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Antiviral Research: Sciencedirect
Antiviral Research
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Keywords: Viral hemorrhagic fevers (VHFs) cause thousands of fatalities every year, but the treatment options for their
(3–10 max.): reverse genetics management remain very limited. In particular, the development of therapeutic interventions is restricted by the
High-throughput screening lack of commercial viability of drugs targeting individual VHF agents. This makes approaches like drug re-
Antiviral screening purposing and/or the identification of broad range therapies (i.e. those directed at host responses or common
Life cycle modelling
proviral factors) highly attractive. However, the identification of candidates for such antiviral repurposing or of
Minigenome systems
Viral hemorrhagic fever
host factors/pathways important for the virus life cycle is reliant on high-throughput screening (HTS). Recently,
such screening work has been increasingly facilitated by the availability of reverse genetics-based approaches,
including tools such as full-length clone (FLC) systems to generate reporter-expressing viruses or various life
cycle modelling (LCM) systems, many of which have been developed and/or greatly improved during the last
years. In particular, since LCM systems are capable of modelling specific steps in the life cycle, they are a
valuable tool for both targeted screening (i.e. for inhibitors of a specific pathway) and mechanism of action
studies. This review seeks to summarize the currently available reverse genetics systems for negative-sense VHF
causing viruses (i.e. arenaviruses, bunyaviruses and filoviruses), and to highlight the recent advancements made
in applying these systems for HTS to identify either antivirals or new virus-host interactions that might hold
promise for the development of future treatments for the infections caused by these deadly but neglected virus
Corresponding authors. Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut, Südufer 10, 17493, Greifswald, Insel Riems, Germany.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (T. Hoenen), [email protected] (A. Groseth).
Received 23 May 2019; Received in revised form 28 June 2019; Accepted 25 July 2019
Available online 26 July 2019
0166-3542/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
L. Wendt, et al. Antiviral Research 170 (2019) 104569
Freiberg, 2017). Several members of the Old World hantaviruses (Or- and/or the identification of broadly acting inhibitors targeting common
thohantaviridae family; e.g. Hantaan virus (HTNV), Seoul virus (SEOV) mechanistic features of these viruses (or their interactions with the
and Dobrava-Belgrade virus (DOBV)) cause hemorrhagic fever with host) highly attractive approaches for therapeutic development. In ad-
renal syndrome (HFRS), which is endemic throughout much of Asia. dition, this kind of broad-spectrum antiviral approach for the treatment
The severity of the infection varies widely depending on the specific of VHFs would simplify therapy in resource limited areas by allowing
virus but can reach CFRs of 5–15% for Hantaan virus (Jonsson et al., treatment initiation for these clinically similar diseases (several of
2010). In all cases, hantaviruses are transmitted to humans through the which occur frequently within the same geographic region) in advance
secretions/excretions of asymptomatically infected rodent host species of a detailed molecular diagnosis, which indeed may not always be
(Jiang et al., 2016). available. In addition, compounds with such a broad activity spectrum
Causative agents of VHF among the arenaviruses include members would in theory also be expected to allow targeting of newly emerging
of both the Old World complex (i.e. Lassa virus (LASV) and Lujo virus members of these virus groups, of which a number have been identified
(LUJV)) and the New World complex (i.e. Junín virus (JUNV), Machupo in recent years.
virus (MACV), Sabiá virus (SABV), Chapare virus (CHAV) and Clearly efforts to identify and establish mechanism of action for
Guanarito virus (GOTV)). These are transmitted to humans from dis- existing drugs suitable for repurposing or to identify new drug targets
tinct rodent reservoirs. By far the highest infection rates are docu- common to a range of VHF pathogens must rely on high-throughput
mented for Lassa fever, which is endemic in West Africa where it is analysis of relevant drug or knock-down/knock-out libraries.
thought to cause up to 500,000 cases annually with an estimated CFR of Consequently, reverse genetics-based approaches are proving to be pi-
1–2% (McCormick et al., 1987). Among the New World arenaviruses votal tools in this screening process. This is particularly the case since,
JUNV (the causative agent of Argentine hemorrhagic fever), MACV with the exception of the full-length clone systems that are used to
(Bolivian hemorrhagic fever) and GOTV (Venezuelan hemorrhagic generate recombinant viruses, these systems (i.e. the life cycle model-
fever) are the most prevalent and are found in geographically distinct ling (LCM) systems) can be used safely under BSL1/2 conditions. In this
regions of South America (Charrel and de Lamballerie, 2003). However, review, we seek to outline availability and recent technical advance-
they all cause clinically very similar illnesses with a high frequency of ments with regards to reverse genetics tools in the field of VHF virus
severe disease, including hemorrhagic symptoms, and CFRs of up to research and highlight their application in the context of a number of
20–30% (Carrion et al., 2012). recent high-throughput screens (HTS) of relevance for antiviral devel-
Currently there are few specific treatments available for VHF-in- opment against this important group of pathogens.
duced illnesses in humans. A notable exception is the off-label use of the
nucleoside analogue ribavirin in the treatment of Lassa fever, Crimean- 2. Genome organization and life cycle
Congo hemorrhagic fever and HFRS (Mardani et al., 2003; Oestereich
et al., 2016; Rusnak et al., 2009). However, its efficacy in these infec- Despite their clinical similarities, the viruses associated with VHF
tions remains unclear due to a lack of high quality clinical data, and exhibit quite divergent features regarding their genome organization
indeed some more recent studies have cast doubt on its therapeutic and protein coding mechanisms (Fig. 1). The filovirus genome consists
value (Bausch et al., 2010; Ceylan et al., 2013; Koksal et al., 2010). of a non-segmented single-stranded RNA molecule of negative polarity
Further, while convalescent plasma containing high-titer neutralizing that encodes for at least seven viral proteins (Fig. 1A). In contrast, the
antibodies has been shown to be highly effective in treating JUNV in- arena- and bunyaviruses both have segmented genomes but encode for
fection, this therapy is likely highly specific for this single virus and their viral proteins using different strategies (Fig. 1B and C). The are-
cannot be easily scaled for wide-spread implementation (Kenyon et al., navirus genome is bisegmented with each segment (S and L segments)
1986; Salazar et al., 2012). encoding two proteins in an ambisense arrangement, i.e. one positive-
Importantly, a major limitation in the development of treatments for sense open reading frame (ORF) and one negative-sense ORF. These
these agents has been the limited target market represented by each of two ORFs are separated by a secondary structure-forming intergenic
them, which restricts commercial interest. This makes drug repurposing region (IGR) that regulates the termination of transcription (Albarino
L. Wendt, et al. Antiviral Research 170 (2019) 104569
et al., 2007; Pinschewer et al., 2005). Bunyavirus genomes are triseg- proteins that support the initiation of further secondary transcription
mented (S, M and L segments) and segments generally encode only a and also viral replication, which leads to the generation of com-
single ORF each in negative polarity (Fig. 1C) (Bouloy and Weber, plementary RNA (cRNA) antigenomes. These not only serve as tem-
2010; Zivcec et al., 2016). An obvious exception is the ambisense S plates for the replication of new viral RNA (vRNA) genomes, but also
segment of RVFV, which uses an ORF arrangement similar to that of the for the transcription of any ambisense ORFs. At late stages in the virus
arenaviruses. Furthermore, CCHFV has been suggested to utilize an infection cycle newly formed nucleocapsids are then transported by a
unusual approach in which positive- and negative-sense ORFs on the S combination of viral and host factors to the budding sites, where as-
segment directly overlap without an intergenic region (Barnwal et al., sembly and virus particle release takes place. In the case of filo- and
2016). arenaviruses this process occurs at the plasma membrane, while bud-
As for other negative-sense RNA viruses, the members of all three ding and assembly of bunyaviruses takes place in the Golgi complex,
groups encode for an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (L) as well as a with subsequent transport of the particles to the cell membrane via
nucleoprotein (NP or N) and a surface glycoprotein (GP or G) (Fig. 1). cellular export pathways (Elliott, 1997; Feldmann et al., 2013; Hallam
In addition, the filoviruses and arenaviruses also encode for a distinct et al., 2018).
