Cyber Security Awareness Campaigns: Why Do They Fail To Change Behaviour?

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Cyber Security Awareness Campaigns: Why do they

fail to change behaviour?

Maria Bada1, Angela M. Sasse2 and Jason R.C. Nurse3

Global Cyber Security Capacity Centre, University of Oxford [email protected]
Department of Computer Science, University College London [email protected]
Cyber Security Centre, Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford
[email protected]

The present paper focuses on Cyber Security Awareness Campaigns, and aims to identify key factors
regarding security which may lead them to failing to appropriately change people’s behaviour. Past
and current efforts to improve information-security practices and promote a sustainable society
have not had the desired impact. It is important therefore to critically reflect on the challenges
involved in improving information-security behaviours for citizens, consumers and employees. In
particular, our work considers these challenges from a Psychology perspective, as we believe that
understanding how people perceive risks is critical to creating effective awareness campaigns.
Changing behaviour requires more than providing information about risks and reactive behaviours
– firstly, people must be able to understand and apply the advice, and secondly, they must be
motivated and willing to do so – and the latter requires changes to attitudes and intentions. These
antecedents of behaviour change are identified in several psychological models of behaviour. We
review the suitability of persuasion techniques, including the widely used ‘fear appeals’. From this
range of literature, we extract essential components for an awareness campaign as well as factors
which can lead to a campaign’s success or failure. Finally, we present examples of existing
awareness campaigns in different cultures (the UK and Africa) and reflect on these.

Keywords: awareness campaign; cybersecurity; behaviour; culture; persuasion techniques; risk;

fear appeal
1 Introduction
Governments and commercial organizations around the globe make extensive use of
Information and Communications Technologies (ICT), and as a result, their security is of utmost
importance. To achieve this, they deploy technical security measures, and develop security
policies that specify the ‘correct’ behaviour of employees, consumers and citizens.
Unfortunately, many individuals do not comply with specified policies or expected behaviours
[1]. There are many potential reasons for this, but two of the most compelling are that people
are not aware of (or do not perceive) the risks or, they do not know (or fully understand) the
‘correct’ behaviour.

The primary purpose of cyber security-awareness campaigns is to influence the adoption of

secure behaviour online. However, effective influencing requires more than simply informing
people about what they should and should not do: they need, first of all, to accept that the
information is relevant, secondly, understand how they ought to respond, and thirdly, be willing
to do this in the face of many other demands [2][3].

This paper engages in a focused review of current literature and applying psychological theories
to awareness and behaviour in the area of cyber security. Our aim is to take a first step towards
a better understanding of the reasons why changing cyber security behaviour is such a challenge.
The study also identifies many psychological theories of behavioural change that can be used to
make information security awareness methods significantly more effective.

This paper is structured as followed. Section 2 reviews current information on security-

awareness campaigns and their effectiveness. In Section 3, we examine the factors influencing
change in online behaviour, such as personal, social and environmental factors. Section 4 reflects
on persuasion techniques used to influence behaviour and encourage individuals to adopt better
practices online. In Section 5, we summarise the essential components for a successful cyber
security awareness campaign, and consequently, factors which can lead to a campaign’s failure.
Finally, Section 6, presents examples of existing awareness campaigns in the UK and Africa and
initially reviews them in the light of our study’s findings.

2 Cyber security awareness campaigns

An awareness and training program is crucial, in that, it is the vehicle for disseminating
information that all users (employees, consumers and citizens, including managers) need. In the
case of an Information Technology (IT) security program, it is the typical means used to
communicate security requirements and appropriate behaviour. An awareness and training
program can be effective, if the material is interesting, current and simple enough to be
followed. Any presentation that ‘feels’ impersonal and too general as to apply to the intended
audience, will be treated by users as just another obligatory session [4].

