Final Grading

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In the end of the academic year, a student had the final levels of achievement in each criterion:

1. Determining the Best fit

Name: Inosse Wilson Chavane

Criterion 1st summative 2nd Summative 3rd Summative Best Fit

A 5 5 6 6
B 4 6 6 6
C 3 4 5 4
D 5 7 7 7

The best take in consideration, various factor, such as the patterns of the data, expected level and
how well the teacher knows the student in class and even outside the class, as the external factors
such as emotional state of the student may affect the student performance in the summative.

2. Determining the Overall level of Achievement (OLA) also known as final grade.

To Determine the OLA, we take in consideration that the maximum level of achievement for
each Criterion is 8. As we have 4 Criterions (A, B, C and D) the Sum of the maximum level of
achievement of all the criterion is 32.

This 32, is divided in boundaries, where each boundary reflects the final grading. The following
table shows how the Level of achievements are converted into the final grade as well as the

So, how do we determine the final grade for Inosse Wilson Chavane?

To determine the final grade or OLA for this student, we sum the best fit of all the criterion, and
the result is compared with the IB boundaries.

So: looking at the best fit for Inosse Wilson Chavane we have: 6+6+4+7 =23

23 is the interval for grade 5 according the IB boundaries guidelines, hence, the final grade for
this student is 5.

Notice: Observe that on this case, because the difference between grade 5 to grade 6 for this
student is just one (1), the teacher may face some hard times to explain to the student why the
final grade is a 5 not a 6.

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