CSP - Module 2 (March 22, 2020)

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Business ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility

For March 21, 2020

Prepared by: Atty. Angelo Andro M. Suan, CPA

LESSON/TOPIC : Unfair Labor Practice

Learning Target(s) : To identify the ethical issues in the workplace and the probable
solution for each issue
Reference : Business Ethics and Social Responsibility, Roa, latest edition


Concept of unfair labor practice and procedure for prosecution thereof— Unfair labor

practices violate the constitutional right of workers and employees to self-organization, are
inimical to the legitimate interests of both labor and management, including their right to
bargain collectively and otherwise deal with each other.

A labor relations term that people usually use without a full understanding of what it
means is “unfair labor practice.”  A very common usage and cause of misunderstanding is in
making the charge of “illegal dismissal and unfair labor practice” in a dismissal situation.

For example, a worker dismissed from work due to repeated absences, whose complaint
is prepared without much thought to legalities, may simply copy a sample complaint, adapt its
recitals to the complainant’s  situation, and claim for reinstatement, backwages, and damages
under the charge “illegal dismissal and unfair labor practice.” This kind of charge may lead an
uninformed third-party reader to think that illegal dismissal and unfair labor practice are one
and the same.


Answer the following, in a yellow sheet of paper. It must be handwritten. Further, do not
write anything at the back of the sheet.

1. What is illegal dismissal.

2. What are the just causes in terminating employment
3. What are the authorized cause in termination employment
4. Give at least 5 unfair labor practice in the Philippines, and discuss each.

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