K9 Annual (1982)

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K9 is a robot dog created by the Doctor to assist investigative journalist Sarah Jane Smith in her work. K9 has abilities like a blaster, probe and ticker tape to aid in analysis. He also indicates his opinions through the movement of his tail.

K9 is a real-time data analyzer robot created by the Doctor to help Sarah Jane Smith in her investigative work. He has abilities like a blaster, probe and ticker tape that allow him to analyze problems and objects. His tail indicates his opinions. He is very intelligent with an IQ over 300.

Sarah Jane Smith is a freelance journalist who first met the Doctor as a young girl. She traveled with him through time and space and witnessed adventures facing enemies like the Daleks and Cybermen. Her travels with the Doctor ended suddenly and she is now independent.


Powerstone .......................... ..... 7

The Shroud of Azaroth ............................ 18

Hound of Hell .......................................... 26

The Monster of Loch Crag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Horror Hotel ..................................... 48

The Curse of Kanbo-Ala ...... ..... 55

Introducing K 9 .................... 4

Meet Sarah Jane Smith ........ ..... 6

Can You Follow Instructions? . . . . . . . . . . 13

The Shape of TV To Come ..................... 14

Professor Rubik's Cube .............

Talking of Technology ...............

K9s Quiz

What is the Secret of the Standing Stones? 34

Myth or Monster? ............................ 43

UFOs Is This the Answer? ....................

— 45

Once Upon A Time, There Was A Robot 46

Ghostly Goings On .................................. 62

K9 is no ordinary canine. To give him his precise

due, he is a real-time data analyser robot, who just
happens to be in the shape of a mechanical dog.
With his original master, the Time Lord Dr Who, K9
has already seen action and adventure a-plenty,
and he's analysed himself and the Doctor out of
many a tricky corner.
K9's space-travelling days are behind him now,
but that doesn't mean he's out of action. Quite the
opposite, in fact.
K 9 has been assigned to assist investigative
journalist Sarah Jane Smith in the course of her
dramatic exposes and startling stories, and he's
already proving to be just the kind of helpmate
every investigative journalist needs. He doesn't get
flustered (that was never in any of his memory
programmes), and he possesses all the loyalty and
obedience of the more familiar four-footed friends.
As for intelligence, well, K 9 would be a candidate
for Mensa if they had any openings for metal
members. He has an IQ of over 300, and can

analyse a problem with devastating accuracy, in less
than two flicks of a dog’s tail… so to speak.
K 9 has a blaster in his snout which extends to
stun any adversary, and it can even kill, if the
danger is sufficiently deadly. He can move his head
up and down in order to direct this blaster, which
shoots off a powerful red ray.
Not to be confused with the blaster, K 9 also has a
probe, which extends from his head to allow him to
analyse objects which would otherwise be just out
of his range.
K 9 has been programmed to speak his replies to
questions, but for occasions when he is left alone to
conduct detailed analyses, he has also been
equipped with a ticker-tape facility, which
discharges from his mouth.
He is fitted with tracks, to facilitate movement on
rough ground, and one other feature of note is his
tail,which moves up and down and from side to
side. This is an indicator of K9’s opinions on various
matters, and it does have a certain parallel among
his more ordinary cousins.

Just to keep the record straight, the K 9 who helps
Sarah Jane Smith is actually Mark III of the model.
Mark I was left on the planet Gallifrey, with the
Doctor’s assistant Leela, and Mark IIwas left in
E-space with Romana II.

Sarah Jane first met the Dodor when she visited
a Research Establishment where there had been a
number of mysterious disappearances. She posed
as her aunt to gain admittance, and found that the
mystery was also being investigated by the Doctor,
who was at that time working with UNIT.
Sarah Jane stowed away in the Tardii, and that
was the beginning of her association with the

Doctor, which was to take her on many fantastic
journeys through time and space. Sarah Jane stood
beside the Doctor as he faced the Sontaran Linx,
the Daleks, the Cybermen and the Ice Warriors,
and she remained with him when he changed from
h~ third to his fourth incarnation
Their association came to a rather sudden end
when the Doctor was summoned to Gallifrey by his
fellow Time Lords,and he decided that he could
not risk Sarah Jane’s safety on this dangerous
mission. Sarah Jane found herself back on earth,
and her life became more normal, for a while.
Now though, with her nephew Brendan, Sarah
Jane is facing danger once more, as her
investigative talents lead her into ever more
punling and more dangerous - mysteries.

Sarah Jane Smith never ceases to bless the day

when she opened that wooden box, and found that
the Doctor had thoughtfully sent her the best
present she could ever have. He may look rather
odd, and he may be a bit of a know-it-all, but you
couldn’t have a better canine than K9!

- 7 1
Sarah Jane Smith is a freelance journalist by
profession, and fiercely independent by nature.
Orphaned as a child, she was brought up by her
aunt, the distinguished scientist Miss Lavinia Smith,
and since her aunt was always busy, and Sarah
Jane spent a lot of her time amusing herself, the
child grew up to be the kind of young woman who
can look after herself very well, thank you, and
doesn’t need any help from anybody.. .with the
exception of K9.
“Tellme, Mlss Smith—
”thud! “—
what started your ” thud!—

bang! -journalistic interest in ” —

bang! thud! thud! “— —witchcraft

and the supernatural?”
Sarah Jane waited a few sec-
onds for the noises that had
punctuated Toby Gough’s ques- forward to seeing herself in the “A bit to your left, K9,” said
tion to abate. When they did she ‘InterestingNeighbours’ column of Brendan. “That’s it. Fire!”
quickly ran through her answer in the local weekly paper. She had K9 fired as requested. The laser
her mind before answering. It was become quite a celebrity since beam that shot from his snout
satisfactory. “Well, I think,” she moving down to Moreton Har- started to cut away at a chunk of
began, “that I was really —” crash! wood! mortar between two bricks. The
Sarah Jane broke off and sighed “What’s going on, anyway?’ mortar soon dissolved. Brendan
impatientlyat the further interrup- asked Toby Gough. and K9 moved back as the bricks,
tion. This was ridiculous! “I’m “All the noise, you mean?’ said freed of their bonding, fell from the
sorry, Toby,” she said. “I suppose I Sarah Jane. “Oh, my Aunt wall with a crash. A billowing cloud
should have realised that this decided that she wanted more of dust obscured the work area.
would be a bad day for you to storage space in the basement so “Perfect!” declared Brendan.
interview me. Perhaps you’dbetter my Aunt’s ward is knocking out a “Good job, K9!”
come back another day.” couple of walls. I must admit he’s “Affirmative, Master Brendan,”
Toby Gough nodded. “Alright doing quite a good job.” Sarah said K9, “shall I continue?’
with me, Miss Smith,” he said, Jane smiled. “If a bit noisily. Come “Not yet, K9,” said Brendan,
packing away his tape recorder. on, I’ll see you to the door.” moving to the spot from where the
“But it’ll have to be before the end Sarah Jane rose from her chair. bricks had fallen. “I want to check
of the week, otherwise we won’t be Toby Gough packed away the last how far back these bricks go.”
in time for next week‘s deadline.” of his things and followed. The “I will scan,” said K9. “Density
“Make it Friday, then,” said thudding, banging and crashing indicates…”
Sarah Jane, smiling. She had to recommenced from somewhere “No, K9,”interrupted Brendan.
admit that she was rather looking downstairs. “Sarah and Aunt Lavinia will mur-

hesitated before she did as he
asked. Then she picked up Bren-
dan’s discarded torch and peered
in. She had to stop herself from
jumping back in horror as Brendan
had done
Beyond the wall was a cave
about the size of a small cupboard.
Rocks and bits of moss lay scat-
tered about it. Here and there,
droplets of water fell from over-
hangs and splattered on the cave’s
rocky floor. There was a dank and
musty smell. The thing that had
made Sarah Jane and Brendan
jump was lying in the middle of the
cave, half-obscured by what
looked like the remains of an old
rock-fall. It was a body!
Intrigued by Sarah Jane’s reac-
tion, Toby Gough moved over to
the hole. He too gasped in shock.
“Will you look at that!” he said.
Not taking his eyes off the body, he
started to pull a camera from his
Sarah Jane played the torch
beam over the body. It was old,
very old, and all that remained was
a skeleton and the rotted pieces of
a rough, simple robe. The hollow
eyes of the skull stared out from
beneath a tatty hood, and the arm
of the skeleton seemed to be
stretching out ahead towards
whatever the eyes had once stared
at. Boney fingers had gouged
themselves into the soil between
Sarah Jane was just saying the rocks. “The cave roof must
der me if they find out I made you goodbye to Toby Gough when have fallen in on him,” said Sarah
do a// the work!” Brendan started Brendan’s scream echoed out of Jane, “he must have been tryingto
to probe into the recently created the basement. She spun around, pull himself free when he died.”
hole. “It won’t take me long.” the cold hand of fear on her heart. Suddenly, the cave was filled
The space left by the missing Brendan sounded like he had had with a brilliant light. Sarah Jane
bricks was at approximately head an accident! turned. Toby Gough was taking
height, and Brendan was surprised Sarah Jane ran to the stairway picture after picture of the cave and
to find that his hand vanished into that led down to the basement. the body, the flash on his camera
it, surprised because h e had ‘Come on, Toby!” she yelled. exploding into light every few sec-
expected to feel more bricks. Brendan sat on the floor amidst onds.
Instead, the hole seemed to stretch a pile of bricks and powdered mor- “Mr. Gough!” objected Sarah
back and open out. It was very tar. K 9 was nearby, his probe Jane. “I didn’t give my permission
dark inside. Puzzled, Brendan bent pointing up towards the hole. for those pictures!”
down and picked up a torch. Flick- Sarah Jane ran to both of them. “Can’t miss an opportunity like
ing on the light, he stuck the torch “What is it?” she demanded. this, Miss Smith,” said Gough.
into the hole. He pulled it out again “What happened?” “This thing will make the front
a second later, his hand shaking, “The hole,” said Brendan, page!”
his face an ashen mask. weakly, “look in the hole!” Sarah Jane grabbed Gough’s
“Sarah,” hecroaked, and then it The shock that he had had a few camera. “No more pictures. Not
turned into a terrified scream of moments before was still evident in yet. We don’t know a thing about
horror, “Sarah Jane!” Brendan’s voice, and Sarah Jane this body; who it is, where it came

from, how old it is, anything! Until skeleton, one thought stuck in “Seven-seveneight,” she said.
we do, I don’t want any unneces- Sarah Jane’s mind just how had “This is what I didn’t want,”
say publicity! Do you understand an apparently centuries-old body Sarah Jane whispered to Brendan,
me?’ got where it was? What had hap- “now that one paper‘s got it, every
Gough shrugged and apolo- pened all those years ago? national in the country will want
gised. “Alright, Miss Smith,” he “No publicity!” bawled Sarah further ‘exclusives’!” She turned to
said. “I won’t put anything in my Jane, angrily, the next morning, Aunt Lavinia. “Whichever paper it
paper until we know what’s going “Gough agreed!” She threw that is, tell them no!”
on. Can I have my camera back?’ mornings copy of The Standard Aunt Lavinia put down the
Sarah Jane hesitated, then down on the coffee table and phone. “It isn’t a reporter, dear,”
smiled. She knew that she would fumed. The paper’s headline read she said, “it’s a Professor Clay of
probably have done the same ‘MYSTERY SKELETON DISCO- the museum’s history department.
thing in Toby Gough‘s place, and VERED!’, and next to it was a large He wants to speak with you.”
that she had done many times in photograph of the previous day’s Sarah Jane put down her coffee
the past. After all, that was what discovery. and went to the phone. Aunt
being an investigative reporter was “Freedom of the press, my Lavinia handed over the receiver.
all about! She handed the camera dear.” said Aunt Lavinia, matter- “Professor Clay?” said Sarah
back to Gough. of-factly. Jane. “What can I do for you?’
“Now,” she said, “I suppose “I’ll give him freedom of the “Miss Smith,” said Clay, “I must
we’d better let the police know press!” shouted Sarah Jane. “Just see you about the article in this
about the body. Come on.” Sarah wait till I get my hands on him! morning’s Standard. Could you
Jane began to make her way out of When I do, I’ll —” possibly come around to the
the basement. Sarah Jane was interrupted by museum? This evening, perhaps?”
As the others warily followed, the telephone starting to ring. Aunt “Well, I don’t know,” said Sarah
casting frequent glances back Lavinia got up and walked over to Jane, “is it important?’
towards the unseeing eyes of the it, picking up the receiver. “Yes, Miss Smith,’’ replied Clay,

gravely, “I would even go so far as “Turn right at next junction, Mis- “Obstruction ahead, Mistress!’’
to say it was a matter of life and tress,” said K9,scanning the map barked K9.
death.” laid out on the dashboard. Startled by the sudden and
Sarah Jane paused. What could “Thanks, K9,”said Sarah Jane, unexpected declaration, Sarah
he mean? She knew that there was “why do these places always have Jane stared out through the
only one way to find out. “Very to be out in the middle of windscreen. Three robed figures
nowhere!” She peered out
well, Professor Clay,” she said, “I’ll stood directly in the car’s path! But
be around this evening.” through the rain-battered the road had been clear a second
Professor Clay uttered a brief windscreen. There was a sign- ago! They must have leapt out of
thank you and goodbye, and then posted junction a little way ahead. the bushes!
there was a click and a buzz on the “Here?” Sarah Jane slammed her foot on
line. “Affirmative,” confirmed K9. the brake pedal. It was too late!
Sarah Jane turned the car She wasn’t going to stop in time! In
The road to the local museum around the corner. A straight road a last, desperate attempt to avoid a
twisted and turned through coun- stretched out ahead. Glad to be collision, Sarah Jane spun the
try hills and dales, and, with the finally off the winding country steering wheel to the left. The car
added problems of a heavy rain lanes and onto a proper route, shot off the road and ploughed
that had started when darkness fell, Sarah Jane accelerated. “We straight into a ditch!
Sarah Jane was having difficulty should be there in no time now,” Sarah Jane felt her head crash
keeping to the correct route she said. into the dashboard, and a thick

wave of nausea flooded over her.
Dimly, she registered three robed
figures approaching the car.
“Powerstone!” they cried, fling-
ing open the door of the car,
All Sarah Jane could say before
she lapsed into unconsciousness ~

