The Effect of Herringbone Technique On Students R

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The aim of his research is that want to know the herringbone technique
application is effective to improve student skill in reading, predict, make the
conclusion in every paragraph and able to solve the problem of students in
understand reading text or discourse. This research is experimental research and
conducted at SMP Negeri 23 Makassar. The total of population in Grade VII
students are 480 students that shared in 12 classes. The researcher choose sample
in class VII-12 are 32 students. The aim of the researcher to choose class VII12 as
a subject of the research because the average of the student in this class is stillless
to understand the reading text. The result of data analysis in pre-test and post-test
showed that t-test score is 36.25 and t-table score is 2.036. The t-test score is
better than t-table or (tt36.25> 2.036). It showed that the students’ skill to
understand reading text at the end of the research is improved. It can be identified
with the significant different between average score in pre-test (3) and post-test
5.8). This research showed that the herringbone technique had tried at the SMP
Negeri 23 Makassar and it worked. It appeared that student’s English skill in
understanding reading text from bad to be better.

Keywords: herringbone technique, reading comprehension, experimental

research, effectiveness

Nowadays,the progress of knowledge, science and technology required us
to absorb information. Information is merely the most important aspect of our life.
Book, magazine, newspaper, bulletin, internet are sources of information we can
get if only through reading. Thus, we must read thousands of text to avoid
ourselves from out of date.
Teaching reading to students requires many different techniques to avoid
boredom and invite students’ interest. All techniques, which have been studied
earlier such as scanning technique, skimming technique and detailed reading,
none is referred as the most effective one. Each of the technique has

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uniqueness and features, which may ease the students in preparing or

making their reading tasks (Sangkala, I., & ul Haq, M. 2014)
Today, there a lot of information, people should know, and they should
find many kinds of information sources that are written in English. Thus, to get
information, people should read many kinds of information. Reading is a source
of getting information. No one can get much information without reading.
Actually, Reading is the easiest and the cheapest way to get information, because
it can help to know the simple information to the more complex one. In addition,
the main important thing that the readers should have the ability to comprehend
what they have read.
Reading is one of the most important skills we need in increasing our
personal welfare and social progress. It is cannot be denied that language is an
integral part of human life and society. It is used to communicate to express
argument or opinion to one another. Without language we cannot develop our
education, society tradition and culture, spread global information etc.
Shortly, we cannot do anything without using the language.
(Rani,2003:4).In our education system, especially in English teaching. Has made
the mastery of all language skills. English as an international language in
Indonesia is the first foreign language thought from elementary school up to
university. This proves that English subject is important for the Indonesia
In teaching English as foreign language,it is necessary to note that there
are four skills to be mastered which cover reading, speaking, listening and
writing. Among the four skills, reading gets greater attention to analyze than
other. As De Boer (1992: 16) states thatone of the best important ways of learning
however is through reading, success in school and in life depends in large part on
your ability read. In general, people intend to be able to read and understand
English text because many scientific books are written in English. However, until
now, most of the students still encounter difficulties in reading.
This problem is faced by many lecturers and students who are not fluent in
English. One of the difficulties encountered by the students is how to remember

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what they have read. Itis important to realize that the teacher need to vary reading
rate according to our intention in reading and the students cannot find main idea
what they after read.
Using Herringbone technique is one of important technique to make the
reading comprehensionare effective. Some method have used in teaching learning
process of teaching English, but sometime the methods do not develop
thestudents’ knowledge. Therefore the writer wants to use this technique to
improve the students reading comprehension, especially of the first year student at
SMP Negeri 23 Makassar.
In writer point of view, one of the easiest strategies in improving student
reading comprehension is herringbone pattern, because it is a very simple
instruction that can ease student to comprehend a reading passage as well as
finding the main idea.

This research used pre-experimental method with one group pre – test and
post–test design. Before giving treatment, the students are given a pre –test. At the
end of treatment, the groups of experiment are given the post–test. The design
illustrateds follows :

Pre-test Treatment Post-test

X1 0 X2

Notes : Pre-test = X1
: Treatment = 0
: Post-test = X2

(Gay, 2006: 225)

The independent variable is the used of herringbone technique in teaching

reading comprehension and Dependent variable of this research is increasing the
students’ reading comprehension. The population of this research is the fourth
semester of English Education Department of Universitas “45” Makassar in
academic year 2014/2015. The number of population is 80 students from two

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classes. The sample of this research consisted of 15 students in A class of the

fourth semester of English Education Department of Universitas “45” Makassar.
The instrument of this research is reading comprehension test. In this test, the
writer request students to answer some question. Here, the writer used multiple
choice tests which consist of 20 questions.


