Lec 26

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Computer Architecture

Prof. Anshul Kumar

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
Lecture - 26
Pipelined Processor Design: Handling Data Hazards

There are three types of hazards which a pipeline design may face; these are structural
hazards, data hazards and control hazards. We started with the design whereby the
processor of design itself we took care of structural hazards that means enough resources
were introduced so that there are no structural hazards. But the problem of data hazards
and control hazards is still there in the design we have talked of.

Today we will see how to handle data hazards in particular. Initially we will see that how
we can introduce no ops or bubbles in the pipeline so that the functionality remains
correct and then we try to introduce techniques of data forwarding and improve the
situation. So first we will examine the question of stalling the pipeline in detail; for
different types of instruction sequences what is the number of stall cycles required and
which instruction or in which cycle do we need to introduce the stall.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:02:02)

We will see what additional control circuitry is required to actually cause these stalls to
be introduced then we will define the conditions which need to be detected in order to
exercise this control. After having done that we will talk of data forwarding; that is a
technique where you sort of bypass the register file and pass on the data from one
instruction to other instruction as early as possible so that requires additional paths; we
will see what these are.
Once you introduce additional paths you need additional control and that is what we will
see next. Finally we will see that in spite of introducing data forwarding you may
sometime need to stall so under those cases how stalling is done.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:03:08)

Here is the pipelined datapath which we have designed in the previous lectures and you
would recollect that all we have done was taken single cycle datapath and introduced
inter stage registers and after introducing controls this is how things looked.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:03:20)

You have datapath and control which is much the same as single cycle control but again
we make the control signal pass through the inter stage registers so that they are
applicable at the right time.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:03:44)

Now let us look at the issue of stalling when you find a pair of instructions which are data
dependent. So, suppose you have an instruction which you are calling Ith instruction
which is the load instruction storing something in t1 and immediately an add instruction
follows which is trying to read t1 we had earlier seen that this instruction which is
following load, instruction I plus 1 would be able to begin with the delay of two cycles
and the picture which I had shown earlier was this (Refer Slide Time: 4:22) where we
said that this cycle goes waste and this cycle goes waste and this instruction starts after a
delay of 2 so that register read for second instruction and register write for the first
instruction happen in the same cycle. This makes sense when reading and writing of
register file is being done in a single cycle; first half of the cycle you write in second half
of the cycle you read; in that case the value which is being written let us say in the middle
of the cycle here is getting read in this and the data is correctly forwarded.

But this picture is not quite correct because what will happen is that in this cycle
remember that in this the horizontal axis is the time axis. So in this cycle instruction I
plus 1 will get fetched so IM cycle will get complete and it is the next cycle which will
get actually held up. So the correct picture is to show like this that IM..... this I plus 1
instruction (Refer Slide Time: 5:25) is in the fetch stage here it is in the instruction
memory then the next cycle what one would expect is RF cycle but it cannot read correct
values here so it is this we want to prolong. So this instruction would remain in RF stage
for three cycles and it is only the last or the third one which will be fruitful where actually
you will read values and proceed further.
So this is the way you will actually implement delaying of instructions. So it is
somewhere in the middle you need to delay. You got the instruction in the pipeline; you
notice that you cannot proceed forward you get stuck at RF stage; this instruction stays
there at that stage and then two cycles later it proceeds normally.

Now we can view the same thing. You remember that we discussed that pipeline can be
seen in two different views; in one view show instruction by instruction and have
horizontal axis indicating the time so for each instruction you could show which stage it
is passing through in different cycles. The other approach is to show all stages and have
the time shot snapshots of pipeline in different clock cycles shown one after another

(Refer Slide Time: 00:06:52)

So if you do that...... this is the picture which will emerge and it will throw more light
into what is happening in the pipeline. So these are the five stages and what we say here
is that at time t in cycle t let us say the instruction I is here in the ALU stage then clearly I
minus 1 and I minus 2 the previous instruction has gone ahead and they are here. I plus 1
instruction which is our add instruction that is where the trouble is; it has reached this
point (Refer Slide Time: 7:23) it has reached RF and I plus 2 has reached IM now. So,
from this cycle we will trace what happens in subsequent cycles.

