Arsenic Removal
Arsenic Removal
Arsenic Removal
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Article history: Arsenic poisoning is causing a serious threat to the environment. The application of nanoparticles in
Received 3 June 2014 the abatement of arsenic is becoming an intense area of research nowadays. In the present study the
Received in revised form 29 June 2014 adsorption behavior of arsenic was studied in detail by synthesizing a novel adsorbent by aggregating
Accepted 15 July 2014
cobalt ferrite nanoparticles during the formation of iron oxide hydroxide, i.e. schwertmannite. Cobalt
ferrite nanoparticle enhances the magnetic properties of schwertmannite and makes it a better candidate
for arsenic removal. The various structural as well as morphological properties were investigated by
VSM, XRD, FTIR, BET and FESEM analysis. Batch adsorption experiments were carried out by varying
Cobalt ferrite
different process parameters such as contact time, adsorbent dose, pH, temperature and presence of
Schwertmannite other co-ions. Arsenic adsorption by cobalt ferrite nanoparticle aggregated schwertmannite (CNSh) was
Adsorption found to be highly pH sensitive. Maximum arsenic was adsorbed at around pH 5.3. Study of temperature
effect on arsenic adsorption confirmed the endothermic nature of the process. Other thermodynamic
properties were also calculated and found that physical adsorption was dominant with activation energy
of 5.1 kJ/mol. Kinetic study revealed that the pseudo second order model was followed by the adsorption
process having regression coefficient (R2 ) 0.99. The equilibrium study showed that the adsorption system
followed the Langmuir isotherm model with maximum adsorption capacity of 1011 g/g which was
comparably efficient than several other adsorbents.
© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2214-7144/© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 A. Dey et al. / Journal of Water Process Engineering 3 (2014) 1–9
water treatment. Adsorption processes are effective techniques and from Loba chemie Ltd., India. Cobalt nitrate hexa hydrate (Co
they have been used in the wastewater treatment industries to (NO3 )2 ·6H2 O), hydrochloric acid (HCl) and sodium hydroxide
remove inorganic and organic pollution for its easy handling, min- (NaOH) were procured from Merck Ltd., India. All chemicals
imal sludge production and its regeneration capability. Dion et al. were of analytical grade and used without further purification.
[7] have discussed iron and aluminum based adsorption strate- Deionised water was used for all the reactions including synthe-
gies including their advantages and disadvantages for the efficient sis and adsorption study. In order to avoid any precipitation of iron
removal of arsenic. Various adsorbents such as activated carbon oxy-hydroxides prior to synthesis of CoFe2 O4 nanoparticles, the
[8], alum impregnated activated alumina [9], hydrous stannic oxide solution of Fe(III) and Co(II) were freshly prepared by dissolving
[10], granular ferric hydroxides [11], synthetic zeolites [12] were the required amount of metal salts in 0.01 M HCl solution.
reported in the literatures for the efficient removal of arsenic. Apart
from these the adsorbent derived from the agricultural wastes,
biomass and natural resources such as wheat straw [13] is also 2.2. Preparation of adsorbent
showing remarkable performance toward arsenic removal.
Since arsenic is causing serious threat to the mankind as well The procedure for the preparation of cobalt ferrite nanopar-
as environment, researchers are more concentrated on the devel- ticles aggregated schwertmannite (CNSh) consists of two steps.
opment of new technology as well as new adsorbents which are Step 1 includes the formation of CoFe2 O4 nanoparticles by co-
cheap, active and rapid toward arsenic adsorption. These objec- precipitation technique using Fe(III) and Co(II) ions and step 2 deals
tives are fulfilled with the development of nanosized adsorbents with the synthesis of modified schwertmannite using wet chemi-
which has the advantage of high surface area as well as high cal process where the nanoparticles were embedded on it. CoFe2 O4
tendency to adsorb toxic arsenic from water. Adsorption studies nanoparticles were prepared by the co-precipitation of an aqueous
based on metal oxides nanoparticles [14–16] have shown remark- solution of Co (NO3 )2 ·6H2 O (0.25 M, 25 ml) and Fe (NO3 )3 ·9H2 O
able results. However, it is necessary to find a way for separating (0.5 M, 25 ml) by drop wise addition of NaOH solution at a temper-
and recycling the nanoparticles effectively. Hence, preparation of ature of 80 ◦ C. Schwertmannite was synthesized by homogenous
magnetic nanoparticles is attractive in such applications because hydrolysis of Fe2 (SO4 )3 ·5H2 O using urea as the neutralizing agent.
magnetic nanoadsorbent can be effectively and simply separated An aqueous solution of Fe2 (SO4 )3 ·5H2 O (12.5 g in 250 ml of dis-
and recovered from the solution by using an external magnetic field tilled water) was stirred for 15 min and preheated to a temperature
[11]. That is why synthesis of nanomagnetic particles has recently of 70 ◦ C. 5 ml of the slurry containing the fresh nanoparticles was
gained attention to the researchers. Wastewater treatment with the added to the solution and well mixed at the desired preheated tem-
help of magnetic field requires relatively high magnetic sensitive perature. 250 ml of 5 M urea solution was prepared and added drop
particles to be separated through a magnetic filter. To triumph over wise for about 2–4 h into the solution. When precipitation of crys-
this adsorbent separation problem, a novel technology using mag- tals begun, the color of the solution was changed from reddish black
netic seeding particles has been developed to enable the separation to brownish yellow and the reaction was continued until half of
of fine particles which are not magnetic materials. By modifying the the initial solution was vaporized. Thereafter, the resulting precip-
adsorbent surface characteristics with various desired species, and itates were washed repeatedly with deionised water to remove the
entrapping magnetic seeding particles during the nucleation stage unwanted impurities. The precipitate was then dried below 40 ◦ C.
enhances the selective recovery of colloidal and macromolecular
species. In this way magnetic properties of the adsorbent are greatly
improved via magnetic seeding aggregation. 2.3. Experimental methods
In this context schwertmannite which is an iron oxide hydrox-
ide with the chemical formula of Fe8 O8 (OH)6 SO4 has been found Batch adsorption experiments were carried out using 100 ml
to be an effective adsorbent for fluoride and phosphate removal arsenic solution in 250 ml conical flasks at ambient temperature.
[17]. But, it is very difficult to use as an adsorbent because of its Stock solution of 100 mg/L As(III) ion was prepared by dissolv-
very fine particle size. Thus, magnetic filtration can be considered ing an accurately weighed quantity of 100 mg of As2 O3 in 1 L of
for separation of fine schwertmannite particles from its suspended deionised water. Experimental solutions of desired concentrations
liquid. In the magnetic filtration, the conversion of the magnetic were obtained by successive dilution of the stock solution. The
property is important in order to increase the trapping efficiency effect of contact time on arsenic adsorption was observed by agi-
of adsorbent particles. tating different concentrations (200, 400 and 600 g/L) of arsenic
In the present work, schwertmannite (Sh) which is an iron oxide solution with 1 mg/L of adsorbent at an ambient temperature of
hydroxide, was synthesized and the surface was modified using 25 ◦ C. Different amounts of adsorbent (0.25–2 g/L) were used to
cobalt ferrite (CoFe2 O4 ) nanoparticles (CNSh). The novel adsorbent investigate its effect on arsenic adsorption. The batch adsorption
prepared by magnetic seeding was characterized by XRD, FTIR, VSM studies at three different temperatures of 25, 40 and 60 ◦ C were
and FESEM. The efficacy of CNSh as an adsorbent had been studied performed to observe the temperature effects. Initial pH of the solu-
by varying different parameters such as contact time, adsorbent tion was varied from around 3 to 11 to determine the effect of pH
dose, pH, stirring speed, temperature and the presence of other co- on the extent of adsorption. Presence of co-ions on the adsorption
ions. Thermodynamic behavior as well as reaction kinetics were affinity of CNSh for arsenic adsorption was studied with varying
studied in detail. The most common adsorption isotherm model concentration of phosphate ions. Standard technique was used to
such as Langmuir and Freundlich were used to investigate the determine the remaining concentration of As(III) ions in the solu-
equilibrium behavior of the system. A regeneration technique was tion using atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The amount of
proposed in order to reuse the adsorbent for better economy. arsenic adsorbed per unit weight of adsorbent at time t,q1 (g/g)
and arsenic removal efficiency, R were calculated as:
2. Experimental
(C0 − Ct )V
qt = (1)
2.1. Materials M
Fig. 1. Characterization of adsorbent; (a) point of zero charge pHzpc , (b) XRD, (c) FTIR, (d) VSM and (e) FESEM micrograph of the CoFe2 O4 nanoparticles aggregated
where C0 is the initial arsenic concentration (g/L), Ct is the con- spectroscopy (FTIR); Make: Perkin Elmer, USA, Model: LR 64912C.
