A Two-Layered Wavelet-Based Algorithm For Efficient Lossless and Lossy Image Compression

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A Two-Layered Wavelet-Based Algorithm for

Efficient Lossless and Lossy Image


In this paper, we propose a wavelet-based image-coding scheme allowing lossless and

lossy compression, simultaneously. Our two-layered approach utilizes the best of two worlds: it
uses a highly performing wavelet-based or wavelet packet-based coding technique for lossy
compression in the low bit range as a first stage. For the second (optional) stage, we extend the
concept of reversible integer wavelet transforms to the more flexible class of adaptive reversible
integer wavelet packet transforms which are based on the generation of a whole library of bases,
from which the best representation for a given residue between the reconstructed lossy
compressed image and the original image is chosen using a fast-search algorithm. We present
experimental results demonstrating that our compression algorithm yields a rate-distortion
performance similar or superior to the best currently published pure lossy still image-coding
methods. At the same time, the lossless compression performance of our two-layered scheme is
comparable to that of state-of-the-art pure lossless image-coding schemes. Compared to other
combined lossy/lossless coding schemes such as the emerging JPEG-2000 still image-coding
standard PSNR improvements up to 3 dB are achieved for a set of standard test images.
In the past few years, wavelet-based methods have been successfully used for all sorts of lossy
image compression. High coding efficiency, multi-resolution image representation, and rather
moderate computational complexity are the most striking attributes of these new methods.
Current international standardization activities for still image coding (JPEG-2000 [1]) and for
video coding (ITU-H.26L [3], MPEG-4 [4]) are under way, which are likely to incorporate
various lossy coding techniques using wavelet transforms. Lossless image compression, on the
other hand, is still of some concern for special applications such as medical or satellite imaging
where either legal or technical constraints exclude any loss of information. Algorithms for this
type of image compression usually are based on predictive techniques in the spatial domain. The
most efficient lossless image-coding methods like CALIC [25] or JPEG-LS [23] rely on a
sophisticated design of suitable predictors and of appropriate statistical models. However,
recently a number of competitive lossless image-coding techniques using reversible integer
wavelet transforms have been proposed [2], [11], [19], [27]. Among these new lossless image
compression algorithms are some coding techniques, like S P [19], CREW [27], and the JPEG-
2000 image-coding system [2] which, in addition, allow lossy reconstructions out of an
embedded organized bit-stream. This property along with the multiresolution nature of the
underlying wavelet representation is useful especially for fast previewing of losslessly
compressed images in archiving applications as well as for progressive transmission of image
material in telemedical scenarios. Although the combined lossless/lossy coding schemes have a
lossless coding performance comparable to that of the best known pure lossless schemes, they
cannot compete with current state-of-the-art pure lossy still image coders. Our approach aims to
bridge the gap in lossy coding performance between simultaneous lossy and lossless coding
techniques, on the one hand, and pure lossy compression schemes on the other, while
maintaining the same high performance in lossless coding mode as other lossless/lossy
algorithms (like S P). This objective is realized by using a two-layered approach. The first
coding layer of our proposed algorithm uses an appropriately chosen biorthogonal wavelet or
wavelet packet transform, uniform quantization and the (pre-)coding method of partitioning,
aggregation, and conditional coding (PACC) [12]. In the second layer, the residue taken between
the original image and its lossy reconstruction is coded using an adaptively chosen wavelet
packet basis generated from an appropriately pre-defined integer wavelet kernel. Our approach
follows the observation that, in general, a single wavelet and its fixed related basis do not offer
an optimal representation both with respect to lossy and lossless coding performance. In a recent
study [6], it has been shown that other types of wavelets than the popular 9/7-tap bi-orthogonal
filter [7] commonly used in lossy image compression systems show significantly better
performance in lossless coding schemes such as S P. Vice versa, the best losslessly performing
integer wavelets do not yield a sufficiently high energy compaction to compete with state-of-the-
art filter banks in the lossy domain. Thus, we draw the conclusion to break the coding process
into two layers, where in each single layer, we have the freedom to choose an appropriate
wavelet filter and/or basis representation. The presented work is in the same spirit of so-called
“lossy-plus-residual” methods, as proposed in [15], [22]. But, in contrast to these coding
algorithms, our proposal is based on an efficient multi-resolution representation. Which permits
progressive transmission, decoding, and inspection by spatially scalable resolution. In addition,
our algorithm is supplied with a built-in mechanism of adaptation to the user-defined switching
point between the two coding layers, thus compensating to a large extent the main weakness of
the aforementioned lossy-plus-residual methods, which consists in a strong dependency of the
lossless compression performance on the quality of the lossy reconstruction. This paper is
organized as follows. In Section II, a brief overview of our proposed coding method is given.
The key technique of adaptive wavelet packet transforms, and its realization with the help of fast
search algorithms is the main topic of Section III. Section IV contains a detailed description of
the lossy coding stage of our two-layered scheme with a special emphasis on a proposed method
of adaptive dequantization which have not been published previously. The methods used to
losslessly encode the residual image are discussed in Section V. In Section VI, we present
simulation results for a comparison of our proposed algorithm with current state-of-the-art
image-coding methods along with a brief discussion on some aspects regarding the
computational complexity of our proposed method. Conclusions can be found in Section VII.


