Catechesis For Confirmation Identification

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Catechesis for Confirmation

_________________ 1. The third person of the blessed trinity.
_________________ 2. It signifies the spiritual wedding between the bishop and the Church.
_________________ 3. It is the efficient sign of grace that confers the Holy Spirit.
_________________ 4. The words used to celebrate the sacrament.
_________________ 5. It represents a spiritual helmet and signifies the duty of the bishop.
_________________ 6. It indicates our participation to the Kingdom of God; Saul.
_________________ 7. The one administering the sacrament.
_________________ 8. It is a shield embossed with symbolic elements and a motto scroll.
_________________ 9. The visible object used for the sacrament.
_________________ 10. They are the efficient signs of grace.
_________________ 11. It signifies the bishop’s authority, jurisdiction and service over the Church.
_________________ 12. He is the minister of Confirmation.
_________________ 13. It is the communion with God, which is lost any time we commit a mortal sin.
_________________ 14. It means that every Christian must preach by words and deeds the Good News; Isaiah.
_________________ 15. It is olive oil mixed with perfume.
_________________ 16. It signifies the absolute love of the bishop for Christ and for the Church.
_________________ 17. It signifies the slap on the cheek.
_________________ 18. It signifies that we ought to pray constantly to God; Aaron.
_________________ 19. It is the divine assistance given by each sacrament in order to fulfill our duties.
_________________ 20. It signifies the coming of the spirit.

Holy Spirit Sanctifying Grace Sacramental Grace Minister

Matter Form Sacrament of Confirmation Bishop
Crosier Mitter Pectoral Cross Ring
Coat of Arms Bravery Laying of Hands Sacred Chrism
Prophetic Ministry Kingly Ministry Priestly Ministry Seven Sacraments


_____ 1. To persevere in fulfilling the will of God in moments of trial. -weakness a. FEAR OF THE LORD
_____ 2. To respect the majesty of God and be scared of sin. -disrespect b. PIETY
_____ 3. To grasp the truths of faith easily and deeply. -unawareness c. KNOWLEDGE
_____ 4. To discover the truths of spiritual and material world. -ignorance d. STRENGTH
_____ 5. To judge and order all things according to God’s will. -foolishness e. COUNSEL
_____ 6. To worship God with all our heart & love our neighbors. -wickedness f. UNDERSTANDING
_____ 7. To discern correctly and immediately the will of God. -stubborness g. WISDOM
I baptize you in the name of the
Baptism Deacon/Priest Father and of the Son and of the
Holy Spirit.
Lying of Hands and Be sealed with the gift of the
Chrism Holy Spirit.
This is my body; this is my
Eucharist blood.
I absolve you in the name of the
Priest Confession of Sins Father and of the Son and of the
Holy Spirit
Bishop You are a priest forever
I take you as my wife, I take you
Spouses Exchange of Consent as my husband
Through this holy anointing may
the Lord in his love and mercy
Oil of the Sick help you with the grace of the
Holy Spirit.

Sacraments of Christian Initiation
1. 2. 3.

Bishop’s Insignia
1. 4.
2. 5.

Effects of Confirmation

Major manifestations of the Holy Spirit in the Bible

1. 3.
2. 4.

1. A quality by which a person does not think highly of one’s self but willing to submits himself/herself to God.
a. responsibility b. righteous c. humility d. propitiation

2. It refers to God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
a. propitiation b. sanctuary c. beatitude d. triune

3. He became the father of the people and his name means “father of many nations”.
a. Abraham b. Peter c. Adam d. Paul

4. It means blessed or happy.

a. propitiation b. sanctuary c. beatitude d. triune
5. It means good and upright; of good will and kind heart.
a. responsibility b. righteous c. humility d. propitiation

6. To win or regain favor of God by doing something that pleases him.

a. responsibility b. righteous c. humility d. propitiation

7. God’s loving presence

a. Kingdom of God b. Church of God c. House of God d. Home of God

8. It is also like the church. Through it, love and unity can also be experienced.
a. groupmates b. family c. friends d. colleagues

9. First persons God created that chose to disobey him.

a. Joseph & Mary b. Jacob & Sarah c. Moses & Elizabeth d. Adam & Eve

10. The word church came from the Old Testament term ______ and the New Testament ______, which both
means “people of God called together”.
a. ekklesia & qahar b. sahar & rashid c. qahar & ekklesia d. rashid & sahar

11. Every time we pray the _________, we proclaim our faith in the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.
a. Lord’s Prayer b. Apostles’ Creed c. Hail Mary d. Glory Be

12. It is the worst effect of sin.

a. death b. suffering c. grief d. pain

13. Abraham’s calling began the History of ___________.

a. Israel b. Jerusalem c. Mecca d. Philippines

14. Evil will be destroyed by the seed of the woman. Seed of the woman means _________.
a. mother b. husband c. father d. child

15. It enflames in the heart of each member the love for one another. It moves one to do good and unite
a. baptism b. eucharist c. order d. confirmation

Four basic characteristics of church

1. 2. 3. 4.

____1. The feast day of St. Dominic Savio is on March 9.
____2. At seven, St. Dominic was already serving the church as an altar boy.
____3. During his school days, a colleague brought a bible that made him happy.
____4. He entered the school run by St. John Bosco.
____5. St. Dominic has a deep faith in God.

____6. Padi Bin popularly known by the children and Mangyans, was the youngest of six children from Manila.
____7. Amare est servire is the motto which the good bishop strove to live by.
____8. He belongs to the missionary congregation of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate.
____9. He was ordained as a priest after he graduate from University of Sto. Tomas.
____10. St. John Paul III personally ordained Bishop Ben in Rome on January 6, 1992.

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