Up Mock Law Aptitude Exam 2019 Questionaire
Up Mock Law Aptitude Exam 2019 Questionaire
Up Mock Law Aptitude Exam 2019 Questionaire
16. A student must learn, not only to read, 21.. OUTFOX : STRATEGY ::
but to assess, examine, and how to apply a. outrun : speed
theory. b. outlast : force
a. but how to assess, examine, and c. outdo : trickery
apply theory. d. defeat : stamina
b. but to assess, to examine, and
how to apply theory. 22. COAX : BLANDISHMENTS ::
c. but to assess, examine, and a. amuse : platitudes
apply theory. b. compel : threats
d. but the assessment, examination, c. deter : tidings
and application of theory. d. batter : insults
17. One must learn the basic 23. ERRATA : BOOKS : : FLAWS:
fundamentals of basketball to be able to a. Manuscripts
write a commentary on it. b. Metals
a. must learn the fundamental c. Speech
d. Charter
basics of
b. must fundamentally learn the
24. TRIAL : JURY ::
basics of basketball
a. dispute : arbiter
c. must learn the basics of basketball b. poll : contestant
d. must learn the fundamentals to c. championship : spectator
Basketball d. conference : speaker
CRITICAL THINKING 26. Which among the following
statements would the author most
INSTRUCTIONS: This part of the exam tests likely make?
your mastery in reading and critically a. “People are free to make any obscene
understanding texts, passages, and gesture they want anywhere they want.”
selections. This part has 30 items. You are b. “Mocking the government in posters
given 40 minutes to answer this test. DO and pasting them in public areas are
NOT PROCEED TO THE NEXT PART UNTIL impotent subversive acts.”
INSTRUCTED TO BY THE PROCTOR. c. “The government has no right to
compel artists not to mock certain
A. CRITICAL THINKING groups of people.”
d. “Writers should not criticize private
I. Excerpt from “The Crucible of Free individuals because they cannot fight
Speech” from Florin T. Hilbay back in substantial manner.”
The test of a society’s commitment to 27. Which among the following laws
freedom of expression lies in its defense would the author likely support?
of marginalized forms of speech. I say in a. A law imposing punishing editors of
class, free speech is for speech that you newspapers for publishing obscene
b. A law establishing guidelines for the “We follow the market forces. Ang
content of art exhibits mahalaga ay namo-monitor ng DOE ang
c. A law dissolving the Movie and pagtaas at alam nila kung anong range ang
Television Review and Classification dapat itaas at kung anong range ang
Board (MTRCB) ibababa,” Lacierda said. While the oil
d. A law requiring F. Sionil Jose’s novels players had imposed a series of oil price
to be part of the high school curriculum increases, Lacierda said, “Over the weekend
yata bababa
28. The author would likely regard the ulit iyong presyo ng langis.”
following as protected forms of
speech except: Lacierda said the Palace will discuss with
a. A painting depicting President Energy Secretary Rene Almendras whether
Noynoy Aquino as a puppet controlled the government will continue the Pantawid
by Uncle Sam Pasada Program of giving subsidy to
b. A sculpture of Emilio Aguinaldo legitimate passenger jeepneys, buses and
stabbing Andres Bonifacio at the back tricycles franchise owners to help them
c. A homily of a Catholic priest about the cope with the impact of the oil price hikes.
divinity of Jesus Christ PhilippineNews Agency
d. None of the above
29. The Author in the entire passage
suggests that: 30. What is the news article refusing to
a. The freedom of speech is absolute state?
b. Only the speech we hate is entitled to a. Oil price increases are justified
the protection of the constitutional b. The government is helpless in
guarantee to freedom of expression stopping oil price increases
c. The speech we hate are those that c. The price of petroleum products will
disturb, offend, and anger us not drop
d. The freedom of speech covers forms d. The government is helping drivers
of expression that seek to offend us cope with the oil price hikes
II. DOE monitors movement of oil 31. What is the role of the government
prices, says Malacañang as implied by the article?
