2019 Bar QS
2019 Bar QS
2019 Bar QS
a) A just cause is a fault-based ground for b) Assuming that X got married to his
dismissal under Art. 297, Labor Code; girlfriend a few days before his death,
whereas, an authorized cause is a non- is M entitled to claim death benefits
fault ground for dismissal under from the SSS? Explain. (2.5%)
Articles 298 and 299 of the Labor
Code. Answer:
A, B, and C were hired as resident-doctors Mrs. B, the personal cook in the household
by MM Medical Center, Inc. In the course of X, filed a monetary claim against her
of their engagement, A, B, and C employer, X, for denying her service
maintained specific work schedules as incentive leave pay. X argued that Mrs. B
determined by the Medical Director. The did not avail of any service incentive leave
hospital also monitored their work at the end of her one (1) year of service
through supervisors who gave them and hence, not entitled to the said
specific instructions on how they should monetary claim.
perform their respective tasks, including
diagnosis, treatment, and management of a) Is the contention of X tenable?
their patients. Explain. (2.5%)
One day, A, B, and C approached the b) Assuming that Mrs. B is instead a clerk
Medical Director and inquired about the in X's company with at least 30 regular
non-payment of their employment employees, will her monetary claim
benefits. In response, the Medical prosper? Explain. (2.5%)
Director told them that they are not
entitled to any because they are mere Answer:
"independent contractors" as expressly
stipulated in the contracts which they a) No, X's contention is not tenable. As a
admittedly signed. As such, no employer- kasambahay, Mrs. B is entitled to
employee relationship exists between service incentive leave (R.A. 10361).
them and the hospital. As such, she has the prerogative to
use it, monetize it after 12 months of
a) What is the control test in determining service, or commute it until separation
the existence of an employer- from service. If she elects the second,
employee? (2%) she has three (3) years from demand
for payment to avail of the benefit
b) Is the Medical Director's reliance on (Lourdes Rodriguez v. Park N Ride,
the contracts signed by A, B, and C to G.R. No. 222980, 20 March 2017).
refute the existence of an employer- Hence, not being a prescribed claim, its
employee relationship correct? If not, withholding is unlawful.
are A, B, and C employees of MM
Medical Center, Inc.? Explain. (3%) b) Being a corporate employee, Mrs. B is a
covered employee. And not being one
Answer: of the less than ten (10) regular
employees, as her employer has at
a) Under the Control Test, the person least 30 regular employees, she is
who exercises labor law concept of qualified. Hence, prescription being a
control, actual or reserved, is the non-issue, she is entitled to service
employer of the person over whom he incentive leave.
exercises it. Labor law concept of
control is control over means and
methods of performance (Orozco v. CA,
Philippine Daily Inquirer & Magsanoc,
G.R. No. 155207, 13 Aug. 2008).
Ms. F, a sales assistant, is one of the eight D, one of the sales representatives of OP,
(8) workers regularly employed by ABC lnc. was receiving a basic pay of
Convenience Store. She was required to P50,000.00 a month, plus a 1% overriding
report on December 25 and 30. commission on his actual sales
transactions. In addition, beginning three
Should ABC Convenience Store pay her (3) months ago, or in August 2019, D was
holiday pay? Explain. (2.5%) able to receive a monthly gas and
transportation allowance of P5,000.00
Answer: despite the lack of any company policy
No. ABC Convenience Store, being a retail
establishment, does not have the duty to In November 2019, D approached his
pay holiday pay to Ms. F because she is manager and asked for his gas and
one of its less than ten (10) regular transportation allowance for the month.
employees. As such, she is disqualified by The manager declined his request, saying
Art. 94 (a) of the Labor Code. that the company had decided to
discontinue the aforementioned allowance
considering the increased costs of its
overhead expenses. In response, D argued
that OP, Inc.'s removal of the gas and
transportation allowance amounted to a
violation of the rule on non-diminution of
While ABC, Inc. accepted the finding of For purposes of prescription, within what
illegal dismissal, it nevertheless filed a periods from the time the cause of action
motion for reconsideration, claiming that accrued should the following cases be
the LA erred in awarding both separation filed:
pay and full back wages, and instead,
should have ordered Mr. K's reinstatement a) Money claims arising from employer-
to his former position without loss of employee relations (1%)
seniority rights and other privileges, but b) Illegal dismissal (1%)
without payment of backwages. In this c) Unfair labor practice (1%)
regard, ABC, Inc. pointed out that the LA's d) Offenses under the Labor Code (1%)
ruling did not contain any finding of e) Illegal recruitment (1%)
strained relations or that reinstatement
was no longer feasible. In any case, it Answer:
appears that no evidence was presented
on this score. a) Money claims arising from employer-
employee relationship shall be
a) Is ABC, Inc.'s contention to delete the prosecuted within 3 years from date
separation pay, and instead, order they become a legal possibility, or can
reinstatement without backwages be judicially brought (Art.306, Labor
correct? Explain. (3%) Code; Art.1150, New Civil Code; Anabe
v. Asian Construction, G.R. No. 183233,
b) Assuming that on appeal, the National 23 Dec. 2009);
Labor Relations Commission (NLRC)
upholds the decision of the LA, where, b) Illegal dismissal shall be assailed
how, and within what timeframe within 4 years from complete
hould ABC, Inc. assail the NLRC ruling? severance of employer-employee
(2%) relationship, or date of
salary/positional downgrade (Art.
