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European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 52 (2001) 269–277

Review article

Process control and scale-up of pharmaceutical wet granulation processes:

a review
A. Faure a, P. York b,*, R.C. Rowe b
Janssen Research Foundation, Janssen Pharmaceutica, Beerse, Belgium
Drug Delivery Group, The School of Pharmacy, University of Bradford, Bradford, UK
Received 5 February 2001; accepted in revised form 7 May 2001

In this paper the techniques for process control and scale-up of pharmaceutical wet granulation processes are reviewed. For wet granula-
tion in high-shear mixers, specific methods based on the liquid saturation and the consistency of the wet mass are described. Both parameters
can be used to quantify the deformability of the wet granules, and relate well with the particle size of the end granules. In practice, the power
consumption of the high-shear mixer is used for the monitoring of the wet granulation process, whilst for scale-up, it is helpful to use the
underlying relationship between power consumption and saturation level or wet mass consistency. In fluid bed granulation the granulation
process is different and the moisture content in the bed is the key parameter to control. This can be monitored directly by near infrared probes
or indirectly with temperature probes. As a large number of inter-related variables can be adjusted to modify the process, computerized
techniques have become popular for fluid-bed process control – fuzzy logic, neural networks, and models based on experimental design
techniques are several examples. In addition, engineering techniques based on particle size population balance modelling are under devel-
opment for both fluid bed and high-shear granulation. q 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Wet granulation; High-shear mixers; Fluid bed; Scale-up; Process control

1. Introduction opposite to the air flow. Other spraying directions can be

used on the same equipment for solids coating. The granules
Wet granulation is a process still widely used in the phar- result from the adhesion of solid particles to the liquid
maceutical industry. It has not been replaced by direct droplets that hit the bed. Partial drying by the fluidizing
compression technology, partly because of development air occurs continuously during granulation. The process
cost considerations and habits, and partly because it remains continues until all the powder has been agglomerated, and
in some cases an attractive technique. It provides better it needs to be stabilized as far as moisture balance is
control of drug content uniformity at low drug concentra- concerned. The equilibrium may not be constant, however,
tions, as well as control of product bulk density and ulti- as the moisture content of the granules could be increasing
mately compactibility (brittle fracture), even for high drug slightly throughout the process, and the trajectories of the
contents. particles may change with changes in the density of the
Processing takes place in one of two types of closed agglomerated powder bed. Complete drying is quickly
granulating systems: fluid bed granulators or high-shear achieved in the hot air stream when binder spraying is
mixers. The two techniques differ technically on the mode stopped.
of solid agitation, and fundamentally on the mode of granule In high-shear granulation, an impeller maintains the
growth. In fluid bed granulation, the powder mix is main- powder in agitation in a closed vessel, and here also a binder
tained as a fluidized bed by a flow of air injected upwards solution is sprayed from the top. As the liquid droplets
through the bottom screen of the granulator. The binding disperse in the powder, they form the first nuclei of future
solution is sprayed above the powder bed, in a direction granules. The agitation forces prevent the development of
large agglomerates, because they would be too fragile to
sustain the shear. However, as mixing and spraying proceed,
* Corresponding author. The School of Pharmacy, University of Brad- the existing agglomerates undergo densification, whereby
ford, West Yorkshire, BD7 1DP, UK. Tel.: 144-1274-234738;
the internalized binder is squeezed out to the surface of
fax: 144-1274-234769.
E-mail address: [email protected] (P. York). the wet agglomerates. This has two consequences. It
0939-6411/01/$ - see front matter q 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0939-641 1(01)00184-9
270 A. Faure et al. / European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 52 (2001) 269–277