Security awareness is defined in NIST Special Publication 800-16 [4] as follows: “Awareness is
not training. The purpose of awareness presentations is simply to focus attention on security.
Awareness presentations are intended to allow individuals to recognize IT security concerns and
respond accordingly”. This clearly highlights where the main emphasis on awareness should be.
It identifies the fact that people need not only to be aware of possible cyber risks but also,
behave accordingly.

In terms of the public more generally, governments encourage citizens to transact online and
dispense advice on how to do so securely. However, major cyber security attacks continue to
occur [5]. Although a likely reason for this could be the fact that attackers are becoming more
skilled, there is also the reality that security interfaces are often too difficult for the layman to

Another relevant point that has arisen from the literature is the fact that people know the
answer to awareness questions, but they do not act accordingly to their real life [6]. It is
proposed that it is essential for security and privacy practices to be designed into a system from
the very beginning. A system that is too difficult to use will eventually lead to users making
mistakes and avoiding security altogether [7]. This was the case in 1999 [8] and is still the case
today [9].

The fact today is that security awareness as conceived is not working. Naturally, an individual
that is faced with so many ambiguous warnings and complicated advice, may be tempted to
abandon all efforts for protection, and not worry about any danger. Threatening or intimidating
security messages are not particularly effective, especially because they increase stress to such
an extent that the individual may even be repulsed or deny the existence of the need for any
security decision.

3 Factors influencing change in online behaviour

The increased availability of information has significant positive effects, but simply providing
information often has surprisingly modest and sometimes unintended impacts when it attempts
to change individuals’ behaviour [10]. A considerable amount of investment is being spent by
governments and companies on influencing behaviour online [11], and the success in doing so
would be maximised if they draw on robust evidence of how people actually behave.

Various research articles have investigated the factors which influence human behaviour and
behaviour change but one of the most complete is the Dolan, et al. [12]. In their article the
authors present nine critical factors, namely: (1) the messenger (who communicates
information); (2) incentives (our responses to incentives are shaped by predictable mental short
cuts, such as strongly avoiding losses); (3) norms (how others strongly influence us); (4) defaults
(we follow pre-set options); (5) salience (what is relevant to us usually draws our attention); (6)
priming (our acts are often influenced by sub-conscious cues); (7) affect (emotional associations
can powerfully shape our actions); (8) commitments (we seek to be consistent with our public
promises, and reciprocate acts); (9) ego (we act in ways that make us feel better about

These factors hint at the key ingredients for an overall approach to influencing behaviour
change, since the psychological mechanisms which they refer to, are core in making any type of
decision. Furthermore, these mechanisms can influence the user’s motivation to actually adopt
the knowledge offered by a security campaign and behave accordingly. In order to enact change,
the current sources of influence (conscious or unconscious, personal, environmental or social)
need to be identified. The following section describes these aspects.

3.1 Personal factors

Reflecting on literature, it is well recognised that an individual’s knowledge, skills and
understanding of cyber security as well as their experiences, perceptions, attitudes and beliefs
are the main influencers of their behaviour [13]. Of these, personal motivation and personal
ability, are two of the most powerful sources of influence. Specifically, it is the difference
between what people say and what people do that needs to be addressed. In many cases, people
will have to overcome existing thought patterns in order to form new habits.
People can sometimes get tired of security procedures and processes, especially if they perceive
security as an obstacle, preventing them from their primary task (e.g., being blocked from
visiting a music download website because the browser has stated that the site might have
malware). It can also be stressful to remain at a high level of vigilance and security awareness.
These feelings describe the so called ‘security fatigue’, and they can be hazardous to the overall
health of an organization or society [14][15].

In the security domain, the so called ‘Security, Functionality and Usability Triangle’, describes
the situation of trying to create a balance between three, usually conflicting, goals [16]. If you
start in the middle and move toward security, you also move further away from functionality
and usability. Move the point toward usability, and you are moving away from security and
functionality. If the triangle leans too far in either direction, then this can lead to a super secure
system that no one can use, or an insecure system that everyone can use (even unwanted
individuals, such as hackers). Security fatigue becomes an issue when the triangle swings too far
to the security side and the requirements are too much for the users to handle. Therefore, there
has to be a balance between system security and usability [9].