was, “Help, K9!” But there was no

Sarah Jane awoke ten minutes
later, her head pulsating painfully.
“Ohh,” she moaned, “what hap-
“Mistress?” said a familiar but
distant voice.
Sarah Jane shook her head.
“K9?” She turned to where her “Unknown, Mistress,” said K9. sor Clay, explaining why she
computerised companion should “Suggest we continue journey. couldn’t make the meeting. Clay
have been sitting, but the pas- Professor Clay may be able to offer asked where she was and told her
senger seat was empty. Rain blew further information.” to stay there, and half an hour later
in through the open passenger Sarah Jane nodded. “I think you his car appeared from a side road.
door. Sarah Jane stepped out of may be right. I‘ve got a feeling that Sarah Jane and K9 took the pas-
her side of the car. “K9?” she this ambush has something to do senger seats. While he started to
repeated. with the body we found.” Sarah explain why he had wanted to see
K9 lay on the ground nearby, his Jane turned back to look at her car. Sarah Jane, Professor Clay steered
squat, metallic body tipped onto its The front wheels had buried them- his car back onto the road for
side. Sarah Jane went over to him selves up to the chassis in mud. Moreton Harwood.
and lifted him back to his proper “But we’re not going to be continu- “So, you see,” he said, after he
position. “You must have been ing our journey in my car, I’m had gone through the basics, “the
thrown clear when we crashed,” afraid. I’ll have to call the garage.” body you discovered was that of a
she said. “Are you alright?” “Public telephone booth located member of a fourteenth century
“I am undamaged, Mistress,” approximately three hundred and coven which used to gather in the
said K9. “The accident was not fifty yards to ourrear, Mistress,” K9 caves below Moreton Harwood.
severe.” pointed out. It’s really not surprising that you
Sarah Jane remembered the Sarah Jane looked back the way came across him, the cave system
three robed figures. “I don’t think it they had come. “Right,” she said, is quite large. Many houses in the
was an accident, K9,”she said. “I “we’d better start walking.” area are built over old passage-
think we were deliberately Just after she called the garage, ways and tunnels. A cave-in prob-
ambushed! The question is, why?’ Sarah Jane put in a call to Profes- ably just opened one up so that it

ran parallel with your basement to concentrate the dark forces that up to the manor house. Parking in
wall.” they worship. And thatpowerstone front of the main porch, he killed
“Do you think there are more was lost during the collapse of the the engine. Sarah Jane got out and
bodies down there?’ asked Sarah system.” lifted K9 after her. “Caution, Mis-
Jane. “So you think that that was what tress,” he said.
“Oh, undoubtedly,” said Pro- they were after?” asked Sarah Sarah Jane wondered what K9
fessor Clay. “It’s a historical fact Jane. “The people on the road, I meant, and then she realised. The
that when most of the cave system mean?’ manor house was dark. There
collapsed there was a meeting of “Yes,” said Professor Clay. wasn’t a light in any window.
the coven in progress, I very much “Even though the odds on that “That’s odd,” she said. “Bren-
doubt that many of them got out particular body being in possession dan and Aunt Lavinia should be
alive.” of the powerstone are probably in.” As she spoke, Sarah Jane was
“But those that did carried the twenty to one, the descendents of aware of how loud her voice
coven on, you say?’ the original coven members would sounded in the still night air. She
Professor Clay nodded. still clutch at straws to find it. They turned to Professor Clay, a feeling
“Though inactively. It’s a ruling of have been deprived of it for over of foreboding creeping up on her.
this palticular coven that no meet- four hundred years, after all!” “You don’t think—?”
ings can be held without the pow- “Well, they’re out of luck this Professor Clay nodded. “The
erstone, the thing that‘s supposed time.” said Sarah Jane. “The coven. I half expected this. I did say
police removed the skeleton this they would dutch at straws to get
afternoon. There was nothing on hold of the powerstone. They’re
it.” Sarah Jane stared out of the probably searching your basement
windscreen. The manor house right now!“
drive was approaching on the left. Thoughts of Brendan and Aunt
“Next one,” she said. “In here, Lavinia shot through Sarah Jane’s
that’s it.” mind. If the coven had harmed
Professor Clay guided his car them! “K9!” Sarah Jane said,

into the small tree-lined drive and your laser!“ Slowly, she started to
move towards the front door.
Professor Clay called out from
r behind her. “Don’t worry,” he
said. “The matter is in hand.”
Sarah Jane turned, wondering
what Professor Clay meant.
“I took the precaution of calling
the police after you told me of your
road accident,” he continued.
“They came straight here.”
The door of the manor house
opened. Sarah Jane spun back to
face it. A squad of policemen
poured out, each one holding a
struggling,robed figure in his arms.
Brendan and Aunt Lavinia
appeared behind them. “Sarah,”
said Brendan, moving over to the
lead prisoner, “I think you know
this one.” With a flourish, Brendan
pulled back the figure’s hood.
Toby Gough snarled at him. “Now
you know why he printed the
story,” Brendan declared, “he
wanted to let all his fellow coven
members know of the discovery!“
Sarah Jane walked over to the
captive Toby Gough. “Well, Mr.
Gough,” she said, smiling, “this
makes a change. Tomorrow, you
won’t be making the news. Tomor-
row, you’ll be the news!”


TO Within the next few years the way that weview and use television
will change drastically. We will haw far greater choice in what we
view-and when we view it-and there willbe awhole new range

COME of programmesand services from which to choose. The changes

will bethanks to two important technological developments—
direct broadcast satellites andcable-casting.
Thedirectbroadcastsatellite TV channels will probably messages to very small audiences. It
television service will mean that specialisemuchmoreinthefuture. is this last use which will really benefit
television programmes will be Some may concentrate on showing commerce-for example,
beamed into our homesfrom space. full-length feature films, others will employeeswill be able to receive
Providingthat you pay to have specialise in minority-interest messages from the chairman, work
special adaptations made to your TV programmes, while others will be rota information etc,on their own
set, you will be ableto choose from a 24-hour news stations. In Britain,the TV sets at home. And some of these
number of channels all relayed by Open University may use one of the restricted user channels will provide
satellite. To ensure good reception, channels, while another might a keyboard along with the set so that
dish shaped receivers will be fixed to transmitlive from Parliament. employees can also send as well as
house roofs, and the three-feet-wide And multi-channelcable system receive messages, making their TV a
receivers should be able to pick up won’t only be used by TV; business two-way communicationcentre. It
signals from as many as fifty stations and industry will find it invaluablefor may even be possible to shop via the
-quite an improvement on BBC1, transmitting messages and television set, ordering goods from
BBC2 and ITV. information quickly and efficiently home and paying back by keying-in
But the more stations you choose both within countriesand credit card numbers into the system.
to have accessto, the more you’ll throughout the world. By the 1990sthat three-channel
have to pay for the privilege. Special Thus broadcading-transmitting television set sitting in a corner of
scrambling devices will mean that to millions worldwide-will increase, most homes will be a thing of the
channels you don’t pay for won’t be but so will narrowcasting-sending past...
available on your set.
But the cost is not expected to be
exhorbitant.A five-channelsystem
will cost some f 50 million a year to
run, and that would mean an
increase in the licence fee of about
£5 at current rates. One system of
payment mightbe by subscription,
with viewers paying a special levy to
receive satellite programmes.
So will satellite TV mean the end
of BBC and ITV?No, they will
continue, and will share the satellites,
probably leasing time on them from
the British aerospace industry.
The present-day high mast
ground transmitterswill probably
remain, too, at least for the
forseeablefuture, astheir average lie
is some thirty years as opposed to
the satellite’s five.

Cable-casting is already big news

-and big business—inAmerica.
The key to cable television is the
development of wideband fibre-optic
cable-tiny strands of optically pure
glass through which information can
be passed in the form of laser light.
Each of these cables can carry up to
a million million cycles of information
per second (1Ghz), and that is
sufficient for somethinglike eighty
full-colour television channels. So
compact are the fibre-optic cables
that could run to every home that
each set could receive a staggering

When Professor Erno Rubik of Budapest was teaching about every twentieth person in the whole population)
his students the principles of geometrical sculpture he and soon the Cube was being puzzled over in almost
found that they had great difficulty in grasping the idea every corner of the world, with sales in early 1981
of three-dimensional design images. So the professor topping seven million and rising.
devised a simple teaching aid, made from scraps of But what is the Rubik Cube? The multi-coloured
wood and coloured tape, to help them. object is deceptively simple. Attractive to look at and
Professor Rubik couldn’t possibly have imagined pleasant to hold, it is made up of twenty-seven Oxo-
that soon his simple teaching aid would be on sale all cube-size cubes, arranged in three layers of nine to
over the world, driving millions of people slowly form a 2quarters” block. Each side of the Cube shows
mad … matching coloured faces…at least the colours match
I’ll explain. The Rubik Cube, as the device became when you first buy one.
known, fascinated the professor’s students, and The idea is that you unpack the Cube, mix up the
everyone else who saw it. Such was the demand for coloured cubes by means of a hidden mechanical
the coloured cube that it was patented, manufactured system that enable each face of the cube to revolve
and put on the market. In Hungary almost half a horizontally and vertically,then manipulate the Cube
million Cubes were sold in two years (that’s one for so that each face of the cube is a solid colour again.
Soccer stars Emlyn Hughes and Andy Gray seem to be having trouble…

That solution to the puzzle sounds simple, …but It’s child’s play for schoolboy David Millburn, who
doesn’t it? But ask someone who’s tried it, or cracked the Cube in 54 seconds.
better still try yourself, and you’ll soon find that it
is anything but simple. There are a mind-boggling
43,252,003,274,489,856,000 possible colour
combinations-and just one correct one.
It has been estimated that a computer operating at
one change of pattern per micro-second would take
about 3,000 million years just to count the pattern
Yet the puzzle can be solved, and children find it
easier than adults. In fact adults lag behind in this test
of mental gymnastics-top standard for them is three
minutes to solve the puzzle; for children it’s one
The world record at the time of writing is held by
Nottingham ‘A’ level student Nicholas Hammond,
who unscrambled the Cube in just 37 seconds-and if
you’ve tried the puzzle you’ll know how incredible that
Very few people have been able to work out how
the Cube is put together, and it has been described as
a brilliantly simple masterpiece of three-dimensional
design. Made in Hungary, they are sold all over the
world with their secret locked safely inside.
Why not try the mindbending Rubik Cube? If you
get it wrong the first time, remember that there are
only another 43,252,003,274,489,855,999 possible
colour combinations…


A loud cheer went around the George. Thanks for letting me

Flames consuming his arm, the
screaming figure of the demon room. On the balcony, the actor
playing Luke Dyson dropped his
come and watch.”
“You’re welcome,” Spielberg
Azaroth raced along the balcony in
a desperate dash for freedom. crucifixand mopped his brow. The said. “What about your friend?”
From behind, Luke Dyson, clutch- demon Azaroth picked himself up he added, looking down at K9.
ing his injured shoulder with one from the pile of cushions on which “My data banks have accumu-
hand and brandishing a crucifix he had landed and waited patiently lated much information relevant to
with the other, called out his name. while a technician sprayed his the field of cinematic production,”
Azaroth spun to face him and burning arm with a fire exting- said K9. “Thank you.”
howled like a trapped animal. uisher. Spielberg sighed wistfully. “Ah,
Dyson smiled and thrust the “OK, folks,” continued Spiel- K9. I wish I could use you in one of
crucifix into Azaroth’s goat-like berg, “that’s it for the day. Kill the my films. You’d be a box office
face. With a defiant glare, Azaroth lights.” He turned to face a young sensation.”.
leapt from the balcony, and with a woman by his side. Sarah Jane giggled. “I can’t
final scream plummeted towards “Well, Sarah,” he said, “did you quite see K9 playing the romantic
the floor far below! enjoy your look into how a film is lead in something like Gone With
“Cut!“ yelled George Spielberg. made?, The Wind, can you?’
“Print it!” Sarah Jane smiled. “Very much, “Perhaps not, but.. Spielberg

began, but never finished. The “So you see,” he said, “this film “George,” said Sarah Jane,
conversation was broken by a is based on fact. The Azaroth cult picking her words carefully, “by
sound from the balcony. Sarah actually existed, here, in this the sound of things all these acci-
Jane and Spielberg looked up. A house, up until twenty yearsago. It dents are more than just coinci-
figure was stumbling towards the only broke up when the last of the dence. Curse or otherwise, some-
safety rail at its edge. “Look out!” De’Ath family, the leaders of the thing is going on. If you don’t mind,
cried Spielberg. “You’ll fall!” coven, was killed in a car accident. K9 and I would like to stay around
Fleetingly, Sarah Jane had the It was said then that the house was and get to the bottom of it.”
thought that the figure might have cursed by the arch-demon Spielberg sighed in relief. “I was
been one of the unit’s stuntmen Azaroth, that anyone who entered hoping you’d say that. I’ll get my
practising for the next day, but the house would die! Of course, secretary to fix you up with a
when she heard the crack of splin- when I decided to use the house for room.”
tering wood from the railing she added authenticity in the film, I Spielberg said goodnight soon
knew she was wrong. As she took no notice.“ Spielberg took a afterwards, and Sarah Jane was
watched in horror, the railing deep breath. “Now I’m not so sure. escorted up to her room by Jill
parted and the figure came hurtling One man has been killed, Sarah. Grant, the production secretay, a
over the edge, and this time there Killed!“ pleasant girl in her early twenties.
were no cushions to break the fall!
The figure hit the floor with a
sickening thud. “No!” yelled
Spielberg. “Not again!”
Sarah Jane and Spielberg ran
over to the still body, closely fol-
lowed by K9 and the remaining
members of the film crew. Sarah
Jane turned the body over. It was
one of the lighting technicians. A
trickle of blood ran from his mouth.
“How bad is it?’ Spielberg asked,
his voice unsteady.
“K9?” said Sarah Jane.
K9 extended his probe. “Injuries
sustained as a result of fall are min-
imal, Mistress,” he diagnosed.
“However, human has entered
shock. Immediate hospitalisation
necessary for continuation of phy-
siological functions.”
Sarah Jane stood up. “Some-
one get an ambulance. Quickly!”
George Spielberg stepped back
from the injured man, buying his
head in his hands. Sarah Jane went
to him. “George,” she said, gently,
“what did you mean before, when
you yelled ‘not again’?’’
Spielberg put down his hands
and looked at her. “This house is
cursed,” he said, more than a hint
of fear in his voice, “cursed by the
shroud of Azaroth!”
Sarah Jane took Spielberg by
the arm and led him into a side
room, a study, away from other
ears. Once he had settled down, he
began to tell her about the other
‘accidents’, and everything that
had happened since they had
arrived on location. Sarah Jane lis-
tened with mounting disbelief.