makes the agglomerates harder, and their surface more fluid bed-dried, or dried in the high-shear mixer using gas
adhesive, and hence granule growth enters a new, more stripping (dry air or nitrogen), microwave drying, infrared
efficient phase. The process is stopped somewhere in this drying or a combination thereof. Drying in fluid bed gran-
phase before an excess of liquid or excessive densification ulators is relatively simple, and the drying end-point is
provokes a phase inversion, i.e. a slurry or uncontrollable detected by a sudden rise in bed and outlet air temperature,
growth (‘balling’ phenomenon). The drying step tradition- and an equalization of the outlet air dew point to that of the
ally takes place after transferring the damp mass into inlet air. In single-pot high-shear granulation, it is reason-
another piece of equipment (fluid bed dryer), but the use able to expect that some crushing and attrition could take
of single-pot technology (drying in place) is now spreading. place during drying. In this case the drying conditions would
The granules formed are understandably denser than those have to be considered in scaling-up the whole granulation
obtained in fluid bed granulation. process. A discussion on this issue is provided in the review
By definition, process scale-up is the transfer of a paper from Stahl [3]. In most publications concerning the
controlled process from one scale to another. It implies scale-up of wet granulation processes, drying conditions
that the process on the small scale is understood and were fixed: wet granules produced at different scales were
controlled, and ideally that some basic rules can be followed dried in the same conditions, e.g. small scale tray drying or
to quickly obtain optimization and control of the process at fluid bed drying.
the bigger scale. This paper will therefore review elements The granule properties represent the fourth category of
of process control as well as scale-up. variables. Granules have been systematically characterized
in the dried state, and the effects of variables from categories
1 and 2 on the granule characteristics have been listed. The
2. Which parameters need to be controlled? effect of variables from category 3 has nearly always been
considered negligible.
Table 1 lists the main variables affecting the quality of the The particle size distribution (PSD) of the granules is the
granules and eventually that of the tablets. For convenience, main characteristic which has been examined. Because the
those variables have been classified in five groups. The first ultimate application is tableting, bulk density and porosity
group is usually disregarded: the nature and characteristics are also considered [4,5]. Residual moisture content has its
of the ingredients entering the formulation are almost importance, as well as granule strength [6–8]. The drug
always fixed. content uniformity in the granules is not often considered.
Category 2 regroups the process variables which are It would be nevertheless important to know if the drug is
machine-dependent. In high-shear granulation, the fast well incorporated into the agglomerates [9], especially in
dispersion of the binder is taken for granted. The spraying the cases where the drug content is very low, and for hydro-
conditions are therefore not critical. The coalescence into phobic drug substances.
granules is mainly affected by the mixing conditions and the Finally, the post-drying treatment of the granules (cate-
proportion of liquid used. That the spraying conditions do gory 5 variables) may affect the characteristics of the
not matter is not exactly true, but in practice the system tablets. The granules may be sieved, and mixed with other
usually ‘recovers’ even when the binder is added as a single excipients (e.g. a lubricant). Tableting conditions will
event [1,2]. The principal difficulty with wet granulation in clearly also affect the quality of the tablets. Ultimately,
high-shear mixers is to decide ‘when to stop’: hence, the the tablet characteristics will be a function of the formula-
importance of control of the end-point. tion, the conditions of granulation and tableting [10].
In fluid bed granulation, the spreading of the binder liquid In summary, the scale transfer of a pharmaceutical gran-
droplets in the powder bed is much more crucial, because it ulation process involves the following parameters: (i) some
is this phenomenon that controls most of the agglomeration. fixed parameters: parameters related to the starting materi-
Here droplet size, contact with the powder bed and humidity als, type and size of agglomerating equipment; (ii) the input
in the bed are key parameters. The situation is further variables: spraying conditions, amount of solvent, mixing
complicated by the fact that the variables listed in category conditions (energy input and efficiency), and processing
2 for fluid bed granulation are very much inter-related. For time. Assuming the drying step can be scaled-up easily,
example, bed temperature and humidity depend on the the properties of the dry granules become the output vari-
temperature and humidity of the inlet air, the temperature ables; most commonly those are the d50 and geometric stan-
and amount of water sprayed, and the extent of evaporation dard deviation of the granule size distribution. The scale-up
observed, itself a function of droplet size, spray rate and air of the tableting operation is altogether a separate activity.
flow rate. The principal difficulty with wet granulation in
fluid bed granulation is to obtain a stable regime by care-
fully balancing the different input variables. 3. Process control and scale-up in high-shear mixers
The parameters from category 3 which are associated
with the drying step of the wet granules have been given Several approaches are available for controlling the
considerably less attention. Wet granules may be tray-dried, process at one scale, and for scaling-up to another scale.
A. Faure et al. / European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 52 (2001) 269–277
Table 1
Main variables affecting the quality of tablets obtained by wet granulation and tableting

1. Material parameters 2. Granulation conditions 3. Drying conditions 4. Granule properties 5. Tablet properties

Powder particle size distribution In high-shear mixing: In high-shear mixing: Particle size distribution Tableting conditions
(compaction force and
Wettability of the solid by the liquid Mixing/collision generation levels Extent of mixing Bulk density and porosity Extra-granular additions:
e.g. lubrication, extra-
granular disintigrant
Solid solubility and degree of swelling Process time Mode of drying (air stripping, Moisture content
in binder liquid microwave, infrared)
Binder concentration and viscosity Fill level Energy input [Flow: usually good, i.e. not
Liquid spray rate Process time Drug content uniformity across the
particle size distribution
Quantity of solvent In fluid bed granulation: Binder distribution
Temperature (1/2 controlled) Inlet air temperature and RH Granule strength/friability
In fluid bed granulation: Air flow rate
Spray droplet size Process time
Spraying surface and rate
Quantity of solvent
Bed fluidity/air flow rate
Inlet air temperature and RH a
Equilibrium temperature and RH
in bed
Process time
RH, % relative humidity.

