FCH CHE611A Jan2020
FCH CHE611A Jan2020
FCH CHE611A Jan2020
Course Objectives: This course aims to introduce the students to the subject of transport
phenomena, present the fundamental equations of the subject and illustrate how to use them to
solve problems.
Prerequisites: None.
Instructor expectations: Exposure to UG level Maths, Physics, Fluid Mechanics and Heat
Transfer course is assumed. Prior knowledge of Solving 1st & 2nd order ODEs/PDEs is
Contact hours
Instructor: Please take prior appointment over email.
TAs: Wednesday & Thursday 12-1pm
Attendance: Minimum 75% attendance is compulsory. Missing 7 or more classes out of total 27
classes will lead to de-registration. If granted leave by the Chairman, SPGC/SUGC, you must
inform the instructor beforehand.
Makeup exam: No makeup for quizzes and Midsem will be held. Endsem exam makeup will be
held as per DOAA guidelines.
Course policy:
Attendance: 10% (only if beyond minimum attendance criterion)
Assignments: 0%
(Assignments only for practice, submission is not mandatory. Contact the TAs for discussion.)
Quizzes: 30% (4 quizzes. One may be take-home.)
Mid-Sem: 25%
End Sem: 35%
1. Some of the quizzes/exams may have bonus questions which will carry extra weightage.
2. One A4 page formula sheet (both sides) will be permitted during the mid/end sem exams.
3. Academic dishonesty will be rewarded with F grade along with appropriate action as per
DOAA guidelines.
Text/Reference Books
1. “Introductory Transport Phenomena”, D. J. Klingenberg, E. N. Lightfoot, R. B. Bird, and W. A.
Stewart, Wiley Publications
2. “Transport Phenomena”, by Edwin N. Lightfoot, Robert Byron Bird, and Warren A. Stewart,
2nd edition by Wiley Publications
Teaching Assistants
1. Satyabrata Patro <[email protected]>
2. Charu Bishnoi <[email protected]>
3. Vishnu Kumar <[email protected]>