centration of arsenic at any time t, V is the volume of solution (L) FTIR analysis was performed using the KBr supported technique in
and M is the mass of adsorbent (g). the range of 450–4000 cm−1 with a scanning rate of 40 and a res-
olution of 4 cm−1 . A wide angle X-ray diffractometer (XRD; Make:
2.4. Characterization techniques and measurement Bruker, Model: D8) was used to study the crystallite structure of
the synthesized adsorbent. Scanning was done from high angle 2
The prepared adsorbent (CNSh) were characterized for the pres- value between 20◦ and 75◦ at a speed of 0.5 s/◦ in continuous mode
ence of various functional groups by Fourier transform infrared at an increment of 0.05. XRD patterns were obtained using radiation
4 A. Dey et al. / Journal of Water Process Engineering 3 (2014) 1–9
Fig. 2. Effect of contact time and initial concentration of arsenic on the extent of
3. Results and discussion adsorption.
Table 1
Thermodynamic parameters for the adsorption of arsenic on CNSh at different temperatures.
Fig. 7. Pseudo first order kinetic model for the adsorption of arsenic.
arsenic was decreased by more than 20% when phosphate concen-
trations were 0.5 mM. The decrease in arsenic adsorption was due
agree with the experimental data (qe,exp ). Therefore, it may be con-
to competitive adsorption of arsenic and phosphate ions. The con-
cluded that the kinetics of understudy adsorption system was not
centrations of competing anions in this study were much higher
probably following the pseudo first order kinetic model and hence
than those likely to be encountered in groundwater. Thus, CoFe2 O4
not the diffusion controlled phenomena.
nanoparticles aggregated schwertmannite were able to remove
arsenic even at exceptionally high concentrations of the competing Pseudo second order kinetic model. The sorption kinetics
anions used in this study.
may be represented by pseudo-second-order model [21] as: Pseudo first order kinetic model. This model assumes that Fig. 8 shows that the plot of t/qt versus t which gives a straight
the rate of change of solute uptake with time is directly proportional line with slope of 1/qe and intercept 1/k2 qe 2 . Using the value of qe
to difference in equilibrium concentration and the amount of solute calculated from the slope, the value of k2 is determined from the
adsorbed with time. The rate constant of adsorption is expressed intercept. The calculated value of k2 , qe and their corresponding
as a first-order rate expression given as [20]. regression coefficient (R2 ) values are presented in Table 2. The value
of regression coefficient (R2 ) is approximately 0.99 for all the three
= k1 (qe − qt ) (7) concentration which confirms that, the sorption kinetics of arsenic
dt follows a pseudo second order model. It may also be found from
where qt and qe are the amount of arsenic adsorbed (g/g) at con- Table 2 that the calculated qe values are well matched with that
tact time t (min) and at equilibrium, k1 is the pseudo-first-order rate of experimentally obtained qe . Thus it may be concluded that the
constant (min−1 ). After integrating with the initial and final bound- adsorption of arsenic on CoFe2 O4 nanoparticles aggregated schw-
ary conditions at t = 0, qt = 0 and at t > 0, qt = qt and rearranging Eq. ertmannite can be better explained by pseudo-second-order kinetic
(7), the rate law for a pseudo-first-order reaction becomes model than that of first-order kinetic model.
