1 Rockwell Automation End User License Agreement (Rev2/2016)
1 Rockwell Automation End User License Agreement (Rev2/2016)
1 Rockwell Automation End User License Agreement (Rev2/2016)
Rev (02/2016)
This end user license agreement (“EULA”) is a legal contract between You (either an individual or a single entity) and
Rockwell Automation, Inc. (“Rockwell Automation”) for the Software product(s)and Documentation that Rockwell
1.6. Complementary Software: means samples, 1.12. Equipment: means any physical asset,
utilities, plug-ins, user interface components and/or subcomponent or grouping thereof.
reports that are generally not included in a default
Software installation, but are provided as an 1.13. EULA:means this end user license agreement.
accommodation to You.
1.14. Feature: means an add-on functionality and
1.7. Confidential Information means: (i) the Software libraries to the Software.
and Documentation; (ii) the technology, ideas,
know-how, documentation, processes, algorithms
and trade secrets embodied in the Software; (iii)
any software keys related to the Software; and (vi)
1 Rockwell Automation End User License Agreement (Rev2/2016)
1.15. License Term: means the time duration of the 2.5. Capacity Based License: means a license to use
Software license as specified in the Activation the Software based upon a Capacity.
Certificate or other agreement between the parties.
2.6. Capability License: means a usage license
1.16. License Type: means user, Server, Capacity required for each Feature that runs, accesses or
Based or Named Software license. The License utilizes, directly or indirectly, the Software.
Types may be used individually or in combination
with other License Types.
1.17. Reseller/OEM Product: means a product into
which a system integrator or original equipment 3.1. The rights granted to You with respect to the
manufacturer has integrated the Software. Software are based on the License Type and the
License Term. The License Type and the License
1.18. Rockwell Automation: means Rockwell Term are detailed in Rockwell Automation’s
Automation, Inc., a Delaware corporation, and its Activation Certificate supplied to You at the time of
Affiliates, having a principal place of business at Your purchase confirmation.
1201 South 2nd Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
53204. 3.2. Subject to Your compliance with all the terms and
conditions of this EULA, Your timely payment of
1.19. Server: means any Device that hosts Server any applicable license fee, and Your compliance
Software and can be run, accessed, or used by with the activation process if applicable, Rockwell
another Device. Automation and its third party licensors grant You
alimited, personal, nontransferable, non-exclusive
1.20. Software:includes any of the following:Rockwell license during the License Term to download,
Automation’s computer software, install and/or use the Software and Documentation
programs,technology,cloud application,services, for Your own internal business purposeson a
Complementary Software, firmware and Device and at the Designated Location if specified,
associated media and any updates, upgrades or pursuant to the License Type(s) that You
enhancements thereto, or portions thereof. purchased. You are responsible for ensuring your
personnel and authorized contractors comply with
1.21. Third Party Software: means third party software all relevant terms of this EULA and any failure to
furnished with or as part of the Software. comply will constitute a breach by You. Any use of
the Software by authorized contractors shall be
1.22. You: means the purchaser of the Software and/or solely for Your internal business purposes.
the user of the Software.
3.3. If the Software You have acquired is used in
conjunction with Microsoft SQL Server, You may be
2. LICENSE TYPE provided with a Microsoft SQL Server license
during installation. If the Software includes limited
2.1. Named License: means a license to use the license rights for Microsoft SQL Server, You agree
Software only by the identified individual person. to only use such Microsoft SQL Server in
conjunction with the Software, and You will acquire
2.2. Concurrent License:means a license to use the from Microsoft any licenses to Microsoft SQL
Software by a specified number of users, provided Server that exceeds the rights provided to You
the number of users accessing or using the under this Software.