So you would also notice that I have not shaded these two because these stages or these
cycles of instruction I plus 1 and I plus 2 will not be able to complete and these two
instructions will remain struck. So remember that it is not only I plus 1 which gets struck
for two cycles it is the one which is following. So everyone behind the instruction in the
queue gets held up.

Now, since in t plus 1 this is instruction is not able to move forward we have to introduce
a no op; no op means no operation; it is a null instruction which does nothing and I have
not shown ALU shaded which means that instruction here but it is not utilizing anything
it is just occupying a cycle.

We go to next cycle; this is still not able to proceed (Refer Slide Time: 8:26) so third
cycle will be spent by instruction I plus 1 within RF stage and here it will culminate; it
will complete here so another no op gets introduced here because this no op moves
forward there is nothing stopping that and that moves forward and you introduce another
no op here and I plus 1, I plus 2 are struck there but this time they will complete and then
move forward. I plus 1 will move to ALU stage here because here it has got the operands
and behind it other instructions will also follow. So now effectively what has happened is
that in this pipeline two bubbles have come. So let us say the fluid was flowing and there
is some air bubble which is indicating no activity and of course with time this will get
passed out.

We therefore need to be sure how to introduce these two no operations at the correct time
instant that is crucial. With this understanding let us go back to the instruction wise
diagram and see more accurately what is happening.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:09:34)

So, instruction I was like this (Refer Slide Time: 9:43) and in instruction I plus 1 we had
introduced these two inactive stages I mean instruction is still in RF but not doing
anything here; in between we have no op 1 and no op 2 two no ops introduced which do
not go through fetch stage; no operations get introduced from ALU stage onwards, they
are not being fetched from memory as they are not going through RF stage but they get
introduced from ALU onwards and then move forward so nop 1 has this profile, nop 2
has this profile then I plus 1, I plus 2. So I plus 1 you would notice is getting stuck at IM
for three cycles.

So now what is happening?

Basically we need to check if an instruction which has reached RF stage it can proceed
forward or not. If it cannot proceed further then we need to introduce a no operation and
this condition, we will work out a condition; if this condition is true for one cycle one nop
gets introduced; if this condition persists for two cycles then two nops gets introduced.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:10:56)

So now let us look at this design where you have datapath and control. It is same thing I
might have re-rooted some wires just for the sake of clarity of the diagram. So now how
do we introduce no operations and how do we prevent an instruction from moving

So we have this register and here is PC. If you do not clock this register if you do not put
in new information in this (Refer Slide Time: 11:33) then whatever is here in this stage
does not change. So let us say in some cycle instruction was fetched, brought into this
register; if you do not change it for another cycle this instruction which is here remains as
it is it does not move forward and similarly if you do not update pc new instruction does
not get fetched the PC also remains struck with the old value.

So, we had not explicitly shown control signals for these two registers. But now to take
care of stalling we need to define control signals for these which may be turned on or off
depending upon what is the requirement.

Secondly, in order to introduce a null instruction or no operation instruction we could

load all zero control signals all null control signals into this register. Remember that
control signals which are applicable for subsequent stages gets stored in this register for a
cycle then some of them get stored in this register for another cycle and then so on. So
assuming that we have defined our control signal such that zero always means inactive
situation we have put a multiplexor here through which controls are passing so there are
some six seven or whatever number is all those are going as one input of the multiplexor
and the other input of multiplexor has all zeros. So, depending upon how we select this
multiplexor either these control signals get passed on or all zero values get passed on. So,
for introducing a bubble or a nop all we need to do is this control signal which we are
calling as bubble needs to be made 1; when you make it 1 then effectively you have
introduced a no operation nop instruction in the EX stage.

Now basically to take care of the situation which we had just illustrated if you make pc
write as 0, IF ID register write as 0 and make bubble as 1 this combination of control will
achieve the desired result. What we need next is to figure out when do we do this. We
need to detect that condition we need to basically detect the dependency between two
instructions at the right time.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:14:08)

Here is the condition which you need to check to know that there is a hazard. First of all
stating this condition in words what we need to do is instruction which is in RF stage if
that reads from a register in which the instruction, the ALU stage or DM stage is going to
write. so we look at instruction which is sitting in the RF stage, we also look at the
instructions which are sitting in EX stage and DM stage; see where these instructions are
going to write and see where this instruction is going to read from; if there is a match
then there is a hazard condition.