Moreover, perceived control is a core construct that can also be considered as an aspect of
empowerment [17]. It refers to the amount of control that people feel they have, as opposed to
the amount of their actual control [18][19][20]. The positive effects of perceived control mainly
appear in situations where the individuals can improve their condition through their own efforts.
Also, the greater the actual threat, the greater the value that perceived control can play. When
we apply this theory to cyber security, we could assume that home-computer users often
experience high levels of actual control over their risk exposure. This is because they can choose
which websites to visit, whether to open email attachments and whether to apply system
updates [21].

In Psychology, the Regulatory Focus theory [22] proposes that in a promotion-focused mode of
self-regulation, individuals’ behaviours are guided by a need for nurturance, the desire to bring
oneself into alignment with one’s ideal self (‘ideal self’ is what usually motivates individuals to
change), and the striving to attain gains. In a prevention-focused mode of self-regulation
individual’s behaviours are guided by a need for security, the need to align one’s actual self with
one’s ought self by fulfilling duties and obligations and the striving to ensure non-losses. Thus,
the effectiveness of advertising campaigns for adolescents may be enhanced either by using two
types of messages (prevention and promotion focused) or by priming one type of regulatory
focus through the advertising vehicle.

3.2 Cultural and environmental factors

Culture is also an important factor that can have a positive security influence to the persuasion
process. Messages and advertisements are usually preferred when they match the cultural
theme of the message recipient. As a result, cultural factors are one of the most important
factors for consideration when designing education and awareness messages [23].

The cultural systems of a society shape a variety of their psychological processes. Intrinsically
motivated behaviours emanate from the self and are marked by the enjoyment and satisfaction
of engaging in an activity. Conversely, extrinsic motivation refers to motivation to engage in an
activity in order to achieve some instrumental end, such as earning a reward or avoiding a
punishment. Messages tend to be more persuasive when there is a match between the
recipient’s cognitive, affective or motivational characteristics and the content of framing of the
message. Also, messages are more persuasive if they match an individual’s ought or self-guides,
or self-monitoring style [24]. People might be motivated to follow a cyber security campaign’s
advice. But if that causes certain limitation on the sites they can visit online, then this can
automatically result in emotional discomfort, thus leading to ignorance of a suggested ‘secure’

Perception of risk can be a collective phenomenon and it is crucial for awareness raising
specialists to be aware of the different cultural characteristics. The values that distinguish
country cultures from each other could be categorised into four groups [25]: (1) Power Distance;
(2) Individualism versus Collectivism; (3) Masculinity versus Femininity; and (4) Uncertainty
Avoidance. In more individualistic cultures, such as the West, people tend to define themselves
in terms of their internal attributes such as goals, preferences and attitudes. For example, in
cyber security, a message used in a Western country would tend to avoid presenting the general
risks of not being secure online and rather focus on the benefits of being secure.

In more collectivist cultures, such as those typically found in the East, individuals tend to define
themselves in terms of their relationships and social group memberships [26]. In this cultural
context, individuals tend to avoid behaviours that cause social disruptions. Therefore, they
favour prevention over promotion strategies focusing on the negative outcomes, which they
hope to avoid rather than the positive outcomes they hope to approach [27]. Moreover, risk is
also seen as the other side of trust and confidence, a perception being imbedded in social
relations [28]. The emphasis on different risks, in different cultural contexts is another important
aspect that needs to be addressed when creating cyber security awareness campaigns.

