How Often Something Happens: S S Es Don't Do Does
How Often Something Happens: S S Es Don't Do Does
How Often Something Happens: S S Es Don't Do Does
words affirmative
Present every day Something happens regularly Infinitive
Simple sometimes How often something without =to= I work
always happens He works I/you/we/they don’t Do I/you/we/they run?
often One actions follows another He\she\it We run go
usually Future meanings: timetables, Infinitive+s She runs Does he/she/it run?
seldom programs You go He\she\it doesn’t go
never It goes
Present now Something is happening at
Continuous at the the same time of speaking or
moment around it Be(am/is/are) I am working I am not doing Am I writing?
Look! Future meaning: when you + He is sleeping He is not playing Is he moving?
Listen! have already decided and Infinitive + ing we are walking We are not reading Are they speaking?
arranged to do it( a fixed
plan, date)
Past Simple last…. Action took place in the past, Regular: I worked I work I
…. ago mostly connected with an infinitive+ed He worked You run you
In 1990 expression of time(no Irregular: (the He did not go Did she go/come/run?
yesterday connection to the present) 2nd column of You went We sleep We
table of She came They come they
Past while An action happened in the I was working I was not playing
Continuous middle of another action Was/were + He was reading He was not reading Was I/he/she it sleeping?
Someone was doing infinitive+ing We were doing We were not doing
something at a certain You were cooking You were not playing Were you/we/they doing?
time(in the past) – you don’t They were not going
know whether it was finished
or not
Present just You say that smth. has
Perfect yet happened or is finished Have/has + past
never in the past and it has a participle* I have worked
ever connection to the He has worked I have not played Have I/you/we/they
already present *(infinitive+ed) or (3 He has not lived worked?
so far, Action started in the column of table of We have gone You have not done
up to now, past and continues up to irregular verbs) She has gone She has not known Has he/she/it
since the present gone(played)?
Present all day Action began in the past Have/has + been+ I have been I/you/we/they have Have I/you/we/they
Perfect the whole and has just stopped Infinitive+ing working not been working been working?
Continuou day How long the action has He has been
s how long been happening working He/she/it has not been Has he/she/it been
since We have been working working?
for going
She has been
Past Mostly when two Had + past participle* I
Perfect actions in a story are You Had
already related to each other: the *(infinitive+ed) or (3rd He had gone/ I/you/he… worked?
just action which had column of table of We worked I/you/he/she/it/we/the gone?
never already happened is put irregular verbs) they y
into Past Perfect, the had not
other action into Past worked/gone/
The past of the Present
Past how long How long something Had+been+infinitive+in I/you/he/we… I/you/he/we… Had
Perfect since had been happening g had been working had not been working I/you/he/we…
Continuou for before something else been working
s happened
Will Predictions about the I I I
(spontaneou future (you think that You You You
s future) something will happen) Will + infinitive He will work He will not work Will He work?
You decide to do smth We We We
spontaneously at the they they they
time of speaking