Software at the same time do not exceed the
number of valid software activations You have 3.4. If You are a system integrator or original equipment
purchased. manufacturer and You have integrated the
Software into a Reseller/OEM Product for purposes
2.3. Device License: means a license to use the of resale to Your end customer, You may transfer
Software on any Device that hosts Software that the Software to Your end customer upon their
can be run, accessed, or used by another Device. acceptance of this EULA and Your completion of
the Software transfer registration notice at
2.4. Site License: means a license to use the Software activate.rockwellautomation.com. If You are an
by an unlimited number of Your employees or end customer receiving a Reseller/OEM Product,
Yourauthorized contractors at a Designated You acknowledge and agree that (i) You have
Location. accepted and are bound by this EULA; (ii) the
system integrator or original equipment
manufacturer is not authorized to modify or amend
2 Rockwell Automation End User License Agreement (Rev2/2016)
this EULA or to offer any warranties or b.You may not reverse assemble, reverse engineer,
representations regarding the Software; (iii) decompile, translate or create derivative works
Rockwell Automation’s sole obligations with regard based on the Software or Documentation, except
to the Software are as set forth in this EULA; and and only to the extent that such restrictions may be
(iv) You will look solely to the system integrator or permitted by applicable law, or as set forth in
original equipment manufacturer for any defects in Section 14. You may not work around or bypass
the Reseller/OEM Product, or incompatibilities with any technical restrictions or limitations in the
the Software. Software. If You intend to undertake any of the
foregoing as permitted by applicable law, You will
3.5. If You use any third party software not supplied by give Rockwell Automation advance notice and an
Rockwell Automation, including open source opportunity to provide alternative means to
software, in conjunction with any Software, You address Your needs.
must ensure that such use does not require (i)
disclosure or distribution of any Software in source c. If You upgraded or updated the Software to a
code form, (ii) licensing of any Software for the newer version of the Software, You may not
purpose of making derivative works, or (iii) transfer the prior edition or prior version to another
redistribution of any Software at no charge. For user.
the avoidance of doubt, You may not combine
Software with any software licensed under any d.You may not remove, minimize, block or modify
version of or derivative for the GNU General Public any logs, trademarks, copyrights or other notices
License (“GPL”) in any manner that could cause, or of Rockwell Automation or its licensors that are
could be interpreted or asserted to cause, the included in the Software or Documentation.
Software or any modification to the Software to
become subject to the terms of the GPL. e.You may not use the Software or Documentation to
make Software training materials to be sold,
3.6. You are responsible for all telecommunication or licensed, used, or distributed, except for Your
Internet connections and associated fees required internal use of Documentation copied in its entirety,
to access or use the Software, as well as all and screen captures of Your Software application.
hardware and software on Your site. You are solely responsible and liable for any such
training materials You produce.
4.1. Copy/Design Restrictions: a.You may not provide, utilize, or commercially host
a. You may not copy the Software or Documentation the Software as an application service provider or
except to the extent stated in this section. the like for other third parties.
i. You may make a copy of the Software provided b.Except as expressly stated herein, You may not
that any such copy is only for archival purposes sublicense, rent, resell, lease, or transfer the
to internally backup the Software. Software without Rockwell Automation’s prior
written consent.
ii. You may make a copy of the Software for
purposes of installation of the Software within c. You may only use the Software at the Designated
Your organization provided You have Location if a Designated Location has been
purchased licenses for such Software copies. specified.
iii. You may copy the Software image with prior d.You may only use the Software on the Designated
written consent by Rockwell Automation Device if a Designated Device has been specified.
provided you have purchased the required
licenses for such Software image copies. e.You may not use the Software beyond the License
Type or License Term You have purchased in your
iv. You will retain and reproduce all copyright or Activation Certificate.
proprietary notices in their exact form on all
copies (including partial copies) of the Software f. The number of users accessing or using the
or Documentation made by You as permitted Software at the same time may not exceed the
per this section 4.1. number of valid software activations You have
9.4. ALL OF THE DISCLAIMERS AND LIMITATIONS 11.2. This Software will cease to operate at the
OF REMEDIES AND/OR LIABILITY expiration of your License Term, or whenever the
THROUGHOUT THIS EULA WILL APPLY Software is unable to locate a Factorytalk®
REGARDLESS OF ANY OTHER CONTRARY Activation. Software that is enabled with a grace
PROVISION OF THIS EULA OR ANY OTHER period will continue to operate for seven (7) days
AGREEMENT BETWEEN YOU AND ROCKWELL without a Factorytalk® Activation to provide users
AUTOMATION AND REGARDLESS OF THE with a grace period for renewing applicable
FORM OF ACTION, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, licenses or resolving your Factorytalk® Activation
TORT OR OTHERWISE, AND FURTHER WILL issue. During the grace period, product features
EXTEND TO THE BENEFIT OF ROCKWELL in excess of that originally licensed may be
AUTOMATION’S VENDORS, APPOINTED accessible. Licensee is not authorized to use
DISTRIBUTORS AND OTHER AUTHORIZED features in excess of those originally licensed.
