Chest and Shoulder Exercise
Chest and Shoulder Exercise
Chest and Shoulder Exercise
Chest Exercise
Malbino,Vanessa E
Chest Exercise
This chest exercise can be done in gym or home.The ways to the lateral plank way is begin by getting
into a high plank position, tensing your body to form a straight line and keeping your core engaged.Step
your left foot and your left hand simultaneously to the side, then step your right hand and left foot
across to meet the other. Keep your core engaged and maintain proper plank form the entire
time.Continue walking your hands and feet another step to the left, then return to center and repeat the
same movements but in the opposite direction (this time two steps to the right.Continue for the
indicated number of repetitions.
Seedman says many women shy away from training their chest because they think their breasts will
shrink, but that's actually the opposite of what can happen—chest workouts for women are kind of like
a non-surgical method of breast augmentation. (Plus they might just help you finally rock that elusive
pull-up!)"What you're doing is pushing the breast tissue up and forward more, so it gives the illusion
that your breasts are bigger," he says. Plus, adding muscle to your chest helps elevate your breasts,
"almost acting like a push-up bra."And don't forget: Adding muscle beneath the actual breast tissue
doesn't take away from the breast tissue itself.
Push-ups are a great bodyweight exercise that hits your chest and arms. The beauty of the push-up
is that you can do it anywhere and anytime by using your own body weight, you just need a firm surface.
The push-up requires several muscle groups to work, unlike other exercises that require weights, it
works the smaller muscle groups and uses them as stabilizers. This means that your core and hip flexors
are also affected even though your chest is the main target.
Wide push-ups are your regular push-ups with the arms placed wider than shoulder-width apart.
They concentrate the effect on the chest more because of the wider placement of hands. How too do
Wide Push-up get into the push-up position on your hands and toes with your spine straight and abs
tight.Place your hands wider than shoulder-width apart, in line with your shoulders.Press down by
bending your elbows and go as low as you can.Push yourself up to the starting position.Do 3 sets of 10
reps and rest for 15 seconds between the sets.
Chest exercises will not make your breasts bigger or smaller, but they can help improve the shape
of your breasts and offer a cost-effective way to get rid of breast sagging.Chest exercises enhance the
pectoral muscles that lie at the base of your chest. This results in higher and relatively larger-looking
breasts, improving their shape.
Perform Inclined Push up
The chest muscles are a muscle group that should not be neglected in any workout program. A
muscular body without a matching muscular chest will look strange and uneven. For men and women
alike, strong chest muscles will make it easier to perform everyday tasks, such as pushing heavy objects
such as a lawnmower.[1] Most muscles groups, such as the thighs, calves, arms, and abs, can easily be
exercised without the need for weights or other equipment, but many people think that working out the
chest requires a trip to the gym. However, there are many chest exercises you can do with no
equipment at all, or with furniture in your home.
These are similar to basic pushups, but your body is elevated by a piece of furniture such as a bench,
chair, or desk that you rest your hands against. The ways to do the perform inclined push up js first,Lie
face down with you hands on the bench. Position your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart,
and your feet about hip-width apart, with your toes on the floor. Keep your back and legs as straight as
you can.Then, slowly and steadily lower your body so that your chest is just a few inches from the
bench.Return to the starting position by straightening your arms, and repeat.Incline pushups are an easy
variation, making them great for beginners
Working the chest muscles has the added benefit of toning and strengthening the muscles in your
arms and upper back as most of the chest exercises also work on your triceps, biceps, and
deltoids.Working the pectoral muscles also prevents breast sagging
Perform Elevated Push up
Decline push-ups put greater pressure on the chest area as compared to neutral push-ups.
You can use a stability ball or a block for doing these push-ups.Find a sturdy chair or bench that
won't slide across the ground and is able to hold your weight. Then, get into the basic pushup position,
but place your feet on the chair rather than on the ground. Straighten your back so that your feet and
your body creates a horizontal line parallel with the floor. There are two step to do the perform
elevated push up first,Place the chair up against the wall for extra stability.One repetition consists of
bending your arms down to a 90 degree angle and straightening them out again.
Chest exercises help strengthen and tone your upper body. A great upper body will make you fit
and strong, thereby helping you do your day-to-day tasks easily. Don’t wait! Pump some iron and start
bench-pressing,When you fix your posture, you also open up your chest, which makes it easier to take
deep, quality breaths. The pec minor in particular is especially helpful, as the smaller, triangular muscle
attaches at the middle of your third, fourth, and fifth ribs. Any time you breathe in, the pec minor
stretches, allowing your rib cage to expand."If the pec muscles are overly shortened, then breathing will
be significantly impaired because you're not going to be able to open up the diaphragm," says Seedman.