Going up the stairs, Sarah Jane Suddenly, the handle stopped
could easily understand how moving. Sarah Jane heard the
rumours of a curse got started in sound of running footsteps retreat-
the house; its gothic design cap- ing down the hall. Without hesita-
tured the mood of something tion she flung open the door.
unholy. But she soon forgot about “Come on, K9,” she said. “Let’s
that. The day on the set had been find out who our mysterious visitor
hectic, and she was asleep as soon was!“
as her head hit the pillow. The house was silent and dark,
“Mistress. Wake up, Mistress,“ and Sarah Jane and K 9 moved
said K9. “Intruder in immediate quietly along the corridor and out
onto the balcony. There was no
Sarah Jane awoke immediately. sign of life anywhere. Deliberately,
“What is it. K9?’ Sarah Jane left off the lights. “Any-
“The door, Mistress,’’ said K9, thing on infra-red, K9?” she whis-
and moved over to it, his laser bar- pered.
rel ready to fire. “Caution is K 9 stopped and scanned the
advised.” surrounding area. Suddenly, he
Sarah Jane got out of bed and barked a warning: “Behind you,
quickly dressed. The handle on the Mistress!”
door was rattling and turning. Sarah Jane spun, her heart
Someone was trying to get in! pounding with shock. A grey figure
“Who is it?’ Sarah Jane chal- came hurtling out of the shadows
lenged. towards her. “K9!” Sarah Jane
cried, but whatever else she was
going to say was cut short as her
attacker slammed into her. Sarah
Jane gasped in pain and fell back
against the balcony railing. She
heard the now familiar splintering
of wood. She was going to be
pushed over!
Then, as quickly as it had
started, it was all over. Sarah Jane
heard the sound of K9’s stun beam
firing and felt her attacker fall back.
Quickly, she rolled away from the
I edge. Clutching his arm, her
attackerstaggered off intothe dark.
“Attacker escaping, Mistress,”
said K9. “Iwill pursue.”
“No, K9!” shouted Sarah Jane.
“You’ll never catch him now.”
Slowly, she stood up, rubbing her
aching back. “There’s nothing
more we can do tonight. Let’s go
back to bed.” Despite what had
happened, Sarah Jane could not
stifle a yawn.

The next morning, the house

was once again full of the hustle
and bustle of a film crew at work.
Sarah Jane came down to be met
by George Spielberg, and she told
him of the night’s events. Once he
had expressed his concern, Sarah
Jane asked permission to. nose
around on the set while the day’s
scenes were being filmed. Spiel-
thingsso that she could approach
the problem afresh later, she began second time before Sarah Jane Sarah Jane nodded, she had a
to watch the filming. “I think realised they were calling to her. scratch on her leg, but that was all.
they‘re setting up for the sacrifice Quickly she turned, and looked “What happened?” gasped
scene, K9,” she said. where they were pointing. The Spielberg.
The lights on the set dimmed. In support on one of the ‘brutes’-the “Another ‘accident’, George.
the middle of the floor, a technician immense lights used on a film set — Someone just tried to kill me.”
turned on a ‘dry-ice’ machine. had been released. It was falling Sarah Jane took a deep breath.
Cloudsof fog-like vapour started to right on top of her! Instinctively, “And I think Iknow who. Come
flow around a group of actors Sarah Jane somersaulted out of on, George,” she said, “we’re
garbed in ominous monk‘s habits. the way. She cleared herself just in goingto have a chat with our friend
Out of the corner of her eye, Sarah time. With a resounding crash, the Azaroth!”
Jane saw the actor playing Azaroth ‘brute’ hit the floor. Metal buckled. Miles Bracken, the actor who
working his way around the edge Shards of hot glass exploded all played Azaroth, could not be
of the set. As usual, he was in full over the set. Electrical wires found anywhere on the set or in the
costume, his face hidden beneath sparked as connections were house. Conveniently, he seemed
the goat-like mask. ripped apart. to have disappeared. But Sarah
“Action!” yelled George Spiel- Sarah Jane knew full well that if Jane was determined to challenge
berg, and the actors began to chant her reactions hadn’t been so good him with her suspicions, and,
and wave their arms. Sarah Jane there would hardly have been obtaining his home address from
was soon engrossed in the fictional enough left of her to identify! Spielberg’s records, she, K9 and
world. Through the chaos on what Spielberg himself drove over in her
“Look out!“ someone shouted. remained of the set, George Spiel- car.
“Get away from there!” berg ran over to Sarah Jane. “Are
The warning had to be shouted a you alright?” he cried. “Impossible!” shouted Bracken.

‘‘That’s a ridiculous accusation!’’ outburst. “If you’re going to point almost below the horizon. Night
Sarah Jane stared at him. the finger of accusation at any- was creeping in. The house was
“Why?’ one,” he bawled, “point it at the silent and dark. “Caution is
“Because,” Bracken declared, writer of your film, Richard advised, Mistress,” said K9.
getting increasingly angry, “I Kenyon!“ Switching on the lights, Sarah
haven’t been near the set!” He Sarah Jane stopped. “What Jane moved into the main room.
turned to Spielberg. “You can- makes you say that?’ The floor was obscured by a layer
celled my contract, remember!” Bracken faltered. “Don’t YOU of white mist. The dy-ice machine
Bracken tookaletter from a drawer know?’ he said incredulously. had been turned on!
and shoved it in Spielberg’s face; it “His real name isn’t Kenyon. It’s “Someone has a sense of the
was a letter stating that Bracken’s De’Ath! He changed it by deed poll dramatic,” said Sarah Jane. She
services would not be required twenty years ago. Richard De’Ath looked at her watch. According to
after all. It was on the film com- was the high priest of the Azaroth her calculations, De’Ath should
pany’s official letterhead. “Satis- cult!“ have arrived about half-an-hour
fied?” hissed Bracken. Sarah Jane took a second to before them. Plenty of time to pre-
Suddenly, the reason why absorb the revelation. Then, she pare some ‘accidents’. “Be care-
Azaroth wasneverseenwithout his turned to Spielberg and said: ful,” she said.
mask on set hit Sarah Jane. “George, ring De’Ath. Make some “Sarah!” cried Spielberg.
Azaroth was an imposter! But excuse to meet him at the house. Sarah Jane spun. At the other
who? Apologising to Bracken, she We’re going to set a trap!” end of the room, Richard De’Ath
turned to Spielberg. “Come on, sat in a ‘aye armchair looking at
George,” she said. “We’ll start all By the time Sarah Jane, K9 and them. His hands were folded in his
over again.” Spielberg returned to the house, lap.
As they reached the door, Brac- most of the film crew had left for Sarah Jane walked over to him.
ken broke into one more angry the day. The sun was already Even before she reached him, she

knew something waswrong. There for. By becoming angry, Jill Grant With a nod, Spielberg exited
was something odd about the way had thrown herself off guard. through the window. Sarah Jane
his head hung, something strange “Now, K9!” Sarah Jane yelled. began to work her way over to the
about his eyes. Sarah Jane soon “Fire!” unconscious girl.
knew what it was. His neck was “Affirmative, Mistress,” Later, the three of them sat on
broken. Richard De’Ath was dead! responded K9. A thin red stun the grass outside. It was all over. Jill
“Fools!” someone shouted from beam shot from his snout, hitting Grant had been taken to hospital.
the balcony. “You’re all fools!” Jill Grant in the stomach. With a The body of Richard De’Ath had
Sarah Jane and Spielberg howl of pain she stumbled back- been rescued from the flames.
looked up in shock. Azaroth stood wards, tripping on the top fewstairs Only the house itself continued to
above them, a flaming torch in of the balcony. bum.
each hand. He was laughing like a “Watch out!” warned Sarah “You know,” said Spielberg,
maniac. Azaroth lowered the Jane… but it was too late. “fact is sometimes stranger than
torches and held them beneath In her last few seconds of con- fiction.” He paused. “According to
drapes that hung at either end of sciousness, Jill Grant grasped legend, the only way to end the
the balcony. They caught immedi- blindly at the remains of the curse of Azaroth was to cleanse it.
ately, and within seconds tendrils drapes, only to find that they tore Cleanse it by fire!” He looked back
of fire had started to creep up to away from their fastenings. With a at the remains of the De’Ath ances-
and along the surrounding wood- shocked yell of protest, she tipped tral home, spitting and crackling in
work. “This place is a tinderbox!“ completely off balance and sailed the cold night air
yelled Spielberg. “It’ll go up like a out into the air above the stairs,
bomb! We have to get out of landing a moment later at their
here!” base.
“Don’t move!” warned Azaroth. “The window, George!” Sarah
He was pointing a gun. Jane shouted, aware that the fire
“Who are you?’ pleaded Spiel- was getting out of control. “Smash
berg. “Why are you doing this?’ the window!”
Azaroth laughed again, and Spielberg grabbed a chair and
lifted his other arm to pull offthe threw it at the window. The glass
goat-like mask. Spielberg and shattered instantly.
Sarah Jane gasped in horror. It was “Call the fire brigade!” Sarah
Jill Grant, the production secret- Jane shouted. “1’11 get Jill out of
ary! here!”
“Why?” she shouted. “Because
of him!” She pointed at De’Ath.
“Twenty years ago, two people
disappeared after attending one of
his coven meetings. They were my
parents! After that night I never saw
either of them again! After that
night Iswore I would get revenge!”
Spielberg looked over a t
De’Ath’s body. “Well, now you
have,” he said, “but why all the
accidents? Why kill us?”
“To cover her tracks,” inter-
rupted Sarah Jane. “De’Ath’s
death will just be another in a line
of unfortunate ‘accidents’. Some
people may even believe it was the
curse of Azaroth. There’s no way
the police will be able to determine
the cause of this fire. She may be
mad, but she’s clever!“
“Mad!” screamed Jill Grant.
“You dare to call me mad!” She
began to make her way down off
the balcony and towards them.
Sarah Jane’s comment had had
just the effect that she had hoped

Let's take a look at some new developments
in science and technology.



The Space Shuttle has opened up fantastic new

possibilities for space exploration, and also for
using the environment of space for setting up
laboratories and even small factory units,
working on projects which are difficult to
manage on earth.
But why is it easier to work with them in
Well, in fact there are several reasons.
One of the most important concerns the state
of weightlessness, which does not exist on
earth because of the forces of gravity. This
means that materials can be made in space
inside containers, but free of any contact with
the surfaces of these containers. Absolute purity
of these substancescan therefore be
guaranteed. Completely new alloys could be
developed, and substances such as a foam
steel, which would be so light that it would float
on water. Crystals for use in electronic
equipment can also be grown much larger in
There are also two other major advantages to
working in space. First, there IS all that free
energy, in the shape of unlimited sunlight. And
then there is direct access to a state of vacuum,
which is necessary for many industrial
Making contact with intelligent
alien life on other planets has
long been a dream of many
scientists. Of course, we do not
really know if such life forms
really exist, but there is always a
In 1974 a message was sent
from a giant radio telescope in
Puerto Rico, to Messier 13, a
star cluster on the edge of our
galaxy. The message contained
information about ourselves,
and it would obviously be
fantastically exciting if we were
ever to receive an answer. We
might have to wait a while
Messier 13 is so far away that
the message will take24,000
years to get there.

There is a great deal of controversy about the
pros and cons of nuclear power, with the main
argument concerning the dangerous
radio-active wastes which the process
produces, which will not be safe for hundreds,
even thousands, of years.
An alternative for future reactors might be the
process of nuclear fusion, rather than fission.
Various types of reactors working on this
principle are at present under investigation and
development, and in one example a laser beam
is used to crush pellets of deuterium. Under this
crushing pressure the atoms are fused together,
giving off immense heat, which turns water to
steam. The steam is used to spin electric
turbines. generating electricity.
Two main advantages of this process are that
it produces little radio-activewaste, and also
that the fuel, deuterium, comes from sea water,
which is easily available.
HOUNDOFHELL megaliths that was Druid’s Ring
stood out against the night sky,
silhouetted by the almost full
moon. It was a grim reminder that
Midsummer’sNight, the time when
those who worshipped the dark
forces practised their summer sol-
stice ceremonies, was only
twenty-four hours away! Sarah
Jane shivered. Even now a small
group of hooded figures was mov-
ing about within the ring, preparing
forthe night of evil that was soon to

hh, Brendan,” whispered the ground aheadofhim wassolid.
S a r a h Jane. “They might hear It was a difficult task; more than
you.“ once that night K9 had accidentally
Brendan froze, one foot resting slipped into the soft mud, and it
on solid ground, the other half had taken all of Sarah Jane and
lifted outof the marshy ground into Brendan’s strength to pull him out
which it had sunk a second earlier. again.
“Sorry, Sarah,” he whispered Sarah Jane squinted through the
back, “but Ican’t help it. You can’t darkness, picking out the solid
tell what’s marsh and what isn’t.” ground. “To your left, K9,” she
With a cautious look around, he directed, “just a little. That‘s it.” At
slowly lifted the trapped foot. It first she had tried to carry him, but
came free of the mud with a horr- the topography of the area coupled
ible squelching sound. Brendan with the camera equipment that
winced. “If you think I’m having she carried had made it impossible.
problems, look at K9.He’s just not Getting to Druid‘s Ring, for K9,
built for this sort of thing!” Brendan and herself, was turning
Sarah Jane turned and looked out to be one hard slog. Eventu-
back beyond Brendan. K9 wasty- ally, though, K9 successfully
ing to work his way towards them traversed the last few feet, and he
from a few yards back. His sensor rolled up beside them. “Continue,
probe was extended from his Mistress,” he said.
snout, and he moved slowly and Sarah Jane looked ahead of her.
erratically. Sarah Jane knew that No more than a hundred yards
.he was tying todetermine whether away, the circle of ancient

