Electical Modeling of Perovskite Solar Cells PDF
Electical Modeling of Perovskite Solar Cells PDF
Electical Modeling of Perovskite Solar Cells PDF
Solar Cells
E. R. Evasari
Technische Universiteit Delft
Electrical Modeling of Perovskite
Solar Cells
E. R. Evasari
Furthermore, when the applied voltage is abruptly changed, a transient current density response
is introduced implying a capacitive behaviour. Due to this behaviour, there is an indication that PSCs
cannot be represented by the conventional equivalent circuit. Thus, the purpose of this project is to
investigate hysteresis phenomenon in PSC by electrical modelling. In this project, a PSC sample was
fabricated by Solliance Solar Research. Time-resolved J-V measurement was done to obtain more in-
sight of J(t) as a function of applied voltage. The hysteresis phenomenon was analyzed in different
voltage scan direction and various scan rates. Simulation of band diagram in dark condition was done
to understand working principle of PSC device. Two predicted equivalent circuit of the cell were derived
from the simulated band diagram. These equivalent circuit models considered the charge accumulation
at the bulk of perovskite and at the interface between charge transport layers and perovskite. Further-
more, two additional equivalent circuit models were proposed to represent the hysteresis effect. J(t)
curve fitting of measurement results and simulation was employed to verify the equivalent circuit. This
insight might help to get a better understanding of hysteresis effect in PSCs.
I would like to express my gratitude to Olindo Isabella as my main supervisor who gave me an oppor-
tunity to take this master thesis under his supervision. I thank him for his help and advice through the
process of this thesis project. My profound appreciation goes to my daily supervisors, Rudi Santbergen
and Nasim Rezaei, for their supervision and patience to help me during my thesis period. They helped
me to understand some new concepts and assisted me when I found bottlenecks. I thank them for
all the fruitful discussions when we had a meeting or when I directly passed by their office. Also, for
Nasim, thanks for sharing the Iranian snacks and for Rudi, thanks for accompanying me to travel to
Solliance, Eindhoven, at the beginning of this thesis project.
My gratitude also goes to Miro Zeman and Tom Savenije for their willingness to be my graduate
committee. I would also like to thank Dong Zhang for his attendance at my thesis defence. He also
helped me to get the perovskite solar cells. I thank him for all discussions through email or when I
went to Solliance, Eindhoven. Furthermore, I would also like to thank Remko Koornneef for his help on
Wacom that made the time-resolved I-V measurement possible. My appreciation also goes to Stefaan
Heirman and Martijn Tijssen as the technicians of PVMD group who assisted me for the measurements.
My sincere gratitude is to Rene van Swaaij, Arthur Weber, Gianluca Limodio, and Paul Procel for the
valuable discussions. For all PVMD group members, thank you for your feedback and suggestions to
my thesis.
Furthermore, the life in the Netherlands would be different without support of people around me.
Leonie Boortman as my academic student counsellor for all her suggestions about my study. Mbak
Nina and Putra for their input about my grammar. Anjali, Rahul, and Gerwin for being my office mates
in LB02.490. Also, I thank all my colleague and Indonesian friends for all the memorable experiences
here. Last but not least, my special thank goes to my family for their unconditional love and support.
List of Figures
2.1 The illustration of band diagram of PSC (a) in dark condition and (b) under illumination
[8]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.2 The flowchart of basic simulation process with Sentaurus TCAD [9]. . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.3 The simulated band diagram of PSC sample using Sentaurus TCAD. . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.4 The illustration of charge carriers transport in PSC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.5 Band diagram of device for CBO calculation[10]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.6 Band diagram of device for VBO calculation [10]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.7 Positive and negative CBO [10]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.8 Positive and negative VBO [10]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.9 An illustration of charge accumulation [11]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.10 Equivalent circuit of PSC with one capacitor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.11 An illustration of a complete equivalent circuit of a capacitor [12]. . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.12 Equivalent circuit of PSC with two capacitors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
viii List of Figures
4.3 An illustration of voltage source creation of forward scan with second approach manual
method: (a) voltage pulses and (b) a staircase voltage source. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
4.4 A schematic diagram of simulation process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
4.7 The J(t) curve fitting of (a) forward and (b) backward scan of equivalent circuit with one
capacitor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
4.5 A schematic overview of equivalent circuit with one capacitor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
4.6 J-V curve obtained from simulation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
4.8 A schematic overview of equivalent circuit with two capacitors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
4.9 The J(t) curve fitting of (a) forward and (b) backward scan of equivalent circuit with two
capacitors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
4.10 A schematic overview of equivalent circuit from a literature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
4.11 The J(t) curve fitting of (a) forward and (b) backward scan of equivalent circuit from
literature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
4.12 A schematic illustration of equivalent circuit of scenario 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
4.13 The J(t) curve fitting of (a) forward and (b) backward scan of equivalent circuit of scenario
4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
List of Tables
List of Acronyms
1D One-dimensional
2D Two-dimensional
2-T Two-terminal
3D Three-dimensional
3-T Three-terminal
4-T Four-terminal
AC Alternating Current
AM Air Mass
a-Si Amorphous Silicon
CBO Conduction Band Offset
CdTe Cadmium Telluride
CIGS Copper Indium Gallium Diselenide
c-Si Crystalline Silicon
DC Direct current
EQE External Quantum Efficiency
ETL Electron Transport Layer
FA Formamidinium
FF Fill Factor
FTO Fluorine-doped Tin Oxide
GaAs Gallium Arsenide
GBs grain bourndaries
GUI Graphical User Interface
GW Gigawatts
HTL Hole Transport Layer
IEA International Energy Agency
ITO Indium Tin Oxide
LC Lethal Concentration
LCA Life Cycle Analysis
MA Methylammonium
MPP Maximum Power Point
NiO Nickel Oxide
PCBM Phenyl-C61-Butyric acid Methyl ester
PCE Power Conversion Efficiency
PSC Perovskite Solar Cell
PV Photovoltaics
QUCS Quite Universal Circuit Simulator
RH Relative Humidity
SBD Schottky Barrier Diode
SDE Structure Device Editor
SQ Shockley-Quisser
TCAD Technology Computer-Aided Design
TCO Transparent Conductive Oxide
VBO Valence Band Offset
ZnO Zinc Oxide
xii 0. Glossaries
List of Symbols
C Capacitance
D Electron diffusion coefficient
D Hole diffusion coefficient
E Electric field
E Conduction band level
E Fermi level at thermal equilibrium
E Quasi-Fermi level of electrons
E Quasi-Fermi level of holes
E Bandgap energy
E Valence band level
E Vacuum level
ε Permittivity of the materials
G Generation
J Current Density
J(t) Current density as a function of time
J Saturation current density
J Photo-generated current density
J Short circuit current density
J Steady-state current density
k Boltzmann’s constant
µ Electron mobility
µ Hole mobility
n Ideality factor
P Peak power
ρ Volume charge density
q Elementary charge
R Recombination
R Shunt resistance
R Series resistance
t Starting time
τ Time constant
V Voltage
V Built-in voltage
V Open circuit voltage
φ Work function
χ Affinities
Abstract iii
Preface v
List of Figures vii
List of Tables ix
Glossaries xi
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Perovskite Solar Cell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2.1 Perovskite material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2.2 Device Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3 Issues in Perovskite Solar Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.3.1 Toxicity issue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.3.2 Stability and scale-up issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.3.3 Hysteresis phenomenon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.4 Existing Researches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.4.1 Optical model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.4.2 Optoelectronic model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.4.3 Equivalent circuit model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.5 Research gap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.6 Objective and Research questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.7 Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.8 Report structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2 Investigation of Band Diagram 13
2.1 Theoretical Working Principle of PSC device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.1.1 Dark condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.1.2 Under illumination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.2 Simulation of the Band Diagram. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.2.1 Sentaurus Workbench. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.2.2 Sentaurus Structure Editor (SDE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.2.3 SNMESH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.2.4 SDEVICE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.3 Analysis of Simulated Band Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.3.1 Band offset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.3.2 Junction between two materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.4 Predicted Equivalent Circuit of PSC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.4.1 Equivalent Circuit with One Capacitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.4.2 Equivalent Circuit with Two Capacitors in Parallel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.5 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
3 Time-resolved I-V measurement 25
3.1 Experimental setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
3.2 Experimental Result . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3.2.1 J-V characteristic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3.2.2 Transient response on J-V curve as a function of time . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3.2.3 C-V characteristic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
3.3 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
xiv Contents
4 Electrical Modeling 35
4.1 Equivalent Circuit Simulation with QUCS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
4.1.1 Introduction of QUCS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
4.1.2 Voltage Source Creation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
4.1.3 Transient Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
4.2 Simulation Integration of QUCS and Matlab. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
4.2.1 Exporting Equivalent Circuit parameters from QUCS to Matlab . . . . . . . 38
4.2.2 J(t) curve fitting method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
4.3 Scenario 1: Equivalent Circuit with One Capacitor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
4.3.1 J(t) curve Fitting of Forward and Backward scan with Voltage Increment
of 50 mV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
4.4 Scenario 2: Equivalent Circuit with Two Capacitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
4.4.1 J(t) curve Fitting of Forward scan with Voltage Increment of 50 mV . . . . . 41
4.5 Additional equivalent circuit design of PSC device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
4.5.1 Scenario 3: Equivalent Circuit based on a Reference Paper. . . . . . . . . . 42
4.5.2 Scenario 4: Simulation of Equivalent Circuit Combination of Scenario 1
and 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
4.6 Analysis of Saturation Current and Ideality Factor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
4.7 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
4.8 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
5 Conclusions and Recommendations 47
5.1 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
5.1.1 Simulation of Band Diagram of PSC device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
5.1.2 Hysteresis phenomenon in PSC sample . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
5.1.3 Electrical modelling of equivalent circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
5.2 Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
5.2.1 Measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
5.2.2 Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Bibliography 51
A Device Parameters for Simulation of Band Diagram of PSC 55
A.1 Input of Sentaurus Structure Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
A.2 Input of Sentaurus Structure Device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
1.1. Background
Renewable energy becomes an alternative solution for fossil fuels towards the increase of energy con-
sumption, mainly in electricity. As electricity is a fundamental human need, it is important to find
sustainable energy sources. These renewable energy sources are derived from wind, solar, biomass,
hydro, waves, etc. The growth of renewable electricity by technology is depicted in Figure 1.1 where
the growth in 2017-2022 is obtained by forecasting [1]. A study by the International Energy Agency
(IEA) has found a remarkable growth of solar energy capacity in 2016 achieving annual growth of over
74 gigawatts (GW) and exceeding the growth of coal. Furthermore, they predicted a more optimistic
forecast, expecting 80% of world renewable electricity capacity of 920 GW will come from solar energy
by 2022 [1]. In other words, it is expected that for the next five years more researches and develop-
ments will deliver innovations and ideas towards photovoltaic technologies and systems. The optimistic
forecasting can compensate the global ambition in diminishing CO emission. It can be achieved by
generating the renewable energy of 25,000 GW by 2050 [14].