Now, suppose at some point of time there was s hazard between instruction in RF stage
and ALU stage that will cause instruction RF stage to be held back, instruction ALU
stage will proceed to DM stage and we will still see a hazard that condition that means
we are still waiting for that instruction to move forward and write. So this conditional
will persist for two cycles and two nops will be introduced. The second instruction which
is dependent will get delayed by two cycles.
But suppose we notice the hazard only when an instruction is in this stage I am sorry in
this case (Refer Slide Time: 15:34) you will always first see it here and then here so
actually the way we have described in this there will always be two cycles introduced
because any instruction on which something is depending will pass through this stage and
this stage and on two occasions you will see this condition.

Now how do you precisely check this condition?

I am introducing some notation here; there is register name this is the inter stage register
and following the dot there is name of the control signal. So what we are saying is that
instruction which is stored in this register ID/EX so that means instruction is actually in
EX stage; instruction in EX stage has this RD, RW signal active that means it is an
instruction which is going to write into register file; it could be a load instruction, it could
be a R class instruction and one of these two conditions is satisfied this or this (Refer
Slide Time: 16:41) and this is where we are comparing the register addresses.

So we are comparing RS address in IF ID that means the instruction which is in RF stage

has a source register which matches with RD specification of instruction which is in the
ALU stage or this destination is matching RT so one of the two may be matching the
destination here is matching with RS or RT or the second part of the condition we instead
of ID/IF we check with EX/DM so that is instruction setting in the DM stage. So, if that
instruction intends to write then there is a match in the source and destination register.

Now there is one little catch here is that we are trying to make sure that the instruction
which is ahead is going to write but we have not really put the condition which says that
instruction which is behind actually reads the register because we know that some
instructions like jump do not read the registers so there is no point in trying to hold back a
jump instruction so therefore this condition needs to be refined little bit so that you check
it only if the instruction actually reads the registers. So there are some registers which
will read only RS but not RT so we need to take care of those but I am omitting those
details. So, there are two conditions which are corresponding to two parts of this

Another point which must be noticed is that when we are looking at RD field in the
instruction here this one or this one (Refer Slide Time: 18:40) we are assuming that a two
alternative destination addresses have been multiplexed. What I mean here is that these
two addresses are multiplexed here and then we are checking it here or we are checking it
there. For some reason suppose you have placed this multiplexor somewhere else you can
do that logically; it will have influence in terms of number of register bits and clock cycle
and so on but technically it is possible then in that case you need to check with both. But
the advantage of having multiplex is showing up here also that we need to check only one
field here or there I am sorry this one; this one or this one or this one, this one (Refer
Slide Time: 19:27). So this is the condition which needs to be checked and once this
condition is true we need to set those IF/ID write signal, PC write signal and bubble

Any question on this?

So basically this is some combinational logic which should be considered as part of the
control. Now this is a simple solution when you do not have data forwarding paths you
are always introducing two cycles of delay if there is dependence between two
consecutive instructions.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:20:04)

Yeah I think there is a situation where the delay introduced will be one cycle. The two
dependent instructions are separated by one more instruction in between so in that case
this match would occur (Refer Slide Time: 20:29) when the earlier instruction has
reached DM stage and the one behind is in the RF stage. When the first instruction is in
the ALU stage then it will not find any conflict there. So there could be situation where
we introduce only one cycle.

Now let us look at the data forwarding techniques. As you recall that idea here is that as
soon as a result is generated we pass on to any following instruction if it requires it and
we try to do it as early as possible.

There are various scenarios I am going to repeat those slides. So, suppose there is add
instruction following an add instruction then the result of first is available at the output of
ALU and it needs to be sent to the second instruction at the input of ALU so that is one
possible path I am calling this p1; this path....... actually it means two paths leading to this
input and another one to that input so we will actually require both.
(Refer Slide Time: 21:45)

Another possibility is that a load instruction is followed by a dependent instruction like

add. So in this case the data needs to be forwarded from DM state to ALU state and here
you still need one cycle delay. Again this is not correct actually; we should show IM as a
solid thing and RF as a dotted one here (Refer Slide Time: 22:03).

