A Rtificial Intelligence and Robotics: Contributi Scientifici
A Rtificial Intelligence and Robotics: Contributi Scientifici
A Rtificial Intelligence and Robotics: Contributi Scientifici
Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica - Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Informatica - Università degli Studi di Palerm o
Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica - Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”
tion of the environment and of the actions that it can per- Action theories A number of theories of actions have
form. Perceptual data are interpreted for creating a model been developed in order to represent the agent’s knowl-
of the world, a planner generates the actions to be per- edge. They are characterized by the expressive power, that
formed, and the execution module takes care of executing is the ability of representing complex situations, by the
these plans. In practice a sense-plan-act cycle is repeatedly deductive services allowed, and by the implementation of
executed. The problem is that building a high-level world automatic reasoning procedures. Several formalisms have
model and generating a plan are time consuming activities been investigated starting from Reiter’s Situation Calculus
and thus these systems have shown to be inadequate for [27, 13]: A-Languages (e.g., [14]), Dynamic Logics (e.g.,
agents embedded in dynamic worlds. [11]), Fluent and Event Calculi (e.g., [8]).
Reactive architectures focus on the basic functionalities The proposed formalisms address several aspects of ac-
of the robot, such as navigation or sensor interpretation, tion representation including sensing, persistence, non-
and propose a direct connection between stimuli and re- determinism, concurrency. Moreover, they have been fur-
sponse. Brooks’s subsumption architecture [4] is com- ther extended with probabistic representations, represen-
posed by levels of competence containing a class of task- tations of time etc. However, much of the work carried
oriented behaviors. Each level is in charge of accomplish- out on action theories has been disconnected from appli-
ing a specific task (such as obstacle avoidance, wander- cations on real robots, with some notable exceptions. (see
ing, etc.) and the perceptual data are interpreted only for for example [5, 3, 7, 11]). A more popular approach to
that specific task. Reactive architectures, while suitably action representation on robots is based on decision mak-
addressing the dynamics of the environment, do not gener- ing techniques, which maximise the utility of the actions
ally allow the designer to consider general aspects of per- selected by the robot, depending on the operational con-
ception (not related to a specific behavior), and to identify text [29]. However, this approach does not provide an ex-
complex situations. In fact, the use of a symbolic high- plicit representation of the properties that characterize the
level language is not possible, since it would necessarily dynamic system, while focussing on the action selection
require building a world model, and thus reasoning is usu- mechanism.
ally compiled into the structures of the executing program.
The lack of previsions about the future limits these systems
in terms of efficiency and goal achievement. Architectures There are many features that are consid-
The above considerations led to a renewed effort to com- ered important in the design of agents’ architectures and
bine a logic-based view of the robot as an intelligent agent, each proposal describes a solution that provides for some
with its reactive functionalities. To this end a new research of these features. Approaches to architectures that try to
field is developing in the last years: Cognitive Robotics. combine symbolic and reactive reasoning are presented for
The name was first introduced by the research group at the example in [1, 26] as so called Hybrid Architectures. We
University of Toronto led by Ray Reiter [19]. The most can roughly describe a layered hybrid architecture of an
recent view of cognitive robots, that has been accepted, for agent with two levels: the deliberative level, in which a
example in the EU framework, certainly keeps the origi- high-level state of the agent is maintained and decisions on
nal goal of embedding a reasoning agent into a real robot, which actions are to be performed are taken, and the op-
but also takes a more general perspective, by looking at the erative level, in which conditions on the world are verified
perception/action cycle in a broader sense, in bio-inspired and actions are actually executed.
systems, as well as in the work on recognition and genera- The embodied intelligence approach generalizes
tion of emotional behaviours (see next section). Cognitive Brooks’s ideas (see e.g., [32], [25]). The robot is a real
Robotics aims at designing and realizing actual agents (in physical agent tightly interacting with the environment and
particular mobile robots) that are able to accomplish com- the robot behavior is generated not by the robot controller
plex tasks in real, and hence dynamic, unpredictable and alone, but it emerges by means of the interactions between
incompletely known environments, without human assis- the robot with its body and the environment.