4 Persuasion techniques
Persuasion can be defined as the “attempt to change attitudes or behaviors or both (without
using coercion or deception)” [29]. There are two ways of thinking about changing behaviour:
(1) by influencing what people consciously think about (rational or cognitive model) and (2) by
shaping behaviour focused on the more automatic processes of judgment and influence (context
model) without changing the thinking. In this section we present the different persuasion and
influence techniques, in an effort to examine potential challenges in the area of cyber security

4.1 Influence strategies

People do not usually simply follow advice or instructions on how to behave online even if they
come from an expert or a person of authority. In many cases, end users are not fully aware of
the dangers of interacting online, and to exacerbate the issue, security experts provide them
with too complicated information, often evoking emotions of fear and despair [30]. The basic
persuasion techniques include: fear, humour, expertise, repetition, intensity, and scientific

People base their conscious decisions on whether they have the ability to do what is required
and whether the effort is worth it. Examples of messages aimed at persuading individuals to
change their behaviour online, can be found in advertising, public relations and advocacy. These
‘persuaders’ use a variety of techniques to seize attention, to establish credibility and trust, and
to motivate action. These techniques are commonly referred to as the ‘language of persuasion’.
They can also be found in cyber security awareness campaigns. For example, fear is often being
used as a persuasion technique for cyber security.
Surveys have shown that the invocation of fear can be a very persuasive tactic to specific
situations, or indeed a counterproductive tactic in others [31]. Security-awareness campaigns
mostly tend to use fear invocations, by combining messages with pictures of hackers in front of
the screen of a computer. Even, the word ‘cyberspace’, indicates something unknown to many,
thus leading to fear. Typically, invocations of fear, are accompanied with recommendations that
are as efficacious in preventing the threat. Thus, the three central structures in fear invocations
are fear, threat and efficacy.

Various behavioural theories including the Drive Model [32], the Parallel Response Model [33],
or the Protection Motivation Theory [34], consider the cost and efficiency of a reaction and have
independent effects on persuasion. According to the Protection Motivation Theory for instance,
the way a person responds to and carries out a cyber security awareness campaign’s
recommendations depends on both the cyber threat appraisal but also on the person’s self-

The attempt to change a certain behaviour is much more difficult when the person is bombarded
by a large number of messages about certain issues. However, even when the design of the
message is taken into account, there is a big gap between the recognition of the threat and the
manifestation of the desired behaviour at regular intervals. Specifically for security awareness
campaigns, the behaviour that users will need to adopt, should be as simple and easy as possible
highlighting the advantages of adopting it.

Moreover, findings suggest that interventions based on major theoretical knowledge to change
behaviour (e.g., social learning theory or the theory of self-efficacy) that take into account
cultural beliefs and attitudes, and are more likely to succeed [35].

5 Factors leading to success or failure of a cyber security

awareness campaign
There are several components which need to be taken into consideration in order for an
awareness campaign to be successful. One of the most crucial parts is that of communication.
Teaching new skills effectively can lead to prevention of high-risk online behaviour, since what
appears to be lack of motivation is sometimes really lack of ability [36].
There is a wide discussion about security-awareness campaigns and their effort to secure the
human element, leading to a secure online behaviour. In many cases, security-awareness
campaigns demand a lot of effort and skills from the public, while measures do not provide real
insight on their success in changing behaviour. Often, solutions are not aligned to risks; neither
progress nor value are measured; incorrect assumptions are made about people and their
motivations; and unrealistic expectations are set [6].

As previously discussed fear invocations have often proved insufficient to change behaviour
[31]. For example, a message combined to a photo of a hacker, might prove to be funny rather
than frightening or might cause the public to feel not related to the advertisement.

In order for a campaign to be successful, there are also several pitfalls which need to be avoided.
The first is not understanding what security awareness really is. Second, a compliance awareness
program does not necessarily equate to creating the desired behaviours. Third, usually there is
lack of engaging and appropriate materials. Fourth, usually there is no illustration that
awareness is a unique discipline. Fifth, there is no assessment of the awareness programmes
[37]. Sixth, not arranging multiple training exercises but instead focusing on a specific topic or
threat does not offer the overall training needed [38].

