31 0.22 l 0.32 -0.10 Bond total return index Last Wk ago Last Low High 52-wk 3-yr –0.22 –0.14 –0.96 Merck MRK 64.15 1,090
Five-year CD, annual yield 1.24 1.22 1.17 l 1.32 -0.08 –0.46 –0.52 –3.56 Chevron CVX 113.05 960
30-year mortgage, fixed† 4.06 4.19 3.43 l 4.29 -0.27 10-yr Treasury, Ryan ALM 2.409 2.496 -4.28 3.03
DJ Corporate 3.224 3.266 5.70 3.86 –0.69 –1.12 –7.67 UnitedHealth Group UNH 160.75 1,004
15-year mortgage, fixed† 3.26 3.38 2.70 l 3.50 -0.13
Aggregate, Barclays Capital 2.600 2.650 44 43 70 0.98 2.63 –0.94 –1.04 –7.12 Walt Disney DIS 109.26 1,048
Jumbo mortgages, $424,100-plus† 4.36 4.62 4.02 l 4.88 -0.09
High Yield 100, Merrill Lynch 5.332 5.418 347 341 719 20.399 3.524 –1.22 –1.02 –6.99 Exxon Mobil XOM 82.52 922
Five-year adj mortgage (ARM)† 3.44 3.66 2.97 l 4.03 -0.11
New-car loan, 48-month 3.16 3.15 2.87 l 3.38 0.25 Fixed-Rate MBS, Barclays 2.870 2.930 21 10 30 0.25 2.55 –2.31 –0.96 –6.57 Coca-Cola KO 40.58 979
HELOC, $30,000 4.69 4.69 4.29 l 4.84 -0.41 Muni Master, Merrill 2.135 2.180 9 -8 12 -0.872 3.043 –3.23 –1.18 –8.08 Intel INTC 35.34 981 rates based on survey of over 4,800 online banks. *Base rate posted by 70% of the nation's largest EMBI Global, J.P. Morgan 5.744 5.821 337 337 525 14.332 6.505
banks.† Excludes closing costs. Sources: WSJ Market Data Group; S&P Dow Jones Indices. For more information on the Dow Jones
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B6B | Monday, February 13, 2017 NY THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
This spring, The Wall Street Journal will bring together leading figures in business, finance and government to
discuss the opportunities and risks shaping the future of America’s middle market—the engine of U.S. growth,
job creation and competitiveness. The Journal’s senior editors will lead dynamic discussions with experts on
top business issues, and explore how the legislative, regulatory and trade policies of the new administration
and Congress will impact the sector.
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, February 13, 2017 | B7
the firm’s investment-policy By 1998, she was hailed as new administration of Bill Clin- prediction. After that, she was Sri Lanka rupee .0066375 150.66 1.5 WSJ Dollar Index 90.94 –0.04–0.04 –2.15
committee. She was bullish on the “Prophet of Wall Street” and ton was putting its stamp on the Taiwan dollar .03229 30.967 –4.6 Sources: Tullett Prebon, WSJ Market Data Group
replaced as Goldman’s senior
Thailand baht .02851 35.070 –2.1
stocks even as the economy was was included among a small economy, she said: “We are bull- forecaster by David Kostin.
Listed are the 300 largest closed-end funds as 52 wk 52 wk 52 wk Prem12 Mo Prem12 Mo
measured by assets. Prem Ttl Prem Ttl Prem Ttl Fund (SYM) NAV Close /Disc Yld Fund (SYM) NAV Close /Disc Yld
Closed-end funds sell a limited number of shares and Fund (SYM) NAV Close /Disc Ret Fund (SYM) NAV Close /Disc Ret Fund (SYM) NAV Close /Disc Ret
invest the proceeds in securities. Unlike open-end Wells Fargo Multi-Sector ERC 14.43 13.23 -8.3 8.0 Nuveen CA Muni Value NCA 10.22 10.30 +0.8 4.3
funds, closed-ends generally do not buy their shares BlackRock Science & Tech BST 21.87 19.97 -8.7 51.0 Tekla Hlthcr Investors HQH 24.23 23.73 -2.1 18.7 Swiss Helvetia Fund SWZ 12.26 10.93 -10.8 17.8 World Income Funds Nuveen CA Quality Muni NAC 15.27 14.56 -4.6 6.0
back from investors who wish to cash in their holdings. BlackRock Utility & Infr BUI 19.98 19.93 -0.3 26.4 Tekla Healthcare Opps Fd THQ 18.49 17.11 -7.5 33.0 Templeton Dragon TDF 20.51 17.85 -13.0 32.0
Instead, fund shares trade on a stock exchange. Abeerden Asia-Pacific FAX NA 4.91 NA 6.9 Nuveen MD Qual Muni NMY 14.17 12.70 -10.4 5.2
a-The NAV and market price are ex dividend. b-The CBREClarionGlblRlEstIncm IGR 8.74 7.62 -12.8 20.8 Tekla Life Sciences HQL 19.49 18.32 -6.0 25.4 Templeton Emerging EMF 15.04 13.20 -12.2 48.3 Etn Vnc Short Dur Fd EVG NA 13.98 NA 7.7 Nuveen MI Qual Muni NUM 15.09 13.53 -10.3 5.3
NAV is fully diluted. c-NAV is as of Thursday’s close. d- Central Fund of Canada CEF 12.48 NA 2.9 Tekla World Hlthcr Fd THW 15.06 14.27 -5.2 27.4 Legg Mason BW Glbl Incm BWG NA 12.53 NA 9.5 Nuveen NC Qual Muni NNC 14.63 13.05 -10.8 4.4
Prem12 Mo
NAV is as of Wednesday’s close. e-NAV assumes rights ClearBridge Amer Engy CBA 10.41 NA 124.6 Tortoise Engy Ind Fd NDP 17.24 16.87 -2.1 109.2 Fund (SYM) NAV Close /Disc Yld MS EmMktDomDebt EDD 8.55 7.69 -10.1 9.8 Nuveen NJ Qual Muni NXJ 15.12 13.30 -12.0 5.7
offering is fully subscribed. f-Rights offering in process.
g-Rights offering announced. h-Lipper data has been ClearBridge Engy MLP Fd CEM 17.70 NA 85.0 Tortoise Energy TYG 33.09 35.18 +6.3 86.8 MS Emerging Mkts Debt MSD 10.82 9.43 -12.8 6.7 Nuveen NY AMT-Free NRK 14.19 12.99 -8.5 5.2
14.06 NA 115.5 Tortoise MLP Fund NTG 21.68 21.32 -1.7 76.3 Voya Infr Indls & Matls IDE 15.34 13.80 -10.0 40.5
adjusted for rights offering. j-Rights offering has Clearbridge Engy MLP Opp EMO PIMCO Dynamic Credit PCI NA 20.82 NA 12.5 Nuveen NY Qual Muni NAN 14.83 13.84 -6.7 5.5
expired, but Lipper data not yet adjusted. l-NAV as of Tortoise Pipeline & Engy TTP 24.56 21.89 -10.9 126.7 Wells Fargo Gl Div Opp EOD 6.38 5.65 -11.4 14.9
Clearbridge Engy MLP TR CTR 14.03 NA 109.1 PIMCODynamicIncomeFund PDI NA 28.90 NA 14.3 Nuveen OH Qual Muni NUO 16.31 15.10 -7.4 5.0
previous day. o-Tender offer in process. v-NAV is
Cohen & Steers Infr Fd UTF 22.99 20.87 -9.2 34.7 Voya Gl Equity Div IGD 7.94 7.12 -10.3 32.0 U.S. Mortgage Bond Funds
converted at the commercial Rand rate. w-Convertible PIMCO Income Opportunity PKO NA 24.75 NA 10.8 Nuveen PA Qual Muni NQP 14.79 13.34 -9.8 5.7
Income Preferred Stock Funds BlackRock Income Trust BKT 6.76 6.26 -7.4 5.1
Note-NAV (not market) conversion value. y-NAV and C&S MLP Incm & Engy Opp MIE 13.29 11.88 -10.6 127.9 PIMCO Strat Income Fund RCS NA 9.21 NA 10.1 Nuveen VA Qual Muni NPV 14.03 13.10 -6.6 4.7
market price are in Canadian dollars. NA signifies that Calamos Strat Fd CSQ 11.02 NA 46.3 Nuveen Mtg Opp Term Fd JLS 25.51 24.29 -4.8 5.7
Cohen & Steers Qual Inc RQI 13.62 12.84 -5.7 32.1 Stone Harbor Em Mkts Fd EDF 14.68 15.59 +6.2 13.8 PIMCO California Muni PCQ NA 16.44 NA 5.6
the information is not available or not applicable. NS Cohen & Steers Dur Pfd LDP 26.11 25.45 -2.5 26.1 Investment Grade Bond Funds
CohnStrsPfdInco RNP 22.20 20.02 -9.8 32.4 Templeton Emerging TEI 12.68 11.52 -9.1 7.0 PIMCO California Mun II PCK NA 9.82 NA 6.1
signifies fund not in existence of entire period.