matrix protein (VP40 or Z, respectively). The polymerase cofactor
VP35, the transcriptional activator VP30, and the nucleocapsid-asso- 3. Reverse genetics systems
ciated protein VP24 are all unique to filoviruses (Fig. 1A), while phle-
boviruses and nairoviruses also encode a nonstructural protein NSs on The many commonalities between the VHF virus life cycles have
their ambisense S segment that mediates interactions with the host cell made it possible to establish reverse genetics systems for these viruses
(Fig. 1C) (Ly and Ikegami, 2016). The minimal requirements for tran- based on a common set of principles that either allow us to specifically
scription and replication of negative-sense RNA viruses are defined by model individual steps or the whole virus life cycle, as well as to gen-
the components of the ribonucleoprotein complex (RNP). For both erate recombinant viruses. In particular, minigenome systems allow the
bunyaviruses and arenaviruses, the viral RNA-dependent RNA poly- modelling of viral RNA synthesis, while newer transcription and re-
merase (L) and the nucleoprotein (NP/N) are sufficient for these pro- plication-competent virus-like particle (trVLP) systems can also be used
cesses (Ikegami et al., 2005; Lee et al., 2000). However, viral RNA to model assembly, morphogenesis and entry. In contrast, full-length
synthesis of filoviruses also requires both the polymerase cofactor VP35 clone (FLC) systems facilitate the generation (‘rescue’) of fully in-
and the transcriptional activator VP30 (Enterlein et al., 2006; fectious recombinant viruses and thus allow analysis of the whole virus
Muhlberger et al., 1999; Volchkov et al., 2001). Interestingly, in the life cycle.
case of MARV, VP30 is not required for RNA synthesis in the context of Despite the differing levels of complexity and applications of the
shorter genome analogues (i.e. minigenomes), although the reasons for various reverse genetics-based systems, the overall design and con-
this remain unclear (Muhlberger et al., 1998). siderations necessary when establishing such systems are quite similar.
Also common to all RNA viruses is that each genome segment is In general, there are three different platforms available based on the
flanked by 3′ and 5′ non-coding regions (NCR) that are involved in the polymerase used for transcription of the initial genome (or genome
regulation of transcription and replication. Consequently, these ele- analogue) RNAs. These are based on the T7 bacteriophage polymerase
ments play a critical role in the development of reverse genetics-based or the cellular DNA-dependent RNA polymerases PolI or PolII. The T7
approaches that model these processes. Filoviruses contain a bipartite polymerase system is currently the most commonly used, and most
genomic promoter in their 3′ NCR (leader) and an antigenomic pro- systems have so far at least initially been constructed based on this
moter in the 5′ NCR (trailer) region, for which a bipartite structure has approach. This polymerase has to be exogenously supplied (via either
not yet been described (Weik et al., 2005). Transcription of filovirus transient or stable expression) but has the advantage that it generates
genes is regulated by well conserved transcription start and stop signals, precise and unmodified 5′ transcript ends, although a variable number
and while the transcriptional promoter has not yet been mapped, it of G residues are sometimes also included following the minimal core
must also be located within the leader region (Weik et al., 2005). In- promoter sequence to increase promoter strength, and these are in-
terestingly, while the filovirus genome ends show a high degree of corporated into the final product. Whether this is a viable strategy or
terminal complementarity, experimental evidence indicates that at least not depends on the viral tolerance for variability at these sites.
the leader region is capable of forming a hairpin structure in- However, the bigger challenge is posed by the 3′ transcript ends, which
dependently, and that this retains both genomic replication and tran- due to imprecise termination are quite heterogeneous in length and
scription promoter activity (Crary et al., 2003; Hoenen et al., 2010). sequence, and can impair the efficiency of viral RNA synthesis.
Similarly, the arenavirus and bunyavirus genome ends also appear to Therefore, a Hepatitis Delta virus (HDV) ribozyme sequence is com-
interact with the viral polymerase independently of one another, de- monly included upstream of the T7 terminator in order to ensure au-
spite their sequence complementarity. However, for these viruses the thentic 3′ viral genome ends. While there are undoubtedly limits to the
5′-end of the RNA appears to be specifically necessary for activation of processivity of the T7 polymerase, experience with filovirus systems
the corresponding promoter located at the 3′-end of the RNA (Gerlach have shown that these are clearly in excess of 20 kb.
et al., 2015; Pyle and Whelan, 2019). Despite the relative popularity of the T7-based systems, more re-
The life cycles of arena-, filo- and bunyaviruses have been described cently reverse genetics systems have also been established based on
in detail elsewhere (Hallam et al., 2018; Hoenen et al., 2019; Walter mammalian PolI and PolII, both of which are expressed endogenously.
and Barr, 2011), but importantly they share a number of key com- However, PolI relies on species-specific promotor elements, and while
monalities. Briefly, entry is driven by interaction of their respective systems have been developed for both rodent and human cells, this can
glycoproteins with specific cellular surface receptors or attachment potentially limit its applications. PolI produces unmodified RNA tran-
factors, which trigger internalization into the endolysosomal pathway scripts with comparatively precise initiation and termination sites (Heix
(Miller and Chandran, 2012; Rojek and Kunz, 2008). Cell entry and and Grummt, 1995). In contrast, PolII generates 5′-capped and 3′-poly
release of the viral genome into the cytoplasm is then mediated in a pH- (A) modified RNAs and thus requires not only a 3′ HDV ribozyme se-
dependent manner. Following release of the encapsidated genome, viral quence, but also an additional hammerhead ribozyme at the 5′-end, in
RNA synthesis takes place in the cytoplasm, and in the case of filo- and order to generate authentic genome ends. Given the length of naturally
arenaviruses occurs in cytosolic inclusion bodies (Baird et al., 2012; occurring mRNAs in the cell, processivity with this polymerase can be
Hoenen et al., 2012). First, the negative-sense ORFs are directly tran- expected to far exceed the needs of any viral genome transcription
scribed by protein components brought in as part of the incoming nu- system. Further, based on their wide-spread use in protein expression,
cleocapsid (primary transcription) and produce an initial wave of viral very strong synthetic versions of the PolII promoter have been
L. Wendt, et al. Antiviral Research 170 (2019) 104569
developed, allowing for robust RNA synthesis using this system. How- used for the generation of recombinant filoviruses (Towner et al.,
ever, transcript splicing can be an issue. 2005).