Perceived control and personal handling ability, the sense one has that he/she can drive specific
behaviour, has been found to affect the intention of behaviour but also the real behaviour
[18][19]. We suggest that a campaign should use simple consistent rules of behaviour that
people can follow. This way, their perception of control will lead to better acceptance of the
suggested behaviour.

Cultural differences in risk perceptions can also influence the maintenance of a particular way of
life. Moreover, even when people are willing to change their behaviour, the process of learning
a new behaviour needs to be supported [22][23]. We suggest that cultural differences should
be taken into consideration while planning a cyber security awareness campaign.

Measuring the effectiveness of information security awareness efforts for the public though, can
be a very complicated process. Metrics such as the number of phishing e-mails opened or
number of accesses to unauthorised pages are difficult to measure in a larger scale. This is why,
defined large scale metrics are needed, to help security-awareness efforts be evaluated and

The present paper has thus far, reviewed some of the various personal, social and environmental
factors influencing online behaviour change as it relates to cyber security. Also, we have tried to
identify the factors which can lead to a cyber security awareness campaign’s success or failure.

6 Case studies
This section will present existing awareness campaigns on cyber security in the UK and in Africa.
These two countries were selected in an effort to explore possible core cultural differences
reflected in awareness efforts. The two countries differ not only regarding cultural
characteristics, but also in the amount of investment being spent on influencing secure
behaviour online.

6.1 Cyber security awareness campaigns in the UK

There are various awareness efforts in UK aiming to improve online security for businesses and
the public. Below, we present two of the most popular of these.

A) The GetSafeOnline Campaign [39] is a jointly-funded initiative between several government

departments and the private sector, and focuses on users at home and in businesses. The
positive message of ‘’Get safe online’’ itself is an intriguing one, and at its core, emphasises to
individuals that they have the responsibility for getting safe online. The campaign offers a
comprehensive repository of information on threats and how-to advice on protecting oneself
and one’s enterprise. The charge, however, is on individuals to make use of this information and
properly apply it to their context.

B) The Cyber Streetwise Campaign [40] also concentrates on users at home and in businesses.
The new Home Office Cyber Streetwise site advises businesses to adopt five basic measures to
boost their security. These include, using strong, memorable passwords, installing antivirus
software on all work devices, checking privacy settings on social media, checking the security of
online retailers before loading card details, and patching systems as soon as updates are
available. This is a campaign which tries to cause a behavioural change by providing tips and
advice on how to improve online security. The campaign uses a positive message method to
influence the behaviour of users, ‘’In short, the weakest links in the cyber security chain are you
and me’’.

6.2 Cyber security awareness campaigns in Africa

A) The ISC Africa [41] is a coordinated, industry and community-wide effort to inform and
educate Africa’s citizens on safe and responsible use of computers and the Internet, so that the
inherent risks can be minimised and consumer trust can be increased. The campaign uses a
positive message method to influence the behaviour of users in a more collectivist approach
‘’Working together to ensure a safe online environment for all’. Here, we can see an obvious
difference to the messages used in awareness campaign in the UK, that is, the cyber security-
awareness efforts in Africa have been aligned to the cultural aspects of that society.

B) Parents’ Corner Campaign [42] is intended to co-ordinate the work done by government,
industry and civil society. Its objectives are to protect children, empower parents, educate
children and create partnerships and collaboration amongst concerned stakeholders. Parents’
Corner tips for a safer Internet include: ‘’People aren’t always who they say they are, Think
before you post, Just as they would in real life - friends must protect friends’’. Once again, one of
the main messages refer to users protecting users in terms of their relationships and social group

6.3 Comparing cyber security awareness campaigns in the UK and

In our effort to investigate potential differences in cyber security-awareness campaigns, in
different cultural contexts, we considered existing campaigns in the UK and Africa.
We have to state that there are a large number of existing national campaigns in the UK, but we
selected two of the most popular of these. On the contrary, in Africa the number of existing
awareness campaigns is limited. This difference could indicate lack of resources, or lack of
current emphasis on cyber security in Africa. Moreover, it could even indicate that Africa has a
more organised and coherent security-awareness plan, with a small number of targeted and
coordinated campaigns.

