Course Outline: Business Economics (ECO409)
Course Outline: Business Economics (ECO409)
Course Outline: Business Economics (ECO409)
2. Course Contents:
i. Business and the economic environment
The economist’s approach to business
The business organization
Profit Maximization calculation
The external business environment
5. Recommended Texts:
Business Economics, 1st Edition N. Gregory Mankiw, Mark P. Taylor, and Andrew Ashwin
Sloman, J., & Jones, E. (2011). Economics and the business environment (3rd Ed.). Harlow:
Financial Times Prentice Hall. (SJ)
Harris, N. (2001), Business Economics; Theory and Application, Oxford, Butterworth
Heinemann. (HN)
Harold Demsetz (1997), The economics of the business firm Seven critical commentaries,
Cambridge University Press.
6. Additional Readings: