WHO - Economic Impact of Foodborne Illness
WHO - Economic Impact of Foodborne Illness
WHO - Economic Impact of Foodborne Illness
Basic Food Safety for Health Workers
t t
Food Contamination á Diarrhoea Death
15 BC - Bronchitis
BN - Bronchopneumonia
14 CEL - Cellulitis
CONJ - Conjuncivitis Normal growth curve
13 D - Diarrhoea
FUO - Fever of unknown origin
12 I - Impetigo
M - Measles
11 S - Stomatitis
Body weight in KG
0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36
Age in months
Source : Mata, LJ Nutrition and infection. Protein Advisory Group bulletin (1971)
Figure 1.4 Growth pattern of a child with frequent episodes of diarrhoea and other
infections (The horizontal bars indicate the duration of the infectious disease)
Foodborne illness
foodborne microorganisms (Table 1.7). In for more than 15% of their young lives.
an outbreak of salmonellosis in Chicago The immediate cause of death from
in 1985, caused by contaminated pasteur- diarrhoeal disease is usually the dehydra-
ized milk, more than 2% of the 170,000- tion that results from the loss of fluid and
200,000 people infected suffered from electrolytes in diarrhoeal stools, but di-
reactive arthritis as a result of their in- arrhoea can also have other serious
fection (3). Guillain-Barré syndrome is a health consequences. It may lead to mal-
serious and potentially life-threatening nutrition since food intake is reduced ei-
neurological disease characterized by ther as a result of loss of appetite or the
acute weakness, autonomic dysfunction withholding of food, and those nutrients
and respiratory insufficiency. It is a that are ingested are poorly absorbed or
chronic sequela associated with acute simply lost by being swept out with the
gastrointestinal infection particularly by diarrhoeal stools. Malnutrition in its turn
Campylobacter jejuni. can predispose children to longer episodes
of diarrhoea as well as other infections,
In developing countries, diarrhoeal aggravating the problem still further. This
diseases, particularly infant diarrhoea, are can result in a downward spiral of increas-
a major public health problem. It has ingly poor health which, unless it is bro-
been estimated that annually some 1500 ken in some way, will lead ultimately to
million children under five years of age premature death (Figure 1.3). Even where
suffer from diarrhoea and over 3 million this does not proceed inexorably to a fa-
die as a result (4). Individual children ex- tal end, the physical and mental growth
perience on average 3.3 episodes of di- of the child is severely impaired. This is
arrhoea each year, though in some areas shown in Figure 1.4 which records the
the number of episodes may exceed 9 and effect of repeated bouts of diarrhoea and
children can be suffering from diarrhoea other illnesses on a child’s development.
Basic Food Safety for Health Workers
Foodborne illness
Since the toxin is ingested with the food This is probably still true in many cases,
there is no direct person-to-person spread, but it has been shown more recently that
as can occur with some enteric infec- food may also be the vehicle of
tions, and the incubation period (the time contamination in up to 70% of cases.
between consumption of the food and To cause illness, a sufficient number of
the appearance of symptoms) tends to cells must be consumed. This is known
be shorter, generally of the order of one as the infectious dose. The infectious
or two hours or even less in some cases. dose varies from one organism to another
This is because the toxin begins to act as and from person to person. For
soon as it reaches the site of action, Campylobacter jejuni the infectious dose is
whereas with infections the microorgan- thought to be quite low, while relatively
isms need time to multiply in the body. high numbers of non-typhoid Salmonella
There are some similarities here with other are normally required to produce illness.
biotoxins such as mycotoxins and algal Experiments have been conducted where
toxins, though algae differ from toxigenic volunteers have consumed different lev-
bacteria and moulds in that they do not els of pathogens in order to determine
multiply in the food. Also, the health ef- the infectious dose. These results and data
fects of mycotoxins tend to be long-term from the investigation of actual
rather than acute (see Chapter 2). outbreaks give some indication of the
numbers of bacteria required to produce
illness, but they should be regarded only
Infectious dose as a rough guide (Table 1.6).
