Inspection Report: ITT-1808 Fabcon Industrial Services FZ LLC

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Document No.


JZHC Project Supplier

ITT-1808 Fabcon Industrial Services Fz LLC
No.: Name:
Purchase Order 19896-1808-09-R0 19-065
Project No.:
JZHC Client Petrofac International LLC Work-Shop Fabcon, RAKIA Fz, Ras Al Kaimah,
Name: (PO No. JI2043-PPFM008) location: UAE

No. Item Material / Equipment Description % Progress

1 A HP Flare Package (Tag. No.: TRHT-UF-43-201) & To be start
LP Flare Package (Tag. No.: TRHT-UF-43-202)

0. Supplier Contact Information:

Name: Position: Email: Phone #:

Mr. Boby Thomas Operations Manager [email protected] +971 509535643
Mr. Bijesh Kumar Project Coordinator [email protected] //
Mr. Parag Deka QA/QC Manager [email protected] +971 504908489

1. Delivery Date:

Supplier PO Delivery Date:12.04.2020 New Estimate Delivery Date: 12.04.2020

2. Attendees:

Name Title Job Company

Mr. Boby Thomas Operations Manager Fabcon Industrial Services Fz LLC
Mr. Parag Deka QA/QC Manager Fabcon Industrial Services Fz Llc
Mr. Harikumar Achary Sr. Engineer Quality Petrofac International LLC
Mr. Sadakkadulla Hameed Quality Engineer John Zink Hamworthy Combustion S.r.l.
Mr. Devaraja. N TPI Engineer DNVGL/John Zink Hamworthy

3. Safety check points:Result column must be filled in with: Pass (P) or Fail (F)

Topics (If negative result of one of below questions, please contact immediately JZHC personnel before starting the inspection activity) Result
1. Have you been trained about vendor H&S culture/risks/countermeasure? P
2. Are all personnel using appropriate PPE and working safely? P
3. Did you fall into near miss during inspection? If yes, please detail it/them into below general note section. P
4. Other safety concerns/notes if any: Nil

4. Scope of Inspection: (Result column must be filled in with: Pass (P), Fail (F) or Punch list point open (PLO).)

Notification inspection as per ITP activity number or in-process inspection:

With reference to Inspection Notification no.#003 REV.0, visited Fabcon facility, Ras Al Kaimah on 30/Jan/2020.
Carried out final inspection of HP/ LP flare and dead man templates & also attended Pre Inspection Meeting (PIM)
for the successful completion & supply of above mentioned HP/LP flare risers for TINRHERT FIELD
DEVELOPMENT EPC-1 in accordance with ITP, drawing & relevant specifications.
Task N° Description Result

Date: 30/Jan/2020 JZHC Signed by: Devaraja. N

JZHC-GQS-QC-F01.01 rev1 Page 1 of 6

Document No.:

001 Pre Inspection Meeting Satisfactory

011 Templates for Base Plate and Dead Man Satisfactory

5. Documents / Drawings Status:

JZ/HC No Client No Rev. Description Status

PO No. JI2043-PPFM008 // Purchase Order //
1808/02 // 1 Material Requisition //
08572-TRHT-MS- 3 Inspection Test Plan - Flare Risers, Ladder & CODE 2
1808-145 PPFM008-Q16-003 Platform & Hand Rails
1808-291 08572-TRHT-MS- 1 Detail Drawing- Stack Piping (Utility, NA
PPFM008-M17-004 Thermocouple etc.,) for HP Flare
1808-271 08572-TRHT-MS- D Foundation Loads & Anchor Details for HP NA
PPFM008-S03-002 Flare
1808-270 08572-TRHT-MS- D Foundation Loads & Anchor Details for LP NA
PPFM008-S03-001 Flare

6. Sub-Supplier Order Status:

• Vendor to provide the sub vendor & order details as agreed in Pre Inspection Meeting (PMI)

7. Material Receiving Status:

• Vendor to place the material procurement order (Refer MOM for details)

8. Fabrication Progress Description:

• Not yet started (Refer MOM for details)

9. Inspection Result:

Pre Inspection Meeting (PIM)-

1. Carried out Pre Inspection Meeting based on PIM agenda for the successful completion & supply of above
mentioned HP/LP flare risers for TINRHERT FIELD DEVELOPMENT EPC-1 in accordance with ITP,
drawing & relevant specifications.