Once a polymerase is selected, different systems also vary in the Despite the different transcription platforms, genome orientations
orientation of the genome (or genome analogue), which can be encoded and cell lines that can be employed, the actual rescue protocols for the
in either genomic or antigenomic orientation to produce either a vRNA- generation of recombinant filoviruses, bunyaviruses and arenaviruses
like or cRNA-like RNA molecule, respectively. While minigenomes are using FLC systems are very similar. All systems so far developed have
frequently encoded in vRNA orientation, in some cases FLC systems relied on either T7 or PolI for the generation of the viral genome or,
have been shown to work more efficiently with genomes encoded in the more often, antigenome (Tables 1–3), and indeed the main difference is
cRNA orientation (Yun et al., 2013), which potentially limits vRNA/ only the number of plasmids that need to be transfected to reconstitute
mRNA hybridization that can lead to dsRNA-mediated antiviral re- the complete genome and the viral RNP (Fig. 2). Following transfection
sponses prior to encapsidation of the viral RNA transcript by the nu- of the genome and RNP-encoding plasmids, the polymerase (T7 or PolI)
cleoprotein. transcribes the full-length plasmid (or genome segment-encoding plas-
The third major parameter where reverse genetics systems for dif- mids for segmented viruses) into a non-encapsidated “naked” vRNA or
ferent viruses vary is the cell line used, which is dependent on several cRNA (depending on the orientation), which is then encapsidated by
different criteria. Since the T7 polymerase has to be exogenously ex- the viral RNP proteins to serve as a template for viral RNA synthesis.
pressed, T7-driven systems are often used together with stable expres- The plasmid-derived RNP proteins use these RNAs to establish viral
sion cell lines (e.g. BSR-T7/5 or BHK-T7-9 cells) (Billecocq et al., 2008; transcription (and subsequent translation) of the genome-encoded viral
Buchholz et al., 1999; Volchkov et al., 2001). While this reduces the proteins, which then leads to further transcription and replication as
number of plasmids that need to be transfected, it remains unclear well as assembly and budding of virions that can be used to infect new
whether this improves assay performance over transfection of a T7- cells. The initial plasmid-driven generation of genomic RNA and its il-
encoding plasmid. Regardless, in both T7-driven and non-T7-driven legitimate encapsidation by the RNP proteins, as well as the over-
systems, transfection efficiency remains one of the primary considera- expression of the viral RNPs, are all artificial steps in this system (i.e.
tions that influence cell line selection. Further, for the FLC system, cells steps for which there are no equivalents in the viral life cycle), but these
not only need to be transfected, but they also need be susceptible to no longer play a role following passage since the virus produced is fully
infection to ensure viral propagation. As a result, in some systems a infectious.
mixture of cell lines is used to ensure all these requirements are met Not only have various mutagenesis studies been performed using
(Towner et al., 2005). FLC systems, they have also been used to generate reporter-expressing
Finally, in the case of life cycle modelling systems or reporter-ex- viruses, which then have significant potential applications in screening
pressing recombinant viruses, the choice of a suitable reporter and its (see Tables 4–6). Reporters can be inserted using a variety of ap-
expression strategy is critical and highly dependent on the intended proaches into the viral genome: 1) as an additional transcriptional unit
application (reviewed in (Falzarano et al., 2014)). In general there are (ATU), 2) as a fusion protein directly coupled to the protein of interest,
two groups of reporters that are currently favored: fluorescent reporters 3) as a fusion protein connected by a self-cleavable linker (e.g. P2A), or
and luminescent reporters. For microscopic analyses of reporter ac- 4) as a replacement for a non-essential gene. However, not all ap-
tivity, fluorescent reporters are mainly used. These kinds of reporters proaches are feasible for all viruses/proteins. The insertion of an ATU
are suitable for high-content imaging and have the benefit of allowing has been used very successfully for filoviruses (Albarino et al., 2013;
multiple analysis points without the need for independent samples. Ebihara et al., 2007; Towner et al., 2005). Importantly, however, using
Further, no additional reagents are needed for measurement/quantifi- different positions for the insertion leads to different expression levels
cation, which can be a significant advantage during high-throughput of the reporter and also to different levels of attenuation of the virus,
analysis with respect to both cost and labor. In contrast, the use of lu- presumably due to the transcriptional gradient of mononegaviruses
ciferase reporters reduces the need for expensive and highly specialized (Ebihara et al., 2007). In contrast, the insertion of an ATU is not pos-
equipment and potentially allows for more rapid screening, due to their sible for arena- and bunyaviruses due to their lack of a start-stop
increased sensitivity over fluorescent proteins. Especially the use of transcriptional regulation (Pinschewer et al., 2005). For arenaviruses
newer brighter luciferases, such as NanoLuc luciferase, instead of Re- the expression of a reporter gene has been approached by the addition
nilla or Firefly luciferase, can further increase assay sensitivity. How- of a duplicate segment such that each segment copy encodes only one
ever, luciferases are not detectable without the addition of their re- essential viral gene, with the other deleted to allow insertion of a for-
spective substrates, increasing assay costs. While this is in many cases eign ORF, such as a reporter. This results in the generation of triseg-
an end-point analysis, secreted luciferases (e.g. Gaussia luciferase) have mented arenaviruses that are strongly attenuated (Ortiz-Riano et al.,
also been developed that allow for multiple measurements over time, 2013). It is unlikely that a similar approach to obtain additional coding
although they are not yet widely used. capacity would be viable for RVFV or CCHFV, as they do not have any
segments known to encode two essential gene products. Nonetheless,
3.1. Full-length clone systems generation of 4-segmented bunyaviruses is certainly possible and was
achieved for RVFV by splitting the glycoprotein subunits onto separate
FLC systems allow the rescue of fully infectious recombinant viruses copies of the M segment (Wichgers Schreur et al., 2014).
(Fig. 2) from a plasmid-expressed version of the complete viral genome. However, bunyaviruses encode several non-essential gene products,
The usage of cell lines differs between the systems for the different and indeed for both NSs and NSm of RVFV these can be replaced with
viruses. To date, almost all FLC systems described for VHF causing reporters (Gerrard et al., 2007; Ikegami et al., 2006; Wichgers Schreur
arenaviruses and bunyaviruses employ baby hamster kidney cells (BHK- et al., 2014). Nonetheless, this is another approach that does not work
21, BHK-T7/5 or BHK-T7-9) for the initial generation of recombinant for all viruses, and in particular there are no viral proteins in filo- or
virus, although also HEK 293T cells have been used successfully for the arenaviruses that are not essential for the viral life cycle. Direct fusion
generation of RVFV (Habjan et al., 2008). For filoviruses, however, a of a reporter protein gene to a viral ORF should in theory be possible for
wider range of cell types has been used successfully, including BSR-T7/ all viruses discussed, but so far it has only been used for the insertion of
5 and Huh7 cells (Enterlein et al., 2009; Tsuda et al., 2015), as well as fluorescent proteins into the genomes of MARV (Schudt et al., 2013)
Vero cells, which appear to work well despite these cells being rela- and EBOV (Hoenen et al., 2012). However, an interesting strategy to
tively difficult to transfect (Hoenen et al., 2013). Also mixtures of dif- replace part of the bunyavirus glycoprotein with a reporter has also
ferent cell lines combining an easily transfectable cell line, such as HEK been developed (Shi et al., 2010), and although it has not yet been
293T cells, with a highly infectable cell line, like Vero cells, have been applied to any of the VHF-causing bunyaviruses a similar approach
L. Wendt, et al. Antiviral Research 170 (2019) 104569
Fig. 2. Overview of existing reverse genetics systems. Shown are models of the various reverse genetics systems with an overview of the steps modelled in each of
the respective systems. The RNP proteins or proteins necessary for budding and entry are specified for all viruses. The full-length clone (FLC) system is used for the
generation of recombinant viruses (shown in blue), which have a fully authentic life cycle. Minigenome (MG) systems can be used to model replication and secondary
transcription, which is reflected by the production of reporter protein (indicated by stars). Transcription and replication-competent virus-like particle (trVLP) systems
model secondary transcription and replication in producer (p0) cells, as for the minigenome assay. However, they also lead to the production of trVLPs containing the
encapsidated minigenome (shown in grey). These can then be used to infect target cells (p1 cells), where they then undergo primary transcription (naïve p1 cells) or
secondary transcription and replication (pre-transfected p1 cells) to generate reporter activity reflecting these processes. The multicistronic trVLP system functions in
the same way as the monocistronic trVLP system, except that trVLPs can also be passaged in pre-transfected target cells, owing to the expression of the budding
components from the minigenome, which enables new trVLPs to be produced in pre-transfected p1 cells.