Cohen & Strs Sel Prf Inco PSF 26.60 26.74 +0.5 23.5 Blackrock Core Bond Tr BHK 14.42 13.33 -7.6 6.1
12 month yield is computed by dividing income Cohen & Steers TR RFI 13.52 12.62 -6.7 21.7 Templeton Global GIM 7.45 6.61 -11.3 4.6 52 wk
FT Interm Duration Pfd FPF 23.82 23.38 -1.8 25.2 BlkRk Credit Alloc Incm BTZ 14.50 13.12 -9.5 6.8
dividends paid (during the previous twelve months for CLSeligmn Prem Tech Gr Fd STK 19.55 20.49 +4.8 40.7 John Hancock Income Secs JHS 15.26 14.51 -4.9 6.0 Wstrn Asset Gl Def Opp Fd GDO NA 17.48 NA 7.8 Prem Ttl
periods ending at month-end or during the previous Flaherty & Crumrine Dyn DFP 25.22 25.00 -0.9 22.0
fifty-two weeks for periods ending at any time other Divers Real Asset Incm Fd DRA 18.92 16.91 -10.6 32.3 MFS Inc Tr MIN 4.66 4.39 -5.8 9.1 National Muni Bond Funds Fund (SYM) NAV Close /Disc Ret
Duff & Phelps DNP 9.72 10.70 +10.1 24.9 Flaherty & Crumrine Pfd FFC 19.38 20.03 +3.4 14.9
than month-end) by the latest month-end market price
WstAstClymr InfLnkd Fd WIW NA 11.20 NA 3.5 AllianceBrnstn NtlMun AFB 14.52 13.58 -6.5 5.1 General Equity Funds
adjusted for capital gains distributions. Duff&PhelpsGblUtilIncFd DPG 19.23 16.57 -13.8 43.2 John Hancock Pfd Income HPI 21.59 21.00 -2.7 14.5
WstAssetClymr InflLnk Sec WIA NA 11.43 NA 3.3 Blackrock Invest BKN 15.23 14.81 -2.8 5.7 Specialized Equity Funds
Source: Lipper
Eaton Vance Eqty Inco Fd EOI 13.98 12.94 -7.4 14.7 John Hancock Pfd II HPF 21.32 21.07 -1.2 19.8
John Hancock Pfd Inc III HPS 18.99 18.40 -3.1 14.2 Loan Participation Funds BlackRockMun2030Target BTT 22.94 22.61 -1.4 4.2 CUSHING MLP INFRA I MLP850.67 NA NA NA
Friday, February 10, 2017 Eaton Vance Eqty Inco II EOS 14.42 13.50 -6.4 25.7
JHancock Pr Div PDT 15.66 15.96 +1.9 29.0 Apollo Sr Fltg Rate Fd AFT 18.14 17.49 -3.6 7.0 BlackRock Municipal Trust BFK 14.19 14.26 +0.5 6.0 Griffin Inst Access RE:A 26.70 NA NA 7.4
52 wk EtnVncRskMngd ETJ 10.12 9.66 -4.5 17.5
Prem Ttl LMP Cap & Inco Fd SCD 13.94 NA 49.1 BlackRock FR Incm Strat FRA 15.03 14.82 -1.4 5.5 BlackRockMuni BLE 14.89 15.05 +1.1 6.1 Griffin Inst Access RE:C 26.41 NA NA 6.5
Etn Vnc Tax Mgd Buy-Write ETB 15.80 16.86 +6.7 28.1 Blkrk FltRt InTr BGT 14.51 14.40 -0.8 5.2 BlackRockMuni Tr BYM 14.93 14.05 -5.9 5.7 Griffin Inst Access RE:I 26.80 NA NA 7.6
Fund (SYM) NAV Close /Disc Ret Eaton Vance BuyWrite Opp ETV 14.31 15.42 +7.8 24.4 Nuveen Preferred & Incm JPI 24.67 23.87 -3.2 15.5
Nuveen Pfd Incm Opps Fd JPC 10.45 10.09 -3.4 22.9 BlackstoneGSO Strat Cred BGB NA 16.15 NA 8.4 BlkRk MuniAssets Fd MUA 13.96 14.20 +1.7 4.9 Griffin Inst Access RE:M 26.67 NA NA NS
General Equity Funds Eaton Vance Tax-Mng Div ETY 11.67 10.93 -6.3 22.5 Blackstone GSO Sr Float BSL NA 18.12 NA 6.3 BlkRk Munienhanced MEN 11.79 11.66 -1.1 5.9
Nuveen Pfd Secs Incm Fd JPS 9.76 9.60 -1.6 20.1 NexPointRlEstStrat;A 21.21 NA NA NS
Adams Divers Equity Fd ADX 15.93 13.36 -16.1 27.6 EatonVanceTax-MngdOpp ETW 10.97 10.88 -0.8 26.4 Eagle Point Credit ECC NA 17.58 NA 13.8
TCW Strategic Income Fund TSI 5.86 5.50 -6.1 12.9 BlkRk MuniHldgs Inv MFL 14.64 14.64 0.0 5.8 NexPointRlEstStrat;C 21.15 NA NA NS
Boulder Growth & Income BIF 11.23 9.18 -18.3 40.2 EtnVncTxMngGlDvEqInc EXG 9.18 8.83 -3.8 29.7 Eaton Vance FR Incm Tr EFT NA 15.38 NA 5.9
Virtus Global Dividend ZTR 12.43 11.39 -8.4 21.7 BlkRk MuniHldgs Qlty II MUE 14.05 13.36 -4.9 5.8 NexPointRlEstStrat;Z 21.16 NA NA NS
Central Securities CET 28.52 23.05 -19.2 44.2 Fiduciary/Clymr Opp Fd FMO 16.07 17.31 +7.7 110.0 EatonVnc SrFltRate EFR NA 15.03 NA 6.2
Convertible Sec's. Funds BlkRk MuniHldgs MHD 16.78 17.16 +2.3 5.9 Resource RE Div Inc:A 10.30 NA NA 22.4
CohSteer Opprtnty Fd FOF 13.66 12.39 -9.3 37.6 FT Energy Inc & Growth Fd FEN 26.55 27.27 +2.7 62.5 Eaton Vance Sr Incm Tr EVF NA 6.73 NA 5.9
AdvntClymrFd AVK 17.45 16.23 -7.0 54.5 BlkRk MuniVest MVF 9.62 10.01 +4.1 6.0 Resource RE Div Inc:C 10.29 NA NA 21.5
Cornerstone Strategic CLM 13.58 15.49 +14.1 53.4 FstTrEnhEqtIncFd FFA 15.83 14.04 -11.3 28.5 First Trust Sr FR Fd II FCT 14.28 13.87 -2.9 6.0
AllianzGI Conv & Incm NCV 6.82 6.79 -0.4 70.7 BlkRk MuniVest II MVT 15.18 16.25 +7.0 5.9 Resource RE Div Inc:D 10.46 NA NA 21.9
EtnVnc TaxAdvDiv EVT 22.42 21.83 -2.6 39.7 First Tr Engy Infr Fd FIF 20.09 19.27 -4.1 61.0 Invesco Credit Opps Fund VTA 13.22 12.47 -5.7 7.1
AllianzGI Conv & Incm II NCZ 6.10 6.12 +0.3 70.1 BlkRk MuniYield MYD 14.65 14.74 +0.6 6.1 Resource RE Div Inc:I 10.76 NA NA 21.4
Gabelli Dividend & Incm GDV 22.80 20.61 -9.6 38.6 First Tr MLP & Engy Incm FEI 16.14 16.60 +2.9 83.2 Invesco Senior Income Tr VVR 4.92 4.70 -4.5 6.3
AllianzGI Equity & Conv NIE 21.78 19.44 -10.7 29.2 BlkRk MuniYld Quality MQY 15.53 15.04 -3.2 5.9 Resource RE Div Inc:T 10.27 NA NA 21.5
Gabelli Equity Trust GAB 6.12 5.89 -3.8 40.9 Gabelli Utility Tr GUT 5.40 6.62 +22.6 32.0 Nuveen Credit Strt Inc Fd JQC 9.41 8.93 -5.1 7.0
Calamos Conv Hi Inco Fd CHY 11.22 NA 41.6 BlkRk MuniYld Qlty II MQT 13.66 13.00 -4.8 5.8 Resource RE Div Inc:U 10.31 NA NA 22.5
Genl American Investors GAM 38.88 33.09 -14.9 34.6 GAMCOGlblGoldNatRscs&Inc GGN 5.89 5.64 -4.2 38.1 NuvFloatRteInco Fd JFR 11.82 12.09 +2.3 6.2
Calamos CHI 10.94 NA 48.3 BlRkMunyldQltyIII MYI 14.23 13.95 -2.0 6.0 Resource RE Div Inc:W 10.46 NA NA 21.9
HnckJohn TxAdv HTD 25.35 24.21 -4.5 30.6 GoldmanSachsMLPIncOpp GMZ 12.27 11.55 -5.9 123.8 Nuv Float Rte Opp Fd JRO 11.77 12.75 +8.3 6.4
World Equity Funds Deutsche Mun Income Tr KTF 12.62 13.69 +8.5 6.1 RvrPrk Comm Rl Est:Inst RCRIX 10.10 NA NA NS
Liberty All-Star Equity USA 6.39 5.46 -14.6 34.0 Goldman Sachs MLPEnergy GER 9.10 8.80 -3.3 137.7 Nuveen Senior Income Fund NSL 7.01 6.97 -0.6 6.3
Alpine Tot Dyn Div AOD 9.31 8.16 -12.4 34.5 Dreyfus Mun Bd Infr Fd DMB 13.58 12.75 -6.1 5.6 SharesPost 100 27.06 NA NA 8.6
Royce Micro-Cap RMT 9.82 8.46 -13.8 50.4 John Hancock Finl Opps Fd BTO 35.01 36.03 +2.9 82.8 Pioneer Floating Rate Tr PHD 12.61 12.17 -3.5 5.9
Calamos Glbl Dyn Inc CHW 7.59 NA 41.7 Dreyfus Municipal Income DMF 9.28 9.08 -2.2 5.6 Tot Inc+ RE:A 29.12 NA NA 6.9
Royce Value Trust RVT 16.45 14.24 -13.4 54.7 KayneAndersonEngyTRFd KYE 13.46 12.95 -3.8 141.4 Voya Prime Rate Trust PPR 5.76 5.55 -3.6 5.7
Cdn Genl Inv CGI 29.32 19.37 -33.9 26.3 Dreyfus Strat Muni Bond DSM 8.33 8.39 +0.7 5.9 Tot Inc+ RE:C 28.53 NA NA 6.2
Source Capital SOR 42.53 37.19 -12.6 16.3 Kayne Anderson MLP Invt KYN 21.19 21.65 +2.2 103.6 High Yield Bond Funds
China Fund CHN 18.82 16.07 -14.6 29.0 Dreyfus Strategic Munis LEO 8.54 8.67 +1.5 5.9 Tot Inc+ RE:I 29.40 NA NA 7.2
Tri-Continental TY 26.77 23.05 -13.9 34.4 Kayne Andrsn Midstr Engy KMF 18.14 16.74 -7.7 123.7 Clough Global Opp Fd GLO 11.13 9.89 -11.1 24.1 AllianceBernstein Glbl AWF 13.77 12.76 -7.3 7.6 Versus Cap MMgr RE Inc:F 27.36 NA NA 7.8
Barings Glbl Short Dur HY BGH 21.40 20.10 -6.1 9.1 Eaton Vance Mun Bd Fd EIM 13.51 12.55 -7.1 5.4
Specialized Equity Funds Macquarie Glbl Infrstrctr MGU 24.98 21.80 -12.7 37.1 EtnVncTxAdvGblDiv ETG 16.68 15.28 -8.4 27.4 Versus Cap MMgr RE Inc:I 27.42 NA NA 8.1
BlackRock Corp Hi Yd Fd HYT 12.13 11.10 -8.5 8.0 Eaton Vance Mun Income EVN 13.00 12.66 -2.6 5.9
Adams Natural Rscs Fd PEO 23.76 20.10 -15.4 33.3 NeubergerBermanMLPIncm NML 11.56 10.53 -8.9 99.6 EatonVance TxAdv Opport ETO 22.88 22.34 -2.4 33.7 Wildermuth Endwmnt Str 12.16 NA NA 23.1
BlkRk Debt Strat Fd DSU 12.65 11.60 -8.3 6.5 EV National Municipal Opp EOT 21.73 21.60 -0.6 4.8
AllnzGI NFJ Div Interest NFJ 14.80 13.14 -11.2 32.6 Neubrgr Brm Rl Est Sec Fd NRO 5.96 5.37 -9.9 36.1 First Trust Dynamic Eur FDEU 18.07 16.64 -7.9 27.9 Wildermuth Endwmnt S:C 12.07 NA NA NS
BlackRockDurInco Tr BLW 16.89 15.90 -5.9 9.2 Invesco Adv Mun Incm II VKI 12.02 11.25 -6.4 6.4
AlpnGlblPrProp AWP 6.50 5.60 -13.8 33.5 Nuveen Dow 30 Dynamic DIAX 16.93 15.72 -7.1 31.4 India Fund IFN 26.48 23.25 -12.2 26.9 Income Preferred Stock Funds
Brookfield Real Assets RA 25.59 NA NA NS Invesco Mun Incm Opps Tr OIA 7.41 7.62 +2.8 5.3
ASA Gold & Prec Metals ASA 15.25 13.46 -11.7 45.0 Nuveen Diversified Div JDD 12.81 12.22 -4.6 43.8 Japan Sml Cap JOF 11.80 10.42 -11.7 34.0 MultiStrat Gro & Inc:A 15.74 NA NA 12.2
Credit Suisse High Yld DHY 2.78 2.75 -1.1 10.2 Invesco Mun Opportunity VMO 13.41 13.06 -2.6 6.5
BlkRk Enh Cap Inco CII 15.60 14.18 -9.1 27.8 Nuveen Engy MLP Fd JMF 14.24 14.16 -0.6 132.9 Korea Fund KF 39.03 34.89 -10.6 19.7 MultiStrat Gro & Inc:C 15.49 NA NA 11.4
