This document lists various Microsoft management consoles and their associated commands to launch them. It includes consoles for Active Directory, DNS, DHCP, disk and file management, event viewing, group policy, certificates, performance monitoring, and other Windows Server administration tasks. The consoles allow administrators to centrally manage and configure various aspects of a Windows network.
This document lists various Microsoft management consoles and their associated commands to launch them. It includes consoles for Active Directory, DNS, DHCP, disk and file management, event viewing, group policy, certificates, performance monitoring, and other Windows Server administration tasks. The consoles allow administrators to centrally manage and configure various aspects of a Windows network.
This document lists various Microsoft management consoles and their associated commands to launch them. It includes consoles for Active Directory, DNS, DHCP, disk and file management, event viewing, group policy, certificates, performance monitoring, and other Windows Server administration tasks. The consoles allow administrators to centrally manage and configure various aspects of a Windows network.
This document lists various Microsoft management consoles and their associated commands to launch them. It includes consoles for Active Directory, DNS, DHCP, disk and file management, event viewing, group policy, certificates, performance monitoring, and other Windows Server administration tasks. The consoles allow administrators to centrally manage and configure various aspects of a Windows network.
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Active Directory
Item Command
Active Directory Rights Management Services AdRmsAdmin.msc
ADSI Edit adsiedit.msc Active Directory Certificate Services certsrv.msc DFS Management dfsmgmt.msc DHCP Console dhcpmgmt.msc Disk Management diskmgmt.msc DNS Console dnsmgmt.msc Active Directory Domains and Trust domain.msc Active Directory Users and Computers dsa.msc Active Directory Site and Subnets dssite.msc Event Viewer eventvwr.msc Group Policy Management Console gpmc.msc Group Policy Management Editor gpme.msc LDP ldp.exe PKI - Enterprise PKI pkiview.msc Resultant Set of Policy rsop.msc Server Manager ServerManager.msc WINS winsmgmt.msc WMI WmiMgmt.msc
Windows Server Item Command
Active Directory Rights Management Services AdRmsAdmin.msc
ADSI Edit adsiedit.msc Authorization Manager azman.msc Certificates certmgr.msc Active Directory Certificate Services certsrv.msc Certificate Templates Console certtmpl.msc Cluster Admin CluAdmin.msc Component Services comexp.msc Computer Manager compmgmt.msc Device Manager devmgmt.msc DFS Management dfsmgmt.msc DHCP Console dhcpmgmt.msc Disk Management diskmgmt.msc DNS Console dnsmgmt.msc Active Directory Domains and Trust domain.msc Active Directory Users and Computers dsa.msc Active Directory Site and Subnets dssite.msc Event Viewer eventvwr.msc Failover Cluster Manager FailoverClusters.SnapInHelper.msc Shared Folders Console fsmgmt.msc File Server Resource Manager fsrm.msc Fax Service Manager fxsadmin.msc Local Group Policy Editor gpedit.msc Group Policy Management Console gpmc.msc Group Policy Management Editor gpme.msc GPO Editor gptedit.msc Local Users and Groups lusrmgr.msc NAP Client Configuration NAPCLCFG.MSC Services for Network File System nfsmgmt.msc Performance Monitor perfmon.msc PKI - Enterprise PKI pkiview.msc Print Management printmanagement.msc Remote App Manager remoteprograms.msc Resultant Set of Policy rsop.msc Remote Desktop Connection Manager sbmgr.msc Local Security Policy secpol.msc Server Manager ServerManager.msc Services services.msc SQL Server Configuration Manager SQLServerManager10.msc Share and Storage Management StorageMgmt.msc Storage Explorer StorExpl.msc Telephony tapimgmt.msc Task Scheduler taskschd.msc TPM Management Console tpm.msc Remote Desktop Services Manager tsadmin.msc Remote Desktops Session Host Configuration tsconfig.msc RD Gateway Manager tsgateway.msc Remote Desktops - Console Root\Remote Desktops tsmmc.msc Windows Server Backup wbadmin.msc Windows Deployment Services WdsMgmt.msc Windows Firewall and Advanced Security WF.msc WINS winsmgmt.msc WMI WmiMgmt.msc