Table 1
Currently available reverse genetics-based tools for high-throughput screening of arenaviruses. Reporter-expressing viruses, as well as minigenome and trVLP
systems, are indicated according to the polymerase system (T7 or PolI-based) used for initial (mini-)genome transcription. The reporters used in these systems are also
indicated (GFP: green fluorescent protein; CAT: chloramphenicol acetyl transferase; FLuc: Firefly luciferase; GLuc: Gaussia luciferase; NLuc: NanoLuc luciferase). All
trVLP systems are monocistronic.
experimental system reporter-expressing viruses life cycle modelling systems
LASV ZsGreen (Welch GFP (Cai et al., 2018) CAT (Capul et al., 2011) ZsGreen (Welch
et al., 2016) FLuc (Hass et al., 2004) et al., 2016)
GLuc (Welch et al.,
JUNV GFP and GLuc (trisegmented) GFP (Albarino et al., 2009); CAT (Casabona et al., 2009)
(Ortiz-Riano et al., 2013) (Dunham et al., 2018) NLuc (Dunham et al., 2018)
NLuc (Dunham et al., 2018) GFP and GLuc (Rathbun
et al., 2015)
might indeed be feasible. Nonetheless, in all cases such direct tagging filo- (Albarino et al., 2015) and bunyaviruses (Welch et al., 2017) (for
approaches need careful evaluation as the fusion must not disturb the an overview of the different reporter viruses see Tables 1–3).
function of the respective viral protein. To overcome this, in some in- Despite their advantages and the many successful examples of vi-
stances a self-cleaving P2A linker has been used to insert a fluorescent able reporter-expressing viruses that have been produced, the use of
protein, and this has been shown to work for arena- (Cai et al., 2018), these systems is only possible in high containment (BSL 3/4)
L. Wendt, et al. Antiviral Research 170 (2019) 104569
Table 2
Currently available reverse genetics-based tools for high-throughput screening of bunyaviruses. Reporter-expressing viruses, as well as minigenome and trVLP
systems, are indicated according to the polymerase system (T7 or PolI-based) used for initial (mini-)genome transcription. The reporters used in these systems are also
indicated (GFP: green fluorescent protein; CAT: chloramphenicol acetyl transferase; RLuc: Renilla luciferase; FLuc: Firefly luciferase; GLuc: Gaussia luciferase; NLuc:
NanoLuc luciferase). All trVLP systems are monocistronic.
experimental system reporter-expressing viruses life cycle modelling systems
CCHFV ZsGreen (Welch et al., 2017) GLuc (Bergeron et al., GFP (Flick et al., NLuc (Zivcec et al., 2015)
2010) 2003b) RLuc (Devignot et al., 2015)
CAT (Flick et al.,
RVFV GFP (Bird et al., 2008); GFP (Billecocq et al., FLuc (Ikegami et al., 2005) CAT (Gauliard et al., RLuc (Habjan et al., 2009); (Piper and
(Harmon et al., 2016) 2008) RLuc (Zamoto-Niikura 2006) Gerrard, 2010)
Katushka (Islam et al., 2016) et al., 2009) RLuc (transcription-deficient) (Klemm
RLuc (Ikegami et al., 2006) et al., 2013)
Table 3
Currently available reverse genetics-based tools for high-throughput screening of filoviruses. Reporter-expressing viruses, as well as minigenome and trVLP
systems, are indicated according to the polymerase system (T7 or PolII-based) used for initial (mini-)genome transcription. The reporters used in these systems are
also indicated (GFP: green fluorescent protein; RFP: red fluorescent protein; CAT: chloramphenicol acetyl transferase; RLuc: Renilla luciferase; FLuc: Firefly luci-
ferase; GLuc: Gaussia luciferase; CLuc: Cypridina luciferase; NLuc: NanoLuc luciferase). trVLP systems are monocistronic unless otherwise indicated (bicistronic: 2cis;
tetracistonic: 4cis).
experimental system reporter-expressing viruses life cycle modelling systems
pre-transfected naïve
EBOV GFP (Ebihara et al., 2007); CAT (Muhlberger et al., 1999) GFP (Nelson et al., GFP (Watanabe et al., RLuc (Hoenen et al., 2006)
(Towner et al., 2005) CAT (2cis) (Brauburger et al., 2017b) 2004) NLuc (4cis) (González-
mCherry (Hoenen et al., 2012) 2014) GFP (4cis) (Schmidt et al., Hernández et al., 2019)
ZsGreen (Albarino et al., 2015) FLuc (Modrof et al., 2002) 2018)
FLuc (Hoenen et al., 2013) GLuc (Tao et al., 2017) RLuc (4cis) (Watt et al.,
GLuc (Uebelhoer et al., 2014) GFP-CAT (fusion) (Prins et al., 2014)
GFP/mCherry (dual reporter)
(Mehedi et al., 2013)
FLuc (replication-deficient)
(Hoenen et al., 2010)
MARV GLuc (Uebelhoer et al., 2014) CAT (Muhlberger et al., 1998) RLuc (Wenigenrath et al., RLuc (Krähling et al., 2010)
GFP (Albarino et al., 2013); CLuc (Alonso and Patterson, 2010)
(Schmidt et al., 2011) 2013)
mCherry (Mittler et al., 2018) GLuc (Alonso and Patterson,
RFP (Schudt et al., 2013) 2013)
laboratories. This of course poses a challenge for HTS, as these la- 3.2.1. Minigenome systems
boratories usually do not have the technology or specialized expertise The simplest of the LCM tools are the minigenome systems (some-
necessary for performing these screens and vice versa. times also known as replicon systems), which exclusively model viral
RNA synthesis. Instead of full-length genomic or antigenomic viral
RNA, these systems make use of a genome analogue where some or all
3.2. Life cycle modelling systems of the viral ORFs have been removed and replaced by a reporter ORF.
Typically, minigenome constructs retain both the terminal 3′ and 5′
Given the containment requirements for work with infectious virus viral NCRs and thus all the cis-acting elements and signals for efficient
(including reporter-expressing viruses), LCM systems have gained po- transcription and replication. Minigenome constructs based on arena-
pularity as a non-infectious alternative for such screening approaches. virus segments or the RVFV ambisense S segment also retain the IGR of
These systems are based on genome analogues (called minigenomes) these segments in order to facilitate transcription termination (Albarino
and can be used to model specific aspects of the virus life cycle safely et al., 2007; Pinschewer et al., 2005). While it is possible to drive the
under BSL1/2 conditions (depending on local regulations). replication and transcription of such constructs with RNP proteins de-
rived from helper virus infection, this is in practice rarely done, except
Table 4
HTS studies with drug or siRNA libraries using reverse genetics for arenaviruses as a screening platform.
Virus reverse genetics-based screening platform used scope compounds/genes identified references
L. Wendt, et al.
LCMV rLCMV/GFP-P2A-NP 30,400 small molecule library (purchased from Life F3406 inhibits LCMV entry Ngo et al. (2015)
JUNV trVLP system (Gaussia luciferase and GFP) 87,321 compounds (novel lead-like molecules and FDA- 3 undisclosed compounds and tetrandrine; inhibit entry of arenaviruses (but Rathbun et al. (2015)
approved drugs) not other tested virus groups)
JUNV primary screen: minigenome system (NanoLuc luciferase) 34 drugs (Nelson et al., 2017a) AVN-944 (non-competitive IMPDH inhibitor), also inhibits Tacaribe virus Dunham et al. (2018)
secondary screen: trVLP (NanoLuc luciferase)
LASV rLASV-GFP (GFP-P2A-NP) ribavirin and favipiravir proof-of-concept only using established positive controls Cai et al. (2018)
LASV/EBOV primary screen: LASV (ZsG) and EBOV minigenome system 27 commercially available nucleoside analogues 6-azauridine inhibits both LASV and EBOV; Welch et al. (2016)
(Gaussia luciferase) 2′-deoxy-2′-fluorocytidine (2′-dFC) inhibits LASV
secondary screen: rLASV/ZsG (ZsG-P2A-VP40), rEBOV/ZsG
Table 5
HTS studies with drug or siRNA libraries using reverse genetics for bunyaviruses as a screening platform.