“No, K9,” Sarah Jane decided, Suddenly, from behind Sarah his hand. The first shot rang out
“this is as far as we go. We can’t Jane, there came a startled gasp. through the night, and a bullet
risk being spotted.” She unslung Sarah Jane turned. While tying to impacted not six feet away!
the camera from around her neck. wipe mud off K9’s body, Brendan “Guns!” yelled Sarah Jane.
“You two keep a look out,” she had lost his balance. Too far over “They’ve got guns!”
said to K 9 and Brendan, “I’ll get to recover, he was falling headlong Despite the difficulty he had had
this on film.” into the marsh! The splash and earlier, Brendan flew out of the
Through the zoom lens on her gasp of pain he gave in landing cut marsh like a tornado. Sarah Jane
camera, Sarah Jane got a much through the silence of the night! yelled at him to get moving. Bren-
better view of the activities within “Brendan, no!” yelled Sarah dan began to run. With a cry of,
the ring. There were five people in Jane, but she knew that the dam- “Come on, K9!” Sarah Jane fol-
all, unidentifiable beneath their age had already been done. Cries lowed. Another shot rang out.
satanist’s robes, and they seemed of discovery and warning echoed Racing back across the marsh
to be building some sort of effigy from Druid’s Ring. They had been proved to be far more difficult than
from branches and stones. It was spotted! “Come on!” screamed walking across it. There was no
probably going to become the Sarah Jane. “We’ve got to get out time to decide which paths to take.
centre-piece of the following of here!” Both Brendan and Sarah Jane
night’s ceremony. Sarah Jane con- Reslinging her camera, Sarah found that they stumbled every
centrated on it, and shot off a string Jane leapt up from her hiding few yards. The satanists, obviously
of photographs. It was the likeness place. Already she could see the more used to the terrain, began to
of a dog…a giant, ominous hound hooded figures racing towards gain ground fast.
of hell! them. Each one held something in Sarah Jane stared ahead as she

ran, desperately hying to pick out
the bordering road where she had
left the car. She couldn’t see it
anywhere! A bullet thudded into a
small mound next to her, sending a
spray of soil and grass into the air.
Swerving to avoid it, Sarah Jane
tripped o n a clump of coarse
marshweed. The wind was
knocked out of her as she collided
with the ground. Brendan turned
to look back. “Keep running!”
catching in
her throat.
Jane, her breath
“But K9!” yelled Brendan, look-
ing even furtherback.
Sarah Jane rolled around, sud-
denly realising how much difficulty
her computerisedcompanion must
be having. K9 had stopped and
turned back towards the satanists!
“K9!” Sarah Jane yelled, “what
are you doing?’
“Rapid motion over this terrain
impossible for this machine, Mis-
tress,” he responded. “Current
position held.”
“No, K9!” objected Sarah Jane.
“I’m not leaving you!”
But K 9 had other ideas. His
primaryprogramme was to protect
his mistress, and that was just what
he intended to do. As Sarah Jane
watched, stun beam after stun
beam shot from his snout. One
satanist doubled over and fell into
the marsh. “Twenty percent reduc-
tion in enemy attack potential,” K9
declared. “Will continue offen-
sive.” K9 began to fire again. tinued to fire back. that she had no choice, Sarah Jane
K9’s second attack brought a Sarah Jane felt her heart leap took a deep breath and grabbed
wave of retaliation. Now able to into her throat. K9 was hit! Desper- the lifeless K9, hoisting him up into
determine his position, the satan- ately, she began to scramble her arms. He was heavy, very
istsletoffavolleyofgunfire.Bullets towards him, bullets raining heavy, but she had to get him out
hit the ground all around K9. He around her. “How bad, K9?” she of there. Bullets hurtling into the
fired again, downing another ofthe yelled. marsh around her, Sarah Jane
satanists and drawing even more “Not incapacitated, Mis…” K9 started to run for Brendan and the
fire. began, but he did not finish. car.
Sarah Jane had to dive forcover Another bullet smashed into his Just as Sarah Jane, K 9 and
to avoid any possible ricochets. side, enlarging the earlier hole. Brendan finally reached the road,
“Leave it, K9!” she shouted. “One More sparks shot from it. As Sarah the satanists came pouring over a
shot could…!” Jane gaped in horror, K9’s head nearby rise. For a second or two it
But her cry came too late. drooped, and he did not say seemed to Brendan that their luck
Another hail of bullets came another thing. had run out but somehow Sarah
screaming through the air, and this “NO!” Sarah Jane screamed. Jane managed to fling open the car
timethey hittheirtarget! K9rocked “Sarah, this way!” Brendan door and drop K9 onto the back
with the impact as one bullet shouted. “The car!” seat. Brendan leapt into the pas-
slammed into his side and one into Sarah Jane stared over at him, senger side while Sarah Jane
his back. Sparks burst from the not really taking in what he had revved the cold engine into life.
holes left by both! “Damage, Mis- said. Then it hit her: the car! They ‘Go!’thought Brendan. ‘Go!’
tress!” K9 announced. but he con- might escape after all! Knowing Sarah Jane slipped into gear and

slammed her down on nor house, K 9 seemed whatever you can do will be done
accelerator. nearer repair. better after you’ve had some
With a screech of tyres, the car “The trouble is,” Brendan said, sleep.” She pointed to the stairs.
shot off down the road. Brendan wearily probing K9’s circuits with a “Go!”

exhaled slowly and rested his head screwdriver, “that K 9 is the result Aunt Lavinia was right as usual.
on the dashboard in relief. In the of technology hundreds of years Sarah Jane felt half-dead, and
rear view mirror the satanists ahead of our own. Normally his Brendan was more dead than
dwindled out of existence. auto-repair capabilities would deal alive. Reluctantly, the pair of them
“Just how serious is it?’ asked with the problem themselves, but got up and walked to the door.
Sarah Jane later, her concern for with the damage being what it “Aunt Lavinia,” said Sarah Jane,
K 9 obvious in her voice. is…” Brendan trailed off and sat “look after K9.”
Brendan sighed and rubbed back, obviously exhausted. Aunt Lavinia smiled. “He’ll be
tired eyes. “I really don’t know,” Aunt Lavinia, who had been safe with me,” she said.
he said helplessly. watching all along, but no longer Sarah Jane had no idea how
K 9 lay before him, his computer- seemed to be content to do so, rose long she slept, but when she finally
ised innards showing through open from her chair. ‘‘Right,’’ she said, awoke darkness had replaced day-
access panels of all shapes and “that’s it. You both need rest. Up light outside the window of her
sizes. Tools were scattered all to bed, and no arguments!” room. She snapped awake. It was
about. Brendan had been working Sarah Jane and Brendan started night! Midsummer’s Night! She
on him all night, but even now, to protest, but Aunt Lavinia had to return to Druid’s Ring! Then
with early morning sunlight stream- stopped them. “You said yourself she remembered K 9 and the
ing in through the windows of the that there’s little you can do, and events of the night before, and all

thoughts of returning to the marsh “That’s that strange thing,” to repair him was that there was
to complete her expose of the explained Aunt Lavinia. “One some damage to his memory
satanists drained from her mind. moment he was like he’d been all banks. It sounds like they’re still
She couldn’t think of anything but day, the next he was off and mov- malfunctioning.”
getting K9 back to normal. Slowly, ing across the room!’’ “Which means what?’ ques-
she got up and dressed, then “Well,” said Brendan, “it seems tioned Sarah Jane.
began to make her way down- as if I did him some good after all. Brendan frowned. “One, that he
stairs. Brendan joined her on the By the sound of it I repaired may not know who he is. Two, that
landing. enough damage for his auto-repair his behavioural pattern may have
“K9 is gone,” said Aunt Lavinia circuits to take over and complete altered. Three,” he concluded
when they walked into the sitting the job. It was hit-and-miss, but it grimly, “that he may not know
room. “I couldn’t stop him.” seems to have worked!” Brendan who we are!”
Joy and worry flooded through smiled, pleased with his handy- “Will it be permanent?” Sarah
Sarah Jane at the same time. Joy work. “Did he say anything?” Jane asked.
that K9 had apparently recovered; “Two things,” said Aunt Brendan shook his head. “No,”
worry because he had seemingly Lavinia. “‘Data required’ when he he said, “the auto-repair circuits
gone off on his own devices, some- first started to move, and ‘Cease will rectify the fault eventually. But
thing that he would not normally interference’ when I tried to stop until they do, K9 will be confused,
do without telling her first. “Why?” him leaving. He wasquite adamant possibily even dangerous. We
she asked numbly. “What hap- about it!” have to find him.”
pened?’ “Oh-oh,’’ said Brendan, his “But where, dear,” Aunt
smile disappearing, “I don’t like Lavinia said, “where?”
the sound of that.” “I think I may know,” said
“That doesn’t sound like K9 at Brendan. “Come on, Sarah, get
all!” said Sarah Jane. the car!“
“That’s what I’m worried Brendan was working on the
about,” Brendan went on. “One theory that K9’scomputer mind, in
thing I did notice when Iwas trying its faulty state, would latch onto its
most recent experiences in order to
repair itself, rather like putting
together the pieces of a jigsaw —
and based on that theory there was
onlyone place he could have poss-
ibly headed for: Bodmin Marshes,
the location of Druid’s Ring!
Sarah Jane parked the car a little
way along the road from where
they had been the previous night, She had gone no more than ten “Ragok!” shouted one of the
and the two of them got out and yards when a satanist appeared satanists. “Ragok!”
surveyed the view in front of them. behind her! “Back again?” he said, At the sound of the cry a hush
The marsh shone in the half-light of rhetorically. “This time you won’t descended over the ring. All the
the full moon. The lights of flaming get away!” satanists froze in their tracks. Then
torches flickered in the distance. Sarah Jane awoke with a moan, the cry began again, only this time
Sarah Jane looked at her watch; the lump on her head throbbing it was repeated over and over by
it was half past eleven. She knew painfully. The satanist had hit her
— every satanist present The circle of
that at this time the satanist cere- hard! Dimly, she was aware that figures blocking Sarah Jane’s view
mony would be in full swing, and her hands and feet were tied. parted. Sarah Jane gasped in
that it would be extremely danger- Dreading what she might see, she shock and horror.
ous to go closer, but if K9 was out opened her eyes. Where the likeness of a hound of
on the marsh she had to risk it. Sarah Jane was laid out on a hell had been the night before, sat
“Brendan,” she said, “go and sacrificial stone in the centre of K9! The effigy of sticks and stones
call the police. Get them out here. Druid‘s Ring. Satanists circled her, had been removed, and K9 had
I’m going in.” each one holding a flaming torch in been positioned in its place!
Brendan started to object, but his hand. Druid‘s Ring was alight “Ragok!” came the cry again.
there was no way that Sarah Jane with the glow they gave, and it “Ragok!”
was going to endanger her young echoed with the sound of chanting. Sarah Jane’s mind swam. She
friend’s life again and she soon Sarah Jane swallowed hard. This knew enough about the ceremony
persuaded him. As Brendan began time she was really in a mess! She to know that Ragok was the name
to trudge along to the nearest call strained to see beyond the circle of of the hound of hell supposedly
box, Sarah Jane started to pick her hooded figures for any sign of worshipped that night, but the
way out across the marsh. Brendan and the police. satanists were calling K9 by that
name! What was going on? “K9!” That had to mean her! Desperately “Sarah?” said a voice. “Sarah?’
she cried. she began to struggle against her Sarah Jane slowly opened her
K 9 made no sound of recogni- bonds. Above her, the satanist eyes. Brendan and a police officer
tion. It was obvious that he had still
produced a long, gleaming knife were looking down at her and smil-
not fully recovered. Suddenly, from his robes. Sarah Jane stared ing. Sarah Jane lifted her arm and
Sarah Jane realised what must up in horror. The knife was poised realised that she had been untied.
have happened. K 9 had been with above her, glinting in the torch- It was all over! “What happened?’
her when she had researched into light. She only had seconds! In one she said weakly.
Ragok, the details would have last, desperate gamble, Sarah Jane “You got throught to K 9 just in
been absorbed into his memory bit the hand that was clamped over time,” said Brendan. “It’s because
banks! In his confused state of her mouth. It was snatched away. of him you’re still in the land of the
mind K 9 had probably identified “K9!” she screamed, “it’s Sarah living.”
with the legend of the hound of Jane! Sarah Jane! Remember, K9! Sarah Jane sat up and looked
hell! K 9 thought he was Ragok! Remember!” about her. The stunned bodies of
“No, K9!” Sarah Jane cried. There was no response. The at least ten satanists lay on the
hand slammed back down across ground. K 9 was poised above
A hand slapped down over Sarah Jane’s mouth. Terrified and them. “K9, it is you!” shouted
Sarah Jane’s mouth. “Midnight gasping for breath, she realised Sarah Jane.
approaches!” shouted the satanist that she was losing consciousness. “Affirmative, Mistress,”
responsible. “It is the time of the Her last sight was of the knife arc- responded K9. “Why should it not
sacrifice!” ing down towards her, and then be me?’
‘Sacrifice,’ thought Sarah Jane. everything went black. Brendan caught Sarah Jane’s
puzzled glance. “He doesn’t

“let’s go home.”
K9 knows all there is to know about science, the stars and
space. How many of these questionsfrom his memory banks

It was discovered on 13th March 1781 by William Herschel, who at first
believed it to be a comet For same time it was known variously as Hyper-
cronius, the Georgian Planet (in honour of Herschel's patron, King George
Ill),or simply Herschel. In 1850 it was given the name by which we know it
today. What is the name of this planet?
When did Neil Armstrong first step onto the surface of the Moon?Who was
2 his co-astronaut and what was the name of their spacecraft?
What: is The GreenI Flash?

The200in. HalereflectoratPalomarMountain inCalifornia iswidelythought

of as being the largest in the world, but in actual fact it is only the largest in
in the
world Hemisphere.
is located? Do you know where the largest optical telescope

What is the name ofthe star constellationnamed after the beautiful daugh-
ter of King Cepheus and Queen Cassiopeia in mythology?


What does the phrase: ‘Wow! Oh Be A Fine Girl and Kiss Me Right Now

Sweetie' have to do with studying the stars?


What was the 'Lunar Hoax' of 1835?

Who was John Couch Adams?


