My Maid Invests in The Stock Market and Why You Should Too: By: Bo Sanchez

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Unleashing Possibilities

My Maid Invests in the Stock Market… And Why You Should Too

By: Bo Sanchez

I. Summary

In the story written by Bo Sanchez, he explained about investing and he told us a

story about his maid that invest in a stock market. He said and discussed a lot of

important things of investing to a market. On his story he wants her maid or helpers

to retire millionaires. His helpers have almost sent their salaries to their families and

almost nothing left to them. Bo suggested an effective way to budget their money

and also suggested them to invest to a market. In order to make it effective the

helpers divided their salaries into five envelopes which are for tithe fund, expense

fund, support fund, emergency fund and retirement fund. The retirement fund was

the real savings of the helpers in order for them to become millionaires. Bo also gave

them the vision of their future and told them not to touch their retirement fund.

Furthermore, Bo also told a story with his dad about investing in a company and he

realized that the price of stock is settled by two things which are the real value and

perceived value. His dad asked him if his sisters want to buy his share on his mom’s

store what he will must do. He told his dad to sell it on higher prices since his sister is

begging for him to sell it. He also said that stock market is dangerous and he

differentiated the difference between trading and investing. He said that most of the

traders are the ones that lose their money and not the investors. Moreover, Bo also

suggested that in investing there’s only one choice and it is buying stocks to a great

company, little by little each month. Adapting this, people will be happy to buy stocks

without thinking of bouncing of the market prices. He also suggested that it is good to

buy stock in the middle of crisis because it sells a lower price and can wait years for

Unleashing Possibilities

it to bounce back. Bo also discussed the rules of investing into a market which he

said that investors should invest in a minimal amount every month and invest not just

in a one company but a many great companies. He explained that if an investor

invests all of his money and the stocks went down, the investor will suffer on a heart

attack. If an investor invests a minimal amount every month and the stocks went

down, he can still benefit from it because it sells from lower price. Furthermore, Bo

said investors must invest in many great or bigger companies because if one or two

companies that the investors invested have encounter difficulties then it is not a big

problem because they have invested in other companies. Bo also told to his story

that investors must buy below price because investors just have to wait for pullbacks.

In conclusion, Bo taught his readers about the discipline that the investors or future

investors must have in order to earn money or to become a millionaire. He also said

that the investors, particularly his maids should grow into a character to handle a big


II. Reaction

In the story I have read titled My Maid Invests in the Stock Market… And Why

You Should, Too! By Bo Sanchez, I agree on everything he pointed out. First, while

reading the title of the story I doubted that the maid can invest in the market on a low

salary. I wasn’t belittling the salary of the maid; in fact, I have an auntie work as

helper abroad and I very proud of that. I just doubted that in a low salary you can

invest and earn money from it and I haven’t thought of that until now. While reading

the story of Bo, I was inspired and if I have enough money I will also invest and do

what he taught me on his story. Just like what he said, investing is a risk and if I will

get a chance to invest without knowing the rules or anything connected to it, I will be

with the 80% of people who lose money because of investing. Reading the story of

Unleashing Possibilities

Bo was a great help not just on his maid but also to everyone who wants to invest to

a company. I also agree when he said that investing in a stock market, I should have

a little bit of guidance and a lot of discipline because investing is a gamble. I must

have knowledge and skills to invest because just like anyone else I want to earn and

not lose money. I also know that all of us want to earn money in order to support our

family and ourselves. I also love how he helped his maid to budget their salaries and

his friends what, where and how to invest particularly what good stocks to buy. In this

world of greediness, he was there to advise them in order for them to earn money

and become millionaire. As continuously reading the story, I realized that investing

requires a lot of confidence and trust in order to earn because if the investors don’t

have a confidence and trust on his share or investments, he will sell his stocks

regularly and can resulted in losing their money. Lastly, I love reading his story

because he not just taught how to invest but how to use wealth to love others and

serve God.

III. Application

From what I have learned and read, investment is an asset for a capital

appreciation and for generating income and it is also a share in the company. In the

story I have read it talks about investing so I can apply what I have learned in

INTACC that investor must use methods to know the carrying value of the bond or

stocks they have bought in the company so accountants can compare it to the selling

price in order to know if the investors have gains or losses. Also, investors can also

monitor the carrying value of the bonds annually with the help of amortization table

so they can also see the interest revenue. Lastly, it is important to record the

transactions so we can see and reflect the previous one to the present.

Unleashing Possibilities

Rubrics for Grading Article Review

Student Name: Cuevaas, Regine T.
Year and Section: BSA A1A
Date of Submission: March 14, 2020
Article Title: My Maid in the Stock Market
Source: Bo Sanchez

Essential Review Elements

Mechanical Elements Checklists
Complete citation of title, author, source, date
Length of report acceptable. Minimum of two and maximum of five pages.
Presentation is both uniform and professional. Use short bond paper. Use Arial Font Size 11
Mechanics of transcription are of graduate quality (spelling, punctuation, etc.)
Review Content
Concise summary of content (what are the article’s main points?/ problems)
Reaction to content (Do you agree/ disagree? Why?)
Application of article (How will you use the information you’ve learned in INTACC1?)

Maximum 21-25 16-20 11-15 1-10

Title, author and Title, author and Title, author and Title, author and
source are stated. All source are not well source are incomplete. source are not
mechanical elements stated. Some Numerous errors or stated at all. There
(length, format, mechanical elements deficiencies in are serious deficiencies
spelling, etc.) are have minor errors or mechanical in
acceptable. are not completed elements. mechanical
properly. elements.
Summary shows that Summary shows that Summary is Summary is too
you clearly grasp the you grasp some of somewhat vague or short, vague,
essence of the Article the article’s points unfocused. misrepresented or
Reaction explores Reaction explores Reaction merely Reaction indicates
content with clear content with some restates the article’s article was not viewed
Analysis. critical analysis. ideas and words. With care.
Application shows Application shows Application shows Application shows
interpretation and partial interpretation partial interpretation little interpretation
extension of and extension of or extension of and/or extension of
CONFRAS learning to CONFRAS learning to CONFRAS learning to CONFRAS learning to
classroom/ classroom/ everyday classroom/ everyday classroom/
everyday life life experience. life experience. everyday life
experience. experience.

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