Assignment 1

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S.No Components Marks(100) Marks Remarks

1. Problem Statement 10

1. Novelty (4)
2. Complexity (3)
3. Application (3)
2. Motivation 5

1. Feasibility (2)
2. Related area (3)
3. Issues 10

1. Number of Issues (5)

2. Open Issues (5)
4. Literature Survey 35

1. Recent papers with problem (5)

2. Number of papers surveyed (3)
3. Quality of Journals (5)
4. Classification topology (5)
5. Mathematical Models (5)
6. Comparison Table with metrics (5)
7. Comparison Graph with results (5)
8. Conclusion (2)
5. Proposed Design 30

1. Objectives (4)
2. Architectural Diagram (5)
3. Data Flow Diagram (5)
4. Module diagram (5)
5. Flowchart (5)
6. Algorithm or pseudo code (4)
7. Hardware and Software Specification (2)
6. Conclusion 5
7. References 5
Total 100


There are few issue might be arise when the student want to have consultation with the lecturer
using the traditional method which is making appointment and meet at a lecturer room to having
the communication.

A Student bots project is built using artificial algorithms that analyzes user’s queries and
understand user’s message. This System is a web application which provides answer to the query
of the student. Students just have to query through the bot which is used for chatting. Students can
chat using any format there is no specific format the user has to follow. The System uses built in
artificial intelligence to answer the query. The answers are appropriate what the user queries. If
the answer found to invalid, user just need to select the invalid answer button which will notify the
admin about the incorrect answer .Admin can view invalid answer through portal via login. System
allows admin to delete the invalid answer or to add a specific answer of that equivalent question.
The User can query any college related activities through the system. The user does not have to
personally go to the college for enquiry. The System analyzes the question and then answers to the
user. The system answers to the query as if it is answered by the person. With the help of artificial
intelligence, the system answers the query asked by the students. The system replies using an
effective Graphical user interface which implies that as if a real person is talking to the user. The
user can query about the college related activities through online with the help of this web
application. This system helps the student to be updated about the college activities.


Sometime, the lecturer and student might have some personal issue and cannot come to school.
For example the lecturer has to outstation for some important works and the outstation will take a
period of time. Also student cannot come to school because they are not available in the area that
near to the school. During this period of time, if a student wanted to have a consultation session
with their teacher, they cannot meet the respective teacher in the university which causes the
student delay their studies progress.

In this application students can also talk with each other and can solve the doubts. As the traditional
method of approaching faculty or any other student to solve the doubts or for any type of
communication become difficult we are going to this application. In this we can chat to other
students and faculty.


Most often lecturer mailbox will be full of emails. Lecturer have to manually filter out which
emails is regarding the consultation requests. It will require the lecturer efforts in filtering the
emails. In the filtering process, lecturer might be missed out the emails regarding the consultation.

We can chat with other using other application like whatsapp, etc but we have to send to everyone.
But in this application any anonymous person can answer to the question asked by anyone.

The evolution of the internet technologies had benefit people to accessing to the web easily. More
and more services provide by this internet All of this can be virtualize thank to the technologies.
Communication between people using the internet becomes part of their daily life. People used to
communicate with each other’s using the online chat system to transfer their messages.
Traditionally, when people need to communicate with others they will have a face to face
conversation to deliver the message, same goes to the education field. It is strongly encourage that
student seeking for academic assistance from the lecturer when they face difficulties. Most often
happening is when the exam are in the corner and or assignment due date. The traditional way to
have a consultation is student make an email appointment with the lecturer and the lecturer
accepted the appointment or lecturer is free and available at his room or lecturer consultation hour.
However, this communication solution might be not convenient and not efficient due to some issue
that happen before the consultation started. The consultation session can be realized in another
similar way using an online solution.

User interfaces for software applications can come in a variety of formats, ranging from command
line, graphical, web application, and even voice. While the most popular user interfaces include
graphical and web based applications, occasionally the need arises for an alternative interface.
Whether due to multithreaded complexity, concurrent connectivity, or details surrounding
execution of the service, a chat bots based interface may suit the need .Chat bots typically provide
a text based user interface, allowing the user to type commands and receive text as well as text to
speech response. Chat bots are usually a state full services, remembering previous commands (and
perhaps even conversation) in order to provide functionality. When chat bots technology is
integrated with popular web services it can be utilized securely by an even larger audience.
Chat bots are the software techniques that communicate with the user in a conversation. The main
aim of their creation was to resemble a human being in the way they perform said communication,
trying to make the user think he/she is communicating to another human being. One of the most
famous languages for describing of a chat bots is Artificial Intelligence Markup Language
(AIML).This format focuses on the implementation of an AIML interpreter written in java script
to allow for a web-based client side specific usage of AIML chat bots. The interpreter fully destroy
the Document Object Model (DOM) tree manipulation functions of the j Query library to achieve
said goals, treating AIML files as if they were normal XML files The result is a well performing,
fully functional AIML interpreter tailored around AIML specification .AI chat bots is software
that is used to interact between a computer and a human in natural language. Naturally, it can
extend daily life, such as help desk tools, automatic telephone answer system.