The heart of converting solar energy into electricity lies in a semiconductor-based device called
solar cell. When a solar cell is illuminated by sunlight, it directly converts the light into electricity. This
process is commonly known as the photovoltaic effect. However, not all the sunlight that illuminates the
cell will be converted into electricity. It can also be lost as heat. The efficiency of the converted sunlight
is indicated as power conversion efficiency (PCE). The maximum theoretical limit of PCE is described
2 1. Introduction
as Shockley-Quisser (SQ) limit [15]. However, this SQ limit was measured for inorganic solar cell, thus,
it is not valid for the organic solar cell [5]. PCE depends on several factors, such as the temperature of
the cell, the intensity of the light, and PV technologies. Various PV technologies have been introduced
since the first photovoltaic effect was discovered in 1839 by Alexandre-Edmond Becquerel [16]. The
wafer-based solar cell has been well-developed in decades. In 2017, silicon-wafer based technology
has dominated the PV market for about 95% of the total production. The remaining 5% of the market
share was from thin film technologies which consist of amorphous silicon (a-Si), cadmium telluride
(CdTe), and copper indium gallium diselenide (CIGS) [17].
The intense research and development have lead researchers to discover novel thin film technolo-
gies. One of them is perovskite solar cells (PSCs). In recent years, the emergence of organometal
halide PSCs drives a great allure for the researchers to improve the PCE. The PCE of PSCs has in-
creased from its initial value of 3.8% in 2009 to a new world record of 22.4% in 2017, achieved by
Korean Research Institute of Chemical Technology [18]. The rapid increase of PCE of 18.6% in 8 years
exhibits a steep learning curve of PSCs. This can be seen from Figure 1.2 that shows the rapid devel-
opment of PSCs comparing to other PV technologies. Additionally, several studies have reported that
PSCs suffer from some issues that should be overcome to improve the efficiency of the cells. These
issues are the stability towards humid condition and temperature increases, scale-up issue, and hys-
teresis phenomenon [14]. The latest issue leads to under- or overestimation of yielded PCE when the
voltage is applied to the cell but the current response is slow [3]. The physical mechanism for this
phenomenon is not fully understood yet. Thus, the focus of this study is to investigate the hysteresis
effect in PSC using electrical simulations. Further detailed explanation of hysteresis phenomenon will
be discussed in subsection 1.2.1.
co-workers in 2009 in the form of MAPbI (CH NH PbI ) or MAPbBr (CH NH PbBr ) [20]. However,
these types of PSCs suffer from stability issue due to the moisture and rise of temperature. The organic
cations are hydrophobic which is remarkably sensitive to the humid condition. On the other side, the
increase of temperature induces the phase transition. A study by Ye and co-workers found that stable
tetragonal phase of MAPbI at room temperature experienced phase transition to the cubic phase when
temperature increased to above 55∘ C [21]. This issue might be significant when the solar cell is mea-
sured under illumination for a period of time. Furthermore, researchers mixed the ions into material
of perovskite to achieve more stable and high efficiency perovskite, for instance, CH NH PbI( ) Cl ,
CH NH PbI( ) Br [14], and FA MA( ) PbBr I( ) [22].
Researchers in the solar cell society are interested in perovskite due to its several desirable prop-
erties, i.e. high carrier mobilities, high absorption coefficient, and long charge carrier diffusion length
[14]. Ziang and co-workers reported the comparison of the absorption coefficient between perovskite
and three other materials [23]. Perovskite has higher absorption coefficient than the c-Si material in
the visible light range (400-700 nm). It is close to the absorption coefficient of GaAs material which has
direct band gap. In addition, a study reported that the carrier lifetime of CH NH PbI is approximately
hundred nanoseconds up to microseconds. Consequently, it results in long charge carrier diffusion
length [24]. Hence, the longer carrier lifetime will result in longer carrier diffusion length. The poten-
tial of perovskites to be scaled up to an industrial level is another advantage that gives a promising
contribution to the large-scale electricity generation in the future.
Studies have shown that PSCs architectures can be mesoporous or planar [25]. In this project, we will
only focus on the planar configuration. In this configuration, the hole transport layer (HTL), perovskite
absorber layer, and the electron transport layer (ETL) are stacked in several layers as shown in Figure
1.4. When the absorber layer absorbs the photon from incident light, the created charge carriers go
to HTL and ETL, respectively. Subsequently, HTL will transport holes from the absorber layer to the
respective electrode, whereas ETL will transport electrons from the absorber layer to the related elec-
trode [26]. These transport layers could surpress the losses due to recombination [5]. The detailed
explanation of charge carrier transport in PSC will be provided in Chapter 2.
4 1. Introduction
(a) (b)
Figure 1.4: The sandwiched layers of PSCs for (a) ETL-perovskite-HTL and (b) HTL-perovskite-ETL planar structure.
Furthermore, phenyl-C -butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) is the most common material as ETL.
PCBM can lower the hysteresis issue induced by the trapped charges at the interface between the
absorber layer and ETL. It is because this material forms a good contact with the perovskite [6]. Prior
study stated that the use of C as ETL results in better extraction of the charge carriers due to its
high mobility and conductivity. Other prevalent materials for ETL are ZnO and TiO . A study reported
that the use of TiO as ETL and spiro-OMeTAD as HTL made the device experienced strong hysteresis
[6]. The top contact of the PSCs is made of metal, such as gold (Au) and silver (Ag) [11]. When
the HTL material is firstly deposited on the substrate, the configuration is commonly called inverted
planar. In contrast, when the first material that is deposited on the substrate is ETL, it is called regular
planar PSC. The substrate is a glass which is coated with the transparent conductive oxide (TCO), e.g.
fluorine-doped tin oxide (FTO) or indium tin oxide (ITO).
In this project, the PSC was fabricated by Solliance Solar Research with the structure of ITO/NiO
nanoparticles/Cs . (MA . FA . ) . Pb(I . Br . ) /PCBM/ZnO nanoparticles/Au. The solar cell encap-
sulated with laminated thin film barrier concerning temperature and humidity stability. Figure 1.5 de-
picts architecture of the device. NiO nanoparticles were used as HTL due to its good chemical stability,
conductivity, and low-temperature processing. It was capped by poly[bis(4-phenyl)(2,4,6-trimethyl-
phenyl)amine] (PTAA) material. Its valence band of -5.4 eV was also well-aligned with valence band
of perovskite (-5.4 eV) [27]. On the other side, the conduction band of perovskite of -3.9 eV has a
good alignment with the conduction band of PCBM as ETL. PCBM with additional ZnO nanoparticles
interlayer formed bilayer-structured ETL which can improve PCE of the cell. ZnO nanoparticles have a
wide band gap and thus, it is beneficial to prevent Au migration to the absorber layer. Besides, it can
act as a barrier of ion migration to absorber layer which leads to the stability issue of PCE.
The mixed cations and halide anions were used in perovskite compounds. These mixed compounds
are significant to address the thermal and structural instability that commonly occurs in pure perovskite
1.3. Issues in Perovskite Solar Cells 5
compounds [29]. The absorber layer was made by combining three cations which consist of MA, FA,
and Cs. The mixed MA and FA cations were employed to have smaller band gap leading to more pho-
ton absorption. The increase of absorbed photons, thus, resulted in the increase of photo-generated
current. Nevertheless, these combinations are thermally unstable towards processing condition. In
the fabrication of perovskite, it is prominent to prevent impurities as it influences the growth of crystal
and morphology of perovskite. These impurities can interrupt the charge collection and thus, lower the
performance of the cell. Saliba and co-workers reported that the presence of Cs as inorganic cation
showed better thermal stability and more robust device achieving PCE 20%. It is because Cs can sup-
press impurities resulting in defect-free perovskite [29]. These triple cations of PSCs exhibited higher
absorptance in the range 500-800 nm in contrast to MAPbI [27].
The use of mixed halide anion of iodine (I) and bromine (Br) gives some benefits to the perovskite.
The mixture of these materials can lead to effective bandgap tuning of perovskites. An experimental
work which was done by Noh et al. has proved that there was a shift in the absorption edge to shorter
wavelength or blue light region with increasing Br content [30]. Moreover, Ono and co-workers have
reported that the Br content of 0.2 provides better stability toward humidity (RH 55%) [31]. However,
there is a limit of Br content in the mixed halide perovskite solar cell. The increase of Br content larger
than 0.4 will lead to structural defect and smaller grain size, thus, results in chemical decomposition
in perovskite [32]. The Br content in PSC sample is 0.3 which indicates that the perovskite is more
stable toward humidity and less probability to suffer from the structural defect. From the electronic
standpoint, the rise of Br content leads to lower current density J but higher open circuit voltage V
and fill factor FF [30].
health. The heavy metal content (Pb or Sn) of perovskites are classified as a hazardous constituent. It
is because of their toxicity to the environment and human health. The Pb compound can be absorbed
through dermal contact, respiratory, and gastrointestinal. Blood will transport the Pb compound to the
soft tissues in the human body, e.g. kidney and liver. This heavy metal compound can also deposit
to the skeleton. Another heavy metal, Sn, has similar toxicity to Pb. Its oxidation reaction releases
harmful by-products, e.g. a strong acid and hydroiodic acid [34]. A study has found the effect of high
temperature (200∘ C) on perovskite compounds. The perovskite of MAPbI and MASnI transformed
into PbI and SnI , respectively, due to the heat treatment. They have reported that PbI has a higher
concentration of Lethal Concentration for 50% of the population (abbreviated as LC50) than SnI . It
means that SnI has a lower limit of concentration required to cause mortality compared to PbI [33].
