cp1 w2 Tutorial
cp1 w2 Tutorial
cp1 w2 Tutorial
Biopsychosocial Model
Why are these important? How do they affect treatment and prognosis of the patient?
Yellow flags can affect prognosis to be poor – more visits might require to achieve the goal
2) Simulation—axial loading (light pressure to the skull should not significantly increase low back
pain. Passive rotation of the shoulders and pelvis together in a standing patient should not
reproduce low back pain.
3) Distractions—difference of 40 to 45 degrees between the supine and seated straight leg raising
Left sided neck and shoulder Screen yellow flags Stretching away from the painful side Improve ADL
pain accompanied by chest pain
Neck flexion movement pattern Reactivation exercise
Pain referring to the L) upper
Age <40
Widespread pain
Previous Hx of back pain
Anxiety and depression
Job dissatisfaction
Low expectation of recovery
Receiving compensation
Hip Injury