But if you're lengthening those chest fibers, breathing and the ability to improve oxygenation to all your
muscles is going
When it comes to posture, the back and shoulders get all the attention. However, as one of the
largest muscles in the upper body, the pecs play an equally important role in maintaining posture and
upright stability, namely by supporting the scapula (your shoulder blade) and the shoulder joint
itself.Every muscle that surrounds the scapula and shoulder is going to be important for stabilizing those
joints, says Joel Seedman, Ph.D., exercise physiologist and owner of Advanced Human Performance in
Suwanee, Georgia. "If one gets weaker, then you will have offset tension across the joints.And if one
muscle becomes overly shortened or lengthened, it won't matter much if they're strong or weak—the
pecs won't be able to sufficiently do their job. The biggest culprit of shortening? Your computer. When
you slouch over it all day, you simultaneously shorten your chest muscle fibers and lengthen your back
ones, says Seedman
Perform single-leg pushups
Start in the basic pushup position, with your feet spread to shoulder width or wider. Lift one foot so
that it is hovering off of the ground and then complete each repetition just as you would with a basic
Steps to do single leg push up After doing a few repetitions, switch legs. For example, try to do five
single-leg pushups with your left leg raised, then do another five with the right raised.Keep your glutes
tight while doing these. If you want to, you can exercise your legs at the same time by moving the knee
of the raised leg toward your elbow as you push up, and switching legs with each repetition. Some
people call these, "reptile" or "lizard" pushups.The wider apart your feet are, the harder the push up will
be, because it will shift more of your weight to one arm. Single-leg pushups are among the most
challenging variations.[10] You will probably need to work up to these.
Outside of the gym, your pecs play a major role in a wide variety of daily activities, from loading grocery
bags into the house, to pushing open a heavy door or lugging a suitcase around an airport. "Pretty much
any upper-body activity or motion that we do involves the pectoral muscles to a significant degree," says
The primary functions of your pecs are to flex (raise), adduct (bring back), and medially rotate (turn
inward) your upper arm. So, "if you think of picking things up, holding things, squeezing things, or any
kind of movement that involves pushing, the pecs are involved in all of that," says Thomas.
That's why, if your pecs are weak from disuse, the simple act of carrying and loading grocery bags into
your house can feel like a challenge. From a purely functional standpoint, you'll make your day-to-day
way easier if you add this chest workout for women to your exercise agenda.
Shoulder Exercise
Start lying on stomach, arms extended forward, legs straight behind body, feet pointed, all four
limbs, plus head and chest lifted to hover off floor. Then, circle arms out wide and back by sides,
squeezing shoulder blades together. Reverse movement to return to start. That’s one rep.
Shoulder training has several benefits beyond the aesthetic; it enhances posture and strengthens the
muscles surrounding the shoulder joint, creating more stability and an overall sturdier body structure.
The shoulder joint is one of the most delicate joints. The shoulder joint allows a greater range of
movement (think about doing arm circles). When the muscles surrounding the shoulder joint are weak,
this movement can become altered, creating instability and often leading to injury. Keeping the
shoulders free from injury means training the rotator cuff (muscles that stabilize the shoulder) as well as
the deltoid muscle (the muscle you can see that surrounds the shoulder). The shoulder joint has several
key stabilizers that act to keep the shoulder moving optimally, allowing enhanced definition around the
shoulder. Training the muscles of the rotator cuff (subscapularis, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, and teres
minor) will stabilize the shoulder joint, helping you avoid injuries.
The most obvious benefit of the shoulder press exercise is improved strength. The exercise targets
several of the major upper body muscles including the deltoids, trapezius, triceps, serratus anterior and
the upper portion of the pecs. This exercise is particularly important for women who tend to lack upper
body strength. Although you don't really need to worry about it now, as you age you begin to lose
muscle and it could eventually be difficult to lift something as small as a can of soup above your head.
The shoulder press is an important exercise to do now and continue to do throughout your life to help
maintain your health and independence.An important benefit of the shoulder press exercise as well as
any other strength-training exercise is increased bone strength. During the lift, the load placed on your
bones by the weights stresses them and causes them to adapt, just like your muscles. Your bones
respond by increasing their mineral density and becoming stronger, which decreases your risk of
osteoporosis -- something that will definitely benefit you later on.
Side Plank
As the least stable joint in your body, your shoulders will benefit from exercises designed to
strengthen supporting muscles while gently increasing your range of motion, so that you can easily
swing a golf club or reach overhead, for example. Impingements that prevent movements like these are
often a result of poor shoulder flexibility and impaired movement patterns. Maintaining strength and
flexibility in your shoulder also reduces stress across the joint, making you less susceptible to bursitis
and tendonitis.
Target of this exercise are,Lateral (side) deltoids, anterior (front) deltoids, posterior (back) deltoids,
triceps, biceps, abs, obliques, glutes, hamstrings, and quads. The step are, Lie down on your right side.