Additionally, the solvents used in the fabrication of PSCs (dimethylformamide or DMF and dimethyl-
sulfoxide or DMSO) should be taken into account. These solvents are miscible with water, and thus, it
is sensitive to the absorption through dermal contact and ingestion [34]. The further thorough study of
the toxicological impact can be done by the cradle-to-grave life cycle assessment (LCA) method. The
observation is based on different cycle life stages, such as raw material extraction, synthesis of starting
products, fabrication, use, and decommissioning. However, a detailed explanation of LCA of PSCs can
be found in [14, 34]. Another aspect that should be considered is the decomposition of perovskites
due to humidity. A good encapsulation can be the solution to this issue.
Other challenges, such as moisture sensitivity, scalability, and stability, should be overcome to ac-
complish high performing PSCs. First, the issue that is attributed to the high sensitivity of the cells
to moisture. PSCs exposure to the humid environment can give a detrimental effect to the device.
A preceding study has reported that the major cause of performance loss on PSCs originated from
perovskite decomposition due to the high solubility of MAPbI in water. This issue is related to the
long-term application. This issue can be overcome by isolating the device by an encapsulation. The
production of PSCs on industrial scale is considered because of the advantageous of this devices. One
of the issues that should be resolved to scale up PSCs is the deposition technique, spin coating. Thus,
other deposition technologies can be used to fabricate the cells, such as slot-die, inkjet printing, spray
coating [14]. Another challenge regarding the scalability of PSCs is the increase use of Pb that implies
higher environmental impact.
Apart from its attractive efficiency, there is peculiar behaviour of measured current and voltage of PSCs
which turns it into a hot topic for PV world. The anomalous implies the slow response of the current
through the device as the voltage applied to the device. It is caused by the delay time in the J-V
measurement [3] and, thus, results in current lags as can be seen in Figure 1.6. It is an obstacle to
accurately measure the efficiency of the cell which is commonly well-known as hysteresis phenomenon.
Prior study has reported that hysteresis was strongly caused by the ion migration that dominates via
extended defects, for instance, grain boundaries (GBs). On the other side, PSCs without GBs exhibited
no ion migration and thus, hysteresis-free on the device [35]. The hysteresis-free cells can be achieved
when the device contains a low density of trap and subsequently, low defect states [11]. Moreover,
Unger et al. have found that the hysteresis in PSCs can be caused by the trapped/de-trapped charge
carriers, ferroelectricity, and changes in contact conductivity or absorber [3].
1.3. Issues in Perovskite Solar Cells 7
Figure 1.6: The transient slow response of current density in response to staircase voltage sweep as function of time by (a)
forward and (b) reverse scan [3].
Hysteresis phenomenon refers to the difference in I-V curve when sweeping the voltage in forward
(from negative to positive value) and backward (from positive to negative value) direction. The for-
ward and backward scan of the device result in underestimation and overestimation of the actual PCE,
respectively [36]. Hysteresis effect is also influenced by scan rates. A study found that hysteresis
increases with slower scan rate [37]. However, another study reported that slow scan rate resulting in
less severe hysteresis [5]. The J-V characterization is aimed to understand hysteresis effect on PSC.
J-V characteristic under illumination of light has the same behaviour with an ideal diode, which consists
of a current source and a diode. As the J-V curve of PSC exhibits a hysteresis effect, the investigation
of an equivalent circuit of PSCs is essential and hence, becomes the focus of this project.
An equivalent circuit model is considered as a model to simulate the J-V curve of the cell. The per-
formance depends on fundamental parameters of the solar cell, such as V , J , peak power (P ),
and fill factor (FF) [16]. FF is affected by other parameters as well as series and shunt resistance. Be-
sides these parameters, the study needs to consider the configuration of the circuit. In most cases, the
configuration of the solar cell consists of single and double diode configuration, as depicted in Figure
1.7. The latter configuration gives a more accurate result, however, due to its complexity, it is less
enticing for the solar cell simulation. Further deeper analysis of the equivalent circuit will be discussed
in Chapter 2.
(a) (b)
Figure 1.7: The equivalent circuit of a solar cell with (a) a single diode and (b) with double diodes in parallel.
The equivalent circuit of single and double diode configuration can be represented in equation 1.1
and 1.2 [16], respectively.
where, J is current density of the solar cell (A/m ), J is saturation current density of the diode
(A/m ), q is elementary charge (C), V is voltage across the device (V), k is Boltzmann’s constant
(m kg/s /K), T is temperature (K), n is the ideality factor of the diode, A is the area of the solar
cell (m ), R is series resistance (Ω), R is parallel or shunt resistance (Ω), and J photo-generated
current density (A/m ). As shown by equation 1.2, in the double diode configuration, there are J and
J that denote the saturation current density of the first and second diode (A/m ), respectively, while
n and n represent ideality factor of the first and second diode, respectively.
Another interesting model was observed by considering the relative humidity (RH) by semi-analytical
optoelectronic model. The simulation was based on the drift-diffusion model and on external quantum
efficiency (EQE) [42]. In this approach, the goal is identifying the effect of humidity on absorption
coefficient and diffusion length. The influence of humidity on the electrical parameters, such as shunt
and series resistance, was also taken into account. The simulation dealt with a two-diode equivalent
circuit model. The first diode is attributed to the current generated by the diffusion of minority charge
carriers in the quasi-neutral region, whereas the second diode indicates the losses occurred in the space
charge region. As described earlier, the J-V characteristic of PSCs is extremely affected by hysteresis
phenomenon. However, in the study done by Bhatt et al. [42], the analysis of equivalent circuit was
1.4. Existing Researches 9
performed without considering the hysteresis effect. Moreover, the calculation of the electrical param-
eters, such as the current density of the diode and saturation current, were based on some properties,
such as diffusion coefficient, intrinsic carrier concentration, and diffusion length. Other interesting re-
searches about the optoelectronic model of PSCs can be found in [11, 26, 43–45].
Liao et al. have noticed that most of the calculated ideality factor n of PSCs with various device
architecture is larger than 2. In most cases, the ideality factor of solar cell is in the range of 1 up to
2 [4]. This ideality factor implies a measure of the quality of a junction and represents the type of
recombination in the device [16]. The minority carrier recombination that occurs in the ideal junction
solar cell is represented by ideality factor of 1, while other recombination mechanisms can have ideality
factor of 2. High ideality factor indicates high recombination in a solar cell. Thus, Liao and co-workers
presented the series double diode equivalent circuit of PSCs. They obtained smaller ideality factor
from the new equivalent circuit that represented better PN junction of TiO /CH NH PbI( ) Cl /Spiro-
OMeTAD/Au architecture. The Cl content was varied which resulted in decreasing ideality factor value
Figure 1.8: Equivalent circuit model with double diodes in series [4].
Next, a study by Seki demonstrated the equivalent circuit of ideal solar cell with additional resistor
and capacitor in parallel as depicted in Figure 1.9. The theoretical model of the circuit focused on
the produced electric field from the accumulated charged in the charge transport layer. The produced
electric field is presumed as the cause of voltage reduction [46]. The study found out that hysteresis
increases along with a slower scan rate. It also presented the probability of hysteresis phenomena on
PSCs as a function of scanning rates. Furthermore, it will be the fundamental notion to determine the
scan rate in this study explained in Chapter 3. The research concluded that higher hysteresis resulted
when the voltage was scanned from the open circuit side. Besides, fast scan rate induces less charge
accumulation, and hence, the reduction of current density due to charge accumulation can be mini-
mized. Moreover, the study provided hysteresis constant considering the difference maximum PCE of
various scan rates that can be used to determine the scan rate in this project.
Figure 1.9: Equivalent circuit model of PSCs with additional capacitor and resistor [5].
inductance behaviour exhibited by the change in the interface of PCBM/Al(Ca) originating from the
aging of PCBM material. The variation of inductance (0 mH, 50 mH, 500 mH) was performed in the
study to observe the effect of inductance on the J-V curve. Higher hysteresis exists in the J-V curve
along with the increase of inductance value. Consequently, the metal penetrates to the PCBM layer
and induces a trap of charge. Figure 1.10 shows the illustration of equivalent circuit including two
photodiodes and Schottky Barrier Diode abbreviated as SBD. However, the idea of using packaged
Schottky diode has been opposed by Tada because the inductance is an extrinsic physical property of
a packaged diode [47]. Thus, it requires further verification to include the inductor in the packaged
SBD. This opposed argument also found out that the experiment by Cojocaru et al. used commercial
inductor that has windings of wire or magnetic core which is not part of the PSC device. High estimated
inductance of 50 and 500 mH is crucial to reproduce hysteresis phenomenon.
Figure 1.10: Equivalent circuit model of inverted PSCs with two photodiodes and Schottky diode [6].
Furthermore, Cojocaru and co-workers also investigated the origin of hysteresis effect with capac-
itance model. The device architecture of SnO :F/Compact TiO /CH NH PbI /spiro-OMeTAD/Au was
used in the study. They argued that the use of PCBM or passivating the TiO layer by C60 as ETL in
PSC could reduce the trap states in the interface of ETL/absorber layer. Consideration of the origin
of hysteresis phenomenon determined by the thermal expansion coefficient of TiO and CH NH PbI
is also considered. CH NH PbI has higher thermal expansion coefficient of 216 x 10 /K, while TiO
has 23.5 x 10 /K [48]. The increase of temperature causes interfacial stress at the interface between
TiO and CH NH PbI . This stress may lead to the defect and thus, reflects as a trap for the charges.