In Fig. 1, a block diagram of our proposed two-layered compression
scheme is given. The first layer, as depicted in the upper
part of Fig. 1, consists of a discrete wavelet transform (DWT), a
uniform quantizer (Q), and the PACC precoding module. A dequantization
( ) and a subsequent inverse DWT ( )
feed the second layer of the coding algorithm with a reconstructed
image of the original image . Given the residual
image and an appropriately chosen integer wavelet
kernel, the second coding stage starts with the construction of
an image-dependent library of wavelet packet bases. A fast
search algorithm for the best basis provides an information
cost minimizing representation of , which is further
processed in a pre-coding module and finally enters the arithmetic
coder, where both the lossy and lossless part are multiplexed
to a composite bit-stream.
In addition, we consider a variation of this two-layered
scheme which has the same architecture, but where the lossy
coding stage is also supplied with an adaptively chosen discrete
wavelet packet transform (DWPT). To distinguish this
latter scheme from the former one, we introduce the notation
powerful technique.
A. Wavelet Packet Representation and Best-Basis Search
Given an input image and a wavelet kernel, i.e., a pair of
low- and high-pass filters ( ), the construction of a library
of separable wavelet, packet bases is performed by iterated application
of ( ) on rows and columns of , subsequently
[26]. At each iteration step, four subbands are generated out of
a given subband according to the recursive relation1
where and . The collection of all subband
decompositions of for a given maximum decomposition level
forms a full balanced quadtree of depth , where each subtree
covering the root corresponds to a so-called wavelet packet
basis. Thus, we have a one-to-one correspondence between the
full depth- quadtree of subbands of a given image and a library
of WP-bases . The standard wavelet basis which is
related to an octave band tree generated by an iterative decomposition
of the low-pass band is, for instance, a particular
member of this library.
Due to the tree structure of the WP library ,
a fast search for the best representation in the sense of minimum
information cost is feasible. Provided that an information
cost-functional operating on is given, such that is additive
in the sense that the cost of four child nodes equals the
sum of the costs of each of the four children, the so-called best
basis of a given image is obtained by traversing
the quadtree from the leaves to the root and by applying the following
“divide-and-conquer” rule at each node: if the sum of the
cost of the four child nodes is greater than or equal to the cost
of the parent, prune the part of the tree below the parent node,
otherwise assign the children’s cost to the parent node [8], [26].
This algorithm introduced by Coifman and Wickerhauser
[8] is a powerful tool for the generation of an appropriate
representation of signals with a-priori unknown spectral properties.
Residual images obtained as quantization error images
with strongly differing quality of the base layer reconstruction
belong to this type of signals. This observation leads to the idea
of constructing a WP library based on an appropriately chosen
1In a mathematical rigorous sense this relation holds only for an orthogonal

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