CLIL Lesson Plan-Alexander

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Methodology, Resources, and Assessment in Bilingual Education


I. Contextualization II. Content Learning Aim

Subject: Biology Level: First Grade of Compulsory Secondary

⇒ To learn the different characteristics that
Education (1º ESO)
define a living being.
Unit 1: Life on Earth School Name: I.E.S Ciudad Jardín, Badajoz ⇒ To understand the three main vital
Contents: (continuing) Agents Involved: Twenty CLIL Students and functions of the living beings.
⇒ Living Beings the CLIL Teacher ⇒ To identify the main elements of the composition of a living being.
⇒ Characteristics ⇒ To use different ICTs to investigate and expand knowledge about the
Timing of the Course: Second Term
⇒ Vital Functions characteristics of living things.
Timing of the Session: 55 minutes
⇒ Composition

III. Language Learning Aims

§ Vocabulary:
⇒ To acquire specific vocabulary about the contents of the unit to express orally and written knowledge, such as living beings, functions, composition, nutrition, reproduction,
interaction, autotroph, heterotrophic, sexual, asexual, prokaryotes, eukaryotes, biomolecules, water, mineral salt, carbohydrates, lipids, facts, proteins, DNA, bioelements,
carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, animals, and vegetables.
§ Grammar Points:
⇒ To practice the simple present when describing and talking about the living beings.
⇒ To build positive, negative statements, and Wh-questions using the auxiliary “do” in the simple present.
⇒ To drill the passive voice when explaining some concepts. (e.g. living beings are made up cells.)
§ Communicative Functions:
⇒ To develop oral and written skills in order to describe the main characteristics, functions, and composition of the living beings.
⇒ To promote self-confidence by allowing students to express their ideas, giving examples, and discussing among each other.
⇒ To encourage students on teamwork and development of critical thinking and creativity when doing a task.

By J Alexander Oporta Barrera

Methodology, Resources, and Assessment in Bilingual Education

IV. Competences Analysis V. Development (A 55-minute session)

⇒ Greet all students and review about the content (living beings:
Key Competences to be Students will develop these competences by… characteristics, functions, and composition), objectives, and
activities for the lesson.
• Expressing their ideas and points of
view about the characteristics and main ⇒ Write on the board the following question: What
1. Linguistic functions of the living beings.
Communication (LC) do you know what are living beings?
• Interacting in the English language
when doing some activities in the ⇒ Ask students to provide some ideas and write them on the board in order to
form a brainstorming graph.
• Discussing about the composition of
living beings and describing their ⇒ Show to students the main characteristics of the living beings by a Power
different biological elements. Point Presentation. (that contains graphs, images, key ideas/words, and sentence
2. Science and Technology
• Using text editors such as Power Point,
Competences (STC) structures.
data show, internet, computers, and
other technological sources to support ⇒ Show to students a video about the three main functions of the living beings.
the teaching and learning process.
• Creating digital sources to present a task (in English with English Subtitles)
(Power Point, Concept Map Creator, ⇒ (click on the link)
3. Digital Competence among others.)
(DC) • Presenting and explaining basic ⇒ Ask students to write down key words and phrases from the video.
concepts about living beings through ⇒ Provide to students a worksheet that contains the main characteristics,
slices, data show, and computers. functions, and composition of the living beings.
• Interacting with the rest of the class to ⇒ Ask students to get in pairs and read about the content and after, take out 3
provide ideas, opinions, and examples. main characteristics and 3 main functions of the living beings.
4. Social and Civic
• Working in groups to convey an ⇒ Clarify any doubts and practice all the technical words with the students.
Competences (SCC)
outstanding performance and results of (living beings, functions, composition, nutrition, reproduction, interaction,
a task assigned. autotroph, etc)
• Being creative when working on a task Note: This is the second lesson focused on this content. Students are aware of a
in the CLIL classroom. brief introduction of the information, therefore, this lesson will be more focused
5. Initiative Sense and • Analyzing the main functions of the on oral production of the content area and the language itself.
Entrepreneurial Spirit living being and developing critical
(ISES) ideas for a better understanding of the

By J Alexander Oporta Barrera

Methodology, Resources, and Assessment in Bilingual Education

Activity 1: “Face to Face Activity” Activity 2: “Oral Gallery Presentation”

Content Aim: Content Aim:

-Face to Face Activity aims to practice the acquired knowledge -Oral Gallery Presentation aims to assess the students´ acquired
about living beings, specially the main characteristics, vital knowledge about living beings, their characteristics, vital functions,
functions and composition. and composition.