a. Passively monitor the rise and fall of
MANILA, Sept. 8 -- Malacañ ang assured oil prices
the public that the Department of Energy b. Help public utility drivers cope with
(DOE) is closely monitoring the oil the increase in oil prices
companies to ensure that oil price increases c. Keep the price of petroleum products
would be justified. In a regular news at an affordable range
briefing held in Malacañ ang on Thursday, d. Regulate the oil industry
Presidential Spokesperson Edwin Lacierda
said the DOE regularly monitors the oil 32. The news article shows bias
prices to ensure if these accurately reflect towards:
the prices of petroleum products in the a. Oil companies
international market. b. The public
c. The government
d. Transport groups
type of business investment could
III. “The fact that superior service can fail to enhance revenues
generate a competitive advantage for a d. trace the general problems of a
company does not mean that every company to a certain type of
attempt at improving service will create business investment
such an advantage. Investments in
service, like those in production and 34. According to the passage,
distribution, must be balanced against Investments in service are
other types of investments on the basis comparable to investments in
of direct, tangible benefits such as cost production and distribution in
reduction and increased revenues. If a terms of the contrast possible
company is already effectively on a par outcomes of a type of business
with its competitors because it provides investment
service that avoids a damaging reputation a. tangibility of the benefits that they
and keeps customers from leaving at an tend to confer
unacceptable rate, then investment in b. increased revenues that they
higher service levels may be wasted, since ultimately produce
service is a deciding factor for customers c. basis on which they need to be
only in weighed
extreme situations. This truth was not d. insufficient analysis that managers
apparent to managers of one devote to them
regional bank, which failed to improve
its competitive position despite its 35. The passage suggests which of the
investment in reducing the time a following about service provided by
customer had to wait for a teller. The the regional bank prior to its
bank managers did not recognize the investment in enhancing that service?
level of customer inertia in the consumer a. It enabled the bank to retain
banking industry that arises from the customers at an acceptable rate
inconvenience of switching banks. Nor b. It threatened to weaken the bank's
did they analyze their service improvement competitive position with respect to
to determine whether it would attract new other regional banks
customers by producing a new standard of c. It had already been improved after
service that would excite customers or by having caused damage to the bank's
proving difficult for competitors to copy. reputation in the past.
The only merit of the improvement was d. It was slightly superior to that of the
that it could easily be described to bank's regional competitors.
33. The primary purpose of the The potato, like other root crops, has an
passage is to unearned reputation in some countries as
a. contrast possible outcomes of a type of an inferior food, or a port person’s staple.
business investment While roots are the main ingredient of a
b. suggest more careful evaluation of a type diet of half a million people, the potato’s
of business investment nutritive content of protein, fiber,
c. illustrate various ways in which a minerals, and vitamin B1, B2, and C hardly
makes it inferior.Medical researchers including socioeconomic status, birth order,
report that potatoes are even better than family size and rate of physical maturity. Dr.
milk for malnourished children, who often Wilson said the difference was small but
cannot digest milk. Potatoes provide a significant.
high-quality protein similar to that in
dairy products. Unfortunately, the potato The researchers based their findings on
is still out of reach of a poor person’s data from a study involving nearly 14,000
budget in many developingcountries such children from six to 17 years old.
as Indonesia and the Philippines.
38. One cause the researchers suggested for
the connection between height and test
scores was the tall children’s __________.
QUESTIONS a. greater rate of physical maturity
b. increased growth hormone production
36. According to this passage, why might c. response to greater expectations
potatoes be better than milk for children d. general health and better nutrition
who are improperly nourished?
a. Potatoes contain quite a bit of calcium. 39. The researchers found that the
b. Potatoes have more B vitamins than milk. difference between the tests scores of tall
and short children __________.
c. These children often cannot assimilate a. can be linked to socioeconomic status.
milk. b. is meaningful although it is small.
d. These children often cannot find a supply. c. appears to be inexplicable.
d. is worthless for measuring intelligence.
A. 4
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3
E. None of the above
A. 8:49am
B. 8.35am
C. 8.23am
D. 8.29am
E. None of the above.
A. 0 A. 28km
B. 8 B. 15km
C. 12 C. 20km
D. 26 D. 25km
E. None of the above E. None of the above
64. Rebecca must give 5 out of every 6 68. A sequence of numbers is changing by
dollars she earns each week to the tax the same amount each time. The third,
department. If Rebecca gets to keep $10 this fourth and fifth numbers are 6 , 2 , and -2.
week, how much did she earn in total this What is the sum of the first eight items in
week? the sequence?
A. -64 kilograms. From another supplier, Robert,
B. 0 she can buy small quantities of corn cobs
C. 70 (100 or less) for $1 per cob or larger
D. 14 quantities (more than 100) for $0.60 per
E. None of the above cob. Mandy charges all of her customers by
weight, so she gets $5 per kilogram of corn
cobs or $1.25 for an individual corn cob. If
Mandy is going to sell over 100 kilograms of
69. It takes 1.5 litres of sugar soap to wash a corn cobs today, what is the best profit per
square meter of ceiling and 0.5 litres of corn cob she can make?
sugar soap to wash a square meter of wall.
Nikki’s room is 4 meters high and each wall A. $0.65
is 5 meters wide. There is one window, B. $0.85
which is 4m2 and a door, which is 9m 2. How C. $0.80
much sugar soap will Nikki need, assuming D. $0.60
she does not wash the door or window (a E. None of the above
room has four walls and a roof)?