Successful infection is the result of the
Infective pathogens can be introduced interaction of two variable factors: the
into the body from a variety of sources. virulence of the pathogen (its ability to
In the past, it was thought that cause illness) and the susceptibility of the
contaminated water was the main source individual. The virulence of different
of the pathogens that cause diarrhoea. Salmonella serotypes, for example, can
Escherichia coli
enteropathogenic 106–1010
enterotoxigenic 106–108
enteroinvasive 108
enterohaemorrhagic 101–103
Shigella 101–102
Salmonella Typhi <103
Other salmonellae 105-107
Salmonella Newport 60 – 230 in hamburger
Salmonella Eastbourne 10 – 25 in chocolate
Salmonella Heidelberg 100 – 500 in cheese
Clostridium perfringens 106–108
Campylobacter 500
Vibrio cholerae 106
Vibrio parahaemolyticus 105–107
Basic Food Safety for Health Workers
the normal functions of the gut are up- through the gut. It then multiplies, colo-
set in some way. nizing the surface. In some cases, such
as infection with enteropathogenic Es-
The gastrointestinal tract or gut is not an
cherichia coli, this produces changes in the
internal organ of the body but a tube run-
ning through it where foods are digested gut epithelium which reduce its absorp-
tive capacity or cause fluid secretion.
and absorbed, and unwanted waste prod-
Colonizing bacteria can also produce
ucts are expelled. In addition to absorp-
tion of nutrients from foods, absorption enterotoxins; toxins that alter the function
of the cells lining the gut and cause them
and secretion of water are important gut
to secrete water and electrolytes into the
functions. Water absorption normally
exceeds secretion. Each day, a typical intestine to produce a profuse watery
diarrhoea. A notable example of this is
adult will ingest about two litres of wa-
cholera, but a similar sequence of events
ter. To this must be added saliva and se-
cretions from the stomach, pancreas and occurs with enterotoxigenic E. coli
liver which altogether make a total of 8-
10 litres entering the small intestine daily. Invasive pathogens are not confined to
About 90% of this fluid is absorbed be- the intestinal lumen but can penetrate the
fore it enters the large intestine where 80- cells lining the gut. In some cases their
90% of the remainder is absorbed. penetration is limited to the immediate
Changes in the small intestine that either vicinity of the gut, as with the non-ty-
decrease absorption or increase secretion phoid salmonellas. Some pathogens in-
will reduce overall absorption and result vade the mucosa of the large intestine
in a larger fluid flow into the large intes- rather than the small intestine, producing
tine. If this exceeds the relatively limited inflammation, superficial abscesses and
absorptive capacity of the large intestine ulcers, and the passage of dysenteric
then diarrhoea occurs. stools containing blood, pus and large
amounts of mucus. In other cases,
Bacteria cause foodborne illness by two microbial invasion is not restricted to the
mechanisms: infection and intoxication. gut’s immediate locality and the organ-
The latter can also be caused by chemi- ism spreads further through the body,
cal contaminants and naturally occurring producing symptoms other than diarrhoea
toxins. at sites remote from the gut itself, as for
example in brucellosis, listeriosis, typhoid
Infection and paratyphoid fevers.
Infection occurs when living bacteria are Illnesses caused by foodborne viruses
ingested with food in numbers sufficient and parasites are also broadly similar in
for some to survive the acidity of the that viable organisms gain access to their
stomach, one of the body’s principal pro- site of action in the body via the
tective barriers. These survivors then pass gastrointestinal tract.
into the small intestine where they mul-
tiply and produce symptoms. Intoxication
Infections can be invasive or non-inva- With foodborne intoxications, the bac-
sive. In non-invasive infections, the or- teria grow in the food producing a toxin.
ganism attaches itself to the gut surface When the food is eaten, it is the toxin,
or epithelium to prevent itself from being rather than the microorganisms, that
washed out by the rapid flow of material causes symptoms.
