Relevance of Selected Articles
Relevance of Selected Articles
Relevance of Selected Articles
These two research papers are extremely relevant to my question because both of
the papers study how to extract the “textural features” of images and how they are
implemented to categorize images captured in real-life dataset. Haralick et al. [1]
clearly explains the definition of the “texture” and its relationship with other
characteristics in the image such as “spectral” and “contextual”. They develop a
procedure to get the set of textural information from image under an assumption
that these information are contained in the overall spatial relationship which gray
tones in the image have to one another [1]. Moreover, he also introduced two
classification algorithms that employ these textural features to categorize image
blocks. Ultimately, some experiments are also conducted to investigate the
usefulness of this methodology. Ojala et al. [2] note that the textures in real world
are often not uniform that they have variations in orientation, scale, gray scale, etc.,
hence, they introduce a more powerful approach to classify images using gray-scale
and rotation invariant textures. Importantly, there are also two experiments set up
to justify their findings.
Critiques of articles:
The first research paper gives me an understandable definition of “textural features”
and describe clearly step-by-step methodology to compute these features. The
author prompts me to a procedure that “Gray-Tone Spatial Dependencies Matrices”
are firstly constructed to store the frequencies that how often one gray tone will
appear in a specified spatial relationship to another gray tone in the image [1]. Then,
a set of 14 measures of these textural features are computed based on the
calculated matrices. As a result, some of the measures are utilized as the inputs for
training classifier models. The two classification algorithms introduced, which are the
“Piecewise Linear Discriminant Function Method” and the “Min-Max Decision Rule”,
show how these “textural features” can be used as inputs for training models,
however, in my opinion, they do not have adequate mathematical derivations and
behavior explanations [1]. At the bottom, Haralick et al. [1] conducted experiments
to show us the applicability and the importance of these features in practical images
classification. For examples, in terms of the “Satellite Imagery Data Set”, the overall
accuracy of the classifier implementing “texture features” is 83.5 percent, which
outperform the accuracy of one using only “spectral features” (74-77 percent) [1].
The strength of the second research paper is threefold. Firstly, it points out the
difficulty encountered in the real world as the variations of the “texture” and prove
that the proposed improvement in the paper is essential. Not only invariant to the
“monotonic gray-scale transformation” and “rotation”, the approach developed
using joint distribution of gray values of a circularly symmetric neighbor set of pixels
in a local neighborhood, also has computation simplicity that earlier studies have not
addressed [2]. Secondly, all the approach properties mentioned above and
terminologies appeared in the paper are justified and explained in such an intuitive
hierarchy. Lastly, the two experiments operated demonstrate apparently the
robustness of this method. While the first experiment examines the rotation
invariant property that the classifier is trained with samples of just one rotation
angle and tested with samples of other nine rotation angles, the second experiment
examine the invariance of this approach against the gray-scale variations, in which
excellent results are captured.