The Journal of Navigation: Air Commodore Norman Bonnor
The Journal of Navigation: Air Commodore Norman Bonnor
The Journal of Navigation: Air Commodore Norman Bonnor
This paper charts the history of Global Satellite Navigation Systems (GNSS) from the earliest
days of the ‘Space Race’ in the 1960s and 1970s to the latest plans for modernisation of
existing systems and the development of new systems yet to be deployed or become
operational. The paper is based on lectures and presentations given by the author to
postgraduate students at The University of Nottingham, students on the RAF General Duties
Aero-Systems Course at the Air Warfare Centre, RAF Cranwell and to a number of RIN,
RAeS and IEE Branches and to local aviation groups.
1. GNSS. 2. GPS/DGPS. 3. GLONASS. 4. Galileo.
receivers being used in all forms of transport and commerce as well as a wide variety of
recreation activities. The major breakthrough came with the introduction of Navstar,
more commonly known as GPS; development started in 1973 and the system was
declared operational at the end of 1993. ‘Cold War’ rivalry between the Soviet Union
and the United States of America (USA) led to the ‘Space Race’ and the almost para-
llel development of the Soviet system GLONASS. After initial success, GLONASS
fell behind in the 1980s and 1990s when too few satellites were launched to sustain a
working constellation.
1.2. Augmentation Systems. Increasing civilian use of GPS resulted in the
introduction of Selective Availability (SA), which was designed to deny the full ac-
curacy of the system to civilian users and possible adversaries. Unfortunately for the
US military authorities, this was easily defeated by means of DGPS, and early
commercial services were quickly followed by government funded GBAS (e.g. the US
Coast Guard DGPS Network) and by SBAS (e.g. the US Wide Area Augmentation
Service [WAAS], the European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service [EGNOS]
and the Japanese Multi-functional Satellite Augmentation System [MSAS]). SBAS all
involve the use of Geo-Stationary Earth Orbit (GEO) satellites which are placed
36,000 km above the Equator and rotate in synchronism with Earth rotation.
1.3. More Recent Developments. The ease of use and inherent accuracy of GPS
made it very popular with millions of yachtsmen, private pilots and hikers as well as
commercial operators in all domains. GPS had rapidly become a vital utility essential
to transport infrastructure. This worried politicians and industrial leaders in Europe
who were concerned about the increasing reliance on a system controlled and operated
by the military authorities of one nation state. In March 2002, the European Union
(EU) nations agreed to develop Galileo, a GNSS similar in concept to GPS, but
designed primarily for civilian users and including a guaranteed service to meet Safety
of Life (SoL) requirements. More recently, the emerging nations in Asia have also
commenced development of their own GNSS. But how did it begin?
3. G LO B A L P O S I T I O N I N G S Y S T E M ( G P S ) . In 1972, another US
Navy satellite programme called ‘TIMATION’ was orbiting spacecraft containing
precise clocks for time transfer. Just as John Harrison solved the Longitude problem
of the 18th Century with his chronometer H4, so meeting the positioning needs of
modern times would be made possible by very accurate atomic timepieces. However
TIMATION, like TRANSIT, provided only two-dimensional fixes. Meanwhile the
US Air Force (USAF) was studying a 3-dimensional navigation system under ‘Project
621B’ and was demonstrating the possibility of using pseudo-random noise for
ranging. On 17 April 1973, the US Deputy Secretary of Defense issued a Memo-
randum amalgamating the two projects, and the ‘Navstar Global Positioning System
(GPS) Joint Project Office (JPO)’ was formed. Colonel Brad Parkinson was the first
head of the JPO and stayed in post for six years; he continues his involvement with
GPS as co-chairman of the US Positioning, Navigation and Timing Advisory Group.