DoubleLine Incm Solutions DSL 21.28 20.30 -4.6 9.0 Invesco Municipal Trust VKQ 13.37 12.65 -5.4 6.1
BlkRk Engy Res Tr BGR 16.01 14.55 -9.1 35.9 NuvNASDAQ100DynOver QQQX 20.32 20.36 +0.2 34.6 Mexico Fund MXF 16.83 15.00 -10.9 4.3 MultiStrat Gro & Inc:I 15.91 NA NA 13.0
Dreyfus Hi Yld Fd DHF 3.55 3.42 -3.7 9.5 Invesco Qlty Mun Inco IQI 13.38 12.53 -6.4 6.0
BlackRock Enh Eq Div Tr BDJ 9.33 8.40 -10.0 30.7 Nuveen Real Est Incm Fd JRS 11.63 11.30 -2.8 33.9 MS China a Shr Fd CAF 21.68 18.24 -15.9 30.2 MultiStrat Gro & Inc:L 15.57 NA NA 11.7
Blackrock Global Trust BOE 13.95 12.41 -11.0 26.0 Fst Tr Hi Inc Lg/Shrt Fd FSD 18.05 16.54 -8.4 6.3 Invesco Inv Grade Muni VGM 13.88 13.14 -5.3 6.2
NuvS&P500DynOverwrite SPXX 14.89 NA 32.0 MS Emerging Fund MSF 16.32 14.19 -13.1 24.8 Convertible Sec's. Funds
BlkRk Health Sci BME 32.77 33.46 +2.1 13.3 Guggenheim Strat Opps Fd GOF 19.58 20.36 +4.0 10.8 Invesco Value Mun Incm Tr IIM 15.89 14.96 -5.9 5.4
NuveenS&P500Buy-Write BXMX 13.81 13.21 -4.3 22.3 MS India Invest IIF 33.28 29.45 -11.5 41.6 Calmos Dyn Conv and Inc CCD NA 19.05 NA NA
BlkRk Intl Grwth&Inco BGY 6.50 5.89 -9.4 18.2 Reaves Utility Fund UTG 32.93 33.89 +2.9 44.5 Ivy High Income Opps Fund IVH 16.26 15.31 -5.8 9.99 MainStay DefinedTerm MMD NA 19.10 NA 5.8
New Germany Fund GF 15.72 13.79 -12.3 21.7 MFS Munl Inco MFM 7.24 6.86 -5.2 5.3 World Equity Funds
BlackRck Rscs Comm Str Tr BCX 10.42 8.89 -14.7 48.2 Salient Midstream & MLP SMM 15.09 14.16 -6.2 164.8 Neuberger Berman HYS NHS 13.45 12.05 -10.4 8.0
NexPoint Credit Strat Fd NHF 25.85 23.54 -8.9 12.0 NuveenAMT-FreeMunValue NUW 16.71 16.88 +1.0 4.5 BMO LGM Front ME 9.28 NA NA 23.0
Nuveen Gl Hi Incm Fd JGH 18.35 16.78 -8.6 9.2 Nuveen AMT-Free Quality NEA 14.55 13.48 -7.4 5.7 Prem12 Mo
Nuveen High Incm Dec18 JHA 10.17 10.20 +0.3 5.9 Nuveen AMT-Free Mun NVG 15.55 14.62 -6.0 5.9 Fund (SYM) NAV Close /Disc Yld
Nuveen High Incm Dec19 JHD 10.28 10.23 -0.5 NS Nuveen Mun Credit Incm Fd NZF 15.28 14.39 -5.8 6.1
Insider-Trading Spotlight Nuveen Hi Incm Nov 2021 JHB 10.07 10.11 +0.4 NS Nuveen Enhncd Mun Val Fd NEV 14.77 14.29 -3.2 6.4
U.S. Mortgage Bond Funds
Vertical Capital Income 12.33 NA NA 2.8
Trading by ‘insiders’ of a corporation, such as a company’s CEO, vice president or director, potentially conveys Pioneer High Income Trust PHT 10.67 10.00 -6.3 10.3 Nuveen Intermed Dur Mun NID 13.39 13.35 -0.3 5.1 Loan Participation Funds
new information about the prospects of a company. Insiders are required to report large trades to the SEC Prud Gl Shrt Dur Hi Yd GHY 16.62 15.07 -9.3 8.4 NuveenMuniIncoOpp Fd NMZ 12.96 13.11 +1.2 6.7 504 Fund 9.81 NA NA 3.1
Prudentl Sh Dur Hi Yd Fd ISD 16.86 15.98 -5.2 8.1 Nuveen Muni Value Fund NUV 10.06 9.88 -1.8 4.0 FedProj&TrFinanceTender 10.02 NA NA NS
within two business days. Here’s a look at the biggest individual trades by insiders, based on data received by Wells Fargo Incm Opps Fd EAD 9.29 8.53 -8.2 9.0 Nuveen Qual Mun Incm Fd NAD 14.92 13.94 -6.6 6.0 Invesco Sr Loan A 6.66 NA NA 4.9
Thomson Financial on February 10, and year-to-date stock performance of the company Wstrn Asset Glbl Hi Inco EHI NA 10.19 NA 11.1 Nuveen Sel Tax Free NXP 14.92 14.07 -5.7 3.8 Invesco Sr Loan B 6.66 NA NA 4.9
KEY: B: beneficial owner of more than 10% of a security class CB: chairman CEO: chief executive officer CFO: chief financial officer Wstrn Asset High Inco II HIX NA 7.28 NA 10.0 Nuveen Sel TF NXQ 14.40 13.54 -6.0 3.8 Invesco Sr Loan C 6.67 NA NA 4.2
CO: chief operating officer D: director DO: director and beneficial owner GC: general counsel H: officer, director and beneficial owner Wstrn Asset Opp Fd HIO NA 5.13 NA 8.1 PIMCO MuniFd PMF NA 13.89 NA 6.3 Invesco Sr Loan IB 6.66 NA NA 5.2
West Asst HY Def Opp Fd HYI NA 15.36 NA 8.5 Pimco Muni Inc II PML NA 12.52 NA 6.2 Invesco Sr Loan IC 6.66 NA NA 5.0
I: indirect transaction filed through a trust, insider spouse, minor child or other O: officer OD: officer and director P: president UT: Other Domestic Taxable Bond Funds PIMCO Muni Inc III PMX NA 11.44 NA 6.2 Invesco Sr Loan Y 6.66 NA NA 5.2
unknown VP: vice president Excludes pure options transactions Apollo Tactical Incm Fd AIF 17.41 15.92 -8.6 9.5 RiverNorth MP Lending RMPLX NA NA NA NS
Pioneer Mun Hi Inc Adv Tr MAV 11.79 11.12 -5.7 7.0
Ares Dynamic Credit Alloc ARDC NA 15.76 NA 8.1 Pioneer Mun Hi Incm Tr MHI 12.66 11.83 -6.6 6.3 Voya Senior Income:A 12.80 NA NA 5.4
Barings Corp Investors MCI NA 14.65 NA 6.1 Voya Senior Income:B 12.73 NA NA 4.9
Biggest weekly individual trades BlackRock Multi-Sector IT BIT 18.78 17.29 -7.9 11.1
Putnam Tr PMM 7.76 7.31 -5.8 5.8
Voya Senior Income:C 12.77 NA NA 4.9
PutnamMuniOpportunities PMO 12.92 12.37 -4.3 5.6
Based on reports filed with regulators this past week BlackRock Taxable Mun Bd BBN 22.90 22.69 -0.9 7.1 Voya Senior Income:I 12.76 NA NA 5.7
Wstrn Asset Mngd Muni MMU NA 14.07 NA 5.5
Doubleline Oppor Credit DBL 22.25 24.01 +7.9 8.6 Voya Senior Income:W 12.81 NA NA 5.7
No. of shrs in Price range ($) $ Value WesternAssetMunTrFund MTT NA 22.88 NA 4.8
Duff & Phelps Utl & Cp Bd DUC 9.98 9.40 -5.8 6.4 High Yield Bond Funds
Date(s) Company Symbol Insider Title trans (000s) in transaction (000s) Close ($) Ytd (%) Single State Muni Bond
EtnVncLtdFd EVV NA 14.14 NA 8.1 PionrILSInterval 10.33 NA NA 9.8
Franklin Ltd Duration IT FTF NA 12.24 NA 6.8 BlackRock CA Municipal Tr BFZ 15.13 14.87 -1.7 5.5
WA Middle Mkt Dbt NA NA NA 11.0
Buyers GuggenheimTaxableMuni GBAB 23.03 22.28 -3.3 7.3 BlkRk MuniHldgs CA Qlty MUC 15.32 14.25 -7.0 5.2
Blkrck MunHl NJ Qlty MUJ 15.19 14.18 -6.6 5.8
WA Middle Mkt Inc WMF NA NA NA 11.2
John Hancock Investors JHI 18.24 17.17 -5.9 7.8 Other Domestic Taxable Bond Funds
Feb. 7 Walgreens WBA O. Barra CO 124 80.48-80.96 10,036 83.31 0.7 BlRk MuHldg NY Qlty MHN 14.48 13.92 -3.9 5.3
KKR Income Opps Fund KIO 18.00 NA NA 9.5 Capstone Church Capital 11.52 NA NA 1.1
Feb. 3 Macquarie Infrastructure MIC J. Hooke CEO 15 74.15 1,112 80.08 -2.0 MFS Charter MCR 9.43 8.64 -8.4 8.5 BlkRk MuniYld CA Fd MYC 15.29 15.90 +4.0 5.2 CION Ares Dvsfd Crdt Fd NA NA NA NS
Feb. 3 M. Stanley D 4 74.15 297 MFS Multimkt MMT 6.73 6.22 -7.6 8.6 BlkRk MuniYld CA Quality MCA 15.47 14.65 -5.3 5.4 GL Beyond Income 4.39 NA NA NE
Feb. 3 L. Stewart CFOI 3 74.15 185 Nuveen Build Am Bd Fd NBB 21.69 21.05 -3.0 6.2 BlkRk MuniYld MI Qlty MIY 15.18 13.71 -9.7 5.7 Palmer Square Opp Income 19.06 NA NA 6.6
Feb. 3 Qualcomm QCOM C. Amon O 19 53.13 1,000 54.00 -17.2 PIMCO Corporate & Incm PTY NA 15.48 NA 11.2 BlkRk MuniYld NJ Fd MYJ 15.54 15.43 -0.7 5.7 Resource Credit Inc:A 11.13 NA NA 4.7
PIMCO Corporate & Incm PCN NA 15.85 NA 11.3 BlRk Muyld NY Qlty MYN 13.88 12.97 -6.6 5.2 Resource Credit Inc:C 11.24 NA NA 4.2
Feb. 7 Murphy USA MUSA C. Deming D 15 65.39 981 66.13 7.6 PIMCO HiInco PHK NA 9.04 NA 12.5 Eaton Vance CA Mun Bd EVM 12.30 11.59 -5.8 5.5 Resource Credit Inc:D 11.10 NA NA 4.4
Feb. 3 Enterprise Products Partners EPD J. Hackett DI 33 28.65 945 28.69 6.1 PIMCO Inco Str Fd PFL NA 11.01 NA 9.9 Invesco CA Value Mun Incm VCV 13.25 12.49 -5.7 5.6 Resource Credit Inc:I 11.16 NA NA 4.8
PIMCO Incm Strategy Fd II PFN NA 9.93 NA 9.8 Invesco PA Value Mun Incm VPV 13.83 12.32 -10.9 5.7 Resource Credit Inc:T 11.09 NA NA 4.2
Feb. 1 Opus Bank OPB M. Meyer D 40 20.62 825 21.05 -30.0
Putnam Mas Inco PIM 5.06 4.70 -7.1 6.6 Invesco Inv Grade NY Muni VTN 14.36 13.56 -5.6 5.7 Resource Credit Inc:U 11.13 NA NA 4.7
Feb. 6 Tuesday Morning TUES S. Becker CEO 200 3.66 732 4.00 -25.9 Putnam Premier Income Tr PPT 5.58 5.23 -6.3 5.8 Nuveen CA AMT-Free Qual NKX 15.31 14.92 -2.5 5.6 Resource Credit Inc:W 11.12 NA NA 4.4
Feb. 3 Dominion Resources D M. Szymanczyk DI 10 71.69 717 73.37 -4.2
Feb. 2-3 Consol Energy CNX B. Lanigan D 41* 16.82-17.28 698 17.02 -6.6
Feb. 7 Newell Brands NWL M. Tarchetti P 13 45.22 588 46.99 5.2 Borrowing Benchmarks |
Feb. 2 Unifi UFI R. Bishop DI 20 26.74 535 28.31 -13.2
Feb. 8 Lakeland Financial LKFN M. Welch D 7 42.55 288 44.03 -7.0 Money Rates February 10, 2017
Feb. 3 New Residential Investment NRZ M. Nierenberg CEO 19* 15.00 279 15.90 1.1
Key annual interest rates paid to borrow or lend money in U.S. and international markets. Rates below are a
Feb. 3 Edwards Lifesciences EW K. Gallahue DI 3 90.10 270 90.34 -3.6
guide to general levels but don’t always represent actual transactions.
