Bio-Enzyme Products: Microbes Bacteria Enzymes
Bio-Enzyme Products: Microbes Bacteria Enzymes
Bio-Enzyme Products: Microbes Bacteria Enzymes
Effectively maintains flow through drain lines by consuming organic
build-up in pipes. Excellent for grease traps. Reduces or eliminates
the need to pump traps. Use in any facility where food is handled.
Effective odor counteractant for drains.
Bio-Pump AC Bio-Pump DC
Keep drains and grease traps running Keep drains and grease
and odor free. Programable pump traps running and odor free.
doses Bio-Power. Programable pump doses Bio-
Item No. 421810 Power into traps and drains.
Item No. 421805
Bio-Enzymatic Odor Control
Multi-Task Concentrates
16 Neutra Zyme 17 Odor-Rite Tropical
Highly effective for daily Not just a coverup, Odor-Rite Tropical
cleaning by automatic scrubber Fresh captures and inactivates
or damp mop. The surfactants penetrate malodor molecules. Use in a spray
and suspend soils without dulling of bottle for general air freshening, pump
finishes. Neutral pH 7 up sprayer for dumpsters, or other
Neutra-Zyme is fortified with Bio-Zyme, malodor sources. Add to mop water or
a proprietary blend of beneficial bacteria autoscrubber solution tanks to leave a
and natural enzymes that provide fresh scent behind after cleaning.
superior cleaning power and freshens Item No. 908872
surfaces. Use on VCT, rubber, ceramic,
grout, wood, laminate and polished
concrete. Item No. 908652
18 Tri-Fecta 19 Enzy-Clean
Triple Play
A biological and enzymatic
Cleans and deodorizes carpet in one floor degreaser. It contains
step, used in extraction programs, a synergistic blend of natural
bonnet cleaning, and spot cleaning. microorganisms that releases enzymes
Contains Bio-Zyme to neutralize odors to consume and break down food,
and remove protein based stains. grease, oils and organic material.
Greasy Kitchen Floors are no match for
Enzy-Clean. Item No. 910883
How It Works
Multi-Clean’s line of bio-enzymatic products contain Bio-Zyme, which is a special blend of microbes
and enzymes that target specific soil matter and consume those sources of odors.
Bio-Enzymatic Action uses beneficial bacteria which release specific enzymes that break down a
wide variety of organic material to enhance cleaning and counteract bad odors.
Bio-Enzymatic Action is an immediate effect where cultivated enzymes readily break down animal
and vegetable fats and oils. The enzymes continue working after the initial cleaning and also help
prevent drain build up and odor.
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600 Cardigan Road
Shoreview Minnesota
Phone 651-481-1900
Web 21102018