3.1. The Space Segment. All GNSS have three segments: the Space, Ground and
User Segments. In June 1974, Rockwell International was awarded a contract for a
navigation payload to launch on a US Naval Research Laboratory satellite (NTS-2)
and for three GPS prototype satellites to develop the Space Segment; the contract was
later extended to eleven satellites. These became known as Block I satellites and were
in slightly different orbital planes to the later Block II production satellites (at 63° as
against 55° inclination). Their design life was specified as three years, but several
operated for more than ten, and that very long operational life has, in the end, become
a problem for GPS modernisation because funding for launches is related to the need
to replace failed satellites. In June 1977, the first GPS signal from space was
transmitted by NTS-2; unfortunately the satellite failed after only eight months.
In February 1978, the first GPS Block I satellite (sometimes referred to as NDS) was
launched. By December 1978, four Block I satellites were in orbit for testing
3-dimensional navigation; however, this was only available for limited periods at any
particular location. The RAF GD Aero-Systems Course made use of these satellites
on the Aries Polar flight in September 1980 when, with careful scheduling using
Bodo and Thule airfields, a GPS fitted to a Britannia aircraft was in use over the
North Pole.
3.2. Ground and User Segments. In October 1974, General Dynamics was
awarded a contract to develop the Ground and User Segments. The Control System of
the Ground Segment for the validation phase with Block I satellites was built at
Vandenberg Air Force Base (AFB) on the California coast. In August 1986, res-
ponsibility for managing the GPS Space Segment was handed over to the USAF using
the Operational Control System installed at Falcon AFB, since renamed Schriever
AFB, in Colorado. General Dynamics sub-contracted development of the first User
Segment receivers to Magnavox. Initial testing of these receivers began in March 1977
at the Yuma Proving Ground, Arizona, using solar-powered ground transmitters to
simulate satellites (the first pseudolites); signals from over-flying satellites were
gradually introduced to these trials as they became available. Because only three
satellites are required for 2-D navigation, receivers for naval use were under test off the
California coast by October 1978. By the late 80s, military user equipments started to
appear in reasonable numbers, but civilian handheld receivers were already in mass
3.3. Civilian Use. In 1983, a Korean Airlines 747 strayed badly off route and was
shot down by a Soviet fighter which mistook it for a US aircraft thought to be spying
in the area. After this incident, President Reagan announced that GPS would be made
available for civilian use. But, the US military insisted on the system accuracy being
deliberately degraded by Selective Availability (SA). Also in 1983, the Radio Tech-
nical Commission for Marine Services (RTCM), Special Committee 104 defined the
data format for a marine beacon DGPS capability based on the US Coast Guard
system, which effectively defeated SA. Marine DGPS was later adopted by the
International Association of Lighthouse Authorities (IALA) for use by merchant
shipping and yachtsmen. Having failed to find a sensible charging regime, the DoD
announced that the Standard Positioning Service (SPS) of GPS would be broadcast in
the clear on the L1 frequency (1575·42 MHz), without encryption. The Precise
Positioning Service (PPS) would be broadcast on the L2 frequency (1227·60 MHz) and
would be encrypted. In 1988, the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO)
announced that the Future Air Navigation System (FANS) would be based on
satellite navigation systems. Also in 1988, mainly as a result of the introduction of
GPS, the US DoD and the Department of Transport released their first Federal
Radionavigation Plan (FRP) setting out US Government Policy on radio navigation
3.4. Production Satellites. February 1989 saw the launch of the first Block II
production satellite; after in-depth testing, it was declared operational on 10 August
1989. On 21 June 1989, a contract for Block IIR satellites was awarded to General
Electric (later taken over by Martin Marietta); these satellites were planned to have
enhanced autonomy, including the capability to achieve a degraded range error for
periods up to 180 days without updates from the Ground Segment. This was to be
achieved by cross-link ranging with other Block IIR satellites in the constellation, so
enabling estimation of the parameters required for the Navigation Message should the
Operational Control System be out of action through hostile acts or for other reasons.
Unfortunately, the cross-linking was affected by interference from unrelated ground
signals that largely negated the original aim.