A computer program is that which prompt human conversation through voice chats or text chats
or both. Chat bots is an Artificial Intelligence (AI) feature that can be embedded and used through
any major messaging applications. The chat bots can be pedagogical agents or personifications of
historical figures who will be able to talk about their life and work. These chat bots can prove
sufficient to fool the user into believing they are “talking” to a human being, but are very limited
in improving their knowledge base at runtime, and have usually little to no means of keeping track
of all the conversation data. A Chat-bots is a conversational operator that communicate with the
users using the natural language Number of applications of Chat-bots such as Customer Service,
call centers, and colleges etc.

1.Author name: 1.Bayan Abu Shawar 2.Eric Atwell
A Collaborative Digital Video Project in a Technological
In this paper, we describe a new way to access information by “chatting” to an information
source. This involves a chat bots, a program that emulates human conversation; the chat bots
must be trainable with a text, to accept input and match it against the text to generate replies in
the conversation. We have developed a Machine Learning approach to retrain the ALICE chat
bots with a transcript of human dialogue, and used this to develop a range of chat bots conversing
in different styles and languages. We adapted this chat bots-training program to the Qur’an, to
allow users to learn from the Qur’an in a conversational information- access style. The process
and results are illustrated in this paper.
2.Author name:- Hayo Reinders, Cynthia White,
Learner Autonomy in a Task-Based 3D World and Production
abstract:- The areas of autonomy and technology in language education have a potentially very
close but in practice often also uneasy relationship. In a narrow sense, technology is a tool that
helps learners and educators to achieve certain educational goals. Autonomy can be one of
those goals. But it can also in itself be an instrument towards the achievement of other
educational goals. Process and product often get confused, especially when talking about the
influence of technology on the development of autonomy. In the 1990s, for example, a common
argument for the use of technology in the language classroom was that technology would give
learners access to authentic examples of the target language and thus ‘increase’ their autonomy.
We now better understand that unrestricted access to information, without proper guidance and
feedback, can in fact inhibit learners from taking more responsibility and thus developing
themselves as autonomous learners. Further confusion arises from the inconsistent use of the
term autonomy. Although there is general agreement on the meaning of the term as learners’
ability to take charge of their own learning in practice it is unclear whether this involves or
overlaps with such learner differences as motivation, metacognitive awareness and affect,
and—perhaps more importantly—it is unclear how this can be operationalized.

3.Author name:- Robert Godwin-Jones

Promoting Learner Autonomy and Intercultural Competence

Interest in learner autonomy has increased substantially in the last decade. Given the emphasis
on studentcentered pedagogy and on accommodating student diversity, this is not surprising.
What is also both driving and, to some extent, enabling this approach to learning are new
directions and developments in technology. The dramatic increase in online resources, network
services, and educational software, together provide new opportunities for self-directed learning.
In the last few years, developments in mobile technology and the explosion in social media use
have accelerated the level of interest. The concept of learner autonomy of course pre-dates
computing, traceable at least back to the enlightenment thinkers and likely to a much earlier
period. Interestingly, its importance for language educators parallels the growth of computer-
aided language learning (CALL), with the two intersecting increasingly in recent years. Most
accounts reference Henri Holec’s work for the Council of Europe in the late 1970’s as the
starting point for language educators’ work in this area. From the beginning it’s been recognized
that developing learner autonomy does not just involve putting appropriate learning materials in
front of a student, but necessitates helping the student develop the skills and mindset that can
lead to successful self-guided language study.
4.Author name: Joachim Castellano, Jo Mynard, and Troy Rubesch

In this paper, the authors provide a description of an action research project based in a self-
access learning center at a small private university in Japan. A self-access center is a facility
which “consists of a number of resources, usually located in one place, and is designed to
accommodate learners of different levels, goals, styles and interests”. The aims of SALCs can
be pragmatic, ideological, or both. The pragmatic goal is usually to offer ways of individualized
learning, and the ideological goal is to promote learner autonomy. Sturtridge noted that unless
SALCs succeed in fostering autonomy, they are not likely to achieve their language-learning
goals. Learner autonomy is fostered in various ways. For example, by offering learner
development courses, access to advising services, opportunities for individualization,
collaboration and interdependence, and through the design and layout of materials. One of the
ways in which language learning goals have been supported over the past twenty years is through
the use of computer technology. As various technology-based language learning tools (TLLT)
and resources have become more readily available, diverse and easy to use, they have become
an increasingly important component of SALCs. In this context, TLLT is defined here as any
piece of hardware or software that can be leveraged for language acquisition regardless of
whether or not it was originally designed for that purpose. The researchers were interested in the
extent to which SALC users used TLLT for learning and leisure activities. The aim of this study
was to investigate the ways in which SALC users currently use technology outside of class and
how they might consider using TLLT in the future for self-access language study and practice.
Results of this research will assist the SALC team in providing and supporting appropriate,
technology-rich materials targeted to learners’ desires, needs, and interests.

