Proposal For A Brazilian Education Complementary Currency

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Proposal for a Brazilian

Education Complementary Currency

March 2004

Bernard Lietaer
Access Foundation
[email protected]

This note summarizes the key elements of a complementary currency concept developed
during a conversation with Prof. Gilson Schwartz from the University of Sao Paulo. It is
organized in six sections as follows:
• Background
• Objective
• Scope
• Approach
• Issue of Inflation Control
• Next Steps

When Brazil privatized the mobile telephone industry, it introduced a 1% tax earmarked
for educational purposes. This Education Fund has now grown to about 3 billion Reais
(US$ 1 billion). One conventional solution would be to use these funds to directly pay
for scholarships to worthy students and/or improve the educational facilities of the
country. Prof. Schwartz raised the question whether it would be possible to design a
complementary currency that would provide a multiplier of learning compared to these
conventional solutions. This note documents one of the possible designs to achieve that

The objective of the educational currency is to increase the learning capacity as well as
strengthen the social coherence of Brazilian society, by enabling a learning multiplier
effect without risking inflationary pressures in the economy as a whole. The ultimate
objective is to make Brazil one of the world leaders of the knowledge economy of the 21st

The main learning focus of this project is to multiply the number of students that can
afford to obtain a college-level education in Brazil. However, this project will also have a

direct impact on the entire primary and secondary school learning potential, as well as
improve the cross-generational and social awareness of the kids that will go to college.
Although this project is original as a whole, there are significant and successful
precedents of each of its key components, as will be indicated below.

A special targeted currency, whose unit could be called Saber, would be issued under
highly controlled conditions as explained below. Its face value would be nominally the
same as a Reai, and would be redeemable for paying tuition of higher education programs
in participating universities. This would be a paper currency (although electronic
accounts can be kept where they will accumulate), with all the security precautions
against fraud used for printing conventional national currency.

However, there are significant differences between Sabers and conventional money. They
are officially redeemable only for tuition payments for higher education for a particular
year (e.g. for the 2005-6 academic year). If they aren’t used for payment of higher
education during that year, they could be exchanged for Sabers of the next academic year
(2006-7), but with a penalty of 20% in order to give an incentive not to hoard that
currency beyond the deadline.1

The process starts with the Ministry of Education assessing the capacity of universities to
handle increased enrolment for a future year (say 2005-6). Two key aspects are taken into
account: the existing spare capacity for additional students under today’s mode of
operating; and the (much larger) capacity when distant learning technology is
successfully implemented. Distant learning could involve for instance only 1 month of
on-campus presence per trimester, while the other two or three months the courses are
available in the cities and villages of origin of the students. Therefore the universities’
capacities will significantly increase as the new distant learning technologies spread.

Let us assume that the additional capacity of enrolment for the year 2005-6 is estimated
now at 30,000 students; and that the average tuition costs 3,000 Riais per trimester. The
Ministry of Education would make available now 90 Million Sabers per trimester for the
year 2005-6. What happens with those Sabers?
There would be several phases of implementation for the program (see graph on next

During Phase 1, the use and circulation of the Sabers involve only the Ministry of
Education from beginning to end. This Ministry allocates the Sabers among schools in
economic areas where typically funding will not be available for higher education, even
for students that would be capable of such learning. The schools make the Sabers
available to its youngest students (e.g. 7 year olds) at the condition that they choose a
mentor from an older class (e.g. a 10 year old), and work with him or her on their

Such expiration penalty is a simple form of demurrage. Demurrage is a time related charge on a currency,
similar to a parking fee for that currency. It gives a.o. an incentive not to accumulate the currency beyond
the deadline. The full effects of demurrage systems is explained in B. Lietaer “Of Human Wealth” pg 104 -

weakest school topics. There is successful precedent of such a system in the form of the
use of Time dollars for mentoring among kids. Such a process has proven remarkably
effective particularly in underprivileged schools in the US and the UK.2 The self-esteem
of the older kids is dramatically increased, and they become a better student him or
herself as one of the best ways of learning something is to teach it. Furthermore, it seems
that it is not OK to let your mentee being beaten up for being “too good a student”,
something that unfortunately isn’t uncommon otherwise. Finally, the younger kid
obviously learns as well. The Sabers are transferred to the older kid in compensation for
the hours spent mentoring at a rate to be determined (e.g. 5 Sabers per hour). The 10 year
old can do the same thing with a 12 year old; and the latter with a 15 year old, until at last
we are dealing with a Senior of 17 years old who aspires to go to university next year.
That 17 year old can use the Sabers he or she accumulated to pay all or part of the tuition
for the participating universities.

Edgar Cahn “No More Throw-Away People” (Essential Books, 2000).