NO. 1 G L O B A L N AV I G A T I O N S A T E L L I T E S Y S T E M S 5
3.5. Military Use. Throughout the 1980s, satellite navigation systems were not
readily accepted by NATO military commanders; they still wanted military systems to
have an autonomous navigation capability and not have to rely on external systems.
But the impetus for widespread military use of GPS came from Operation Desert
Storm during the First Gulf War in 1990, when GPS became a vital tool for
navigation and rendezvous. Hundreds of individual soldiers bought single-channel
civilian receivers by mail-order because military versions were not available in
sufficient numbers. Selective Availability (SA) was turned off throughout the conflict.
3.6. Operational Capability. On 8 December 1993, GPS reached Initial
Operational Capability (IOC) with 24 Block I and II satellites in six orbital planes,
and the SPS was declared available for civil use (still with SA on). Soon afterwards, the
European Council issued a resolution on Europe’s contribution to GNSS; this
specified that the European Global Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS) would
provide augmentation for GPS and GLONASS, and stated the need for civilian
control of future GNSS. GPS and GLONASS were developed for military purposes to
design standards acceptable for those requirements; to be acceptable for civilian use,
and particularly for Safety of Life (SoL) operations, they needed augmentation to
provide better accuracy and much faster time-to-alarm integrity. These augmentations
can be based in space using geo-stationary satellites or use ground beacons or other
transmitters and are an integral part of what most people now define as GNSS. GPS
was finally declared Fully Operationally Capable (FOC) on 17 July 1995 with 24
Block II production satellites in 20,200 kilometre Medium Earth Orbits (MEO).
Earlier in May 1995, the 8th Edition of the US FRP 1994 (issued very late) introduced
the concept of GPS for ‘sole-means’ positioning, and the proposal to phase-out
virtually all other radio navigation aids; this caused much consternation both in the
USA and around the world.
3.7. US Presidential Directives and Modernisation. In 1996, an important US
Presidential Decision Directive was issued which stated “The Standard Positioning
Service (SPS) would be free and that Selective Availability (SA) would be discontinued
within a decade with a review annually from the year 2000”. It also initiated the
‘NAVWAR’ program to separate civilian and military signals and provided for the
joint management of GPS with representatives from the Departments of Defense,
Transportation, State and Commerce. But not everything in the GPS programme
worked well; the launch of the first Block IIR on 17 January 1997 was a spectacular
failure but they successfully launched the second one in July. Also in July 1997,
because of delays in some projects such as the Wide Area Augmentation System
(WAAS), and complaints from many national and international users, the US FRP
1996 (again issued late) extended the phase-out dates of a number of radio navigation
aids. In early 1998, Vice-President Gore announced the decision to introduce a second
civil signal at the L2 frequency (1227·6 MHz), and a few months later a further
announcement said a third civil signal on a frequency to be known as L5
(1176·45 MHz) would be developed; this was the beginning of the GPS modernisation
programme for civilian users. The original modernization plan left the original L1
frequency with only the outdated ‘Coarse Acquisition’ (C/A) signal for civil
applications; however, the more recent addition of the planned L1C signal means
that all three GPS frequencies will eventually provide modernized civil signals. The
52nd GPS satellite and the 41st carried on a Delta 2 rocket was launched on
6 November 2004; it was the 13th and last in the Block 2R series.
4. G LO N A S S . The 1980s and 1990s was still the era of the ‘Cold War’ and the
‘Space Race’ between the USA and the USSR. The Soviet Union launched their first
GLONASS satellites on 12 October 1982; between 1982 and 1985, they launched 10
more. GLONASS has a different constellation design to GPS using only three, slightly
lower, orbital planes at 64·8° inclination and, at the moment, uses Frequency Division
Multiple Access (FDMA) rather than the Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)
system used by GPS; however, this is planned for change in the Russian Federation’s
modernisation plans. During the Cold War, much effort was devoted to propaganda
and the Kremlin needed to appear to be ahead of the Pentagon in the Space Race; thus
GLONASS was declared to have an Initial Operational Capability (IOC) in the
Spring of 1985; this clearly wasn’t true as development of the User Segment was a long
way behind.