Virus reverse genetics-based screening platform scope compounds/genes identified references
RVFV rRVFV-GFP (GFP replacing NSs) Genome-wide RNAi screen (22,909 genes) Wnt/β-catenin-signaling pathway; also showed proviral activity for La Crosse virus and Harmon et al. (2016)
California encephalitis virus
RVFV rRVFV-Katushka (Katushka replacing 28,437 small chemical compounds (Chemical Biology 6 chemical compounds that inhibit RVFV infection Islam et al. (2016)
NSs) Consortium Sweden)
CCHFV rCCHFV/ZsG (ZsG-P2A-NP) 38 nucleoside analogues and 2 IMPDH inhibitors 2′-deoxy-2′-fluorocytidine (2′-dFC) inhibits CCHFV Welch et al. (2017)
Antiviral Research 170 (2019) 104569
L. Wendt, et al.
Table 6
HTS studies with drug or siRNA libraries using reverse genetics for filoviruses as a screening platform.
Virus reverse genetics-based screening platform used scope compounds/genes identified references
LASV/EBOV primary screen: LASV (ZsG) and EBOV minigenome system 27 commercially available nucleoside analogues 6-azauridine inhibits both LASV and EBOV; Welch et al. (2016)
(Gaussia luciferase) 2′-deoxy-2′-fluorocytidine (2′-dFC) inhibits LASV
secondary screen: rLASV/ZsG (ZsG-P2A-VP40), rEBOV/ZsG
EBOV EBOV minigenome system (Firefly luciferase) 960 compounds (Prestwick Chemical Known Bioactives cephaeline dihydrochloride, doxorubicin hydrochloride, ellipticine, Jasenosky et al.
library) emetine dihydrochloride, patulin and salinomycin (2010)
EBOV rEBOV-GFP (ATU between NP and VP35) 1990 compounds (small molecule diversity set library - NSC 62,914 (antioxidant properties, scavenger for reactive oxygen Panchal et al. (2012)
National Cancer Institute) species) inhibits EBOV, RVFV, LASV and VEEV
EBOV rEBOV-GFP (ATU between NP and VP35) Selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERM) compounds estrogen receptor-antagonists like clomiphene and toremifene inhibit Johansen et al.
Johansen et al.
EBOV rEBOV-GFP (ATU between NP and VP35) 2600 approved drugs and molecular probes class II cationic amphiphilic drugs Johansen et al.
targetting late stage of EBOV entry (2015)
EBOV EBOV minigenome system (Renilla luciferase); additionally 200,000 small molecules from commercial sources (library compounds sharing an amino-tetrahydrocarbazole scaffold (e.g. Luthra et al. (2018a);
MARV minigenome system (Renilla luciferase) from UT Southwestern Screening Core) GSK983, SW835) Luthra et al. (2018b)
EBOV primary screen: minigenome (NanoLuc luciferase) genome-wide siRNA screen (21,566 genes) carbamoyl-phosphate synthetase 2, aspartate transcarbamylase, and Martin et al. (2018)
secondary screen: rEBOV-Firefly luciferase dihydroorotase (de novo pyrimidine synthesis)
EBOV tetracistronic trVLP system (Renilla luciferase) 8354 small molecules with known targets, FDA-approved several known entry inhibitors were reidentified, bisadocyl inhibits Lee et al. (2018)
drugs, natural compounds and kinase inhibitors morphogenesis/egress
EBOV/MARV primary screen: minigenome system (EBOV and MARV; 9 nucleoside analogues 6-azauridine (inhibitor of de novo pyrimidine synthesis) inhibits EBOV Uebelhoer et al.
Gaussia luciferase) and MARV (2014)
secondary screen: rEBOV-Gaussia, rMARV-Gaussia
Antiviral Research 170 (2019) 104569
L. Wendt, et al. Antiviral Research 170 (2019) 104569
perhaps as an initial check for minigenome functionality, as it negates transfected (with expression plasmids encoding the viral RNP proteins)
many of the advantages of these systems, and in the case of VHF pa- or naïve (non-transfected). When pre-transfected cells are used, much
thogens, particularly their safety. Thus plasmid-based RNP protein ex- higher reporter activities are observed, as both replication and sec-
pression is greatly favored. Again, while the RNP components that need ondary transcription of the minigenome take place in these cells, but
to be provided vary in number and identity, the overall process is primary transcription cannot be modelled in this system (Hoenen et al.,
analogous between the different virus systems (see Fig. 2). Following 2006; Krähling et al., 2010). In order to model primary transcription, a
transfection of the minigenome and RNP encoding plasmids, the poly- naïve trVLP system is needed. Here the target cells are not pre-trans-
merase (T7, PolI or PolII) transcribes the minigenome plasmid into fected, and thus only primary transcription of the minigenome can take
RNA, which must be illegitimately encapsidated by the respective nu- place. However, the reporter activity is much lower in such systems,
cleoprotein in order to serve as a template for further viral RNA making detection of the reporter challenging (Devignot et al., 2015;
synthesis by the viral RNP proteins. If this occurs successfully, tran- Hoenen et al., 2006; Krähling et al., 2010). To date, monocistronic
scription and replication of the minigenome is initiated by the viral trVLP systems have been successfully developed for filoviruses (EBOV
polymerase and the reporter gene is transcribed and subsequently and MARV) (Hoenen et al., 2006; Krähling et al., 2010; Watanabe et al.,
translated. Reporter activity from classical minigenomes containing 2004; Wenigenrath et al., 2010), arenaviruses (JUNV) (Casabona et al.,
both the 3′ and 5′ NCRs reflects the RNA synthesis process in total, but 2009; Dunham et al., 2018; Rathbun et al., 2015) and bunyaviruses
cannot discriminate between transcription and replication. However, (RVFV and CCHFV) (Devignot et al., 2015; Habjan et al., 2009; Zivcec
for filoviruses it is possible to dissect the RNA synthesis process using a et al., 2015) (for an overview, see Tables 1–3). As for minigenome
replication-deficient minigenome (Hoenen et al., 2010). This construct systems, trVLP systems also differ in the cell lines and the polymerase
contains a deletion within the antigenomic promoter and thus no longer systems used for the plasmid-driven generation of vRNA, although most
supports replication of the minigenome, thereby allowing the analysis systems are based on T7-driven expression of the minigenome. Only for
of the transcription process in isolation. However, given the contribu- RVFV has a PolI-driven trVLP system been established (Habjan et al.,
tion of replication to the generation of new targets for transcription, 2009). The majority of trVLP systems use either cell lines stably ex-
reporter activity in replication-deficient minigenome systems is several pressing T7 (i.e. BSR-T7/5) or highly transfectable HEK 293/293T cells
orders of magnitude lower than in an equivalent classical minigenome for the trVLP generation, however, for the production of CCHFV trVLPs
system. Unfortunately, since promoter activity of arena- and bunya- Huh7 cells were shown to work best (Devignot et al., 2015). Target cell
viruses genomes requires both the 3′ and 5′ termini (Gerlach et al., selection also varies for different viruses and systems, but the most
2015; Pyle and Whelan, 2019), it is unlikely that a similar approach commonly used cell lines for filovirus trVLP systems are HEK 293T
would be possible for these virus groups. Nonetheless, dissection of (Watanabe et al., 2004) and Huh7 cells (Wenigenrath et al., 2010),
RNA synthesis is still possible for bunyaviruses, as transcription can be while arena- and bunyavirus trVLP systems use Huh7 (Devignot et al.,
selectively blocked by inactivation of the cap-snatching endonuclease 2015; Dunham et al., 2018) and BSR-T7/5 cells (Habjan et al., 2009).