tance. Cognitive robots can be controlled at a high level, Other contributions to the realization of robot architec-
by providing them with a description of the world and ex- tures come from evolutionary computing, where evolution-
pressing the tasks to be performed in the form of goals to ary robotics is a research field aiming at developing robots
be achieved. through evolutionary processes inspired by biological sys-
The characterizing feature of a cognitive robot is the tems [23]. For example, neuro-fuzzy systems have been
presence of cognitive capabilities for reasoning about the successfully used in the design of robot architectures.
information sensed from the environment and about the ac- Often, the work on architectures is developed in the con-
tions it can perform. The design and realization of cogni- text of robot programming environments, including ad-hoc
tive robots has been addressed from different perspectives, specialised control languages. Most of this work is more
that can be classified into two groups: action theories and concerned with engineering aspects and will not be ad-
system architectures. dressed here.
walking, vision calibration, have shown to be much are needed: physics, electrical engineering, electronic en-
more effective than parameter tuning by hand. gineering, mechanical engineering, computer science, AI,
and so on. It is therefore difficult also to have a common
Edutainment Toy robots are very promising to be used background of terms, notations and methodologies. In this
both for research purposes and for education, because sense, the efforts to define a common ontology of terms for
of low costs and high attraction for students. Even a robotics science [15] are noteworthy.
though, at this moment, the available educational kits In particular, AI Robotics interacts with several research
seem to provide too limited capabilities, toy robots disciplines outside AI.
are certainly an interesting commercial market. Con-
sequently, the design of intelligent toy robots is an Industrial Robotics Many contact points may be found
interesting opportunity for AI researchers. between AI, Robotics and Industrial Robotics. In
early days there were not clear and cut distinctions
The experience with Aibo robots [33] shows this po-
between the two fields, as already mentioned. Today,
tential: they have been successfully used by many re-
research in Industrial Robotics is oriented towards the
search groups in the world not only in the RoboCup
safe and intelligent control of industrial manipulators
competitions (Four-Legged League), but also for
and in the field of service robotics. The methodolo-
demonstrating other AI and Robotics research issues.
gies in Industrial Robotics are grounded in Automatic
Multi agent systems A multi-robot system (MRS) can be Control Theory [30]. The relationship between the
considered as a multi-agent system (MAS), but the robot and the environment is generally modeled by
techniques for achieving coordination and coopera- means of several types of feedback systems. More-
tion in MAS are often not well suited to deal with the over, methodologies are typically based on numerical
uncertainty and model incompleteness that are typi- methods and optimization theory.
cal of Robotics. Multiple robots may achieve more Computer Vision Robot Vision is specific with respect
robust and more effective behavior by accomplish- to computer vision, because Robot Vision is intrin-
ing coordinated tasks that are not possible for single sically active, in the sense that the robot may actively
robots. Groups of homogeneous and heterogeneous find its information sources and it can also reach the
robots have a great potential for application in com- best view position to maximize the visual informa-
plex domains that may require the intelligent use and tion. Moreover, Robot Vision must be performed in
merge of diverse capabilities. The design, implemen- real-time, because the robot must immediately react
tation, and evaluation of robots organized as teams to visual stimuli. In general, the robot cannot pro-
pose a variety of scientific and technical challenges. cess for a long time the same image because the en-
vironmental conditions may vary, so the robot has to
Natural Language Processing It is an obvious require-
deal with approximate, but just in time information.
ment of home and service robotics the ability to in-
Several research topics and debates in this field have
teract with people in natural language; therefore, nat-
strong correlations with AI and Robotics, for exam-
ural language processing techniques find an interest-
ple, if a Computer Vision system may be based on
ing application domain on robots (see for example the
inner representation of the environment or it should
RoboCare project below).
be purely reactive.