These charges accumulated at the interface and it acts as a capacitor [7]. They considered several
equivalent circuits of PSC and validated hysteresis exhibited in the I-V characteristics. The simulation
was done by using MultiSim Electronic Workbench. First, they modelled the capacitor in parallel with
the current source, diode, and shunt resistor. However, the output I-V characteristic did not represent
1.5. Research gap 11
hysteresis effect similar to the experiment result. Next, they tried a new equivalent circuit model as
depicted in Figure 1.11. The consideration of using two capacitors with different values was based
on the estimated charge carrier accumulation at the interface of ETL/perovskite and perovskite/HTL.
Higher capacitance at the interface of ETL/perovskite was due to the higher lattice mismatch yielded
by different thermal expansion coefficient. Subsequently, the I-V curve from this model was fitted
to the hysteretic I-V from experiment and gave a good agreement with it. Thus, the related device
architecture of PSC in this study was dealt with equivalent circuit model as showed in Figure 1.11.
Figure 1.11: Equivalent circuit model of inverted PSCs with two photodiodes and capacitors [7].
Preceding studies have observed the hysteresis phenomenon by I-V curve fitting of the result from
experiment and simulation. However, as depicted in Figure 1.6, this hysteresis phenomenon exhibits
a capacitive behaviour in the curve of current density as a function of time. The J(t) curve is hence,
essential to be used to analyze the hysteresis effect in the device. Relatively few studies focus on the
J(t) characteristic of PSC. Thus, the I-t curve fitting can also be a way to specify the equivalent circuit.
Subsequently, it is important to validate the equivalent circuit obtained by band diagram investigation
to the J(t) curve fitting of the related equivalent circuit.
Moreover, these following subquestions are formulated to answer the main research question:
1. Is it possible to understand charge accumulation in a PSC from the band diagram?
2. Can equivalent circuit of PSC be derived from band diagram?
3. Is it possible to study hysteresis phenomenon using time-resolved I-V measurement?
4. Which of the selected circuits best reproduces the measurement result?
1.7. Methodology
To address those research questions, the methodology used in this study is illustrated by a diagram
depicted in Figure 1.12. As can be seen in the figure, there are experiment work and simulation done in
this project. The experiment aims to measure the I-V of the cell as a function of time by time-resolved
measurement. Chapter 3 will explain the experimental setup. The purpose of simulation which is done
by Sentaurus TCAD is to simulate the band diagram of PSC sample. The simulated band diagram is
worthwhile to determine the equivalent circuit of PSCs. Subsequently, the predicted equivalent circuit
will be simulated by QUCS to obtain the I-V curve as function of time. Finally, the I-t curve fitting will
be done by Matlab to compare the I-t curve obtained from experiment and simulation by QUCS. This
I-t curve fitting results in electrical parameters of the measured PSC.
14 2. Investigation of Band Diagram
charge carriers under illumination of light. As depicted in Figure 2.1b, the work function of both trans-
port layers limits the generated V [8].
(a) (b)
Figure 2.1: The illustration of band diagram of PSC (a) in dark condition and (b) under illumination [8].
Figure 2.2: The flowchart of basic simulation process with Sentaurus TCAD [9].
2.2.3. SNMESH
SNMESH tool is used to determine mesh of the device structure. This mesh is employed to solve math-
ematical model, such as Poisson’s equation and carriers continuity equations which are represented by
equation 2.1 [50], 2.2, and 2.4 [51].
𝜕𝑛 1 𝑑𝐽
= + (𝐺 − 𝑅) (2.2)
𝜕𝑡 𝑞 𝑑𝑥
𝐽 = 𝑞𝜇 𝐸 − 𝑞𝐷 (2.3)
𝜕𝑝 1 𝑑𝐽
= + (𝐺 − 𝑅) (2.4)
𝜕𝑡 𝑞 𝑑𝑥
𝐽 = 𝑞𝜇 𝐸 − 𝑞𝐷 (2.5)
where, n and p represent electron and hole concentration, respectively, q is the elementary charge,
µ and µ are electron and hole mobility, respectively, D represents electron diffusion coefficient, D
is hole diffusion coefficient, E is the electric field, G and R are generation and recombination rates,
2.2.4. SDEVICE
Sentaurus device is an advanced tool to simulate optical, electrical, and thermal characteristics of the
semiconductor device. In the band diagram simulation, characteristics of each layer in PSC will be used
as the input in this tool. These characteristics consist of electron affinity, band gap, electron and holes
density of states, and permittivity. In this project, the parameters of those characteristics were ob-
tained from literature and through fitting. These parameters are provided in Appendix A. Furthermore,
the result of band diagram simulation using Sentaurus TCAD is depicted in Figure 2.3.
Figure 2.3: The simulated band diagram of PSC sample using Sentaurus TCAD.
to the increase of electric field strength and to the increase of their conductivity which results in higher
FF. An illustration of charge flow is depicted in Figure 2.4. Electric field pushes holes and electrons to
their respective transport layer. The conduction band level of PCBM is higher than perovskite. Thus, it
acts as a small barrier seen by electrons. In contrast, when holes flow to NiO nanoparticles, no barrier
formed in the interface of NiO nanoparticles and perovskite. As the conduction and valence band level
differences influence charge carrier transport, thus, analysis of conduction and valence band offset is
essential. It will be discussed in this subchapter.
𝐶𝐵𝑂 = 𝜒 −𝜒 (2.6)
𝑉𝐵𝑂 = (𝜒 + 𝐸𝑔 ) − (𝜒 + 𝐸𝑔 ) (2.7)
CBO of the simulated band diagram in Figure 2.3 forms a spike which implies positive value. It is
relevant with calculation using Equation 2.6 resulting in CBO of 0.3 eV. High barrier established
by large CBO might induce negatively charge accumulation in the ETL/perovskite interface. The
illustration of electron flow from absorber layer to ETL is shown in Figure 2.4. In order to un-
derstand the resulted CBO, a comparison to a prior study was done. The simulation done in the
study found that CBO between 0 and 0.3 eV resulted in high V and FF due to low interface
defect density. Subsequently, CBO which is larger than 0.3 eV resulted in poor FF. In the study,
VBO was set to be zero whereas in this project, the VBO will be analysed as well. Thus, those
results of aforementioned study cannot be implemented directly in this project because the VBO
might not zero.
NiO nanoparticles into the conduction band of ITO. Thus, it will increase holes extraction at the
• Perovskite/PCBM interface
The use of PCBM as the electron transport material can reduce hysteresis occurred in a PSC
because there is less trap state at the interface of PCBM and perovskite. Thus, electrons could
be transported to back electrode more efficiently [7]. For a comparison, when TiO is used as
ETL material, more trap states are exhibited at ETL/perovskite interface. Thus, passivation of
TiO layer with fullerene C is required to minimize the trap states [7]. Moreover, although
the use of PCBM may result in negligible hysteresis, there is possibility of defect to occur at
the interface of perovskite and PCBM. When temperature increases, there is interfacial stress at
perovskite/PCBM interface due to thermal expansion coefficient difference between perovskite
(216 x 10−6 /K [48]) and PCBM (62 x 10−6/K [54]). This interfacial stress creates defects at the
perovskite/PCBM interface inducing charge accumulation.
Subsequently, a study reported that the use of PCBM as ETL in PSC device resulted in lower
hysteresis compared to ZnO nanoparticle material [55]. It implies that PCBM facilitates electrons
transport more efficiently than ZnO nanoparticles. This could be caused by some reasons. For
instance, based on the band diagram, the conduction band of ZnO nanoparticles is lower than
perovskite creating a cliff. This cliff means that the CBO is negative leading to poor cell perfor-
mance due to interface recombination. The less efficient electrons transfer of ZnO nanoparticles
can alse be caused by lower electron mobility. Additionally, albeit PCBM material produces less
hysteresis and higher efficiency than ZnO nanoparticles [55], it suffers from stability issue to-
wards humid condition whereas ZnO nanoparticles has better moisture stability. Thus, the use
of PCBM and ZnO nanoparticles as bilayer ETL can be employed to achieve an excellent device
with less hysteresis and better stability towards humid condition.
• ZnO nanoparticles/Au interface
As aforementioned, the wide band gap of ZnO is beneficial to prevent Au migration to the ab-
sorber layer. Furthermore, a metal-semiconductor contact is formed between ZnO nanoparticles
and Au. This contact creates a Schottky or an Ohmic contact. It can be determined by compar-
ing the work function of those materials. The work function of ZnO nanoparticles and Au is 4
20 2. Investigation of Band Diagram
eV [56] and 5.1 eV [50], respectively. The metal electrode has a higher work function than the
n-type semiconductor of ZnO nanoparticles. Theoretically, it indicates that the contact of these
metal-semiconductor materials forms a Schottky barrier [50]. However, it also depends on the
doping of ZnO layer. In our model, the Schottky model was not activated and an ohmic contact
was assumed.
In this project, the possibility of charge accumulation in the bulk of absorber layer will be consid-
ered. A study by Sherkar and co-workers reported the mechanism of charge trapped in defect at the
grain boundaries of polycrystalline film of perovskite and at the surface of the film [11]. In polycrys-
talline film, when the orientation of crystal grain is different with grain of neighboring crystal, this can
induce defect due to interstitials (misplaced atom), ionic vacancies, and lattice dislocation. The defect
can be a trap for the charges. The comparison of trapped charge mechanism between inorganic and
perovskite solar cell is illustrated in Figure 2.9.