As previously discussed, messages and advertisements are usually preferred when they match
a cultural theme of the message recipient [23]. While reviewing the main messages used by
campaigns in the UK, it became clear that most of them refer to the individual [25]. For example
The GetSafeOnline Campaign uses the message ‘’Get safe online’’ by emphasising to individuals
and their responsibility for getting safe online. On the contrary, the messages used by campaigns
in Africa, refer to users in terms of their relationships and social group memberships, as well as
the need to fulfil duties and obligations (Parents’ Corner Campaign includes a message saying:
Just as they would in real life - friends must protect friends).

The cultural aspects have been reflected in the awareness campaigns, in both cases, using a
more individualist approach in UK and a more collectivist approach in Africa [23][25][27]. It is
important to decide the target group of a campaign and try to match a cultural theme of the
message recipient but also, match the recipient’s cognitive, affective or motivational
characteristics with the content of framing of the message [27][26][29].

Usually, most of official awareness-campaign sites include advice which usually comes from
security experts and service providers, who monotonically repeat suggestions such as ‘use
strong passwords’. Such advice pushes responsibility and workload for issues that should be
addressed by the service providers and product vendors onto users. One of the main reasons
why users do not behave optimally is that security systems and policies are often poorly
designed [9]. There is a need to move from awareness to tangible behaviours.

Another important aspect is that most of the official awareness-campaign sites in UK and Africa
do not offer the possibility to users to call a help-line, not only to report cybercrime but also to
receive help. Less skilled users could find this feature useful.

7 Conclusions
This paper presents a review of current literature based on the psychological theories of
awareness and behaviour in the area of cyber security, and considers them to gain insight into
the reasons why security-awareness campaigns often fail.

Simple transfer of knowledge about good practices in security is far from enough [6]. Knowledge
and awareness is a prerequisite to change behaviour but not necessarily sufficient, and this is
why it has to be implemented in conjunction with other influencing strategies. It is very
important to embed positive cyber security behaviours, which can result to thinking becoming
a habit, and a part of an organisation’s cyber security culture. One of the main reasons why users
do not behave optimally is that security systems and policies are poorly designed – this has been
presented time and time again throughout research [9].

Behaviour change in a cyber security context could possibly be measured through risk reduction,
but not through what people know, what they ignore or what they do not know. Answering
questions correctly does not mean that the individual is motivated to behave according to the
knowledge gained during an awareness programme. A campaign should use simple consistent
rules of behaviour that people can follow. This way, people’s perception of control will lead to
better acceptance of the suggested behaviour [18][19][20].

Based on our review on the literature and analysis of several successful and unsuccessful
security-awareness campaigns, we suggest that the following factors can be extremely helpful
at enhancing the effectiveness of current and future campaigns: (1) security awareness has to
be professionally prepared and organised in order to work; (2) invoking fear in people is not an
effective tactic, since it could scare people who can least afford to take risks [30]; (3) security
education has to be more than providing information to users – it needs to be targeted,
actionable, doable and provide feedback; (4) once people are willing to change, training and
continuous feedback is needed to sustain them through the change period; (5) emphasis is
necessary on different cultural contexts and characteristics when creating cyber security-
awareness campaigns [35].

In future work, we will aim to conduct a more substantial evaluation of several cyber security-
awareness campaigns around the world, especially in North America and Asia, to examine the
extent to which they have implemented the factors mentioned above and their levels of
campaign success.

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40. The Cyber Streetwise campaign [Accessed online November 2014]
41. ISC Africa [Accessed online November 2014]
42. Parents corner [Accessed online November 2014]

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