Answer: 1146, New Civil Code; Orchard Golf
& Country Club v. Francisco, G.R. No.
a) As to separation pay, the LA's decision 178125, 18 March 2013);
fails to state that there is a bar to
reinstatement; hence, he should have c) Unfair labor practice shall be brought
ordered reinstatement pursuant to the by complaint under the Labor Code not
general rule prescribed by Art. 294 of later than 1 year from date of
the Labor Code. Since the alternative commission (Art. 305, Labor Code).
relief of separation pay is an As to its criminal aspect, it shall be
exception, it must be justified with a prosecuted within 3 years from date
reinstatement bar. As to backwages, of finality of the ULP judgment (Art.
however, it cannot be deleted because 305, Labor Code).
it is a logical consequence of a finding
of illegal dismissal (FCT Marketing d) Offenses under the Labor Code shall
Services, Inc. v. Mariphil Sales, G.R. be prosecuted within 3 years from date
No. 202090, 9 Sept. 2015). Hence, of commission (Art.305 / Labor Code);
absent any reason for limiting or and
withholding it, it should be awarded
as it was awarded by the LA. e) Illegal recruitment shall be prosecuted
within 5 years if simple illegal
b) After the denial of the appellant's recruitment, and within 20 years if
motion for reconsideration, the NLRC's economic sabotage (Sec.7, Rule IV, RA.
decision and order of denial can be 10022).
assailed under Rule 65 of the Rules of
Court thru the filing a petition for
certiorari within 60 days from receipt
of said denial order. Correction of error
B. 11. B.12.
Briefly discuss the powers and Due to serious business reverses, ABC Co.
responsibilities of the following in the decided to terminate the services of
scheme of the Labor Code: several officers receiving "fat"
compensation packages. One of these
a) Secretary of Labor (2%) officers was Mr. X, its Vice-President for
b) Bureau of Labor Relations (2%) External Affairs and a member of the
c) Voluntary Arbitrators (2%) Board of Directors. Aggrieved, Mr. X filed
a complaint for illegal dismissal before
Answer: the National Labor Relations Commission
(NLRC)-Regional Arbitration Branch.
(a) Secretary of Labor
ABC Co. moved for the dismissal of the
(i) Ordinary Powers. Visitorial and case on the ground of lack of jurisdiction,
enforcement (Art. 128, Labor Code); asserting that since Mr. X occupied the
appellate (review of compliance orders position of Vice-President for External
issued under Art. 128, Labor Code; and Affairs which is listed in the by-laws of
review of CE orders per Art. 272, Labor the corporation, the case should have
Code); rule-making (Art. 5, Labor Code); been tiled before the Regional Trial Court.
and, control and supervision (The Heritage
Hotel Manila v. NUWHRAIN- HHMSC, G.R. The Labor Arbiter (LA) denied ABC Co.'s
No. 178296. 12 Jan. 20 II). motion, and proceeded to rule that Mr. X
was illegally dismissed. Hence, he was
(ii) Extraordinary Powers. Assumption reinstated in ABC Co.'s payroll pending
power under Art. 278 (g); and its appeal to the NLRC.
suspension power under Art. 292 (b),
both of the Labor Code. a) Did the LA err in denying ABC Co.'s
motion to dismiss on the ground of
lack of jurisdiction? Explain. (2.5%)
(b) Bureau of Labor Relations
b) Assuming that jurisdiction is not at
(i) Original Jurisdiction. Jurisdiction over issue and that the NLRC reverses the
intra-union and inter-union disputes LA's ruling of illegal dismissal with
involving national unions, and like labor finality, may ABC Co. claim
organizations (Art. 232, Labor Code). reimbursement for the amounts it paid
to Mr. X during the time that he was
(ii) Appellate Jurisdiction. Jurisdiction on payroll reinstatement pending
over appealed decisions of the DOLE appeal? Explain. (2.5%)
Regional Director in intra-union and inter-
union cases (Art. 232, Labor Code; Answer:
Barles v. Bitonio, G.R. No. 120270, 16
June 1999). a) The LA did not err. Even if the office
occupied by Mr. X may have been
(c) Voluntary Arbitrators listed in the corporate by-laws as a
corporate office, it should have been
(i) Traditional Jurisdiction. Jurisdiction shown that he was appointed to it by
over unresolved disputes arising from CBA the Board of Directors. Absent
interpretation or implementation; and evidence, Mr. X was a corporate
unresolved disputes arising from the employee; hence, the tenurial issue he
enforcement or implementation company brought to the LA was not an intra-
personnel policies (Art. 274 , Labor Code). corporate issue. (Cosare v. Broadcom
Asia, Inc., et al., G.R. No. 2011298, 5
(ii) Jurisdiction by Stipulation. Feb. 2014). Moreover, mere
Jurisdiction over such other membership in the governing board
disputes as may be expressly does not make one a corporate
conferred by a CBA or similar officer. Unless elected as President,
agreement (Vivero v. CA, G.R. No. Secretary or Treasurer, a member of
138938, 24 Oct. 2000). the board would not qualify as a
(iii) corporate officer (Sec. 24, Revised
Corporation Code).