272 A. Faure et al. / European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 52 (2001) 269–277

Those strategies can be grouped as follows: achieved in the wet mass. This parameter can be more easily
monitored following the power consumption with time
† methods based on the monitoring of one representative rather than by retrieving samples for the determination of
parameter: somehow the representative parameter relates their saturation level, a measurement that remains some-
back to one or more properties of the wet mass or of the what delicate and time consuming [20].
dry granules, e.g. power consumption of the high-shear Another group of researchers have followed a very simi-
mixing, moisture and vibration sensor outputs; lar approach, with two major refinements. Firstly, the
† modelling the process using experimental design: once saturation level is replaced by a parameter called the wet
established, the models can estimate the quality of the mass consistency which describes the rheological proper-
granules produced when the process conditions are chan- ties of the wet mass [23]. The consistency of the wet mass
ged, within the domain studied; is dependent on the deformability of the wet granules,
† modelling the granule population balance: contrary to the which is a function of the distribution of the liquid in the
previous models, some assumptions on the granulation available pores [24]. A mixer torque rheometer is used to
regime are needed. quantify the wet mass consistency of the granules. This
technique is much easier to carry out than the determina-
tion of the saturation level of the sample, although the
3.1. Using power consumption as a monitoring parameter
conditions of measurement have to be fixed [23,25]. In
Monitoring the power consumption of the processing addition, the relationship between wet mass consistency
equipment during granulation is a widely used technique. and dry granule properties has been demonstrated [26].
Leuenberger [11] attributed the variations in power consump- The second refinement is in the establishment of a dimen-
tion during granulation to the evolution of the strength of the sionless relationship between the power consumption and
wet agglomerates. Monitoring of the impeller amperage, the wet mass consistency. Being dimensionless, the rela-
power consumption, torque or indirect torque are affiliated tionship becomes general for a series of geometrically
techniques. Pharmaceutical high-shear mixers are generally similar high-shear mixers regardless of their scale, i.e.
equipped with one device or another for such monitoring. the same machines with different sizes present the same
The relationships between power consumption, condi- relationship [27–30]. For process control, the procedure
tions of granulation and resulting agglomerate characteris- involves performing a series of granulation experiments
tics have been extensively studied [12–16]. In a series of to determine the wet mass consistency, m , corresponding
papers, Kristensen and his collaborators have shown why to the optimal granules, and at the same time establishing
the power consumption is a good choice for monitoring the the dimensionless form of the relationship DP ¼ f ðmÞ. The
granulation process in high-shear granulation. It has been power consumption of the granulation end-point is the DP
demonstrated that the power consumption was related to the value that corresponds to the optimal wet mass consis-
extent of densification of the wet mass: P / ð1 2 1Þ=1 [17]. tency. For scale-up in a different size of the same granu-
Not only the densification but also the deformability of the lator, the dimensionless relationship is once again used to
wet granules affects the agglomeration growth rate. Lind- determine the target DP at this new scale. An example is
berg et al. [18] and then Kristensen et al. [19] showed the provided in Fig. 1. Scale-up in a different design of high-
link between power consumption and the saturation level S shear mixer (different scale or not) requires the establish-
of the granules. The saturation level of an agglomerate is ment of the dimensionless relationship applicable for this
defined as the ratio of pore volume occupied by liquid to the type of equipment; otherwise the same optimal wet mass
total volume of pores available in the agglomerate. consistency value remains valid. Finally, it is interesting to
note that the dimensionless relationships show a degree of
H ð 1 2 1Þ
S¼ r formulation dependency [31], and also that they will
1 depend on how the wet mass consistency is measured.
where H is the mass ratio of liquids to solids, 1 is the intra- The relationship between wet mass consistency and dry
granular porosity and r is the density of the particle relative granule properties will be further affected by the conditions
to the density of the liquid. of treatment of the wet mass (screening, drying, etc.) which
Additionally, the saturation level could be related back to must be standardized for the different scales.
the average granule size for different sizes of one type of Power consumption considerations have also induced
agglomerator [20], and for different sizes of starting powder energy input considerations. The relative swept volume
material [21]. The relationships between the median granule (RSV), representing the volume swept and displaced by the
diameter and the moisture content or the porosity of the wet blades of the impeller per unit of time, has been correlated to
granules remain equipment- and scale-dependent [22]: the the energy input of the mixer. This energy input is obtained
saturation level provides the missing parameter to establish by integration of the power consumption versus time func-
the link from one machine to another. tion, relative to the batch load. The RSV could not, however,
These highlighted articles have therefore laid the basis for be related back to the d50 of the granules produced [32].
relating the granule particle size to the saturation level Additionally, neither the RSV nor the Froude number contain
A. Faure et al. / European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 52 (2001) 269–277 273