This French astronomer began his career at Marseilles observatory,in the

role of caretaker! He was self-taught and concentrated on looking for

What is the Big Bang Theory?

comets He found 36, and was eventually made Director of the Museum

Observatoryin Florence. What was his name?


over Europe stand the mysterious
megaliths which we have c
as'standing stones'. But just
what purpose were they put

e Secret of the
Standing Stones?
There areat least 50,000standing stone sites in
Europe, where great stonesformrows, circles, ovals,
crosses, horseshoes or straight lines. They are in
varying degrees of preservation, and we do not know
how many more may have been completely
destroyed by man, or by the effectsof nature.
Stonehenge is probably the best known site, while
the rows of stones at Canac, numbering more than
3,000,are a popular attraction for visitors to France.
Sophisticated dating techniques have revealed that
t the various groups of standing stones were set up over
period of more than 2,000 years, ending around
500BC. This has ruled out a theory once common,
which was that they were built by the Celtic priests
who were known as the Druids, and used as part of
their pagan rights.
Now that we know that the stones are much earlier
than that, it seems even more remarkable that such
simple people should have used such incredible
amountsof time and energy hewing out gigantic
boulders of rock, often transporting them many miles
without the help of any wheeled vehicles, and finally
erectingthem in such precise formations. They must
have had a purpose.
Much research has been done in recent years which
pointsto the possibility that the stones were used as
astronomical observatories, and that they collected
information which would be of value to fanning and
seafaring peoples. Scientists who have studied the
sight lines between the sun and moon and various
points in the stone structures at Stonehenge have
been amazed at the accuracy of the information given
in this way, almost as if the stones could be used as
some strange kind of computer
Other modem day researchersgo further, and
suggest that the stones could have been setup with
the help of extra-terrestrial beings, who came to Earth
and imparted some of their superior knowledge to the
primitives they found here. There is even a theory
which suggests that circles such as Stonehenge, for
instance, could in some way have stored energy
which could be used to power spacecraft.
Another theory which might seem fanciful to us
concerns the indisputable fact that some of the
standing stones throughout Europe can be seen to
line up with one another, when plotted on a map.
even are those who believe that the stones were-or
are-linked by Iey lines, which are invisible lines
of forcesending beneficialbeams of energy across the Mast remarkable of all, however, was three of
countryside. the construction, which probably took place around
Fanciful it might seem, but consider for a moment 1500BC.This was when the giant sarsen stones, each
that we are looking at this theory from the point of weighing up to 50 tons, were placed in position after
view of modern man, who lives in cities and has all their 20 mile journey from where they were hewn.
the miracles of science at his disposal. Early man was We do not know exactlyhow they were moved, but
more in tune with the rhythms of nature, and it is calculations would indicate that as many as 1,000
possible that he was able to sense much more than we men would be needed to haul them acrosscountry,
are able to. He may have used, in other words, the usingsledges.
mysterious sixth sense which is so often speculated Once at the site the stones would have to be
about today. worked until they were the required shape-and
Looking again at Stonehenge, we h o w that there sarsen is the hardest of all British stones to work-and
were three distinct in its building, and that these then would come the business of placing them in their
stages spanned an incredible 1,000years or more. required positions, possibly using timber ramps and
The firstworkers were the Neolithicpeople who scaffolding.
beganthe construction around 2700BC,and How did primitive man manage such incredible
amongst other thins they set up the famous feats of engineering?And why? How did the impetus
Heelstone,which lines up with the Midsummer's Day to continue building keep the work going for a
sunrise from the centre of the circles. thousand years? And, because the evidence suggests
The second section was built some 800 years later that Stonehenge was never finished, why did they not
by the people we h o w as the Beaker People (so complete their task?
named from their habit of buryingpottery with their We will probably never know the answers to all
dead). It was the Beaker People who brought the these puzzles. The strange secrets of the standing
giant bluestones, each weighing more than four tons, stoneswill stay locked inside those massive chunks of
from the Prescelly Hills in South Wales, which was a rock for years to come, and the stones themselves
distanceof some 200 miles or more. may outlive even our advanced civilization.
TheMonsterof LOCH CRAG

Susan Hamilton gasped in relief as

the red public telephone box
appeared out of the mist, its interior
light acting as a beacon in the
darkness. Desperately, the freezing
night air searing her lungs; she
stumbled towards it and pulled
open the door, almost falling in. looked around the cosy, familiar “Telephone call for you, Miss
Somewhere outside, she could room. Although it had been over Smith.”
hear the ominous lapping of water five years since her last visit, Sarah Sarah Jane looked over at
on the banks of the loch, and the Jane was happy to see that the Archie, questioningly. Who could
sound made her fumble with fear. place hadn’t changed a bit. The be calling her here? Hoping that it
She hadn’t expected it to come to traditional log fire still crackled wasn’t about work, she moved
this. She hadn’t expected to vanish hospitably in the grate next to her over and took the phone from the
like the others. But the thing was table, and the antiques with which old Scot. “Hello?”
too clever, she knew that now. The she had become.entranced long “Sarah!”
thing was coming for her! Franti- ago still adorned the walls. There Sarah Jane smiled, recognising
cally, her fingers numb with cold, was something about the tiny the voice instantly. “Susan,” she
she snatched up the phone and Scottish hamlet of Gillicuddy, said, warmly, “where are you? I’ve
started to dial. She had to contact something timeless that never got a drink waiting for you here.”
Sarah… failed to attract Sarah Jane. Here, “No time. Listen to me,Sarah.
she could forget all about the trials I’m in trouble. The loch. Some-
Archie MacGibbon placed two of being an investigative reporter thing going on. Danger. My room.
drinks on the bar of the Stag Hotel and lose herself in happy holiday Check my room…” For a sec-
and smiled. “Aye, that’ll be one memories. She was glad that she ond, the line went dead. Sarah
pound and tenpence please, Miss had taken up the suggestion of her Jane was about to say something
Smith.” old friend, Susan Hamilton, and when she heard some sort of
“Thank you, Archie. One for travelled up to the highlands for a scuffling from the other end. Then,
yourself.” Sarah Jane paid for the few days rest. As soon as Susan Susan spoke again, only this time it
drinks and moved with them to a arrived, Sarah Jane was looking was hurried, distant. “Sarah,
table in the corner of the lounge forward to a good chat about old you’ve got to help! Help me,
bar. Gently sipping her drink, she times. Sarah, hel…” The sentence

ended in a scream. Sarah Jane had to smile. K9 began to trundle off across
“Susan!” Sarah Jane cried. “You’re forgiven, K9. I only wish I the grass. Almost instantly, he had
“Susan!” But there was no could explain. Can you see it?” vanished into the fog. Only the
answer. Sarah Jane heard a dull “Affirmative. Object immedi- sound of his, “Affirmative,” told
thud on the line, and then the pips ately ahead has shape and mass Sarah Jane where he was. She shi-
went. A second later, Sarah Jane conforming to what is required.’’ vered. It was a very bad night to be
stood stunned, the dull drone of a Sarah Jane braked. K9 was out.
closed telephone line sounding in right. Directly ahead, the tele- Backtracking on what K9 had
her ear. As she replaced the phone box had emerged from the reliably computed was Susan’s
receiver, all she could say was, fog. Sarah Jane bit her lip when path, Sarah Jane and K9 even-
“Susan?“ she saw that there was no sign of tually came to what was quickly
“Bad news, Miss Smith?’ said Susan. Inside, the telephone identified as Susan’s car. It was
Archie. dangled on its lead. Whatever had abandoned, the driver door swing-
“I don’t know, Archie,” Sarah happened, Susan had had no time ing open, on a slope just above the
Jane replied, not wishing to sound to place it back in its cradle. Increas- water line of the loch. Feeling the
alarmist. “I don’t know.” But she ingly concerned, Sarah Jane bonnet, Sarah Jane found that the
was going to find out. opened the car door and, picking engine was cold. There was
Sarah Jane switched her car up K9,stepped out. Placing him on nothing, no clue, to indicate what
headlights from dip to full beam, the ground. she said. “Continue had happened to Susan. Nothing,
and peered out through her -red scan, K9. Scan for body except a camera, which K9 found
condensation-smeared wind- as well. We’re looking for my apparently tossed into a clump of
screen at the country lane beyond. d.” vegetation. It, too, was Susan’s.
It was a useless exercise, the earlier
mist having turned into a full fog.
Sarah Jane frowned.
She had ascertained from Archie
that there were only two public
telephone boxes in the area
around Gillicuddy, and as one was
in the the closed and locked post
office, Susan had to have called
from the other, which was sited on
the banks of Loch Crag. As Sarah
Jane had been driving along the
banks for the past twenty minutes,
she knew that it had to be around
somewhere. But she could see
“Parameters of normal spec-
trum visibility,” said K9 from the
passenger seat, “do not extend
beyond ten point four feet, Mis-
“I can see that, K9,”said Sarah.
“Can you switch to infra-red?’
“Doitthen. Keep alookoutfor a
telephone box.”
“The probability of the Doctor
having materialised the Tardis in
this area at this time is approxi-
mately two billion…”
“Not the Tardis, K9,” inter-
rupted Sarah Jane, “just a normal,
everyday call box.”
“Apologies,Mistress. Confusion
regarding present mission due to
fact that I was awoken from rest
phase and placed into automobile
without sufficient explanation or

Sarah Jane placed it in her hand- an explanationof what it had been. ‘friend‘s dsappearance.
bag. “Still no indications of life, Involuntarily, Sarah Jane shud- “I wish,” she said to K9 as the
K9?” dered. There was something mys- two of them moved quietly along
“Negative, Mistress.” terious and threatening about a the guest room corridor, “that the
Sarah Jane’s heart fell. It was Scottish loch at night, and Sarah Doctor had left me a sonic screw-
becoming increasingly obvious Jane thought about all those old driver as well as you. I was never
that there was no way that they stones of the famous Loch Ness very good at picking locks.”
were going to find Susan now. monster. Could there be a monster “Your participation is not
They would have to continue in the in this loch too? What could poss- required, Mistress,” K9 responded
morning. Regretfully, Sarah Jane ibly have made Susan Hamilton in as much ofa whisper as he could
said, “Come on, K9, let’s get back vanish like she had? manage. “The simple relocation of
to the hotel. Tomorrow we’ll call When she and K9 finally arrived tumblers within lock mechanism is
the police.” back at the Stag Hotel, Sarah Jane well within the bounds of my
On the way back to the car, K9 was happy to see that all the lights capabilities. Please indicate
suddenly stopped dead in his were out and that everyone had through which portal you desire
tracks, reporting that his infra-red gone to bed. She was happy access.”
scan had detected something on because she didn’t want everyone Sarah Jane smiled. “I should
the surface of the loch. Straining, to see her breaking into Susan have known. Trust the Doctor to
Sarah Jane stared out over the Hamilton’sroom. Susan had men- teach you something like that.
pitch-black, inhospitable waters. tioned the room during her phone Room number six.”
Whatever K 9 had sensed, it was call, and Sarah Jane had a feeling K9 moved over to the door and
gone now, or at least she couldn’t that she might find something that regarded it for a second. Then,
see it, and K9 was unable to supply would shed some light on her with a clicking of mechanisms. a


snout. It began to hum. A second

later, Sarah Jane heard the lock
click open. “After you, Mistress,”
said K9.
Susan Hamilton’s room was a
shambles. Sheets of note paper
and newspaper cuttings were scat-
tered everywhere. Furniture and
bedclothes were strewn across the K 9 reversed and moved into the It didn’t take long to determine
floor. Sarah Jane had no doubt corridor, his laser barrel extending what had been happening. In the
‘that the room had been ran- before him. He fired two shots, but corner of the room, the stranger
sacked… but by whom? And both missed, the stranger having had stuffed a pile of newspapers
why? She only hoped that who- darted around a corner before K 9 and notes into a bucket. On the
ever was responsible wasn’t still could line up a proper aim. He floor beside it, a lighter had been
there… knew pursuit would be useless, left, obviously forgotten in the rush
“Danger, Mistress!” warned K9. and his logic circuits soon dictated to escape. The stranger had
“Intruder!” that the more profitable course intended to burn the things in the
Sarah Jane had not time to react would be to return to room bucket. Sarah Jane began to pull
before a dark figure came hurtling number six. De-activating his out the newspapers. opening them
towards her from a corner of the weaponry systems, K 9 turned back up to look at the headlines:
room. Sarah Jane tried to dodge, to the door. POACHER DISAPPEARS ON
but the figure collidedwith her and “Never mind, K9,” said Sarah LOCH CRAG. ABANDONED
sent the pair of them tumbling to Jane, “we should be able to iden-
the floor with a bang. For a few tify him from this.” In her hand she SIGHTING OF “THING”
moments the two bodies wrestled held a small gold crest medallion GIGANTIC SMUGGLING RING
with each other, but Sarah Jane which she had torn from the SUSPECTED. NINE-YEAR-OLD
eventually lost her grip and the stranger’s jacket in the struggle. It BOY VANISHES WHILE OUT
stranger, obviously a man, judging contained the image of a dragon.
by his strength, picked himself up “It shouldn’t be too hard to identify SEIZED OFFSCOTTISH COAST.
and raced out into the corridor. this. In the meantime, let’s see IS THERE A MONSTER IN LOCK
“Get him, K9!” Sarah Jane what he wanted with Susan’s CRAG?
shouted. things.” Sarah Jane had seen enough.

“Now, you’re not connecting
the Laird with all this smuggling,
are you, Miss Smith?’
“Or the disappearances. Or
both. Aren’t you?’ Sarah asked.
McGregor laughed. “Och, no!
The Laird is a respectable man!
Besides, there’s no way he could
smuggle anything into his castle.
It’d be impossible overland, and
what channels there are from the
loch to the sea are mainly sub-
merged. It’d be impossible to get a
boat through!”
“Then you think I’m wrong?’
McGregor smiled. “Aye, I do.

Forget about it, Miss Smith.”

Sarah Jane stood up from the
table. “Constable McGregor. A
close friend of mine has disap-
peared under very strange circum-
stances. Until Ifind her, Ihave no
intention of leaving Gillicuddy, or
of dropping this matter. Now, will
you help me or won’t you?’
McGregor blushed, recognising
that he had been backed into a
corner. He had to admit to himself
that he had had his own suspicions
about Crag… but monsters on
the loch? Smuggling? Strange dis-
appearances? It was a lotto suspect
of one man, almost too ridiculous
for words. Finally, he relented.
“Alright, Miss Smith,’’ he said with
a sigh, “I’ll help as much as I can.”
“Good,” said Sarah Jane with a
smile, “now this is what Iwant you
to do…”

Sarah Jane and K9 stood on the

banks of Loch Crag, a small row-
boat bobbing about in the water
This was obviously what Susan “The Laird, Miss Smith,” said beneath them. Although it was
had wanted her to see. She smiled. police constable McGregor, who only six o’clock, it was already
Susan hadn’t invited her up just for had joined Sarah Jane for break- almost totally dark. Night comes
a holiday at all! Knowing that fast the following morning, and quicklyintheScottish Highlands. It
Sarah Jane could never resist a was now examining the medallion. was getting very cold, too, and
mystery, this had been in her mind “That creast belongs to the Laird, Sarah Jane buttoned up the coat
all along! But even now that she Stephen Crag.” she was wearing: Looking at her
had seen them, Sarah Jane was “Crag?” questioned Sarah watch, she said, “Come on, K9,
puzzled. What connection was Jane, taking back the medallion. time to go.”
there between disappearances, Constable McGregor nodded. “Large concentrations of low
smuggling, and an unsubstantiated “He owns all of the land surround- temperature H 2 0 disagree with
monster sighting by some innocent ing Loch Crag. Has a castle on top internal circuitry, Mistress,”
group of holidaymakers? Sarah of the hill. Not a very friendly objected K9.
Jane frowned. She didn’t know, character, likes his privacy.” Sarah Jane smiled, glad for that
but she was sure of one thing; now “I’ll bet he does,” said Sarah bit of K9’s unintentional humour.
that Susan too had disappeared, Jane, a suspicion already forming She knew that what they were
she and K9 were going to find out! in her mind. about to do could prove danger-

ous, and she did not feel very Sarah Jane felt the first twinges monster! Then, a figure leapt from
cheerful. But setting herself and K9 of panic. She had at least expected the water and grabbed Sarah Jane
up as bait in a trap was the only to see something when she had by the arms, and, struggling, she
plan she could think ofto prove her planned this! Sometimes she was was pulled overboard! For a few
suspicions about Crag, so, taking a just too curious for her own good! seconds, the water thrashed
deep breath, she reassured K9 and Sarah Jane stood up, and the boat madly, and then Sarah Jane was
carried him into the row-boat with started to rock. “K9,where is it!” gone! Air bubbles broke on the
her. When they had both settled “Data indicates object is sub- surface.
down, she took up the oars and merged. Two point four seconds to “Mistress?” said K9. “Mistress?’
pushed off from shore. “Scanners impact. Warning, Mistress! Warn- Although h e had been prog-
on, K9,” she said. “If anything ing!” rammed to protect Sarah Jane at
moves, tell me.” But it was already too late. In the all times, K9 knew that there was
Nothing happened for half an last seconds, Sarah Jane saw the nothing he could do. K9 fell silent,
hour. It was like another world out thing. Just beneath the surface of logically tying to formulate a plan.
in the centre of the loch; black, sil- the loch, a dark shape loomed and, Calculatingthe eddies and currents
ent and cursed with an atmosphere above, black finssliced through the in the loch, he knew that he would
of terrible loneliness. Sarah Jane water, sending spray everywhere. eventually be carried back to
hummed to herself nervously, and Sarah Jane screamed. It was a shore.
poured herself a hot coffee from
the flask she had brought along.
Then, just as she was beginning to
think she may have been wrong all
along, K9 extended his laser barrel
and uttered a warning. “Object
approaching at speed, Mistress.
Trajectoryindicates it will intercept
this vessel in eight point one
Sarah Jane sat bolt upright and
stared into the loch. But she
couldn’t see a thing! “What is it,
K9? Where is it?’
“Four point six seconds
Extreme caution, Mistress!”