4.1. Changes to GLONASS. In 1993, President Yeltsin declared GLONASS
to be fully operational, but again, it clearly wasn’t. Also in 1993, the GLONASS
Geodetic Datum was changed from SGS 85 to PZ90. In 1994, the International
Telecommunications Union (ITU) identified problems associated with interference
from certain GLONASS frequencies in the 1·6 GHz band on radio astronomy
systems. The Soviet Union had never applied to the ITU for frequency allocations
because GLONASS was a military system. As a result, changes had to be made and
further changes were required in 2003 to reduce the number of frequencies used. On
7 March 1995, Prime Minister Chernomyrdin issued a Decree stating the intention to
achieve a full constellation of 24 GLONASS satellites, which was completed on
18 January 1996 with 24 working satellites in orbit plus 1 spare. On 27 November 1996
and 30 June 1997, GLONASS was taken out of service to re-align the system’s timing
much closer to UTC.
4.2. Satellite Launches and Design Life. Since 1982, over 100 GLONASS
satellites have been launched. On average, the early GLONASS satellites exceeded
their 3-year design life but, while a launch of three GLONASS satellites occurred in
most years, this was insufficient and only just kept the system alive with an average of
less than ten operating satellites between 1998 and 2006. However, funding has im-
proved and the constellation is being re-built; one hope is that the new GLONASS
M and K satellites will at least achieve their designed life of 7 and 10 years respectively
and so help the Russian Federation rebuild and maintain the constellation at 24
satellites. Following a visit to New Delhi by President Putin, the Indian and Russian
governments reached an agreement on GLONASS. Under the agreement, India may
provide launch vehicles to speed up the recovery of GLONASS minimal operational
status in return for access to the system’s military signals for its armed forces. The
agreement also provided for industrial cooperation on satellite design, end-user
receivers and software packages. Some analysts believe the agreement went ahead
because Indian officials were frustrated by continuing delays in the discussions
between the EC and India on Galileo.
4.3. GLONASS Modernisation. Cosmos-2404/GLONASS-701, the first
GLONASS M satellite was launched on 10 December 2003 and after a very long
period of tests was accepted for service on 12 December 2004; however, it was de-
commissioned in June 2009, so did not achieve its design life of 5 years. Another
launch of three GLONASS satellites occurred on 26 December 2004. One of these was
a GLONASS-M and the other two the older model satellites. This brought the total
number of GLONASS satellites in orbit to 14. This second GLONASS-M was finally
‘set healthy’ on 7 October 2005. A further launch of three GLONASS satellites took
place on 25 December 2005, including two GLONASS-M, and were ‘set healthy’ on
31 August 2006. According to a source from the Committee for Industries, Construc-
tion and High Technologies in the Lower House of the Russian Parliament, Russian
Federal authorities said they would double the financing of work on GLONASS in
2007. The report concluded that: “The Global Navigation System Federal programme
aims to help preserve Russia’s independence from other major providers of space services
in terms of satellite navigation, as well as to ensure safe and efficient functioning of its
transportation systems”. On each of nine dates, 25 December 2006, 26 October 2007,
25 December 2007, 25 September 2008, 25 December 2008, 14 December 2009,
1 March 2010, 2 September 2010 and 5 December 2010, Proton rockets lifted off from
the Baikonur space centre in Kazakhstan, each carrying three GLONASS-M satellites.
These launches were the final part of the Russian Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos)
plan to have a full constellation of 24 satellites by the end of 2010, but the latest launch
failed and the three satellites crashed into the Pacific Ocean; the head of the Roscosmos
was dismissed as a consequence. The first launch of a GLONASS-K took place on 26
February 2011; this was the first GLONASS satellite to transmit a CDMA signal.