Language Skills: Language Skills:

-This activity will be developed in order to enhance students -This activity develops speaking, reading comprehension,
into the oral production of the knowledge in the target language writing, listening, creativity and critical thinking abilities.
(English). -It promotes team work and development of oral production of the
-To practice the simple present when formulating positive and content being studied.
negative statements and the use of Wh-question with -It engages to practice the simple present (third person) and basic
“Do/Does” discourse markers.
-To develop listening, speaking and reading skills when
performing this activity. Materials: (Assigned in the previous lesson to students)
1. A handout with the information of living beings, their
Materials: characteristics, vital functions, and composition.
1. A sheet with six different questions about the main 2. A cardboard per each group.
characteristics, vital functions and composition of living 3. Color Markers (at least 4)
beings. 4. Two pairs of scissors per group.
2. A Power Point Presentation with the information about 5. Old books, magazines, etc., to make cuts.
living beings (1 slide) to be presented during the activity. 6. Maps Examples by the teacher.
7. One extra material (students´ creativity)
-Stage 1: In pairs Organization:
-Stage 2: Groups of 10 students (form 2 circles) - Groups of 4 (5x4=20 students)

Time: 10 minutes Time: 35 minutes

-Stage 1: 5 minutes -Stage 1: Creating the Gallery (20 minutes)
-Stage 2: Oral Gallery Presentation (15 minutes)
-Stage 2: 5 Minutes
PROCEDURE: Stage One: Creating the Gallery (20 mins)
Stage One (5 minutes) Step 1: Ask students to get in groups of 4 and provide a handout to
each. (men/women)
Step 1: Make pairs and provide them six questions per each. Step 2: Make sure that everyone has their materials assigned for the
Step 2: Ask each one to take turns to practice the questions and activity.
their answers. Step 3: Ask students to read the information given and think of a
Step 3: Teacher will walk around to support students on creative way to present the information.
pronunciation and content. Step 4: Include the main characteristics, the vital functions and
composition of living beings.
Stage Two (5 minutes) Step 5: Include key words, phrases, ideas and cuts in your Gallery
related to the content.
Step 1: Ask students to get in groups of 10 to create 2 circles. Step 6: Show students some example to organize the info and
(1 circle will be inside of the other) support them during the creation of the Gallery Presentation.
Step 2: Ask students to be face to face with a partner. Step 7: Students must be creative and ready to present. Everyone
Step 3: Practice the commands: “Circle inside… move one talks!
step to the right”, “circle outside…move one step to the left”
Step 4: Explain that students will have 1 minute to discuss Stage Two: Oral Gallery Presentation (15 mins)
about the questions. (they will ask each other) Step 1: Place the Galleries in a sequence way to be presented.
Step 5: After the minute, say STOP and say one of the Step 2: Each group will stand at their galleries (two on the left/two
commands that were practiced before, in order to find a new on the right)
partner to speak. Step 3: Teacher decides when to START. When beginning all
Step 6: Make sure everybody is speaking in English and students will move to the FIRST Gallery and so on, following the
discussing by walking around and listening to students. order of sequence. Give 3 minutes per each one.
Step 7: Continue playing until everyone has talked to five Step 4: Everyone will listen and take notes about the content.
different partners. Step 5: At the end, teacher will take a picture of each Gallery and

By J Alexander Oporta Barrera

Methodology, Resources, and Assessment in Bilingual Education

VI. Assessment VII. References

§ Students must be able to identify the different characteristics of CONSEJERÍA DE EDUCACIÓN: Dirección General de Participación e
the living beings. Innovación. (2019). Natural Sciencies. Retrieved from
§ They must recognize that all living beings are made up of the
same substances and cells. /pdf/088.pdf
§ They will be able to explain the three vital functions: nutrition, IES Sierra de San Quílez. (2019). PROGRAMACIÓN BIOLOGÍA-GEOLOGÍA 1º
relationship and reproduction. DE ESO-2019/2020. Retrieved from
Assessment § To understand the difference between autotrophic and
Criteria heterotrophic nutrition and between sexual and asexual reproduction. López. (2009). Colorín Colorado: A bilingual site for educators and families of
§ To use the English language to express their ideas and opinions English language learners. Retrieved from Language Objectives: The
about the content developed. Key to Effective Content Area Instruction for English Learners:
§ To have a management of technical vocabulary and use of
grammatical structures in the simple present and other features that are effective-content-area-instruction-english-learners

§ The first activity (Face to Face) will be carried out after the
general review of the content developed in the previous lesson. This
activity will be done in order to practice the information studied,
promote the oral production of the target language, and cultivate social
interaction among each other.
§ The second activity (Oral Gallery Presentation) will be
developed aiming at assessing students´ knowledge about living
beings. In addition, it will enhance students´ oral production,
creativity, team-work, and critical thinking. This activity can take
more than the estimated time, therefore, it can be presented for the next

⇒ Face to face Activity (Content management, written questions

and oral production)
⇒ Oral Gallery Presentation Activity (Written sentences: English
grammar and oral production: pronunciation)
⇒ Rubric of Assessment (range of vocabulary, content, language
quality, oral production)
⇒ Pair and team work.
⇒ Peer Assessment.

By J Alexander Oporta Barrera

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