2. Purpose of Meeting:
The purpose of this meeting was to address the quality issues, coordination, inspection and test plans as well as
documentation and release to avoid any potential conflicts between Buyer, Vendor and Company that might
occur at the “last minute” rejections which may result from oversight, misunderstanding of the job requirements
of the vendor’s production Quality Control Procedures.

3. Review of PO and vendor acknowledgement:

Vendor confirmed the understanding of the technical requirements of P.O. issued by Client & it will be adhered.
Vendor confirmed the receipt of all project Specifications and requirements and conveyed the same to all their
sub vendors as applicable

Date: 30/Jan/2020 JZHC Signed by: Devaraja. N

JZHC-GQS-QC-F01.01 rev1 Page 2 of 6

Document No.:

4. Review of Manufacturer Organisation:

Vendor to submit Project Organisation Chart as agreed during PIM.

5. Inspection Requirements:
In order to ensure effective communication and a timely delivery, vendor to ensure that the following points
are adhered during the execution of the order:

Vendor has been advised to submit a detailed Manufacture Plan / Schedule for the project to identify if any
problems holding up production work, and submit it to the Client in order to design the Formal Notification
Plan to ensure that the inspection & test staff duly perform all inspection & test activities and all steps of the
ITP such as (H) Hold or (W) Witness points subjected to attendance will be attended accordingly.

6. Confirmation of Technical Requirements:

Vendor confirmed the understanding of the technical requirements of P.O. issued by Contractor, and it
will be adhered.

7. Extent of QC Activities:
All quality records need to be collected and filed along with the manufacturing activities. Quality records
need to be compiled by Vendor from the starting time of manufacturing and inspection.

Upon reviewing, approving and stamping the certificates by the inspectors, it shall be filed in the
Certification part of the MRB.

8. Communication Channels:
Refer to MOM for communication Channels.

9. Inspection Release
Final Inspection Release Note shall be issued by TPI to Client, after completion of all inspection activities
as per approved intervention points in ITP as HOLD, Witness & documents review points. However, before
shipping vendor to get Final approval from Client.

10. Packing / Marking / Shipment:

Packing, Marking, Preservation and Shipment process will be as per the approved project documents and

11. Shop Tour:

Shop tour conducted and factory is equipped with all the manufacturing & testing requirements

Final inspection of HP/ LP flare and dead man templates-

1. Carried out final inspection of HP & LP flare & dead man templates with primer coat. No visual defects
observed & found satisfactory.
2. Witnessed the dimensional checks. Dimensions found within the range & found satisfactory.
3. Witnessed the DFT check on primer coat, found within the range & satisfactory.
4. Reviewed the paint report, found inline with specifications & satisfactory.
5. Reviewed & endorsed the MTC's for template material.
6. Verified the hard stamping & notch making on templates, found traceable & satisfactory. However vendor
to carry out paint stencilling as per drawing.

10. Test Report and ITP Review:

Date: 30/Jan/2020 JZHC Signed by: Devaraja. N

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Document No.:

12. Refer Serial No.9

11. General Note:

(concerns, suggestion, etc...)

• Refer MOM

12. Tentative schedule of next visit/activities:

Description and tentative schedule of next steps.

• To Be Advice by Client

13. Attachment list:

• PIM-Minutes Of Meeting, MTC's & test reports


Flare base plate template Dead man template

Date: 30/Jan/2020 JZHC Signed by: Devaraja. N

JZHC-GQS-QC-F01.01 rev1 Page 4 of 6

Document No.:

Dimensional check Dimensional check

Dimensional check Dimensional check

Primer - DFT check Primer- DFT check

Date: 30/Jan/2020 JZHC Signed by: Devaraja. N

JZHC-GQS-QC-F01.01 rev1 Page 5 of 6

Document No.:

Raw material storage Machine shop

CS fabrication shop SS fabrication shop

Paint shop Stores- consumable storage


Date: 30/Jan/2020 JZHC Signed by: Devaraja. N

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