function of the polymerase, allowing only replication of the mini- Reporters used to date for these systems include not only several dif-
genome (Klemm et al., 2013). ferent luciferases, but also fluorescent proteins like GFP (Habjan et al.,
In addition to basic monocistronic minigenomes there are also a 2009; Piper and Gerrard, 2010; Watanabe et al., 2004).
number of variations in minigenome design that have been developed For filoviruses, the trVLP system has been improved in recent years
in recent years. These include extension of the monocistronic mini- by using a tetracistronic minigenome (Figs. 1–2) that not only encodes
genome to a bicistronic dual reporter-encoding minigenome by in- for the reporter, but also for the proteins necessary for morphogenesis
corporation of a second reporter ORF. Such systems have so far been and budding (i.e. VP40, GP1,2 and VP24) (Watt et al., 2014). This re-
successfully established for MARV (Alonso and Patterson, 2013), EBOV sults in a more regulated expression of these proteins, as they are
(Brauburger et al., 2014) and LASV (Welch et al., 2016) (see Tables 1 transcribed from the minigenome in a manner that is dependent on
and 3). Among the bunyaviruses such dual reporter-expressing mini- viral RNA synthesis, as is the case during the authentic viral life cycle
genomes would likely only be possible based on the ambisense S seg- (Watt et al., 2014). This is beneficial since the overexpression of the
ment of RVFV, as it is difficult to imagine an approach by which a budding components, especially VP24 and VP40, can be problematic as
reporter gene could be successfully incorporated as an overlapping ORF they are inhibitors of viral RNA synthesis (Hoenen et al., 2010;
sequence within another intact ORF (e.g. for the CCHFV S segment), Watanabe et al., 2004). Supporting the benefits of such an approach,
and all other bunyavirus segments contain only a single transcriptional preparations of monocistronic trVLPs have been observed to contain
unit. For filoviruses tetracistronic minigenomes have also been devel- particles with very different morphologies, and indeed most of the
oped as a mean to express additional viral proteins, and thereby facil- produced material is non-infectious, possibly due to overexpression of
itate analysis of further steps in the viral life cycle beyond viral RNA VP40 and GP (Spiegelberg et al., 2011). By comparison, use of the
synthesis (see next section). tetracistronic trVLP system leads to an approximately 500-fold increase
in specific trVLP infectivity (Watt et al., 2014). To date, tetracistronic
3.2.2. Transcription and replication-competent virus-like particle systems filovirus trVLP systems have been developed based on both fluorescent
Transcription and replication-competent virus-like particle (trVLP) and luciferase reporters, which makes them suitable not only for HTS,
systems (sometimes also called infectious virus-like particle (iVLP) or but also for high-content imaging-based screens (Lee et al., 2018;
transcription-competent virus-like particle (tcVLP) systems) represent Schmidt et al., 2018). Further, while this approach can be used to
an advancement of the classical minigenome systems in that, in addi- model all aspects of the viral life cycle, including primary transcription
tion to modelling viral RNA synthesis, they also allow the modelling of in naïve target cells (González-Hernández et al., 2019), the trVLPs
assembly, budding and entry (Fig. 2, Table 7). In order to achieve this, produced can also be continuously passaged in pre-transfected target
cells are not only transfected with the components for the minigenome cells allowing multicycle analysis (Wendt et al., 2018). A similar mul-
system, but also with plasmids encoding the viral proteins necessary for ticistronic system might also be a viable approach for arenaviruses,
budding and entry. For bunyaviruses this is solely the glycoprotein, where the matrix protein Z is also a potent inhibitor of viral RNA
while for arenaviruses both a dedicated matrix protein (Z) and glyco- synthesis (Garcin et al., 1993), but no such system has yet been de-
protein are required, and for filoviruses not only are the glycoprotein veloped. In contrast, bunyaviruses are not known to encode a specific
and matrix protein (VP40) needed, but also the nucleocapsid-associated inhibitor of viral RNA synthesis; however, it would conceivably be
protein (VP24). Supplying these proteins leads to the generation of possible to replace the second S segment encoded ORF of RVFV with the
virus-like particles containing fully encapsidated minigenomes. These viral glycoprotein to facilitate budding using a similar approach.
can then be used to infect target cells, which can either be pre-
L. Wendt, et al. Antiviral Research 170 (2019) 104569
model nearly all aspects of the viral life cycle (primary transcription
4. High-throughput screening using reverse genetics
pounds/genes that specifically target this step in the viral life cycle. In
contrast, the trVLP system potentially models all steps of the viral life
cycle, but by comparing reporter activity in producer and target cells
• non-authentic
• screens
Before an existing reverse genetics-based platform can be scaled
down to the small well format needed for HTS, several things have to be
optimized and taken into account. Probably the most important factor is
the performance of the assay with respect not only to its sensitivity, but
minigenome system
• non-authentic
• primary
• BSL1/2
• screens
• cannot
evaluating assay suitability for HTS, with Z′ values > 0.5 indicating an
to entry bias, depending on workflow
authentic infection and life cycle
several contexts to yield more robust assays with higher reporter ac-
• provides
• BSL3/4
• subject
• mainly
levels can pose another challenge and can result from viral RNA
synthesis-independent transcription of the minigenome by cellular
polymerases, e.g. from cryptic promotor elements. In such cases it may
be possible to reduce background signals by the insertion of decoy ORFs
(i.e. promoter-less ORFs that are inserted into one or more positions
common applications
L. Wendt, et al. Antiviral Research 170 (2019) 104569
increased levels of reporter activity after codon optimization of the viral 64,755 siRNAs targeting 21,566 genes to identify host factors for viral
RNP genes for rodents (Albarino et al., 2013; Bergeron et al., 2015; RNA synthesis (Martin et al., 2018). Hits from the primary screen were
Uebelhoer et al., 2014). further analyzed using a Firefly luciferase-expressing EBOV and the
results again highlighted the role of the de novo pyrimidine synthesis
4.2. Applications of reverse genetics to high-throughput screening pathway, and in particular CAD (carbamoyl-phosphate synthetase 2,
aspartate transcarbamylase, and dihydroorotase), as an important
In addition to the technical optimization of assay platform(s) in- proviral factor for the EBOV life cycle. While the findings of these
tended for use as part of an HTS, it is important to consider the overall studies taken together certainly highlight the importance of nucleotide
screening approach. Early HTS for VHF viruses and proof-of-concept (and particularly pyrimidine) biogenesis in filovirus RNA synthesis, as
studies often only reported results from a single primary screen without well as the susceptibility of these viruses to treatment with nucleoside
follow-up in secondary assays. The first such HTS was performed al- analogues, this is certainly not a feature unique to this virus group.
