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Workshop Title “During the Middle Ages, the history of Islam is the history of world civilization itself.”
– Imam Sultan Muhammad Shah and Zaki Ali, Glimpses of Islam.
2 HOURS 30 MINUTES (includes 10-15 minutes of Reflection/Conclusion that also involves students filling feedback forms)

 Explore the importance Islam places on the Intellect (i.e. Qur'anic references to the Intellect)
Objectives /
 Examine how the importance of the role of the intellect in Islam has contributed significantly to the development of the
world civilization
 Muslims have contributed to every field of intellectual thought and progress of modern society

 From the very beginning, Islam encouraged the pursuit of intellectual thought and progress.
Key Messages  Awareness of Muslim contribution to modern society
 [The use of the intellect is an act of faith (there is no conflict between religion and science in Islam)]

 Introduction:
 Attention Grabber: Mevlana Jalaludin Rumi’s Mathnavi story of The Pen and the Ants
 Development (1st Exploration):
Approach  Linking old information: Story of Adam
(Notes on flow of  Linking new information: Ashraf ul-Makhluqat;
activities and purpose  New Information Activity: References to the Intellect in the Qur'an – Graffiti Activity
of each exploration/  Application (2nd Exploration): 1001 Inventions + video
 Exploration 2: Eboo Patel’s call to action video
 Reflection: Video montage for the future

 Multi-Media File(s): 1001 Inventions video; Eboo Patel’s Youtube video

 Lesson Plan (Word File) and PPT Presentation
 Student Handout(s): optional: Qur'an ayahs if no copies of the Qurans available
 Teacher Handout(s): story of Prophet Adam, 1001 Inventions Book
 Supplies: Video Camera, Laptop, LCD Projector, Flip-Charts & Stand, Dry-Erase Markers, Sharpies, Index Cards,
Sticky Notes, Notebook Paper, Pens/Markers, Speakers

Date: 12/20/2010 Page 1 of 5 11/12 Grade Workshop Series (Pilot)


Attention Grabber: : Mevlana Jalaludin Rumi’s Mathnavi story of The Pen and the Ants on PPT
- After reading, follow-up questions:
- What is Rumi trying to say through this story?
- What is the mind?
- Who created the mind?
- What does the mind allow us to do?

Introduction Assess Prior Knowledge

- What sets human beings apart from the rest of creation?
- Through the Attention Grabber, solicit responses from the students to come to the conclusion of “the intellect” - aql
Time: ?? Minutes
-Drive students towards the story of Prophet Adam and the creation of the first human by asking “___”
-“Present the story of Adam on the PPT as presented in the Qur'an.
 Includes attention -Focus on the verse “Allah told Adam the names of everything…”
 Raise/address one
contemporary (or Linking New Information:
historic) issue/ - Ashraf ul Makhluqat (crown of creation)
 Use multimedia - Tell students that today we will be examining how the importance of the role of the intellect in Islam has contributed
resource significantly to the development of the world civilization and how Muslims have contributed to every field of intellectual
 Use powerful thought and progress of the modern society
content (preferably
contemporary) in
conjunction with
Teacher Notes:
 Raise 2-3
questions that  Rumi often gave love a higher status than the intellect; however, in this parable, Rumi is praising the
students might Creator of the mind/intellect for the beauty it has the capacity to discover. (cite)
be/are asked in
secular lives
regarding the
problem Resources:
 Talim 4 Book 21 story
 Story of Prophet Adam

Activity/Exploration Details:

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New Information Exploration #1

Development (1 References to the Intellect in the Qur'an – Graffiti Activity with Qur'an copies
Time: Minutes - Divide class into 4 groups
- Assign 2 Ayahs per group
 Support discussion, - Look up the 2 Ayahs in the Qur'an
analysis and/or - Have each group pick one to put on flip chart paper/poster board with 4 squares
deepening the - In the first box, each group comes to a consensus and answers “What does this Ayat mean to us?” “What do you think
understanding of this means to you?” (interpret ayah)
issue raised in media
- Place each paper or board across room with ample space for groups to go around and write own
clip with excerpts
from primary - Each group goes around and writes down own interpretation
sources - After each group has filled in a box, then go around and read _____
 Trace the context
behind the issue and
connect with Teacher Notes:
relevant messaging
from CCAs/ITREB/
Primary Resources
 Use Qur’an, hadith, Resources:
farman/speech,  Flip chart paper

transliteration, IIS
article excerpts,
contemporary article
excerpts, quotes
from Muslim/Ismaili
scholars, etc.
 Bring in
perspectives from
other faith traditions Activity/Exploration Details:
(as applicable)  TBD then and now activity – cut outs of inventions---place in then and now categories….or match then and
 Activity Examples: now cut outs…ie you have pic of plane and flying machine…you have scalpel then and now…you have
Think-Pair Share, elephant clock and big ben etc….
Menu” (appetizer,  This brings home the concept that there are modern uses for inventions of Muslim scientists…this is an
main course and intro to the video
desert), Round 
Robin Discussions,  TBD
Socratic Seminars,
Graffiti, Corners/
Stations, Jigsaws,

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Application &
Personalization Teacher Notes:
(2nd Exploration)
Time: ?? Minutes

 Give opportunity
to solve the issue
and/or personalize/
apply the learning
in today’s context
—what’s in it for Resources:
me today  1001 Inventions video
 Ensure that 
students  TBD
demonstrate (using
Application and/or
activity or a
product) that they
have gained the
tools during the
workshop to
construct and
responses for
questions raised in Activity/Exploration Details:
 Group
Formats: Writing
(Blog Entry,
Twitter Feed etc.),
Role Playing,
Drawing, Creating
a Web
Hosting an Event,

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Time: 15 Minutes

Date: 12/20/2010 Page 5 of 5 11/12 Grade Workshop Series (Pilot)

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