Feb. 2 Howard Bancorp HBMD R. Arnold D 16 15.00 240 17.90 18.5
29 7.85 8.42 -3.3 Week —52-WEEK— Week —52-WEEK—
Feb. 8 USA Truck USAK J. Craig O 228 Inflation Latest ago High Low Latest ago High Low
Dec. index Chg From (%)
Sellers level Nov. '16 Dec. '15 Secondary market Libor
Feb. 1-3 Microsoft MSFT G. Morfit DOI 11,000 63.12-63.72 696,540 64.00 3.0 One month 0.77111 0.77556 0.78000 0.42830
U.S. consumer price index Fannie Mae Three month 1.03622 1.03400 1.04344 0.61820
Feb. 1-2 W. Gates D 4,000 63.11-64.49 253,920
All items 241.432 0.03 2.1 30-year mortgage yields Six month 1.33822 1.34989 1.36183 0.85785
Feb. 1 TriNet Group TNET D. Hodgson DOI 17,691 25.00 442,283 24.74 -3.4 Core 249.134 –0.04 2.2 One year 1.70261 1.71344 1.73289 1.11560
Feb. 7 Credit Acceptance CACC D. Foss B 660 194.00 128,040 200.05 -8.0 30 days 3.644 3.695 3.828 2.806
Feb. 2 MACOM Technology Solutions Holdings MTSI P. Chung DI 1,202 46.55 55,936 46.14 -0.3 International rates 60 days 3.674 3.728 3.862 2.832 Euro Libor
Feb. 2-3 Evercore Partners EVR R. Schlosstein CEOI 264 77.68-79.28 20,793 78.55 14.3 One month -0.391 -0.383 -0.249 -0.394
Week 52-Week Other short-term rates Three month -0.349 -0.344 -0.201 -0.350
Feb. 3-6 American Financial Group AFG C. Lindner CEOI 200 90.88-91.00 18,182 91.55 3.9 Latest ago High Low
Six month -0.248 -0.241 -0.118 -0.248
Feb. 7 Boeing BA J. Luttig GC 102 166.74-167.22 17,022 166.23 6.8 Week 52-Week One year -0.110 -0.106 -0.005 -0.110
Prime rates Latest ago high low
Feb. 1 Danaher DHR T. Joyce CEO 196 83.74 16,439 83.98 7.9 U.S. 3.75 3.75 3.75 3.50 Euro interbank offered rate (Euribor)
Feb. 8 Alphabet GOOGL S. Brin P 17 826.33-834.04 13,851 834.85 5.4 Canada 2.70 2.70 2.70 2.70 Call money
Feb. 7 S. Brin P 17 824.91-831.29 13,812 One month -0.371 -0.373 -0.240 -0.374
Japan 1.475 1.475 1.475 1.475
Jan. 30 L. Page CEO 17 821.82-835.92 13,750 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.25 Three month -0.329 -0.328 -0.183 -0.329
Feb. 3 L. Page CEO 17 819.95-824.84 13,711 Policy Rates Six month -0.240 -0.244 -0.116 -0.244
Feb. 6 S. Brin P 17 815.39-831.55 13,659 Commercial paper One year -0.101 -0.101 -0.001 -0.103
Euro zone 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00
Feb. 2 L. Page CEO 17 812.92-823.80 13,647
Switzerland 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 30 to 270 days n.q. ... ... ... Value 52-Week
Jan. 31 L. Page CEO 17 814.43-822.22 13,636
Feb. 1 L. Page CEO 17 813.32-822.63 13,588 Britain 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.25 Latest Traded High Low
Australia 1.50 1.50 2.00 1.50 Commercial paper (AA financial)
Feb. 1 ServiceNow NOW F. Slootman CEO 150 89.87-90.75 13,490 92.46 24.4 DTCC GCF Repo Index
90 days 0.89 0.91 1.03 0.45
* Half the transactions were indirect **Two day transaction Overnight repurchase Treasury 0.621 58.200 1.266 0.244
p - Pink Sheets U.S. 0.59 0.60 1.30 0.15 Euro commercial paper MBS 0.639 91.800 1.328 0.257
30 day n.q. n.q. -0.13 -0.14 Open Implied
U.S. government rates Settle Change Interest Rate
Buying and selling by sector Discount
Two month n.q. n.q. n.q. n.q.
Three month n.q. n.q. n.q. n.q. DTCC GCF Repo Index Futures
Based on actual transaction dates in reports received this past week 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.00 Four month n.q. n.q. n.q. n.q. Treasury Feb 99.395 -0.005 9231 0.605
Sector Buying Selling Sector Buying Selling Federal funds Five month n.q. n.q. n.q. n.q. Treasury Mar 99.340 0.005 4707 0.660
Effective rate 0.6800 0.6800 0.7000 0.2700 Six month n.q. n.q. n.q. n.q. Treasury Apr 99.285 0.005 2224 0.715
Basic Industries 0 29,383,111 Finance 3,680,605 199,654,704
High 0.8125 0.8125 0.8125 0.5600
Business services 0 26,886,882 Health care 653,336 58,203,290
Low 0.5000 0.5000 0.6600 0.2000 Notes on data:
Capital goods 0 0 Industrial 88,762 89,955,475 Bid 0.6500 0.6600 0.6800 0.2000 U.S. prime rate is effective December 15, 2016. Discount rate is effective December 15, 2016. U.S.
Consumer durables 10,910 13,468,190 Media 0 430,012 Offer 0.7500 0.7500 0.7500 0.2600 prime rate is the base rate on corporate loans posted by at least 70% of the 10 largest U.S. banks;
Other prime rates aren’t directly comparable; lending practices vary widely by location; DTCC GCF
Consumer nondurables 1,197,575 34,616,217 Technology 1,135,917 220,427,102 Repo Index is Depository Trust & Clearing Corp.'s weighted average for overnight trades in applicable
Treasury bill auction
Consumer services 963,614 47,909,642 Transportation 398,927 8,722,189 CUSIPs. Value traded is in billions of U.S. dollars. Futures on the DTCC GCF Repo Index are traded on
4 weeks 0.530 0.490 0.530 0.160 NYSE Liffe US.
Energy 1,735,391 9,481,974 Utilities 836,918 16,669,382 13 weeks 0.530 0.515 0.555 0.220 Sources: Federal Reserve; Bureau of Labor Statistics; DTCC; SIX Financial Information;
Sources: Thomson Financial; WSJ Market Data Group 26 weeks 0.620 0.625 0.660 0.340 General Electric Capital Corp.; Tullett Prebon Information, Ltd.
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.
To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
B8 | Monday, February 13, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
matic,” Mr. Cohn said in an in- “In D.C., no one when you
terview Wednesday. “You have meet them says, ‘Nice to meet
to be realistic to what’s going you,’” Mr. Cohn said. “They say,
on in the world and you have to ‘Good to see you.’ That’s because
be willing to adapt. I think that’s they pretend like they might
my job, to advise the president have met you before.... Everyone
on what is the right solution.” says, ‘Good to see you.’ Well, I
A representative for Mr. know you can see me.”
Mnuchin, who is awaiting con- Among the ways he is
firmation as soon as Monday, amassing influence is inter-
didn’t respond to interview re- viewing candidates for a range
quests. of White House appointments,
Mr. Trump’s critics are trying including top posts at the Fed
to turn Mr. Cohn’s background and regulatory agencies. He
against the new administration. sidelined some campaign ad-
Fertilizer is sprayed on a North Carolina wheat field. U.S. fertilizer producers are benefiting from a shift in global energy markets. On Friday, Sens. Elizabeth War- visers, including Larry Kudlow,
AHEAD OF THE TAPE | Steven Russolillo
The number of trading days since Apple’s
Investors Are Rethinking the Trump Trade
One of the
big Trump-
related trades
the strong postelection
Expectations for future
share price has hit a new high, the longest is showing Fed rate increases are
stretch without a record since 2005 some cracks. slipping. When the central
Inflation bank raised interest rates in
expectations, December for only the second
which surged immediately time in a decade, it indicated
Apple Gets Shine Back following the presidential
election, have stalled in
that three more rate
increases would come in 2017.
From January 2005 through iPhone. recent weeks. That suggests At the time, the federal-
February 2015, shares of Apple Apple shares began climbing investors are questioning the funds futures market showed
Inc. closed at a record 264 again last May, when Warren economic growth the new a nearly 50% chance of that
times. Since then, not once. But Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway administration hopes to happening. That probability
that run could end this week. Inc. revealed that it had taken a deliver. The strong dollar has has fallen in recent weeks,
Shares of the nearly $700 stake worth nearly $1 billion. also prompted import prices dropping to 30% last week,
billion company closed Friday at Shares rose 3.7% that day and to cool. And investors have Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen will speak to Congress. the lowest since before the
have largely been on an upward recently dialed back Fed’s December meeting.
MONEYBEAT trend since. expectations that the Federal the Fed’s dual mandate, has Even so, at least one Fed
The stock has gained about Reserve will raise interest shown signs of life. Growth Take a Hike official said he could support
$132.12, the third consecutive 40% over the past 12 months rates at least three times this in the consumer-price index Probability of at least three a rate increase at next
day they have finished within and more than 9% since Apple’s year. poked above 2% in interest-rate increases in 2017 month’s meeting. “I think
$1 of their $133 record. The earnings on Jan. 31. A slew of economic data December, the first time it March is on the table,”
technology giant has gone 497 Apple also got a boost after this week as well as Fed topped this mark in 2½ 50% Federal Reserve Bank of
trading sessions without set- November’s presidential elec- Chairwoman Janet Yellen’s years. 40 Philadelphia President
ting a new high. That is the tion. Investors began to bet semiannual testimony before Ms. Yellen has acknowled- Patrick Harker said last
longest stretch without a re- that a Donald Trump adminis- Congress will likely reinforce ged that inflation is “moving 30 week.
cord for Apple since a 1,217-day tration and a Republican-con- these modest expectations. toward our goal.” Updated But such timing could
run from March 2000 to Janu- trolled Congress would allow The Humphrey-Hawkins producer and consumer-price prove too soon. “If the Fed
ary 2005. companies with large overseas hearings, beginning Tuesday, data for January are 10 wants to raise rates…then
A new record would be the cash holdings, as Apple does, to will mark Ms. Yellen’s first expected Tuesday and they need to start working
capstone of a recovery in the repatriate their cash at lower- appearance before Wednesday, with economists 0 on pushing up market
shares after a prolonged down- than-usual corporate tax rates. lawmakers since Donald expecting inflation to tick up 2016 ’17 expectations soon,” said
turn from July 2015 to May —Ben Eisen Trump was sworn in as slightly. Note: Based on federal funds futures Torsten Slok, chief internat-
2016. president. Mr. Trump But investors aren’t Source: Deutsche Bank Research ional economist at Deutsche
The stock fell 30% over that ONLINE criticized her sharply during banking on another strong Bank Securities. “Markets are
period, as investor concern his campaign, and GOP leg up in inflation. Take the annualized inflation on feeling less certain that the
mounted over the pace of For more lawmakers have considered 10-year breakeven inflation average over the next assumptions underlying the
iPhone sales, soft demand from
China and speculation that the
company would never develop a
MoneyBeat blog
posts, go to
taking steps to subject the
Fed to greater congressional
scrutiny, topics which Ms.
rate. Measuring the yield
spread between Treasury
notes and Treasury inflation-
decade. It jumped from 1.71%
right before the election to
above 2% last month for the
ongoing Trump trades will
be realized.”
If past practice holds true,
product as successful as the MoneyBeat Yellen will undoubtedly face. protected securities, it first time since September Ms. Yellen won’t change her
Ms. Yellen’s testimony currently reflects investors’ 2014. Its decline since has tone this week. Investors
comes as inflation, half of expectations of 1.96% been modest, but it did halt need to watch the numbers.
Monday Quintiles IMS 1.05/0.90 Jan., expected up 0.3% Kraft Heinz 0.87/0.62 Earnings expected*
T-Mobile US 0.28/0.34 Core, Dec. up 0.2% Marriott Intl. 0.84/0.77 Estimate/Year Ago($)
Earnings expected*
Jan., expected up 0.2% PepsiCo 1.16/1.06 Alexion Pharma.
Estimate/Year Ago($)
Arch Capital 0.97/1.15 Wednesday
Brixmor Prop. 0.20/0.18
Empire Manufacturing Thursday Charter Comm.
Mort. bankers indexes Jan., previous 6.5 1.05/(1.21)
Federal Realty 0.77/0.73 Purch., previous up 2% Initial jobless claims
Feb., expected 7.0 Duke Energy 0.82/0.87
HCP 0.24/(1.29) Refinan., prev. up 2% Previous 234,000
Liberty Global 0.19/(0.25)
Noble Energy (0.10)/0.44 Expected 243,000
Industrial production PG&E 1.34/0.50
Vornado Realty 0.50/1.22 EIA status report
Dec., previous up 0.8% Waste Mgmt. 0.77/0.71
Previous change in stocks in EIA report: natural gas
Jan., expected 0.0%
Tuesday millions of barrels Previous change in stocks in
Crude oil up 13.8 billions of cubic feet
Producer price index Retail sales down 152
Gasoline down 0.9 Leading indicators
All items, Dec. up 0.3% Dec., previous up 0.6% Dec., previous up 0.5%
Distillates 0.0
Jan., expected up 0.3% Jan., expected up 0.1% Building permits Jan., expected up 0.5%
Core, Dec. up 0.2% Dec., previous 1.21 mil.
Business inventories
Jan., expected up 0.2% Retail sales, ex. autos Jan., expected 1.24 mil. Earnings expected*
Nov., previous up 0.7%
Energy Goes From First to Worst Oil Prices
Gain as
Sector’s stocks trail
A Slow Start 25%
after performing as
the S&P 500’s best The S&P 500 energy sector has lagged behind
Energy sector (2016)
s 23.7% 20
this year, even as investors are betting
segment in 2016 that oil prices will continue to rise.