Roscosmos announced that four GLONASS-M satellites would be launched during
2011; the first was launched on 2 October from Plesetsk Cosmodrome by a Soyuz-2-1B
and three more are planned for launch on 25 October from Baikonur Cosmodrome
using a Proton-M rocket. If these launches are successful, Full Operational Capability
(FOC) for GLONASS should have been declared by the time this paper is published.
5.3. Funding Issues. New funding problems emerged with Galileo as additional
calls were made and some nations tried to gain an advantage for their national
industry by withholding funds. Development was expected to run until 2008 at a cost
of E1.5 billion, shared equally between the EC and ESA. The GJU had been
negotiating since June with the Eurely-Inavsat consortium for the deployment and
operational phases, but these negotiations eventually failed in 2007. After much
political wrangling, the Public/Private Partnership funding arrangements were
abandoned and the EU/EC accepted that the deployment of Galileo would be funded
as a public infrastructure project within the existing transport budget.
5.4. First Launches. Two test satellites have been built and launched for Galileo,
one by the Surrey Space Centre and the other by Astrium. Their primary aims were: to
secure the use of the Galileo frequencies allocated by the ITU at the World Radio
Conference 2000, to demonstrate critical technologies for the navigation payloads
of operational satellites and to characterize the radiation environment of the orbits
planned for Galileo. GIOVE-A was launched from the Baikonur cosmodrome in
Kazakhstan on 28 December 2005 and was successful in meeting the ITU frequency
transmission requirements within a few weeks. This allowed the launch of GIOVE-B
to be delayed so that better use could be made of it during the IOV phase. This was
fortunate as GIOVE-B had suffered a number of failures in ground testing and was
not ready for launch anyway. The EC published a deployment date of 2008; the
original (very optimistic) concept was for the system to be fully operational by 2008,
but now that year was planned for the launch of only the first four operational
satellites, but these launches were also delayed. The GIOVE-B satellite was launched
by a Soyuz/Fregat rocket on 27 April 2008. The Fregat upper stage performed a series
of manoeuvres to reach a circular orbit inclined at 56° to the Equator, before safely
delivering the satellite into orbit.
5.5. In-Orbit Validation. The next step in the Galileo programme will be to
validate the basic Galileo space and related ground segment using four In-Orbit
Validation (IOV) satellites. By the publication date of this paper, the first two IOV
satellites, known as Protoflight Model (PFM) and Flight Model 2 (FM2) should
have been launched using a modified Soyuz rocket from the EU’s spaceport in
French Guiana to convey the Galileo satellites into their circular orbits at an altitude
of 23,222 km. The Soyuz ST-B is the most powerful version of the famous Soyuz
launcher, while the Fregat-MT is an upgraded version of the Fregat upper stage which
carries an additional 900 kg of propellants for its double-satellite load. Because
French Guiana is so close to the Equator, each launch will benefit from the Earth’s
spin, increasing the maximum payload to geostationary transfer orbit from 1·7 tonnes
to 3·0 tonnes. These four Galileo IOV satellites are fully representative of those that
NO. 1 G L O B A L N AV I G A T I O N S A T E L L I T E S Y S T E M S 11
will follow them into orbit, carrying the best atomic clock ever flown for navigation,
designed to be accurate to one second in three million years.