Based on Figure 2.9, in inorganic solar cell, an empty defect at grain boundary and interface is
neutral when there is no charge trapped. Subsequently, when electrons fill the defect, this defect will
be negatively charged. A potential barrier is formed and hence, it weakens electron transport. The
trapped electron will recombine with hole in valence band. In contrast to this mechanism, an empty
defect at grain boundary of perovskite is positively charged because of the accumulation of iodide va-
cancies. This defect will be neutral when it is filled by electron and no potential barrier is formed. It
implies that electron transport is not influenced by potential barrier as occurred in inorganic solar cell
[11]. This mechanism is crucial to understand the cause of charge accumulation which takes place in
grain boundaries of perovskite and in the interface of ETL/perovskite and perovskite/HTL. Additionally,
as explained in Subchapter 1.2.1 that perovskite consists of cation and anion. The iodide vacancies
in perovskite is related to the migration of I ion. Yuan and Huang reported that ion movement in a
solid material is associated with the crystal structure of a material, ionic radius, and the distance of
2.4. Predicted Equivalent Circuit of PSC 21
ion-jumping. Halide ion in perovskite is likely to be the most mobile ion due to the short distance to
the nearest iodide vacancy [58].
The consideration of equivalent circuit of PSC sample is based on charge accumulation occurred in
PSC device leading to hysteresis effect. This charge accumulation acts as charge stored in the device.
This phenomenon may lead to equivalent circuit which does not follow the general equivalent circuit
of solar cell depicted in Figure 1.7. In this project, stored charge due to charge accumulation will be
taken into account when proposing an equivalent circuit of a PSC device. Two type of equivalent circuit
are proposed in this project. First, an equivalent circuit of solar cell with one capacitor is considered
to represent the charge accumulation at grain boundaries of perovskite. The other one is an equiv-
alent circuit with two capacitors which is aimed to reflect charge accumulation at ETL/perovskite and
perovskite/HTL interface.
2.5. Conclusion
The purpose of this subchapter is to answer the first research question whether it is possible un-
derstand charge accumulation in a PSC from the band diagram and to answer the second research
question whether the band diagram can be used to derive an equivalent circuit of PSC. Simulation of
band diagram using Sentaurus TCAD was done in dark and short circuit condition. Band alignment of
materials composing PSC device was analysed in this chapter.
Based on the simulated band diagram, it was known that the undoped perovskite material has in-
clined band diagram due to electric field existence in this region. This electric field has significant role
to the charge carriers transport. It pushes holes and electron to the hole and electron transport layer,
respectively. Band alignment of the materials influences charge carrier selection by HTL and ETL. The
conduction band level of PCBM as ETL is close to conduction band of perovskite. However, it forms a
spike that would be seen by electrons in perovskite as a barrier. Therefore, when the electric field is
insufficient to push the electrons, these negatively charge carriers will be accumulated at the interface
of perovskite and PCBM. On the other hand, a highly p-doped NiO nanoparticles was employed as
HTL created a good hole-selectivity to the PSC device. The valence band offset of HTL and perovskite
formed a cliff which will be beneficial to the holes collection at front electrode. Nevertheless, there is a
possibility of charge accumulated in this region which should be considered as the origin of hysteresis
phenomenon in PSC device.
The investigation of band alignment shows that there is an indication of charge accumulation oc-
curred at the interface of HTL/perovskite and perovskite/ETL. The charge accumulation acts as charge
stored in the device. Furthermore, a study reported that charges can also be accumulated at the bulk
of absorber layer [11]. These analyses imply that the equivalent circuit of PSCs may not follow the
conventional equivalent circuit of solar cell. Thus, two equivalent circuit topologies were proposed to
2.5. Conclusion 23
represent the charge accumulation in PSC device. The first topology leads to one capacitor added to the
general equivalent circuit of a solar cell. This capacitor was placed in parallel with the photo-generated
current source. It was aimed to reflect accumulated charge at the grain boundaries of absorber layer.
The second equivalent circuit refers to an equivalent circuit with two capacitors in parallel. These
capacitors represents charge accumulation at the HTL/perovskite and perovskite/ETL interface. Fur-
thermore, verification is required to ensure whether such equivalent circuit can represent the origin of
hysteresis effect in a PSC device. This verification will be discussed in Chapter 4.
Time-resolved I-V measurement
The purpose of this chapter is to investigate hysteresis phenomenon occurring in PSC sample. This
purpose is related to the third research question introduced in sub-chapter 1.6 which was ”Is it possible
to study hysteresis phenomenon using time-resolved I-V measurement?”. In order to understand J-
V characteristic of the device, time-resolved I-V measurement was performed by measuring J(t) as a
function of applied voltage. The experimental setup of time-resolved I-V measurement will be discussed
in subchapter 3.1. Measurement results will be analyzed in subchapter 3.2. In the measurements,
current density J was measured as a function of time by applying voltage step. Finally, subchapter 3.3
concludes some findings in this chapter.
(a) (b)
Figure 3.1: The schematic illustration of PSC sample and the mask.
26 3. Time-resolved I-V measurement
The time-resolved I-V measurement was done by backward scan (voltage was applied from 1.1 to
-0.1 V), followed by forward scan (voltage was applied from -0.1 to 1.1 V), without a waiting time.
The waiting time is referred to time between backward and forward scan measurement. The voltage
step was created by setting up a voltage increment of 50 mV. The time of each step was determined
by a multiplication of total data points and the integration time between two data points. Figure 3.2
shows a schematic illustration of the voltage steps. In this experiment, in order to determine ∆t,
500 data points and integration time of 0.2 ms were used as the input leading to time per each step
of 100 ms. Scan rate was specified by dividing ∆V with ∆t. Various voltage increments were ap-
plied to understand the influence of different scan rates on hysteresis phenomenon in the device. The
∆V was varied by 40 mV, 30 mV, 20 mV, and 10 mV. Additionally, ∆t was varied by 0.1 s, 0.5 s, and 1 s.
generates maximum power output [16]. However, the phenomenon occurs in specific PSC devices. It
implies that different PSC stack materials arrangements result in different J-V behaviours when voltage
is swept in forward and backward scan directions. Thus, J-V characterization of PSC sample was done
to analyze the hysteresis effect in the device. Figure 3.3 depicts the J-V curve of the sample when
forward and backward scan were applied to the cell. Results were presented as current density by
excluding active area of the cell so it would be easier to identify the current generated by the cell was.
Based on the measurements, our PSC sample had high J and V but low FF, leading to efficiency of
11.24% and 11.95% for forward and backward scan, respectively. High V is a result of a wide band
gap of perovskite material of 1.55 eV.
Figure 3.3: The J-V curve of forward and backward scan of PSC sample.
Additionally, hysteresis effect is influenced by scan rates. Thus, measurements using various scan
rates were considered in this project. As explained in subchapter 3.1, scan rate was derived by dividing
voltage increment ∆V and time of each votage step ∆t. Thus, the variation of scan rates can be
determined by varying voltage increment or time of each step. In this project, scan rate was varied
by altering voltage increment to 50 mV, 40 mV, 30 mV, 20 mV, and 10 mV while maintaining ∆t of 0.1
s. It produced a scanning rate of 500, 400, 300, 200, and 100 mV/s. Figure 3.4 depicts all measured
J-V curves with various voltage increments of forward and backward scan. It indicates that scan rates
influences the hysteresis phenomenon. Theoretically, hysteresis effect is less severe when scan rate
decreases [46] because steady-state current density is achieved. However, other studies found that
hysteresis effect increased with scan rate reduction [37]. Thus, it is still unclear how hysteresis effect
is influenced by the scan rates. Thus, further experiments were done to understand how hysteresis
effect altered with different measurement methods consisting of:
(a) (b)
Figure 3.4: The J-V characteristic with various scan rates of (a) forward and (b) backward scan direction.
The waiting time in the measurements was applied manually. During the waiting time, no light
illuminated the cell and no voltage was applied. A hysteresis constant was introduced to obtain better
comparison of cell performance under various scan rates with different methods. Efficiency will be used
to determine a hysteresis constant as a figure of merit for evaluating hysteresis effect severity. Hystere-
sis constant was calculated by subtracting efficiency of forward from backward scan [46]. Therefore,
higher hysteresis constant leads to a more severe hysteresis effect. Figure 3.5 shows the hysteresis
constant as a function of scan rate. Positive values of hysteresis constant implies that backward scans
have higher efficiency than forward scan. When backward scan was measured before forward scan
either with or without waiting time, hysteresis increased with reducing scan rates. In this case, when
voltage was swept with fast scan rate, it gave a small chance to the charge accumulation to occur in the
device. It will result in higher generated current density and hence, lower hysteresis effect. Conversely,
slow scan rate leading to larger chances of charge accumulation in the device and thus, more severe
hysteresis phenomenon. When forward scan was measured before backward scan, it resulted in a re-
duction of hysteresis phenomenon as scan rates decreased. On the other hand, with waiting time, the
results showed that waiting time induced higher hysteresis effect than experiment without waiting time.
Analysis of current responses as a function of time towards staircase voltage sweep was also consid-
ered in this project to understand J(t) characteristics. The result of time-resolved I-V measurements
presented J(t) as a function of applied voltage. Figure 3.6 depicts J(t) of forward and backward scan.
Both forward and backward scan exhibited transient current density responses as voltage steps were
applied representing a capacitive behaviour. The under- and overshoot in the transient responses of
forward and backward scan were opposite to each other which were in agreement with the transient re-
sponse introduced in subchapter 1.3.3. Exponential rise and decay in the J(t) of forward and backward
scan, respectively, increased with applied voltage leading to a non-steady-state current density. The
non-steady-state current density will reach a steady-state condition with longer time of each voltage
step. In other words, it is related to the variation of ∆t as discussed in previous subchapter.
3.2. Experimental Result 29
(a) (b)
Figure 3.6: The J-V characteristic as a function of time of (a) forward and (b) backward scan direction.
