BA5014-Entrepreneurship Development UNIT TEST-I QP

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Second year/Third Semester ED

Date: 31.07.19 BA5014 – Entrepreneurship Development

Time: 1.30 Min Answer all questions Maximum: 50 Marks

PART-A (2 X 5=10 Marks)

1. Define the term entrepreneur in Schumpeter point of view?

2. Give your opinion about Fabian Entrepreneur.
3. Identify the barriers to Entrepreneurship.
4. Recall the functions performed by the Entrepreneur.
5. List out the skills required to become an Entrepreneur.

PART-B (2X13=26 Marks)

6. Explain the various factors affecting entrepreneurial growth with an example? (13)

7. (i)How would you compare Entrepreneur and Intrapreneur. (4)

(ii)Elaborate the Concept of Entrepreneurial Personality with examples. (9)

PART-C (1X14=14 Marks)

8. (i)Explain various types of entrepreneur in detail with examples. (6)
(ii)How would you explain the characteristics of successful entrepreneurs with any two
examples from South Indian food industry? (8)

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