Topic Negative Effects of Social Media: 08 November, 2019
Topic Negative Effects of Social Media: 08 November, 2019
Topic Negative Effects of Social Media: 08 November, 2019
Session: 2017-2021
08 November, 2019
Title page 1
Table of content 2
Introduction to social media 3
Social media and psychological problems 3
Cyberbullying 4
Negative effects of social media on education 4
Social media causes Death 4
Effects on physical health 5
Negative effects on business 5
Social media effects on Relationships 6
Conclusion 6
Negative effects of social media
Social media has been the important part of our life now a days from education to business,
electronic mails to shopping. It plays an important and vital role to transforming our lives. It
includes social networking site, apps and blogs where peoples stay connected to each other
from large distance. Facebook, twitter are the key tools for news to journalists and their
organizations. Social media could be defined as the widely accessible and relatively
inexpensive electronic tools that give us facility to access information, collaborate on
common effort , publish or build relationship.[ CITATION Soc \l 1033 ]
Now in the next section I will discuss the supporting ideas how social media like facebook
can lead to the psychological problems.
Facebook depression
Trying to project a unrealistic and unachievable perception of perfection with in your social
network can cause depression and anxiety. Another way to cause is anxiety chronic stress.
Being constantly alert for new social messages to your instinctive fight as same as being alert
for predators which results in the release of stress hormone cortisol. [ CITATION Jac15 \l 1033 ]
3. Cyberbullying
Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place through the devices like computers, tablet cell
phones etc. Its includes sharing someones personal information or something else on social
media. It was done before the internet face to face only, but now we can bullied online and
most of us have seen what it can do to a person. As social media made easy to make friends
it also made easier to predators to find the victim. These online attacks often drives a man to
suicide. Cyberbullying is not just attacking kids but it also full grown adults. [ CITATION
any18 \l 1033 ]
Students today started to rely on the information available on social networking sites or social
platforms. This thing overcome learning as well as retaining information. In addition students
are doing multitasks when they study on social sites they also many other links and students
do multitask and they also loose their concentration. And they spend much time on social
media sites. Not only this students who are spending much of their time on social media sites
they are not able to communicate in face to face communication effectively. Many of the
authors and writers publish wrong information on the internet which may cause of failure of
education[ CITATION Ste12 \l 1033 ]
According to the researchers social media can cause of FOMO by increasing the effect of
depression and loneliness. This is best quote for this effect
The reason we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind-the-scenes with
everyone else’s highlight reel. (Steve Furtick)
Most of the peoples on social media share things on social media that are natural. They shares
photos like partying with friends, going on expensive restaurants, travelling and watching
movies, and when you look at them you think that they are living a best life which creates the
feeling of FOMO. Peoples naturally wants to look good and social media give them a chance.
One of the best example is taking a selfie. Most of the peoples shares only those photos in
which they looks more beautiful. So next time when you log in your social media account
keep these things in your mind.[ CITATION Han18 \l 1033 ]
Social media causes death not just buy using but it can cause by following the dangerous stuff
and stunts uploaded by different peoples. For example peoples make unnecessary and
dangerous stunts through different vehicles, they jumps from large heights. For example a
boy of 15 years from Pakistan was running on the train which caused him death. Most of
these stuff is recorded by the teenagers and uploaded on social media. [ CITATION Ahm16 \l
1033 ]
It can directly effect the physical health of a person. Social media is usually related with the
way that how you use the social media for example
If you are using too much keying, then you may experience the problem that will effect your
wrists and hands. There are many other problems that are linked with the keying on cell
phones, that can strain the tendons of someone fingers. These types of problems are not just
attached with the social media problems but it can also cause due to type of report at work or
term papers.
Eye problems
You can get eye problems due to looking at screen for too long.
This is another effect of social media which may cause due to staying up too late on social
media like facebook or twitter due to which you may loosing valuable sleep which can cause
Lack of exercise
Social media also take your time which you may use to spend outside or in exercise.
[ CITATION DiR16 \l 1033 ]
Creating a cohesive brand image can be difficult
Social media provides you a platform where you can build a strong identity of your brand.
You can communicate with large number of peoples through your posts and internally
created content. But a poorly executed campaign can ruin your business in few minutes
A small mistake on social media marketing can be very costly. A unsatisfied employ is free
to criticize your company. Customers are free to talk their problems on social media and
these posts goes on viral.
Social media gives customers a voice customers are free to talk. If a customer is happy by the
product then it is good for your company that he will leave a good comment for your
company but if the customer is not satisfied with your product then it could be dangerous that
he he could leave a negative comment about your company. [ CITATION lat19 \l 1033 ]
Social media sites allow peoples to connect with each other from large distances but it has
some disadvantages which are given below:
With the increase in technology social media has become the Important part of every ones
life. Peoples are addicted of technology. With different fields it has different effects on
peoples. Rate of collaboration and quality has increased with the social media both business
and youngsters use social media for there benefits because it has many advantages but with
this it has many demerits which affects peoples negatively. False information can lead the
system towards failure, Wrong advertisement can affect the productivity. social media can
abuse the society by invading on people’s privacy, some useless blogs can influence youth
that can become dangerous. Use of social media is beneficial but should be used in a limit
Ahmad, b. (2016, march 3). Retrieved november 2018, 2019, from
Handel, S. (2018, november 1). The emotion machine. Retrieved november 8, 2019, from
lativate. (2019, jun 11). lativate. Retrieved november 8, 2019, from
Shabnoor Siddiqui, T. S. (2016, november 1). Retrieved november 2019, 1, from