Foodborne illness
figures are collected, but it is thought to n Changing lifestyles also means that
reflect an underlying increase in the food preparation may be in the hands
number of cases as well. of the relatively inexperienced as
more mothers go out to work and
A number of factors have contributed to
this trend. Their relative importance var- more people eat pre-prepared foods,
meals from catering establishments or
ies between countries and between patho-
food from street vendors.
gens but some of the most significant are
as follows: n An increasing proportion of the popu-
lation is more susceptible to
n Increasing industrialization and urban
living has meant that the food chain foodborne illness. This includes the
malnourished, the elderly, those who
has become longer and more complex,
have some underlying condition such
increasing opportunities for contami-
nation. It also means that more peo- as liver disease and those who are
immunocompromised as a result of
ple are likely to be affected by a sin-
infections such as HIV and immuno-
gle breakdown in food hygiene.
suppressive medical treatment.
n In poorer countries increased urbani-
zation and rapid population growth
have not been matched by develop-
ment of the health-related infrastruc-
Foodborne illness:
ture, including basic sanitation, and
this has led to increased risk of con-
its definition and
tamination of the food and water sup-
n Increasing affluence in other areas has The term “food poisoning” has often been
led to greater consumption of foods used in some countries, but it is an ex-
of animal origin such as meat, milk, pression that can sometimes be restric-
poultry and eggs. These foods are rec- tive or misleading. Foodborne illness or
ognized as more common vehicles of foodborne disease are now the generally pre-
foodborne pathogens and this situa- ferred terms. Foodborne disease can be
tion can be exacerbated by the meth- defined as:
ods of intensive production required “any disease of an infectious or toxic
to supply a larger market. nature caused by or thought to be
n There is greater international move- caused by the consumption of food
ment of both foods and people. Ex- or water”.
otic Salmonella serotypes have been Though there are a number of important
introduced into Europe and the exceptions that will be described later,
United States as a result of the im- in most cases and in most people’s minds,
portation of animal feeds. A number the illnesses caused by foodborne micro-
of outbreaks of illness associated with organisms, principally bacteria, are asso-
imported foods have also been re- ciated with gastrointestinal symptoms of
corded. Tourism is one of the world’s nausea, vomiting, stomach pains and di-
major growth industries and every year arrhoea. Since diarrhoea is a common
more and more people travel abroad clinical symptom in foodborne diseases,
where they are exposed to increased many of these diseases are referred to as
risk of contracting foodborne illness. “diarrhoeal diseases”. These occur when
Basic Food Safety for Health Workers
foodborne in origin or may not be re- cases being reported. Studies in some
ported to the relevant authority for re- countries point to an under-reporting
cording. Estimates vary but it is gener- factor of up to 350 in some cases.
ally believed that in developed countries
less than 10%, or even only 1%, of cases Statistics from both developed and de-
of foodborne illnesses ever reach official veloping countries show an increasing
statistics. In countries with fewer re- trend in foodborne illness over recent
sources, under-reporting must be even years (Figure 1.2). In part, this is prob-
greater, with probably less than 1% of ably due to improvements in the way the
1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996
Cases per 100,000 population
1976 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994
Foodborne illness
Data collected by the Food Contamina- A number of human viruses can be trans-
tion Monitoring and Assessment Pro- mitted by food and human diseases
gramme (GEMS/Food) indicate that in caused by protozoa, helminths and nema-
many countries the trend in chemical todes that are animal parasites are prob-
contaminant levels is generally down- lems of emerging importance in a
wards. This is most apparent in developed number of countries. These differ from
countries where exposure to these most bacterial foodborne illnesses in that
contaminants is often much lower than the causative organism does not multi-
in developing countries (Figure 1.1). ply in the food itself. A brief description
of the major foodborne pathogens and
Factors contributing to this disparity are
discussed in Chapter 2. The general over- some of their key features is presented
as Appendix 1. Most of the following is
all improvement is due to increased re-
concerned primarily with bacterial patho-
striction of the use of toxic chemicals
and pesticides that persist in the environ- gens, though specific aspects of other
pathogens are mentioned where appro-
ment, and improved control of environ-
mental pollution. Available data on
foodborne illness of biological origin pro-
vide a strong contrast to this reduction
in chemical contamination. Extent of foodborne
Several different types of organism can
cause foodborne illness. Bacteria, single- illness
celled organisms with typical dimensions
of around 1µm (10-6m), are the most im- Many developed countries have sophis-
portant and well studied foodborne ticated systems for collecting data on the
pathogens. A key factor is their ability to incidence and causes of foodborne illness.