73. A motorbike race was scheduled to start
A. 33.5 litres at 4.10pm; however, it started 10 minutes
B. 67 litres behind schedule. If the motorbike that came
C. 71 litres first finished one hour and fifteen minutes
D. 77.5 litres after the race began, and the motorbike that
E. None of the above came in second place finished 15 minutes
after this, at what time did the motorbike
70. Two numbers are each multiplied by that came second cross the finish line?
themselves to give two new numbers. The
difference between these two new numbers A. 5.30am
is less than ten; the difference between the B. 5.40pm
two original numbers was one. The two C. 5.50pm
original numbers added together was more D. 4.30pm
than 7. What is one of the original numbers? E. None of the above
a. 73
----------DO NOT PROCEED-------- b. 71
c. 70
d. 72
89. 7 4 8 13 7 14
a. 7
b. 17
c. 23
d. 22
90. 7 5 15 12 21 17
a. 12
b. 9
c. 22
a. 18 93. JZ KY LX MW
b. 28
c. 14 a. NU
d. 35 b. MV
c. NW A. 512
d. NV B. 1024
C. 1053
94. 56D 60E 64F 68G D. 65536
a. m+n
b. n+o
c. p+q
d. m-n
96. Y V S P M J ?
A. F
B. G
C. H 103. Which figure completes the series?
D. I
97. D N G M J L M ?
104. Which figure completes the series?
A. K
B. L
C. N
105. Which figure completes the series?
D. O
106. Which figure completes the statement?
99. (1-14) (3-12) (5-10) (7-8) (?-?) 107. Which figure completes the statement?
A. (8-7)
B. (41-1)
C. (9-6)
D. (10-5)
108. Which figure completes the statement?
100. 2 4 16 256 ?
--------DO NOT PROCEED-----------
121. All of the following are errors in 124. Gilas Pilipinas practices twice a
the reasoning of the speaker in the day and simulates game situations to
passage above EXCEPT: minimize their errors come game time.
a. The speaker claims that he This statement is an example of which
knows how to make great one of the following assumptions?
coffee. A. Practice makes perfect.
b. The argument takes as fact B. To err is human.
what is unproven personal C. Practice allows one to prepare for real
opinion. conditions.
c. The argument assumes that D. People make mistakes; that’s why they
the largest coffee chain in put erasers on pencils
Seattle represents American E. Simulation is the same as the actual
coffee. event.
d. The speaker claims
complete knowledge of a 125. For the post-election party, no
large number of cafes in actor or actress was invited to
Paris. Malacanang Palace unless he or she
e. The examples the speaker was more than 30 years old. No one
cites of good and bad coffee older than 30 was both an
are vague and unspecific. actor/actress and invited to the palace.
Which one of the following conclusions
122. The presence of the gas X is a can be logically drawn from the
necessary condition, but not a sufficient statements above?
condition, for the existence of life on the
A. No one but actors or actresses were the evidence that is advanced in
invited to the palace. its support
B. Only persons older than 30 were invited b. Questioning the accuracy of the
to the palace. evidence on which his argument
C. No one over 30 was invited to the palace. depends.
D. No actor or actress was invited to the c. Providing evidence that
palace. contradicts his conclusion
E. Some actors or actresses over 30 were d. Refusing to deal with the logic of
invited to the palace. his argument
e. Offering counter-explanations
126. No one who is a member of the
basketball team takes any banned 128. If people would use soap and
substance. No first-rate athlete takes water instead of toilet paper, less
banned substances. Therefore, only paper would be manufactured. So we
first-rate athletes become members of should replace toilet paper with soap
the basketball team. and water, and the forests of the world
will not be consumed so rapidly. This
The reasoning here is in error since argument depends on which one of the
the conclusion does not allow for following assumptions?
the possibility of A. Using soap and water will consume
A. A non-substance abuser on the basketball resources less valuable than forests.
team who is a second-rate athlete B. The cost of soap and water may be less
B. A first-rate athlete who doesn’t play than toilet paper.
basketball C. The pace at which the forests is being
C. An ex-substance abuser who is a first-rate consumed should be reduced.
athlete D. The economic advantages of using soap
D. A non-substance abuser who is not a and water outweigh those of using toilet
first-rate athlete paper.
E. A substance abuser who is a first-rate E. People are rarely willing to give up a
basketball player convenience for an advantage that is not
immediately perceptible.
127. Joaquin: Crop circles are turning
up all over the place with the designs 129. Teacher: Have you studied for this
too intricate to be done by human test?
hands. Strange lights have been seen in Student: Yes. I spent at least two
the sky on the night before the crop hours on logarithms alone.
circles were discovered, and no human Teacher: And you have reviewed
suspects have ever been found. They derivatives as well?
must be created by aliens. Student: I studied that lesson thrice.