Furthermore, J(t) was obtained by considering the exponential function formulated in Equation 3.1,
adapted from [3]. In the equation, A is the pre-exponential factor of the transient curve, t represents
the starting time of each voltage step, τ defines the time constant, and J is the steady-state current
density. Figure 3.8a and 3.8b depict the time constant of forward and backward scan of each voltage
step from 0.55 to 0.9 V. These time constants were extracted from time-resolved I-V measurement
with ∆V of 50 mV and ∆t of 0.1 s. The ∆J represents the difference between current density as a
function of time and the steady-state current density formulated by Equation 3.2. Figure 3.7 shows an
illustration of J(t) at a certain applied voltage step.
(𝑡 − 𝑡 )
J(t) = 𝐴𝑒𝑥𝑝 [− ]+𝐽 (3.1)
30 3. Time-resolved I-V measurement
Δ𝐽 = J(t) − 𝐽 (3.2)
Figure 3.7: An illustration of a transient current density response J(t) of a certain voltage step.
• Time constant
The time constant of forward and backward scan exhibit similar behavior although they are in
the opposite to each other. This behaviour refers to the increase of time constant when applied
voltage increases. In terms of the equivalent circuit, time constant is related to resistance and
capacitance where a multiplication of these parameters yields a time constant. Furthermore, since
capacitance is proportional to amount of charges in the device, it indicates that time constant has
a correlation with charges storage. The stored charges refers to charge accumulation occurred
either in the bulk of perovskite, HTL/perovskite interface, or perovskite/ETL interface. Figure 3.8c
and 3.8d depict the distribution of time constant along the staircase voltage sweep of forward
and backward scan. These figures provide a significant insight that time constant of each voltage
step was not constant. Since time constant was derived from transient current density responses,
it can be stated that time constant was a function of applied voltage. Those figures show that a
highest time constant of both forward and backward scan was achieved with applied voltage of
approximately 0.9 to 1 V. Subsequently, when a larger voltage was applied to the device, time
constant tended to decrease.
Figure 3.9a and 3.9b depict the distribution of steady-state current density J of forward and
backward scan at ∆V of 50 mV and ∆t of 0.1 s. Based on these figures, the J decreases with
increasing voltage either at forward or backward scan. The non-steady-state and steady-state
current density should be considered when plotting the J-V curve of the cell. When J-V character-
istic is generated using non-steady-state current density, it may lead to under- or overestimation
of efficiency. Additionally, in order to understand correlation between J and time per each step,
measurements of various ∆t were also done. Figure 3.10 depicts a transient current density re-
sponse of a voltage step when ∆t was varied by 0.1, 0.5, and 1 s but ∆V was maintained at 50
mV. Scan rate reduces with increasing ∆t. In the figure, ∆t was only shown until 0.1 s, which
was the smallest ∆t, to give better illustration of the comparison of those various ∆t. For one
voltage step, J(t) with ∆t of 0.1 and 0.5 s has reach a steady state condition whereas J(t) with
∆t of 1 s has not reach a steady-state condition. It indicates that the longer ∆t the longer time
required to reach the steady-state condition.
3.2. Experimental Result 31
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 3.8: Time constant of each voltage step measured at (a) forward and (b) backward scan direction; distribution of time
constant of (c) forward and (d) backward scan.
32 3. Time-resolved I-V measurement
(a) (b)
Figure 3.9: Distribution of steady-state current density of (a) forward and (b) backward scan.
(a) (b)
Figure 3.10: A transient current density response of a voltage step with various ∆t.
(a) (b)
Figure 3.11: C-V characteristic of (a) forward and (b) backward scan.
The C-V characteristic in this project corresponds to a study by Wu and co-workers [13] that did
a CV measurement of a PSC device. Albeit materials of their PSC were different from materials in
this project, a comparison of C-V characteristic can be useful to obtain a better understanding about
capacitance on the cell which is dependent on the applied voltage. They reported the correlation of
capacitance and applied voltage in a PSC based on a CV measurement. It was done by scanning a dc
voltage (from -0.5 to 1.5 V) at a low alternating voltage of 50 mV at 5 kHz under various light intensities
from 0.1 to 1 sun illumination. C-V characteristics reported by their study were similar to C-V curve
depicted in Figure 3.12 even though the curve was generated from a Silicon-based solar cell. In the
figure, C-V curve was divided into three regions consisting of depletion region, charge accumulation
region, and charge recombination region. In the research [13], various PSC device architectures were
used, i.e. PSC devices with or without Cl ion and a PSC without perovskite layer.
Based on Figure 3.12, it is known that when the applied voltage is in the transition of low to high
voltage region, built-in voltage reduces leading to charges accumulation. This charge accumulation
results in increase of capacitance. Further increase of applied voltage exceeding the peak will decrease
the built-in voltage. Thus, a recombination of charge carriers dominates and capacitance diminishes.
In this project, the C-V correlation of the device is difficult to analyze since capacitance was only
derived from the time constant. However, it shows similar trend to the literature which has a peak at
high voltage region and a slope at the region between low and high voltage. A C-V measurement is
34 3. Time-resolved I-V measurement
3.3. Conclusion
This chapter discussed time-resolved I-V measurement which was done by applying staircase voltage
steps to obtain current density as function of time. It was aimed to answer the third research question
which was ”Is it possible to study hysteresis phenomenon using time-resolved I-V measurement?”. As
depicted in Figure 3.3, the J-V curve produced by PSC sample had different maximum power point with
different voltage scan direction. Backward scan resulted in higher maximum power point compared to
forward scan. The J-V curve difference indicates hysteresis effect occurrence in the sample. Thus, it
means that it is possible to study hysteresis phenomenon using time-resolved I-V measurement.
Hysteresis phenomenon in a PSC device is not only influenced by scan direction but also scan rate.
Thus, in order to obtain more insight about it, further research was performed by varying the voltage
increment of 50, 40, 30, 20, and 10 mV, leading to various scan rates. Hysteresis constant was in-
troduced in this chapter to compare how severe hysteresis effect experienced by the cell was. Higher
hysteresis constant implies more severe hysteresis phenomenon. Based on measurements, forward
scan was measured after backward scan without waiting time. It resulted in less severe hysteresis
effect than measurement with waiting time. Furthermore, hysteresis effect became more severe with
decreasing scan rate.
The J(t) characteristic was also studied in this chapter. A transient current density response was
obtained by introducing staircases voltage sweep. The transient response formed an exponential decay
for backward scan and an exponential rise for forward scan. This transient current density response
reflected time constant of each voltage step. The time constant increases from low to high applied
voltage until around 0.9 V and decreases after exceeding 0.9 V. Time constant is related to capacitance.
Thus, the increase of time constant with applied voltage resulted in increase of capacitance. More-
over, capacitance corresponds to stored charges in the device. This stored charges refer to charges
accumulation at grain boundaries of perovskite or the interface between charge transport layer and
perovskite. It is worth noting that with increasing applied voltage, more charges will be accumulated
inducing higher capacitance until at a certain voltage. Finally, the J-V characteristic, transient current
density response, and C-V characteristic obtained from time-resolved I-V measurements gave a better
understanding of hysteresis phenomenon in our PSC sample.
Electrical Modeling
This chapter presents simulation of equivalent circuit model of PSC device. The purpose of this chapter
is to answer the main scientific research question that was introduced in subchapter 1.6:”Is it possible
to model hysteresis of the PSC with an equivalent circuit?”. Moreover, we will discuss the design of the
equivalent circuit that can reproduce measurement results, referring to the fourth research question.
To answer these questions, an appropriate model is required to produce the hysteresis effect occurred
in the PSC device. In this study, the equivalent circuit of perovskite solar cell was modelled by Quite
Universal Circuit Simulator (QUCS). QUCS is an integrated circuit simulator with a graphical user inter-
face (GUI). It assists the user to setup the circuit by providing the component library. It also supports
assorted simulation types, such as DC, AC, S-parameter, parameter sweep, and transient simulation.
In this project, voltage step is used to measure the current response to abrupt changes of applied
voltage. A slow current response leads to current lagging and introduces capacitive behavior as ex-
plained in subchapter 1.3.3. This capacitive behavior indicates that hysteresis phenomenon occurs in
the device. The built-in voltage source provided by source component in QUCS is not sufficient to
produce the staircase-like input voltage. Hence, voltage step source should be created by user. The
methods will be discuss in subchapter 4.1.2. Furthermore, transient simulation was used to analyze
the J characteristics as a function of time by applying voltage steps. The explanation will be provided
in subchapter 4.2.2.
36 4. Electrical Modeling
backward scan is when voltage is swept from positive to negative values [31]. Two methods can be
used to create voltage source with QUCS:
• Manual method
This method refers to a multiple step function to create a staircase voltage source. This voltage
source was created by connecting several voltage source elements in series. This voltage source
element is provided in the components library in QUCS, named Voltage Pulse. It contains four
important parameters, which are U1, U2, T1, and T2. U1 defines the voltage before and after
the pulse, U2 represents the voltage of the pulse, T1 is the starting time of the pulse, and T2
implies the finishing time of the pulse. In manual method, there are two approaches to create
the voltage source. Firstly, the voltage pulse is maintained for a given time duration. The time
duration was defined by the time of each voltage step. When the first pulse ends, the second
pulse starts. For instances, in the case of forward scan, a voltage pulse of 0.05 V is maintained
for 15 s, which is the time of 1 voltage step. It stops immediately after 15 s. Next voltage pulse
starts after the first pulse ends, which is at 0.1 V. It will be maintained for the next 15 s. These
steps continue until the final voltage of 0.25 V is achieved. Figure 4.2 depicts the illustration of
this first approach for forward scan case.
The second approach is slightly similar to the first approach. The difference is each voltage pulse
will be maintained until the final voltage is achieved. Total time implies duration of time when
the first voltage pulse applied until the last pulse ends. Subsequently, when the second pulse
starts, the first pulse is still being maintained. In this case, the voltage pulses have the same
amplitude and they add up because they remain in the circuit and they are connected in series.
