Assessment Nursing Diagnosis Objectives Nursing Intervention Rationale Evaluation
Assessment Nursing Diagnosis Objectives Nursing Intervention Rationale Evaluation
Assessment Nursing Diagnosis Objectives Nursing Intervention Rationale Evaluation
Diagnosis Intervention
- Client Compromised - Identify/verbalize 1. Assess 1. To identify underlying Client and her
wishes to family coping resources within causative/contrib situations that may family were able
live in an themselves to deal uting factors. contribute to the to communicate
assisted with the situation. 2. Assist family to inability of family to effectively and
living - Interact recreative/develo provided needed sort out issues
facility appropriately with p skills to deal assistance to the client. which helped
- Her sons the client, with current 2. To be able to voice out them make
refuse to go providing support situation. concerns and decisions that
through with and assistance as 3. Observe for emotions/feelings. would benefit
her decision. indicated. strengths such as 3. Family members who both the client
- Has less - Provide the ability to are coping with critical and her family.
access to opportunity for relate the facts injuries often feel
facilities client to deal with and to recognize defeated, hopeless, and
when living situation in own the source of like a failure; therefore
with her way. stressors. it is imperative to
sons. - Verbalize 4. Help client and verbally commend
knowledge and the family set them for their
understanding of realistic goals strengths.
illness/disability/ and identify 4. Involving client and
disease. personal skills family in decision
- Express feelings and knowledge. making helps them
honestly. 5. Use active move forward
- Identify need for listening and together.
outside support acceptance to 5. Active listening
and seek such. help client provides the client
express and/or family a
emotions. nonjudgmental person
to listen to them.