multiply in food, thus increasing the haz- Yet it is known that these data represent
ard they pose. This is discussed in Chap- only a fraction of the number of cases
ter 2. Filamentous fungi (moulds) can also that occur. Infected individuals may not
grow in foods and some produce toxic seek medical advice, and if they do their
substances called mycotoxins. illness may not be recognized as
Basic Food Safety for Health Workers
In most cases foods are not contaminated with pesticide residues, environmental
intentionally but rather from carelessness chemical contaminants and the use of food
or insufficient education or training in food additives cause most concern. Yet experi-
safety. In some cases, contamination may ence shows that most outbreaks of
be deliberate as, for example, in the mis- foodborne disease are associated with
use of food additives such as prohibited microbiological contamination.
colouring. In one serious case in Spain, con- This is reflected in the available statistics
taminated industrial rapeseed oil was sold on the etiology of foodborne illness.
for human consumption, killing more than (Table 1.5). One study estimated that
500 people and crippling more than 20,000 people are 100,000 times more likely to
(1). become ill as a result of microorganisms
How the relative importance of these haz- in food than as a result of pesticide
ards is perceived depends on who you ask. residues (2).
Surveys indicate that, as far as the general
public is concerned, hazards associated
Table 1.5 Etiology of foodborne disease outbreaks (with known etiology) in Latin
America and the Caribbean, 1995-1997
Etiological agent Percentage Percentage of cases involved
of outbreaks in outbreaks
Bacteria 46.3 83.03
Of which:
Bacillus cereus 1.3 1.2
Clostridium perfringens 4.2 4.1
Clostridium botulinum 0.4 0.1
Escherichia coli 11.4 7.8
Salmonella 37.0 43.1
Shigella spp. 3.1 21.9
Staphylocccus aureus 36.6 19.5
Vibrio cholerae 4.2 0.9
Vibrio parahemolyticus 0.2 0.4
Other 1.6 1.0
Total 100.0 100.0
Viruses 1.8 3.7
Parasites 1.8 2.9
Marine toxins 44.2 8.0
Plant toxins 0.4 0.1
Chemical substances 5.4 2.3
Total 100.0 100.0
Source: Adapted from data provided by the Pan American Institute for Food Protection and Zoonoses, INPPAZ, PAHO/
WHO 1998
Foodborne illness
and established processing and handling Other foodborne hazards can be described
procedures are followed, the majority do as extrinsic, indicating that their presence
not cause serious problems. Natural food is a result of contamination of the food.
toxins are described in more detail in This includes contamination with indus-
Chapter 2 but a few examples are given trial chemicals or pesticide residues, right
in Table 1.3 and estimates for some mean through to the presence of pathogenic bac-
daily intakes in the United Kingdom are teria or parasites. The range of possibili-
presented in Table 1.4. ties is summarized in Table 1.3.
Table 1.3 Causes of foodborne illness
(Natural Toxins or Antinutritional Factors) oxalic acid (rhubarb, spinach)
solanine (potatoes)
dioscorine (yams)
cyanide (cassava, lima beans)
haemagglutinin (red kidney beans)
protease inhibitors (legumes)
phytic acid (bran)
amatoxin, psilocybin and others
(toxic mushroom)
Chemical Contamination dioxins, PCBs
heavy metals
pesticide residues
Biological Contamination Bacteria
causing infection e.g. Salmonella
causing intoxication e.g. C. botulinum
helminths e.g. roundworms
protozoa e.g. Giardia lamblia
Viruses e.g. Hepatitis A, Small Round-Structured
Viruses (SRSVs)
Fungi/mycotoxins e.g. aflatoxin
Algae (e.g.dinoflagellates leading to paralytic
shellfish poisoning)
Basic Food Safety for Health Workers
Chapter 1