E 7

Constable McGregor slapped and he fell to the ground. Much to had never become a policeman,
his hands together to drive away McGregor‘s shock, the other man followed.
the cold, and continued his walk up started to pull a gun from his jacket,
the drive to Castle Crag. If Miss but he too never had a chance to “Three pounds and fifty pence,
Smith was wrong, he knew that the finish what he had started. please, Miss Hamilton,” said
Laird would not take kindly to McGregor spun round to face the Archie MacGibbon.
being disturbed at this time of direction from which the beams Susan ‘Hamilton handed over
night, but if she was right, he knew had come. “They are stunned,” the money and, with difficulty, car-
he had to stay alert. McGregor said K9,“no other course of action ried the round of drinks back to the
reached the portcullis of the castle. was possible.” table. “So, as I was saying,” she
Although two men stood behind it, Constable McGregor gaped at said, “when K9 burst in through
it was closed. K9. Now he had seen everything! that door and stunned Crag and all
“I wish t o see the Laird,” A talking dog? A talking, metal his men, I couldn’t believe it!”
McGregor shouted. dog? McGregor shook his head. McGregor laughed. “Aye, he’s a
“That’s impossible, Constable. “What are you?’ he said, his canny dog, all right. But I still can’t
I’m sorry.” accent deteriorating into thick believe it all happened
.. in the first
“This is official business. Obs- Scots. place.”
tructing a member of the Queen’s “I am K9. Mistress Sarah Jane “It was a brilliant plan, though,”
constabulay in the course of his will explain. Please proceed.” K9 said Sarah Jane. “By using a mini-
duty is a criminal offence.” let off another laser bolt at the submarine disguised as a monster,
“We have our orders…” one portcullis,then, with a call of, “ME- Crag could frighten anyone away
of the men started to say, but he tress,’’ he moved in through the from the loch, keeping the coast
never finished. A beam of red light hole. clear for his smuggling activities.
suddently hit him on the shoulder McGregor, suddently wishing he And the submarine was the perfect
method of getting through the
channels to the sea.”
Susan Hamilton nodded. “If it
hadn’t been for us, he could still be
getting away with it now.”
“Which reminds me,” said
Sarah Jane. “Next time you invite
me up for a holiday…” she smiled,
“… can we stay away from the
Susan Hamilton smiled back.
“Affirmative,” said K9.


K9 helped to expose the 'monster' of L

Crag, and it turned out not to be a monster
at all. But what of Loch Ness, and the fam-
ous monster which many people believe
still lives there?

The Loch Ness monster is regularly in the news, The darkness of the water of Loch Ness, infact,
whenever a new sighting is made, or a new has been one of the greatest difficulties facing all
expedition sets out to discover the truth about expeditions which have searched for Nessie ever
the fascinating legend. So far, Nessie, as the since. It is caused by the very dark peaty soil of
monster is affectionately known, has eluded all the area, which cuts visibility down dramatically
attempts to prove or disprove her existence, and under the surface of the Loch.
she remains as mysterious today as when she Over the centuries, sightings have been made.
was first mentioned in history. But it has only been in comparatively recent
That was in the year 565, more than fourteen years thatthe monster has attractedthe attention
centuries ago. of the world, with sightings being widely
It happened when St Columba was travelling reported and commented upon.
to Inverness, where he hoped to bring Christian- One famous sighting was made in 1933, when
ity to the Picts. As he passed the loch, a small a local hotel owner and his wife saw a gigantic
boat drifted out from the shore, and one of his creaturewithtwo humpsorcoilsand asnake-like
followers tried to retrieve it. He had hardly neck And in November of that same year came
stepped into the water before 'a strange beast' another important landmark, when a local man
rose out of the water beside him. St Columba walking home from church was able to take the
faced the creature, and ordered it to leave the first photograph of the creature. Experts con-
man alone and the monster disappeared again firmed that the film had not been tampered with,
into the dark water. but unfortunately the picture was not very clear.

The 'object' it showed was some 40 feet long. eral studies of the monster, believes that it may
Since then other photographs have shown the be related to the plesiosaurs, which scientists
now-famous humps of the monster, and its believe disappeared from the earth some 7 mil-
small, snail-like head. It seems to have a long, lion years ago. The waters of Loch Ness are
graceful neck, and a rather flat tail. Some photos deeper in parts than the North Sea, and the crea-
show small flippers towards the front of the crea- tures could be living undisturbed in subterra-
ture, and larger ones at the back It seems to be nean passages and caves.
grey in colour, though descriptions vary from Whatever the truth of the legend, it has cer-
silver grey to almost black tainly caught the attention of the world, and
For some reason, the Loch Ness monster is expeditions have arrived from many countries to
generally referred to in the feminine form, as search for the creature. Armed with submarines,
'she', but of course if it does exist, then there powerful underwater lights, tape recordings of
must logically be both male and female of the the calls of other sea creatures, and similar para-
species, as one monster could surely not have phernalia, the scientists and enthusiasts have
lived through all those centuries. One theory is proceeded to search. They have taken photos,
that it is a species of creature left over from the and they have forthe most partcome awaycon-
prehistoric era, when huge creatures roamed the vinced in their own minds that the monster does
earth, and that a small colony still exists in the exist
loch, reproducing, and generally going about But as for definite proof, well, Nessie isn't quite
their lives, as they have done for thousands of ready to introduce herself yet If and when she
years. does decide to make herself known to her public,
Naturalist Sir Peter Scott, who has made sev- let's hope she's in a friendly mood!


_. / -

: This is the basic shape which most of the photo-

graphs of Nessie seem to show. Sceptics insist that
the photographsarefaked, or elsesimplyshowfloat-

I ing logs or masses of vegetation. Eye witnesses

think otherwise!
A constant stream of UFO sightings continues to pour On yet another occasion, another of these strange
into the offices of investigativesocieties, week in and bright lights actually collided with an Aeroflot aircraft,
week out, and many people are convinced that we and caused considerable damage, though no one was
are being closely observed by the inhabitants of hurt.
another planet. On the other hand, there is also a All this might sound disturbing; but Soviet scientists
constant stream of more down-to-earth explanations are not at all convinced that their pilots have seen
for all those lights and sights in the skies. shipsfrom outer space. They have another
One of thelatest explanations comes from scientists explanation: chemiluminescence.
in Russia, following a spate of sightings by very reliable Chemiluminescencecan probably best be described
observers. as cold radiation. In the atmosphere there are always
One of the first incidents came in October 1977, millions of microscopic, chemically-activeparticles,
when three new Soviet miliary aircraft were being and it is when these particlescondense that they
tested near the city of Ryazan. Suddenly the crews create chemiluminescence. Their light becomes
noticed a luminous, pulsating object. It was blindingly intense, and it may even be, at times, twenty times
white, and it had the appearance of a huge ball of brighter than that of the sun.
cotton wool. The rare phenomenon known as ball lightning is a
Thai one sighting was mysterious enough, but it type of chemiluminescence,and ball lightning itself
was followed by several more. In another case the has been the explanation for many UFO sightings in
crew of an Aeroflotairliner saw what they took to be the past.
the rising moon in the sky, and switched off the cabin So there you are.. -ayvery
lights so that the passengers would get a good view. sounding explanation for some of those mysterious
They all did get a good view, but not of the rising lights in the sky. Scientists all over the world are
moon. Instead, it was a mysteriousbrilliant white disc, probably nodding their heads in agreement.
which emitted light as if from a searchlight. As for us lesser mortals…well, we’d still rather
believe in little green men! Wouldn’t we?
The word ‘robot’has come to mean almost THE 20th CENTURY
any sort of device that can be programmedto
help man, from the purely functional In the 20th century the idea of robots and androids
machines used in construction processes in A

upon a time, modem industry, to the highly fanciful

creations of science fiction. of which the Star
began to be widely discussed, both in fiction and, of
course, in real life technology.
An early idea from fictionwere the atom-powered
Wars robots R2D2 and C3PO are the
there was a best-knownexamples.
The use of robots in industry is a fascinating
robots built by an electronic brain in Edmond
Hamilton’sThe Metal Giants. That story was
written in 1926, and in 1928 and 29 came stories
subject, but just for now let’s take a look at from David H Keller, including one, The Threat of
K9’s colleagues… the robots of fiction. the Robot, in which robots were seen working in
various professions, including playing American
To go back a couple of years, the word ‘robot’
itself came from the Czech play R.U.R., by Karel
Capek. It was derived from the words ‘robota’,
meaning compulsorylabour, and ‘robotnik‘,
meaning workman. The robots in the play are
indistinguishable from humans, and nowadays such
creations are termed ‘androids’, from the Greek
word for ‘man-like’.
I From the 1950s onwards, stories about robots
really took off, and they were popping up
everywhere,in fiction, on television and, of course,
in science fiction films. Some of the stones
contained a hint of menace, when the machines
turned against their creators, and other stories took
a humorous form, such as a 1966story,Revolt of
the Potato Picker by Herb Lehrmann, where
machine built for drudgery in the fields actually
longs for a career as a dancer.

The idea of a robot creature which works for man
has been used in fiction for a surprising number
years. Even as far back as Greek legend there is
story of a metal man, Talos, who guards the island THE MOVIE WORLD
of Crete for King Minos. The fantastic success of science fiction filmsinthe

In 1817 the story of a beautiful dancing 1970s and 80s.with their almost unbelievably

automaton, told in The Sandman by E T A imaginative special effects, has assured the fictional

Hoffman, caught the imagination of the public, and robot its place in the hearts of the general public.

was developed in the beautiful ballet Coppelia. The lovable R2D2 and C3PO of the

Another very well-known example is the children’s hugely-successfulStar Wars are the best examples,

classic, Pinocchio, which tells of a living puppet. but there was also the sinister Max in Wait Disney’s

In the 1830s Edgar Allen Poe was fascinated by a Black Hole, and the helpful android Rab in Logan’s

hoax perpetrated in the United States, when Baron Run, to name but four of the most popular movie

von Kempellen built an ‘automaton chess player’, creations.

and his creation was exhibited by Johann Maelzel. And on TV, K9 just has to be the most

Poe’s story,Maelzel’s Chess-Player, exposed the entertaining.

‘automaton’ for the hoax it was. Looks like the future of the robot is a rosy one,

Jules Verne was keenly interested in all kinds of and if past history is anything to go by, the real life

machines and his ideas were generally way ahead world of the robot will probably be even more

of his time. His steam-powered elephant, which he fantastic than anything which has been created in

wrote about in The Demon of Cawnpore, was

another product of his marvellous imagination.

46 47
he small rock chamber hidden Besides the chanter, there were become of the body. You will
T h e below the Crag Cliff Hotel four men and a young woman in understand. You will follow.” He
was filled with the sound of chant- the chamber. All except the young sighed, and when he spoke again
ing. A robed and hooded figure woman were dressed in similar his voice was surprisingly gentle.
moved slowly around a stone robes and hoods. One of the men “Then… then it will be madness
table, sprinkling a fine red powder stepped towards the stone table. no longer.’’
over its harsh grey surface. “Di- “Then we await the eve,” he said. The young woman pulled away,
mon. Di-mon. Di-mon,” he repe- Suddenly, the young woman her eyes full of fear. “Don’t you
ated. At first,the chant was soft,but dashed forward and grabbed the understand?” she cried, her voice
as the powder obscured the stone it man who had spoken by the wavering. “I don’t want to belong!
grew louder. “Di-mon! Di-mon! shoulders, spinning him to face I want no part of this evil!”
Di-mon!” Finally, the figure her. “Father,” she cried. “you The man stiffened. “Evil!” he
exhausted the red powder. The must stop this madness!“ The man shouted, his voice full of anger
chanting stopped. “The table of stared at the young woman. now. “You dare to call us evil!” He
transformation is prepared,” the “Soon, my child,” he bellowed, raised his hand as if to hit the young
figure said. “the eve will be here. You will woman.
“No!” cried one of the other fig- at him. “We have a problem,” he of snow, and she shivered with the
ures. “It is the law. She who is of said. effects of the cold night air. She
the blood must remain “What?” barked the man, closed the door behind her. “Good
unharmed!” He moved over and annoyed at being disturbed in his evening,” she said. “My name’s
forced the man’s hand down. study. Sarah Jane Smith. Do you have a
“Leave her to me,” he said. “Visitors. A woman and what room I could book for the night?’
“There are more… subtle looks like a dog. They are coming “I’m sorry, Miss Smith,” said the
methods.” up the drive. What do we do?” man. “We’re closed for the
The man let his body relax. The man frowned. Officially the winter.’’
“Verywell,” he agreed. “Do what hotel was closed, so what did they ‘‘Yes,I know,” said Sarah Jane.
must be done.” want? Whatever it was, he had to “I saw the sign at the bottom of the
The other figure nodded and get rid of them. He could not afford drive. But, you see, my car’s
motioned to the other men in the to have guests staying in the hotel broken down about a mile down
chamber. Two of them moved so near to the eve. “Leave them to the road and there’s no garage that
over and grabbed the young me,” he said, and walked out into will send someone out at this time
woman by the arms. She struggled the hotel reception. Through a of night.” She smiled. “I’m afraid
as they dragged her towards a window, he could see the visitors I’m stranded.”
rough stairway cut into the side of approaching the main door. He “I see,” said the man. “But
the chamber. As she was pulled up spun back towards the other man. unfortunately…”
the steps and out of view, her voice “And get rid of that robe, you “I only want a room for one
echoed back “Father, please! fool!” he hissed. night,” interrupted Sarah Jane,
Please!” Sarah Jane and K9 entered “and I’ve already eaten. Surely it
The man waited a few seconds through the main door. Sarah wouldn’t be too much trouble for
and then walked over to the stair- Jane’scoat was covered in specks you to let out one room?’
way himself. “Seal the chamber,”
he said to the remaining men.
“Then return to the hotel.” He
started to climb the stone steps.
When he emerged from the
stairway into a comfortably fur-
nished study high above, the man
had removed his robes and was
dressed in normal attire. He was in
his mid-fifties and, despite his pre-
vious manner and appearance,
had a friendly, weather-worn face.
Only the cold glint of his eyes bet-
rayed the dark secrets that he was a
party to.
There was a knock on the study
door. The man walked over to it
and pulled it open. One of the
robed and h

The man hesitated. He had not “Lord. James Lord. If you’d Sarah Jane turned. From the
anticipated this sort of problem. care to sign the register?’ position where she had placed him
“Miss Smith,’’ he began, trying Sarah Jane nodded and signed earlier, K9 could see out of the
desperately to think of a believable her name. Lord guided her and K9 window, and it was obvious that he
reason to refuse a room, “I…” to the lift and up to her room. Wish-had detected something going on
He was cut off by the sound of a ing her a goodnight, Lord walked below, in the grounds of the hotel.
slowly back down to reception. Sarah Jane moved over and stared
scream from upstairs. Lord sensed that despite Sarah out.