This second approach is illustrated in Figure 4.3 in the case of forward scan. In this figure, voltage
pulse is kept at 0.05 V from the beginning of pulse into the pulse ended approximately at 100
s. In manual method, voltage source is arranged by a number of voltage pulse elements. Thus,
when this voltage source is connected to other elements (i.e diode, series and shunt resistor), a
very large equivalent circuit will be formed. Hence, introducing a subcircuit to the main circuit is
recommended to simplify the control of simulation. It is done by separating the voltage source
from those other elements in different files. These files will be connected by the subcircuit which
has two ports. In a file which contains a set of voltage pulse elements, a port is placed on the
first voltage pulse element and the other port is placed on the last voltage pulse element. The
output voltage will be used as the input to the main circuit. Moreover, a subcircuit is adjusted to
4.1. Equivalent Circuit Simulation with QUCS 37
the other simulation file that consist of main elements, i.e. a DC current source, a diode, a series
and a shunt resistor. These two approaches of manual method are not effective to handle a large
number of voltage steps because of being the time-consuming. Thus, it would be suitable for a
small number of voltage steps.
(a) (b)
Figure 4.2: An illustration of voltage source creation of forward scan with first approach manual method: (a) voltage pulses
and (b) a staircase voltage source.
(a) (b)
Figure 4.3: An illustration of voltage source creation of forward scan with second approach manual method: (a) voltage pulses
and (b) a staircase voltage source.
manual method, file based method only requires one voltage source element that makes it easier
to handle a large number of voltage steps. Hence, file based method is used in this project.
4.3.1. J(t) curve Fitting of Forward and Backward scan with Voltage Incre-
ment of 50 mV
Before doing J(t) curve fitting, it is important to simulate the J-V generated by the equivalent circuit.
The simulation was done with the same parameters for forward and backward scan. It was used to
check whether the equivalent circuit can produce hysteresis phenomenon or not. The result of the
simulation depicted in Figure 4.6. It shows that simulation produced different J-V curve for forward
and backward scan. It gave essential information for further J(t) curve fitting simulation that simulation
4.3. Scenario 1: Equivalent Circuit with One Capacitor 39
(a) (b)
Figure 4.7: The J(t) curve fitting of (a) forward and (b) backward scan of equivalent circuit with one capacitor.
40 4. Electrical Modeling
As shown in Figure 4.7, the measured J(t) (black line) shows an exponential trend with a time
constant. However, the simulated J(t) shows this behaviour only in the first part of the graph, i.e. for
t<1.5 s for forward scan. In other words, transient response exists when voltage is applied from -0.1 to
0.6 V. The same happens in case of backward scan. When the applied voltage step is larger than 0.6 V,
the transient response disappears. This capacitor is used to reflect charge accumulation that occurred
in bulk of perovskite. However, in the measurement, transient response increases after 0.6 V. It means
that charge accumulation increases. Moreover, based on Figure 3.8, transient current density response
which is represented by time constant achieves a peak when voltage of 0.9 V is applied to the cell.
The time constant is related to capacitance and resistance in the equivalent circuit. Thus, when time
constant increases due to the voltage step, it means that the capacitance or resistance changes. Table
4.1 provides the simulation result of forward and backward scan consisting of six parameters and an
4.4. Scenario 2: Equivalent Circuit with Two Capacitors 41
error. The error indicates the average difference between J(t) from measurement and simulation. Fur-
thermore, as can be seen in the table, parameter values of forward and backward scan are comparable.
Based on the discussion in Chapter 2, an equivalent circuit with two capacitors is considered to represent
charge accumulation that takes place in the interface of HTL/perovskite and perovskite/ETL. Each
capacitor is placed in parallel with a shunt resistor which is related to current leakage in the dielectric
of a capacitor device. In this case, nine parameters were used to create the equivalent circuit. These
parameters are shown in Figure 4.8.
The J(t) curve fitting method is also used in this case. Figure 4.7a and 4.7b depict the result of J(t) curve
fitting for forward and backward scan. In this case, transient current density response of simulation is
exhibited when voltage is applied from -0.1 to 0.6 V for both scan directions. This behavior is similar
to the behavior of previous topology in subchapter 4.3. However, in this case, the transient response
is smaller than transient response in previous topology. At high applied voltage region in which the
value is larger than 0.6 V, the transient response does not occur. The parameter values resulted from
the J(t) curve fitting of forward and backward scan is tabulated in Table 4.2. As can be seen from the
table, forward and backward scan have the same order of magnitude for almost all the parameters.
However, its saturation current is three orders of magnitude lower than saturation current of forward
scan. Furthermore, it is essential to analyze the meaning of saturation current and ideality factor value
in a cell because it influences other parameters. A specific discussion of saturation current and ideality
factor will be provided in subchapter 4.6. The J(t) produced by simulation did not exhibit similar
transient response behavior formed in the J(t) of measurement. The difference in the capacitance
value of first and second capacitor indicates that more charge accumulated in one of the interfaces of
charge transport layer and perovskite. Furthermore, there might be other topologies that have better
agreement with the measurement to represent hysteresis phenomenon in the PSC device.
42 4. Electrical Modeling
(a) (b)
Figure 4.9: The J(t) curve fitting of (a) forward and (b) backward scan of equivalent circuit with two capacitors.
with increasing applied voltage. This behavior is close to the J(t) curve of the measurement. In
forward scan, when high voltage is applied, the J(t) curve from simulation introduces an increase
of undershoot which is followed by an exponential rise. However, the exponential rise curve
among the steps is similar which means it does not increase, in contrast to the measurement
(a) (b)
Figure 4.11: The J(t) curve fitting of (a) forward and (b) backward scan of equivalent circuit from literature.
The result of fitted parameters from the simulation is presented in Table 4.3. Some parameters
of both forward and backward scan have the same order of magnitude but certain parameters
have not. The ideality factor n of both scan directions are close to 2. When n is equal to 2, there
is an indication that charge recombination mechanism dominates. Recombination also influences
another parameter, such as shunt resistance. As can be seen that the shunt resistance R , which
is in parallel with the diode, is small. It implies a high leakage current. Furthermore, capacitance
value of forward scan is three orders of magnitude larger than backward scan. Higher capacitance
implies more accumulated charge in the interface. The more accumulated charge resulted in lower
efficiency and fill factor (FF). Thus, higher capacitance of forward scan induces lower efficiency.
It is in agreement with the result of measurement in which forward scan has lower efficiency than
backward scan. Nevertheless, since the capacitance value of the capacitor in the simulation is
fixed in a specific value, the capacitance value difference exhibits an anomaly. It is because the
values strongly depended on the seven guess parameter values. In this scenario, strong under-
and overshoots occurred in large voltage regime of the graphs.
44 4. Electrical Modeling
In this scenario, eight parameters were used in the equivalent circuit. It implies that the simulation
will be more complicated since there are more parameters that should be optimized to fit J(t) curve
from measurement. The result of J(t) curve fitting of forward and backward scan are shown in
Figure 4.13a and 4.13b, respectively. Based on those figures, even though the J(t) curves were
not perfectly fitted, result from simulation showed transient responses not only at the low voltage
region but also at high voltage region. Table 4.4 presents the parameter values resulted from the
J(t) curve fitting.
4.6. Analysis of Saturation Current and Ideality Factor 45
(a) (b)
Figure 4.13: The J(t) curve fitting of (a) forward and (b) backward scan of equivalent circuit of scenario 4.
𝑛𝑘 𝑇 𝐽
𝑉 = 𝑙𝑛 ( ) (4.1)
𝑞 𝐽
where k is the Boltzmann’s constant (m kg/s /K), T is the temperature (K), q is the elementary
charge (C), J and J represent short-circuit current density and saturation current density (A/m ),
respectively. Based on equation 4.1, when saturation current density increases, the V decreases and
thus, FF increases. In the simulation, the saturation current of scenario 1 and 4 are approximately 10
A, whereas scenario 2 and 3 are is in the range of 10 -10 A. Theoretically, total current consists
of diffusion and recombination current. At low-voltage region when recombination current dominates,
the ideality factor is equal to 2. Moreover, at a high-voltage region when diffusion current dominates,
the ideality factor is equal to 1 [50]. In other words, when n=1, less recombination occurs in the
device. All the J(t) curve fitting simulations resulted in ideality factor in the range of 1 to 2. It indicates
that both diffusion and recombination current are comparable. Furthermore, based on equation 4.1,
ideality factor is proportional with V . It implies that higher n leads to higher V and consequently,
lower FF.
46 4. Electrical Modeling
4.7. Discussion
Two topologies were derived from simulation of band diagram as discussed in Chapter 2. First, an
equivalent circuit with one capacitor aimed at representing charge accumulation occurs in the grain
boundaries in the bulk of perovskite. The result of J(t) curve fitting showed that this configuration did
not give best fit to the J(t) of measurement. It was because the transient current density response from
simulation only existed at low voltage region, whereas in the measurement, the J(t) curve exhibited
increase of transient current density response with increasing applied voltage. Second configuration
referred to an equivalent circuit with two capacitors. In this case, two capacitors were used to reflect
charge accumulation in the interface of HTL/perovskite and perovskite/ETL. The result showed similar
transient current density behavior to the equivalent circuit with one capacitor which was only exhibited
at low voltage region. The transient current density is smaller than the first topology. However, its
behavior at low voltage region is close to the transient response obtained from measurement. At the
high voltage region, the transient current density response disappeared. The J(t) curve fitting simula-
tion result showed that this scenario has the smallest error compared to other scenarios.
Two additional equivalent circuit topologies were proposed to obtain better fitted J(t) curve. First,
a configuration was proposed based on an article introduced in subchapter 1.4. The configuration
was depicted in Figure 4.10. In this topology, a capacitor, which was in parallel with a shunt resistor,
was placed in series with photo-generated current source. The result showed an increase of transient
current density response at high voltage region. This behavior was in contrast to the two prior topolo-
gies. Second, an additional equivalent circuit configuration was arranged by combining scenario 1 and
3. It was considered because scenario 1 exhibited transient current density response at low voltage
region while the configuration from literature resulted in transient response at high voltage region.