BENEFICIARIES. 12. ACADEMIC USE: If this Software was purchased
for academic or research use by an educational
10. NO HIGH RISK USE: The Software is not institution, it may be used for teaching and
faulttolerant and is not designed, manufactured or research purposes only. Commercial use of the
intended for use or resale in hazardous Software is prohibited if the software was
environments requiring fail-safe performance in intended for educational use. Only the
which the failure of the Software could lead to instructor/professor registered to the Software is
death, personal injury, or severe physical or eligible to contact Rockwell Automation for
environmental damage (“High Risk Activities”). technical support and product updates. If this
Unless Rockwell Automation gives its prior written Software is Arena simulation software, You have
consent and is consulted regarding the specific the right to make copies of the Software (the
deployment, system set-up and Software support media excluding activation) solely for academic,
plan, the License excludes any High Risk teaching and research purposes.
Activities, and You (i) shall not use the Software
with respect to any High Risk Activities, and (ii)
shall indemnify Rockwell Automation and its 13. PREPRODUCTION RELEASES
licensors from all losses, claims, damages, costs,
attorneys’ fees and other expenses relating to 13.1. As an accommodation to You, Rockwell
such High Risk Activities. Automation may provide You with a preproduction
release of the Software (often labeled a “beta
release”). These releases are not suitable for
11. TERM AND TERMINATION production use. You agree to comply with the beta
form accompanying such Software.
11.1. This EULA takes effect upon Your downloading,
installing, copying or otherwise using the Software 13.2. SUCH RELEASES ARE PROVIDED ON AN “AS
and remains effective until terminated for any IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY
reason. You may terminate it at any time by KIND. USE OF BETA RELEASES IS AT YOUR
destroying all copies of the Software and SOLE RISK.
Documentation in Your possession. This EULA
will also automatically terminate if You fail to 14. COMPLEMENTARY SOFTWARE:
comply with any term or condition of this EULA. Complementary Softwareis intended to be used for
You agree upon termination of this EULA to cease example purposes or to provide additional
using the Software and either return to Rockwell complementary features. The Complementary
6 Rockwell Automation End User License Agreement (Rev2/2016)
Software may be contained in the Software, Automation and its authorized agents will comply
Documentation (electronic or printed) or with Your reasonable security regulations while on
downloaded from the Rockwell Automation Your premises. In the event that such audit reveals
website. Rockwell Automation and its third party any use of the Software by You other than in full
licensors make no representations or warranties compliance with the terms of this EULA, You shall
regarding Your use of the Complementary reimburse Rockwell Automation for all reasonable
Software and related Documentation. You may expenses related to such audit in addition to any
modify and create derivative works of other liabilities You may incur as a result of such
Complementary Software that is in the form of non-compliance.
samples or reusable application code. All such
Complementary Softwareis provided "as is", and
technical support for and future enhancement of 18. OWNERSHIP
such Complementary Software is not
guaranteednor included as part of Rockwell 18.1. The Software and Documentation are protected
Automation’s standard software support services. by copyright and other intellectual property laws
Rockwell Automation disclaims all warranties with and treaties. Rockwell Automation or its licensors
regard to this information, including all implied retain the title, copyright, and other intellectual
warranties and conditions of merchantability, property rights in the Software and
fitness for a particular purpose, title and Documentation, including permitted copies. You
noninfringement. do not acquire any rights, express or implied,
other than those expressly granted in this EULA.
15. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS: If You The Software and Documentation are licensed,
are a branch or agency of the United States not sold. Nothing in this EULA constitutes a
Government, the following provision applies. The waiver of our rights under U.S. or international
Software and Documentation are comprised of copyright law or any other law.
"commercial computer software" and "commercial
computer software documentation" as such terms 18.2. You may provide Rockwell Automation with
are used in 48 C.F.R. 12.212 (SEPT 1995) and are suggestions, comments or other feedback with
provided to the Government (i) for acquisition by or respect to the Software. Feedback is voluntary.
on behalf of civilian agencies, consistent with the Rockwell Automation may use feedback for any
policy set forth in 48 C.F.R. 12.212; or (ii) for purpose, including improvement of the Software,
acquisition by or on behalf of units of the without obligation or restriction of any kind.