U.S. energy shares have S&P 500 (2017) election Oil prices rose Friday af-
cooled in 2017 following a First 28 days ter a top energy watchdog
s 3.5% YTD 5
market-beating performance said exporters are following
last year, wrong-footing many S&P 500 (2016) through on promises to cut
investors who bet the sector s 9.5% oil production to end a long-
would benefit from oil-price 0 standing glut in the market.
stability. The International Energy
Energy was the best-per- Agency reported Friday that
forming sector in the S&P 500 production from the Organi-
last year, rising 24% as oil Energy sector (2017) zation of the Petroleum Ex-
prices rebounded from multi- t 3.6% YTD –10 porting Countries fell to
year lows reached last Feb. 11. 32.06 million barrels a day
A year later, crude prices in January, a decline of
are holding their gains, with –15 about 1 million barrels com-
New York crude rising Friday pared with
to close at $53.86 a barrel. But 1 T R A D I N G D AY S 252 COMMODITIES OPEC’s Oc-
the S&P energy sector is down tober base-
3.6% in 2017, trailing the 3.5% Net long positions on oil rose to a record high in January. U.S. crude-oil prices have steadied this year. line. The
gain in the S&P 500 index and cut “is certainly one of the
putting energy shares near the 400,000 contracts $60 a barrel deepest in the history of
bottom of the sector list. Oil hits OPEC,” the agency said, with
The reversal in energy 300,000 50 its low at the countries that agreed to
shares, according to analysts $26.21 it reaching a record compli-
and investors, reflects overly 200,000 40 a barrel ance of 90%.
Oil jumps 9.3% to
optimistic expectations for Light, sweet crude for
100,000 30 $49.44 a barrel after
crude prices, the realization March delivery gained 86
OPEC reaches a deal
that it may take a few quarters to cut production cents, or 1.6%, to $53.86 a
before higher energy prices 0 20 barrel on the New York Mer-
translate into improved earn- 2016 2017 2016 2017 cantile Exchange.
ings and signs that the stocks THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
Most of the price gains
Sources: Thomson Reuters (indexes); FactSet (crude oil); Commodity Futures Trading Commission (net long positions)
are already overvalued. came overnight after the IEA
“People just seem a little fa- released its report during
tigued at this point,” said Bill Despite the sliding energy trades at 32 times the profits again in the fourth quarter, ing 16% in 2016. The company European trading, and then
Costello, a portfolio manager stocks, investors expect oil analysts expect them to earn with analysts estimating a de- posted its lowest yearly earn- prices stayed mostly flat
and energy analyst at West- prices to rise. Net bullish bets over the next 12 months, while cline of around 5% from the ings in 20 years in January, during traditional U.S. trad-
wood Holdings Group. “After by speculative investors on oil the broader S&P 500 trades at year-earlier period. citing the downturn in com- ing hours.
we built all that momentum reached a record in January, 18 times earnings estimates, Last month, energy stocks modity prices and a $2 billion The gains pushed oil to
last year, we’ve just fallen flat.” according to Commodity Fu- according to FactSet. closed out the strongest 12- impairment charge. its ninth winning week in
The slide is the latest exam- tures Trading Commission Earnings are expected to re- month outperformance com- Chevron Corp. shares, which the last 13, up 3 cents, or
ple of a sudden reversal in a data going back to 2006, cover, but the rebound hasn’t pared with the recovery in oil gained 31% last year, are down 0.1%.
popular trade. The utilities though those net bets pulled yet begun. Analysts expect en- prices since at least the 1980s, 4% in 2017. While the company Brent, the global bench-
sector of the S&P 500 in- back slightly in the week ergy companies to return to according to Goldman Sachs. posted its second consecutive mark, settled up $1.07, or
creased 21% in the first half of ended Tuesday. The U.S. oil earnings growth in the first The relative strength of shares quarterly profit in January, its 1.9%, at $56.70 a barrel. It
last year as investors sought price has been flat this year af- quarter of 2017. across oil companies puts eq- financial results came in still ended the week down 11
safety, before the gains were ter doubling from its lows in The energy sector has been uities “now at risk of disap- sharply below estimates. A cents, or 0.2%, snapping a
nearly halved by the end of the 2016. the biggest drag on the pointment,” the bank said in a Chevron spokesman said the three-week winning streak.
year as the rest of the market Meanwhile, energy stocks broader S&P 500’s earnings February note. company expects earnings to OPEC’s early compliance
improved. U.S. gold prices remain pricey, noted Scott growth for eight consecutive Shares of Exxon Mobil improve this year as it tight- rate came in beyond what
climbed to a two-year high in Wren, senior global equity quarters, according to FactSet. Corp., the world’s largest pub- ens spending and potentially even some of the most bull-
2016 but erased most of those strategist at Wells Fargo In- The sector is expected to re- licly traded oil company, have pulls in more revenue from ish analysts and traders had
gains by year-end. vestment Institute. The sector port earnings contraction fallen 8.6% this year after gain- production growth. expected.
Email: [email protected]
Trade Talk Is
No Spur Yet
Activision’s Game Still Isn’t Over OVERHEARD
Activision Blizzard Inc. told analysts Thursday will They say don’t take plea-
Game Theory
To Inflation has shown there is life be-
yond “Call of Duty”—not
that it is in a big rush to get
Activision Blizzard's annual segment revenue
take the game “back to its
How that will play out re-
sure in the misfortunes of
others, but Wall Street ana-
lysts have been having their
Investors think President there. $3.5 billion Activision mains to be seen. But the fun after Twitter’s dismal
Donald Trump’s tough talk The videogame publisher 3.0 Blizzard strength of “Call of Duty” fourth-quarter results.
on trade will fan inflation. reported earnings for what now lies beyond the unit “Bye Bye Birdie?” asked
But if anything it has so far should have been a difficult 2.5 sales of one particular year. SIG Susquehanna Financial
exerted a cooling effect on year. The latest iteration of Digital expansion packs and Group analysts in the title of
prices. its key franchise—“Call of 2.0 in-game transactions are key a research note that argued
The Labor Department on Duty: Infinite Warfare”—sold areas driving growth at vid- that there was no relief in
Friday said that import poorly relative to expecta- eogame publishers these sight for the ailing social me-
prices rose 0.4% in January tions. Michael Pachter of 1.0 days. The older “Call of dia company.
from December, putting Wedbush estimates revenue Duty: Black Ops 3” generated “Flying South (but Just for
them 3.7% higher than a year from the game fell 30% com- 0.5 strong returns on both for the Winter?)” quipped Citi-
earlier. That gain was due to pared with its predecessor Activision in 2016. And the group, which downgraded
the increase in fuel prices— from the year before. The 0 franchise is a key part of the Twitter to “sell.”
oil averaged about $53 a bar- company was up against a 2010 ’11 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 company’s drive into e- UBS, which also down-
rel last month versus $32 a strong pair of shooters from Source: the company THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. sports, essentially competi- graded the stock, titled its re-
year earlier. Nonfuel imports Electronic Arts, and the new tive gaming leagues, a mar- port, “Can’t Fly With Broken
experienced their third con- space theme of “Infinite year. That came mostly from Diversity bodes well for ket expected to grow to $1.2 Wings.”
secutive monthly decline and Warfare” fell flat with gam- a very strong year at its Bliz- Activision, which long has billion by the end of next Other analysts focused on
were flat on the year. ers and critics alike, drawing zard unit, home to “World of depended on “Call of Duty” year, according to SuperData. Twitter’s inability to capitalize
Some of the deterioration some of the lowest review Warcraft” and its latest hit, for a big chunk of its annual Even with the decline in on President Donald Trump’s
in import prices is due to the scores in the franchise’s his- “Overwatch.” In fact, reve- sales. Because “Infinite War- sales, “Call of Duty: Infinite frequent use of its platform.
strength of the dollar, which tory. nue at Blizzard for the year fare” was the 13th sequel in Warfare” still ranked as the “Trapped…Not Trumped,” de-
despite some weakening Still, Activision managed exceeded that of the Activi- as many years, it is likely top-selling game in the U.S. clared RBC Capital Markets.
over the past month remains to raise consolidated net rev- sion side for the first time that some fatigue has set in. for the year, according to Some of the analysts
above where it was on Elec- enue by nearly 8% for the since the two companies But Activision won’t be rais- NPD. So while Activision made the right call on Twit-
tion Day. Economic weak- year even when excluding merged in 2008. The surpris- ing the white flag on the now has other strong games ter’s stock.
ness, some of it stemming the new contribution of mo- ingly strong results drove up franchise anytime soon. The to load in its clip, “Call of Not so much on their
from worries about Mr. bile-game maker King Digi- Activision’s shares by 19% company has another sequel Duty” still counts as a pretty choice of words.
Trump’s policies, may also tal, which was acquired last Friday. in store this year, which it big bullet. —Dan Gallagher
have played a role.
Yet if Mr. Trump imposes
tariffs or trade restrictions
on certain countries, import
prices will almost certainly
Investors Will Need Patience as Markets Seek Direction
go up. But if those things The experience of 2017 so rates hardly budging. market has been buoyed by waiting for signals from the
start to look more likely, the far in markets suggests Waiting Game The end of this week has evidence of stronger global U.S. on fiscal policy, it has
dollar will probably resume investors will need a quality S&P 500 performance brought new fuel for the growth at the end of 2016 been a dispute about
its push higher. And import that can be in short supply market. Investors have been and the start of 2017, but immigration policy that has
prices would keep falling. in today’s fast-moving world: 2350 waiting for some word from this is likely to have been dominated the headlines.
Worries alone about coming patience. 2325 the new U.S. administration generated by forces and Meanwhile, markets will
trade restrictions would Many popular trades 2300 on a key element of the events that were in play at be vulnerable to any signs
probably dent overseas econ- inspired by the hope of 2275 growth trade: President the start of last year, in that momentum in the
omies. So import prices stronger growth have faced a Donald Trump’s plans for tax particular stimulus from economy is fading. New
could face economic as well test in the opening weeks of 2250 and spending. China. policy measures will take
as currency pressure. the year. 2225 On Thursday, Mr. Trump That makes the handover time to come into effect.
Investors also need to The dollar has weakened, 2200 said there would be a “phe- from monetary policy to Meanwhile, European
weigh the risk of Mr. Trump with the WSJ Dollar Index January February nomenal” tax announcement fiscal policy—one of the politics are heating up, with
and congressional Republi- falling 2.3%. Long-dated Source: WSJ Market Data Group within the next three weeks. factors that has shifted the end of the first quarter
cans moving toward policies government bonds, which That helped the S&P 500 markets away from last and start of the second likely
that would raise import plummeted last year, have gains followed by extended inch up to a record and year’s panic about deflation to see investors’ attention
costs, and then stand down recovered some poise, with periods of sideways motion. pushed both bond yields and toward a focus on rising grabbed by the Dutch and
in the face of resistance from Bank of America Merrill In the past three months, the the dollar up, although they growth and inflation—a French elections.
businesses. That could set Lynch’s index of U.S. S&P 500 has only moved by are still below their recent potentially fragile period. This mix risks more stop-
off turbulence that would Treasurys maturing in 15 more than 1% on one peaks. Politics don’t operate to the and-go action in markets.
make forecasting inflation years or more up 1.3%. occasion—back in December. Still, the market pattern same timetables as monetary The path for stock prices,
even more of a mug’s game Stocks have made Credit markets have been shows the risk of a gap policy and have a multitude bond yields and the dollar
than it already is. headway, but it has been a becalmed, with corporate- emerging between of competing priorities. looks like a bumpy one.
—Justin Lahart jerky process, with swift bond spreads over risk-free expectations and reality. The While investors have been —Richard Barley
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To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
© 2017 Dow Jones & Company. All Rights Reserved. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. The Eollow Monday, February 13, 2017 | R1
“How impo wsj.c e
om/e at
rtan t it was to h x perts
Jonathan ave no subs
stock-mark lz, whose lack of d tantial debt”
et downtu eb
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ssion easi the
m a ke a major tim ething
“I could nt to doing som
commitm y pleasure” lessons
fo r m k guitar emble
purely who too
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Plumeri person e
Patricia lays in a four-
and now
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“How qu ly I left
complet 7-year
in d a 3
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Bill Heit nteers and
v o lu
golfs, other
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“You will
your prere pend 100% of
after you irement income
Steven Fec
more on hner, who spen
tr d
family e avel and recrea s
vents an ti
d medic on,
“My temporary
loss of self-value”
Kevin Blakely, who
found a part-time
position that offered
a mix of purpose and
at just how much they are enjoying retire- income-driven,” she notes. “The feeling of ac- ahead of you. (The hurried person used to be
ment—even if retirement isn’t always what complishment—and the realization that I can me.) Time to play with a child at their pace,
they expected. actually play a guitar—is pretty heady stuff.” and to meander when shopping, instead of
IKE SURPRISES? Retirement—for Of course, change is difficult, and happy power-walking to find the item and get ’er
better and worse—will change The Joys of Taking a Risk endings aren’t guaranteed. But reader after done. Time for slow cooking and to drive a
your life more than you anticipate. Walking away from work, as with any major reader made the same point: Retirement is tai- friend to the airport. Time to ‘waste’ a morn-
That’s the consensus of those transition, can be overwhelming. After all, al- lor-made for a leap in the dark. ing at your first art class, even though you’ll
who should know best: retirees most everything is changing: finances, daily “I thought of hobbies and other interests never sell anything.”
themselves. Recently, as part of a A companion theme was the idea of “con-
discussion in these pages about trol”: retirees discovering that they are in
changes in later life, we asked
readers for help: Tell us what has surprised We asked readers to tell us about the charge of their daily routines—not their boss,
their clients nor their children.
you in retirement. What did the experts ne-
glect to mention? What would you tell would- things they didn’t anticipate when they “The biggest surprise was realizing how
much of our time when working was deter-
be retirees to watch for?
