Emd645 Mi1750 PDF
Emd645 Mi1750 PDF
Emd645 Mi1750 PDF
Method Of Test Designation Limits
*This bulletin is revised and supersedes all previous Fuel Oil Recommendation bulletins.
As fuel sulfur content increases, engine wear and When testing for chlorides, EMD prefers the
maintenance costs will also increase. As a result, U.O.P. method No. 588-65, which employs the
the user should carefully weigh the economics of sodium biphenyl reduction procedure to obtain
less expensive high sulfur fuels against such ppm of the organic chloride.
increases in maintenance costs.
5. Until recently, "Filtration Cleanliness Tests" have
The effect of high sulfur fuels on the diesel engine not been generally employed or required in
lubricant is also one of increased severity, and connection with diesel fuel. Experience has been
demands the use of high alkaline reserve that usual foreign contaminants, rust for instance,
lubricants as well as more frequent laboratory are removed by the filtration facilities at fueling
analysis and oil change intervals to assist in stations, and by the filtration equipment normally
minimizing the effects of high sulfur fuels as well supplied with engines. The increasing use of
as insuring effective levels of engine protection. In catalytically cracked fuels, however, has produced
this regard, EMD will assist, upon request, in the instances where minute catalyst fines were
selection of a qualified lubricant formulated for accidentally introduced into the diesel fuel
such applications. Obviously, due considerations production. These cannot be removed by the
must be given to legal limits on fuel sulfur content commercial filters used at fueling stations and on
where they apply. engines. The "Filtration Cleanliness Test" has been
added to our diesel fuel recommendations to guard
2.The cloud and pour point of a fuel are measures against contaminants of this nature.
of the formation of wax crystals and fluidity at low
temperatures. To insure adequate flow through the Because an involved laboratory procedure is
fuel system filtration media during cold weather, required to distinguish the objectionable catalyst
the customer must specify the appropriate cloud particles from other impurities, EMD suggests that
and pour point requirements based on the lowest all ashable material should not exceed 1.3 mg per
fuel system temperature expected. As a general liter of fuel when filtered through an 0.80 micron
rule, the cloud point should be 10° F (6° C) below millipore paper. In those cases where
the lowest expected fuel temperature to preclude contamination from catalyst fines is suspect, a
the plugging of filtration media with wax sample of at least one gallon should be taken at the
precipitates. refinery where any significant ash content is most
likely attributable to catalyst fines.
3. Fuels normally used have minimum flash points of
150° F. Fuels with lower flash points can be used In checking the cleanliness of diesel fuel samples
without affecting engine operation, however, fuel taken from tank cars or customer fuel storage
handling and storage may require added tanks, the sample should be taken by acceptable
precautions. sampling methods. Cleanliness properties are then
evaluated using EMD Standard Laboratory
4. The use of fuel containing organic chlorides Practice No. 102 which utilizes the entire fuel
results in rapid wear of chrome plated and iron sample as a measure of the ashable solids present
surfaces in the combustion chamber. The presence in the fuel. This procedure has been appended to
of organic chlorides in fuel is rare but can occur the M.I. to assist customers who may wish to
from the use of halogenated perform their own analysis of fuel cleanliness.