Department of Defense, consistent with the
policies set forth in 48 C.F.R. 227.7202-1 (JUN 18.3. You agree that a material breach of this EULA
1995) and 227.7202-3 (JUN 1995). adversely affecting Rockwell Automation’s
intellectual property rights may cause irreparable
16. EXPORT CONTROLS: The Software and injury to Rockwell Automation for which monetary
Documentation supplied by Rockwell damages would not be an adequate remedy, and
Automation under this EULA are subject to export Rockwell Automation shall be entitled to seek
controls under the laws and regulations of the United equitable relief in addition to any remedies it may
States ("U.S.") and any other applicable countries' laws have hereunder or at law.
and regulations. You shall comply with such laws and
regulations governing export, re-export, import, transfer 19. CONFIDENTIALINFORMATION: You shall not use
and use of Rockwell Automation Software and or disclose any Confidential Information, except as
Documentation and will obtain all required U.S. and local expressly authorized by this EULA, and shall
authorizations, permits, or licenses. You and Rockwell protect all such Confidential Information using the
Automation each agree to provide the other information, same degree of care which You use with respect to
support documents, and assistance as may reasonably Your own similarly valuable proprietary information,
be required by the other in connection with securing but in no event with safeguards less than a
authorizations or licenses. reasonably prudent business would exercise under
similar circumstances. You shall take prompt and
17. AUDIT: You agree that Rockwell Automation may appropriate action to prevent unauthorized use or
audit Your use of the Software for compliance with disclosure of the Confidential Information.
these terms, upon reasonable notice. You agree to
cooperate fully with Rockwell Automation and its 20. DATA: In Rockwell Automation’s performance of
authorized agents in any such audit to assist in services, sales activities, or in connection with Your
accurately determining Your compliance with the use of Rockwell Automation products and
terms and conditions of this EULA. Rockwell Software, Rockwell Automation may obtain,
receive, or collect data or information, including
7 Rockwell Automation End User License Agreement (Rev2/2016)
Your contact information, computer system, forth therein, if any, and Your use of the Software
installation, or usage specific data (collectively, will be deemed to be Your acceptance thereof.
the "Data"). In such cases, You grant Rockwell
Automation a non-exclusive, worldwide,
royaltyfree, perpetual, non-revocable license to 24. MISCELLANEOUS
use, compile, distribute, display, store, process,
reproduce, or create derivative works of the Data 24.1. This EULA, and any amendment or addendum to
solely to facilitate the performance of sales and this EULA that accompanies the Software, is the
services by Rockwell Automation and its Affiliates complete and exclusive agreement between
(including, but not limited to, quality, safety, energy, Rockwell Automation and You, and supersede all
and security analytics, product and service prior agreements, whether written or oral, relating
diagnostics and prognostics, and reporting), and to to the Software provided and the Documentation.
facilitate or improve Your use of the products, No additional or different terms in any purchase
Software and services. In addition, You grant order or other similar document furnished by You
Rockwell Automation and its Affiliates a license to will be binding on Rockwell Automation and all
use and aggregate the Data in support of Rockwell such terms are deemed rejected. This EULA may
Automation’s marketing and sales activities. not be changed or modified except by an
Rockwell Automation and its Affiliates may also instrument in writing signed by a duly authorized
use this information in the aggregate, in a form representative of Rockwell Automation. If for any
which does not personally identify You, to improve reason a court of competent jurisdiction finds any
our products, Software and services and we may provision of this EULA or portion thereof, to be
share anonymous aggregate data with our third unenforceable, that provision of the EULA shall be
party suppliers and service providers. enforced to the maximum extent permissible so as
to affect the intent of the parties, and the remainder
21. ASSIGNMENT: You may not assign this EULA, in of this EULA shall continue in full force and effect.
whole or in part, without Rockwell Automation’s
prior written consent. Any attempt to assign this 24.2. The parties acknowledge that they have required
EULA without such consent will be null and void. the EULA to be drafted in English. Les parties
Subject to the foregoing, this EULA will bind and reconnaissent avoir exigé la rédaction en anglais
inure to the benefits of each party’s permitted du Contrat. In the event of a conflict between the
successors and assigns. English and other language versions, the English
version will prevail.
22. GOVERNING LAW: This EULA shall be governed
by the laws of the State of Wisconsin, without
regard to any conflict of laws provisions. The
United Nations Convention on the International
Sale of Goods will not apply. You agree to bring
any action in connection with this EULA or the
Software exclusively in the state or federal courts
of Wisconsin, and You further agree to the
jurisdiction of the state and federal courts of
Wisconsin for any action that Rockwell Automation
brings against You.