Changing publishing models, including the rise of open access journals, have reshaped the ways
in which scholars share and use journal articles. More than ever, understanding the criteria for
assessing journal quality is critical in determining the overall value of any publication.
How does one know that something is of good scholarly worth? Traditional measures, such as peer
review, impact factors, and the reputation of the journal, continue to be hallmarks within the
academic community. Yet in addition to these standards, new techniques of journal ranking and a
rising interest in article-level assessment have emerged. Increasingly, alternative metrics are being
considered in evaluating journal quality, tracking the diffusion of scholarship through non-
traditional sources such as blogs, social media, and other online systems.How This Impacts You
Whether you are a student or faculty member, it is important to understand the current standards
for assessing journal quality. Assessing the scholarly worth of a particular journal or article can
help you determine its merits and relevance to your academic research and distinguish between
different sources.In addition to evaluating other authors' work, the perceived quality of a journal
can also influence where you choose to publish your own work. Factors such as impact and peer
review can be used in determining new hires and tenure cases by colleges and universities.



We've done a bit of work for you and gathered some info about certain chat bots building platforms.
In this article you can see advantages and disadvantages of bots building platforms. Chat bots
Features Matrix
The table shows what functionality such platforms as Chat fuel, Bots if y, On Sequel, Motion.AI
and Flow XO possess. Features are divided into several groups according to certain aspects: social
media integrations, plug in, templates, etc. for better understanding of the differences between the

Having a bundle of chat bots building platforms to choose from, it's easy enough to build a chat
bots, even for beginners. However, most of the tools are either basic or don't possess essential
features. Also, because of a rapid increase in the number of tools, it's important not to be lost.
Having a short summary of platforms together with features available will always come.
Chat bots are one class of intelligent, conversational software agents activated by natural language
input (which can be in the form of text, voice, or both). They provide conversational output in
response, and if commanded, can sometimes also execute tasks. Although chat bots technologies
have existed since the 1960’s and have influenced user interface development in games since the
early 1980’s, chat bots are now easier to train and implement. This is due to
plentiful open source code, widely available development platforms, and implementation options
via Software as a Service (SaaS). In addition to enhancing customer experiences and supporting
learning, chat bots can also be used to engineer social harm -that is, to spread rumors and
misinformation, or attack people for posting their thoughts and opinions online. This paper present
literature review of quality issues and attributes as they relate to the contemporary issue of chat
bots development and implementation. Finally, quality assessment approaches are reviewed, and
a quality assessment method based on these attributes and the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)
is proposed and examined.

This paper provided a review of the academic literature since 1990, and industry articles since
gather and articulate quality attributes for chatbots and conversational agents, and discover and
synthesize quality assurance approaches to recommend strategies moving forward. There are many
ways for practitioners to apply the material in this article:The quality attributes (Table 1) can be
used as a checklist for a chatbot implementation team to make sure they have addressed key
issuesTwo or more conversational systems can be compared by selecting the most significant
quality attributes, and/or .Systems can be compared at two points in time to see if quality has
improved, which is particularly useful for adaptive systems that learn as they are exposed to
additional participants and topics The example showed how this goal-oriented approach might be
used to evaluate the quality of two different chat bots implementations. Because the method relies
on pair wise comparisons, any metric (including those emphasized by the authors in Table 2) can
be associated with each quality attribute, and the results will still be valid. Furthermore, this
technique can be easily adapted to evaluate different implementations over time, which is essential
since most conversational agents learn from experience with users. These factors make the AHP
approach particularly robust for assessing the quality of chat bots and conversational agents
researchers, resolving the majority of issues identified by previous one.

Internet communication is getting more and more popular among the public. Apart from using
telephones or automobiles and sending mails, people can now communicate with each other
through the chat technology. The chat, is a kind of Internet technology that supports human-to-
human communication. IC, for instance, is one of the latest chat. Over the past two years, with the
advanced level of technology, there is an increasing trend of using IC for communication. With
IC, users can chat, send messages, files and URL’s.
Chatting applications enables us to stay in connected anytime, anywhere from any part of the
world. There are many applications which provides chat services, the most popular among them
are WhatsApp, Facebook messenger, yahoo IM, emails etc. IC applications have evolved from
being just an another application to send messages. The latest IC applications have features such
as transfer of different types of files, video chatting, group chat etc. The common disadvantage is
that these applications restrict the size of the files being transferred. Thus in IC we have
implemented chatting with unlimited data transfer without any size restriction.



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