Staffing Selection Form - 2.2020

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If you are enrolling for the first time or changing plans and/or coverage level, you must complete an insurance carrier enrollment form.

EMPLOYEE NAME ____________________________________ Plan Year: January 1, 2020 – December 31, 2020
A. MEDICAL Total Monthly Cost TriStaff Weekly Cost Employee Weekly Cost
Employee Only $513.87 $80.44 $38.14
Sharp Health Plan Employee + Spouse/DP $1,130.52 $80.44 $180.45
HMO HSA - LOW Employee + Child(ren) $924.96 $80.44 $133.01
Employee + Family $1,593.00 $80.44 $287.17

Employee Only $133.75 $24.00 $6.87

MEC Plus Advantage Employee + Spouse/DP $218.24 $24.00 $26.36
Employee + Child(ren) $202.24 $24.00 $22.67
Employee + Family $293.30 $24.00 $43.68
B. DENTAL Total Monthly Cost TriStaff Weekly Cost Employee Weekly Cost
Employee Only $19.60 $0.00 $4.52
Anthem Employee + Spouse/DP $39.21 $0.00 $9.05
Dental Net HMO Plan Employee + Child(ren) $39.21 $0.00 $9.05
Employee + Family $63.70 $0.00 $14.70

Employee Only $54.63 $0.00 $12.61

Anthem Employee + Spouse/DP $111.44 $0.00 $25.72
Dental Complete PPO Employee + Child(ren) $117.45 $0.00 $27.10
Employee + Family $178.54 $0.00 $41.20
C. VISION Total Monthly Cost TriStaff Weekly Cost Employee Weekly Cost
Employee Only $8.62 $0.00 $1.99
Anthem Blue Cross Employee + Spouse/DP $14.65 $0.00 $3.38
Blue View Vision Employee + Child(ren) $15.52 $0.00 $3.58
Employee + Family $23.27 $0.00 $5.37

I authorize TriStaff Group of Companies to deduct from my wages the necessary payroll deductions, if any, for the coverages I have elected above. I understand
that the premiums will be deducted on a pre-tax basis as established under my employer’s Section 125 plan. I understand that premiums for a Domestic Partner
and Domestic Partner’s Children may be deducted on a post-tax basis.

____________________________________________________ _____________________________
Employee’s Signature Date

Marsh & McLennan Insurance Agency LLC company

_________________________ _____________________
Full Name of Employee (Print) Social Security Number
If you wish to decline coverage for yourself and/or your dependent(s) who are eligible to enroll under our group medical, dental and/or vision plans, you
must complete this form. Before declining coverage, please read the Late Enrollment Warning on the bottom of this form.
If you are declining coverage under this plan because you and/or your eligible dependent(s) have coverage under another employer's benefit plan, please
indicate that below. If you are declining enrollment for yourself or your dependents (including your spouse) because of other insurance coverage, you may in
the future be able to enroll yourself or your dependents in this plan, provided that you request enrollment within 30 days after your other coverage ends. In
addition, if you have a new dependent as a result of marriage, birth, adoption, or placement for adoption, you may be able to enroll yourself and your
dependents, provided that you request enrollment within 30 days after the marriage, birth, adoption, or placement for adoption. Note the exceptions in the Late
Enrollment Warning so you know the circumstances in which you may enroll later in our plan without being considered a late enrollee.


I acknowledge that I have been given the opportunity to enroll myself and (if applicable) my eligible dependents in my employer's benefit plans and
have read the Late Enrollment Warning. I am declining to enroll the following eligible persons under the medical, dental and/or vision benefit plans:





Coverage Under Another Employer's (please check) and complete: Medical Dental Vision
Employer Name: _________________________________________________________________________
Plan Name/Insurance/HMO: _______________________Plan or Policy Number: _____________
State or Federal Medical Program (i.e. CoveredCA, MediCal, Medicare, TriCare)
Other Reason - Explain: __________________________________________________________________

_________________________________ _____________________________________

Signature of Employee Date


An employee or an employee's eligible dependent must be enrolled in the employer's benefit plan during the initial enrollment period (normally 30 days
from the date the employee or dependent is first eligible to be covered). An employee or an employee's eligible dependent who requests enrollment
after the initial enrollment period will be considered a Late Enrollee. There are some exceptions - see "Late Enrollee Exceptions" below.
Late Enrollee Exceptions:
1. Persons who decline coverage during their initial enrollment period because they have coverage under another employer's benefit plan (and
indicate this reason for declining coverage), will not be considered Late Enrollees if:
a. Their coverage under the other employer's medical benefit plan ends because of:
1. Termination of employment or change of employment status.
2. Termination of the other employer's benefit plan.
3. The employer stops paying a required contribution for the person's coverage.
4. Death of, or divorce from, the person through whom they were covered; and
b. They request enrollment within 30 days after termination of coverage under the other employer's benefit plan.
2. If the employer offers multiple benefit plans, a person will not be considered a Late Enrollee if they elect a different plan during an open
enrollment period.
3. A spouse or minor child who is enrolled within 30 days after issuance of a court order directing that coverage be provided for the person
under a covered employee's benefit plan will not be considered a Late Enrollee.
Marsh & McLennan Insurance Agency LLC company

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