Fig. 1. DP ¼ f(m) is made dimensionless by using the form: Np ¼ f(Re,Fr) where

Np ¼ is the Power Number
r·N 3 D5

Re ¼ is the Reynolds Number

DN 2
Fr ¼ is the Froude Number
and DP is the net power consumption of the granulation; r is the wet mass bulk density; m is the wet mass consistency; N is the rotational speed of the impeller;
D is the radius of the impeller; g is the gravitational constant. The relationship Np ¼ f(Re,Fr) is established from data from granulation experiments in which:
DP, r and m have been measured, preferably on the scale at which transfer must be done. Alternatively a smaller scale machine can be used, provided the two
pieces of equipment are geometrically similar and that the wall effects can be neglected, i.e. with bowl sizes of minimum 75–100 l usually.

elements describing the wet mass. They are therefore best known that less efficient mixing is generated as the bowl
considered for the scale-up of the machine rather than the size increases. Therefore, one can expect less densification
process. Unfortunately, the scale-up of high-shear mixers can of the wet agglomerates to occur, i.e. the maximum satura-
follow at most only one of the following rules: tip speed tion level reached will be less. It is possible to prevent this fall
constant ( / ND), Froude number constant ( / N 2D) or in saturation level by increasing the (relative) amount of
RSV constant ( / ND 2) where N is the rotational speed of liquid used in the granulation. This has the advantage of
the impeller and D is a dimension of the machine, e.g. blade keeping the process within a reasonable timeframe.
diameter. Usually manufacturers propose variable speed Power consumption curves are notoriously unpredictable
machines for small capacity high-shear mixer-granulators in high-shear granulation. Conditions for binder spraying and
(up to 100 l) with fixed speeds for larger scale, and the rule irregular wall adhesion in time make the curve of power
for design seems to have been keeping the Froude number consumption versus time fluctuate and decrease in reprodu-
constant. In those conditions it is impossible to also keep the cibility. Some authors have tried treating the signal (e.g. by
RSV constant. The approach of Singh Rekhi et al. [33] is also fast Fourier transform (FFT) [34]. Otherwise it is possible but
difficult to follow: keep the tip speed constant, scale-up the fastidious to analyze the dry granules obtained at different
liquid requirement linearly, and adjust the granulation time power consumption levels to determine at which level the
based on the ratio of impeller speeds between the two scales. best granule and the best yield are obtained [35]. There are
Even if this was technically possible, the processing time then no rules for scale-up, except trial and error.
would be extremely long, e.g. multiplied by a factor of nearly
3 for the scale-up from a 10 l to a 200 l bowl. The approach of 3.2. Monitoring parameters other than power consumption
Kristensen [22] seems much more practical: the impeller
speed is fixed by the machine manufacturer, and it is Some attempts have been made with vibration probes.
274 A. Faure et al. / European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 52 (2001) 269–277

