Discussion Week Six

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Discussion Post Week 6

What is one How will you use the book? What are some Rationale and Research that supports
children’s book you curricular activities you will use to add the use of books for emotional
will use to support meaning to the book? literacy?
this life skill goal for
this child?

Just for Me I will show the child the book and invite Children need to see guiding
him to read it. I will plan a time when he is principles in many different
By Jennifer Hansen well rested and before he is at his busiest. contexts if they are to internalize
Rolli A meaningful curricular activity would be to them as their own standards. Use
set up a sharing opportunity with a child- your normal story time to reinforce
sized tea set. Invite child and his sister to a these principles as one way to
tea party. It will be a teacher-led activity weave the guiding principles of
using verbal prompts to guide them to take behavior into your daily
turns using the items. Another is to play a curriculum.. (Bilmes, 2012, p. 241)
bean bag toss game where each child waits
to take turns.

How will you know you have made progress toward your goals? What will you look for?

Progress will be made when the child demonstrates an ability to control his emotions whenever
sharing or turn taking is required. I will look for a quicker ability to cope, calming skills, and ceases
crying with or without teacher guided support. Also progress will be identified whenever activities are
provided for group play, and he is able to use simple vocabulary to solve any sharing and turn taking

1. Think about a favorite storybook from your childhood, or one you like to read aloud to children

A favorite book of mine is called, Just for Me by author, Jennifer Hansen Rolli. This sweet board book is
perfect to read aloud to 2-4 year olds because it captures children’s attention with simply vocabulary
and bright pictures. The story illuminates a little girl’s perception of ownership of things in her world.
Through an encounter with a peer and her parents’ assistance, she discovers sharing is fun when it is
done together.

2. Explain why you chose this book for your particular child. Explain why you chose the particular
strategy to use with the book.

I know very young children can learn how to engage with others properly. The child shows lack of
emotional control when it comes to sharing and turn taking. He pushes his sister and cries in a
persisting behavior. I chose reading a book to promote growth in the child’s self regulation and
adaptability. By selecting the right book will help support my goal. The pictures in this book depict
emotional and social behavior that are relatable and the story line offer expression of meaning.


Bilmes, J. (2012) Beyond behavior management: the six life skills children need to thrive in today's
world, (2nd ed). St. Paul, MN: Redleaf.

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