ready in 2010 using an EBOV minigenome system expressing Firefly Indeed, for LASV, a dual reporter-expressing minigenome has recently
luciferase (Jasenosky et al., 2010). In this screen, 960 compounds from been generated for use in HTS (Welch et al., 2016) where the genes on
the Prestwick Chemical library, which contains primarily approved off- the S segment were exchanged for ZsGreen (ZsG) and Gaussia luci-
patent small molecules, were tested for their influence on viral RNA ferase, so that the cells could be visualized both by fluorescent micro-
synthesis, as well as for cytotoxicity using a commercial cell viability scopy and harvested for more sensitive measurement of luciferase re-
assay. Using this approach, six compounds (cephaeline dihy- porter activity. This assay was used in a proof-of-principle study to test
drochloride, doxorubicin hydrochloride, ellipticine, emetine dihy- the effect of 27 commercially available nucleoside analogues on LASV
drochloride, patulin and salinomycin) were identified as having an in- RNA synthesis, as well as on EBOV RNA synthesis (using an EBOV
hibitory effect on EBOV RNA synthesis (Jasenosky et al., 2010). More minigenome encoding Gaussia luciferase as a reporter). In a secondary
recently, a similar but much more extensive screen of 200,000 com- screen, recombinant LASV and EBOV, both expressing ZsG as cleavable
pounds using a Renilla-expressing EBOV minigenome could identify 56 fusions with viral proteins (NP and VP40, respectively), as well as
inhibitors that reduced reporter activity by more than 70%, while still wildtype LASV and EBOV were used. Again this approach confirmed 6-
showing low cytotoxicity (Luthra et al., 2018a). Several of these in- azauridine as an inhibitor of EBOV and could show that it also inhibits
hibitors share common structural characteristics, such as containing an LASV, indicating a broader antiviral activity for this compound. Fur-
amino-tetrahydrocabazole scaffold, which was described before for thermore, this screen showed that 2′-deoxy-2′-fluorocytidine (2′-dFC)
another compound (GSK983) that is known to show broad antiviral also inhibits both LASV minigenome replication and viral growth. Si-
activity by inhibiting de novo pyrimidine biosynthesis. Follow-up in- milarly highlighting the importance of nucleosides and their synthetic
vestigations with the racemate of GSK983 (SW835) and another in- pathways for many VHF-causing pathogens, a limited drug library
hibitor of de novo pyrimidine synthesis (brequinar) revealed an in- screen using a NanoLuc luciferase-expressing JUNV minigenome also
hibitory effect of these compounds on EBOV minigenome activity as identified AVN-944 as an inhibitor of RNA synthesis (Dunham et al.,
well as on the viral growth of EBOV, Vesicular Stomatitis virus and Zika 2018). Here, a combination of a NanoLuc luciferase-expressing JUNV
virus (Luthra et al., 2018b). This clearly shows that despite their lim- trVLP system and infection with a related but apathogenic wildtype
itations, even single screens can generate valuable findings of biological virus (i.e. Tacaribe virus) was used for secondary screening. Unlike ri-
relevance, but also reinforces the extent to which they benefit from and bavirin and favipiravir, which have been previously reported to inhibit
are strengthened by validation, in this case in the form of cross-analysis arenaviruses, as well as 2′-dFC, and 6-azauridine, AVN-944 is not a
of hits between unrelated experiments. nucleoside analogue but rather inhibits the rate-limiting enzyme in de
Consequently, most HTS workflows consist of primary and sec- novo GTP synthesis.
ondary screens, followed by more detailed characterization of the most While by virtue of using minigenome systems the screens discussed
prominent hit(s). In the primary screen, the whole compound/RNAi above have focused exclusively on inhibitors of viral RNA synthesis,
library is used and the positive hits from this screen are then followed screens for entry inhibitors have also been shown to be feasible using
up in the secondary screen, which is either performed with the same reverse genetics-based tools, and particularly trVLP systems, as part of
system, but in a more thorough fashion (i.e. in the case of siRNA an HTS approach. For example, a dual-reporter trVLP assay in which
screening using alternate siRNAs for candidate genes, or in the case of GFP and Gaussia luciferase replaced the S segment genes in the vaccine
compound screening using more concentrations and/or replicates), or strain of JUNV (Candid#1) was recently used by Rathbun et al. for an
using another, ideally more authentic assay. Following this approach, HTS with 87,321 compounds from a library that included both novel
several HTS have already been performed for VHF-causing negative- lead-like molecules as well as FDA-approved and clinically tested
stranded RNA viruses, using a classical minigenome system in the pri- compounds (Molecular Screening Shared Resource) (Rathbun et al.,
mary screen followed by a secondary screen using reporter-expressing 2015). From this primary screen, 589 hits were further validated in a
or wildtype viruses (Tables 4 and 6). Of course such a workflow is secondary screen using the same approach, but in triplicates, and
targeted towards assessing only the influence of the tested libraries on controlling for off-target effects using a T7-driven IRES-containing
viral RNA synthesis. It is also important to note that, despite having Gaussia luciferase expression plasmid. Of the remaining 120 hits, the
several artificial steps, many of the compounds or genes identified in 117 commercially available compounds were then evaluated in detail
these primary minigenome-based screens could be subsequently ver- to establish CC50 and IC50 values. Based on this analysis, three undi-
ified in an infectious context, demonstrating the predictive value of sclosed novel inhibitors were identified, and subsequent assays using
data obtained using these systems. JUNV Candid#1, the related LCMV and lentiviral and retroviral vectors
For example, Uebelhoer et al. conducted a primary screen of 9 nu- pseudotyped with GP for several other arenaviruses (and some other
cleoside analogues using EBOV and MARV minigenomes, both expres- human pathogenic negative-stranded RNA viruses) revealed that all
sing Gaussia luciferase, with a secondary screen then based on re- three compounds block entry and appear to have a solely anti-arena-
combinant EBOV and MARV variants expressing Gaussia luciferase viral activity (Rathbun et al., 2015). Interestingly, this study also
from an additional ATU between the genes for NP and VP35 (Uebelhoer identified tetrandrine, which is a calcium channel blocker that had been
et al., 2014). Using these approaches, they identified 6-azauridine, an previously shown to inhibit EBOV infection (Sakurai et al., 2015), as a
inhibitor of de novo pyrimidine biosynthesis, as an inhibitor of both JUNV inhibitor. As such this study also emphasizes the value of cross-
MARV and EBOV RNA synthesis. More recently, in a truly HTS ap- virus platform analysis in identifying inhibitors and proviral host fac-
proach Martin et al. also used the EBOV minigenome system (expres- tors that are potentially more broadly relevant, and thus perhaps more
sing NanoLuc luciferase) in a genome-wide siRNA screen featuring interesting for targeted antiviral development.
L. Wendt, et al. Antiviral Research 170 (2019) 104569
Further, not only monocistronic trVLP assays have value as antivirals in different cell lines, something that so far has not been
screening tools, but also a Renilla luciferase-expressing version of the extensively considered in the context of HTS. Similarly, a recombinant
EBOV tetracistronic trVLP system has recently been optimized for HTS. CCHFV expressing ZsG as a fusion with N (ZsG-P2A-N) was recently
This platform was used to study the impact of a small molecule library used in a screen of 38 nucleoside analogues and 2 IMPDH inhibitors
consisting of 8354 bioactives with known targets, FDA-approved drugs, (Welch et al., 2017). Here virus inhibition was quantified by measuring
natural compounds and kinase inhibitors (Lee et al., 2018). Im- reduction in ZsG fluorescence relative to infected, but mock-treated
portantly, with this system it was possible to assess compounds that cells. Interestingly 2′-dFC, which had already been identified in a HTS
inhibit either viral RNA synthesis (effect on reporter activity in trVLP- described above to inhibit LASV (Welch et al., 2016), showed inhibition
producing cells) or budding and entry (effect on reporter activity in that was actually more potent than the known inhibitors ribavirin and
target cells only). This broader screening approach identified 109 new favipiravir (as reflected by the determined EC50 values). However,
compounds, but also several known entry inhibitors (like amodiaquine, while the potential of reporter-expressing LASV and CCHFV for future
sertraline, bepridil, amiodarone, ML9), again highlighting the authen- HTS has been clearly demonstrated by these studies, a more extensive
ticity of these systems and their validity as screening tools. analysis has so far not been reported.