Power consumption is known to oscillate with the amount of for process control and/or optimization on another scale can
wet mass impacting the impeller blades (and thereby show- be found in Refs. [41–46].
ing great variation when the wet mass is balling or chunks
are collapsing from the wall to which they were adhering). 3.4. Use of population balance models
Why not then develop a probe that would be better suited for
measuring in situ the cohesion of the wet mass? The vibra- Another approach in modelling has received considerable
tion probes tested were able to record a signal that reflected attention over the last few years: it concerns the modelling
the level of densification achieved by the wet granules. of the granulate population balance. Compared to the
Staniforth and Quincey [36] linked this signal to the Haus- models generated by experimental designs, the population
ner ratio of the dried granules, while Ohike et al. [37] using balance models focus only on the PSD of the granules. The
the FFT of the signal were able to correlate the amplitude of models are extremely complex and require several assump-
the strongest peak with the d50 of the dry granules. tions to be made for simplification and solving. They also
Moisture sensors have also been used to monitor the gran- require a certain understanding of the situation developing
ulation process in high-shear granulation. A conductivity in the high-shear mixer, so as to make a reasonable estimate
probe was used to assess water distribution in the wet for the assumptions made. Fundamentally, the entire gran-
mass [38]. Similarly, capacitance sensors [39,40] and also ule size distribution is divided in small intervals, and the
infrared sensors were investigated. model follows the evolution of the granule growth, allowing
So far, only the methods based on the monitoring of one the computing at each time of how many granules exist in
parameter, be it the power consumption or output signal each size interval. At the core of the problem lies the esti-
from a probe, have been considered. There are, however, mation of the probability of coalescence when a granule or
several methods that are not based on this principle, but on particle from size interval i collides with a granule or parti-
modelling. cle of size interval j. This probability of coalescence has
been represented by a parameter b , the coalescence kernel.
Although first taken to be a constant, this parameter has
3.3. Experimental designs for use in process control been later on considered as a function of the size of the
granule on impact (i and j) and of time. This is to reflect
the fact that the deformability of the granules upon impact
The ‘design of experiments’ approach can be a powerful
will vary with their saturation, densification and presence or
tool to model processes. It may be time consuming but it is
not of binder at the surface (according to the models of
simple and can lead to a working knowledge of the experi-
Kristensen and Schaefer [20], Ennis et al. [47] and Iveson
mental domain studied. In the most common type of experi-
and Lister [48]).
mental designs, a number of input variables are selected (Xi)
Cryer [49] lists several of the assumptions made for the
among the process conditions and material properties (e.g.
function of b ij. Some examples are also given in Refs. [50–
impeller speed, binder concentration, mixing time…). A
53]. At the moment the models are used as a learning tool to
number of output variables are also selected (the Yi), usually
understand processes and mechanisms taking place in high-
the granule and sometimes also the tablet properties. The
shear mixers, plough shape granulators, drum granulators,
principle is to determine for each Yi a model (linear or not)
etc., in various industries using wet granulation. The
involving each variable Xi and the interactions between vari-
assumptions made on the granulation regime/probability
ables. Variables and interactions which do not contribute
of coalescence with time give model results which are
significantly to the model, i.e. that do not affect the response
compared to experimental data, thereby confirming the
to an extent that would unmistakingly not be confused with
validity of the models or highlighting which assumptions
response noise, are withdrawn from the model. The models
are not valid. This approach looks promising for granulation
obtained are useful to control the granulation process at one
process control, but to date there have not been any reports
scale. By comparison of the models (e.g. response surface
which use the models for scale-up. A good understanding of
methodology), it is possible to optimize the different vari-
the granulation process on a micro-scale and a working
ables Xi to obtain a compromise between the results of the Yi
model of the population balance in a small scale granulator
wanted (there may be some constraints, e.g. a yield of work-
should one day be extremely valuable for scale-up in larger
able granules of at least 90%, a certain range of granule
density, etc.). When considering scale-up, however, the
experimental work necessary to generate the models has
to be repeated in the larger scale equipment, and only then 4. Process control and scale-up in fluid bed granulators
can the models be compared. The new optimums for the
variables Xi have to be found, and they may be quite differ- 4.1. Specificities of the fluid bed granulation process
ent from scale to scale, depending on the choice of the range
studied for each Xi, and whether the variables are used rela- As mentioned earlier, a problem in fluid bed granulation
tively or not, e.g. a w/w % of liquids to solids instead of a is to stabilize a process that is in slow progression. In high-
quantity of water. Some examples of experimental design shear granulation, the liquid distribution is considered fast,
A. Faure et al. / European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 52 (2001) 269–277 275

