Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


This chapter comprises the review of literature as well as studies and readings which the

researcher has collated from both local and foreign sources that provided relevant information in

relation to the present study.

Review Related Literature

A career is defined as the combination and sequence of roles played by a person during the

course of a lifetime. These roles include those of child, student, citizen, worker, positions with

associated expectations that are copied at some time by most people, and other less common

roles such as those of criminal, reformer, and lover Wales (2010).

Making career choice is a defining phase in every students’ life. Students have to consider

several factors before arriving at a decision. Educational level of parents, their profession and

income are also identified as very important factors. Every student at a certain juncture in their

life has to make a choice regarding their career. It is incumbent that students make the correct

choice. (Oladele 2013)

In addition, career selection is very essential for any person. It is a process of choosing an

occupation which directs future life. (Zaidi & Iqbal ,2012) Brown (2004) asserted that the career

choice must be define as early as in the school and the tertiary institution level.

Student career choice is a constant issue in the present day, undergraduate students finds

are having hard time finding a right job for them. It is important to study the factors which
influence student in career choice there are the limited number of studies examining career

choice. (Abbasi & Sarwat.2014)

Noreen & Khalid (2012) examined the factor influencing career choices of undergraduate

student. They identified some related factors such as socio economic, educational and cultural

background. In addition, choosing career is also influenced by family members, particularly the

parents. They are the most influential determinants of career guidance needs. (Hines 1997)

Specifically parents’ education has been proven as a factor influencing career choice. (Grissmer,

2003) Parental education, family income, and family heads occupational status were found to be

positively associated with offspring’s educational achievement. (Biblazar and Rafter 1999)

On the other hand, according to Salazar (2002), the matter of choosing career in the Philippine

setting is clearly a family affair. (Suba) revealed that parental influence plays a crucial role in the

career choice of Filipino adolescents. This reflects to the high value Filipinos place on close

family ties, to the point of making sacrifice for the family welfare.

Family income and family needs are critical factor determining career. Onjing (2009) stated

that the motivation of an individual to get into a career is an economic reason because the

employment will give the person and his/her family resources and monetary compensation to

meet the social economic needs.

Prospective college students from low socio economic status backgrounds are less likely to have

access to informational resources about college (Brown, Wohn & Ellsison, 2016). Additionaly,

compared to high socioeconomic status, young adult from low socio economic status

backgrounds are at a higher risk of accruing student loan debt burdens that exceed the national

average (Houle 2014

Farooq (2011 emphasize that the social class of the parent is a dominant factor in the

academic performance.The academic abilities and the socio-economic background of youth

impose considerable constraints upon the performance of students and the type of vocation they

can make.

The children from low socio-economic status households and communities develop academic

skills slower than children from higher socio-economic groups (Morgan, Fakas, Hillemeir &

Maczuga, 2009)

Alexander, Entiwisle and Bedinger (1994) found that parents with moderate or high income hold

beliefs and expectations that are closer than those of low-income families instead high

expectations that are closer than those low income families on the actual performance of their

children. Low income families instead had high expectations and performance beliefs that did

not correlate well with their children’s actual school performance.

Krumboltz (1979) has proposed a social learning theory of career decision-making. His

theory attempts to explain how educational and careers are made. According to boon and Illias

(2011) .there are varieties of style in choosing a career practiced by the student such as there are

student who do not have extensive knowledge about the scope career due to lack of knowledge

and ignorance of career. This condition causes them to choose a career based on what have been

done by family members or what is seen outwardly by the scope of the environment.

Career Development plan is a way to set future goals for progression in a chosen career.

The career development plan might be something an employee creates on his or her own, or he
might do it with the assistance of a career counselor, or even a present employer. Creating a list

of goals, along with strategies for achieving goals and a desired completion date, can be a step in

the right direction wen trying to improve a career.

Conley (2000) presented some definitions relating to career development for government

employees which also applies to teachers. Promotion is the movement of one position to another

position with increase in duties and responsibilities authorized by law and usually accompanied

by an increase in pay. A movement may be from organizational unit to another in the same

department or agency.

Many students who are studying in the upper secondary school will enter college without

visualizing their talents, gifts, abilities, and strengths.they cannot see where they are going to or

want to become. They randomly follow life or career paths that seem interesting for the moment

but for which they maybe illsuited and run into repeated ends(Angara.E.J.2012)


According to the study of Nota and Ginevra (2015) compared with fathers, mothers have greater

perception of themselves being supportive of their childrens’ career development. The more adolescents

feel supported the more they consider themselves able to cope with the task of identifying goal, seeking

out information and making career choices.

Murry (2017) the study revealed that the socio-economic status negatively affects the career

decision making of undergraduate emerging adults such that individuals with lower socio-

economic status have more difficulties in terms of lack of readiness, lack of information,

inconsistent information and over all career decision making difficulties.

(Waldener, Williams, Lepel) on the findings students who considering it very important to be

well off financially are more likely to choose major business.

In the study of crosnoe, Johnson elder(2004) the factors that affect the career choice of the

students are age, gender, geographical belongingness, ethnicity, socio economic ststus, parents

education level, parents profession, income and religious affilation

According to the study of Milne and Plourde(2006) socio economic status is one of the

strongest predictor of career choice and educational attainment

Most of the students are influenced by careers that their parents favor, others follow the

career that their educational choices have opened for them,some choose to follow their passion

regardless of how much or little it will make them while others choose the careers that give high

income(Hewitt J.2010)

it was found out that the least reason for choosing career are the courses in the university

which is near close to their home, they are limited to a career choice by what is schooling in their

area and they are limetd to a career choice by the industry in their area.Availability of

advancement oppurtunities and learning experiences are the most influential factors affecting

career choices among studennts (Kochung, Migunde 2011)

Rumberger and palardy(2005) conducted a study to further investigate the effect of socio

economic status and Academic Performance.they found that the average socio economic status

of a students school had a near equal influce on achievements as individual socio economic

status Additionally,Socio economic status had similar influence on low socio economic status of

students and high socio economic status of students

According to UNESCO(2010),the goals of education for all(EFA) and millennium

Development Goals(MDGs) informals strategies to improve socio economic status so as to

improve in examination.Families with high socio economic status often have more success in

preparing their children for school because they typically have access to a wide range of

resources to promote and support cildrens development


in the study of ines, sahagun, viar (2012) shows that the respondents will continue or follow their

career choice that is chosen by their parents

In the study of Fernando, dantez marcelo, ruz, tuiza (2005) students with parents who are college

gradute and high economic status chose their career base on their interest ability and prospective

employability in the local and National market

In the study of guillo (2015) the reasons for choosing their career is their parents educational

attainment, most of the respondents believe that they look up to their parents are role models for

their future career

in the study of Adedayo (2017) individuals career success can be best realized if the right career

choices suited to his/her ability, personality background and intellect serve his/her guide in

choosing course he/she want to take in tertiary education

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