Appendix 3: Annual Screening Questionnaire For Health Surveillance
Appendix 3: Annual Screening Questionnaire For Health Surveillance
Appendix 3: Annual Screening Questionnaire For Health Surveillance
Employee name:........................................................................................................
Date of birth:............................................................................................................
Employer name:........................................................................................................
Have you been using hand-held vibrating tools, machines or hand-fed Y/N
processes in your job, or if this is a review, since your last assessment?
(detail work history overleaf)
If NO or more than 2 years since last exposure please return the form - there is no
need to answer further questions.
1 Do you have any numbness or tingling of the fingers lasting more than Y/N
20 minutes after using vibrating equipment?
2 Do you have numbness or tingling of the fingers at any other time? Y/N
3 Do you wake at night with pain, tingling, or numbness in your hand Y/N
or wrist?
*Whiteness means a clear discoloration of the fingers with a sharp edge, usually followed by a red
5 Have you noticed any change in your response to your tolerance Y/N
of working outdoors in the cold?
6 Are you experiencing any other problems in your hands or arms? Y/N
8 Has anything changed about your health since the last assessment ? Y/N
I certify that all the answers given above are true to the best of my knowledge and
Signed: Date:
■ is a disorder which affects the blood vessels, nerves, muscles and joints of the
hand, wrist and arm;
■ its best known form is vibration white finger (VWF) which can be triggered
by cold or wet weather and can cause severe pain in the affected fingers.
■ in the cold and wet, fingers go white, then blue, then red and are painful;