The answer, in short: almost everything. stopped working. They had plenty to say. mined/dictated by someone or something
else,” one couple told us. “In retirement,
The surprises ran the gamut, from the won- though, almost everything we do is because we
derful to the devastating. Many readers told us decided to do it. It’s exhilarating.”
they were surprised that their savings are routines, social networks. As such, some retir- that I was ‘expected’ to do, but in the end did Brian McDonald, a retired pilot in Dillsburg,
holding up just fine, although several said that ees are inclined to stick with the familiar, the something totally different,” notes Bart Corm- Pa., told us his days are filled with an eclectic
household expenses—and Medicare premiums, activities and interests they know best. ier, a retired engineer in Fernandina Beach, mix of projects and chores: working in a small
in particular—have been steeper than they an- But the biggest, and best, surprise in retire- Fla. That “something” is volunteering full time orchard on his property, shopping (“walking
ticipated. ment, according to many readers, is what hap- with children’s programs, college students (as the aisles of deserted stores midmorning dur-
Relationships? Conventional wisdom holds pens when you take risks. More to the point: a mentor), senior home repair and his church. ing the workweek is pure joy”), taking in the
that making friends in later life is difficult, but Trying or learning something new, and risking Even “doing good” involves risks, Mr. Corm- occasional movie matinee and, for good mea-
numerous retirees told us the conventional your time and energy (and perhaps your pride) ier notes. Tasks will come your way that, to sure, building a small airplane. The point: He
wisdom is simply wrong. They also told us, in the process, just might change your life. your thinking, are a waste of your talents—or manages the schedule, rather than vice versa.
however, that they miss being part of a team Patricia Plumeri, age 69 and a retired ac- an affront to your dignity. Mr. Cormier, on “I challenge myself daily with work of my
at work, much more than they imagined. countant, has found a “second career” and more than one occasion, found himself “ad- own choosing,” he notes. “I get satisfaction
Fitness and health? Far from turning into “lifetime occupation” as, improbably, a guitar dressing waste-plumbing systems in homes from a well-built fence or a blemish-free re-
couch potatoes, many readers told us they are player in a four-person ensemble near her that were a phone call away from being con- stored piece of furniture.”
in the best shape of their lives. “I feel better home in South Pasadena, Calif. The seed, she demned.” There’s also a “risk of getting too And the airplane? “The kit came with
than I have in years,” says William Wilson, a explains, was planted during her teenage years committed and not being able to say ‘no,’ ” he 10,000 rivets in a large cardboard box, so I use
doctor who lives in Atlanta and Portland, Ore., in southern England, where she grew up, adds. “The more you do, the more is wanted.” the level of remaining rivets as a thermometer
cycles daily and has lost 40 pounds since retir- watching fledgling bands—the Beatles, the Such hazards, though, tend to pale beside of progress,” Mr. McDonald explains. “At last
ing in mid-2015. “I sleep well at night now, too. Kinks, the Rolling Stones—perform in local the payoffs, he notes. “There’s a deep satisfac- count, I have 9,000 to go.”
What a treat.” music halls. A guitar, she recalls, “seemed to tion from knowing that you have changed
Most wrenching of all: stories of retire- be an instrument that could really express someone else’s life for the better.” Careful Planning Pays Off
ments cut unexpectedly short. “The biggest feelings of joy and sadness.” Financial surprises, not surprisingly, popped
surprise has been mortality,” notes Richard Six months after retiring in 2010—when “I Ah, Free Time at Last up in many of the responses we received. Fre-
Sandaas, a retired engineer and project man- could make a major time commitment [to] do- “My surprise in retirement was discovering quently, a sigh of relief was audible: Nest eggs
ager, in Kirkland, Wash. “My wife took early ing something purely for my pleasure”—she the unexpected luxury of time.” are working as planned. A number of readers
retirement in 2003—and less than 10 years signed up for her first guitar lesson. Progress, That observation, from Vicki Robb, a retired noted that a healthy amount of self-discipline
later passed away. We thought we had many she notes, was painful; hours of practice each real-estate agent in La Jolla, Calif., was echoed before retiring has a bigger impact afterward
years of post-retirement ahead of us.” week left her fingers numb. “I would go to my in dozens of the responses we received. Even than most people realize.
What follows is a closer look at a number of gym and swim in the pool, gently massaging though retirement today, as opposed to 20 or “I’ve lived in the same house since 1972,
these surprises. (You can read a sampling of my left hand to get feeling back into it.” 30 years ago, is seen as more “active”—more keep cars for 10 years, exercise regularly for
the emails we received at Today, her group (which includes her hus- “purpose-filled”—many readers told us that good health and, basically, live within my
port and look for “Readers’ Biggest Retirement band, also retired, on bass) plays two hours “active” isn’t mandatory. That it’s fine simply means,” says Rick Abell, a retired engineer who
Surprises.”) On balance, at least from those weekly. Performing in public, at least for the to…chill. divides his time between Colorado and Ohio. If
who wrote to us, there has been more joy than moment, isn’t part of the plan. But other re- Ms. Robb, for one, says there is now “time “you want to have a comfortable retirement,
pain, more satisfaction than frustration. In- wards suffice. to take an extra moment to exchange pleasant- sacrifices are necessary while working.”
deed, most readers told us they are surprised “I wanted something in my life that wasn’t ries, and time to let someone in a hurry go Please turn to the next page
The Key to Saving More The ‘Nanny Tax’ The Benefits of New Thinking About an Q&A on New Fafsa Movies to Watch About
Research suggests policy Everything employers need Double Majors? Old Tool Timetable Retirement
makers should consider to know about the tax One study says that Younger retirees could College applicants can These films give viewers
making retirement accounts governing household the advantage is less than benefit from using reverse- apply earlier for financial aid an inspiring message
more restrictive. employees. many people believe. mortgage lines of credit. than in the past. for later life.
R2 R4 R4 R5 R9 R10
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R2 | Monday, February 13, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
with a 10% penalty if you with- and IRAs, according to data Commitment devices if you don’t follow the plan,
draw the money within the from the Investment Company The pull of immediate grati- and finding another person
first year. The third account Institute, a trade group. Those fication is reflected in the data who can enforce the penalty if
prohibits withdrawals within types of accounts come with a from existing 401(k) accounts. you break your promise to
the first year. 10% tax penalty if funds are Consider 401(k) cash outs, yourself. (There also are web-
How would you allocate the study, the researchers offered goals and what they actually withdrawn before a person which occur when people liq- sites that can help you do
$5,000? Economic theory pre- people only two accounts to are saving. turns 59½ years old. (Of uidate their retirement ac- this.)
dicts that most people, not choose from: the account with course, these retirement sav- counts before they reach re- However you create it, a
wanting to limit access to no withdrawal restrictions and Protection from yourself ings accounts offer tax bene- tirement age. Research from commitment device makes it
their own money, would put a single restricted account. To understand why, you fits, so the source of their pop- Aon Hewitt, a human-re- possible to leverage your dis-
the entire amount in the unre- They now allocated nearly half need to understand what ac- ularity is multidimensional.) sources consulting firm, shows like of losses to increase your
stricted account. of their money to the re- counts for the appeal of re- This latest research suggests that among people changing chances of future success.
However, a new working stricted account. What’s more, stricted accounts. One piece of that it might be possible for jobs, about one-third keep Sometimes, the best way to
paper (by John Beshears, the amount of money they al- evidence comes from a similar, lawmakers to make retirement their 401(k) account at the boost self-control is to ac-
James Choi, Christopher Har- located increased with the older field study of Filipino accounts even more restric- original employer, one-third knowledge how little we have.
ris, David Laibson, Brigitte level of restrictiveness. They households: After one year, the tive—and increase retirement roll over the account into an
Madrian and Jung Sakong), even allocated money to the Filipino families that chose to savings—without reducing the IRA and another third liqui- Dr. Benartzi, a frequent
suggests the opposite—that restricted account when it of- use a restricted account in- appeal of such accounts to con- date it. contributor to the Journal
people actually prefer putting fered a lower interest rate creased their savings by 337% sumers. In the Beshears study, While people liquidate their Report, is a professor and
some of their money into ac- than the unrestricted one. compared with a control group. for instance, accounts with a accounts for a variety of rea- co-head of the behavioral de-
counts with severe restric- In other words, restricted They saved more because they 10% penalty were less desirable sons—some need the money, cision-making group at UCLA
tions. When these researchers accounts are so appealing that weren’t able to spend; the re- than accounts with a 20% pen- others just find liquidation Anderson School of Manage-
asked a sample of Americans people appear to be willing to strictions were a necessary alty, which were less desirable easier than rolling it over—the ment. Dr. Beshears is an as-
the same question posed give up money just to get one. protection against the usual than accounts that prohibited vast majority of workers come sistant professor of business
above, approximately 80% put And that willingness holds im- failures of self-control. early withdrawals altogether. to regret that decision. One administration at Harvard
at least some of their money portant clues to ways individ- The same logic applies to These people seemed to realize recent survey by Warren Business School. David Laib-
in one of the two accounts uals, lawmakers and institu- the American subjects in the that a 10% early-withdrawal Cormier of the Boston Re- son, chairman of the depart-
that made it much more costly tions may be able to close the Beshears study. Many of the penalty wouldn’t be sufficient search Group found that ap- ment of economics at Har-
(if not impossible) to with- gap between what experts say people who chose to allocate protection for their savings: proximately 80% of people vard University, contributed
draw the funds early. people should be saving for re- money to the restricted ac- they needed stronger restric- who liquidated their last re- to this article. Email them at
In another version of the tirement and other financial counts were aware of their tions to keep their savings safe. tirement account regretted the [email protected].
Among them: much to his surprise. “It never occurred to me Finally, reader after reader told us that, de- the people you spend time with,” he says.
• Travel and recreation. “Instead of a to think about marrying again,” he notes. But spite concerns to the contrary, they are finding “What I found remarkable is that, in a commu-
yearly trip, now you take two or more.” he credits his wife-to-be with “saving me from new friends in retirement. nity full of extremely successful retirees, very
giving up.” The two have “Maybe the biggest surprise was the change few talk about their careers. People here are fo-
known each other since in my social life,” says Erika Lockhart, a for- cused on each other and in learning new skills
the 1960s. mer fire investigator in Albany, Calif. Her work and exploring new adventures. What a life!”
“She and my wife had typically had involved long hours, and, after
been friends all those retiring, “I was feeling isolated,” she recalls. Mr. Ruffenach is a former reporter and editor
years, so my wife is still Her solution: She organized two meetup for The Wall Street Journal and former editor
part of our life,” Mr. groups—a walking group and a cooking group, of the paper’s “Encore” retirement reports. He
Sears notes. “Her name both of which have been active for two to can be reached at [email protected].
comes up often and com-
“I feel better than I And Mr. Sandaas, after
have in years” his wife died, eventually The Journal Report welcomes REPRINTS AVAILABLE
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, February 13, 2017 | R3
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That may be especially triplets. He said he hadn’t realized the worker qualified as an
true, the thinking goes, if a employee. He also said he recently paid the federal taxes and
student can combine a promised to take care of everything else owed. Mr. Puzder,
higher-paying degree in sci- chief executive of CKE Restaurants, didn’t pay taxes for an un-
ence, technology, engineer- documented worker he employed as a housekeeper for a few
ing or math (STEM) with the years but did so after he was nominated, a spokesman for the
creative and cultural benefits trying to get credentials. WSJ: What combination Great Recession when wages executive said recently. Mr. Puzder said he had been unaware
that come from a liberal-arts That led to the question: Is earned the most money? were stagnant. The second the housekeeper wasn’t legally permitted to work in the U.S.
education. there really is any merit to DR. DEL ROSSI: Generally the paper used data from 2010. In the past, nanny-tax-related issues have cost prominent
But a recent paper pub- spreading yourself so thin? highest paying majors are We wondered whether the figures their chance to serve in high-profile jobs. What happens
lished in the Journal of Ben- within STEM fields or in- versatility and skills associ- with the Mulvaney and Puzder nominations remains to be
efit-Cost Analysis casts WSJ: What did you find? clude STEM as one of the ated with a double major seen. But tax experts say many readers should pay attention
doubt on that thinking. DR. HERSCH: We found majors. But the combination protect against recessionary whether or not they dream of landing a top job in Washington.