The physical meaning of this configuration was to represent charge accumulation in bulk of perovskite
and interfaces of charge transport and perovskite. Even though the transient current density response
did not increase with increasing voltage. However, the result showed that the transient responses
appeared at the low and high voltage region.
In the measurement, the transient response increases with increasing applied voltage. Since the
transient response referred to capacitance behavior, it indicated that capacitance in the PSC is a voltage-
dependent whereas in the simulation, capacitance was fixed in specific value that was not a voltage
dependent. From the quantitative standpoint, scenario 2 gave the best fit to the J(t) of measurement. It
had the smallest error compared to other scenarios. Moreover, its parameters at forward and backward
scan were in the same order of magnitude, except for the saturation current. However, from qualitative
standpoint, scenario 4 generated transient current density responses that appeared at all the voltage
steps. However, the best fit is far from perfect. This was as expected due to limitations of the simulation
software it had to be assumed that the capacitance is constant or independent of voltage.
4.8. Conclusion
This chapter discussed simulation of several equivalent circuit model of PSC. Simulation was done us-
ing QUCS and Matlab. Since hysteresis phenomenon in our PSC device derived a transient current
response in the J(t) curve, a simulation of J(t) curve fitting was used in this project. The curve fitting
was aimed to find the best fit of J(t) curve from measurement and equivalent circuit model. There are
four different equivalent circuit configurations or scenarios that discussed in this chapter. Quantita-
tively, scenario 2 gave the best agreement due to the smallest error. However, the transient current
density responses only appeared at the low voltage region. Furthermore, qualitatively, scenario 4
showed transient current density response behavior at all the voltage steps which was similar to the
measurement. Nevertheless, the transient current density response did not increase with increasing
voltage as shown in the measurement results. These quantitative and qualitative considerations can
be used to answer the fourth research question about the best equivalent circuit to reproduce mea-
surement result. Finally, to answer the main research question, simulation in this chapter showed that
it is possible to model the hysteresis effect with an equivalent circuit even though the J(t) of mea-
surement and simulation were not perfectly fitted. It is worth noting that further simulation with a
voltage-dependent capacitor is recommended to obtain better fitted J(t) curve.
Conclusions and Recommendations
This chapter provides essential conclusions obtained in this master thesis project and recommenda-
tions for further research. Our PSC sample was fabricated by Solliance Solar Research. It has a
planar structure consisting of ITO/NiO nanoparticles/Cs . (MA . FA . ) . Pb(I . Br . ) /PCBM/ ZnO
nanoparticles/Au. NiO nanoparticles were employed as hole transport layer (HTL), whereas PCBM
and ZnO nanoparticles were used as bilayer electron transport layer (ETL). The main objective of the
project is to investigate hysteresis phenomenon in PSC sample using electrical modelling approach. It
was carried out by the following main scientific research question:
Four scientific research subquestions were derived based on the main research question. These
subquestions will be discussed and answered in the following subchapter. As explained in subchapter
1.3.3, hysteresis phenomenon in an organic-inorganic PSC device can be caused by several reasons.
Nevertheless, this project will only focus on hysteresis effect induced by charge accumulation occurred
in the cell.
5.1. Conclusions
5.1.1. Simulation of Band Diagram of PSC device
This section is used to answer first and second research subquestion that were introduced in subchap-
ter 1.6. The first question was ”Is it possible to understand charge accumulation in a PSC from the
band diagram?” and the second question was ”Can equivalent circuit of PSC be derived from band
diagram?”. In order to answer these questions, a simulation of band diagram of PSC sample in dark
condition was done using Sentaurus TCAD. Input of the simulation was based on fitting from the simula-
tion and on experiment from literature. Detailed explanation and discussion was provided in Chapter 2.
The result of simulation was depicted in Figure 2.3. It was shown that perovskite has inclined band
which will benefit charge carrier collection to the electrodes. On the other hand, charge transport was
also influenced by internal electric field generated by built-in voltage. Electric field drives electrons
and holes to ETL and HTL, respectively. Thus, it leads to a more efficient charge collection. The
band alignment strongly depends on the materials forming the PSC device. It means that different
device architecture results in different band alignment. In this project, PCBM as ETL has slightly higher
conduction band level than the absorber layer leading to the formation of a barrier, which prevents
the electrons that flowed from photoactive layer to metal back contact to pass the barrier. Hence,
when electric field is not sufficient to push the electrons to pass through the barrier, electrons will
accumulate in this area which is the interface between perovskite and ETL. On the other hand, va-
lence band of perovskite and HTL induces a cliff which can lead to more efficient holes collection to
the ITO electrode. Nevertheless, it also implies that the charges could accumulate in the interface
of HTL/perovskite. Moreover, the conduction band of ITO was close to the valence band of HTL. It
indicates that holes will recombine with the electron from an external circuit when the cell placed under
48 5. Conclusions and Recommendations
illumination. These explanation indicated that it is possible to understand charge accumulation based
on the simulated band diagram, referring to the first research question.
Simulation of band diagram in this project exhibited two possible location for charge accumulation
issue inducing hysteresis phenomenon. There were interfaces of HTL/perovskite and perovskite/ETL.
Additionally, based on some literature studies, there was an indication that charge accumulation takes
place due to ion migration in the grain boundaries of perovskite material that will also be considered in
this project. Thus, two equivalent circuit topologies were proposed. First topology referred to charge
accumulation in the bulk of perovskite layer. It was represented by a capacitor placed in parallel with
the photo-generated current source. The second configuration was arranged by adding two capacitors
in parallel to the general equivalent circuit of solar cell. However, in this case, each capacitor was put
in parallel with a shunt resistor. These equivalent circuit topologies were suggested to address the
second research question.
The measurement was done with different scan directions containing forward and backward scan.
Backward scan was applied to the cell first, followed by forward scan. The J-V characteristics obtained
from the measurement showed that short-circuit current density (J ) and open-circuit voltage (V )
of forward and backward scan were close to each other. Nevertheless, the maximum power point of
backward scan was higher than forward scan which led to higher power conversion efficiency. Vari-
ous scan rates were applied to understand the influence on hysteresis phenomena. It was found that
slower scan rates resulted in less severe hysteresis effect.
Additionally, transient current density responses were observed in J(t) curve of forward and back-
ward scan as a function of applied voltage. The transient behaviour increased with increasing applied
voltage. Furthermore, a time constant can be derived from the transient current density response. It
indicated that time constant also increased with increasing applied voltage. The time constant was
related to capacitance and resistance. Thus, based on the measurement, it can be concluded that
capacitance is a voltage-dependent parameter.
Furthermore, a J(t) curve fitting simulation was done to achieve the best fit of J(t) from mea-
surement and simulation. This simulation was essential to understand whether the J(t) of simulation
can produce similar behaviour to J(t) from the measurement. As explained in subchapter 5.1.2, tran-
sient current density responses, which was exhibited in the measurement, transient current density
increased with increasing applied voltage. The fourth research question can be answered based on
quantitative and qualitative standpoints. Quantitatively, scenario 2 gave the smallest error compared
to other scenarios which was 0.2014 mA/cm . Its parameters were at the same order of magnitude,
except for saturation current. The transient current density response in this scenario only appeared at
low voltage region. It implies that the transient response did not occur at high voltage region. The
purpose of this scenario was to represent the charge accumulation at the interface of HTL/perovskite
and perovskite/ETL. Moreover, from qualitative standpoint, scenario 4 showed transient current density
response at all the voltage steps. This behavior was similar to the J(t) of measurement even though
5.2. Recommendations 49
the transient responses did not increase with increasing applied voltage. In this scenario, one capacitor
used to reflect charge accumulation occurred at the bulk of perovskite, whereas the other capacitor
used to represent charge accumulation at the interface of charge transport layers and perovskite. The
error of this scenario was larger than scenario 2. The result of measurement showed that capacitance
was a function of voltage, while the capacitance value in the simulation was fixed. It was because
the built-in capacitor component in QUCS did not provide setup to set the capacitance as a function of
5.2. Recommendations
5.2.1. Measurement
It is worth noting that the measurement should be done in a stabilized efficiency. It can be achieved
using maximum power tracking method that is equipped with a setup to set time duration of the tracking
process. Additionally, in this project, measurement was done with time-resolved I-V measurement
method. There are two ways to do the measurement of forward and backward scan: with and without
waiting time in between the forward and backward scans. In this project, the Keithley software provides
an option to measure backward scan, that directly followed by forward scan, and vice versa. A new
option of putting waiting time in between forward and backward scan measurement could be useful to
understand J-V characteristic which is influenced by charge distribution and redistribution. Moreover,
since the correlation of capacitance and voltage in this project was only derived from transient current
density response, further C-V measurement could be done to obtain appropriate C-V correlation. It
would also be less time-consuming if the software can give output not only in J(t) as a function of
voltage but also J-V curve when forward and backward scans are applied to the cell. In this project,
the J-V curve was extracted from J(t) curve with interpolation method using Matlab.
5.2.2. Simulation
In this project, simulation of band diagram was done at dark condition due to limited data. The
simulation could also be done for under illumination and applied bias condition. It would be fruitful to
have a better understanding of working principle of a PSC device. However, the simulation requires
optical and electrical properties data. Measurement could be an option to obtain these properties.
Furthermore, in this project, a built-in capacitor component was used because it was provided in QUCS.
Nevertheless, the build-in capacitor does not provide a setup to set the capacitance as a function of
voltage. Hence, a simulation with a voltage-dependent capacitor should be implemented for further
research. It is a crucial aspect to attain a better fit to the measurement result.
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Device Parameters for Simulation of
Band Diagram of PSC
A.1. Input of Sentaurus Structure Editor
Table A.1: Thickness of materials
56 A. Device Parameters for Simulation of Band Diagram of PSC