Logics for AI and Automated Reasoning The connec- Mechatronics Mechatronics encompasses competencies
tion to the Logics for AI and Automated Reasoning from electrical engineering, electronic engineering,
is central to the work on Cognitive Robotics, but we mechanical engineering. All of these competencies
do not further expand it here, as it is discussed in the are strictly related to AI and Robotics: the research
previous section. field of electrical engineering concerns motors and ac-
Evolutionary Computation and Genetic Programming tuators, while electronic engineering mainly concerns
Evolutionary Robotics is a new approach that looks boards for robot control, for data acquisition and in
at robots as autonomous artificial organisms that general for the hardware that makes the robot oper-
develop their own skills in close interaction with the ational. Mechanical engineering concerns of course
environment without human intervention. Evolution- the mechanical apparatus of the robot itself. From this
ary robotics thus applies techniques coming from point of view, Mechatronics, AI and Robotics have
evolutionary computation. tight relations: Mechatronics mainly focuses on the
robot hardware at all levels, while AI and Robotics
take care of the software that makes the robot opera-
4 Interaction with other disciplines tive and autonomous.
Robotics is a multidisciplinary field: to make an opera- Embedded Systems The AI software architecture of a
tional robot, several contributions from many disciplines robot is naturally embedded into the physical appara-
tus of the robot. Therefore, the robot software system in particular global vision as well as other external sens-
needs to work in real time in order to guarantee that ing devices are not available. The Italian participation in
the robot correctly copes with the changing environ- RoboCup was boosted by the creation of a national team,
ment; it must be fail safe with graceful degradation in called ART (Azzurra Robot Team) [21], formed by several
order to ensure that the robot may operate also in case universities and the Consorzio Padova Ricerche. ART ob-
of damages; the hardware system of the robot must tained the 2nd place in 1999 and subsequently it was split
be low power designed to optimize the batteries, and into several local teams: Golem, Artisti Veneti and Milan
so on. From this point of view, several of the typical RoboCup team.
challenges of embedded systems are also challenges The Four Legged Robot league is played in 4x6 meters
for robotics systems. field by 4 four-legged Aibo robots. The Aibo have on
board a color camera and their mechanical structure pro-
Human Robot Interface The field of Human Robot In- vides 18 degrees of freedom. The availability of a standard
terface (HRI) is related to the interaction modalities platform has significantly contributed to the scientific eval-
between the user and the robot. This field may be sub- uation of the solutions proposed. The SPQR team partici-
divided into two subfields: the cognitive HRI (cHRI) pated in the competition since 2000 obtaining the 4th place
and the physical HRI (pHRI) [2]. Cognitive HRI an- and accessing the quarter finals several times.
alyzes the flow of information between the user and
the robot and it mainly focuses on interaction modal- Recently, a Humanoid Robot league started to approach
ities, which may span from textual interfaces to voice the ultimate goal of RoboCup to build a humanoid team to
and gestures. The interface may be more or less intel- play with humans [17]. Humanoid Robotics is currently
ligent in the sense that the robot may be constrained one of the main challenges for many researchers, mostly
by a fixed set of commands or it may interpret a string focussing on mechanics and locomotion. Politecnico of
written in natural language or a sequence of gestures Torino developed the humanoid robot Isaac that has partic-
performed by the operator. The interface may also ipated to RoboCup Humanoid League since 2003. IAS-
be adaptive in the sense that the robot may adapt to Lab of University of Padova later joined the Humanoid
the operator through a suitable training phase. Phys- League, with a fully autonomous humanoid robot that uses
ical HRI instead concerns the design of intrinsically an omnidirectional visor.
safe robots. The main idea is to interpose compli- It is worth emphasizing that the ART national model led
ant elements between motors and moving parts of the to scientific and technical success: ART showed the abil-
robot in order to prevent damages in case of impact, ity to realize competitive robotic football players, but fore-
and without performance loss. Hence, cHRI research most the ability to blend in a single national team method-
is closely related to the research of AI and Robotics, ologies and implementation techniques individually devel-
while pHRI research is more linked with research in oped by the research groups. In this respect, the work
Industrial Robotics. done on the issue of coordination, leading to the definition
of communication and coordination protocols used by the
ART players [16], has been both very challenging and very
5 Applications successful. Finally, collaboration/competition achieved in
the project has been essential to the final results, since
In this section, we report on a few application scenarios,
it allowed for a project development with a tight interac-
where the research on Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
tion and exchange of results, compared to conventional re-
has been developed in Italy.
search projects.
