FP - EN - Polybio 630 CU - BB - 1114 - 0
FP - EN - Polybio 630 CU - BB - 1114 - 0
FP - EN - Polybio 630 CU - BB - 1114 - 0
Machining of yellow materials
All types of machining
Performance: POLYBIO 630 CU is suitable for copper and Rust protection: very good rust protection
copper alloyed materials:
High lubricity to improve tools life Foaming: High resistance to foaming :
No stain on yellow materials even on electrolytic copper Very low foaming properties in soft and hard water
Low “mechanical” foaming (cf. equipment and pressure)
Friendly usage:
Odorless. Boron free. Amines free. Degreasing: with alkaline cleaner or solvent.
Clean machines.
Units POLYBIO 630 CU
In it’s pure state: Appearance / Liquid
Color / Dark blonde
Specific gravity at 20°C g / cm3 0.94
Cinematic viscosity at 40°C mm²/s 40
Temperature of storage °C 5 to 40°C, keep away from freezing
Shelf Life 1 year under original packaging
Diluted ratio 1:20 (5 %): Appearance / Opalescent
Color (when in use) / White
pH / 9
Refractometric coefficient / 1
Concentration in use: Water soluble / From 1:20 (5%) to 1:10 (10%)
Behavior: Steel corrosion / 3%
Copper corrosion / 0-0
Aluminum corrosion AU4G / 2-0
Foaming at 1:20, soft water 100 ppm (mg CaCO3/l)_10°TH_5.6°dH / 300-600-20-1-250
Foaming at 1:20, hard water 300 ppm (mg CaCO3/l)_30°TH_16.8°dH / 300-200-0-1-250
Foaming at 1:20, hard water 1000 ppm (mg CaCO3/l)_100°TH_56°dH / 300-100-0-2-250
Above details are issued from a production average; they are not specifications