Setup Macam Biasa Tapi Kat Archieve Hang Kena Select Zip & Unzip (Kena Download Cygwin Yang Latest) Hang Boleh Download Dari Ericsson

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Setup macam biasa tapi kat Archieve hang kena select zip & unzip (kena download
cygwin yang latest)
Hang boleh download dari Ericsson .

Select Internet Connection: put the proxy settings (generally use IE5 settings
works with
ESOE PCs). Click Next.
Choose a Download Site. The site is
Select Packages: Add the following packages:
• under Archive select zip and unzip
• under Interpreters select perl
• under Net select inetutils, openssh, and openssl
• under Shells select rxvt

Just follow macam kat bawah

Pi kat desktop double click icon cygwin, at least dapat macam kat bawah then close.

Lepas tu copy file “ cygwin install” dan letak under C:/cygwin/

Copy file tu letak macam kat bawah ni

Lepas tu:

Click on Start –> Run.

In the "Run" window, type: c:/cygwin/bin/perl c:/cygwin/cygwin_install.txt
, then press <enter>.
This will create the following files: c:/cygwin/etc/profile,
c:/cygwin/cygwin.bat, c:/cygwin/home/ouchen/.bashrc,
c:/cygwin/home/youruserid/.Xdefaults, c:/cygwin/home/youruserid/.inputrc.
If those files already exist, they are automatically moved to the folder

(Perlu ingat userid, configured automatically based from hang punya PC)
Lepas tu follow macam ni.
Put the file in c:/cygwin/home/youruserid
Lepas tu buka cygwin dan make sure like this [~]$

unzip –o(not zero)

bash moshell_install

Directory where moshell should be installed: /home/userid/moshell
(userid – mesti sama dgn yang di create kat cygwin)

Then you can continue to test with the node and don’t forget to replace new jarxml
with the old one. FYI, this setup also work for Vista.

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