Part of the problem, the some evidence that certain of liberal arts and STEM pressure. I don’t think they It can be dangerous for employers to assume they won’t get
study’s authors say, is that combinations of double ma- fields don’t have higher esti- did. caught. For example, trouble sometimes erupts when employ-
while double-majoring is jors confer advantages over mated returns than for sin-
fairly common (at about a single major, but they gle STEM or double-STEM WSJ: Do you think it makes
20%, according to the 2010 weren’t overwhelming. For majors. sense to double major?
National Survey of College example, there is some sup- DR. HERSCH: Students who
Graduates) most double ma- port to the notion that being WSJ: Were there gender dif- double major don’t take lon-
jors are in related areas that able to look at problems ferences when it came to ger to graduate, so the costs
provide limited educational from different perspectives earnings? associated with double-ma-
0 0
THE GAME PLAN 1999 2004 2009 2014 1999 2004 2009 2014
A LOT OF REAL ESTATE, NOT ENOUGH SAVINGS ers and employees part ways. Nevertheless, the number of
people who file the Internal Revenue Service’s “Schedule H” for
household employment taxes has fallen sharply. The nanny tax
“appears to have fallen off the compliance radar screen” for
Allen Wittert and Celia Dyer own two many taxpayers, says Martin Hall, a partner at the Ropes &
homes and are considering buying a Gray law firm in Boston and head of its private client group.
third. But does tying up more of their Ignorance of the law may play a role in noncompliance. Peo-
assets in real estate make financial ple who hire household workers for the first time may not be
sense? aware of all the rules, such as how to define a household “em-
Last year, the couple and their two ployee,” says Guy Maddalone, founder and chief executive offi-
children, ages 10 and 14, moved to cer of GTM Payroll Services Inc. and author of “How to Hire a
Houston where Ms. Dyer began a new Nanny: A Household HR Handbook.”
job as a business analyst for a software Here’s a suggestion for busy people who want to comply
company. Mr. Wittert, 51, is a painter but can’t stand all the time-consuming paperwork hassles:
who sells his work through a network of Turn to a professional company, such as GTM or many others,
galleries. He also freelances for ad agen- to handle the job. For the do-it-yourself crowd, keep in mind
cies. The couple’s combined wages are that the rules “can be tricky” and include important exceptions,
about $210,000 a year. Mr. Wittert’s says Greg Rosica, a tax partner at Ernst & Young LLP in
monthly’ earnings vary greatly but aver- Tampa, Fla., and a contributor to the “EY Tax Guide.”
age about $3,000. Here are a few key points:
Originally from South Africa, the cou- Nanny tax rules apply to household “employees,” but not
pled moved to London in 1994, buying a “independent contractors.” What’s the difference? “The worker
flat for £93,000 (about $116,000 at cur- is your employee if you can control not only what work is done,
rent rates). Six years later, they moved Since Celia Dyer and Allen Wittert have assets that are mostly illiquid, an adviser but how it is done,” the IRS says in Publication 926. “If only
to Connecticut, where they bought a suggests they build up a six-month emergency cash reserve. the worker can control how the work is done, the worker isn’t
house in which they lived for 14 years. your employee but is self-employed. A self-employed worker
Before winding up in Houston, they also umbrella insurance. signed for self-employed people. He usually provides his or her own tools and offers services to the
lived in San Francisco, where they con- Ms. Dyer has a 401(k) from a former should try to invest at least $6,500 an- general public in an independent business.”
sidered buying a home but were priced employer worth about $170,000. The nually, Ms. Keener says, though he could Also, if an agency provides the worker and controls what
out of the market, Ms. Dyer says. couple also has an investment account invest as much as $15,500. work is done and how, “the worker isn’t your employee.”
They kept the two homes mainly for worth $15,000, a savings account with Saving for retirement and college Generally, for 2016 and 2017, an employer needs to pay
the rental income, which they believe $15,000 and a 529 college-savings ac- would be ideal, but if that isn’t possible, Social Security and Medicare taxes for “cash wages” of
could be useful when they retire. Ms. Dyer, count worth $19,000. They contribute Ms. Keener recommends prioritizing an $2,000 or more paid to any one employee. Cash wages refer
who is 47, adds she is a bit leery of finan- $500 monthly to the investment ac- emergency fund and saving for retire- to checks, money orders and the like. They don’t include “the
cial markets. The house in Connecticut is count and $300 to the 529. ment. “There are many ways to finance value of food, lodging, clothing, transit passes and other non-
now worth about $400,000 and rents for college, but not retirement,” she says. cash items you give your household employee.” But cash given
$2,700 a month. The flat in London is ADVICE FROM A PRO: Jean Keener Once they build their emergency fund to an employee in place of those items counts as cash wages.
valued at the equivalent of about of Keller, Texas-based Keener Financial and boost retirement savings, they should Don’t count wages paid to your spouse or your child un-
$385,000 and rents for about $1,250. Planning, suggests the couple build up see how much is left over for housing. der 21, the IRS says. Wages paid to your parent typically don’t
The two properties have big expenses. their cash reserves and retirement ac- Property taxes and insurance must be apply, either, although there are exceptions.
The couple pays $1,700 a month to cover counts before buying another home. part of their calculation. She recommends Don’t count wages paid to an employee under 18 at any
the mortgage and a home-equity line on “A lot of their assets are illiquid, which refinancing the mortgages to a fixed rate time during the year, unless providing household services is
the Connecticut home. They owe poses some risk,” says Ms. Keener. With before interest rates rise again. “the employee’s principal occupation,” the IRS says. If the em-
$205,000 on the mortgage and $61,000 real estate they earn income from rent, but They should also determine the true ployee is a student, “providing household services isn’t consid-
on the home-equity line. Both loans have they can’t immediately access the principal, cost of the rental properties they own, ac- ered to be his or her principal occupation.”
floating rates, resetting annually. the capital invested in the property. counting for nonrecurring expenses, like For details on how much to pay and on the federal unem-
For the London apartment, they pay She recommends increasing their vacancies, repairs and maintenance costs ployment tax, known as FUTA, see Table 1 on page 4 of Publi-
£360 a month for two mortgages whose emergency fund to six months of living over time. They should try to predict the cation 926. Table 2 has a handy household employer’s checklist
rates reset annually. One loan is interest expenses or $50,000 in cash on hand. lifetime return on the properties and com- of what to do for those with a household employee.
only. They have about six years of pay- The couple should be able to put away pare that with what they are likely to Ask your state unemployment-tax agency for the rules on
ments left on about $75,000 in remain- between $1,000 and $2,000 each earn in an investment account. state unemployment tax. Also check out the rules on other
ing debt. They also pay about $190 a month. They should closely look at their “If the properties appreciate at 4%, state employment taxes or requirements for workers’ compen-
month to maintain and insure the apart- budget, identifying any missing items total return, including income and appre- sation insurance.
ment. and rethinking discretionary spending. ciation, would be about 7%. That might Don’t focus solely on tax issues. Make sure you have ar-
They have no credit-card debt. But The monthly contributions to the emer- be comparable to a liquid stock and bond ranged for all the proper insurance coverage needed to protect
other monthly expenses include: $3,000 gency fund should be automatically with- portfolio,” she says. If they decide to sell you and people working in your home, says Mr. Hall of Ropes
in rent; $250 on utilities; $1,700 on gro- drawn. their real-estate holdings, she advises & Gray. “There’s an awful lot more to this than just filling out
ceries; $1,400 eating out; $600 on a pri- Ms. Dyer should open a new 401(k) putting the profit toward retirement, not tax forms. Shortcuts can prove expensive,” he warns.
vate school; $285 to finance a second and maximize her contributions, investing buying another property.
car, on which about $16,000 is still $1,500 a month. Mr. Wittert, too, should Mr. Herman is a writer in New York City. He was formerly The
owed; $150 on gas; and about $1,100 on save for retirement in a tax-advantaged Ms. Ward is a writer in Mendham, N.J. Wall Street Journal’s Tax Report columnist. Send your comments
policies for health, car, home, rental and account, mostly likely a Simple IRA de- Email her at [email protected]. and tax questions to [email protected]. Please include
your full name, address and phone number in case we need to
contact you to get more details about your question.
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.
To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, February 13, 2017 | R5
New Thinking
About an Old Tool
Financial experts say younger
retirees—starting at age 62—
could benefit from using reverse-
mortgage lines of credit
the credit line grows over
time, by amounts tied to the
course of interest rates, and
RISING INTEREST rates could the unused portion can be
make reverse-mortgage lines converted to a substantial
of credit more appealing to monthly income years later.
younger retirees. And today, with inflation and
A reverse mortgage is a interest rates widely expected
type of loan taken against eq- to rise, these credit lines could
uity in a home, available to be particularly valuable.
borrowers who are at least 62. “Now is an exceptionally
It requires no monthly pay- good time to be considering
ments, with interest charges adding a [reverse-mortgage]
instead added to the loan bal- credit line to the retirement
ance and paid only after the blueprint,” says Shelley Gior-
homeowner sells or dies. The dano, chair of the Funding
loan can be taken as a lump Longevity Task Force at the
sum or as monthly income, or American College of Financial tapping into the line of credit Another proponent is Jack wishes to leave a home free verted to a monthly income of
as a line of credit, with no in- Services. Interest rates are when needed can substantially M. Guttentag, professor emeri- and clear [of debt] to their nearly $5,000—less if any of
terest charges on unused low, which increases the credit improve the long-term sus- tus of finance at the Wharton heirs,” says Steven Klein, re- the credit has been used—
amounts. limit on reverse mortgages, tainability of a retirement-in- School of the University of verse-mortgage director with based on standard industry
Many homeowners wait un- she notes, and if rates rise come portfolio, meaning you Pennsylvania, who provides in- AmCap Mortgage, in Green- formulas. If interest rates go
til well beyond 62 to take a re- over the life of the loan, that can make your money last lon- formation on mortgages on his ville, S.C. higher, the credit line would
verse mortgage, because gen- will add to the growth of the ger,” says Jamie Hopkins, as- education website, the Mort- But over many years, the be larger; if they fall, it
erally the older the borrower credit line. Since interest rates sociate professor of taxation gage Professor. “It’s a can’t- credit line can grow to be wouldn’t grow as much.
is the more he or she will be tend to rise alongside infla- at the American College of Fi- miss deal,” so long as the bor- quite large, especially if inter- Taking a credit line at an
qualified to borrow. tion, the growing line of credit nancial Services. rower can resist plundering est rates rise. Here’s how it early age could also mitigate
In recent years, though, would provide an inflation The strategy—called a the credit line for nonessen- works: These credit lines carry the danger of the home’s value
more financial advisers have hedge, she says. standby reverse mortgage, or tials, he says. adjustable interest rates that falling, a decline that would
warmed up to the idea of SRM, by some—has been typically reset every month or reduce the amount of credit
homeowners taking a reverse- Running the numbers pushed in financial journals by Not for everyone every year. Once the initial available through a reverse
mortgage line of credit when “Research has shown that a number of academics, start- The chief downside: Sums credit limit is set—based on mortgage taken later. And the
they are as young as 62, as a setting up a line of credit as ing with a 2012 paper by Barry taken through any reverse interest rates, the home- credit line grows regardless of
way to boost their nest egg. soon as possible, age 62, in or- H. Sacks, a tax attorney in San mortgage, including any owner’s age, the home’s value changes in the home’s value. If
The key to this strategy is that der to let it grow and only Francisco, and his brother Ste- amount actually borrowed and its location—it grows each the home’s value soars, the
phen R. Sacks, a professor through a line of credit, re- year by the current interest homeowner could scrap the
emeritus of economics at the duce the equity available for rate on the loan plus 1.25 per- old credit line and take out a
Tapping Equity University of Connecticut. other purposes—like moving centage points, which is the new, larger one against the
The number of home-equity conversion mortgages made since the They recommend drawing to another home or buying loan’s annual mortgage-insur- higher value.
program's inception, for each fiscal year ended Sept. 30. HECMs are from the credit line when in- into an assisted-care facility— ance charge. “A reverse-mortgage line of
reverse mortgages insured by the Federal Housing Administration vestments like stocks and or for the homeowner’s heirs. For example, FirstBank, a credit can be a saving grace
and account for nearly all reverse mortgages made. bonds are down, so the home- Also, the fees to set up a re- lender in Birmingham, Ala., of- for the baby boomers who
owner enjoys a steady income verse mortgage can be steep— fers a 62-year-old borrower simply do not have enough re-
120 thousand and gives other investments roughly $9,000, for instance, with a $400,000 home in the tirement savings” if home eq-
time to recover, allowing them for a line of credit of about Philadelphia suburbs a credit uity is ignored, Prof. Hopkins
100 to last longer. $200,000 in the example be- line starting at $200,668, at an says. “If home equity is incor-
They said the strategy was low—and erode the equity in initial rate of 5.70%—a 4.45% porated more strategically in
80 successful in 1,000 Monte the home if they are financed interest rate on the loan plus the future, we will see vast
Carlo simulations, which run through the credit line. the 1.25% insurance charge. If improvements in the financial
60 calculations over and over “It may not be best for a the interest rate doesn’t security of retirees.”
while varying key factors like short-term play” because of change, the credit line will
40 interest rates and investment the time it will take for the grow 5.70% a year, reaching Mr. Brown is a writer in
returns. Not only did it im- growth of the credit line to more than $600,000 in 20 Livingston, Mont. He can be
20 prove the borrower’s chances offset the fees, “or if one years. It could then be con- reached at [email protected].