“What was that?’ shouted a Jane’s surface acceptance of his Far below, a young woman
shocked Sarah Jane. explanation for the scream, she jumped off the end of a drainpipe
The man paled. That had tom it. was still suspicious. He decided and started to run across the lawn.
His daughter‘s scream would have that he would haveto keep a care- From the way her head darted
made the Smith woman suspici- ful eve on her. Her and that strange about. it was obvious that she was
ous. If he turned her away now, metal dog. Lord only hoped that tryingto run away from something,
with some lame excuse, she would the Smith woman was not one of or someone. Her pursuers
more than probably report what those people who had a tendency appeared a second later, pouring
she had heard to tHe police. His
mind raced. Providing the woman
to pry. out of the hotel’s main entrance
like men possessed. Sarah Jane
left early in the morning he should S r a h Jane leapt up in bed, her noted with distaste that they wore
still have enough time to make all ears prickling at the sound which what looked like satanists’ robes.
the final preparations for the eve. had roused her from sleep. She The GIRL screamed. She was soon
There was no reason for the Smith looked at her watch. It was three in surrounded. Fighting and struggl-
woman to see anything at all. He the morning. Someone had ing, the young woman was
had to risk it! “The scream?’ he smashed a window at three in the dragged back into the hotel.
said. “My daughter She has… morning! Quickly, Sarah Jane “I don’tlike this, K9,”said Sarah
nightmares. gther well, Miss rolled out of bed and strode over to Jane. “Something very strange is
Smith,” he added, before Sarah the door of her room. The sound of going on here.”
Jane had time to think about what running footsteps came from out- “Affirmative, Mistress,’’
he had said. “I’ll give you a room side in the corridor. Sarah Jane responded K9. “Available data
for tonight.’’ started to unlock the door. corroborates suspicion. Course of
Sarah Jane smiled.“Thank you, “Negative, Mistress,” said K9. action?’
Mister…?” “The window.” “I think.” said Sarah Jane, turn-

I ‘ I,
ing from the window, “that we “But you’d never believe me if I part of an evil which she abhorred!
should have a quiet word with that told you what was going on!” “We have to get you out of
young woman. We’ll wait till things “Try me,” said Sarah Jane. “I here,” said Jane.
quieten down again then search want to help.” Melissashook her head. “It’s no
out her room.”
Soon after another burst of foot- “Have said
covens?’ youtheever
youngheard of
woman. good. I was trying to get away ear-
steps and voices from out in the “Black magic?” lier. But there are every.
corridor, things did quieten down, Despite herself, Sarah Jane where!”
and Sarah Jane and K9 slipped out grinned. What a ridiculous ques- “Well,now you have K9 and Ito
of their room and sneaked along tion to ask her and K9, of all help YOU. We’ll get you out, don’t
the corridor. They eventually people! “Let’s just say,” she said, worry.”
reached a room from which Sarah “that K9 and I have had a little Melissa shook her head again,
Jane could hear the sound of sob- experience of it. Tell us about it.” she was close to tears now. “My
bing. “It goes back many years,’’ said father is too clever. He’ll find me.
Sarah Jane listened for a sec- the young woman, “many, many Bring me back.”
ond, determining whether anyone Sarah Jane took a deep breath
else beside the young woman was years…”
in the room, and when she knew Gradually, the story unfolded. and shook Melissa by the shoul-
there wasn’t, tried the door. It was The young woman’s name was ders. It was obvious that she had
locked. Sarah Jane started to pick Melissa Lord. She was the daugh- already partially succumbed to her
the lock. Eventually, the door ter of James Lord. And James Lord father’s ‘persuasion tactics’. “Lis-
sprang open. Sarah Jane and K9 was the High Priest of a satanic ten to me, Melissa,” urged Sarah
darted in. coven! This was a position which Jane. “You do not have to go
“Who are you?” yelled the had always been held by a through with the ceremony! You
young woman, leaping from her member of the Lord family. Now, do not!“
bed in surprise. “How did you get James Lord was getting old, and “Oh, but she does, Miss Smith,”
Sarah Jane shushed the young the time had come for his heir to said a voice from the doorway.
woman and smiled. “We’re take over. His heir was Melissa “She does.”
friends. We saw you before, on the Lord. Only Melissa did not want Sarah Jane whirled around.
lawn. It looked like you were in the position. Lord and his fellow James Lord and two robed and
trouble. Are you?’ satanists were forcing her, by men- hooded figures stood, grinning, in
The young woman nodded. tal and physical means, to become the doorway. James Lord stepped

the following day when K 9 reacti-
vated himself. The damage caused
to him by smashing into the wall
had been considerable but not
irreparable, and he was now fully
functioningonce again. All he had
to do now was determine his loca-
tion and find Sarah Jane.
K 9 began to scan his surround-
ings, and soon ascertained that he
had been dumped, presumably to
into the room. “Your prying has where he crashed against the rot, in a muddy, foliage-obscured
just guaranteed that,” he said. opposite wall! Sarah Jane ditch at the perimeter of the hotel
Sarah Jane leapt towards the struggled to go out to him, but she grounds. He began to work his way
doorway with a cry of “Melissa! could not break her captor’s grip. out of it, finally emerging on the
K9! Come on!”, but Lord and his She slumped in his arms, defeated! neatly mown lawn at its top.
henchman were too quick for her. “Yes,” said Lord. “Thanks to “Mistress,” said K9, and he
Sarah Jane was grabbed by the you, Miss Smith, Melissa dare not started off across the grass towards
ann and held tightly. She gasped in refuse to go ahead with her initia- the distant hotel.
pain. K 9 started to move over, tion ceremony. Because, simply, if In the chamber below the hotel,
extending his blaster, but, once she does I will kill you!” Lord the ceremony of the eve had
again, Lord and his henchman turned to his henchman. “Take already commenced. From her
were too quick. K 9 managed to fire Miss Smith to the chamber,” he place of captivity, a barred niche in
one stray stun beam before a blan- said. “Lock her up.” Almost as an the rock wall, Sarah Jane could see
ket had been grabbed from the bed afterthought, he pointed out at K9. everything that was happening,
and flung over him, temporarily “And get rid of that thing. Dump and she watched with mounting
throwing his sensors off line. Help- it!” anger as the ritual surrounding
less, K 9 was picked up from the According to his internal Melissa’s ‘initiation’ began to
floor and thrown into the corridor, chronometer, it was seven p.m. of unfold.

The chamber had filled with but she knew it would do no good. tion ceremony. Beneath his out-
robed and hooded men and Melissa wassubmittingtothe initia- stretched hands, Melissa began to
women. Each of them, apart from tion to save Sarah Jane, and Sarah moan. Soon she was repeating
those who had other specific func- Jane knew enough about the black Lord’s words. She had started to
tions, carried a flaming torch. The rites to know that once the initia- become one of them!
smoke from them, coupled with tion was complete, Melissa would Suddenly, the relative silence of
that which came from the various have been brainwashed into fol- the chamber was broken by an
sticks of burning incense scattered lowing the wishes of the coven; echoing blast. Sarah Jane looked
around, choked the atmosphere in and worse still, Sarah Jane knew over at the stairway. There, tipping
the chamber. Sarah Jane could full well that despite what Lord had himself slowly down the last few
already feel the smoke on her said he had no intention of keeping steps, blaster extended, was K9!
lungs, and her eyes had begun to her alive. Lord intended to kill The activity in the chamber dis-
smart. Suddenly, Melissa Sarah Jane anyway! solved into chaos. Two members
appeared from the rock stairway, Lord started to scoop up the red of the coven started to dash
escorted by two members of the powder in his hands and sprinkle it towards K9,their torches raised as
coven. over Melissa, and he began to clubs, but K9 cut them down with a
The chanting began: “Di-mon! chant the ritual words of the initia- stun beam. Others followed in their
Di-mon! Di-mon!”
Melissa was led over to the stone

table and laid upon it. She offered
no resistance and lay back on the
fine red powder, closing her eyes in
mute surrender to the evil people
who surrounded her. James Lord,
identifiable by the High Priest’s
mask he wore over his robe,
walked up to the table and stood at
Melissa’s side. Suddenly, he raised
his arms. The chanting stopped.
“It begins,” he said.
“Melissa,no!” cried Sarah Jane,

tracks. Then others. The chamber With a warning of “Stand back, ploughed into Lord and pulled him
lit up with stun beams and bodies Mistress,” K 9 repositioned himself off Melissa. Lord was big, easily
started to fall everywhere. The and fired his blaster. The bolt of capable of defeating most men in a
spell of the ceremony broken, energy blew the lock off Sarah fight, but Sarah Jane’s training in
Melissa sat up on the stone table. Jane’s cell. Sarah Jane leapt out the martial arts held her in good
James Lord, horrified, tried to and headed straight for Lord, leav- stead, and soon she held Lord in
push her down again. Melissa ing K 9 to deal with the few remain- an unbreakable grip. Ending the
began to struggle. ing coven members who had not struggle, Sarah Jane karate-
“K9!” shouted Sarah Jane already succumbed to his stun chopped Lord a stunning blow and
through the bars of her cell, “get beam. he fell, out cold, to the ground.
me out of here!” Sarah Jane, seething with anger, Melissa sat up, smiling and
relieved. “Thank you,” she said.
Sarah Jane smiled back. “Don’t
thank me,” she said, turning to
face K9. “Thank him.”
K 9 was half-buried under a pile
of unconsciousor moaning bodies.
There was not a scratch on him.
Despite the fact that she knew it
was a ludicrous thing to think,
Sarah Jane was convinced that on
K9’s metal face there was an
expression of smug satisfaction.
“Thank you, K9,” said Melissa.


he train on platform six is for all

“Thetrain to London,” said a
voice from the station loudspeaker.
“Allstations to London.”
“That’s us,” said Sarah Jane.
“We’d better get aboard.” Bend-
ing down, she picked up her hand
luggage and walked towards the
train. K9 and Aunt Lavinia fol- Brendan picked out a couple of After Brendan had gone, the
lowed. As she climbed aboard magazines from the selection on Indian turned to face another man,
Sarah Jane looked back at Bren- sale, a computer digest and a sci- again an Indian. “Did you get it?”
dan, who was still hovering on the ence fiction film periodical, paid for the other man said.
platform. “Come on, Brendan,” them, and started to move back The Indian smiled and opened
she said. towards the waiting train. With his his hand. He had Brendan’swallet!
Brendan looked over. ‘‘It’s head already buried in the The Indian opened it and
going to be a long journey,” he magazine’s contents, Brendan did examined its contents, particularly
said. “I think l’ll buy a magazine.” not notice as another passenger the ticket which Brendan had pro-
He moved off towards the small wandered into his path. He duced earlier. “Compartment
newsagent’s booth. bumped into him. Brendan looked number nine,” he said. “The
“Doyou know how to find your up. “Sorry,” he said. women with him will probably be
compartment?” Sarah Jane “It was my fault,” said the nearby.”
shouted after him. passenger, an Indian gentleman, “Then you know what must be
Brendan pulled out his ticket, “please accept my apologies.” done?” asked the other man.
looked at the number on it, and Brendan smiled and nodded. The Indian nodded. “The idol
nodded. “Then we’ll carry on,” Already forgetting the incident, he will be ours again,” he said. “The
said Sarah Jane. “See you later.” walked on. defiers will die!”

