7 Metallurgy
7 Metallurgy
7 Metallurgy
Course Outcome SO BTL
Identify and differentiate various types of materials such as
CO-1 Metals, Alloys, composites , nano materials and understand a 1,2
various material testing methods.
Explain the concept of phase & phase diagram, Construction
and identification of phase diagrams, heat treatment process
CO-2 and types. Surface hardening & its types. Introduce the b 1,2
concept of hardenability & demonstrate the test used to find
hardenability of steels
Engineering Materials : Introduction Ferrous & Non Ferrous Materials: Composition-
properties-applications of Cast Iron, Wrought iron, Steels, aluminum , copper and Titanium.
Effect of various alloying element on mechanical properties of steel.
Ceramics: Introduction, classification, properties, and applications of cermets and abrasives.
Composites: Introduction-classification-properties -applications-fiber reinforced composite-
particulate reinforced composite-Hybrid composite- Rule of Mixtures-manufacturing
methods of composites.
Nano materials: Introduction- properties-applications , classification, manufacturing
methods. Bio materials: Introduction- properties-applications ,Bio compatibility,
Testing of Materials: Introduction, Indentation hardness testing: Brinell, Rockwell, Meyer,
Vicker and Knoop hardness testing and nano-hardness testing, Ductile to brittle transition
behaviour. NDE Methods – Visual, liquid penetrant testing, magnetic particle testing,
ultrasonic testing, radiography, acoustic emission testing. Eddy current testing.
Physical metallurgy: Introduction, solid solutions, Cooling curves, phase diagram, Heat
treatment: annealing, tempering, normalizing , hardening, isothermal transformation of
austenite: TTT and CCT diagrams, austempering, martempering, Jominy end quench test,
factors affecting hardenability, Special heat treatment- surface hardening & case hardening.
Powder metallurgy: Production process, characteristics of powder, pressing and sintering,
advantages and application.
Extractive Metallurgy: Minerals of economic importance, comminution techniques, size
classification, Flotation, gravity and other methods of mineral processing; agglomeration,
pyro- hydro- and electro-metallurgical processes; principles and processes for the extraction
of non-ferrous metals – aluminium, copper and titanium; iron and steel making – principles,
structure and properties of slags.
Fuels, furnaces and refractories: comparative study of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels,
furnaces-classification and principle of furnaces used in metallurgical industries, refractories-
Introduction, classification, properties and applications.
Text Books:
1. Materials science & Engineering by William D.Callister, Wiley India.
2. Principles of Extractive Metallurgy, H. S. Ray & A. Ghosh
3. Refractories and furnaces, Francis Thompson Havard (Mc-Graw Hill)
Reference Books:
1. Introduction to Physical Metallurgy, Sidney H Avner (TMH)
2. Materials science & Metallurgy by V.D.Kodgire
3. Materials science & Engineering by V.Raghavan
4. Physical Metallurgy by Lakhtin