157 of enjoying steady income to
an advanced age, it could also
1990 ’95 2000 ’05 ’10 ’15 produce a larger income along
Source: National Reverse Mortgage Lenders Association THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. the way, they reported.
The One
early employee or co-founder of two compa-
nies that were acquired. The sales of those
companies, he says, netted him several mil- An adviser suggests Jeff Tennery look into a
lion dollars. higher-deductible insurance plan.
Those sales didn’t prompt him to retire or
to spend lavishly. Rather, after the first sale, a senior financial planner and managing direc-
about 14 years ago, Mr. Tennery and his wife, tor at Altfest Personal Wealth Management in
Denise, moved their young family from New New York.
York City to Charlottesville. They liked the
lower cost of living. They also like Virginia’s
colleges. “We’re frugal,” he says.
With the five children ages 9 to 20,
there’s no shortage of expenses. The cell-
phone bill is about $500 a month. Mr.
Tennery says his company doesn’t yet offer
Mr. Palazzo says the premiums seem high
and he recommends checking the price of a
higher-deductible plan in conjunction with a
health-savings account. Mr. Palazzo recom-
mends seeing whether the higher deductible
can be more than offset by lower premiums.
Mr. Tennery should also remember that
with Impact
health insurance so he is paying about contributions to HSAs are tax deductible and
$1,800 a month for coverage for his family. that earnings grow tax-deferred. In addition, Sustainability pioneer S&P DJI offers an array of
The insurance has a $2,000 deductible, but withdrawals may be tax-free if used for quali-
with someone in the family always sick, fied medical expenses. indices based on independently researched ESG
breaking a bone or having some other minor “It’s a shame Mr. Tennery isn’t taking ad- factors. As institutional investors unite with
health issue, they reach the deductible vantage of his 401(k),” Mr. Palazzo says. He
quickly, he says. suggests that Mr. Tennery check with his ac- policy makers under one PRI — the Principles for
“The cost of health care is absolutely my countant to see whether it makes sense to
biggest pain point,” he says. contribute and then compensate by making
Responsible Investment — we elevate long-term
While Ms. Tennery works full time looking larger withdrawals from his cash accounts, if thinking for a better, more sustainable world.
after the family and household, Mr. Tennery he can afford it from a five- to seven-year
gets a roughly $90,000 salary from Moon- cash-flow standpoint.
lighting—far lower than what he was earning Having seven years of living expenses in
at prior jobs. cash may be a “bit more conservative than
He has less than $1 million saved in his necessary,” Mr. Palazzo says. If Mr. Tennery’s
401(k) and 529 college-saving plans for the
children. About 70% of that money is in-
risk tolerance allows, he might consider put-
ting half of that money into a mix of high-
vested in stock mutual funds, 20% is in-
vested in bond mutual funds and the remain-
quality, shorter-term bonds and inflation-in-
dexed bonds.
impact investing
ing 10% is in cash. Mr. Tennery also has Mr. Tennery also should check the asset al-
seven years’ worth of family expenses saved locations of the 529 accounts. The accounts
in cash to help supplement his salary. for the children at or approaching college age
The family has no credit-card debt and al- should be “quite conservative,” Mr. Palazzo
most owns their home outright. says. Moreover, he says, a greater share of
Mr. Tennery hopes the business will break the assets can be placed in accounts for the © S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC, a division of S&P Global 2017. All rights reserved. S&P® and Indexology ® are
even this year. He also hopes he’ll eventually older children as unused portions can be registered trademarks of Standard & Poor’s Financial Services LLC. Dow Jones ® is a registered trademark
be able to increase his salary, offer health in- transferred to the younger children. of Dow Jones Trademark Holdings LLC. The Dow Jones Sustainability Indices are published by S&P DJI
surance to his employees and start saving with RobecoSAM AG. It is not possible to invest directly in an index. S&P Dow Jones Indices receives
for retirement again. Ms. Dagher is a reporter for The Wall Street compensation for licensing its indices to third parties. S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC does not make investment
Journal in New York and host of the Watching recommendations and does not endorse, sponsor, promote or sell any investment product or fund.
ADVICE FROM A PRO: “The health insur- Your Wealth podcast. Email
ance is a significant issue,” says Paul Palazzo, [email protected].
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R6 | Monday, February 13, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
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R8 | Monday, February 13, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
Be the breakthrough. ™
Castle Financial Al Procaccino II • 2013 and 2017 Five Star Bryan Landadio
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The Five Star Wealth Manager award, administered by Crescendo Business Services, LLC (dba Five Star Professional), is based on 10 objective criteria. Eligibility criteria – required: 1. Credentialed as a registered investment adviser or a registered investment adviser representative; 2. Active as a credentialed professional in the
financial services industry for a minimum of 5 years; 3. Favorable regulatory and complaint history review (As defined by Five Star Professional, the wealth manager has not: A. Been subject to a regulatory action that resulted in a license being suspended or revoked, or payment of a fine; B. Had more than a total of three
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to 1,985 Connecticut wealth managers were considered for the award; 417 (22 percent of candidates) were named 2016 Five Star Wealth Managers. 3,868 New Jersey wealth managers were considered for the award; 664 (18 percent of candidates) were named 2017 Five Star Wealth Managers.
641 Westchester wealth managers were considered for the award; 149 (24 percent of candidates) were named 2016 Five Star Wealth Managers.
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R10 | Monday, February 13, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
These films give viewers an inspiring message for later life GETTING A PIECE
What are some good movies
about retirement? Can you point
“Up” (2009) and “Toy Story 3”
(2010). Two animated gems from Dis- OF VC-BACKED
to some films that offer an inspir-
ing message about later life?
ney’s Pixar about letting go of the past
and embracing the future.
Investing in late-stage venture-
Films about retirement and ag- Redemption capital-backed companies can be
ing, despite Hollywood’s obsession “Tender Mercies” (1983) and “Crazy an attractive proposition because
with youth, have enjoyed a good deal of success. Heart” (2009). In each, an aging, down- of the return potential.
The common thread seems to be characters who and-out musician turns his life and work However, the general attitude
are both resilient and defiant, women and men around. Academy Awards for, respec- around the venture-capital market
who refuse to go gentle into that good night. tively, Robert Duvall and Jeff Bridges. these days is one of relative cau-
Among the best: “Birdman” (2014). Michael Keaton tion. Even companies with suc-
plays a washed-up actor trying to resus- cessful track records are being
Drama citate his career on Broadway. (The film asked for evidence of how fast
“The Lion in Winter” (1968). An inspired les- proved to be something of a real-life they’re growing before being
son in how not to transfer a family business from comeback for Mr. Keaton.) awarded additional funding. The
one generation to the next. Peter O’Toole, as an result: It can be hard for investors
aging King Henry II, spars with his calculating Road Trips to identify good opportunities.
queen, played by Katharine Hepburn, over which of “Harry and Tonto” (1974). Art Car- In ‘Still Alice,’ Alec Baldwin and Julianne Moore play a Still, the space remains viable
their three sons will inherit the throne. ney is a widower and retired teacher couple dealing with the wife’s Alzheimer’s diagnosis. and potentially valuable—espe-
“On Golden Pond” (1981). Henry Fonda is a re- who, in a journey across the country cially given the low returns on
tired college professor grappling with his mortality (with his cat in tow), meets many of the challenges fore you reach 65, the Social Security Administra- fixed income. Instead of trying to
and with his estranged daughter, played by Jane and disappointments common to later life with un- tion (which handles Medicare applications) will au- invest in individual companies, I
Fonda. But the film belongs to the older Fonda and common grace and humor. tomatically enroll you in Medicare Part A (and Part would look at some of the ven-
Katharine Hepburn, who plays his indomitable wife. “The Straight Story” (1999). Alvin Straight, B) when you hit that age. Most people, if they ture-capital funds available today.
“Unforgiven” (1992) and “Gran Torino” played by Richard Farnsworth, is an elderly vet- have paid Medicare taxes while working, don’t have These funds tend to be lim-
(2008). Clint Eastwood stars in and directs both eran in Iowa who is determined to visit his ailing to pay a monthly premium for Part A, which covers ited-partnership funds available to
films. Two men—a retired gunman in the former, brother in Wisconsin—and drives a riding lawn hospital expenses. accredited investors, or those with
an aging Korean War veteran in the latter—who mower to get there. A journey of atonement. Second, if you aren’t collecting Social Security a net worth of at least $1 million
have lost their sense of purpose find it again in “About Schmidt” (2002). What happens when and you retire before turning 65, and if you have (excluding the value of their pri-
frightening fashion. you lose everything that has defined you? Jack retiree health insurance through your former em- mary residence) or income of at
Nicholson, as a newly retired (and newly ployer, you will need to enroll in Medicare at 65. least $200,000 a year for the
widowed) insurance actuary, has no job, Your retiree plan will become a “secondary payer” past two years ($300,000 com-
no wife and no purpose. What he does and Medicare will become your primary insurance. bined if married). They also must
have is a 35-foot Winnebago, which car- Third, if you aren’t collecting Social Security at have the expectation to make the
ries him toward a new life. 65 and you’re still employed and have a group same amount this year.
“Nebraska” (2013). Funny and pain- health plan, your employer might require that you These funds, run by firms with
ful. Bruce Dern plays an aging crank sign up for Medicare. extensive experience in late-stage
who is convinced that he has won a $1 Fourth: You’re 65, no Social Security benefits, VC and access to high-profile op-
million sweepstakes and has his son still working, have a group health plan, and your portunities, can provide the higher
drive him 900 miles, to Lincoln, Neb., to employer doesn’t require that you enroll in Medi- growth potential individual inves-
collect his winnings. Difficulties and dis- care. In this case, there’s no outside mandate to tors want, along with the portfolio
coveries ensue. sign up for Part A. But there’s a good reason to do diversification they really need.
so. If you need hospital care, your work insurance That said, these funds aren’t
Love and Loss might not cover all expenses. In which case, you for everyone. Late-stage venture
“Away From Her” (2006); “Amour” could turn to Part A, which would act as a second- capitalists typically look for a two-
(2012); “Still Mine” (2012) and “Still Al- ary payer. to four-year time horizon, so in-
ice” (2014). Four unflinching films about All that said, there is a caveat, notes Philip vestors must be willing to tie up
how illness (mental and physical) can play Moeller, author of “Get What’s Yours for Medi- their money for the near future.
‘On Golden Pond’ features Henry Fonda as a retired professor havoc with aging lives and relationships— care.” A person enrolled in Medicare can’t contrib- Also, not all of these funds are
grappling with his mortality and estranged daughter. and how individuals are able to rise above ute to a health savings account, a tax-advantaged equal. Many have high fees and
their suffering. vehicle that can be used to pay for health-care ex- costs, poor investment execution
Comedy/Fantasy penses. If you have an HSA, and wish to keep and limited, if any, upside. As
i i i
“Cocoon” (1985). Retirement meets science fic- funding it, you’ll need to decide: sign up for Part A, such, investors need to research
tion. With help from some affable aliens, a listless I’m about to turn 65. Am I required to sign up for or stick with your HSA. them thoroughly.
group of retirees find their mojo in this Ron How- Medicare Part A?
ard film. Mr. Ruffenach is a former reporter and editor for Mr. Boyd is managing partner
“Lost in America” (1985). How early retirement You might be. But even if you aren’t, you might The Wall Street Journal and co-author of “The Wall of ClearPath Capital Partners in
can go wrong—and how a nest egg can disappear benefit from doing so. Street Journal Complete Retirement Guidebook.” You San Francisco. He can be
in a single night. Writer, director and actor Albert There are several possible scenarios here. First, can email questions and comments to reached at [email protected].
Brooks at his best. if you begin collecting Social Security benefits be- [email protected].
Call (800)454-9272 or
visit to learn more.
Advisory services are provided by TD Ameritrade Investment Management, LLC, a registered investment advisor. All investments involve risk,
including risk of loss. TD Ameritrade, Inc., member FINRA/SIPC. © 2017 TD Ameritrade.