Yet another possibility is that you have add instruction followed by a store instruction.
Particularly when....... see store instruction requires two registers; one register has to be
read in the third .....is required........ actually both are normally....... they are read in
second cycle in RF stage but the actual requirement of the value is in ALU stage for one
of the registers and in DM stage for another register; the value which is to be written in a
memory is actually required in fourth cycle. So we are talking of that dependency where
the data coming out of ALU is required in this.
(Refer Slide Time: 22:52)

Therefore, now we do not pass directly from ALU to DM because that is no longer
available that value would have moved to next stage so we will have to tap it after the
DM stage and get it to input of the DM.

(Refer Slide Time: 23:10)

And fourth possibility is that you have load followed by a store so output of DM goes to
(Refer Slide Time: 00:23:18)

So now we have these paths; this slide actually summarizes all of them. You have P1 P2
and I am looking at P3 P4 together. So P1 goes from ALU output; strictly speaking from
the output of EX/DM register to ALU input 1 or 2, then P2 goes from.... it is basically
output of DM or ALU; we have to tap it from DM/WB register and send it to ALU input
1 or 2. Why I am saying output of DM or ALU is because we will actually try to tap all
these after the multiplexor.

Basically there is a DM/WB register, after that we have a multiplexor which will look at
two possibilities and we will take it from there and take it to the input of ALU input 1 or
2 and then from the same multiplexor we take it to DM input.
(Refer Slide Time: 00:25:01)

I have taken part of the datapath augmented with these forwarding paths and shown here
so let us identify these paths.

P1 is here (Refer Slide Time: 25:18) this is P1, from output of ALU we are not taking
from here we are taking after the register; we are taking it to two inputs of ALU. So you
notice that there are additional multiplexors which have been introduced. The normal
input is 0 which is either coming from register files through this register or from register
file through this register or the offset one of these two gets selected and coming as the
normal input. So inputs labeled as 1 are those which are part of P1 so this output (Refer
Slide Time: 25:59) is available here and there depending upon where you need or maybe
you need at both places.

You could have an instruction which is trying to add you might say add A comma B
comma B so that B may be dependent and it is required at both the inputs. So you may
situation there you may pass on same thing on both the cases. Then P2 is this, we are
taking from this multiplexor; output of this is normally going to register file. We are
bringing a copy here at input 2 so this is P2.

For P3 which is from DM to DM we have introduced a multiplexor here. The normal

path is which is coming from register file and this forwarding path is a copy of this is
brought here. So now we require three control signals forward A, forward B and forward
C and we need to work out conditions which will activate these or which will give proper
value to these signals. So forward A is actually 2-bit signal but symbolically we will say
that it has the value 0, 1 or 2; similarly forward B and forward C will have only one of
the two values. This is how exactly the paths are organized and next we need to see the
conditions to energize these paths.
So let us look at P1 and P2 the paths which are leading to the multiplexor at the input of

(Refer Slide Time: 00:27:38)

These are coming from different stages. The control signals we require are forward A and
forward B would have similar equations. So, when is forward A equal to 1 that is the
condition; when is forward A equal to 2 that is a condition.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:27:55)

If these conditions do not hold by default you will make sure that forward A has a value
0; none of these holds the value 0. Condition for forward B would be similar but first let
us look at this.

What we are saying here (Refer Slide Time: 28:15) is now again the same notation is
used that instruction in EX/DM are basically in the......... yeah instruction EX/DM stage
intends to write in the register file and it is in intending to write in a register which is not
addresses 0 so we are taking special care of zero register because that does not cause
dependency. Actually we should have made this check in earlier case also when we were
specifying other conditions without forwarding because if one instruction is writing into 0
for whatever reason right or wrong another instruction when trying to read from 0 there is
no dependency because the value is going to be 0.