Teacher: You aren’t being honest
Mel: Maybe it’s some weird cult or here. If you’d studied, you wouldn’t
some misfits playing a prank. I don’t have confused basic facts like
know all the facts of the story, and I Lagrange’s notation with Leibniz’s
have no certain explanation myself, notation.
but it is unlikely that extra-
terrestrial beings would go to the The professor’s reasoning is flawed
extent of making useless crop for each of the following reasons
circles. EXCEPT:
a. It does not consider the
Mel responds to Joaquin’s possibility that lack of
explanation by concentration can cause poor
a. Demonstrating that his retention.
conclusion is inconsistent with
b. It assumes the study regimen 133. Protesting against racial injustice
mentioned by the student would only causes more of it to occur.
be effective. a. Questionable analogy
c. It connects repeated reading b. Slippery Slope
with retention. c. Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc
d. It assumes the basic facts are d. Confusing Cause and Effect
easy to remember.
e. It ignores the possibility that the 134. Immigration to California from
student may have been ill or Mexico increased. Soon after, the
tired during the exam, causing welfare rolls increased. Therefore, the
poor performance. increased immigration caused the
increase in welfare rolls.
130. Left-handed people have above- a. Begging the Question
average IQ. Popoy is left-handed. b. Circular Definition
Therefore, Popoy has above average c. Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc
IQ. The pattern of reasoning in the d. Hasty generalization
argument is flawed most similarly to
which of the following arguments? --------DO NOT PROCEED---------
A. Wolves leave scent trails for the rest of
their pack to follow. Scent trails are
common among social animals. Therefore,
all social animals are wolves.
B. Rice is not a good plant to grow in
containers. Grain is not a good plant to
grow in containers. Therefore, rice is grain.
C. Narra is solid and sturdy. Rubber wood is
less sturdy but also less expensive.
Therefore, rubber wood is the choice of
furniture makes.
D. School staff and custodians often belong
to unions. Jack wants to become a
custodian. Therefore, Jack will probably join
a union.
E. Banana trees provide fruit for wildlife.
Wildlife has many food sources. Therefore,
banana trees are not necessary as wildlife
food source.
136. The Franciscan friar who was one of 143. Who discovered magnetic field of
the antagonists in Rizal’s Noli Me Tangere? electric current?
A. Padre Salvi A. Ampere
B. Faraday 149. He was one of the most famous poets
C. Fleming of Tondo who became mentor of Francisco
D. Edison Balagtas, the author of Florante at Laura.
a. Jose Abad Santos
144. The equator passes through which of b. Jose de la Cruz (Huseng Sisiw)
the following continents ? c. Jose Cruz
A. Africa d. Jose de la Pen
B. Australia
C. Europe 150. Who wrote the novel “One Hundred
D. North America Years of Solitude”?
a. Mario Vargas Llosa
145. The first coin minted in the Philippines b. Gabriel Garcia Marquez
was called? c. Jean Paul Sartre
a. Barillas d. Albert Camus
b. Mamiso e. Leo Tolstoy
c. Both a and b are correct
d. None of the above 151. Word processing, spreadsheet, and
photo-editing are examples of:
146. In 1808, French Emperor Napoleon a. application software
Bonaparte installed his brother as King of b. system software
Spain who later gave Filipinos Spanish c. operating system software
d. platform software
Citizenship and grants the colony
e. surface software
representation in the Spanish Cortes.
What’s the name of this King? 152. A ____________ is approximately one
a. Jose Bonaparte billion bytes.
b. Juan Bonaparte a. bit
c. Leonardo Bonaparte b. kilobyte
d. Joseph Bonaparte c. gigabyte
d. megabyte
147. They were the first Philippine e. terabyte
delegates to the Spanish Cortes who took
153. Which general famously stated 'I shall
their oath of office in Madrid 1812.
a. Pedro Perez de Tagle and Jose Manuel
a. Bull Hasley
Coretto b. George Patton
b. Pedro Perez de Tagle and Jose Manuel c. Douglas MacArthur
Correa d. Omar Bradley
c. Pedro Perez de Tugade and Jose Manuel e. James Leeway
Coretto 154. The Hundred Years War was fought
d. None of the above between what two countries?
a. Italy and Carthage
148. Where was Napoleon Bonaparte b. England and Germany
c. France and England
d. Spain and France
a. Paris
e. Norway and Russia
b. Moscow
c. Madrid 155. Where was Grace Poe abandoned as an
d. Waterloo abandoned newborn baby?
a. On the footsteps of a Church in
Jaro, Iloilo City
b. Outside the gates of Fernando Poe
Jr.’s house
c. In a trash bin in a public market in
Jaro, Iloilo City
d. Outside the gates of an orphanage