Your right forearm should be at 90 degrees with the upper arm. Keep your palm flat on the floor, the
right elbow exactly below the right shoulder. Place your left hand on your waist.Lift your hips off the
floor. Make sure your neck is in line with your spine. Do not drop it down.Hold this pose for 30-60
seconds.Do it on the other side as well. Do 3 sets of 30-60 seconds hold
You will likely experience improved stability in your arms, shoulders and torso after several workouts
doing the shoulder press. The movement calls upon the stabilizer muscles of your wrists, elbows and
shoulders to ensure that your joints stay in place as you press the weights. While the exercise does not
directly target your torso muscles, they are used extensively to maintain your posture as you lift the
weights overhead. This will eventually lead to better core stabilization and overall balance, especially if
you perform the shoulder press standing up.The shoulder press exercise can benefit you in other areas
of your active life. For example, regular shoulder presses can improve your performance during triceps-
targeting exercises, bench presses and even hand stand pushups. Keeping your muscles strong with the
shoulder press exercise will also decrease your risk of injury during other activities such as swimming,
soft ball, lacrosse or other instances where you use your arms and upper body.
Elbow Plank
The target of this exercise are, Anterior (front) deltoids, lateral (side) deltoids, posterior (back)
deltoids, triceps, abs, glutes, hamstrings, and quads.the steps are, Get on all fours. Bend your elbows
and rest them on the floor. Extend your legs behind.Hold this pose for 30-60 seconds. Do 3 sets of 30-60
seconds hold.Shoulder exercises are not only for men, and neither will they make you muscular. Doing a
few shoulder exercises regularly will improve your upper body strength and add an X-factor to your
personality. Talk to your trainer and start exercising your shoulders today.
You’ll feel the results before they become noticeably visible. If you work out at least two to three
times per week for at least 20 minutes, you’ll be able to see results within a few weeks or months.
Visible results can also depend on factors such as your body size, body fat percentage, and diet. How
long and intense your workouts are and your fitness level can also affect results. Strong shoulders make
most arm movements easier, whether you’re throwing a baseball, passing food across the table, or
lifting a suitcase that’s a little too heavy. Virtually every upper-body exercise involves your shoulder
muscles to some extent, so strengthening your shoulders enables you to lift heavier weights for chest
and back exercises.
Pike Push up
Shoulder width can be changed to a certain degree. You can’t change your bone structure, which is
determined mostly by genetics. This includes the width of the collarbones, an important part of shoulder
width.However, you can build up and develop muscular shoulders. You can use training methods to
make your shoulders stronger, which makes them look wider and aesthetically pleasing. Since you’ll
want to make sure your shoulders look well-developed from the front, side, and back, you’ll want to
work all the parts of your shoulders. This can also help correct rounded, or “sloping,” shoulders.
The target of this exercise are,Anterior (front) deltoids, lateral (side) deltoids, posterior (back)
deltoids, triceps, serratus anterior (side of your chest), and pectoralis major (chest muscle).The steps are
first ,Get into the plank position and push your hips up towards the sky such that you are in the
Downward Dog pose.Bend your elbows, and try to touch your head to the floor and press up. Do 3 sets
of 10 reps.
If your shoulders are weak, they’re going to take a beating even if you perform chest and back
exercises perfectly. Shoulder exercises also can prevent weekend warrior–type injuries, such as a torn
rotator cuff from a softball tournament, or slapping a puck into the garbage can that serves as your
hockey goal. If your shoulders are weak, you can even injure yourself while opening a dresser drawer.
Plank Ups
Wide shoulders are desirable because they can make your frame look more proportional by
widening the appearance of the upper body. They create an inverted triangle shape in the upper body
that’s wider at the top and narrower at the waist. Wide shoulders are more square than round, and
sometimes have a bony protrusion. They’re often associated with athleticism.Wide shoulders are usually
strong, which can help you with everyday tasks such as lifting heavy objects or playing sports. You’ll also
be less likely to injure yourself during exercise.
The targer of this exercise are, Anterior (front) deltoids, lateral (side) deltoids, posterior (back)
deltoids, triceps, biceps, abs, glutes, hamstrings, and quads.Get into a plank position. Keep your core
engaged, neck in line with your spine, and look down.Flex your right elbow and place your right forearm
flat on the floor.Flex your left elbow and place your left forearm flat on the floor. You are now in an
elbow plank position.Without pausing, place your right palm flat on the floor and extend your right arm.
Place your left palm flat on the floor and extend your left arm. Now, you will be in a push-up position. Do
2 sets of 10 reps
Having well-developed shoulders can indicate strength and health since you’ll have lots of
upper body muscle mass. It’s recommended that you support shoulder strength with a strong
back and arms as well as a lean waist.Standing up straight can help enhance the appearance of
your shoulders. Opening your chest and drawing your shoulders back down your spine can help
improve your posture. This can make you feel and look more confident and boost your mood.