Dax Compare Dates
Dax Compare Dates
Dax Compare Dates
need to compare with both filed like : IF(interval start date >
start_date ,max(interval start date ),min(start date))
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Silver Contributor
Andrew Seward
Can you share a bit more about the data tables and relationships
and what your trying to accomplish. I think your
overcomplicating things a bit by doing what PBI will do implicitly
for you and may not be using the date table in the best way.
It looks like your filtering your Date Table directly by your slicers.
This will limit any related tables to that single date (is this what
you want?)
I'm not sure how your FACT Table is Related to Your Date Table
But if you have a [Start Date] Measure that works and returns a
Single Date Value then the conditional Date measure you were
asking for is
Conditional Start Date = IF([Selected Date]<[Start Date],[Selected
Date],[Start Date])
Andrew Seward
Senior Product Marketing Engineer
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Bronze Contributor
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Daniel Davis
Daniel Davis
Business Intelligence Developer
TPX Communications
Portland, ME
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