Table 1. Students’ Score and Classification in Pre–Test
No Initial of Students Score Classification
(1) (2) (3) (4)
1 AR 3.5 Poor
2 IS 3.5 Poor
3 SN 2 Very Poor
4 SH 2 Very Poor
5 A 3 Poor
6 MN 2 Very Poor
7 NA 2 Very Poor
8 SA 2 Very Poor
9 MA 2 Very Poor
10 DN 3 Poor
11 TF 2 Very Poor
12 AN 4 Poor
13 AZN 2.5 Very Poor
14 MD 2.5 Very Poor
15 ND 4.5 Poor
16 PN 2 Very Poor
17 AQ 2.5 Very Poor
18 A 3 Poor
19 TP 3 Poor
20 NF 3 Poor
21 MR 2 Very Poor
22 W 5.5 Good
23 AA 2 Very Poor
24 MS 2.5 Very Poor
25 A 4 Poor
26 DT 5.5 Good
27 RA 2 Very Poor
28 MP 4 Poor
29 D 4 Poor
30 K 2 Very Poor
31 N 4 Poor
32 R 4 Poor
Total 95.5
Mean Score 3 Poor
Source : SMP Negeri 23 Makassar

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Table 2. Students’ Score and Classification in Post– Test

No Initial of Students Score Classification
(1) (2) (3) (4)
1 AR 7 Very Good
2 IS 7 Very Good
3 SN 5.5 Good
4 SH 5 Good
5 A 6.5 Good
6 MN 4.5 Poor
7 NA 5 Good
8 SA 4.5 Poor
9 MA 4.5 Poor
10 DN 6 Good
11 TF 5 Good
12 AN 7.5 Very Good
13 AN 5 Good
14 MD 5 Good
15 ND 8 Very Good
16 PN 4 Poor
17 AQ 5.5 Good
18 A 5.5 Good
19 TP 6 Good
20 NF 5.5 Good
21 MR 4.5 Poor
22 W 8 Very Good
23 AA 4 Poor
24 MS 5 Good
25 A 7 Very Good
26 DT 8.5 Very Good
27 RA 4 Poor
28 MP 7 Very Good
29 D 7.5 Very Good
30 K 5 Good
31 N 7 Very Good
32 R 6.5 Good
Total 186.5
Mean Score 5.8 Good
Source : SMP Negeri 23 Makassar

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Table 3. The t-test Value in Students’ Reading Comprehension before and

after Treatment

t – test t-table Comprehension Different

36.25 2.036 t-test>t-table Significant

Based on the table 3 after the writer calculated all scores used t–test
formula the result of t-test value students’ reading comprehension before and
after giving treatment in reading test indicated that the t-test value of reading were
greater than t-table value (tt 36.25>th2.036).This finding used to determine the
hypothesis that occurred in this research as it stated that null hypothesis (Ho) is
rejected when the value of t-test was greater than the value of t-test, and
alternative hypothesis (H1) was accepted. It means that, in this research,
automatically the alternative hypothesis (H1) was accepted and the null
hypothesis (Ho) was rejected. Based on the table 3above there was a significant
result between t – table and t–test after applied herringbone technique at SMP
Negeri 23 Makassar.


Based on the findings, the writer also concluded that the using of
herringbone technique in teaching and learning process at SMP
Negeri23Makassar could achieved the students competence in learning English
especially in reading subject. Besides that, after they joined the class where the
herringbone technique was applied the students also more active to follow the
class because this method made the students more interest to learn by adding their
vocabulary, share their opinion in group and thought the students using “wh”
question in order to comprehend the reading test as well as they can get more
comprehensible input after the meeting. At the end of the meeting (post – test),
most of the students can increase their achievement not only about their
vocabulary but also how to answer question much more better than before.

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In addition, the writer found that there was a significant difference result
of students was 2.036( t- test ) and the level of significance was 36.25. It means
that (H0) was rejected and alternative hypothesis ( H1 ) was accepted. In other
word, herringbone technique could improve the students’ reading comprehension
at SMPN 23 Makassar.


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English Education Department

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