So we are checking here that this instruction intends to write, it intends to write in a
register which has non zero address and that address is matching with RS of the
instruction which is currently in the ALU stage. So the instruction from where we are
picking up the data obviously that has reached here; it is this value we are feeding back.
So instruction here (Refer Slide Time: 29:40) intends to write into some register from
where the instruction here intends to read that is what we are checking.

Similarly this is a forward A equal to 2 if in DM/WB stage the instruction which has even
moved further intends to write into non zero register and that matches the destination
matches the source here. Also, we need to make it 2 when it is not 1. Imagine that there is
some instruction in this stage (Refer Slide Time: 30:18) which is reading from some
register where instruction here is trying to write as well as instruction here it is trying to
write. So actually we should forward the data from this one because this will be of more
current value which is supposed to read. Because if this writes into some register the
instruction here will overwrite over that and it is that value which will be latest and
should be read by this instruction. So therefore we have introduced this additional check
here that this is not matching. That means the instruction which is between the two is not
intending to write in the same register; that is required so that we read the latest value

Therefore the condition for defining forward B will be exactly similar; all we do is rs is
replaced with rt because forward B is nothing but controlling the multiplexor which is
below and here the relevant register field is rt in place of rs and rest of it remains same.
So this was for data forwarding path P1 and P2.

For P3 P4 we are trying to forward data from WB stage to the DM stage so there is a
similar condition that instruction in WB stage intends to write into non zero register and
the destination there matches with the instruction in DM stage which actually require rt
register. These are the conditions which can be checked by control and energize or enable
the right forwarding paths. Having done that now what is still required is that in spite of
forwarding there are cases when null needs to be introduced and let me go back to this
(Refer Slide Time: 32:22)

The only time this happen is that the earlier instruction is the load instruction because that
is the only one which writes whether the result is ready after the fourth stage and the
following instruction needs the result in the ALU stage. So we need to check this
condition and we know how to introduce stall cycles; it is only the condition now we
need to define freshly.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:32:52)

So, stalling condition when data forwarding is happening in the manner we have
described the condition we need to check is that instruction in the RF stage reads from a
register in which a load instruction, we are not saying any instruction but specifically a
load instruction in the ALU stage is going to write. So the check is happening actually
again referring to this diagram (Refer Slide Time: 33:18) we have to check when this
load instruction is here only it is not that we check when load instruction has reached
there; it is still at this stage that load is here and the following instruction is here we hold
the following instruction at the RF stage for one cycle so that will be the effect we will
achieve if we check this condition; that is we are looking at MR signal which is memory
read and the only instruction which does memory read is load instruction. So we are
looking at the signal; if this signal is active in the instruction which is in EX stage and the
destination of that matches with either rs or rt of the instruction which is at RF stage then
we exercise our controls for holding the instruction back by a cycle and introducing a

We have again.... the same shortcoming is here in the condition that if the instruction
which is following is a jump instruction we do not want to do all that.

(Refer Slide Time: 34:30)

I will summarize at this point. Basically we have looked at the data hazards. We analyzed
what are the different situations. We saw its effects in two different ways when we are
seeing instruction by instruction how the picture looks like we noticed that instructions
are getting introduced nops are getting introduced from ALU stage onwards. We also saw
in the stage view that is you look at all the stages and take time snaps. This was seen in
two views to get a clarity of the situation and we identified how we are going to introduce
stall cycles and nops are inserted, the control signal were defined for that then conditions
were defined, we checked the hazards and activated those control signals then to improve
the performance we talked about data forwarding paths. they have three types of data
forwarding paths actually four but two of them we consider together P1 P2 P3 P4; P3 P4
we consider them together because we took the value after the multiplexing so both were
combined and then this requires its own control because there are some multiplexors
which need to be activated correctly.
Further there are still situations where stalls are required and we defined conditions for
introducing stalls and along with the data forwarding. Basically the conditions which we
developed for stall in the end would be used in place of the conditions we developed
earlier. If you do not have forwarding paths then there was one set of control conditions;
if you have forwarding paths then you need two things: you need control signals to select
these multiplexors correctly and also in special cases introduce the stalls. So, if they are
any questions I will take that otherwise I will stop here.

No questions? Okay thank you.

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