This document provides a word stress exercise where the reader must choose the syllable with primary stress for various words. Some of the words included are qualification, production, question, creativity, productivity, communication, and community. The reader is prompted to select the correctly stressed syllable for each word.
This document provides a word stress exercise where the reader must choose the syllable with primary stress for various words. Some of the words included are qualification, production, question, creativity, productivity, communication, and community. The reader is prompted to select the correctly stressed syllable for each word.
This document provides a word stress exercise where the reader must choose the syllable with primary stress for various words. Some of the words included are qualification, production, question, creativity, productivity, communication, and community. The reader is prompted to select the correctly stressed syllable for each word.
This document provides a word stress exercise where the reader must choose the syllable with primary stress for various words. Some of the words included are qualification, production, question, creativity, productivity, communication, and community. The reader is prompted to select the correctly stressed syllable for each word.
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In this word stress exercise, choose o QUAlification
which syllable will receive the primary o quaLIfication
stress in these words. o qualiFIcation o qualifiCAtion/ production o qualification quality o PROduction o production / o QUAlity/ o producTION o quaLIty question o qualiTY authority o QUEStion/ o question o AUthority creativity o AuTHOrity/ o authoRIty o CREativity o authority o creAtivity authorization o creativity/ o creatiVIty o AUthorization o creativiTY o auTHOrization productivity o authoRIzation o authorization/ o PROductivity o authorizaTION o proDUCtivity o productivity/ o productiVIty o productiviTY communication o COMmunication o comMUnication o commuNIcation o communication/ o communication community o COMmunity o community/ o commuNIty o communiTY qualification