ln(qe − qt ) = ln qe − k1 t (8)
3.2.7. Equilibrium study
Fig. 7 shows the plot of ln(qe − qt ) versus t which gives a straight Adsorption properties and equilibrium parameters, commonly
line with slope of −k1 and intercept ln qe . Adsorption rate constant known as adsorption isotherms, describes the interaction between
k1 and equilibrium adsorption capacity qe was calculated corre- the molecules of adsorbate and adsorbents. Isotherm also helps to
sponding to various arsenic concentration and are shown in Table 2. provide information about the optimum use of adsorbents. So, in
The regression coefficients (R2 ) for the pseudo first order kinetic order to design an adsorption system to remove arsenic from solu-
model are relatively low and the calculated qe values (qe,cal ) do not tions, it is essential to establish the most appropriate correlation for
A. Dey et al. / Journal of Water Process Engineering 3 (2014) 1–9 7
Table 2
Different kinetic model parameters for arsenic adsorption at 25 ◦ C.
the equilibrium curve. The most useful equilibrium isotherms are where b(L/g), is the Langmuir constant and C0 (g/L) is the
the Langmuir and the Freundlich isotherms. Langmuir isotherm is initial concentration in the liquid phase. The value of RL indicates
based on the assumption that there are a specific number of active the shape of the isotherm to be either unfavorable (RL > 1), linear
sites which are homogenously distributed on the adsorbent surface. (RL = 1), favorable (0 < RL < 1) or irreversible (RL = 0). For the adsorp-
These sites are equivalent and the adsorption involves the attach- tion of arsenic onto the understudy adsorption system, RL values
ment of only one layer of molecules to the surface, i.e. monolayer obtained were in the range of 0.08–0.05. This indicated that the
adsorption. It also assumes that there is no interaction between adsorption was more favorable.
adsorbed molecules. The equation of Langmuir isotherm is repre- The Freundlich isotherm model is an exponential equation that
sented as follows [22]: applies to adsorption on heterogenous surfaces with interaction
between adsorbed species and not restricted to the formation of
qm bCe monolayer. This model assumes that as the adsorbate concentra-
qe = (11)
1 + bCe tion increases, the concentration of adsorbate on the adsorbent
surface also increases and correspondingly that sorption energy
where qe is the amount adsorbed at equilibrium (g/g), Ce is
exponentially decreases on completion of the sorption centers of
the equilibrium concentration of the arsenic (g/L), constant b is
an adsorbent. The expression for Freundlich isotherm is given as
related to the energy of adsorption (L/g), and qm is the Langmuir
monolayer adsorption capacity (g/g). When 1/qe is plotted against
1/Ce (Fig. 9), straight line with slope 1/bqm and intercept 1/qm is
qe = KF Ce 1/n (13)
obtained. The calculated values of Langmuir constants b and qm
are listed in Table 3. The essential characteristics of the Langmuir where KF [(g/g) (L/g)1/n ] is roughly an indicator of the adsorp-
isotherm can be expressed in terms of a dimensionless constant tion capacity and 1/n is a measure of intensity of the adsorption.
separation factor RL that is given by [23]: Higher the 1/n value, more favorable is the adsorption. KF and n
1 values were calculated and shown in Table 3. As seen from Table 3,
RL = (12) high regression correlation coefficient (R2 = 0.99) is shown by the
1 + bC0
Langmuir model. This indicates that the Langmuir model is suit-
able for describing the adsorption equilibrium of arsenic by the
Table 3 modified schwertmannite. The maximum monolayer adsorption
Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm constants for the adsorption of arsenic on CNSh capacity (qm ) determined from the Langmuir isotherm is 1011 g/g.
at 25 ◦ C.
The extent of adsorption is far better than several other adsorbents
Langmuir isotherm constant Freundlich isotherm constant used for arsenic removal [3]. A comparison of adsorption capacities
qm (g/g) b (L/g) R2 KF (g/g) (L/g)1/n n R2 of various adsorbent used for arsenic removal is shown in Table 4.
It may be conclude from the table that the adsorption capacity of
1011 0.018 0.99 175.56 3.67 0.93
present CNSh adsorbent is better that few other adsorbents.
8 A. Dey et al. / Journal of Water Process Engineering 3 (2014) 1–9
Table 4
Comparison of arsenic adsorption capacity of CNSh with some reported adsorbents.
Adsorbent Concentration range (g/L) Surface area (m2 /g) Models used to calculate qe qe (mg/g) References
4. Conclusion
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