FAW-Guidance Note-3 PDF

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©FAO/A. Vitale

The presence and build-up of FAW in a particular Traps should be placed in the field just after planting
area can be detected by using pheromone traps. and counting should start after emergence of the
Pheromones are natural compounds that are seedling in order to best detect the first arrival of
emitted by female FAW moths to attract male moths moths. A suitable location should be selected for
for mating. Synthetic compounds that mimic natural positioning a trap. The selected site should be inside
FAW pheromones, often referred to as lures, are or on the edge of a maize field, or in an open area
placed in traps to attract and trap male moths. nearby. The trap should be hung from a suspended
Moths that are caught are then counted. From these pole or branch about 1.5 m above the ground. One
numbers, farmers can know if FAW is present in their trap should be used for every 0.5–2 ha.
fields and if there is a need for increased scouting.

Funnel or bucket (unitrap, universal trap) is the

preferred trap for FAW

\\ Green lid/yellow funnel/white bucket

\\ Male moths are attracted by a pheromone and
caught inside a round bucket
\\ High moth catches, sturdy, reusable, can be
deployed for long period
\\ Can fill with water; attracts bees, other insects,
spiders and frogs
The traps should be checked two times per week by
Pheromon e
dispenser counting the number of FAW moths inside:
(for holding pheromone dispenser )
1. open the bucket trap by an anti-clockwise
Lid twisting of the low transparent bucket at the
bottom of the trap while holding firmly the
yellow funnel on top;
2. create a clean flat surface and invert the bucket
to pour out the moths onto this surface;
3. remove any non-FAW moths and insects that may
have been caught in the trap;
Bucket 4. carefully count the number of FAW moths by
putting counted ones to one side;
5. if you are in doubt as to whether the moth is
FAW, then compare with the figure.
There may be other similar home-made traps from
empty plastic soda bottles.

Information collected when checking pheromone traps should be carefully recorded, ideally in the FAO
FAMEWS mobile app, so that it can be shared and used for early warning. Each trap should have its own unique
identification code using a standard format (XX999999 where XX is the country code and 999999 is the trap
number starting from 0). This system can manage up to 1 million traps per country.

Location: 0°3’51” N / 32°26’49” E

Date FAW FAW Other Trap Lure Lure

checked confirmed suspected species replaced replaced name

15/11/2017 2 4 10 n n

18/11/2017 4 0 5 y y

The pheromone lure usually needs to be replaced Not all commercially-available lures are the
every 3–6 weeks to achieve optimum results, same. Different companies use different number,
depending on temperature, pheromone components combinations and percentages of the different
and release characteristics. This means about five identified key components of the FAW pheromone.
lures will be required for one trap for a single maize This affects the capture of male FAW and other moths,
growing season. and therefore makes lure standardization and moth
identification so important.
Unopened pheromone dispensers should be stored
within an air-tight bags, tightly sealed glass containers A trap should never have more than one lure at a time.
or foil pouches, preferably inside a refrigerator To activate the bucket trap, put the lure (a red rubber
or freezer to achieve up to two years shelf life. septum that dispenses the pheromone) in the green
Pheromones degrade rapidly if exposed to bright light colored cage. The cage is plugged into a hole on top
or high temperatures. Therefore, dispensers should be of the green lid, which provides the roof of the bucket
kept inside their sealed packaging until ready to use. trap. The cage is then covered by a white or green cap.
To replace the lure, open the cage cap, take out the

old lure, put in the new one, and close the cap.

© FAO, 2018

©FAO / S. Wojtkowia

Plant Production and Protection Division MORE INFORMATION

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