The train was just pulling out as Sarah Jane shivered. “Trapped Sarah Jane smiled. “I suppose
Brendan reached his sleeper com- in a tomb? In the middle of a so,’’she said. “Do you think the
partment. The bright lights of the jungle? Alone?” treasures will be safe in the cargo
platform disappeared as the train Aunt Lavinia smiled. “Africana carriage?”
moved out into the night between Smith lived for adventure. All his “Safe as houses, my dear,” said
stations. Brendan entered the life he was involved in exploring Aunt Lavinia. “Stop worrying and
compartment, threw his magazines lost tombs and cities, locating enjoy the journey. We’ll be in Lon-
on the bed, took off his coat and legendary tribes, unearthing price- don by the morning.”
then went out again. The door to less archaeological treasures. It was “Speaking of enjoying the jour-
the adjoining compartment was a fitting end.” ney,” Brendan piped up. “l’m not
open. Inside, Sarah Jane and Aunt “Even so…” began Sarah going to unless I get something to
Lavinia were deep in conversation. Jane. eat. The restaurant car should be
K9 seemed engrossed in staring “Even so, nothing,” interrupted open by now.”
out of the window. Brendan Aunt Lavinia. “The best thing that Sarah Jane and Aunt Lavinia
walked in. we can do now is to ensure that he looked up. “Hinttaken,” said Aunt
“I still can’t believe that he’s is remembered. By taking the Lavinia. “I’m a little hungry myself.
dead,” said Sarah Jane. treasures that he bequeathed us up Sarah?”
“Your uncle had a good life, my to London, we can do just that. “I’m not, but I’ll join you,”
dear,” replied Aunt Lavinia. “He When they go on exhibition, they Sarah Jane said.
would have wanted it to end like it will send the archaeological “We’d better go now,” said
did.” societies into fits of ecstacy!” Brendan, “before it gets
Leaving K9 to enjoy his
through-the-window tour of
southern Britain, Sarah Jane,
Brendan and Aunt Lavinia made
their way down rocking corridors
to the night-train’s restaurant car.
They had soon seated themselves
at a table and ordered from the
afterwards and they began to dig

None of them noticed as an late now, and most of their fellow “What does it mean?’ she said.
Indian gentleman, the one who passengers had already retired, “Defilers?” said Brendan.
had bumped into Brendan, came leaving the train corridors deserted “Defilers of what?’
out of the kitchen area and stared and quiet. Confused, her mind filling with
over at their table, a slight smile Brendan strolled up to his door. questions, Sarah Jane turned to
playing on his lips. Satisfied with “Sarah Jane!” he gasped. “Aunt Aunt Lavinia. “Auntie,” she said,
what he saw, the Indian moved Lavinia!” “have you any idea…” Sarah
along past their table and out of the Worried by the tone in Bren- Jane trailed off. Something
carriage. dan’s voice, Sarah Jane and Aunt seemed to be wrong with Aunt
The other Indian waited for him Lavinia moved up beside him. Lavinia. The old woman had
in the corridor. “Who?’ he said Brendan was staring, goggle- stepped back against the corridor
simply. eyed, at the doors to both their wall, supporting herself. Her legs
“The old woman, Lavinia compartments, and with good were shaking. “Auntie, what is it?’
Smith.” reason. On each door was pinned asked Sarah Jane. “What’s
“And the others?’ a horrific looking doll, similar to wrong?’
The Indian smiled. “Later. The those used in voodoo practices, Aunt Lavinia’s knees buckled
boy is next. I go now to prepare.” with a small dagger embedded in and she fell to the floor. Sarah Jane
The Indian moved off along the its heart! And above them, leapt over to her. Aunt Lavinia’s
corridor. His companion stared scrawled in a red substance that face was white, drained of blood.
after him. “Yes, prepare,” he said. looked uncomfortably like blood, Her eyes were closing. “They’ve
“Prepare the revenge of Kanbo- was the message ‘Death to defil- followed us…” she said weakly.
Ala!“ ers!’ ‘…followed us.”
Having finished their meal, Aunt Recovering from her initial “Who?’ said Sarah Jane. her
Lavinia, Sarah Jane and Brendan shock, Sarah Jane pulled the dag- voice taking on a note of urgency.
walked back towards their com- gers out of the dolls. The dolls “Auntie, what’s the matter!”
partments, all of them ready for a dropped to the floor and she “The curse…” Aunt Lavinia
good night’s sleep. It was getting picked them up, examining them. said, “… Kanbo-Ala… diary

…in danger… the sect…” “An accident.” The Indian have done,” he said, reaching out but then, slowly and horribly, the through the resulting hole. The Sarah Jane nodded, intently
Sarah Jane looked up at Bren- started to walk away. He turned, for the wallet. “Thank you for truth began to dawn. The Indian shape started to move towards studying the contents of her Uncle
dan. “She’s making nosense,” she smiling. “He will be dead within returning i t ” was taking him to one of the train them. K9! It was K9! Africana’s diary, the one which
said, and turned back to the old the half-hour!” Suddenly the Indian grabbed doorways. He was going to throw “Release Master Brendan,” said Aunt Lavinia had mentioned
woman. “Auntie? Auntie?’ Brendan laid Aunt Lavinia on Brendan’s arm and twisted it up him off the train! Brendan began to K9 to the Indian, “or I will fire.” before her collapse. “Apparently,
But it was no good. Aunt one of the sleeper compartment’s behind his back. Brendan howled struggle desperately. Brendan felt the Indian’s hold one of the treasures that Aunt
Lavinia’s eyes had dosed. Her beds and covered her with a blan- in pain. “Think nothing of it, The Indian reached a doorway loosen. Gasping, he sat up, his Lavinia was bequeathed belongs
head had dropped. She was ket. The old woman’s breathing defiler!” spat the Indian. and, keeping Brendan locked in a arms grabbing desperately for to them. Some kind of idol. They
unconscious. was staggered. Brendan stepped Brendan just managed to painful neck-grip, placed his hand something to moor himself to must want it back pretty desper-
“Curse?’ said Brendan. “Dolls back and turned to K9. “K9,” he Scream “K9!” before the Indian on the handle. Slowly, grinning before he tipped back out of the ately to follow it all the way from
on our doors? Aunt Lavinia col- said, “doesthe phrase ‘Kanbo-Ala’ clamped a hand over his mouth sadistically at his young captive, he door. He found something: the India.”
lapsing? Kanbo-whatever? Sarah mean anything to you?’ and dragged him, twistingand kick- began to turn it. Suddenly, Indian, now staring, terrified, at K9. “And they’ll stop at nothing to
Jane, what the devil is going on?!” “Negative,” said K9. ing, from the compartment. whipped by the wind, the door flew Brendan clutched at the Indian’s get it,” observed Brendan. “That,”
“I don’t know,” said Sarah Brendan sighed. “Never mind, Alerted, K9 started to move open, filling the corridor with noise leg, and with a shocked yell of sur- said Sarah Jane, “is why you’re
Jane. “But we’ve got to get some he said, “I just thought…” towards the corridor in pursuit, but from outside. Brendan screamed, prise the Indian overbalanced and leaving the train with Aunt Lavinia
help. A doctor.” She stood up and Brendan was interrupted by a the heavy wooden door of the but the sound was pulled away on fell through the open doorway. at the next station. The guard has
moved off down the corridor, “Get knock on the door. He went to compartment swung shut before the wind. The Indian started to Looking back, Brendan saw him arranged for an ambulance to take
her into the compartment!“ she open it, expecting to see Sarah him, blocking his way. “Danger!” push him down through the open- bouncing and rolling down an her to hospital from there.”
shouted back, “I’m going to find a Jane. Instead, the Indian that he barked K9. “Danger!” ing. Three feet below Brendan’s embankment, and then standing, “I‘m not leaving you alone on
guard!” had bumped into on the platform Brendan was half-dragged, head, tracks whizzed by at night- shaking his fist at the speedily the train!” objected Brendan. “We
Brendan nodded and bent stood smiling in at him. half-carried along the deserted cor- marish speed. Brendan had never departing train! Within seconds, he don’t know how many more sect
down to lift up Aunt Lavinia’s still “Excuse the disturbance,” he ridor. The Indian gasped with exer- been more terrified in his life. had gone. Brendan stood up and members are aboard!”
body. He did not see the two said, “but I meant to find you ear- tion and something that sounded Suddenly, from down the cor- pulled the door shut. “Exactly. Look, Brendan.
Indians staring at him from around lier. l believe you dropped this on almost like eager breathlessness. ridor, came the sound of an explo- “That was close,” he said. They’ve already nearly killed you,
a corner of the corridor. Both of the platform.” The Indian pro- “You are going to die!“ he kept sion. From the corner of his eye, “We’d better find Sarah Jane.” and Aunt Lavinia is suffering from
them were smiling. duced Brendan’s wallet. saying to Brendan, “You are going Brendan was dimly aware of “An ancient native sect!” severe poisoning. Idon’t want
“The old woman will be dead by Brendan felt his back pocket, to die!“ seeing a compartment door being gasped Brendan, later, when he there to be any more victims of the
the morning,” said one of them. and for the first time realised his At first, Brendan didn’t realise blown from its hinges, and of a and K9 had rejoined Sarah Jane in so-called ‘curse of Kanbo-Ala’. Let
“The boy?’ wallet had been missing. “I must what was going to happen to him, squat, grey shape emerging the compartment. “Dedicated to K9 and me handle this our way.”
evil deeds.”

A guard poked his head in careful,” he said, and helped the postion away. Hearing nothing, he
through the open doorway. “Miss men out with Aunt Lavinia. took what looked like a small tube
Smith,” he said, “we’re pulling Once thetrain had started mov- from his pocket and lifted it
into the station. The ambulance is ing again, Sarah Jane and K 9 towards his mouth. “Reveal your-
waiting.” made their way to the cargo car. self, defiler!” he bellowed. “Face
“Thank you,” said Sarah Jane. Sarah Jane believed that by going the wrath of Kanbo-Ala!”
“Brendan will go with her.” there she could force whatever Sarah Jane tensed herself. She
“I’m not going!” shouted Bren- members of the sect were left into a knew that what the Indian held in
dan. final confrontation. She did not his hand was a native blow gun,
The train started to slow for have long to wait before she was probably containing a poison-
approach to the station. Sarah proven right. Secreting K9 and tipped dart. She would have to
Jane stood up. “Someone has to herself behind a packing case, she time things very well if she didn’t
stay with Aunt Lavinia. You are watched as a figure made its way want to become a human pin-
going, Brendan, if I have to throw along the shadowy corridor cushion! “K9,” she whispered, “I’ll
you off myself!” towards the car. “Only one, K9,” draw his fire. When I do, stun
The whine of the train’s brakes she whispered. him!” Taking a deep breath, she
sounded. Station lights appeared The Indian moved into the cargo dived out from cover, somersault-
in the window. Soon, ambulance car and peered into the darkness. ing across the floor.
men carrying a stretcher entered His head cocked from side-to-side The Indian blew. A small dart
the compartment. Brendan as he listened for any sound which
slumped and then nodded. “Be would give Sarah Jane and K9’s

thudded into a packing case a few him back against some crates. “Dart impacted at a distance of two
inches from Sarah Jane’s head! They tipped from their perch, point three centimetres from your
The Indian quickly shoved another banging and crashing to the floor. cranium. No damage would have
dart into the tube. “Now, K9!” The Indian joined them a second been caused at that distance.”
shouted Sarah Jane, somersault- later, a pained and shocked Sarah Jane used two fingers to
ing once again to a new position. expression on his face. “Defilers!” measure out two point three cent-
K9 moved out from behind the he hissed weakly, and then imetres and placed them against
packing case and targeted his blas- slumped. her head. “Really, K9,” she said
ter. Caught by surprise, the Indian Sarah Jane stood up and moved sarcastically, “that much!” She
blew a dart at K9.It bounced off his over to him, exhaling a deep sigh. started to walk out ofthe cargo car.
metal hide. K9 fired. His stun beam “That was close,” she said. “Next time,” she added, “I think
hit the Indian in the chest, flinging “Negative, Mistress,” said K9. we’ll take the bus!”

Do you believe in ghosts? The answer to that question
often depends on whether you’ve had any ‘spooky’
experiences yourself. Certainly the people involved in
these strange events would answer a definite ‘yes’.
Stories of ghostly apparitions
doing harm or even killing people
strange enough case in itself, but it
hit the public attention more
are fortunately rare, but another especially because of the tragic
well-documented case from the accident it caused, when a driver
1930sseems to suggest that swerving to avoid it crashed into a
GROUNDED BY misfortune can result from wall and was killed.
encounters with supernatural The story of the bus was told in
AGHOST phenomena. the coroner’s court, when
Some ghosts are thought by In this case though, the witnesses described it as being
believers to appear at times when apparition didn’t take anything ablaze with lights. It had vanished,
those people who were close to like human form. No, it was a they said, as soon as the car hit the
them are in danQer.This seems to phantom bus. wall. A bus inspector gave
have been the case when an The bus, which was a number evidence that he too had seen it,
aircraft belonging to one of the 7. was seen by several witnesses, as it Dulled into his depot. but
biggest airlines in the world was racing round the Ladbroke Grove again it had simply vanished.
suddenly grounded by its crew. area of London in the early hours NO satisfactory explanation has CURIOUS EVENTS
The crew insisted that they had of one morning in 1936. It was a ever been put forward.
seen the ghosts of the Captain and
Flight Engineer of a Lockheed
TriStar aircraft, which crashed into
the Florida Everglades in1972, In December 1897an actor
claiming 101lives. named William Terriss was
For some time afterwardsthe stabbed to death outside the
ghosts were seen by stewardesses Adelphi Theatre in Covent
THE DEADLYSPECTRE and flight crew, and they always Garden, after he had played the
seemed in some way to be giving lead in a thriller being performed
An innocent-looking house in emptiness. One of the men soon warningsof danger. Those closely there. Many people believe that
Berkeley Square in London was fell asleep in a bedroom. but the involved believe that their he still haunts not only the theatre,
once the Scene of some bizarre other man was restless. He heard intention was always to warn but also the nearby Covent
and terrifying events. We do not footsteps, and woke his friend. others of imminent danger in the Garden underground station.
know exactly when the events The two men watched the door, airline’saircraft, and appearances At the theatre, strange tappings
began. but one of the earliest horrified. as a dark shape entered were taken seriously enough to and footsteps have been heard,
victims was Sir Robert Warboys. the room. cause the grounding, and stringent lights switch on and off, and
in the 19th century. Worse, it attacked them, and safety checks. mechanical lifts have moved,
Sir Robert had accepted a pinned one against the wall, while Then, as suddenly as they had apparently on their own. In 1928
challenge from friends to spend a the other managed to make an started, the appearances ceased, an actress was surprised by a
night in the notorious house, and escape. He staggered out into the in 1974. couch moving in her dressing
he retired to the room which was road and blurted out his story to a room -which had been Terriss’s —

thought to be haunted. He was passing policeman, who went and something seizing her arm.
armed with a gun, and there was a back with him into the house. She had not known of the ghost
pull cord in the room. which They found the body of the story before she appeared at the
would ring a warning bell in the other sailor on the basement theatre.
room below if he needed stairs, and the terrified expression But then in 1955events took a
assistance. on his face spoke of the terror different turn when a ticket
His waiting friends below heard which had gone before. .:...
collector at Covent Garden tube
the frantic jingling of the bell at 45 Other victims of the house station saw a tall, distinguished-
minutes past midnight. They raced included a girl guest who went looking man, dressed in grey, with
upstairs, hearing a shot ring out as mad with terror, and a maid who white gloves. The ticket collector
they ran. They burst into the died in hospital, after being found spoke to the man, but he
room, and were appalled to find in a crumpled heap, muttering, immediately disappeared. Later
Sir Robert dead. His staring eyes “Don‘t let it touch me.” he saw a picture of William Terriss,
and clenched teeth revealed the Over the years, though, the and was so frightened that he
cause of his death sheer fright. dreadful events ceased, and the asked for a transfer.
The house stood empty for house is now a bookshop, where Other staff at the station have
years, and on one occasion two no strange or sinister events are spoken of a strange presence
sailors looking for overnight recorded. If only one of those there, and there have been further
accommodation thought that they tragic victims of the apparition reports of sightings of the man
would take advantage of its could have lived to tell the tale… dressed in grey.

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