although it is not altogether instantaneous [2,54]. In fluid effect of the moisture content of the granules re-entering the
bed granulation, the initial spreading of the binder in the wetting zone. If the agglomerates are not completely dried,
powder bed is even more crucial. Owing to the much lower re-wetting and further coalescence are favoured. The
shear forces in fluid beds, the liquid within an agglomerate humidity of the bed is therefore a key factor to control. In
is less likely to be squeezed out, so coalescence will be practice, relative humidity probes can be inserted directly
limited. The initial wetting conditions are therefore deter- into the bed. It is also possible to simply monitor the equili-
mining for the future granule size distribution. Schaefer and brium bed temperature, since this temperature is related to
Wørts [55] have studied the relationship between binder the inlet air temperature and the evaporation rate of the
viscosity, mean droplet size and mean granule size. The binder solution. More recently, infrared and near-infrared
relationship between droplet size and granule size, under probes have been used [60,65–67]. The output from the
constant process conditions, is affected by the binder- probes serves to readjust the binder spray rate manually or
induced mechanical strength of the wet granule liquid automatically, although this will also affect the binder
bridges. Different binder solutions sprayed at the same droplet size (two fluid nozzles). Other alternatives are to
mean droplet size can thus give different granular character- adjust the binder spraying frequency, that is spraying inter-
istics in the end product. Schaafsma et al. [56] have shown mittently but always in the same conditions so that the
how the liquid of a given droplet may extend to all the droplet size remains unaffected [57], and to modify the
surfaces of the particles wetted, providing for new liquid inlet air temperature to adjust the evaporation rate. The
bridges with neighbouring particles, until the surface of drying capacity of the inlet air is also a function of its
the agglomerate formed is not wet enough to make success- dew point, but in the pharmaceutical industry the size of
ful collisions with other particles. The granules may dry to the fluid beds usually allows for air dehumidification
some extent in the bed, and may be sprayed once again. systems to be used, so that the inlet air humidity is generally
Predicting and modelling how the bed will evolve, in under control. Finally, the air flow rate could also be
terms of the extent of drying and agglomerate circulation, adjusted for the change in the material flow pattern as gran-
as time goes by and as the bed density changes is extremely ulation proceeds and agglomerates become larger and more
complex [57]. influential for the air flow.
The component that seems easier to scale-up is the initial
wetting of the powder. The spray droplet size and size distri-
bution can be modelled and controlled [58,59]. The spraying 4.2. Methods used for process control and scale-up
zone depends on the spray angle of the nozzle and its posi-
tion above the bed. It should be scaled-up to remain rela- The many interactions between the input variables (inlet
tively constant [60], or at least the nozzle position should be air and spray rate related parameters) make the process
such that clogging (nozzle too low) and wetting of the gran- difficult to optimize with the ‘one parameter at a time’
ulator walls (nozzle too high) are avoided [61]. In general, concept. This is therefore ideal ground for experimental
the number of nozzles is multiplied but the mean droplet designs and response surface methodology (e.g. Ref.
size is kept constant for scale-up although this means little if [68]). Watano and co-workers have used fuzzy logic [64]
the evaporation rate from the droplet is not under control. and neural networks [69] to control granulation processes in
Spray drying of the binder solution makes the granulation agitation fluid bed granulators, where the standard fluid bed
process inefficient. Additionally, it is important to know design is completed with an impeller blade rotating at the
how quickly the powder bed in the wetting zone is renewed, bottom of the bed, which improves the densification of the
i.e. the ratio of the liquid addition rate to surface renewal granules. These authors had previously demonstrated
[62], to avoid overwetting and potential bed collapse. [70,71] the importance of the balance between the rotational
The initial nucleation that takes place as droplets hit the speed of the impeller and the air velocity, as those para-
particle surfaces in the powder bed is characterized by a fast meters affect the kinetic energy of the particles via respec-
agglomerate growth rate. This phase is followed by a slower tively its horizontal and vertical components. In the
granule growth phase, a transition region, as the amount of computer models generated, the output variables are the
fine, ungranulated powder has substantially decreased in the PSD of the granulate, and additionally, bulk density and
bed [63]. In this transition region, the slower growth kinetics shape factors of the agglomerates. PSD population balance
enable easier process control, and the process end-point will modelling has also been tried on fluid bed granulators with a
most likely be found in this phase. Monitoring of the process specific coalescence kernel [49]. Rantanen et al. [72] have
is done sometimes by image processing, i.e. the on-line used self-organizing maps (a kind of non-linear principal
monitoring of granule size distribution within the bed component analysis) to represent in two dimensions the
[64]. More generally, and less ideally, the stability of the effect of the different process variables over the evolution
process is monitored with bed moisture and related para- of the granulation process. With this technique the authors
meters, and trial-and-error experiments are required to can visually detect deviations from the reference, e.g. vali-
determine the time/amount of binder necessary to achieve dated process, and can take action to bring back the process
the granule size targeted. Schaafsma [57] has studied the on its normal pathway within the self-organizing map.
276 A. Faure et al. / European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 52 (2001) 269–277

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