“Saber” Complementary Currency System = Learning Multiplier

Ministry of Social Public

Education Services Works

Saber allocation Phase 2 Phase 3

Education Phase 1 among Schools

Primary Help for elderly
(3 Billion Partial Payment
& & handicapped paid
In Sabers
Reais) in Sabers
Secondary (Fureai Kippu System)
Schools Limited
7 year olds
10 year olds
in of 12 year olds
for Reais 15 year olds
at 50% of
value 17 year

Universities Payment of University Tuition

(1 Saber = 1 Reai)

NB: 1 Saber is equivalent to 1 Reai redeemable for tuition in higher education

There has been a pre-negotiated agreement between the Ministry of Education and the
participating universities on the conditions of reimbursements of the Sabers. The
marginal cost of having an extra student is only a fraction of the average tuition that the
university would normally charge (often in the order of 10%). Furthermore, these are
students that the university would otherwise not have at all. Therefore, from the
university’s viewpoint, any income from additional students beyond their marginal cost is
a gain to the university.
In the graph it has been estimated that the Ministry of Education would reimburse in
Reais the Sabers received as tuition payments at 50% of their face value. But because

investments in distant learning facilities would significantly increase the capacity of the
universities, but further reduce the marginal cost of an additional student, reimbursements
at a lower percentage should become increasingly acceptable to the universities as well.

Notice that the full “additional learning” that the Saber complementary currency enables
is a factor of the order of 10 times what a direct allocation of the resources of the
Education Fund to scholarships (2 times for the university discount of Sabers, and 5 times
for the circulation of the Sabers in mentoring of kids).

As the capacity of the universities increases over time, and the Saber system has
established its credibility, additional ways to bring the Sabers into circulation can be
envisaged. Examples of such additional channels are described next as Phase 2 and 3 of
the project.

In Phase 2, one could apply what has been very successfully done with the Fureai Kippu
system in Japan.3 What it would mean is that children or adults who are helping elderly
or handicapped people could also earn Sabers. This program has been very successful in
Japan and has contributed to reinforce cross-generational interaction in that country, not
to speak of the substantial improvement of the quality of life for the elderly that is
obtained without burdening governmental budgets.

In Phase 3, one could imagine extrapolating the system to other governmental projects.
For instance, let us assume that the labor content of a road construction project is
estimated at 100 million Riais, and that the base salary for that work is 100 Riais per
week. One could make the following offer to the workers on that project:
- either you take the 100 Riais per week;
- or you accept only 80 Riais plus 70 Sabers (for a total of 150 equivalent Riais).
Obviously people who have kids ready to go to university would have an obvious interest
in accepting the second offer. But even those who don’t have kids may prefer to choose
that option, and use the Sabers in partial payment in whatever good or service from
someone who has a kid that wants to go to college.
The benefits include that the government would be able to reduce the labor budget for the
building of the road from 100 million Riais to 80 million Riais. In addition, more students
of modest means would be able to obtain higher education, and Brazil would further
improve its human capital as well.

Issue of Inflation Control

One of the objections that one may expect from the IMF or conventional economists is
that the creation of a Saber currency would risk fueling inflation.
This section explains why – if the Saber system is managed correctly – no such risk exists
either in the Saber currency itself or in the national currency.

See Lietaer “Future of Money” pg 201.

The reason is that the creation of Saber currency is different from the creation of
conventional national currency in four significant ways:
- Sabers are ultimately redeemable into Reais only by universities through the
Ministry of Education, and only for educational purposes.
- the quantity of Sabers issued is controlled by the Ministry of Education on the
basis of the university capacities to increase the number of students, so that no
more Sabers are created than the universities can accept as additional students,
thereby avoiding the inflation problem generated by a currency that is created in
excess of the goods or services available;
- the Sabers have an expiration deadline at which point the 20% penalty comes into
play, so that the Sabers would circulate only for a limited and controlled time
period, thereby further reducing the probability that excess currency is circulating;
- and finally, the gradual expansion of the system would ensure that any problems
can be dealt with before they become significant.

All three of these factors make the dynamics of the creation of Sabers fundamentally
different from those of conventional national currency, and avoid that they would have an
inflationary impact similar to what would happen if additional billions of Riais were
pumped into the national economy

Next Steps
Implementing this project would involve the following six steps:
1. Review and modify the design of the Saber system as described here to better
match the specific requirements of Brazil today;
2. Prepare a more fully fleshed out version of this text in the form of a formal White
Paper for review by the appropriate authorities;
3. Ensure that the IMF and other relevant agencies are informed and understand the
implications of the Saber system, to avoid that it is being suppressed by lack of
4. Implement a pilot of Phase 1 limited to involve only some specific universities
and schools;
5. Ensure that the distant learning technologies are growing in parallel with the extra
demand for education.
6. Gradually implement Phase 1, 2 and 3 as described above.

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