RoboCup started its activity about ten years ago by tak- 5.2 Rescue Robotics
ing soccer games (football for Europeans), as a scientific
testbed for the research in AI and Robotics. Italian re- Besides soccer, RoboCup promotes other leagues, aiming
searchers gave a significant contribution to RoboCup over at the transfer of the research results into socially and in-
the years, both at the organization level and in terms of par- dustrially relevant contexts. Specifically, RoboCup Res-
ticipating teams. RoboCup 2003 was held in Padova [24], cue [18] aims at the design of systems to search and res-
and it attracted more than a thousand participants from all cue for large scale disasters. Here we focus on the res-
over the world. Below we focus on the leagues, where the cue robot league, that aims at the design of robots search-
Italian participation has been more relevant. ing victims in an unknown environment representing a dis-
The Middle-Size league is played within a 5x9 meters aster scenario. This kind of application brings in scien-
field by 4 wheeled robots per team and the body of the tific challenges, related to the uncertainty about the envi-
robot must be within a cylinder of 50 cm diameter and 80 ronment, that are not present in the soccer leagues. The
cm height. All sensing devices must be onboard the robots, experimental set up, called arena, is being developed in
close cooperation with USAR 2 . The arenas have already 5.4 Robotics for Elderly and Impaired People
been used in various experiments (including RoboCup and
AAAI rescue competions) and nowadays represent a refer- The goal of the project RoboCare4 sponsored by Italian
ence for experimental evaluation of the performance of res- Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR)
cue robots. The current aim of the competition is twofold: from 2002 to 2006 is to build a multi-agent system which
mobility and autonomy. As for the former, the research generates user services for human assistance. The system
is focussed on the mechanical design that allows the robot is implemented on a distributed and heterogeneous plat-
to overcome the obstacles present in the environment; the form, consisting of a hardware and software prototype.
latter is concerned with the design of robots that can au- The project, currently running, is coordinated by the
tonomously explore the environment, possibly working in ISTC-CNR Roma, subproject units are at the Universities
a team, build the map, find the victims and locate them in of Genova, Torino, Bologna, Parma, Roma “La Sapienza”,
the map. and at the CNR research centers of Genova, Palermo, and
Two Italian teams participate in these competitions since Milano.
2004: the first one from SIED Lab, within a collaboration The use of autonomous robotics and distributed comput-
between ”Istituto Superiore Antincendi” and the Univer- ing technologies constitutes the basis for the implementa-
sity of Rome ”La Sapienza”; the second one from the AL- tion of a number of services in an environment with el-
COR lab of the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, which derly people, such as a health-care institution or a home
developed a model-based approach to the executive con- environment. The fact that robotic components, intelligent
trol of a rescue rover, winning the third award in 2004. systems and human beings are to act in a cooperative set-
The RoboCup activity contributed and benefitted from the ting is what makes the study of such a system challenging,
results of the research project Simulation and Robotics for research and also from the technology integration point
Systems for Operations in Emergency Scenarios (SRSOES of view.
2003-2005), funded by Italian MIUR 3 . The project is organized in 3 tasks: the development
of a HW/SW framework to support the system; the study
5.3 Space Robotics and implementation of a supervisor agent; realization of
robotic agents and technology integration. Alongside the
The aim of the project An Intelligent System for the Super- above research tasks, common usability and acceptability
vision of Autonomous Robots in Space, funded by the Ital- issues are analyzed, contributing to the implementation of
ian Space Agency (ASI) during years 1997-2000, is the ap- SW development, visualization and simulation tools for
plication of AI techniques to the design and realization of multi-robot systems.
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