Contrary to the situation with LCM systems, the use of reporter- In contrast, reporter-expressing EBOVs expressing GFP from ATUs
expressing viruses does not easily allow a targeted screen of compounds have been particularly popular as HTS tools in recent years, and have
against specific steps in the viral life cycle. Rather, the strength of this repeatedly been used as a primary screen for truly high-throughput
approach lies in its authenticity, owing to the lack of any artificial steps. applications. In one screen a GFP-expressing EBOV (featuring an ATU
However, the use of infectious VHF viruses (including reporter-ex- between NP and VP35) was used for a primary high-content screening
pressing viruses) limits work to high containment (i.e. BSL 3/4) la- of 1990 compounds from the small molecule diversity set library from
boratories, which normally have limited access to HTS technologies. As the National Cancer Institute (Panchal et al., 2012). This primary
noted, this typically means that their use is restricted to secondary screen, which identified 45 inhibitory compounds, was followed by a
follow-up analysis of limited numbers of hits. However, recently some dose-response study using the same platform to validate the most pro-
studies have also taken the approach of using reporter-expressing mising hit, compound NSC 6219. This compound possesses antioxidant
viruses for primary HTS analyses (Tables 4–6). For instance, a re- properties and is known to act as scavenger of reactive oxygen species.
combinant RVFV expressing GFP instead of NSs was used for a genome- In follow-up studies it inhibited not only EBOV-GFP, but also RVFV,
wide RNAi screen targeting 22,909 genes in HeLa cells (Harmon et al., LASV and Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus, again indicating a
2016). Here the GFP expression (after cell lysis) was used as a measure broader antiviral effect. Another screen with the same GFP-expressing
of viral infection while alamarBlue was used to assess cytotoxicity of EBOV but testing a library of 2600 approved drugs and molecular
the knock-down. A secondary screen using the same approach in tri- probes identified a further 171 compounds targeting diverse cellular
plicates was then used and resulted in 381 putative proviral genes being mechanisms (e.g. ion transport, protein processing, cell signaling) as
identified, with the Wnt/β-catenin pathway being the best represented. inhibitors of EBOV. Interestingly, many of these compounds were found
In follow-up analyses this pathway was also shown to be important for to be class II cationic amphiphilic drugs, strongly indicating their re-
La Crosse virus and California encephalitis virus, indicating that re- levance for the inhibition of EBOV infection (Johansen et al., 2015). Of
liance on this pathway is a conserved feature among bunyaviruses, and the identified hits, 30 were confirmed by testing in an 8 dose curve in
making it a more attractive target for antiviral development. Another both Vero E6 and HepG2 cells, with cytotoxicity controlled using the
HTS used a RVFV expressing the far-red fluorescent protein Katushka CellTiter-Glo viability assay. These were then subsequently subjected to
instead of NSs for a primary screen of 28,437 small chemical com- mechanistic analysis, which showed that inhibition for most of these
pounds (Chemical Biology Consortium Sweden) for their effect on RVFV antiviral drugs seems to take place at the level of viral entry (Johansen
infection in A549 cells. Fluorescence intensity of the reporter protein et al., 2015). In particular, detailed analysis of the estrogen receptor
was assessed by spectrophotometry, while cytotoxicity of the screened antagonists clomiphene and toremifene showed that they not only in-
compounds was determined using a Resazurin cell viability assay. A hibit the growth of wildtype EBOV but also other filoviruses (Johansen
subsequent secondary screen using the same approach to validate 641 et al., 2013, 2015). Follow-up mechanistic studies demonstrated that
hits from the primary screen, but testing different compound con- their mechanism of action is unrelated to their classical function in the
centrations, could then identify 6 compounds that showed a strong estrogen pathway, but rather that they inhibit EBOV entry at a step
inhibitory effect on RVFV infection (Islam et al., 2016). In contrast, for after binding and internalization. Further, the authors could show that
arenaviruses the only truly HTS to date that was performed using two other cationic amphiphilic drugs (bepridil and sertraline) could
viruses as the primary screen used a GFP-expressing LCMV, which is a protect mice from EBOV infection in vivo. To date the effect of these
related but much less pathogenic relative of LASV (Ngo et al., 2015). compounds on other VHF-causing viruses has not been examined, al-
Indeed, when they are available, the use of such reporter-expressing though data using VLPs carrying LCMV GP suggest that there may be
BSL2 surrogate viruses can offer an approach that combines the some effect of clomiphene and toremifene (Johansen et al., 2013).
strengths of virus-based screening (i.e. authenticity), while retaining Regardless, this work clearly highlights not only the predictive power of
the flexibility of working at lower containment levels, as well as the these systems as screening tools, but also the value of screening existing
convenience and sensitivity of reporter based detection. In this case licensed drugs for off-target antiviral effects that would otherwise be
GFP was expressed from the S segment as a cleavable fusion with NP difficult to predict, particularly as they may not conform with estab-
(GFP-P2A-NP). Using this approach 30,400 small molecule compounds lished mechanisms of action.
were screened, which led to the identification of compound F3406 as an Overall, looking at these emerging data from HTS studies it is clear
inhibitor of LCMV entry. A similar approach was recently developed as that some pathways appear more frequently than others. Particularly
a proof-of-concept using a LASV that also expressed a cleavable GFP- the inhibition of de novo nucleoside synthesis, as well as the use of
P2A-NP fusion (Cai et al., 2018). This platform was optimized for HTS nucleoside analogues, are approaches that appear effective in various
by evaluating the stability of the reporter in different cell types and siRNA and drug screens for the inhibition of filoviruses (Luthra et al.,
validated using two known inhibitors of LASV, favipiravir and ribavirin, 2018b; Martin et al., 2018; Uebelhoer et al., 2014; Welch et al., 2016),
which then allowed evaluation of different cell lines for their suitability bunyaviruses (Welch et al., 2017) and arenaviruses (Dunham et al.,
for HTS based on high-content imaging. Interestingly, although all cell 2018; Welch et al., 2016), although their feasibility in vivo remains to
lines tested (Vero E6, A549, HeLa and Huh7) showed equal numbers of be shown for many of the identified compounds. However, in addition
infected cells, treatment with ribavirin or favipiravir led to different to the existing in vivo and/or clinical data indicating utility of nucleo-
levels of inhibition, indicating a possible need to evaluate potential side analogues in the treatment of both arenaviruses and bunyaviruses,
L. Wendt, et al. Antiviral Research 170 (2019) 104569
this clearly appears to be a promising antiviral target that needs to be growth. Indeed, such reporter-expressing viruses are now even being
further explored moving forward. However, HTS is clearly also turning used to some extent as primary screens as a part of HTS workflows,
up unexpected findings, such as the role of calcium channels or the although this remains technically challenging for BSL4 agents. In any
Wnt/β-catenin pathway, as well as identifying off-target antiviral ef- case, the adaption of reverse genetics-based systems for HTS clearly
fects of well-known and even licensed drugs that are unrelated to their offers a range of potent and promising platforms for both drug and host-
normal mechanism of action. Clearly such findings cannot be easily target based screens, and this is now being demonstrated by the re-
predicted based on our current knowledge of the viral life cycle of VHF search coming out of this field. Indeed, in our estimation this approach
viruses, and thus can only be identified as a part of large-scale screening represents one of the most promising options to identify viable drug
approaches. candidates for VHF treatment, either through drug library screening for
repurposing or the identification of novel broad-spectrum host factors,
4.3. Data archiving and accessibility both of which rely heavily on serendipitous findings that clearly benefit
from an HTS approach.
The major challenge that has now arisen as a result of the often
enormous quantity of data generated by such HTS approaches concerns Conflicts of interest
the issues of data archiving and accessibility. Given the tremendous
effort involved in performing detailed mechanistic follow-up, normally The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest.
only one or a few hits from a given HTS are selected for further analyses
in any given study (i.e. dose studies and mechanism of action analysis). Funding
This means that often huge parts of the generated datasets remain un-
used, although there might be other important findings waiting to be Funding was provided by the Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut, and by the
discovered, i.e. based on analysis of the data using alternative ap- Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG; grant numbers 389002253
proaches. In particular, comparative analyses of several screens has the and 324484564).
potential to give hints regarding important proteins/compounds/path-
ways that may have been overlooked simply based on not being the References
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