5.6. Future Plans. Once the IOV phase is completed, the remaining Galileo
satellites will be launched and deployed to reach the Full Operational Capability
(FOC). The signing of a framework contract in December 2009, with both OHB
System AG and EADS-Astrium GmBH, paved the way for the eventual provision of a
maximum of 32 satellites. On 7 January 2010, the EC announced the award of three of
the six contracts for the procurement of Galileo’s Initial Operational Capability. The
contract for the system support services was awarded to Thales Alenia Space of Italy,
and a contract for a first order of 14 satellites to OHB System AG of Germany at
a value of E566 million. The contract for the launch services was awarded to Ariane
Space of France and covers five Soyuz launches each carrying two satellites at a value
of E397 million. On 25 October 2010, the contract for the Galileo operations was
signed with SpaceOpal GmbH (an Italian-German joint venture) by ESA on behalf of
the EC. On 23 June 2011, the EC announced the final two contracts at a combined
value of E355 million. One contract signed with Thales Alenia Space (FR), for a value
of E281 million, ensures the formatting of navigation information for broadcast by
the satellites. The contract signed with Astrium (UK), for a value of E73.5 million
concerns the ‘housekeeping’ of the satellites including their maintenance and correct
positioning in orbit. The EC is now able to promise better estimates for the provision
of the range of Galileo services: the Open Service, the Public Regulated Service (PRS)
and the Search and Rescue (SAR) Service are planned to be declared in 2014 using
18 satellites. The Safety-of-Life (SoL) Service and the Commercial Service (CS) will be
tested in 2014 and will be provided when Galileo reaches FOC with a constellation of
30 satellites in 2020.
6.1. Beidou-1. At a Beijing forum to mark the 50th anniversary of China’s space
industry, the China National Space Administration (CNSA) stated that the Beidou 1
navigation satellite system would be operational by 2010. It had already launched
three test and two production satellites – the test satellites in October and December
2000 and May 2003 – these are GEOs based on a communications satellite design; the
two production satellites were launched on 3 February 2007. The ground systems
include the central control station, ground correction stations, and user terminals
(receivers/transmitters). The system is based on transponder technology working at
2491·75 MHz and is claimed to have a capacity of 540,000 responses per hour. This
provides 2-D positioning data of about 100 metre accuracy. By using ground
correction stations, the accuracy can be improved to 20 metres.
6.2. CNSS – Beidou-2. The Compass Navigation Satellite System (CNSS), or
Beidou 2, is China’s second-generation satellite navigation system capable of pro-
viding continuous, real-time passive 3-D geo-spatial positioning and speed measure-
ment. After launches in 2010, CNSS now has one medium-Earth orbit, three Inclined
Geostationary Satellite Orbit (IGSO), and four GEO satellites operating in orbit.
Speaking at the second Chinese Satellite Navigation Academic Annual Meeting in
Shanghai on May 18, Ran Chengqi, the director of the Chinese Satellite Navigation
Administrative Office, said “. . . the overall testing of the Compass/Beidou satellite
navigation system will be finished by 10th October 2011”. According to RanChengqi,
8.1. GAGAN. India’s system is named GPS Aided GEO Augmented Navigation
(GAGAN). India’s first GAGAN navigation payload on the GSAT-8 communi-
cations satellite was launched successfully on 21 May 2011. The satellite was carried
by an Ariane-V launch vehicle from the European Union’s spaceport in French
Guiana. This is the first successful launch for India’s satellite-based regional SBAS.
GAGAN is designed to function for 12 years.
8.2. INRSS. The Indian Regional Navigational Satellite System (IRNSS) is an
autonomous regional satellite navigation system being developed by Indian Space
Research Organisation. The plan to build a constellation of seven geo-stationary
satellites to meet the nation’s needs for a navigational system in cars, trains and
aircraft was announced on 4 September 2007; all seven satellites should be built by the
end of 2012.
. GPS is a tempting target and its use as a sole-means of position and timing is
. Loss of GPS could have a severe impact on safety and risk environmental and
economic damage to the USA.
. Augmentations (WAAS etc.) help but don’t solve the problem of GPS signal loss,
so back-ups are needed.
UKHO (2009). Mariners Handbook (NP 100) 9th Edition, United Kingdom Hydrographic Office.
GPS/GNSS. For news items, opinions and policy on all aspects of GNSS. GPS World and Inside GNSS.
RIN. For news items on GNSS. Royal Institute of Navigation Website,